Thursday, August 13, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orejon FOOD SECTION Part S Pickling Time Near; Suggestions Submitted On Ingredients, Methods Hert is Dlcklfnff tpmtt-ui lor modern living! Crisp pickles and relishes without brining' They have the line full fla vor at the old-iashioned kind, the tame crunchy, translucent texture; but they're ready to pop in Jari in a matter ol lit tle more than an hour. First of all you key your pickling to distilled white vine gar both as a preservative and as a flavoring agent Distilled white vinegar, ttabiliied to an acetic acid strength of S per cent (check the label on the bottle to be sure) is first choice for 1953 pickling. Crystal clear, it not only preserves fruits and vegetables perfectly, but it safeguards their brilliant garden colors. And you'll be de lighted with the way its aged-in-wood mellowness brings out the full flavor of foodi without dominating them. Then, we suggest you follow these rules: About Ingredients 1 Cucumbers and other veg etables should be used within 24 hours after harvesting. 2. Choose fresh, good qual ity fruits and vegetables free of blemishes and uniform in lize. Imperfect and irregular fruits and vegetables can be cut up for relishes. 3. Fruits may be slightly Underripe. 4. Wash all fruits and vege tables gently but thoroughly to remove dirt and grit which (fould start bacterial action. , 5. Distilled white vinegar stabilized at an acetic acid strength of S per cent is first choice for pickling and pre serving. Cider vinegar can be lubstituted for distilled white, although its deeper color may cause a slight darkening of foods. 6. Use only fresh, whole pices for full flavor. Old spices may give a dusty flavor, to pickles. 7. Use water as free from minerals as possible. In areas where water is hard and chem ically treated, boil it, let it cool, ' then remove the scum. 8. Use pure granulated salt rather than ordinary table salt when brining pickles. Impuri ties in table salt may cause cloudiness and darkening of pickles. About Equipment 1. The pickling kettle should be aluminum, enamelware or stainless steel. Copper utensils tend to turn pickles a peculiar shade of green; iron may turn them black. 2. Be sure kettle is large enough so pickles will pot boil over. 3. You'll find a long handled wooden spoon and a wide mouth funnel make pickle pre paration much easier. 4. When brining pickles use atone crocks, glass, pottery or enamel-lined pans not metal. 5. Select only perfect jars no chipped or cracked ones for packing. , 6. Wash jars, glass lids, met 1 screw caps, rubber rings and mlde-mouth funnel in hot soapy water; rinse well. Never re-use rubber rings. Use clean, new ones. Dip these into boiling wa ter just before using. 7. To sterilize, place clean jars, lids and caps in a deep kettle; cover with, warm wa ter. Boil, covered, 20 minutes. Remove from boiling water one at a time when ready to fill. If pickles are to be processed. It is not necessary to boil this equipment Just be sure they Tomato 5000 Is Always Favorite The large firm field tomatoes that you find In the markets now are pefrect fo thia "Rou lette Tomato Salad." All you have to do is peel them, hollow out the centers and put them in the refrigerator to chill thoroughly. Just before serv ing, stuff each tomato with the gently-seasoned mixture of cot tage cheese, to which slices of meaty ripe olivet, cucumber and minced green onion have been added. For that final touch, top each tomato with a dab of mayonnaise' and a sprinkling of paprika. Not only does this make a colorful plate, but a mighty delicious one, too. Boulette Tomato Salad 6 medium-sized tomatoes 1 cup pitted ripe olives 1H cups cottage cheese H cup chopped cucumber 2 tablespoons minced green onion Worcestershire sauce Tabasco sauce Salt 1 Pepper Salad greens for garnish Mayonnaise Paprika Peel tomatoes and hollow ou. centers. Turn cut side down to drain. Chill thoroughly. Slice olives crosswise into rounds. Blend together lightly cottage cheese, olives, cucumbers and onion. Season i to taste with Worcestershire ' sauce. Tabasco sauce, salt and pepper. Place tomatoes on garnished salad plates and fill with olive- cheese mixture. Top each to' mato with mayonnaise. Sorin- kle with paprika. Serves 6. Cooking Beet in Outdoors Appeals Here are good -beef cuts for outdoor grilling and using' up more of your share of plenti ful beef: Hamburgers are im proved in flavor by mixing in onion or onion juice along with the salt and pepper; then sprin- Suggestions Given on Preparing, Making Jams are clean and hot 8. Because there are many types of lids and closures on the market, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for sterilizing and sealing. 9- Before sealing, run silver knife blade around inside of jar to release ar bubbles. Add more liquid if needed. 10. Wipe sealing edges of jars free of food or liquid with paper towels or clean cloths before putting on lid. About Storage 1. Don't set newly filled, still hot jars in a draft: they mav burst Set on a folded cloth or cake rack. Keep in upright po sition. 2. When thoroughly cooled. label correctly with name of recipe and date of packir.f 3 Check aU seals. If jars are not sealed, serve pickles at ence. An imperfect seal will mean spoiled pickles in short oraer. 4. Store In a cool. dry. dark place. 5. If possible, allow pickles to stand Z months before using Pickles done the "quick-dick- ling" way with distilled white vinegar have a better blended, more mellow'f lavor when per mtted to stand several months. Penner Relish 4 pounds (18 medium) green peppers, quartered, seeded 1 pound (4 large) onions, peeled, quartered 1 Vt cups granulated sugar 2 cups distilled white vine- far N Vi teaspoon, ground allspice 2 tablespoons salt Vt teaspoon ground ginger teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 ioaspoon mustard seed Put peppers and onions through food chopper, using coarse blade. Drain. Combine remaining ingreaiejits; Dnng xo 1 Ue iiberally with ce.ery gait a boil. Add vegetables and boiland garUc gaU just Mote re. sentlv. uncovered, for a min- i a-. o i utes. Quickly pack on hot, t u (? s-s. : .... " t Vim- tij- JS Big Juicy Blackberries are ready for preserving. IAP IfiwaleatUteSr sterilized jar at a time, filling to within tt inch from the top. Be sure that vinegar solution covers vegetables. Seal each jar at once. Makes 4 pints. Note: Use this relish within 6 months. Corn Relish 2Vt quarts (20 ears) young. tender corn 1 cup (2 medium) chopped green pepper 1 cup (2 medium) chopped red pepper IVi cups(4 medium) chopped onions 1 cup chopped celery IVi cups granulated sugar lVi tablespoons mustard seed 1 tablespoon salt 1 teaspoon celery seed Vi teaspoon turmuric 2 cups distilled white vine gar 2 cups water Husk corn and boil for S min utes. Dip in cold water. Cut kernels from cob and measure. Combine all ingredients and boil gently, uncovered, 20 min utes. Pack into clean, hot jars, leaving 1-inch head space. Be sure vegetables are covered with vinegar solution. Adjust covers as jar manufacturer di rects. Set jars on wire rack in a covered deep kettle, with boiling water to cover tops of jars 1 inch. Process 15 min utes, counting time from mo ment active boiling resumes. Remove. Makes 6-7 pints. Sweet Mixed Pickles 2 medium heads cauliflower (2 quarts flowerets) moving from fire. Steaks of any kind and size are good grilled outdoors but the one incher is preferred by. most Cubes or chunks of beef round are fine cooked on skewers. These are extra tasty if marin ated . in French dressing or vinegar and water overnight If you like a barbecue flavor. baste meat every few minutes with your favorite barbecue sauce. Even large roasts can be cooked successfully out doors, but this requires a spit or some other means of turning the meat slowly while it is cooking and calls for longer cooking time than oven-roast ing. in- Va-inch strips 2 medium red peppers, cut in Vt inch strips 1 Vi pounds (9 medium) onions, quartered 2 54 cups distilled white vinegar 1 Vt cups water IVi cups granulated sugar 3 tablespoons salt 1 tablespoon mustard seed 1 tablespoon celery seed Vi teaspoon turmeric Wash cauliflower and break into small flowerets. Cook in a small amount of unsalted boil ing water 5 minutes. Drain. Prepare remaining vegetables, Combine remaining ingredients and heat to boiling, covered Add vegetables and boil, un covered, 2 minutes. Quickly pack one, hot sterilized jar at a time. Fill to Vi Inch from top. Be sure vinegar solution Breathes there a cook with soul so dead that come sum mer, aM can resist putting fresh fruit into the preserving kettle? Right now it's juicy big blackberries we're think ing of boilng up in a purple red glory, sending off their sweet fragrance. There to store away in small jars against win ter days when a taste of sum mer s berry patch is so relish ed. But if this fruity goodness is to be preserved to perfections, sterilizing jars and glasses is a must Paraffining comes next. Use a tin can in which to melt the paraffin. Then place a metal spoon close to the jelly's sur face and let the melted paraf fin flow over it onto the jelly in a layer about Vi inch thick. When it's set, prick any bub bles and pour a second Vi-inch thick layer of the paraffin. Now slightly tip and twirl the jar or glass to seal edges. - Powdered fruit pectin is call ed for in the following recipe. When it's used only a short boiling time is needed. Good yield results, too. Blackberry Jelly and Jam To prepare the berries for both the jelly and jam crush thoroughly about 3Vi quarts ripe blackberries (not black' caps). Place in a large sieve lined with a double thickness of cheesecloth and let juice drip through (do not squeeze). Use juice for making jelly; use fruit remaining in sieve for making jam. To make the Jelly, measure 3 Vi cups juice into a large saucepan. Measure S cups su gar and set aside. Add one 2Vi ounce box powdered fruit pec tin to juice in saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat and stir in sugar. Bring to a full rollng boil and boil hard 1 min ute, stirring constantly. Re move from heat, skim off foam with metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. Cover jelly at once with Vi inch hot paraffin. Makes about 7 medi um glasses, of fruit remaining In cheese- ciou inrougn sieve 10 remove some of seeds. Measure 9 cups pulp into a very large sauce pan. Measure 7 cups sugar and set aside. Add one 2 Vi -ounce box powdered fruit pectin to fruit la saucepan and mix well. Place over high heat and atir until mixture comes to a hard boil. At once stir in sugar. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat and skim off foam with metal spoon. Then stir and skim by turns for 5 minutes to cool slightly, to prevent floating fruit. Ladle quickly into glass es. Cover jam at once with Vi Inch hot paraffin. Makes about 11 medium glasses. Bran Muffins With Raisins Appetizing When your family sees these 'Raisin Bran Muffins" on the breakfast Uble, they'll be tempted Into eating a good. nourishing breakfast The muf fins are moist and flavorful with seedless raisins added to the batter. They take only a minute to mix and pop into the oven. Be sure to make enough to have plenty for "seconds' . Ralsla Bras Muffins 1 cup seedles raisins 1 cup brsn cereal 1 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons melted short ening 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour 4 teaspoons baking powder Vi teaspoon salt Rinse raisins and drain. Soak bran in milk 5 minutes. Add lightly beaten egg, shortening and raisins. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt and add aU at once to first mixture, stirring only to moisten. Fill greased muffin pans about Vi full. Bake In hot oven (400 de grees T.) 20 to 23 minutes. Makes 12 to 13 ' medium sized muffins. Peach Party Mold Colorful, Delicious This "Peach Party Mold" Is a great favorite with hostesses everywhere since It is one of those beautiful make - ahead gelatin salads. It doesn't Involve too much fixing which gees along ways with our way of lazy summer cooking. Arrange an attractive layer of canned cling peach slices in the bottom of a mold and cover with a thin layer of clear gelatin to hold the peaches In position. Chill until firm and then fill the mold with a whipped gelatin. marshmallow and maraschino cherry mixture. Peach Party Mold IVi cups canned cling peach slices Syrup from peaches 2 packages lemon flavored gelatin 2 egg whites . 1 cup chopped marshmal lows Vi cup chopped maraschino cherries Vt teaspoon celery salt : Drain peaches. Measure syr up and add enough hot water to make 1 quart liquid. Dis solve gelatin in hot liquid. Ar range a pattern of peach slices cartwheel fashion In bottom of 1 Vi -quart mold. Covet with ty inch layer of gelatin mixture. Chill until firm. Chill remain ing gelatin until almost firm. Whp until fluffy. Fold in stiff ly beaten egg whites, main mal lows, cherries, celery salt and remaining peaches. Pour over firm layer. Chill until firm. Unmold on serving plate and garnish with additional peach slices and whole cherries, if de sired. Serves I. . Bean Soup Homemade bean soup has a goodness all its own and it's no chore to prepare when you puree the buttery cooked dry limas in an electric blender. Add bits of cooked ham, bacon or sausage and season to your own taste. Make an extra large recipe and put some in your freezer to enjoy later. a 433 13 hi dm O - MOM THI FAMOUS IfV' kgk M.CP. KJTCHEN LABORATORY HIST ADI" FOB. THIRSTY YOUNGSTERS . .GROWN-UPS TOO! WHOLESOME LEMONADE .. . aiede n s jiffy . . lot HMk ctea. ... with M CP. LEMON UJICB. Oae null can aulas ararlr qum of irfrnhing, 'hciltMul tanoaadt Maply ay adding tcr tad sugc. No fun, a knoat t iqant You cta't grer Totmsj ' UtlL or VBunclf. A hcMtff hnmit . . . (m U f R. UMON JUICE it pan, fylUMtta Califocau jtami lake, neb m ' vmaua icmui a artitciai amnithrt (sulpbac dxside o kMuitc of tods). Comoaicatlf ooatd. it t always ready for instant lue MHK-, MkS whmwi Itnoa tmoi if. HAM ra mokifw htkin im nd jtli- autinf. etc. Yon m tune tad awary with MjC P. LEMOM JUICE linn oa haad . . . tht Mr 'round! STnei'. UPR FRH7PM LEMON JUICE, too. If -out grortr doesn't itock it, nk him to art il for-ou.) ONCi UPON A TIME YOU HAD TO IE AN HIXPERT"...BUT NOT NOVVI vMa MAKirrSVONDERHJAMSuiodtobttiobteh? n fOBB. fat tat rxpef lencrd. Now, ma an "amateur? with ae tiptricaoi a) til, cu make prrtm ami every time . . -with drscodable. cair-tCHilc M.CP. JAM AND JELL PECTIN. And, what's axm. M.CP. provides open six! aaaaimr wia tcntd redoc. for m.V in jrhr MnUr ' kmi iaaat, at the antuiaj aew M.CP, waeaakeel inns that ar extra) aa ia ten and color 1 MXJ . Uaeeakad Jaas have the fiaeal lavar (aad color) poiUa. because the asutl cooking and boiling are eliminated, and this "flavor guards' ALL the fresh fruit is or. Also, rou use leas fruit aad sugar, vet gat 1000 iaaa, foe akstahag it cooked away. M.CP. suieaahed jams are especially latoauatailtd if you wish to make a small batch at a time, foe Shese jaaaj ataat to kept ha alio rofrigaratar, siore mey ara uncooked. Far tavor aad cater, Iheaea, they're duply "We"! (The M.CP. ameaahad jam raciprs at so aew they're at ia th regular folder ia the M.CP. PECTIN packag ... but you caa get them fro by wttang the M.CP.KslcaeaUatale . . , ua ia tart a . and tou can't amske a bW-flevoredl oaohed tm the that aatdt with color leas, odorkst, tsstelest M.CP. JAM AND JELLY PECTIN. However, the very same cooking that pet-mitt shelf storage does cause lean leas of fresh fruit lavor, cor, pared with the auaaokcai tram, gna ah eh si II H Itoil caaaot "Enw gaatdf toresacet ,.,...' 1mm Oa lo tuti of that lagealaU M.Cf. PECTIN aasaraa losafal results assij Sana ... whether vow make an n hod ar wSMatdMffcaYwi Jaanuwaal fJ Saakmt SBVfM JPWB tfeTaMy VtVKf flttd aWMMyl YOU NIVER SAW SUCH IEAUTIFUL JEIIY...AND SO EASY .TO MAKE! MORE ElXY.TOOvruuaeberJqueM CI saKC-Hetting nseakod wast gives you twice aa atueSa Ma toad, ems, double the ktlrr) shea aver before -IroaabeseoMssnaujatof fruw! Am. tfsu yeace so fairy : cUriM thai, using M.CP. JAM AND JELLY PECTU. von re vara of the cWnuett. loveliMt irtlhta vnu ever taw- ' tor this isejtMiilil juiot-piBuiae; astthod (and the special M CP. Jell sealing act a ua it wttn), send tl.uu train oc stamps) and 5 M.Q-R PECTIN wad a Irosnt a the M.CP Kadieo Uboraaory. Aoabeiaa. Calif. Vou'Uaioraaa-waatajoaaytaekamra ira batch) covers the vegetables. Seal 2 medium green peppers, cut leach jar at once. 5-6 pints. To make the jam, put half Not a powder! Not a grind! But millibns off tiny "FLAVOR BUDS" of real coffee... ready to burst instantly into that world-famous MAXWELL HOUSE FLAVOR! Utterly unlika Id-ityU "in$tints"...Juit a quick but taste, to different! An amazing discovery from America's leading coffee companyt So different so delicious it's already the na tion's largest -eclling instant coffee! In the famous Maxwell House kitchens this superb, roasteV-freah coffee is actually brewed for you. At the exact moment of perfection the water is removed leaving the millions of miracle "Flavor Buds"! 100 Part Coffee-Hs Fitltri Aided! You just add hot water . . . and the bursting "Flavor Buda" flood your cup with the rich eat coffee you've ever tasted. One sip and you'U never go back to old ways! ' Sam you money, too! The Urge economy irize jar aavea up to 75 compared to three pounds of ground coffee! lis i ru us v fl as The only instant coffee with that GOOD-TO-THE-LAST-DROP flavor! BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half BEEF LIVER 29c Young Beef BEEF ROAST 39c .b. Tender COTTAGE CHEESE 2 ... 45c Fischer's Ground Beef lb. N0NI lETTER 29 C Boiling Beef lb. Aged Cheese Mfr Yeor Old ef JJ Large R. I. Reds CAPONIIED FRYERS $139 I eo. T-Bone Steak 69c V RIB STEAKS tb.49c - Tender GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Grand Island SWEET CORN 6 a 29c BANANAS 2 lb, 29c Golden Ripe SUGAR 10 ib, 99c Spreckles Fancy Spears ASPARAGUS No. 2 Can HONEY 89c Bradthaw't Sunshine Kritpy CRACKERS Lb 26c 29c CANTALOUPES Each 10C TOMATOES Mb. jrr Basket aJC SWIFTNING 2 Vt 49c MILK All Popular Brands 6 Ja'ns 81C VINEGAR Gal. 49C Bring Jug The Horn of Tomorrow's Bread Today! HOT MASTER BREAD Every Day at 4 p.m. Except Tue. & Sat. Local Peaches 45c Basket Canning Peaches By the Bushel Orchard Prices Whit Star TUNA 35c & PanevIalldPatfc Tomato Soup 10c Campbell's ICE COLD BEVERAGES At No Extra Charge Emptys Welcome Watermelons 5-Ton Truck Load While They Last 2 $-100 Mellons I Guaranteed Ripe POTATOES U.S. No. 1 10 ib. 29c DOG FOOD ? cant 25c Playfair COFFEE Lb. 89c All Popular Brands BROADWAY MARKET Broadway and Market SI. Star Hours I a.m. trll 8 p.m. Every Day Na Limits Buy All You Want Prices Good Frl., Sat., Sunday , p 1 r