Part ?0 THE CAPITAL JOURXAL, Sale, Ore,o , Thursday, August IS, 19SS PEAT TH 2V- llllllll m ill a T DAY WHY May ii and $iwhy Open Friday Night Til 9 p.m. Qihs For Everybody FREE BALLOONS - FREE ORCHIDS . FREE HANDI-TONGS FREE COCA COLA Yes, We're Repealing Our Celebration of the 16 Frigidaire and You Ire Invited lo Join Us! II You Didn'l Make If last lime- Be Jure and Come In This Time N DISPLAY at 0 A Food frxT PUtS a big RrisraeH w Food fnrh Mpanta aarf Van Hw ulilyn ulur aad mm- FREE HANDI-TONGS The handy tongs for picking up ice, Hot foods, etc. Come in Friday or Saturday and get this FREE GIFT!' i VX-. F Genuine firfykbir 1 -, A$2.60VALUE ONLY 5SSS? FREE To All Attending EACH ni ir m rtlrlgwitw YouV. n. mm oymfl HV. pew aluminum Qvkkub. tray.- bu j. ood be rWl Uor. terj ood pfe. A oo bn SEE THE HAWAIIAN DANCING GIRLS RUbWII Wirt IMMt IPfUMKI I HM IWMM gALBM OREGON CITY I li 5o. Commercial phont 3.914g OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. To All Ladies Visiting Our Store Friday or Saturday