Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 13, 1953, Page 26, Image 26

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Ideas About Freezing,
Preserving the Peaches,
Pears and Prunes Given
livw (but 0 twwt, lUrif t fA vM Ujt f mmuiict, &
ttetru r.U Uv Ki4 tUiiUJtu
um. I1 to pint lr u
yr wits dwt pt?y yrop. fct-
W Mfct l WW r pwtKtmt,
fenl-u rc (it4,t
tun Hint J M
ry4 in Ua my
pt.n iiiMUi iimit ttJiu', bv
rfsiu,g flyor tUao
live fratu peer for out-
V( l.4 eel,. lw.TK)-
ly pjfuUir A ft-nkn a ntUiA.
irun ut jy in Bt
tit iWM MMWi,
ttut mm fruit Ut ft:D iitMiui
ixy, Trw W l fvni
Hid! Uimihkrt px
run, UtUiti arid )jrul
fr d,k. rnnmun n
Ur4 fruit M )ly pru4
row p u, 4 th vtvt
tkm, riid with sUAH Ut
fkUUIV imt, M oft t M
ulo Mull are lo
ry wiu4 fer tttrmwi '0
ttnnt, Tu tt jiy
prui 1 U (lunp n4 wui
wilt iitnt oval ttMU. To
io ic yiluw'tfn vrd
HUH omq purpw thin.
vyhr funning my ft ihm
Uuivt )t"i"i ) w(wn
Dta fiy nmiur4. Drm. luutf
40 yuy ly imtlmt ;
ptrl mint who I'A ci-U
lWt Hlii pfuiut W
wktitul, tlvJ n4 pit ttwi-
fl Un 14 lfvnl fplUllnil
Willi yltummA IrMt U4 ftWWj
Willi inI ikruii, f ill W i
wittim ft i'un Mie Jt
piuvai ir bulil ')4 Mint -
wir tith (wr 20 iiiiiuu,
winning tiw wtion wnUif r
lurm U Ml fuUmg bolt, W-1
lii,v Jor from tonne n4;
CiMl, Wit eprt4 "J
fiuin OfafW,
yretuMg fruit U umittim
prefsrre4 by twimmBlMrf (
cttu f tli iiktuml fruit fU-'
vur Hint fBiii-4 by Hun I
iiiIim4, TIi 40 ytu
gui4 In canning u im UMd In
fiotizlliK, Willi Vi tmmuuun -
uilila tu.'lrl 4rf4 iut ont'l) cup
at ol4 yrup. 'ur inineflf'-
y prepir4 miti'OKtaant, f"l'
low nmnMfiuiiurer wmruv-
Iluillolt var inut i pi'
d, ilit4 n4 Die ii lieNl4 fur
g nii(imo In lioilinn 40 y
lun, Tim r ttion r-
tnuv4 frunt tlm tyrup, liill4
r.d piu.'k4 IiiUi Jar, fr""-
t.'.a.A ouunhi bra tlrttl I.J.M I
then lics4 l)HU4 n4 iiickbd1!
Into Jr, rill tlx )r with
ul4 4i nyrup to wiiliin 'k
tneli of tiip, IUiiiov )r liuli-
I j leu and tiiMrt crumpM!
flatter iupr un bip of fruit,
Hoi, lulisl n4 m inufll
ultly. rt ttuiUr
I (mui)dii rip Burllett Ir
J puuuila lunar (Mppreiiu
Juicn mid MrU4 find of
on loiium
J teaapnon cinnamon
Waoli, peal and cor psr.
Cruli iwan Into larn uc
itan and couk In own itUr iiu- l
til fruit M xift, Hlir fraiutmlly.
1'ul lliroutili fin aiava or food
mill and inaaturs, Add 'A aa
niutli iiur at liulp, Imiiou
Jiilt mill gralcd rind, t'lar
over liaat and cook rapiilly
with cunalanl alirriiitf. WIikm'
)wtur la of dualled ticjimul-
ency. reinova from deal and
aiir in cinnamon. Teat tiy ixnir
in ainull quaiitity on a cold
plain. Wlien no liquid apiwura
mound iilea oi -uuiwr.
cooking la cniniileto, I, mile
luilllna hot Into lu! alerlllned
jura, heel at once, Yil4-alml
0 half pint J a".
UU...Iu unl.d maA ujIiImH I.I
peer and puiaappi jam teiiua
special loucn lo an airenny ue-
iicioua wecl,
lioldan liellalit Jam
upa rnaaliad rip rlarlelt
lieara (0 to I medium-
Hled peara)
4 'Jt cui itrualiad pllieappl
(3 No, a canal
V cup lemon Jul
1A anna aunar
a tcaapoon whole aniaa aeed
k tiotii llould fruit pei. 1 1 n
Waaiit peel, cor and niaali
near a. M"aur. C o in b I n
inaalied peara. plneappi (do
nut flrain), lemon Jul aunar
nd aula aeed, IHU'M to full
milium boll, allrrlim uraion-
ally, and continue uolllnn fur
10 mlnule. Itemnv from Ileal
and aiir in Hi U'luld petiin.
I al aland for I minuiea, rim,
I'our Into hot alerlluad Jara
nd apal. Vleld-Aliout 10 half,
mil la.
1 pound rip flerllelt peara
I annul m pearaj
I cupa water
8 cupa auiar
leanpoon rnund ilnier
(eatpoon ground tmlmrg
V4 leatpoon whnl clovea
I a imih ailrka cinnamon
u .un luhlla vinegar
Conned Salmon in
r i j f t
ioiaQ nomination i
UAi.iH Ut tt Uah.
f mtKUbU, A tuAhU-t
. mrut Urn ftMiurtui ruU
Ml4 WiU UfAKt. ttuMul
m4 miutun. tjtm wtfjWitul
way Ut ii id uut--
urn lg i ut mm to i4
tMluxm wills Aujui cueunutr
Kiry wi omywKtu
mv tit IxiiOl If tin )r,dreau.g mut Mum ut Oi )
wlu tun fUjj uA fro- Uui filling pit vl'jn.o, vim
tmt Ut toiling waur ltli fjtfripi4 UmmUm. (
VI iMnuU, K0 lvl f4 w Thi Ifii4 iA tl4 la vm.
Urt t lt urn ine Hv Ut ; liri knvwn a Twitu feu
vf ), Uiuy fV'rn tBrivri, but lie ffrju,g,
ol, Up wtrl) pt4 ! f yir.g Jyor la tut MirytU Ut
4 wy froi drafu. Hunt w-o w.k rn4 tlnn
vM. Aty plira, YI4 pii,l! l,)l in jita, Cr4
)ara. ; Mlrwn I Uli )ti U t aa H
frura tic tn, '- ft e14
4 ijyil;.ir tg wot-) rvt4
It fjilHet tfMU.
ummrt ftalauna kJji4
1 1 -ujufA ra 1aw
rup jqmhim ivr aU4
Vi UruntMM vivtA owuUrd
1 UIntMna kroM) )!
V Un Talw
t aap 4id l-ry- or
I op 4i4 eutn)Xt
4 wlwk '
Drain aelwn; flak, Cov
bi amytftfjHtr, oul4, IrrQ'
OA Jul i4 Ttiat, A4 aai
oj, ;.4 wlirry kit cufukUt;
ljlilly, -'ut 1yfialwMi lo
-j ultuM lUi'iutn; put in
tVitu copa. fill tolr wafc
aaioD tJ4, CarnlcA with 4
CMfjtini uinyvfiMlf. YiJ4- 4
DUm Kufna Orug Mir
will r04 ttc frvot ball of
It vvr UiM wk tai beeping
Willi ti ftmGM or mev Una4
jritly la veguarfoi Delia.
Hmutclltit otmnion will Uv
c:lu 0i litymg f block lino-
Iowa bo4 t)i ItMtalUUaa of
narw anguUr xltaplair tun
uttouthout xha tUtt. VfuvUrw
4uply lr4y kuv bm
Mr, 4 Mr. L. B, rbrri
nd tliair oa, John, left thl
wk on two wk Dialling -Miun
at Lk Thnluh, )ut
north of fu4ecxrta. Hmrru. an
irmplor of Wiilntu VJly
!l-oibr company, 1 '"
fuihriua r4 hop to gi
I oro lt watrr fiahing in along
wits Om cUa( bout g' I
ling lua4 M Uat Tfeuc
A oulhra fWVU rarirty
of ttirtmp powi
la kagtfe.
if P
I (-1 VI l I: lj
1 "
mm TO
!" Hi niu.l V ia aiaf y
For the Wonderful
17 n ,!-. g A..H
i ivecepiion hi wui
w ffi
For This Week's
Lineup of Special
Values... See Our
IGA Ad on Page 7
It if only fitting and proper that we express our sincere appreciation to the many folks whose attendance during our
grand opening sale made the event such a big success. The nice things people said about the store made us feel very
proud to bring to the shoppers of Salem and surrounding territory the many conveniences that make shopping a pleas
For those who haven't yet visited the store, check the outstanding features listed below, designed to make shopping
easier, faster and more fun.
Completely selfscrvicc throughout for faster, easier shopping
J Self-Service Meat Deportment Serf-Service Produce Dept.
The ay war lo chop for meal, Juat reach In and aeiecl the meat
yon want from the large array of pre-packaged, pre-welghed qual
ity meal. No waiting In Una to hay your meat cut, but If you da
want aiiai-lal cut or alt not available at the counter, on of the
meat eutlar will be happy to glv yon the neeeaaary peraonnel
V Complete Dairy Department
You'll enjoy going through thle completely alockrd dairy depart
ment. Many hranda to ehoeaa from. Ihere'e milk, cream, aoor
rream, butler, roltaie eheeae, whatever you want. And the cheeae
eer.Uon la really auperb . , aharp of mallow, In parkagea or Jara,
Juat what yeur teat daalrea.
i National Advertised Brands
Vou'll get the beat In the land when yuu buy a brand and Kinrry'a
oiler you every opportunity to ehuoae the brand yuu know and
like, Mee the wide aaaurlment and you'll reallae that no ellort la
aparad to five yuu, the eualomer, eaarlly what prrannal prrterenre
dlrlatea, llian fur quality and aavluca, alwaya cIiom Ihe IGA
label, guaranteed lo aallafy ar your money gladly refunded.
V Speedy Checkout Service
f.mery'a ere proud lo be tli flral In Ilia halem area lo Introdur
the newaat In rherk-nut rounlera. An aulnmatie ayalem that rllm.
Inalea the llraaiuna wallilif In line rualnmera eiprrlrine In rhrrk
lug out their grouerlea In oilier alorea, Com In and give It a trial.
j Kiddie Korner
Another flrat tor Kmery'a IOA. A plara to leave the kiilillra to
ainuaa themaelvaa while mulher doea tlie ahopiilng, 'llirre are
eiimle hook and Ihlnia to keep Ihe klddiea buay, tiring them
with you.
A wonderful dlaplay of refrigerated freah fruit and vegetable
a walla you, Mhop a lelaurely aa you wlah or hurry through.
Vou'll never find produce that'a finer or freaher than at thee, coun
ter and the variety will aatound you. Wrapped In aanltary cello
phane, pre-packed lor apeeaier cheek-out aervlr.
f Frozen Foods and Ice Cream
Freah froian frulta and vegetable buratlng with garden flavor,
flah fllleta, delleloualy lender, pan-ready poultry la eaally secca
allil In open dlaplay caaea.
Velvet amuolh ie cream In a wld range of flavor and many
other treat.
t Oceans of It
Tau'll be amend and delighted al the
acre of free parking. No need lo elrel
block or be pealered with parking meter.
Hard eurfac make It weather-proof.
Wld thoroughfare, and plenty ol en
trance and ealla, all make parking at
Kmery'i IGA ao caay.
Magic Carpet Doors
Another added convenience at Emery' IOA that make chopping
a iilaaaur. No need to puah heavy door when entering or atruggl
with your bundle to open door, rvnen leaving may open auto
matically (no tug, no pull). '
j Public Rest Rooms
Kmery'a have heard It aald you would welcome thl convenience.
We hope It meet your approval and w Invite you to uea It for It
Intended purpoae.
The fallowing hev until Frldiy. Augugt 14, II p.m., to
Identify themaeivee ana Claim weir priaei
Hot rolnl Aulomalle IMah Waaher
Mary C. Mawarl, b0 Dnlrni HI.
My Had Verenlea Meyer, H14 Jetferaon
fryrlla Norman I.. Ilarblaon,
l9C Ho, Commercial
Croaley Clock lladli Arthur fowlar,
Cory Autoinalle Cnltee Maker
falrlcl hlraliin, 1 North Iftlh
Toaalmaaler Aulomalle fleclrle Taaaler
Herman W liken, 1U No, IHh
Nil Cnltee Maker tterlha llolromb,
1 1 Mm
.a Nore Purvlne, III. I, Una 1
W. i. Oauihier, till rtug kt.
No l.ill Hiram Iron Hurl Oliver,
III. I. Iloa 39
(i. K, t.lerlrlr Miter Mae Graham,
Hig llnl Dug tiuraaliif Cunlral
Weighed Ilia. IS oa.
C. M, l.owrn, 1t ( lairmont Drive
Orange Gueaalng Conteat 1.0JI
Jue. Hum, J0I0 Madiaon
Hig Cheree fiueaaiiig Conleal 424 founda
Armnura Nlar Ham (Karhl A. A. firahrr,
lltl N. Winter; L, J. Nmlth, Ut Kenwood
urn aikiitiii
M,. C, t, MOW
Mr,, M..-M MalHMI
i' A M.aita
ai,ua iiaar
M C. Ta.laf
... a a. niau
M,, a. w. .iiim
M. J.ka ailla
tMr eiaiMkara
J w
utUaa kaaiaftc
ruran. Hur
Mr,. I a. UHM
ll-a UU.kU,
OIIU N, mmmm
AHmm a. Maar
n r.
tai a. T-h-f
it-,, t. MUMke
aMia Km
r,ai ah. a.a
It. M. I ar.a
ll Wllhlsa
tarl -ffnaH
Mr. O. aiaaa
aaaa Haraaa
Mr,. I. O. VMakH
Mra. Offal . aarrCar
Mi Jlaaaa
Mr,. C. V.
Mra, V. B. I Ukw
Mr,. W. 4. Ullaf
Mr,. Ja (. If
Mfa. Oaraiaa rfM
r. I. -
raalaaa If 4
Mra. M. a. MaOk.rt
Mra, W. B. aai
Mra. Mia, Vaiaaak
Mra, aa aaak
iaaa t. Oafaar
M kaatall
Mra. Carl MM
Mra. W. J. ealHfM)
Mra. J. V. Jaaaan
f .,4a WfO
Mra D ara
I kavrM Wrlaai
aaaatk a. a
Mr,. U H Taa.aar
I V. Laraa
Mra raarl CaOtM
Oaa. OflaaX
Oraaa k. Oaaaler
Mra. B. Malllaiar
Mra. J, OaUnll
Mr,, a. j. a-a
T. . a.aaakl
BIH Ifalrap
Mra. OM. k. Walaa
f lara al
OafaUlr lf
( l.i.M.a CaUaraO
l .rl Vaal
ai.kara Taana
ale Uakarlakai
Mra. B. JasaO
Jaks X4a.aM.Mak
aula Caalaf
1. a. Maf lattaa
Mra. Irtwl Walaaa
M.a. lafca Lakal,
Mra. Oaafta aat
OafcafM iakaaaa
M.a, a e. tm
Makal Mlaklaf
aaala NaUklaa
C C. MaaaTata
Ma.4 Blaakaa,
You'll Enjoy Shopping at
Wallace Road at 7th
West Salem
Paul & Helen
join -
$aving Renter
of krrftntn
West Salem
Al fie foci
of the Bridge
Hew Slock!
Kew fixtures!
New Management!
Open 8 A.M to 10 P.M.
Prices Good Thursday Evening, -Friday,
Saturday, Sunday
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Oven-Fresh ev
Crackers 2t All
(Salted Wafers)
Tasty Pak Cream Style
CORN k"2
Margarine flw,
' Pound Pkg. U '
Vol Pac
Ground Beef
Made from Govt. Inspected Beef
Umm Fried Chicken!
U. S. Inspected Commercial Grade
Short Ribs .
Local Corn
WW! Will 0fM
Roast. Ears $
. i
Gr. Onions 3hll
U. S. NO. 2
TLaf. M . ITa- aTL -a
nuu.. rn-ib. &OC
Hood River Cider
40 Groin-For Pickling-Bring Your Container
Meal augar nd water to
boiling. A14 ' ln'l