Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 13, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Thursday. Augwt 13, 1933
Pace IT
Tele -
jQ-g Radio-Television
.d SuJ-"- "Hidden Enemy, "h w
Toymsker :. The old German Toymaker brines hit
ire", .how! yUn' f h"rt on thi, llv chii! j
Northwest Newi Digest, 5:11. Features Norm Wallace
newscaster with Bill Stout sport, reporter Inrcommentator:
nTlive""1 W"lh" round-uP y Wallace local
Cisco Kid, f.
Hunllnf and Fishier, New., ill. Rudy Lachenmeier
brings news of Interest to the outdoor fan local and live
Drag-net. 7:3. Detective Sgt. Joe Friday is assigned to I
investigate the mysterious disappearance of a 38-year-old '
The Unexpected. "The Professional Tnnrh" .i.e. vi.
ginla Gray and Carlton Young. Dr. Henry Tully, an eminent
toxlcologist, is in love with a woman psychiatrist but they can
not lee eye to eye with the basic problem, of existence. The
frustrated doctor is finally driven to murder.
Ford Theatre, 8:30. "Something Old, Something New"
tar. Jackie Cooper and Wanda Hendrix a. young bridal couple
whose plan, for living happily are upset by blond threat
Barbara Lawrence.
Ethel Barrymore Theatre, :J0. "Winter And Spring"
star. Charles Coburn as Julius Winter who has gone through
fi5 year, of hi. life without holding a steady Job. He inherit,
a- ten-year-old niece who drives him to employment ... as
a baby-sitter. .
Wrestling from Hollywood, It. Sailor Fred Blassie tangle,
with All Pasha in semi-main event. Jack McDonald meets
singing Sandor Szabo In main event.
i Nite Owl Theatre, 11. "Thirteenth Man" with Weldon
Hayburn and Inez Courtney.
: What'. Cooking? :30. Cooking .how with Barbara An
gell vegetable plate cheese shredded wheat marble cup
J United Nation. General Assembly, 12:3t. Selection of
representatives to the political conference which will con
sider fufure Korean settlement.
Matinee Theatre, I. "She'. In The Army" with Marie
Wilson, Veda Ann Borg, Lyle Talbot and Lusllle Gleason.
! ToymakerJ 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings his
tales of toy. to delight the young of heart on this live chil
dren', .how.
All-Star Football Game, 5:30.
1 , Doorway to Danger, S. Agent Coug Carter 1. almost
caught In the murderous rivalry of two bootleggers
i The Goldbergs, 8:30. Jake's uncle Barrish visits the Gold
bergs. Almost everyone fall, in love with uncle Barrish . . .
uncle David. Eventually both men decide to leave.
Wrestling by Heidelberg, 10. Local, live remote telecast
originating from the Portland Armory.
Nite Owl Theater, 11:45. "Behind the Mask" with Kane
Richmond and Barbara Reed.
! On Television
KPTV (Channet 27)
pBn.4srcb for Tomerre
f.ak Lova f Lit
p.lil To
rm. Howdy Doodr
p.m. Variety Roundup
p.m. Rbnit Rider
p.m. Newt pa per of Air
p.m. Tim for BetiiT
p.m. ?tico Kid
p.m. Hunt Iob and Fliblni
pjgw Newi Caraem
p.m. Oroueho Miri
p.n. Dragnet
p.Bb Tb Unexpected
p.m. Pord Thsattr
P.m. M.rt In rant, Dctortlvo
p.m. Kthal Barrnnor
p.m. Hollywood Rasiiiai
p.m. Nil owl Thtmttr
Motorola, Dumont, Hoffmin. ICA
Yalley Television
2303 Falrgroundi Bd. IK.M91S
n V Beforo too Bay
ft Ua Baal Daal im Towa
Factory Trslwod TorhateUaa
Opaai On... p.m.
Daily Except latarday
III a.m. What Cook In it
ll:0t a.m. Bit Payoff
1 1 :3ft a m. Wekoma Travel!?
IJ OO a.m. On Your Account
3:4t p.m. Law! t pi Choice
I W p.m. Double or Nothing
1:10 p.m. etrik It Rich
1:00 p.m. Matinee Theater
S:1S p.m. Search for Tomorrow
1:30 p.m. Love of Ufa
1:41 p.m. Toymaker
1 11 p.m. All Star Football Game
100 p.m. Doorwar to Danitr .
I:3I p.m. OoMberia
.:M p.m. Chance of Lifetime
1:11 p.m. Bob CotuMlne
41 p.m. Vt Pocket Theater
10:01 p.m. Portland Wreitllm
tl:l p.m. Nile Owl
Jury Now Scouter
l Albany Kenneth R. Jury,
professional Scouter for two
year, and a teacher and coach
for 12 years, has been named
Calapooia district field Scout
executive replacing Clarke
Lethin, it was announced to
day by Gordon Gilmore, Cas
cade area council head. Lethin
left the Calapooia district,
which has headquarters in Al
bany to become Scout execu
tive for the Alaska territory.
CORRECTION! Due to a Market Change
Offers You a Still Lower Price on Quality Beef
u. 2AW
Phillips' Reunion
Held at Dallas
Dallas The Phillips family
reunion held Sunday in Dallas
Citv Park drew representatives
of the family from Texas, Cali
fornia, Washington and widely
separated sections of Oregon,
Members of the family at
tending the reunion included
Mrs. W. S. Jost and Ray Jost
of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Hughes and their daughters
Kathryn and Mary of Eugene;
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Smith of El
mira; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Kin
dall and their daughter Jacque
line of Brookings; Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Phillips and their sons
Stephen, Bobby and Donald of
Portland: Mr. and Mrs. Tracy
1 Staat and Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Staats and children June,
'Irvine and Steven of Dallas;
Dr. and Mrs. T. P. Staats and
sony Phillip of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. Van Crider and chil
jdren Joe, Sally and Ruth of
I Monmouth; Mrs. Eugenia Coats
I of Temple City, California;
Mrs. Claud Huston, Mrs. Jean
Dobbs and Shirley and Bobbie
Dobbs; Mrs. Jane Rawlins and
Tom Carol and John of Hepp
ner; Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Rix of
Orchard, Washington; Mrs.
Paul Rix and daughters Mary,
Judith and Vera of San An
tonio, Texas.
Dr. and Mrs. Ben Phillips of
Portland; Dr. and Mrs. T. D.
Phillips and Carol of Oswego;
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lawless and
children Kathy, Patrick and
Carol; Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Shaw
of Walla Walla, Washington
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cormier,
and Mrs. Rollins of Lebanon;
Mark Thomas and John Jones
of Portland.
Sunnyside The Sunnyside
school will open September 14.
Teachers for the entire year
will be Mrs. Carl Carlson, prin
cipal, Mrs. Louise Johnson and
Mrs. May Chittenden. The
contract for building the new
addition to the school house
will be open for bids the latter
part of August.
Arm Cuf Blade Cuts Rumps
S -mw ... a 1 t 1
"aw . vr r m a t I
William J. Willis of Melrose Park, a suburl. of Chicago,;
sits trapped on bis motorcycle after he was caught between
a bus and an auto at an intersection in Chicago. Willis
told police that he and his wife, who were riding on the
cycle, were thrown against the bus by an auto. No one
was seriously injured. (AP Wlrephoto)
Woman Hurt in
Albany Wreck
Albany A two-car colli
sion at Nintn avenue ana
Maple street late yesterday
sent a local woman to the Al
bany General hospital for
treatment but she was the only
one of five persons involved
who was injured.
Hurt was Mis. Edith Marie
McConnell, 1107 Vi West Tenth
avenue who suffered mainly
from bruises and shock. ' It
was expected by her physi
cian that she could leave the
hospital today.
Mrs. McConnell was driving
west on Ninth avenue when
her car rammed the car driven
by Theodore Walton Chap
man, 418 W. Fourth avenue,
who was crossing Ninth ave
nue headed south on Maple.
Chapman stated that he fail
ed to see the stop sign at live
intersection because it was ob
scured by a fir tree.
Lebanon Teacher
Leaves for France
Lebanon William Baldwin,
principal of Green Acres school
for the past three years, has re
signed his post and left Leb
anon Wednesday for France.
He will be civilian instructor
of education for departments
of air force personnel at Chau
mont Force Base.
Baldwin was flowki from
Portland by the Air Force. He
will arrive this week-end at
his new location.
No replacement has been se
cured for his vacated post in
Lebanon, according to James
W. King, superintendent of
Albany .High to Set
Cornerstone Sept. 26
Albany Laying of the
cornerstone of the new high
school building under con
struction on the Stadium site
for Union High school district
No. 8 has been set for Sept. 26
and will be accompanied by a
program conducted by the
Mason, of Oregon.
The general plan wa. an
nounced today by Arthur E.
Kreiver, worshipful master of
St. John's lodge No. 17, AF&
AM, Albany. In charge of the
program will be the grand
master of Oregon Masonry,
Thomas E. Lampkin of North
The Mediterranean cock
roach usually lives outdoors,
entering houses at night.
t m - aw a
iBy The Amoclated Pre.'
Aamirt Corporation.
, nit
Allied Chemical
A11U Chiimer
American Airline
Amerlcaa Power Llgh...
American Tel. k Tel.
American Tobacco ..... ..
Anacondft Copper
Atchison Railroad
.. n
.. B
.. icH
.. 134.
.. 1
.. 0
.. li
.. 14
... V
Bethlehem Steel ...
Boeinn Alrplalne Co
Bon Warner . ..
Burrow Addlnt Hachknt...
California Packing
Canadian Pacific
Caterpillar Tractor
Celanete Corporation ......
Chrysler Corporation
Cltlea Service
Consolidated Boteon
Consolidated Vuiuo ......
Crown Zellerbaen .
Curtlsa Wrtiht
Douiiaa Aircraft ,
Du Pont de Nemours .,
Eastman Kodak
Emerson Radio
... n
... ii
.. 104
.. 43 V
General Ileclrlo
General Pood
.. as
.. M
General Motors
Oeortia Pae. Plywood
Goodyear Tire
.. 12H
Homes take Mlmnt Co. . .
International Harvester
International Paper . .
John afanvtUa
Kaiser Aluminum
Kennecott Copper ..... .
Libbr McNeil .
Lockheed Aircraft ..... .
tfoewes Incorporated
Lone BU
Montfomerr Ward
Nash Kelvlnator
New York Central
Northern Pacific .
Pacific American Ptsli . ,
Pacific Gaa Eleclrle . .
Paclfie Tel to Trl. ,
Packard Motor Car .... .
Penney, J. C ,
Pennsylvania R. R ,
Pepsi Cola Co
Phllco Radio
Radio Corporation ,
Rayonler Incorp
Rayonier Incorp. Pfd. .
Republic Steel
Reynolds Metals .......
RtchfleKI OH ,
Safewar Stores. Inc.
Seott Paper Co.
Bears Roebuck to Co. ....
Socony Vacuum Oil ......
Rout hern Pacific
Standard OH Calif
Mandard Oil N. J
... UH
... "l
... MW
... 3
... " H
... St
... itv
... w
... SI
... 10
... 38
. .114
... 4
... 11V
... 11
Btudebaker Corp. ty
sunshine Minim
Swift Co. ,
Tr ansa merle a Corp. . ,
, .
, 37'.
Twentieth Century Pox ..
Union OH Company
Unltin Pacific
, 17i
, M'4
. S
. I
. K'4
. l
. I.
. U'a
. Mia
. U4
. H
United Airline
United Alrcrart
United Corporation . ....
United Stales Plywood ...
United States Steel ....
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel
Waatlnthoute Air Brake..
Weitlnthousa Elertrle ...
Wool w or tli
Slarb Markat
N.w York (jPi Th. .lock m.rkat ad
vanced Thuradar kut bald It. aalo. with
considerable difficulty.
Price, .ere from around a point bl.h-
.r to fraction, lower with lowei fre
quent throu.hoot tti Hit.
volume built up to tn oatlmatod :.-
1O0. 000 ahorea for th. dor. That com
pare! with tM.Mt .hare, traded Wed
aeodar. Cbleoio Lleealotk
Chlcaao UP) Tradlat IB lie hoi.
leveled out Thurador In a tenorollv
atcadr market. Pour dor. of advanelnt
price, had alven th aelUnt aide a firm
Plateau and a IM-head reduction la tni .uppl helped maintain it.
catllt mo.ur ateadv olthoucTi
rowa moved 21 to M cenu hl.her. ahep
were unevenly ateodr to ll.M lower on
o email openlna trodt.
A rone, of 111 50 to IH li went to
mo.t butcher weliht. althnuih oeverol
loada took I7.. to IIS. 41. Sow. broutht
111.00 to IH M moatly.
Oood to prima ateeri aold frdra 111 M
to and lood to low-prime helfero
from 111 00 to lit 00. Cow. toppod at
C.rlr lair, on toed and eholct lamb,
wer. from 111 M to ll M.
salable receipt, were ottmetrd at
1 000 hmra, 1.JO0 cattle. 401 oal.M aad
1.000 aheep.
ib. 29'
Bauactat-TMMtn, mut - M
A JS J mmm Mt MBl seltfttt
linn la Paruu fl-11 KM ttctt Mi
lt, SS-SM. MOO UMt. SI-SM. VtU.J
iwtN us omioitt souio, s wa hoi.
koloulo, hum u. tl ocora. .
A it id a SI oeor, :, mot. Wc:
C. N tort, tot. okooo wIom MttoUr
aoutM onoo to roniua
holouMra. Orwoa ilnla, tfo-UVM:
Oimoo t Ik. ImI. aia-MM
Son to Hlnoiliti caooioi ons
ootoloros oo lou mom tacluSH M.fe.
FOI1U04 A !! l.r. Mto-Mtta. A
trodo oitiiuB, vt-MVMi ir.oa um
PorllooS aunM
ollor lruo bo numr oroso AA
rial, llci A earl.., tic; A OT1BU. lit:
aartoo. tsci a pnots, om.
Poruoaal: UonodoS ton. Am.;
rod AA lorct. "! S(.i A Itrtt.
la AM.1 A A aaodliia. A irodo
aaodlUBt, SOf 4W 1 A STOftO attll BMtl
01. 4J-4IC.
EM U Bteta4aaroa0' OO. lom.
Itc. A Una, M-loc; AA anodluot. tw: a
odluBt. 17-llc; A oatoll. M-110. corMAa
. eaot. OAdltloooL
comm rrlM to rtuMH, nraooo.
Orotoo alotUo. lli-oi; S Ik. iM.aa.
H-Mhte: IrlalaU. lWa Iom Ibta lo
1m PTootmoi ormnda oiorlat. MVtol
to. for otoiai okaola SOVM. Prooouos Aov
orkoo okouo, l-lo. kiiN U moll. Alio
lk k.
Live Chtwfceaa--.MO. 1 BwaUtT. I..b
planu): fryera. SVa lbs., lie; S-4 los
Jlc; roasters, 4 '4 Int.. and over, lie;
heavy htm. all welsht. st-iU; Uiht
hens, all weights, Wc; old roosters,
Dressed Cblcaeas He. I dreaaes te
raUllers, Fryer, brotlera. 44-4H lb.;
roaaura. all su., 44-4ftc; llthi bona.
U-Ur: heavy bene, U'Stoi aauup ry
ers. all wu, 41-tle la,; wnoU draws, 17-
Ue lb.
BabUla avataaw t craven: Uva
whites. 4-0 Ike, Xw-IMt 1-4 Ibs ll-lao
ib.; colored pelta. ea lb under- aid
does, l12c few hither. Fresh draoaed
fryera l reUllara. ftl-lsoi out P tl-fs.
Coawtrp SUIed Maala
Veal Top ouaUtf, Jl-JH lb- rottlh
heavias. 18-o.
oaa Uaa blockers. H-ei sows.
lUht, Sl-SSe.
Lambs BssW M-4H Ik.; Tearllnis,
SO-ifta lb
Matton Best, II -lie aVi eull-atUT.
atti vniiir oows, ae-xew sv.
eu tiers. 13-lle; shelU dewa ta tla.
Sroah DroMO. Moots
.otollottt BOUAM low
a.ot Staatfc cBoleo, Mo-m IW 41-
.M; i.ia I7.M-O.M: ommarclol
M.0O-17.O0; ntllltr. M.M-M.M: comm.r
elol cow., .M-n.M: utllltr. SS.M-M.Mi
canDcra-cutUra. M.M.24.M.
Boaf ooto cnoico bim tuor-
Mra, 51-l: rounda, M-7: ruU loloa,
trlmmod. (rUnilH, SSI-lSi lora-
ouort.ra, SM-ll' caocka. SM-Mi rloi.
vaoi ooi com. uooo-oooiea, ait-
U; cootnirelsl. SU-M.
Laoifeo cnoleo-Drlmo. ttl-tt: iom.
S3-..: aprtn. lomba, cholev-prlmo, 47.M.
otto, oooa .ooioo, io.u 10. aa-.
fork Cat. Loloa. No 1 1-11 ,ka..
SM-U' ulllllr ahoviMna. It loa..
t3t-43: opor. rloa. ; rr.m blma.
10-it lb... Mi-Mi pork ooruaoa, IM-I7S
SaiokoS atllBM, ajo.1. no.
flsaO lard la oruma 111-11 ; lab too-
OB. IM-71.
r.rllao. MtaaaMaoaaoa
Oakwo M Ib aock Out. Boa Qlobt.
nod, S.n-I.Mi whlto ilobo, I U-l.M:
rcllow. mod. ond Urlo. 1.7S-0i t.v
1.11; Willi. j.Uowa. nad, t.M-l.lti lino
rolatooo Local Trlumpha. hu. 1
l.TBi Boordnaa lone wauoi. No. 1A, S.M-
J.7; Mo. S. M-lb. tock. M-Uol Ora. Bin-
..tta. NO. L I.M-t.Mi It IB. naan, M-
JC. local RuaatU. No. 1A. 11.-111;
Calif. Iobi whltoa, No. 1A, S.M-S.MI lair,
1.S0-1.7B. Nama branda to !..
Bar 0 . No 1 ST MB oltolfo. d
llrarod cor 1.U t.0A r.rUU od So-
ottlc, 1-1.
Waal QraaM oaalt. WlllaatatU al
Bodlun. M-ISa Bi.l UUn Oroio.
flo. and holt-blood. M-o;
vall.r umb wool, uei u-monio wmi.
Makalr M-lla rb. OB ll-BIOBtb ST...
Lb. t...b. couatrr oblpplB. aolni.
idao Producara a.TIni prlco f-o.k.
ronlind ealf aklaa. 11-Mo Ik, oecord
ibi to condition: croon klpa. 17-lte Ik.i
rB co hldla, l-10a lb., accordlrr
to w.lKht and ualltri boll h!do, 4-ac
lb. tlu. bldea M par eanl kolow arteoa
far abora elau.a
Fllborto Wholoialo a.l!!as Trleo No
I isodlum Barealonao. ai-Ma lb.; ob.U
od. -ll. Ib -lb.: turn It-lit to.
Woloou - Whumlt oolllBS prlcn
nrtt tuallt. lino Proatuattu, SII0c
lb.: hlld Hint ambar bal-o. Tt-7kr
Coaipllad roporta ot Soloa) S.ol.ra
I snail Sod Prloooi
ibMI rl1ta tt.l '-. DU)
mo-Mi (loo-ik. biti
K Mailt fft.OS-B.M.
D.lfr Fm U.4-l w (le-lb. b-l.
to let-t o UM tin Mtur mux UN
1100 wl.)
rmiry aria i fflm Color X trrora.
Sle, eM romurt. lie; tolOTMl fowl. ;
It-thorn towU lie; roaaUri, lie
Hmrlmg VrltM lets, A A, lie: lint A.
M-eic; mMHum A A. lie; ssidlum A.
-R3ci .mall, .
fhiMii Pric Hi whoiwait uneoa
ftDr-UT $-U awltBH th thO 9tW
bofo. Lortt rad A norolly uotd
at lie ; modi urn oae.
ftajtlirfttt Banoi oritlt traailatm. H-
1r No . Il-Stc: No 1 Me
mattvr Wboitiit craAa A im reliant
11 null. it.
Parllaiti laatilAa Markrt
Port land Northwtwt tomato trkta
ItvtM of la Portland wholasala product
tradlni today: Mo. 1 laria rraawatari
aold moatly at t-lM ft b. luf to rt-
ts.Ua.ri: but ll-lb. Iiati ei ww-uoiumDia
vera IM to moaUp 1.11; ojl tha Caatikat
Panntra market, fte" Taaima apricoia
wtrra. l.H-l a lit lb. 1UC With U to t.ti
Ortton atrlpad watarmalona war moatly
four ctDtt pound at product ooumi.
rertlB.l Ueerioek
Portland tin HOf prlcea vera .t.adr
ta cenu hMher a. lb. Portland lira-
etoek morket lodar.
C.ttl. 100; narkel tioa. auaoTi
cattle laealnt: utllltr eowa 10-10 M;
caoner-eutter con IHJ Ui utllltr bull.
11-14. Hi aona limt and A.ll.ra
unaold. . . .
C.l. Ill aiark.t .teadri fe choir.
Illhl .! M; oeattered lots low.r
trad., knd b.ay calr.. untold.
Hoe. let! aaark.t oetlvo, .trade to
ma kliher; cholco l-l It. MJt-M.1l:
few leu choice 1 butcher. 11; 17I-1U
Ik. 11 1.: cholco 411 Ib. oowa SI M.
She, too. aaarket .low. ouodr; aood
cholco aprlnt iamb. ll.M; eholct-.rlme
lot. locklni: una lot bioiut ie.r
lamb. UBOoldl taw aood feeder. II: cuU
tood JlouthUr owe. BOmln.llr lM-t.
Cklea.o Orala . .
Chlca.o UP) Wheat atarUt a alow kut
t.adr climb altar br.iklni la new
low. jIbci 1141 on the aoaid at trade
Thuradar. t,
Praetlcallp all Iht earlr loaa which
raa to aior. than 1 aenu. waa rtcouped
In tha aubaeoueat rallr. Other cereeu
aeeer aa weak aa wheat, alio climbed
alowlp upward I. the lajt half of the
H.iloa. Corn acted attodl.r tbaa alhn
sr. ib. til dar. .
Tht e.rlr break hi wheat teat the
Saoumber ocaitract dowa to 11.11. loweal
prlcea for aar wheat delivery alnee
Januarr 1141. Tradln. wu Ttrr actlv.
OB this kr..k.
Wheat cloaed V.-4 lower, MK
1 11. cork tt lower, I 41-I.411., oata H
lower to b hither, kept. 1t".-H. frt
1V.-1 hl.h.r, Sept., or
ke.n. amchanced t. IV. lower, Sopt.
H..-S. and lira 11 la M reau a
kasdrtd aouadl kuher. aept- II .It.
Cfcleaaa Oaloao
Oklcua ajJb Huppllw lltht, draead
fair, mark.1 about .uadr.
Track .aloa IM lb.. I: O. . 1 wal".
Uted: Collforala apialeh l-lach and aalo.pmtod but aaerallp 'wd
I tt; trucklot aala. Sellrared 0hbtnc
atreel baela New York yellow tlooct
Tl per eeat 1-lneh and larter I. It.
Street aala. IM lka.l: Callforala apan
lah l-lneh and larter l.M; Texea Orana
1 to l-laeh I M. J-lneh and liner 1 It:
MMweet medium yellow tlooea I lt-1 SO:
Row Tork medium renew (itbaa I.M-I.M.
Irk Ferryman
Operator of tha Wheatland
ferry baa become a bit dis
turbed concerning the maneu
ver, of motor boat enthusiasts,
reported County Commission
er E. L. Roger. Thursday.
The motor boat driven,
states the ferry operator, have
been using ' the Willamette
river In the vicinity of Wheat
land as a speedway and he
fear, some of them become en
tangled with the ferry cable.
Commissioner Roger, wrote
to U.S. eoait guard concern
ing th. aituation and the lat
ter will conduct an investiga
tion. There is a possibility that
the coast guard will place a
boat on the Willamette on a
temporary basis.
The coast guard state, that
all complaints concerning vio
lation, of navigation regula
tion, should give complete de
tails of the Infractions. These
would include the name of the
person involved a. well as
certain designations of the
No Call Yet Received
For September Draft
Marion county's selective
service office has noi yet re
ceived any call for men to re
port for physical examination,
during tha month of Septem
ber. The call for draftee, for
that month i. 11, the same as
for the month of August Date
for the draftee, to leave Sa
lem is September 18. They will
be inducted into the service ftR
following day in Portland.
' During the month of August
82 men were called to report
for their pre-induction physi
cal examinations.
untA ufti
Nowaat Cever-AUI Althouah it's
Quickly made, this apron it more
interiguna uian most attcnen
eoveraJl styles I Special features
include sum - maune midriir.
flowerpot pocket,, and "eitrs
lame" tit.
No. 3197 it cut in amalL medium.
large, extra large alsea. Medium
site takes 3 yds. 35-ln Use
scraps for appliques ,
atna -toe lor pattern with
Name. Address. Stvle Number and
81m. Address PATTERN BU
REAU, Capital Journal. 66 Mis
sion street, San Franclaco 6, Calif
Send JOc for PATTERN with
Name. Address. Stvle Number and
Sire. Address PATTERN BU
REAU, Capital Journal 6SJ Mi...
Ion street, San Francisco 6. Calif
Our (Chamber
mtk lit J1 1
The sincere men who aggressively pro
mote the industrial advantages and poten
tial profit possibilities of our city, comprise
our most important, single group of citi
zens. Th'ore the hard-working mem
bers of our Chamber of Commerce. On
their shoulders foils the responsibility of
attracting new factories ond industries to
our community, in order that more and
more payrolls, families and homes will
ougmenr our already prosperous area. In
deed, we might say that the CHAMBER OF
COMMERCE is the very life-blood of our
daily lives, for their activities penetrote
each business, large and small bringing to
all, the kind of help thot benefits, directly
or indirectly, every man, woman and child
in our proud community. We salute the in
comparable work of our Chamber of Com
merce! We Salute Our Town!
405 State St. Corrter of Liberty
Funeral frldayfor. '.
Alfa Rowan Cafes
Funeral services will be held
at the Howell-Edwarda chapel
Friday afternoon at 1:30
o'clock for -Mrs. Alia Rowan
Cates, resident of Salem and
the surrounding area for SO
years, who died at a lopal nuro--lng
home Wednesday. Rev.
Thornton Jansma will officiate
at the rites and interment will
be in Belcrest Memorial park.
A late resident of 160 Roose
velt street, Mrs. Cates was born
in Greenfield, Mo., June 2,
1880. June 28, 1899, she was
married to James Reub?n
Cates, who preceded her in
death last July.
The Cateses came to Oregon
in 1903 and for 12 years prior
to moving to Salem resided
near Jefferson. Mrs. Cate was a
member of the First Bap'Jst
Survivors include a daugh
ter, Mrs. Clara Dornhecker.
Reeds port; a son, Ray C Cates
of Salem; a sister, Mrs. Minnie
Frame of Salem; two brothers,
Walter Rowan of Silver ion and
Oliver Rowan of Portland:
four grandchildren and two
great grandchildren.
nhllmllv h Snhtlmitv 1
auDiimuy ine auoiimiiy.
high school Parents Teachers
association is sponsoring a
dance Friday. Aug. 14 with
dancing from 9:30 to 12:30 and
music by Stubby Mills dance
band. Proceeds are for the bene
fit of the school. .
PartlaaeT Oram '
Portland PV Coarat (nalna. 11 day
ahlpmenta. bulk, eoait delivery: Oata
Mo. X . whit 04.00.
Wheat l bid l to arrive market, taaia
Ho. 1 bulk, delivered ooait: Soft White
M: Soft White (eiciudinc nei
Whtto Club 3.10.
Hard Rad winter: ordinary it
per cent S.SIt 11 per cant S.lti 11 per
cent ran. ,
Thuradty'a ear receipt: wnm it;
flour It nlll fatd t.
Carol Curtis Pattern
Blue Bird Pot Holders. Entirely
crschetedl The SS by 5 inch
"blue birds are crocheted In two
separate pieces, the wings are
separately made and attached,
sides are ten sewn together so
that a slit la left in center front
so holder may be slipped over hot
pot handles or over tea and
coffee pot nancies. Makes a cheer-ful-looklrm
little gift as blue is
used for body, red for chests and
yellow cotton crochet thread for
the beak I
Send 30c for the BLUE BIRD
HOLDER i Pattern No. 436) com-
lete crocheting instructions, fin
hint; directions. YOUR NAME,
to CAROL CURTIS, 6S2 Mission
street, San Francisco S, Calif.
to . . . .
Charles Troutman
Albany Charles A. Trout
man, 73, of 731 Lyon it., whs
bad been a contract hauler for
many years at the Albany Co
operative Creamery association.
died at 11 a.m. Wednesday at
the Albany General hospital
where he had been confined by
illness for about two weeks.
Funeral arrangements are be
ing made by the Fisher funeral
home. '
AM. aWwaa Cat
Alia Rowan Cat, lata mdaml of
. Rotvit ... at a local nuatetr
torn Aug. 1J at Uio ast ot 71. ftum
by a dauihttr, Mra. Clara Deranoekar.
Rttdaport, Ort.; on. Ray C. Cataa. Sa
itm: UUr. Mra. Mlnnlo Pram. VlttaB:
brothtra. Walter Rvwail. StUarto, Ott
ver Rowan. Portland; alio faur ora ad"
ehlldTtn. two trrat trandriilldraa. Mav
br of Pint Baptlat OtaurcB, Ralanu
Serrlcaa will bo held la th BowaU
Idwarda Chapal Prlday. Au. 14 at
11 p m. with the Rav. Thoratoa Janav.
ma offtelatine. Intarment la Blcrt
lltmortal Park.
Ctrda A. Meaala
Clyde A. Wennls. lata raaldrat of 1141
Waller At., at a Salem hoepltal Aw. 1A.
Survived by daughter, lira. Maxlaa le
Lapit, Aaiem; aona. Paul MennU. Dallas!
liter. Mra. Ola Burn ham, Calif.; Mrs.
Cleo Klogoian, Calif.: alio four trand
children. Servlcrj Saturday, Aug, It
at 1:10 p.m. In Clouch-Barrlek ChaaeL
Interment at Willamette national Ceme
tery, Portland. .
ractatb Griao gUady
Hyacinth Orlna Bandy, la thla ft?
Au l0- 10 Dr Mveath year. Lata raat-
f mtn4 kv
arandparenta, Mr. and Mra. Clemeat C.
Wlemala, Aalem. Announnemenl of str
Irea later by W. T. Rladoo Co.
3mmnm '.io.
12 Profession! Hear
Model Dryer
Voliaa $200.00 tmJk .
Mm 240 Faint Mt,
Hah Dryers
! Im Given kmmf
Atrgwst 31, 9SJ ,
A3 Each Motttti mm .
Four Monties
Jmt writ in 42 worstt tbp
less why your fui ei fast
ft ItifcOof
tf t eaty, because he cam Us) ymm
In (iffy of the many ovt.twwd
ine food thlngt there tare to tarw
bout "42" Tonic that contain,
beneficial lanolin and Job.raneH,
Hiat giv.t hit hah- the vigor. t
"alive" look seen ia pittaree.
Jutt tend your letter with up par
part of the label from any bettta
el Formula "42'1 Hair Oil Tank tot
Formula "42" Hah- Oil Ttmlc
P.O. Its 42, Ranche Stetiett
lot Angeles e4, Calrfarnea
Th. judgat will MUxt 43 whe
nlng krl.n .och wviorh, Auguas dent
No.en.bor 1953. WriKrl ot th. fhewe
batt .och month will m.i. kW
floor mod.l dryorl, end trap wrrhm al
th. 60 retat bait ln.r. .och month wtt
roceiYO portable, .Itclric dryon. Doi
lioni trl the ivdowt will b. final. Al
entrpot bocom th. propwrty oi
Froductt, ltd.
Sand ot many onlriwt 0. you with, as
long os each it eccomponkd by tha
vpp.r port of e Formula "42" Hoir Oft
Tonic lob.1. Should ioWicol antriei be
racaivad from diff.r.nt p.nwfia, duo
Ikot. prim will bt owordod.
A Now Foch Month, Atwwot
Thrw Nontmbor 195 J I
Get Yew Intry In Today I
Fertele-4r Heir Oil Teak
ettk tMowAclal LwwwH. f, J.k.r.aJ
From 29
tmtitfmtfion vmrmmt4
r rwle jrewr mny )
ContMt tubioet to Fodoral, State and)
kxal low. and ragutationi. tmployaaa
of "42" PreducH, ltd., and mambkrt of tamiim not eligible for 1
ivill b
ir '
Hair OUTonic!