FOR SALE HOUSES 625 N. 15TH FOR THE FAMILY THAT NEEDS 4 adrau Don't U u M IhU eeeallr located home sear btlh acheol. lull Uv. rm. with fireplace, Ala. ra. ud estre UnMul soak. dbla. pine., full baamt, IH4 oil furaaca. 114.011. OWNER WILL TRADE ro ACRE AGE. See llil OOLE8BES. VB. PH. 14171, BY BY I iTn ' J ' 1 1 I lUlMm.T.Ul ma WHY PAY RENT? tUO down and $11 Per to ft. will put you in poaswaviion et a very attractive 3-bdnn. horn. In Wait Salem. Largo L well-arranged kitchen. Ml port. Pull price uot. PR ANT. LOCKMAN, Soil Fairground Rd, Realtor Ph. 4UU till 1 ACEE. 4 room house, toll road front age, year around creek la back. Will take 11,400 for faulty or good house tretler. RL 4, Box 440. I mile eouth of Liberty Store, a HUM Kelser 3-bedroons houae, 1 acre. Large kitchen, nook, living room, sUlitr room. Urn closeta, many built-in, attached garage. Ph. i 5wNE LI A VINO II you want A (In epacloua 3 bedroom noma, ini i it All room, fir large with ab unquali fied view. Plenty of water. Prlet re duced from 111.000 U $13,000. J-SWJ a 193" a-IUikjc., s bathe, LR. Dl. fetr kitchen, double arae. 3 block Leslie high. Ph. 3 MM. ill WORTH THI MONEY - LABOR, BRICK. 3-BEDROOM ROME And lerse one-bdrm. rent rir of lot. Located Ml N. Cottue. Please aall Ben Colbath. Realtor, for Appmt. U aee, Dta. 44404, eve. ph 3A92S. al COCA COLA EPLOTEEbV Here is four ehanee 1 r a nice J-bdrm. home with hdwd. fire., fireplace, beamt., -Mwduil fur nace. Corner lot rliht acroea the atreet from your bote Una plant. ANY REASONABLE OPPEB CONSIDEIUJJ. Ben Colbath, Realtor 110 COURT BT. DIAL 44494, Bra. M03S Bill1 BY OWNKB Lovely 3-bedroom home. Dead-end paved atreet. Living room, dining room with wall-to-wall carpet. Kitchen with eating apace. Utility room. Pencd-ln back yard. M7M. 11U Dteta Ave. Phone 4-907. al4' $1,000 Down S bedroom boma. Good aoodlUon, aaly K Dial 44494 A iTri rrrr I B rtara old. Larta attachad aaraga. . ravad atraat. tlaaa ta au, llaa. Balanca Ilia rant. Fbosa a-lilL aMI i-B.B. HOMI Parlaet condlllon. On t;ye atraat. Ftloa KW0. IM down. BB.B. HOME cornar lot Full baaamcnt. Oil furnaca. Lota of bulltlna. Maar Balam Canaral baapltal. ll.toa. roa. bent Bualnaaa location aa a. Uth Bt. REALTOR aval at. vapiwi Fh. 4-O01 Bra. I'lHt a If)' fir ownebv l-B.R. bona. Laraa U.lni a raeraauaa roam, oil boat. Eictll.nt Tlaw. On ara al around. Qulat nalfh berhood. Idaal for burar wha llkaa wrlTacr. Xlntwoad BaubU. t-IIM. alii Choice 5 Acres Attractive 3-bedreoea bona, excel lent condition, todw. floore, dining vomn. firaolace. oU furnace, double aTBca. large ohleken bouse, well house, glectrlo water erttem. Variety f fruit, berries, and fllberta. Beauti ful place to live profitably bow. Priced at tl l. M0. Term. Bee Mr. Johnson for nartlrulere and showing. ED D. POTTER, Realtor Hi a. Rich At. Fa. I-14M ar 1-4114 alas Y OWNER VERY HTCE 4-REDROOM RANCH STYLZ ROUE. 1110 LANSING AVE. alll ATTENTION, PLEASE PWTT 1-BEDROOM NFW HOME tN AI.RM POR THE MONEY. 3.1& LAN SI NO AVE. mm DOWN for my equity in a 3-bedroom home 1 year eld excellent condi ttnn. email monthly payments. 4Mtt At ale St. Ph. 346M. al9l foil SALE 4 room home Ai a good bust timi. Bu iVd log Ar equipment included, dollars. umO down. 8e l MaUchfPk, 311 Collete Ave, McMlnn ville. Oregon. i-RIRM. mod. home. 3 yrs. old, newly pelnlPd Inside and out. Patio, attached taraee. Kelser, near bus and school, lerea lot, only M000. General Real ta late. 3 Center, Phone 3-I2M. alia laATE-itril.T 3-bedroom house near Waahlnxton achool. Asking M.tM. 1J10 PUher Road. al94 BY OWNER Near St. Vlncent'a in Hol lywood 3-bedrooms, larce living room with fireplace, separate dining room. mndern kitchen and breakfast nool lnti of bullt-lns. beiement. attached double garaxa. covered patio. I-Olal alt4 TnntoOM HOME Clean, att gar lORxlM lot, at Pour Corners. Phone 3630. By Owner. all BY OWNER fcngleweod district. Love ly 4 bedroom home. S't plumbing, automatic oil furnace, full beiement. hardwood floore. fireplace, bua by door. 113. 100. Ph. 31317. all' NEW .HOME TN CHOICE DISTRICT Tlvlng rm., dining R. and kitchen tn natural birch. Three bedrooms, tiled bath Daylight baaement has party room, utility, toilet Aj shower, oil fur nace and double gar. Patio Aj sun dork. Sea st Waldo and S. Blsh. alM ""WE WANT TO CATCH YOUR RYE .AND NOW WFLL TELL YOU WHY wo hava a 3 bedroom house we're hist completing, plastered, fireplace forced air heating, asphalt tile bath and kitchen, oak floors In en a I nine rooms. Kitchen and bath have unique lectures the bouiewtt ta sure to appreciate. Thia ctrktly modern and very attractive house tg located en hair acre, paved ctreet, aut Just far enough to get away from all the noise, hue tie and bustle. We'd be glad to talk over the down payment and term with you and you'll be sure to be surprised when you hear bow rea- nnebiy this home ran a oouini. Pnrdvce 4k Sampela. Builders as Con tractor!, file or 111 Brown Rd. Ptimt 31141 or 3MTT. 103 IM-: IMIII AIIVIRTI1INO Per Werl, t llaee Ill Pri Herd 4. P., Word, t llaee la Fvr Ward. I month Mr Na RrfuadeMlnlaaa 14 Ward. ll tnilMl Leel Newe Celama Oaly. Per Word le Hlalmaa II Wards. To Plera Ar! In Ramp riaj'B Paper. Phono l-t04) B'forw I b ib FOR SALE HOUSES . LOW BOOTI FlVMlKt I RIMO IN TH FAMILY! We .IIMlel, rou with the down payatnt Be imaxb Set etert TOOAYI BUMMEKA REALTORS ini iuu. fb. cumiu i-wi OWNER Verr alee l-nedreoa home. .all-ta-pell uml. eeod aelibBor- bood. HMO. 1-llil. Bill' OWNER Cendalarle 1-eedroom. double iuu. lane ulUllr. 111.414 4-4114. 4114 OWNER Beautlfa! I bedreea bouae, aeweat foaturea. careered petle. Opea dare aaa evealaaa. lilt JtBN Bt. leteUerl. am PAIBMOUNT BULL. bdral.. I bathe. CunM Ire.. dlalBl .tea. Dteh- luwr. Near Baker oehoel Bad saw Hllb BlboaJ. 114104. I W. Superior Bt. HEW 1 BBDBOObt madam boma. Klag. waad Halabta. Baautlim naw, aouaia araaa. hot waur. baaabaard radiant boat, ttr.plaea. Haaa u aaa ta aapra- ctata. Ilia o an craaE noaa tan wai- lata Hoadl. 4-M. alll FOR SALE LOTS LOT B 100' i IOC, Olaar Lata dliUlc V- Inmlra at Iba Claar Lata rarma, hi. J. Boa na. fnona -ia. aaia.1 NICE LOTI, Hi 4owa. lit bi, with w.tar. alaatrleltr. acbool. atora. oan.ral Baal EiuU. Ml Canlar. Them I uaa aaiar LOT WITH ltT waur, on allod at., tioa. aaar Mr ma. Pboaa l-H. mj ownar. aaial MIT! LOT WITH WATTR. NORTHEAST. aamiM-FT. OWNER. M LAhBINO AVE. aal.l FOR SALE FARMS ACBES Orchard, walnuta and rnntu.. trailer houae. prlee ISAM. Oraeral Real bUU, 0 Center. Phone 1.158,. Diva' HAVE ETBOW ROOM Nice M R. borne en J ecrei. Bee tMrrlea, wheat, corn, filbert, apoiee. harrua. iriM. Daultrr hotue. eheda, garage, elee. pump, plenty water, good aoiL ex it a Sixio it. nouae, au iw bbu M,0M. 400 A. RANCH HAW . vaai .hit an a 400-acre raneh f choke Chehalls allt loam, fully over ad by irrigation. Have other entailer traeU of the eame Utaaion Bottom Ivp aoU; tf you want ome- thing good call for detaiie. 133 ACRES SOUTH n ME. part Bentlam bottom land, good for mint. Baa I houaee. garage. haras. 1 elloe. all fenced and croae- fenced. TrrteaUoa well and all-year creek. fM.MO. Burt Picha ITIN. HllbBt. Bvaa. 4-i47 Off. 3-4M7 bIM- M ACRES (N.W.) IT A. ta ault . Balanca paatara. l-adrm. aoml-modara boma, laraa bam, aprlna watar, aoma chick ana, durka. cow a rardea tractor ro for I4SM. WILL TAKE SUBURBAN TRADE. IB ACBKH Moatlr Bant aram. crop am. now for 111,000. Nlca i-bdra. moaaro boma, barn, nan haa. Tractor, ate. SEC T. T. ANDERSON FOR A FARM bi3 REAL ESTATE ran mum imwi WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NBBD LIBTINOB: Homes, Parma. Acreage. Businesses, Motor Courts and Taverns. What have youf 2 Bedrooma Plus Basmt. An Ideal location near Parrtih school. Large living room plus fireplace. Fur nace. All modern conveniences. Oa rage. Oarden spot. Lawn and shrub. by 1M ft. lot. owner, oae ieis city. Full prke 110,400. Liberal terms. This Is Not a Misprint! This 1 s fact. 4 -bedroom bouse In very good location. Modern, with an extra lane lot. owner nas m. cut and U very anxious to gall. Sep. utility room. Oil heat. Att. garage. Nice lawn and shrubs. ruU prke only MIM. Drastically Reduced S-eedroom homo all on one floor. Oil beat. Very cloae to store, bu serv ice and achool. inauiaiea. rvo. at. Owner leaving city. Storm windows, Only 1 yrs. old. Very good surrounding nomas. Reduced to gio.evu. WOULD YOU LIKE to ba able to walk downtown If -essery? If ao, let ua ehow you this 4-bedroom house with a beautiful yard. For only M00 down. Pull price only MMO. Haa garage. Fruit treea. 70 by ISO- foot lot. LAUNDRYETTE And a eood one. The machines, dry ers, etc.. ara Just like new. Modern bide, with very comfortable living quarters. Flu a modern t-bod room hnitaa which the owner Ms renting. Ideal for seml-retlred couple. Full price for evarythlng only 114.900. May consider exchense for a farm or acre age. Dandy Motel and Home This property ta very clean. Joins the campus of good achool. The furniture la In excellent condition. 3 double unlta. A aintle nntu. nlua the home with an apt. overhead. Not too much work but a good money-maker. Owner will accept a duplex a part payment. Full prke 131.000. APARTMENT TRADE ll unlta lnel. the manacer'e Cjuar (era. A very good location foe rentals. All unlta completely furntahed. A eil operating property. Concrete and etuc co construction. Net annual Income MOOO. Will exchange for Baltm prop erty. What have youf Full price 185,000. Garage and Gen. Mdse. This ta a dillv. rise been a very good noney-meker. Gasoline. Rapair shop. Accessories and parts. Merchandise. Flu a very good completely retrodelpd tttxtfrn home. Evarythtna goes for tii.iwo. Owner will accept another property aa part payment. 10 ACRES Very cloaa In. Modern S-bwlroom home in very good condition. Ma chine ehd. Rem. Chicken home. 01 Pvd. rd. Close ta achool. Ner Salem. Oood well. Pull price anly ,K"' $800 DOWN At. thta 1A aera tract. Modern house Very fine view. Cloae to Salem. Oil heat. Resement. School bus. Ptd. it PuU price only l-Mf Setter hurry. 40 ACRES With i under cultivation. Some fruit. Very good modem 3-bedroom houae with beiement, Furneee. 34 by 40 barn. Chkken house. Brooder hoiwe. i.Ktp aaraaa. Owner forced to sell. Only miles from Salem. Pull prke atrntw Term If delred For Bualnees Qppnrtunlttes and Boma call for RAY ORlMSsrri-r j-4-.wi m UR KICK, IN A itve. 4ft44l Of MR rDAWPORD Ee. 4-M10i or DAN maaK Kve. 4-)J) LICFNSBD IN OREGON, WASHINOTON AND lUAHa. MORTOAOB LOANS 30-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ottlre Phones: 4-1111 ar 114 1.0. Phanea- i-4"4. 4 4i4. 4-o:o. 4-jMi ar 1-71:1 t loin Portland Rnad Dial 4-4494 1 1 tf:jT i REAL ESTATE ENGLEW00D BEAVTY, Corner Itot, $8950 Horaa' a bama addraaa ron'U ala with prlda. whara wta and chlldran ara waltoaad. Nlca twa-aodrooa boma IB Eulrwoad. Autamatu all baaL war aat call Chat tar apaalalmasl ta aaa. Maka ollia aa 4owa par maaL TWO BEDROOM (Approximately 12 Acre) You'd attar draam aa much too Id aaal aa llula. alaa laraa aaraaa and alllltr room. Beautiful traunda with lou at abruaa lacatod aortb alow iB.'Owaar a aalraaalr aoiMNia ta aall. talla aa ta taka affar aa full mica and tarr law dowa raraant will bandla. Wbr aat aall Chat Bow , far appolBtaaal la aaa. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Yaa. a aaarlr aaw Ibraa-aadraam boma with hardwood floora. varr w.U locatad cloaa t acheoia. Owaar a aut af town, lmmadtata ac aupaBar aaa ba raura. lor fall Inforaauaa aall Mr. Ttbbttta. GRADE "A" DAIRY 4 aeru with thraa.btdroaai haaa, laraa machlBa ahad. ll.atanchloa barn, laaflai ahad with yw aa. laat, I alio, fun af aram anallaia. 14 aaraa parmanant naatura. Si acraa vhaat and barlar. 7 acraa bar. rood wall with 1104 ft. of 4" main Una. lit ft. I" lat.ral. u-haraa .'..clrla Motor. 14 band milk aowa. Now aroaalnt 1404 par month. All machlnarr. aa. bar. aa with aala. Tbla u ana af tba amt dam fanna In allar localad ciaaa la (Eaall, far aPFOlataaat ta ata alaaaa aall Dala RarburB. THE BEST DEAL IN VALLEY Da you want to maka I0.0M per year an a I13.0M investment Owner wanu to retire. Ail you buy la etock and flxturee wholeiale. Booke ara Mb. t auallfted buyer. Owner will aell or give good leaae an etore and heme. Dont' beeiuta on thia one. It werih aaetng. Per appointment to eee, ceil Dale Rarburn. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONE! Two big bedrooma, alee Urge dan. big llvlns teen, nke fireplace, ntee kitchen aud dining room, attached garage, big utility and atoraae room. Beelusion on extra large lot. South five mlnutee from down town. Low taiea. All for M.7M on low down payment. Call Jim. LOW DOWN PAYMT. MOVE RIGHT IN Very neat and clean two-bedroom eloee-ra auburban home. Haa hard wood floore throughout, big living room, nice kitchen with lota of built loa. Good level large lot. Close to achool and bua. Only four yeara eld. loan la tad, waAtheretrlpped, nice ehaka exterior, plaatcr Interior,- cood lerge garage. Owner haa moved away and la very anxloue to aaD. It will pay you to look Into tbla one. RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD REALTORS) 4044 N. Capital Offlaa 1-4444 ar 4-1W Bvanlna Phonaa TlbbiU 1-T4I4 Chat J-4JI4 Jim 1-itTI Dala Rarbura 1-KMt an Grabenhorst Specials BAATT HE OVERLOOKTNO RXVXR M VALLEY One of the beat uT In yeare. Dale, garage, big Uv. and din. rm., all-birch kitchen, auto, diahweaher, hdwd. fire., auto, all heat, lee. playroom on main floor. Three nice bdrma., tree Ax patio. You couldn't aik for anything mora. Brand new. Be the flrat to aaa. 111.600. CALL ROY B. PERR1S NOTICE! PRICED WITH TERMS POR AN IMMEDIATE BALE Bub urban ranch atyle home. Lee. lot 1M z 171. I bdrma Uv. rm. with fire place, din. rm., very convenient kitchen with brkf. nook. Dble. garage, beautiful landscaping. Patio. A family home in a friendly neighborhood. Drive by J047 Btanley Lane then for appt. to sac, CALL H. K. LAYUON MR. INVESTOR Hare la A bualneu bMg. especially suited for .retire ment or a a "security Inveatment. Corner lot in excellent miilneM area. 3-story bldg., well leaiied. approx. fitxlOO lot. Income M53 per month. Price 179.500. POB DETAIIaB CALL C. L. GRABENHORST NEAT BUEURB AN Close In, convenient to bug and school. 3 bdrma., with unfinished attic, Uv. rm. haa nlca fireplace, dinette, kitchen and bath, attached g erase. M3M. CALL J. B. LAW ' NICE LOCATION - NORTH EAST Excellent 3-bdrm. home, hdwd. lira., fireplace. Ice, utllltr room, 3 bathroom, dbla. garaxa, auto, oil ' heat, petto. Trees, lee. level lot. Approx. 10M j. ft- of living apace and aa euut ending value at llft.000. CALL ROY 8. FERRIS HIGHLAND OR BT. VINCENT (SCHOOL DISTRICT 3 bdrme., Ur. tm. with fireplace, dining Tm., kitchen with brkf. area. Convenient utility rm.. oU furnace. Price ftMOO. immediate possession , CALL H. K. LAY MON H. F. Laymon 1-8113 J. V. Law 3-1113 Boy Perrls 3 M10 c VIEW Just completed, this modern homo has a large living room with fire- - place, dining room, convenient kitchen, bath with tub and shower, auto matic oil beat, dbla. garage. 113,100. Teyas. Call Mr. Anderson V ECONOMY & CONVENIENCE Look what 16.500 win get you. Two-bedroom home on North isth with living room, kitchen and dining area comb., bath, utility room, la re a gar aee. Might consider trade for 3-bedroem home with fleplac. Call Mr. Keene. KINGW00D SPECIAL New home to excellent dlatlct. Two big bedrooma, living room with firspiace, dining aoem, kitchen and nook, oil forced air furnace, large lot. Bea this floa homo today. 113.400. Terms. Call Mr. Parsons. ONLY $8,750 Her le a dandy auburban home on a lane lot. South, It haa living room, dialog room, kitchen, bath and two bedroom, garage with extra room on rear, nlca neUhiMrhood. call Mr. Parsons. SUBURBAN VARIETY STORE Building 30 z 41, lease $110 per month for three years, with option for five more. You buy the modern equipment for M.000. Plus inventory Which Is about 14,100 at present. CaU us; we have a complete liet of the equipment. CaU Mr. Keene. . EAST ENGLEW00D This ta one of those homag you have admired tn the beautiful new Bnxiewood dtMriet. It has 3 large bedroom, lovely living room with fireplace, a kitchen you will love, tile bath, ell furnace. 1MW. Terms. - CaU Mr. Anderson. C. V. KENT. &.CO. REALTORS tat norm unurcn a. Eves.: Anderson 3-1144, Keene S-gOtt, REAL ESTATE K K DADDY TRANSFERRED Mama wants to Join him, ut us show you the extra nice 3-bdrm. home with lovely living rm., big kitchen with dinette space. The bedroom are good- sited with lot of closet space. A nice fireplace for the winter months. Also tile bath. Hardwood floors. Insulated At weatherstrtpped. Locatd en a cor ner lot M x 160. only 4 yeare old. JiMtt I blocks to school. Price M4M. Best of terms. Family Has Outgrown Thia Home Smalt down and IM per month en thu S-yr.-otd 3-bdrm home with hard wood floors, blc kitchen with lota ef built-lna. Insulated, aad Venetian blind. Price MM0. 3 BEDROOMS Only 4 years old with 14M K ft of floor space. Hardwood floor, Venetisn blinds, forced air heat, nice ftrepleca, inside utility, double garese. Big doe etc in extra large bedrooms. Convcn knt kitchen, located on 3' acres of best soil. Price 410,000. Term. L E. KLUMPP,, Realtor MM Portland Rd. Eva.: 3-SU4 or MM. Ph. 3-1143 c!93 . IT'S A STEAL! Only I9M0 for a new 3-bedroom house all on one floor. Beautiful hard wood floor. Plumber for eutomatlc wtuher and drrer. Large corner Inside city It mite. Close to grade echooL Jr. high, and hish school. 2-BEDR00M CUTIE without a doubt one of the cutest and most practical homes we have ever altered. Large picture windows In living room and also piemre winoow In dining room. Your dream kitchen mbii true. Plenty of space tor Meek fait eat. Cloae to bus line end close to school. All this far only trnw. HOWELL PRAIRIE BERRY FARM f acres in assorted berries of thorn less variety. All under Irrigation. Best ' sotL Lot fly laree home with full basement. Also l-bedroom tenant houe plua I pickers' cabins. Fully equipped for 17 m Will trade for Salem or Bend property. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hieh Street Phone J-93 Fnona tTtnlnt end Sunday; 4-1971. 4-I2M. 4-MI9. 3-S?4 ClM' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JUL U.N REAL ESTATE HOME Persons 3-1 AOS Phon 4-3293 REAL ESTATE 4 BDRMS. $10,000 Owners want s entailer bouse. Base ment, Ice. lot, cloaa to Ens 1 wood A high school. A dandy family home for th money. SACRIFICE Make us an offer en this pretty little W. Salem home. Out ef town owner must sell. Less then 16.000 will buy It. ZONED TOR COURTS 00 x134' lot. close to Blue Lake Can nery. Ideal for a court. Can be bousht lor 1. M0. Cell Bon Cleary. Walter Musftrave, Realtor 1311 Edgewater Ph. I -SI 59, Eva. 3-9939 cm j NELSON FAIRMOUNT DIST. 4 BDRMA. BASEMENT 4-bdrm. home with basement o tot 03 x 1M. Modernised older home, wood turnece. 1 b.ks. to school, 4 blk. to bu. Beautiful yard A view. Only I7M0. Call Mrs. Woctten. ,Near Morningside School Clean 3-bdrm plastered home, oil fir. furnace, gar., 3 blks. to bus. approx. yrs. eld. lot 1M x 10ft, fruit trees. Immed. poas. Price WW. BARGAIN HUNTERS, ATTENTION II444. I bdrmi. 11 1 X 14 1 end II I ll-.Hvlae room 10 a II with eaeell.nt fplare., dtnlnf room and Inside utll ltr. The lot la 70 I 111 on pvd. street and sewer. A real deal. Cell Al. Walls. I-lllt. Are You Looking for a Business Site? Older tvpo 3-bdrm. home In aone 9. lot 7ft i IM, North Cnm'l. Suiteble for warehouse or distributing business. Reason a bio term. MHO. Call Mr. eVhmldt. 150-Acre Dairy Farm A good paying dairy farm, new milk ing parlor, new concrete stave alio A loeflng ahed IM I M) are Part of the Improvements. A good older l-room house ideal for family. Will trade for motel, residential court, home or other property. Price MS .000. Stock as equipment Included. Nelson & Nelson SFEC1ALIZ1NO REALTOR Tfl N. High Bt- Ph. M4M ei93' SPECIAL NOTICE St era building and 1 bedroom living uarters. Very well leceted In the new C-l aone. ldeel for beeut? shop, barber shop, real estate office, groc ery or service station. Call tor boti Information. J. I LeCUTRC. REALTOR IM B. Capitol Pb- .MW1 C193 Journal Want Ads Pay A I., Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKEBS .AGENCY. . . . SPECIALS -; : L Silverton, Oregon raoma aad bath. 1M aurreat, Cilr waiar. Xdaa af tawa. Aa la. 1 1MB, 4144 I raema and bath, la laad eandltkM, wired, for ranee, electrte water beat er, eta. BUT lot, pleaaant location- You would lit. It. tie dowa I4.1M Duplea. cteea la: ana l-ra and bath. and ana a-rm. and a. lb all aa aaa fleer, few block, from buelaeaa aee. uon. WU1 trade far 1-badraea bama 44.44)4 T-rm. and bath. baaemeBt, furnace. Laraa cornar lot Naar Catholic aburcb. Reduced 'ta 41,404 One acre, all cultivated. Cleea la aa paved road. 1 bulraoaaa. llvtna room, laraa kitchen, utllltr and bath. Oa raae, Chlckea houae. Terr rood aall. noe dowa I. acraa. all cultivated, eleee la. Oood famllr-alied modem heme. Oue.t houae. Barn. etc. Tbl. 14 reeflr a Ilea propertr yeu would enler awa ina r 11 acraa, about acraa cultivated. 4 naa. and bath and utllltr, wired for ranee, etc. Earn and anop. Thia bama baa had extenalvo remodellna. On paved road eloao ta Silverton IT acrea, II aerea tillable. Famll'.er chard. 4 rma. and bath, part baae menk Clilekca bouta. Oaraaa. Larre bara. Terma 14.140 14 acrea. moallr eultlvatad. Cloaa la. Fartlr flalahed lllht reck block bun galow t.eaO 44 acraa, 41 -acrea cultivated. Oood 1-rm. and bath baaement home. New drilled well. A prattr farm and a rood vein 111.000 111 acrea. II acrea Bearlna aut treea. 1-room home and ether build Inae. lloat at thia farm la tlll abl IU.MC Write ar call for our picture folder and propertr aala llat. Bafora rou bur, rent, or aall, CONTACT HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTOIf, OREGON tm' ONE OF THE nkeat auburban Itt acre homea only mile from city N.W. a oea room,, basement. Everytblna In tip top condition. Fruit, nuu, arapea, garden a 1 email pond. Youra for only 111.000. About 11,400 will handle. SEVXRIN REALTY, CALL lta C144 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your propertr la for aala, rent ar exchania. llat II with ua We have all klnde ef caab burare STATB FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 111 S H4b St an. WANTED TO LEASE Vacant bulldlni for tavern, vicinity af Salem. Ph. 171S4. calls HAVE CASH buyer for barber enop. What have you? AL 1SAAK a CO. REALTOR 1011 Portland Rd., Fhona 41111 calll' WE ARB In need af food bouiae ta aaa la ar near Salem If you wlah ta llat your property for aala. eee ORARENHORST BROS REALTORS IS. 0 Llb.rrv Ph 1-1411 ei EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 75 A. RANCH Owner will take your houae or your equity In a home In Salem If the lo cation la la the rliht dlatrlct, aa payment on thia fine farm with (0 acraa In cultivation, I acraa of beaver dem. rood well, also laree aprlnt, eood 4-B R. plaaterad home with basement and furnace, new barn ilia 11 ft.) end loU of other fine bldaa. Thia place a on the Puddlnr nver Fratum. 111.900. 41000 will ban. die. Burt Picha 171 N. HllhSI. aval. 4-1 111 Off. 1-4041 cblll' MUST SELL OR WILL TRADE 40 ac. eood eotl, fair bldaa. Price !4M0. Trade for houae In ar near Salrm. For more Information CALL OSCAR AKDERSTROlf , with JOHN J. DANN, REALTOR 411 N. Ulan Ph. 4-1411 Eve. 1-I11I cblll BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GIANT MERRY Mlxup amusement ride. located at Oregon state Pair at Fair grounds. I4.D00. Inquire Jesse Bcar aone, 1343 Southeast Plavel, Empire 0125, Portland. Oregon. ed!93 TRUCK OPERATORS wan Led. Bxperlenc ed driver over 35 with i00 cash wanted, to purchase new sleeper equipped Ford trucks to haul autos from Ford Motor Company plant at Rich mond, California to dealers In Oregon, Washington,' and Idaho, We furnish trailers. Steady operation with well established firm. Convoy Company. 3900 N. W. Yeon Avenue, Portland 10, Oregon.CApltolOI41. Cdl94 INDEPENDENCE CAB CO. wants to sell buslnees. For details write Indepen dence Cab Co., Independence, Oregon. Phone 73. cdl93 SMALL APARTMENT BOUSE to lease to couple. Good income for right party. Inquire 3700 Monroe Ave. cd!94a Attention A National Corporation Is In t created In the service of ambitious men or women willing to act as Jobbers ef well known product. The work will be of a service nature and no selling will be required. Part time only to start, but excellent opportunity to develap profitable full tlm business with our assistance. You are not required to buy or leas equipment of any kind, but 01380 1 required for merchandise Inventory, eame being re fundable on eny unsold portion after trial period. Permanency of residence, good reference and a car arc neces sary. Tell ua about yourself. Olve phone number. All rt plies will kept confidential. Write Box 193. Capital Journal. CdlM EQUIPMENT AND LEASE at Silver Falls Lodf e. Call 3-8737, cd!97 BrsiNFSft district, apt. house, always rented. Income 1414 mo. Completely turn. Price 134.000. 310.000 down, ar will take in cood 3-br. home up to 89 000. General Real Estate, 331 Cen ter. Phone 3-3389. cd!93a GARAGE. SERVICE STATION and TOW CAR SERVICE, located to small town, biwinejis established since 1913, opera tion statement for 1903 shows net In come In excess of llt price of 814.000. OHMART Aj CALARA. REALTORS 477 Court St. Phone 34110 34118 dl94 FbVYrNT Barber shop, good location. Fh. 3373L cd!93 SUOINEM RENTAL with living auar tars. N. Caaltol. 3-8709 after I P m. cdlOl JOE PAL00KA THTT 1 im run wit in. r 1 I rvt re lucky we V 1 WOw n l"t' 1 f JctTHefs a excuse rtsue 7TZTlrl BROUGHT IT OUT ANY- CAM REALLy USS 1 TM' PLACE LOCS CAU. fOK.tOU.jT 6, -Cj T (HAD I lM.f?i.w rVAV...6e...I NevER THrS MUCH, I TRIfFlC.AN' I -W KNOBey. J C PUT THAT IUSINKSOPJRNIJJES LVN BEAVTY anap lar "J: room, ra - .. : BAKERY FOR BALE ' UM, ReaaaBabla Urma ar will traa. I- -... WUI Uk. aar m a par..ot. CaU 4-1114. ,f ', MCikiElC B. lajrOME pujii-... J - INCOMPLETED HOhtE and BUSINEnS. 7: ...... ...UDd ta complete, la HUBBARD. Ore. Larre fronlaae en ..till, til-war HE Sea elan. DUNN Mil Bea. Vdbur.. 0,m. Faclflc "...r North. Fh. 1-1411. ceiai WANTEOiyNrTURE :3 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SICE IFOTTED Shetland ponr. l-rar-ald. Taraa If raura credit la rood. 4-1114. ' - OtiEBNIEY cow for aala. 4 ".,"; RL 4. BOB 134. 1111. "!! HOBBE-l-rear-old flUr. Saddla Oantla. 1117 State Bt. barae. a 144" LIVESTOCK WANTED a ati ait v-vWhitt face -deref ord. 34c. Locker porx eee, nomma - o. to roy. cusrom auuiian, loaned tree. Salem Meat Co. 133 s enth Fh I-4PM RABBITS A YOINO BUCK, II: bred doea, II cuid Aiao e-rrvre, juim xiw.wM, DOES AND Bucke, California alralB k " ,0101. PETS . FARAREET bablc, and breeder. 1140 Llv- lnvaten. Ph. 1-1443. cciv. WANTED Oood home for nice .payed Peralan cat. Freler la counsij. 4-1114. ti "r. avavtr, ...latered ARC Black P.1BI1. 22&B aimpaon. n.... t-WEEKS-OLD coiae pup. ekcellent with children. Phone 4-11M. WANTED Female Pol Terrier, sot ref Istered. Fh. mil. BOXES Female, I montha, aara "opped and ehou, 175. rn. jew,. CHAMPION BRED BOXER PUPPlca. ev. ery pup potential cnampion. ewn Tropical Fish, parakecu, Turtle eup pllee. 1 mllee from Lancaster on Macleay voad. 4-1111. Closed weonea. dey OC1I4 LADY MOLLY, reelstertd coU'.e haa four puna lor aala. Ml B. Judaoa St. Ph. 11114. BEAGLE FI!P. C. L. Nlcol Rt. I. Bo 1A Silverton. Near Fratum on Meyer Road. Ji; REoisTERFD .Irilala puppies. Ideal ehlld'a pet. hunter or waub dor. Phone 1-4011. Ill N. llnd. aclll flOLLTWOOD AQUARIUM 1154 McCor. ane block eaet of N. Capitol. lVe blorke north of Madison. Ph. 1-4111. ecl04" FUEL August Special Planer ends green or dry - 3-cord load, lift. Out of town deliver.. WEJ3T SALEM FUEL CO. 11S33 Edtewaler. Ph. 3-4031 c-306' HAND PICKED 18" slab wood. 1 cords 114. Pnone Anderson. 1-7701, 4-43. 11 -e' FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatching New Hampshire Oold en Broad and Arbor A:r- White Rock, every week. Special prices to year around fryer growers. Fox's Hatchery, 383 D. State St. Phone 3-49M. f WHITE CORNISH Game Chkks, ac claimed the true fryer of tomorrow, now available to commercial fryer growers. Processors pay premium price for this bread double-breasted fryer. Quantities limited and it un available, try the next best, our first generation Arbor Acre White Rocka. Year-round hitches every Thursday. Also. New Hampshire. LEE'S HATCHERY 1310 Center Street Ph. 3-3881 fl94 SIX GEESE Call Amity 3231. J. D. Mc Klnney, Rt, 1, Box MS Salem. f!93 PRODUCE BALED ALTA fescue straw, heavily fer tilised, lonage green, excellent suiii.r, 110 per ton In field. Frank McKen non. 14 mile south Prlnxle school on Bat tlee reek Rd. Phone Salem 43337. ffI93 FOR BALE Oravenateln apples II. TO bushel and less. Ph. I-4BM. If 194- YELLOW MATED cantaloupe from Yak ima Valley. Also fresh green corn. Oreen Apple Market, 3 miles north on 9E. 11190' ATTENTION PRODUCE Ut Fruit Grow ers. Peacii. and tometoe lues It lb. capacity. For sale, ac each at our yard. Ml B E. Oak atreet, Portland 14. Oreg. Tel. 7937. Coma In and visit Why dont youH. J. Know lee. HltrV GOOD WUEAT strew, ready to rake and bale. 86 ton. 3-3380. ffl93 PEACHES Folks, those delicious tree-ripened Improved Crawfords and Golden Jub ilees are now ready at Jess Mathls orchard and fruit stand. mile north of Salrm on 99E highway. MEHAMA GARDENS opens Friday, Aug. 14. featuring home-grown carrots, wax beans, new red epuds, broccoli. beets. Also pickling cukes: free dill with orders. H ml. W. Mehama on old hi way. I1197 GRAVENSTEIN APPLES, Phone 3-03 10. $1.31 A bushel. II 194 FICKL1NO CUKES fresh dally from our farm field run Ac pound. Organically grown potatoes, red or white. Peaches now on market. Phillip Rros. Farm Market, ftiM Portland Rd.. Salem.. Phone 34813. ff EXCI'-LENT OATS . and vetch bay, never reined on. wire baled. 833.00 per ton. 3 Ml. N.W. ef Kelser Beta. Call 3-9301. 4-1046. 3-3384. ff!93 HELP WANTED MEN AND WOMEN to work on our hop plrklnr machine. Sl.rtlna Auiuet IT. Day and nleht work. Located 4 miles north of Salem on the River roadI call Salem 4-111 or 4-1111. Mission Bottom Harvester. a FRY-COOK wanted. Speedway Roatau rant. 1170 Center St. HELa WAMTIP TEAN PICKERS ReaUter bow for plcklat. U aew rerd if trailed beana. Blutln. about in? M. Welch true apaae for aaact atirtlBE data. Oo- caaB. 1 D F. htfCailM a Bon. RL 1. Boa I 41L Or.aon. ar arlra aut allee H ulb Rlr roed ar t -Ilea -ai "ln7."nd.nca. Tble U . af lb. ..I i..'. better rarda and camp. p. F. Ma- S u a aa. Rt. 1. Bo. all. Bal.a. Orraoa. Fhoaa aldependenca 1IP1. Bill HELP WANTED FEMALE, WA1TSEAA WANTED Night ahlfU AP w . Mat mtutaurant. ply in mernuwa. .him. gbltl 1171 aiaia. BABYSITTBB whUe aiotner '!, .r.!.v.tlo aall 1-4541. - " Pot WANTED-Rcalatered auraaa. Oanerai iVtr la email laneral . a .uv. aami. an Dual tncreas- m Plua 1 mtal per day and hospital ts Srenl. Apply M Mrs, Oladr. R- .haaar ailWVrlOta DU'lH " : Oiaaon. rlvlne aaparlence and raler 10 In r rat latter, ar m y...--. m. to 1 p week dare. Bbllt faaT-TIME etena and calculator opera ' t" f Boa 114. CUtal Journal EXFER1ENCE waltraaa wanted. l-lttl. ablll' Oleae Front ceie. Fast tTp,.. and ! operator, rt.pir -u .hiaa nal. St,D TO .-W.ltB l.Mrjl houaebold dunce na .... --i.,,,.- tn. camrortaoia .' 7 :. . roam, oeneraua time aft. oood' .area and eoelnl aecurltr cav.r ZTi Mrmanenl employee. Apply Oreron State Employment Service, p.rrv St.. Salem. 110 rblll WAITBEBB wanted. Apply Faarlaea Bak ery, no. . woni'"...""' t . MKEBY'ialealioy k"?'J ,U leee ..... - ,.,. J .. . n d rmn vnialH evvnua ... h. day rri..n. oieaaeD. permanenL I'M P.M. - contact jeiw.. " ' a oo P.M.. FRIDAY, at tn. MARION HOTEL. Iblll1 "m,. ...;., work. Uva In. Ph. r , . n Ti . or 1-1411 after ,.,,, - , IblH, WOMAN EOB chUd are. houiework. Live In. Fh. Very llaht 14117 eve Iblll' nines or week ends. CHILD ATTENDANT tor hurejry achool not over II yeare of aee. Wrlle Bo ... ..nit.i Jeurnal eivlni aee and "::;; abi WANTED POSfTlONS a.,... REMODLE1NO cervlea and structlen. Anythlna from naw con- foundation to nee roof. 4-1521. orma arranied. pnoni niv. neair.NCED CLEANINO. laundry work, by hour, Eood telerencee. Fhone WOULD LIKE M do lionlno In KT home. WANTED Oarden work by Phone a-iaoa avcn.nia. aiwriwri Interior, exterior. Mcciain " ' . . a aaraaa a I.ISAB " bin .aim. niNI nreftlnc. 411 CenUr Bt. .t H eh. Fhona 3-BOJU. anTOTILLINO Middle Orove Nuraery, 4110 SIlvertoB ito. rnvn, YOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom, cell lnea and wans waaneor . call i-lllt. hlOO' RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will 10 daya or nlanta. rnone j-ev... LOU'E TREE SERVICE II yeara aaper . . feedlne. eabllna. br.C' in. 'toDoinr. lnaured operator, call 1-1511. nl'' CHILD CARE In my home, Enllewood .ti.trlrt. by hour, day ar week. Call renin CARE Enrlawood dlatrlct. 1000 ii lath, uil Bertie Johneon. 1-4141. blM1 iieriaa. PAPER henllnf. 4eT .antr.cL SmaU Joke welcome. Phone KXFRR1ENCED tynkt-bookkeeper, work m hnmi reasonable. Phon 33328. hl90 LIGHT CRAWLER dosing. dtTt level. ing. grading, rnone r.207 aata svAMT.INf.. painting. Fra tinataa. Don leueero. ro. SPRAY PAINTINO PHONE 4-03, 3-3391 bill LAN MOWERS. SCISSORS, Clipper haadx. etc.. ahATpeneci. umirsi mw tr nanalr let Oflrth. Phone 1-18M. hJ09 LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work Service Center. Phon -33j. FOR RENT orriCE space Inoulra at lot S Hleh Phonv l-llli. FOR RENT OR LEASE Hall suitable h.trph ladee or Whet hBVO you. i for Im. mediate poueaslon. Rent anly 171 par m.nth. Al lsaak. Realtor. Ph. 4-131 1114' .anna wavahousa anaca for rent leaae Cement floora. brick bulldlni n.,n town. Inoulra R. L Stiff Fur nlture Co Phone I-11H i iToWNTOWN FARR1NO by month. Mar lon Peed end Seed Ca, 111 Ferry M. Phone 1-4144. il For-flASB 110 to IM feet frontaie on Edeewater St.. Weel Salem Ira J Pitt., ph 18401 !,.e,,.''a..' WANTED TO RENT INSURANCE EXECUTIVE moving to Salem, permanent position, desires to rent 3-bedroom home. Plea call Ore gon Farm Bureau Federation, 4-338T, between 8 a.m. and I p.m. 113 WANTED TO LEASE with option ta buy. two or three-bedroom home, by Sept. 15th. Location west or south Salem. Phona 3-8078 mornings. Ial94 DESIRE TO RENT or lease 3-bedroom home, unfurnished, with basement, prefer Leslie achool district. Respon sible. Will clve excellent car. Refer ence. 3-7841. .0193 WANTED About September 1st, nke 1 bedroom house with etove, refrigerator. 4-6894. FURNISHED 1 or 3-bedroom house, by reliable couple. Preferably east. 34689. tal93 FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE ROOM cloaa bulldlnaa. Ill N. Winter. to etate ikior ATTRACTIVE ROOM Rltchen prlylleaee. Elderly or worklni lady. Phone 3-7131. 11111. SLEEPING ROOM, for 1 ar 1. 740 N Church. Phone 1-4111. Iblll- FOR RENTHOUSES ' ALMOST NEW 3-bedroom house. Elec trie range, hardwood floors, automa tic heat, Insulated. 3330 Maple Ave. Jml93 NEWLY DECORATED 3 bedroom duplex stova and water furnttneo, garese no 3M0 Center. Jml93' 0-BOOM UNFURNISHED upper duplex. Basement, garage, neat. 700 B. com mercial. 4-S613. jmlOS lhurdy, aukurI FOR RENT H0USES BtaROOM BO LIE atd, auacbed aa ieae. 4 reare eld. eavctrU beat. )- ill., eiat ef new caurthauM. an But, rjir-anth. N.J-U. C'M.r ;j 4111 State. Fh. I-Q44I. im - - ream, nnuifc-j:. - u available tat aea. temaei. IMU.. NEWLY DECORATED I ,'f'0O- ..... in batamaat. 114 s. Owena - - - - . . .it. St. FhOBO l-H". - BOOM leraea houae. Mil '.--?,; Fhona 4-UU. SMALL tinfuniUbad l-bedroom boma. alee Yard and paua. aic .. wlthl. welklna dlelanee al rtata houa. jutrlf. and .to" tutu. Fban. aOMO LABOE room house, a vmu ; AM. Fnona j-aa. . ".Aatat niTaR. all furnace, fir apiece. baaement. Adult. 1331 N. 4th. JmlM LARGE 3-bedroom "v'ilJiif' tOWS SDOPSms - taViaK CLEAN, OLDEB I Bedroom nome, ..- duat Baal. e- . Realty. 1040 N. Capital. 4-llil. im' BEDBOObl modem boma. 4411 Bunny vlew. 441 month. lmlll NEWLY DECORATED UBIurnuaoa one bedroom nome. rnoo. ....... LESLIE-BtcKINLEY District, amejl coay homo lurnianeo. bouim. - Mill. ruBNIlHED. 1 room duplai, HO. 8a l. Fhona 1-4101. imies at 140 university - BEDROOM partly lurnlahad. EW.rly ,r worklaa couple. 110 Mahrl Ave. . r.FM,i. Ph. 41141. 1" nils' FOR RENT APARTMENTS j tJOOLBAIEMENT ap.rtmeBl. vmfur- -l.hU. I. DilVB.. . irui f.r electric etove. Prefer em ployed lady. Very taaacoabie. evenlnre. 11044. Cell Jplll" ARE YOU LOORINO for a vary attrac tive court apar.niv-. ----1 bedroom, bath. Uvlnl room, kitchen. ,10,.. refrlaerator. Call 11711 or aea it 140 So. 17th and Mill. 1P' .boom furolihed apartment, private bath. beat, neiriaerai... ... Hleh. 1PI94 ATTRACTIVE 1 rooma. AU """"M- Cloae IB. rteeeoneww.. Inquire la rear 170. - JP107 ST THB ELAINE, mnuisw; room, kltenen. cunett. bethT 154. Free laundry fadlltlee n central beat. 171 North Uberiy. CLOSE IW I rooms lurnlebew, Utllltl.a PaUL 141. 100B3. CHEAP RENT, redecorated apartment. Wood ranis, urouna iwr. JplW LARGE 1-BEDROOM uniurnisnea pill. 410 rarry a. re- jaiaea IBi.ib 1-rm. boueokoepins ap... iuiu.. Ineludlni rer. t-iose . north, sea Burt Picha. 171 N. Hieri. at. 1-404L 'P'; DOWNTOWN Ut floor. 1 room, bath. private entrance. ov. 1 ATTRACTIVE, leen. furnUhed apart- menta, cloaa in, ruvai. .u... . bath. Bleetrle etove. refrlreralor and waahlni facllltlea. Nlca bed.. J4J Union. Ph. 4-1441. Ull COURT APARTMENT. Close la an N. Commercial. 3 rooma a a--a. 11141 or 11144. J1"L ATTRACTIVE UNFURNISHED APTS. I rooma and bath lauto. all heat, tarbare and water furnished) - 110 and l a month. Cell 1-Hli. 1HM VERY NICE unfuralehed a-aearoom apartment. . . i.m. '--fruerator, waahlni machine and water turnlahed. Phone 11444. JPlH FURNISHED apartment Cloaa to eteia olllcea. rnone e-ee... 1 ROOM furnished apt. 107 K. Liberty Jplll NICELY FURNUHED baeement. unii- tlee. Prlvata oatn ana 410 So. 10th. IplM" NEAT 1-ROOM turn. apt-, eonvenlsncee. reasonable, one r ... cnitol. After noon. JPita EXTRA NICE, lark., clean, modern, a- rouna iiddt. I-ROOM lurnUhed apt, private '" Utllltlee. t;ioee in. -----. moVeTnunpurnisheii i 4-room, IJked room apartment. 1140 So. 11th. )plll v .r.utaevn ant., priv ate bath, cloaa In. 10 S. CommercUI. MODERN F11RNI1HED two-bedroom du pica, taraia. Inoulra 1110 awaiaaaBt. NICELY FURNISHED apartmanu. bassador Apta. K0 No. Summer Am-IP- CLEAN. SMALL, furnished apartment, rifl.n.taira. For emolored lady. lltB Bo. cotlail. )P114' mauianfn an.rtmant. Clean. 441 TJn. Ion Bt. 130.00 per mourn. JP1I7" SEVERAL furnished apartmenU. eood location. Inoulra H- U Stiff Furniture. Phone 1-0148 IT:. ,i.u.rrirrfrr" BUSINESS RENTALS STORE OR OFFICE SPACE in new build ing. 14iSo!j3th.' 3-0332. jol9T BUILDING IN Hollywood, approximately M sq. feet. M0 a month. Call Raw Una Ralty.3-4884. or 4-1781. jo oixVG ROUND FLOOR Office at 335 N. High St. on least, 8131 per month, plus tenant improvements. CaU 3-M95 ,101 93 BUILDING FOB BENT at 1891 So, Com mercial. Tina location for dentist or doetorPhJ-HrL J184, CROUND FLOOR office or store apaeo for rent, can ai niu r"..l.. LOST & FOUND LOST: Mala Brlnde Bulldog Licence No. kl93 3410. Reward, uau ... LOST Red cocker male. years old. Ph. 34AM or kl3- named Fenny, itewara. 39181 MISCELLANEOUS SEE-HIVE mucus c-drivb . MOVE YOURSELF SAVE CAR RENTALS - STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION II COURT ST. PHONE I-1M1 PAOB STEVENSON Bad AL MEFPORD LI SAND a GRAVEL COUP Contract Work , Road Clearlnl DltehlBI Sewer end Buement Equipment Rental Dttehlm by tba Foal Phone Daya 1-1401 Ivea 1-4411 or 1-1411 Salem, oreion ALE OR TRADE tor late modal blrkun, 1 pair mistered Chinchillas, with or .about youni. Bos 111, capital Jour nal, mill DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOST CASKS " DR. HARVEY SEULER. DENTIST . Adolpb Ride Stale a Commercial sta. SALEM PR l-llll . By Ham Fisher AN-i