Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 13, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    Thursday, August 13, 1953
Page li
Election Aug. 17
At Hazel Green
Habel Green School Dli
trict No. S will bold special
election at the Hazel Green
, Khool on Monday, August 17,
between t p.m. and 8 p.m.,
Pacific Standard Time.
The sole issue at the elec
tion is whether or not to ap
prove a bond issue In the
mount of $94,000 for the con
struction of a new school, the
actual building of which will
begin on or about June 1, 19S4,
and would be ready for occu
pancy at the time of the en
suing fall term.
It has been proposed that
the location of the school
would be upon a five-acre
tract now belonging to Dor
othy Zielinski, which is locat
ed approximately one-h a 1 1
mile east of the Van Cleave
road intersectoln on Hazel
Green road. It is approxi
mately one mile west of the
present location, and 1 s on the
south side of Hazel Green
It is necessary in order that
the school district receive the
state school support funds that
there shall be five acres on the
new school site.
James Payne of Salem has
been selected as the architect.
and the school board has ap
proved a tentative plan which
calls for an exterior brick
veneer finish, with cedar or
redwood stained siding.
The Interior would include
four class rooms and other
offices and utility space, as
well as a cafeteria dining
room. The Interior would em
ploy the latest theories of bi
lateral lighting, and the school
would, be one of the finest of
its type in the valley.
In order to provide for the
overflow attendance at Hazel
Green school the board is
renting a concrete block build
ing for the 1953-54 school year
trom Mr. and Mrs. Bowlsby.
The space limitations are
acute. However, with the av-
proval of the bond issue school
problems in the district would
be solved for many years to
Valley Bridge
Jobs Awarded
The state highway commis
sion has awarded to Tom Lll
lebo of Reedsport a contract
for construction of the bridge
across the Lucklamute 'river.
His bid was $93,040.
It will be a reinforced con
crete bridge, deck girder type.
S02 feet long on Highway 99W
five miles south of Monmouth.
Contract for the Fall Creek
bridge in Lincoln county, a
federal aid project, went to
Babler Bros., Inc., of Portland,
whose bid was $41,744. It
will be a deck girder bridge
190 feet long on the Alsea
highway about 26 miles east
of Waldport
Outinq at Yosemite Park
tnjoyea oy L-nemeKeran
6 Polygamous Women,
150 Children Seized
Kingman, Ariz. IU9 Six wo
men, who stayed behind when
their neighbors fled in a raid
on a Utah polygamy colony
were under custody here to
day after being extradited by
Utah authorities.
The women, brought here
with some 150 children last
night, will be arraigned on
charges of conspiracy to com
mit adultery, bigamy, unlaw
ful cohabitation and contribut
ing to the delinquency of minors.
Douglas Would Admit
Reds If Peace Made
Portland 0I.B Supreme
Court Justice William O. Doug
las says the Chinese Commun
ists should be admitted to the
United Nations if a settlement
comes out of the forthcoming
political conference.
However, Douglas, visiting
briefly in Portland yesterday,
added that "If there is no set
tlement, then they certainly
should not be admitted."
.Oregon College of Educa
tion (Special) Mrs. Lois
H. Vanderpool (above) has
been ' appointed supervisor
of teaching and Instructor in
education at OCE. Mrs.
Vanderpool has been a
teacher in the Corvallis pub
lic schools since 194b and
previously taught in a num
ber of rural schools and at
Albany from 1946-49. She
was president last year of
the Corvallis Teachers As
sociation. She is a mem
ber of the executive com
mittee of the OCE Alumni
Association, and received
the Master of Science degree
in education at OCE at the
close of the 1953 summer
session. '
17 Returned PWs
Moved fo Hospitals
Travis AFB, Calif. 0IJ3 .
Seventeen sick American pris
oners, the first to arrive in the
United States since the Korean
armistice, were treated in serv
ice hospitals today for physical
and mental ailments.
Two of the 17 were sent to
Letterman General hospital In
San Francisco, while six others
left last night for service hos
pitals in San Antonio, Tex., and
Anniston, Ala.
Six others were to leave at
p.m., PDT, today for hospi
tals In Pennsylvania and New
York. Another man will leave
for Denver Friday.
Raging Typhoon Heads
For U. S. Okinawa Base
Tokyo () A raging ty
phoon, the- greatest storm
ever recorded by the Tokyo
Weather Bureau, was expect
ed to slam into American-oc
cupied Okinawa Sunday or
Japanese weather experts
said winds of about 180 miles
an hour are at the center of
the typhoon and 90-mile winds
have been recorded 250 miles
from the center.
The Chemeketans, staging
their 23rd annual outing at
Tuolumne Meadows in the
Yosemite National park, "nev
er had it so good," judging by
information contained in a let
ter from Edith LaBorde, a
member of the party.
In the first place, they have
a new dining tent, which is
far more satisfactory than
tarps previously used. Then the
hikers are enjoying the lux
ury of shower baths. So in
stead of taking "spit baths"
after a long day of hiking,
they may drive a mile or so to
Tuolumne Meadows hlgn Sier
ra camp and take a shower.
AnnttiM fpatur hat been
In Washington county the!h. ol menu offered
Cook overc sing widening, a by chef Burt Crary. This has
federal aid project on the West j en possible due to the fact
Portland-Hubbard highway
over the Southern Pacific
tracks about three miles south
of the Pacific highway west
Junction, was awarded to
Parker-Johnson company of
Portland at $55,837.
The existing concrete via
duct will be widened from 26
to 60 feet.
Many Enlisted Men
Washington ") The air
force is giving many of its
enlisted men and women a
chance to get out of uniform
It announced Wednesday
that those With three vrarm
arevice, which may Include
previous tours in any U.S. mil
itary branch, may apply for
release September 15 it they
are not serving in critical
Hong Kong WV-More than
1,000 American sailors were
stranded ashore today as war
ship and merchant vessels
headed for the open sea to
ride out a typhoon threat.
Rain drenched the colony,
but the main windstorm paw
ed 180 miles south, moving
westward at 12 miles per
Umatilla Indian Chief
Drops Ice, Breaks Toe
Pendleton U. Tee-totaler
Luke Cowapoo, Indian chief of
the Round-Up, nursed a broken
toe today because his favorite
drink is iced tea.
The chief dropped a big
chunk of lQf on his toe while
preparing the summer drink.
Jakarta, Indonesia () In
donesia's new cabinet last
night okayed President Elsen
hower's appointment of Hugh
S. Cumming, Jr., as new
American ambassador to the
island republic.
A career diplomat, Cum
ming has been counselor of
the American Embassy In Mos
cow since 1950. .
Children Lock Selves
In Ice Box, Suffocate
Crawfordsville, Ark. u.
Five small irhildren who locked
themselves in an air tight ice
box while playing a game suf
focated yesterday while their
mother picked cotton in nearby
"I had cautioned them nev
er to get inside or they might
freeze to death," their grief
stricken mother, Mrs. Annie
Bell Hallman, sobbed today.
"They never played around
the box before."
Richmond, Va. W9 The
bodies of four small boys were-
found today in an abandoned
refrigerator box here, bring
ing to nine the total of chil
dren found dead in such fash
ing within two days.
Seek Southerlin Boy
In Eastern Oregon
La Grande WV-Mr. and
Mrs. Metzger, Sutherlin, Ore.,
were here Wednesday search
ing for their son, Jack, 15,
who has been missing since
July 21.
They said he was working
for neighbors and abandoned
a tractor 15 miles north of
Sutherlin. A girl who knew
the boy at Sutherlin telephon
ed his parents that she saw
him August 2 at Sunnyside,
Wash., carrying a box with a
sign saying, "Enterprise or
that a grocery store at Tuo
lumne Meadows stock the
items desired. So the campers
have been eating roast beef,
roait lamb, roast turkey and
baked ham, with even greater
variety in prospect.
"Of course, hiking Is the
drawing card lei most of the
outing members," writes Mrs.,
LaBorde. Eight members re
turned Monday afternoon from
a two day trip to ogelsang high
Sierra camp. Guide books had
described that area as offering
some of the most superb
scenery in the park. The
hikers agreed. Four of the
group, Margaret Peper, Ber-
nice Lehrman, George and
Edith LaBorde, climbed Mt.
Vogelsang, 11,511 feet high.
Demonstration Calls
Out Chicago Police
Chicago U.B Order was
maintained today at a federal
housing project where unruly
crowds had demonstrated in
protest to a Negro family's oc
cupancy of a project home.
About 10 percent of the Chi
cago police department, or
about 750 officers, were de
tailed to the area around the
Trumbull Parks housing project.
Officers reported it was "all
quiet" last night and early today.
O'Dwyer Couple Say
Its Up to the Church
Mexico City (U.B Sloan
Simpson and former U. S. Am
bassador William O'Dwyer
both turned their backs today
on the civil divorce which end
ed their four-year marriage.
They said the fate of the
marriage rests with the Catho
lic church, despite a decree is
sued at Cueravaca, Mexico, di
vorcing the former fashion mo
del from her 63-year-old husband.
August Special!
Pack front wheel bear
Inn Tune-up en(ln
Adjust brakes
Ramhlrr or Statesman
SS.S5, parts eilra
Ambauador I10.M
Part eitra
Marion Motors
333 Onlrr St.
The biggest shoe sale ta
Salem . . Famous brands V ' Pa,r r9"
... all at exaeUy t for P"e -
the Price of it ond pair FREE!
4 N u
stomas softer, mtm 1 I i f f
faMo eocfc m yea I I
SyWrf KW Amo Wot tloctn
Hocfcm.yi coraWyl Asi
Wed tor the ravghnl
Cards are 'AcHon-Toilored
M like Dotfi slockil
Open Friday Night Til 9
If j'jl1 IS90
145 N. Liberty
"Five members, Joe Daniels, :
Mt r y Cozelman, Gertrude j
Cheney, Margaret Peper and
Bernice Lehrman, left Tuesday
morning for the climb" of Mt.
Whitney, atxout 180 miles to
the south of our camp
"Most of the outing members
have visited Glen Aulin Falls,
a lovely hike of about five
miles each way. Another
group plans to visit Elizabeth
lake where they may have a
fine view of Unicorn peak.
Another major trip planned
for Wednesday and Thursday
will be the Devil's Po.t Pile
and Agnew Meadows. A hike
from the Meadows to Shad
ow Lake and beyond to Lake
Ediz will give fine views of
the Minarets.
- "All have appreciated the
fine sunny days, not even
enough clouds to heip in
photographing ' cloud effects.
The trails are good with less
dust than on many In our
Oregon country. Most of us
are getting nicely browned so
we will have some way to
prove we have had good va
cation weather."
rLAMM iEMR niuu
.Fr.-.- . ' 1 ' ' A.A
r ...... '" . 1 u
luspect Highways
Albany On their fourth and
last inspection tour of Oregon
highways for the current year,
State Engineer R. H. Baldock,
vav Commissioners Ben
R. Chandler, Charles Reynolds
and Milo K. Mclver, members
of the state engineering staff
and bureau of public roads will
mi..nii fiiOri tolls mute story of fire that burned
five acres of vetch and 15 acres of pastureland on the
George Hammond farm in the hills two miles west of
the Spring Valley school house Wednesday. The fire
was started by a combine In the vetch field. The equip,
ment was saved. The Hammond crew, neighbors and an
Oregon Forestry Department pumper brought the lire
under control in two hours.
and county officials at the Ho
tel Albany Wednesday at 6:30
nformally with the city P'
Cornwall, England, has been
noted for its tin since ancient
25' Ponds
Facial Tissue
98 Certified
Build up resistance
to infectious ond
common colds
100 Caps.
For Indoor or Outdoor Use
Attractive Variety of Colors
Reg. $2.95 Marcrest
Folding Metal
TV Snack Trays
Set of
4 Tables
Tray beautifully finished" in a bated enamel floral pattern. Variety
of background colon. Finish is weather, alcohol, stain resistant,
t-an b. folded for compactness end easy storage. Ideal for TV
parties buffets, -card playing ... or any occasion when foils
can get together.
Vtritty Stclioni
Reg. 25c
Ball Point
2 for
B 13c
2.00 Richard Hudnut
Deluxe Refill
The Quick, Effeciivt Way to
Clean Your Skin!
' Pads
m 55'
"sr. 25
Quickie pads are already Saturated with a deep pore cream.
Us. one pad and throw away carry in purse.
I jr, i . ss-l IX
. . iitj'
teu k Viuih
It's Good for Your Stomach!
Milk of Magnesia
2toi Iff 4... 23'
Tablets! 75's. 43
Pleasant tasting and palatable. Ua-
ful in constipation, heartburn aad in
digestion resulting from excess
Beat Hi Heat!
37c My-le-Fine
Tl Will $1.00
Limit I
, Toiletry
Regular $6.95
Choice of Red, Green, or Yellow.
Enamel finish baked on.
99 2 For
$4.99 21" Metal Cocktail Table . . $2.99
Aeotli.r Shipment, Di
rect from th Factory
"ash, Mild, HI Quality
10 Value
r.f.,4. " ' Ml ik
Holds Dentures in Place Longer
Form a temporary retentive and pro
tective seal between gum ridge and
plate. Helps you eat better and tall
with greater security and confidence.
35c Planter's
Cocktail Peanuts 4 for $
ftfMey& Drugs
We reserve the rirht to limit quantities)