Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 13, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Thursday, August "53
Put T
Wed at
Air Base
The marriage of Mis, Frieda
mj i.ino ana S. Sgt A.
Dale Nusom was solemnized
Saturday evening, Aug 8 at
Fairchlld Air Force Base near
Spokane. Wash. Sgt Nusom is
a member of the aviation cadet
selection team at Fairchild He
pent two year, in the air force
in England prior to his present
assignment The couple both at
tended Willamette university
She was graduated in nursing
this year from University of
Oregon medical school.
The ceremony took place In
the chapel before a group of
tiusc ujeiius ana relatives of
ine coupie. uiapiain Ringdahl
officiated at the double ring
The bride, daughter of Mr
and Mrs. Carl Carlson of Salem
was given In marriage by her
father. She wore a. rose-beige
suit with navy accessories. Her
halo hat was a sequin-trimmed
white pique one. She carried a
colonial nosegay of white car
nations. Mrs. Don Nusom of Cervais
was matron of honor. Her dress
was beige colored, lace-trimmed.
She carried a nosegay of
yellow and pink carnations.
Robert Carlson, brother of
the bride, was best man.
A reception at the couple's
apartment followed the cere
mony. i
The couple will reside at
2015 West Third avenue, Spo
kane. Those from Salem attending
the weddinff were kt mA f
A. W. Nusom. parents of the
Driaegroom, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Carlson, Mrs. Henry C. Staf
ford, Mr. and Mrs. Don Nusom,
Don Nusom, Jr., Joanne Nu
som and Robert Carlson.
Garden Club Picnic
Woodburn There was a
good attendance of members
and families at the Woodburn
Garden club picnic Tuesday
evening at Settlemler park.
Following the dinner a short
business meeting was conduct-
f Solly ioyi:
"Tag yours now!"
Some Notations . . .
Three flew nalnkl.
"4iwti were
honor guests for an Informal
"u w wiuch Mrs. Arthnr
Suiilvaa entertained at the
"inDnn uardens home of Mrs.
Lewis, Wednesday morning . . .
Mrs. Allea Wild M r j
Normaa and Mrs! James Mul-
were the three honored,
friends from Wavna anH m.
brin Drives being Invited be
tween lo a.m. and noon to
greet the three
joyed their coffee In h. ....
dens ... At the door for th.l
" nour was Mrs. scott Sam
sell with Mrs. linn nit
I ' I
pouring, Mrs. Mtlaa Baslnger
assisting In serving . . . Dur
ing the second hour, Mrs. L. E.
Myers was at the door, Mrs.
Silas Galser poured and Mrs.
William Breedlove assisted . . .
Varying the cycle of coffee
parties and bringing in a group
of the young misses for their
bit of social activitv kii h
informal "coffee-coke party"
for which Mrs. Rnssel Beotler
and her daughter. Shirlev R,i.
ler, entertained at their home
Wednesday morning. . . A fea
ture of the Dart- was the for.
tune telling on the Datio.
'Madam TnnTa" (Mr, n P
Grant) holding forth. . In
two mother-dauffhter ffn8in
contests, nrlzea went tn Mn
Deral Jones and dauffnter
Oottye. and Mrs. Fen num.
eke and daughter, Joan. . .
ed and plans discussed for the
exnioit at the coming North
Marion County fair September
24, 25 and 26.
A meeting of the rjlannina
committee and chairmen la in
be held on Thursday, August
13, at 2 p.m. at the library to
plan the work for the year.
Regular mee tines will he re.
sumed September 8, when the
new officers, Mrs. Charles
Conyne, president, Mrs. Edwin
Johnson, vice-president, Mrs.
James Llvesay, secretary, and
A. G. Cowan, treasurer, will
be hosts.
Add these luxurious wool or
Cashmere sweaters to your fall
wardrobe for just 50c deposit . . .
pay the rest from your summer
vacation money and be
all ready for school!
- Wonderful condy-box colors
to spark up any wardrobe!
Cardigans, long or short sleeved
pullovers, interesting designs,
collars or double loop necklines.
Have several . . .
just 50c deposit on each sweater!
t Hurry in . . . select yours today!
Come la and meet our high school
board ... sip a free coke, at eur
Coke Bar, and register for our
prise drawing. Ion don't have
to be present to win.
No obligation, of course,
FIRST PRIZE: Table Radio
THIRD PRIZE: $17.5 Pullover
FIFTH PRIZE: I10.SS Orion Skirt
Ha A. ft. v.h.i. j
vVi!? lMer'. Brandmothers
hurley, presided at the ta
Die in the dinin nuim ir..
berous begonias in a crystal
' ucoraiea int uble and
tiered crystal lary suiani were
Used On tl. aervint, 4-Kl
Assisting in the dining room
im in uie garaen were Mrs.
Grant B. Fallln n) H..IDht..
Cathy, Mrs. Carl Quistad and
aaugnier, Karlene, and Mrs. J.
A. Jelderks. . .
Greeted bv Mrs. Rentier mnA
daughter were: Mrs. Floyd
Seamster and Judy; Mrs. Bar
ney Van Onsenoard and Vlkl-
Mrs Lawrence Kelsh and
Helen; Mrs. Ralph Atwood and
Judy; Mrs. Rollln Beaver and
Carolyn: Mr. Carl Outitad and
Karlene; Mrs. Ray Morrow,
Deana and Carol; Mrs. Deral
Jones and Dottye; Mrs. Fred
Klana and Martha? Mh Ttnh.
art Keudell and Barbara; Mrs.
Kenneth Morris and Barbara;
Mrs. Barry Lucas and Peggy
Abb? Mrt Franela C?Alran and
Marilyn; Mrs. Kenneth Dodge
and Linda; Mrs. Henry Otto
and Nancy; Mrs. Joser'- Bourne
and JoAnn; Mrs. Ferd Hueneke
and Joan; Mrs. Lester Carter
and Jane; Mrs. Carl Collins and
TAnnlaf Mra. ftrant ft. FalllB
and Cathy; Mrs. Howard Rob
erts and sue; Mrs. James ua
worth and Jean; Mrs. Corbett
Hewitt and Marcia; Mrs. Hal
DeSart and Gail; Mrs. E. E.
Rnrlnr and Susan: Mrs. John
Ramage and Linda. . .
Annual Reunion
ML Angel The annual re
union of the Hotter family was
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Aman.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Wilde of Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Moe. Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Gler, and Mrs.
Tillie Hook, all of Silverton;
Mr. and MrsEd Hotter, George
Hotter, Sister M. Lloba. O. S.
B., Sister Martina, O. S. B., and
the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Aman, all of Mount Angel.
V L (MW5s5ac yv
' iffflj SrMMCT MOM VIENNA, , AfcDG(fl?
V ?0$3? Sallvs brinqs vou heavenly all-woo! or cash- ' JJi
-M,-xrw mere weuier . . . incite jruui nuvr iui g .-. .::y - I 'I
( back to campus! Exquisite styling, classic lS V
UF.m w
' I
Miss Mann A
Wed Aug. A
Albany The First Presby
terian church was the setting
for the wedding of Miss Mu
riel A. Mann, daughter of Mrs.
Claire Miller of San Jose. Cal.,
and Marvin L.-Neabeack, San
Jose, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Neabeack of Cor
The Rev. Morton L. Booth
read the service on Sunday,
August 2, at 2:30 o'clock in the
The bride was presented in
marsiage by her uncle, .Virgil
Richardson. She wore a street
length jacket dress of pale pink
faille with matching hat of
pink feathers in an off-the-tace
heart shaped, effect Her ac-
ceiont's were of white. She car
ried a bouquet of light pink
and white roses, white stephan
otis tied with streamers.
Attending her sister as maid
of honor was Miss Meredith
Mann, San Jose, Calif., who
wore a pastel-shaded yellow
crepe frock with white acces
sories and a headdress of white
daisies and yellow veiling. She
carried a nosegay of white Es
ter Reed daisies, with yellow
veiling and yellow streamers.
Best man was Rudolph Ko-
ecke, brother-in-law of the
bridegroom, and ushering were
Jack Stevens,' Jr., Albany,
and Kenneth McGary, Corval
lis. . '
After the ceremony the re
ception was tn the church so
cial hall. , .
Mrs. Rudolph Koecke, Cor-
vallis, sister of the bridegroom,
served the punch. Mis. Elmer
Ricman, Corvallis, served. the
wedding cake, and assisting
was Mrs. Forest Cowgilli Mrs.
Loren Wilson was reception
hostess. Miss Iris Mann. San
Jose, Cal., sister of the bride,
played a group of violin selec
tions during the ceremony and
also had charge of the gift
table. Mrs. Eugene Packard,
Albany, had the guest (book.
After the reception the cou
ple left on a wedding trip to
Canada. After August 9 they
will be at home in San Jose.
reserves your
' .'
i'-. :'-'' ',' .-'
' Wed Here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dodele
(Shirley Pippin) were married Sunday In the First Meth
odist church. The bride is the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin J. Pippin and Mr. Dodele is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Taul Dodele of Independence. (Jesten-Miller studio
Miss Gearin and
Mr. Miller Engaged
Jefferson The betrothal of
Miss Jean Gearin, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Joseph
Gearin of Newberg, to Stanley
Frances Miller, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Miller of Jeffer
son, was announced this week.
They will be married the first
of the coming year.
Miss Gearin was graduated
from Mills college and also
from Katherine Gibbs school In
Boston and Is making her home
in. San Francisco at present.
Mr. Miller was graduated from
the University of Washington
and served as lieutenant (j.g.)
in the navy. Both are employ
ed in the offices ot the Stand
ard Oil company in San Fran
cisco. -
America juvenile and Sewing
club members enlnved a nimir
at Dallas park Wednesday.-At
a Dusiness meeting it was de
cided that there will be na
meeting in Sentemher - Thi
next meeting is to be October
i at tne borne of Mrs. Luc
Keyt, 1945 Royal.
CDA Court Plans
Events for Autumn
Mt Angel The Catholic
Daughters of America met Mon
day evening to outline events
for the fall season. A social for
members will be on Monday
evening, August 24, and Miss
Theresa Dehler was named
chairman. Her assisting com
mittee includes Mrs. Edward
A. Hammer, Mrs. Anthony
Grlesenauer, Mrs. Thomas
Wachter, Mrs. C. J. Ebner, Mrs.
L. A. Zeis, Miss Elizabeth Ke
ber, Mrs. Victor Hoffer, Mrs.
Don Cook and Mrs. Joseph C.
On September SO, the last
Wednesday of the month
there will be the annual semin
ary benefit social, to be in the
bt. Marys school auditorium.
The proceeds of the social will
be given to Mount Angel sem
inary to help towards the edu
cation of. young men to the
Catho'Jc Daughters will be
co-hostesses with the St. Ann's
Altar society members and the
Catholic Order of Women For
esters for the luncheon-meeting
of the Oregon City Dean
ery of the Archdiocesan coun
cil of Catholic Women when
they meet in Mount Angel in
September,' the date to be an
nounced later.
An invitation was received
from the Knights of Columbus
for a Columbus Day party on
October 12.
In the late fall, the organi
zation . will sponsor "They
Hoard the Angels Sing," to
gether with other films, pro
ceeds ot this benefit to go to
Die seminary building fund. .
The organization will collect
baby and children's clothing
lor shipment to a needy or
phanage for a Christmas gift,
with shipments made by the
first of October, and they will
continue sending clothing to
-ea. Mrs. Alois Keber,1 re
lief for peace chairman, will
arrange packing and shipments,
and articles may be brought
to her home. .
Guest speaker was the Rev.
Cyril Lebold, O. S. B. He an
nounced the annual parish ba
zaar will be late in October,
and members were asked to
sew articles for the needlework
A. 100 pure cashmere! Short sleeves,
full fashioned, hand ' finished. Small
collar, interesting Intarsia design, two
tone. Sizes 38 and 40 in grey with blue
or beige with yellow. 27.95
I.Australian Merino wool! Short
sleeved pullover with collar. Hand fin
ished. Yellow, powder blue and navy.
Sizes 38 and 40. 7.98
C. Classic cardigandouble loop neck
line, full foshioned, fine gauge. Match
ing ocean pearl buttons.
Fine Australian Merino wool: Aqua,
white, navy, powder blue, pink, maize,
brown. Sizes 38 and 40. 10.98
Luxurious Cashmere: White, natural,
navy, red, royal, light grey, aqua, ox
ford, pink, powder blue. Sizes 38 and
40. 22.95
Long sleeved pulover
Short sleeved pullover '
D. Fine Merino wool!
cardigan with detailed
buttons, smal
white. Sizes 38
booth. v . r y .
Mrs. George Vachler and
Mrs. E. G. Unger will be hos
tesses at the September busW
ness meeting. Miss Anne Er
wert received. the attendance
award. . ! .
A social hours followed the
business sessions, with refresh,
ments served by the hostesses,
Mrs. Joseph Schmitt and Mrs.
Robert Zollner. Alois Keber
showed films of local interest
a :,
Miss Ammon and
Lebanon Wed on August I
at the Lebanon home of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Ammon, were
their daughter, Miss Barbara
Lee Ammon, and Robert Plum
lee, son of Mr. and Mrs. James
Plumlee of Albany.
Baskets of pastel gladioluses
decorated the altar. The Rev. .
Mervin Beamish officiated at
the single ring ceremony. Can
dles were lighted for the eve
ning nuptials by Miss Dorothy
Burke. Soloist was Mrs. Joe
Hommel of Lebanon.
Wearing a blue suit with
white accessories and carrying
a white colonial bouquet the
bride was given In marriage by
her father. "
Her honor attendant, Mrs.
Betty Dudley, sister-in-law of
the bridegroom,, wore a gray .
suit with navy accessories and
carried sweet peas and yellow
rosebuds. -
The bride's brother, Darrel
Ammon, was best man.. Anoth
er brother, Dean Ammon, and
Eddie Mahaffey of Albany,
were ushers. ,, . t
The reception followed in the
Ammon home. Mrs. H. G, Dud
ley ot Lebanon, poured, and
Mrs. Lois Carpenter, Albany,
cut the cake. The guest book.
was in charge of Miss Dorothy
Burke. '
Mr. and Mrs. Plumlee will
live in Toledo where he is em
ployed. . . ,
MT. ANGEL Mr, and Mrs.
Joseph Boylan of Stockton,
Calif., are house guests oi Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph L. Wachter.
They are also visiting with
other relatives ana mends
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilde
and son Lynn ot Avalon, Cal,
are guests at the horn of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert T. WUde.
Short sleeved
collar, pearl
Unset pocket. Pink and
and 40. k ' 8.98