) " i ) v; Y i d Al Fresco Meals Tops For Late Summer Weeks J ! Father Takes Over Using stainless iteel pot with heat resistant handles tor his outdoor wienie roast. These pots have aluminum bottoms, iine for quick heating over charcoal. (if MtwilMluai) Get the most out of warm days and cool nights by eating al fresco on the terrace or by romantic candlelight on the porch. A hard-to-resist assortment of outdoor equipment is avail able to tempt you. Or you may maxe an outdoor barbecue in a jiffy by assembling bricks In a square of about two feet and about a foot right. Over this put the grill from your oven. leaving a good place below for cnarcoai. Many more guests may be entertained outdoors than one would dream of serving In doors. And in case of rain guests may adjourn to a cover ed porch where an infra-red rotlsacrie broiler might be used to keep everybody in a barbe cue frame of mirfti. Stainless steel makes attrac tive place settings in hard-to-distinguish - from silver pat terns for outdoors. One is avail able In a portable chest for easy mobility. Handsome pots and pans of stainless steel with aluminum bottoms assure even cooking for inexperienced chefs. Self-assured cooks like the heat-resktant handles of these pans. New cookbooks emphasize the casual dining theme. One forthcoming cookbook (Roto Broil Cook Book) offers all sorts of recipes for rotisserie broiling. A he-man favorite like Ca nadian bacon takes on special party airs when rubbed with mustard and brown sugar and placed on skewer spit to bar becue at medium heat for 45 minutes. It is based with white wine and then barbecued for another S or 10 minutes, ac cording to a recipe in the book. Hamburger gets de luxe treatment, too, by mixing 1 lb. of ground beef, 1 tablespoon chopped parsley, 1 clove minc ed garlic, 1 teaspoon Worces tershire sauce, 2 tablespoons Quick Rice ' Ring That . .Different . r"ancy enough for a party yet easy to do is this "Quick Rice Ring." The rice is cooked in tomato juice to give it a rosy rue. Bits of chopped ripe olives, crisp vegetables and a cup of grated cheese are blend ed with the rice, then packed into a ring mold and heated together about five minutes. At serving time fill the center with creamed tuna, eggs or your favorite creamed mix ture. , (iWk Rice Ring l'i cups rice l"i teaspoons salt 2Vi cups tomato juice 4 cup thinly sliced celery ' cup thinly sliced green onion ' cup finely chopped pars ley Vi cup coarsely grated carrot Vt cup chopped plmiento 14 cup coarsely chopped ripe olives 1 cup shredded sharp Amer ican cheese Combine rice, salt and to mato juice. Heat to boiling. Cover tightly and cook over very low heat 20 to 25 min utes. Fluff rice with fork, and carefully blend in raw .vege tables, pimiento, olives and cheese. Pack into buttered 8- inch ring mold and heat In a moderate oven (350 degees F.) 5 minutes. Unmold onto serv ing plate. Fill center as de sired with creamed vegetables or fish. Serves 8 to 16. I Rice Dessert Here's Idea for V I- C I VU'tic jupper uisn f a I With a little left-over cookediGTS ppi"OVQI cnicaeo on nana, mis "Quick Chicken Supper" will go to gether in almost no time at all, You will serve this mouth melting quickie rice dessert again and again because it is Its a particularly delicious really fast to fix and one of combination of well-seasoned the most striking desserts you creamed chicken and summer have ever seen. avocado. Arrange the creamed This really yummy choco- chicken in a shallow cuserole late sice loaf may be made and top with slices of creamy rich calavo. Add an extra bit of taste and flourish to it with a few slivered almonds around the edge of the dish. Then heat in a moderate ovjen a few minutes to heat the avocado. Quick Chicken Supper 4 tablespons butter or margarine 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 cups milk Vi teaspoon salt 4 teaspoon celery salt Vi teaspoon dry mustard Dash cayenne pepper Black pepper 1 chicken bouillon cube 2 cups cubed cooked chicken 1 calavo Lemon juice Salt V' cup slivered roasted blanched almonds Melt butter and cook slowly until light brown. Blend in flour. Add milk, seasonings and bouillon cube, and cook and stir until thickened. Add chicken and simmer until thor oughly heated. Pour into shal low baking dish. Cut calavo into halves lengthwise, remove seed and skin, and cut fruit in to thin lengthwise slices. Sprinkle with lemon juice and salt. Arrange slices on top of casserole, pressing into sauce slightly. Sprinkle almonds ahead of time, unmolded and stored in the refrigerator un til a few minutes before serv ing time when it is covered with the meringue. A twist of the egg beater makes the meringue which is quickly around edge of dish. Heat about S minutes in moderate oven (350 degrees F.) Serves 6. iwoooed over the loaf. The oven doe the rest in a very few minutes and a memorable dessert is ready to be pre sented" to eaters who can hardly wait to take a taste of this Chocolate Rice Alaska. , Ingredients: 3 cups cooked rice 1 4-ounce package choco late pie or pudding mix 1 egg whites y cup sugar plus i table spoons Pinch of salt Method: Follow the direc tions on the package for pre paring the pie or pudding mix, adding milk or water as call ed for and sugar if directions call for it After the pie or pudding mix has been blended time suited in the directions to produce a thick pudding or pie filling. Pour the rice, and chocolate mixture into a well greased loaf pan 9Vix5V3Vi inches. Chill. The loaf will be unmolded, covered with a meringue, browned in the oven and served. If the load Is unmold ed on a plate or platter which can be used for paxing ana since me whites are smooth, shiny and hold their shape and until the sugar dissolves. Completely cover the loaf with the mer ingue. If desired, - sprinkle some chopped red maraschino cherries over ' the meringue. Place in a preheated 450 de grees F. oven until the mer ingue is browned, about 6 minutes. Serve immediately. ThiSv recipe makes 8 serv ings. 1 serving:. It is easier, in.f erd not be moved to a i serving platter after it Is taken ; quick EASY DESSERT out of the oven. A good idea A quick and easy dessert is to cover a bread board or ioved by all is sliced fresh pan and inverting pan and peaches served with chilled platter together. custard sauce. Add a dash of Beat the egg whites until grated lemon or orange rind to foamy. Add a small amount the sauce for extra flavor. To ik. ,r .nri the salt. Beat make it early fancy, serve on with the liquid, add the rice and gradually aaa me resi oi slices oi and cook for the length of! the sugar. Beat until the egg i any cake. light cream, 2 tablespoons wine (Marsala). Shape 4 cakes about 1 inch thiek, wrapping each in 2 bacon strips crosswise. Place on grill-spit. Grill at medium heat for 10 minutes, turn to high heat and grill for another! 10 minutes for a real gourmet! Hamburger. Oysters jnay be wrapped In bacon slices, fastened with toothpicks and placed in broil er-rack for 10 minutes. tuwu mm mm atm.inx.iiL r StTi'T T HI1 The Mosttalked-About Icecream in America i ma AT All ARDIN DIALERS IT'S NEW! IT'S REVOLUTIONARY! ITS DICED CREAM , . . the smoother, more delicious ice cream. Each serving individually wrapped ... a new thought in convenience, a new approach in flavor, a new experience in taste. Buy it! Try it! Enjoy Arden Flavor-Fresh quality at its very best . . . with DICED CREAM.' 8 INDIVIDUAL SERVINGS IN EACH PACKAGE "FIRST 1 . s White 'Choice Center Cuts Star Tuna E Swans Down Orca Minced-Flats Cake Mix 4T99' Razor (lams 3,T SPrecke.sorC&H , KOONAid , . 6 pa M Sugar ... M)lb,99' st" " r White's Fireweed Baited BCaHS l 29' Honey ., .598' " IMC e,. Se 3c Ta"9 '- T 6iant wc While King . -53' Lou-Z-Ana . Shrimp m . , ui. 39 MJft jfi Inter the WHITI KING SOApjfStEf GIANT r3 $72,909 BhSSI size . - ' s 6ET ENTRY fc W WANKS HERE CMJl Ktl.mVi-1li:iti:i.l'M-Till:il:tI.,,T:.-KMri:sT:V.':H Wesson Oil c 63 SWISS STEAK lb. 69 U. S. No. 1 Spuds St.W Grand Island Corn t, JS251 PORK CHOPS (enter Cuts ., 79' HAMS at -. . . .t. 65' BEEF HEARTS Slh. ,b, 29' BEEF TONGUES , . . Ib, 29' GROUND BEEF 3,b,jr 45' Doz. 113 FLAVO R FAVOR L I T BAKERY . VEOETABLES LOCKER?) r 1 u id ...FIRST IN