Wednesday, Auiwt 12, 195S Duo Wed At Keizer On Sunday Keizer Miss Marv Chrlnn. Holmquist, daughter of the ev. ueorge JU. Holmquist, pas tor of the Faith Lutheran cnurcn in Keizer- and Mr. Holmquist, and . David Knut son, ion of Mr. and Mr. Emil KnuUon of Gruver, Texas, were married Sunday. August 9, at a 4 o'clock ceremony at Faith church with the father of the bride officiating. The bride wore a dress of ny. Ion tulle accented with lace ap pliqued flowers and topped by a figure-molding bodice of im ported Chantilly lace. The skirt I under the tulle was of all-over I lustrous satin forming a Ion; train. The illusion net veil was worn with a seed pearl head dress. A strand of pearls war the gift from the bridegroom. The bride's flowers were baby yellow roses and stephanotis centered with a white fringed orchid corsage with white rib bon cascade. A sister of the bride, Miss Ruth Holmquist was maid of honor. She wore a yellow dress with a lace bodice, and a net over taffeta skirt made floor length. She wore lace mitts and a headdress ot yellow gladi oluses and rosebuds in crescent - shape trimmed with green rib bons. Bridesmaids were sister: of the bridegroom, Mrs. Jon Eric- son and Miss Kathryn Knutson. ! They .were attired In green formals and wore chain and pearl necklaces and bracelets, gifts ot the bride. Best man was Carl Holm quist, brother of the bride. Ushers were Jon Ericson, brother-in-law of the bridegroom, and Ray Holmquist' brother of the bride. Ray Holmquist sang. Mrs. George Gillis played the organ. The mother of the bride wore a beige lace over yellow satin with white accessories. The mother ot the bridegroom wore a light brown dress with beige trimming with hat to match. Both mothers wore yellow rosebud corsages. The candlelighter was Jon Holmquist. The guest book was in charge ot Miss Eleanor Han sen ot Eugene. The reception was in the Fireplace square on the church lawn. Miss H. Poff and Mrs. P. W.Erickson poured The bride's cake was served by Miss Ruth Holmquist Helping in serving were Misses Shirley Bagger,' Beth Braff, Joretta Braasch, Twila Gillis, Elaine Magnuson and Dorothy Morse. In charge of the gifts were Mrs. James Lakie and Mrs. Gilbert DeHut. A yellow, white and green color scheme was carried out in decorations in the church and at the reception. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reinert son ot Portland, Mrs. Holy of North Dakota, the Rev. and Mrs. HJortholm and Oscar Bir ley ot Parkland- Wash., Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hamilton and Mrs. Carrie Laird of Dallas, Mr. and Mrs. James Williamson of Hoquiam, Wasj.. and Miss Elea nor Hanson of Eugene. For olng away, the bride wore a blue linen dress with! lace jacket and white accesso ries and a white corsage from j her bouquet. The newlyweds; will take a wedding trip; through the south to Texas. I Both will finish college next year at Oklahoma A and M in Stillwater, Okla. They will live at Texhoma- Okla. St. Mary's Guild Plans Benefit Party Another project to boost funds for the new St. Paul's Episcopal church building is the imnuvu uciituk , ......... j St. Mary's guild for Sunday, i August 30. The party will be at the J. G. Watts home, Oak Crest farm, on Wallace road, between 3 and 5 o'clock. The general public is being invited. Mrs. S. D. Wiles is general chairman for the party. , Legion Auxiliary Group Entertained A no-host picnic supper was given Monday evening at the home of Mrs. A. D. Apperson, president of Capital unit- Am encan Legion auxiliary, for the board. At each place was a place card holding a handker chief and a souvenier from Okinawa. A short board meet ing was. conducted and action taken on the date ot installa tion, which will be on Monday, September 28, in the American Legion club, instead ot the usual date of September 21. Capital post and the unit will stage a joint installation. The final board meeting with Mrs. Apperson in the chair will be on Monday, September 14,1 THI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale. Ore with a no-host luncheon in the Senator hotel Those present at the picnic Included officers and chairmen for the past yean Mrs. Malcolm Cameron- Mrs. John Wood, Mrs. Ray Bassett, Mrs. Glen Bur right, Mrs. A. M. Johnson, Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding , Mrs. T. J. Brabee Mrs. Mem Pearce, Mrs. James H. Turnbull, Mrs. Florence Ames, Mrs. W. L. Osborne, Mrs. A. G. Foreman, Mrs. Neil Wit ting, Mrs. I. N. Bacon. Mrs. Fred Matthieu. Mrs. Glen Hol-man- Mrs. Anson Ingels, Mrs. Lucas Vogt, Mrs. Earl T An dresen, Mrs. C. W. Jorgensen, and Mrs. Apperson. Mrs. Aus tin H. WUson. The next regular meeting of Capital unit will be in the Wo man's club on Monday- October S. Mrs. T. J. Bra bee will be In stalled as president ot Capital unit on September 28 and John E. Wood as commander of Cap ital post. . HOME FROM five weeks' trip around the country are Mrs. Marjorie Woods and daughter. Miss Charlen Woods, Mrs. Ella Durkee, Miss Gladys Zell and Miss Sidney Shepard of Portland, formerly ef Sa lem. They traveled through the midwest and went on to Vir ginia to visit M brother of Mrs. Woods, Don C. Crow. They went to New York City, to Florida and other eastern el-ties- and en route home stopped at various national parks, earn ing home via Las Vegas and Crater Lake. Mrs. Woods and daughter will leave this week- "'FUN to keep fit! SttnMey tlltll III MtltT IT mSf WOnlTtfOOISTInl end for supreme sessions ef Job'a Daughters in Portland, and in the early fall Miss Woods will leave for Corvallls to enroll at Oregon State col lege. Shower for Couple Hopewell A shower in hon or of newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. James L. Gilkey, Forest Grove, was at the Hopewell Evangeli cal United Brethren church, Saturday evening, with about 35 friends and relatives attend ing. The program was in charge of Miss Virginia Magnet, and consisted of piano selections by Miss Aileen Wilson; vocal so los by Mrs. Richard Jones, ac companied by Mrs. Fred Withee; a talk and presentation ot gifts by John Gelsler and prayer by Adalbert Smith. The basement was decorated with pink, blue and whit hy drangeas In baskets and the honored guests received many gifts. Refreshments were served by Mrs. John Fuqua, Mrs. Eu- CKILDaEKS feet must not be neglected. Proper fear car h lust 5 essential re good heart as jj car ef the eyas ami teeth. I Good posture cannot be i maintain whoa foot ore week, strained or misused. CONSULT A rOOT SPECIALIST THE CHIROPODIST FkstT gene Wilson, Mrs. Boy LaFol-lktta and Mrs. Rots' Rogers. ..... vXA Tfe Y t t I PARK FREE ON OUR LOT WHILE YOU SHOP OIK ST0HE s -Ss, Sale Starts Today 9:00 A.M. Hamilton's August Sale is Store -Wide. Outstanding Values are offered in every Department. Buy now and take advan tage of this Opportunity. Many items are one only. So Shop Early and Save. -Sale begins 9:00 A. M., Wed., and continues thru August. FINE QUALITY , LIVING ROOM SUITES Sofas and Sectionals ' Formerly- Now 14-pc. Rod Mohair Sectional . .- $324.00 $2 1 6.25 3 2-pc. Mohair (Aqua-Green-Brown) Sofa Chair Combination 265.00 1 99.50 1 2-pc. Sectional Cocoa & Lime Print 199.50 1 32.00 1 2-pc. Sectional Brown Tweed ... 299.50 1 49.50 2 3-pc. Sectionals Mohair (1 Groan, 1 Grey) 224.50 112.50 1 Green Matalasse Kidney Sof 395.00 1 97.50 1 Sofa & Chair Grey Damask 199.50 9 9 50 1 Sofa & Chair Tan Leather 395.00 1 97 00 1 Sofa 8. Chair Grey Matalasse . . . 445.00 2 22.50 DINING ROOM FURNITURE Regular 8-pc. Modern Set, Sand Mahogany ... .$298.50 8-Pc. Mod. Drop Leaf Set, Sand Mahogany 238.50 7- Pc. Modem Drop Leaf Set, Light Oak 239.50 8- Pc. Modern Walnut Set 189.50 7- Pc. Modern Wolnut Set 129.50 8- Pc. Provincial Set 454.50 8-Pc. Provincial Set 564.50 8- Pc. Provincial Drop Leaf Set 469.50 9- Pc. Drop Loaf Cherry Set 724.50 7-Pc. Drop Leaf Cherry Sat 327.50 9-Pc. Rock Maple Set 575.00 7- Pc. Duncan Phyfe Mahogany Set ... 231.50 8- Pc. Duncan Phyfo Mahogany Set , . . 560.00 Now $229.50 189.50 199.50 139.50 99.50 335.00 424.50 349.50 475.00 239.50 395.00 169.50 399.50 BEDROOM FURNITURE Regular Now 4-pc. Double Dresser Set, Modem Oak $259.50 $1 99.50 6-Pc. Modarn Vanity Sot, Carina Wood 454.50 349.50 3-Pc. Mod. Double Dresser Set. Toast Mahogany 315.00 225.00 6-Pc. Colonial Charry Vanity Set 398.50 29950 3- Pc. Rock Maplo Double Dresser Set.. 303.50 .199.50 4- Pc. Double Dresser Set. Provincial Cherry . i 329.50 2 49.50. I -Pc. 18th Century Mahogany Double Dresser Set 650.00 495.00 6-Pc. Colonial Cherry Vanity Set .... . 550.00 399.50 5- Pc. Mahogany Double Dresser Set . . 359.50 279.50 5-Pc. Colonial Maple Set. Dresser or Vanity 393.50 275.00 1250 Tobies Modem-French Provincial Early American & 18th Century 75 at V4 Off 75 at Vz Off 100 at 12 Off End Tables Step Tablet Coffee Table Drum Tables Comer Tables etc., -Formerly from $1 4.50 to $98.50 NOW $7.25 to $49.25 $4,000.00 Stock of Fine Lamps (Many In Pain) For a brighter, more cheerful homo, moke your choice from this WON DERFUL SELECTION of Modern Traditional Lamps ... Group A 25 Off Group B 33 13 Off Group C 50 Off 75 Floor Lamps 225 Table Lamps UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS LOOK AT THESE VALUES $29.59 ARMLESS BOUDOIR CHAIRS .......$5.95 49.50 BOUDOIR CHAIRS .14.95 74.S0 BOUDOIR CHAIR t OTTOMAN . 1 9.95 54.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS -24.50 69.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 39.50 79.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS .....49.50 89.S0 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 59.50 99.50 OCCASIONAL CHAIRS 69.50 200 OTHER OCCASIONAL CHAIRS AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS CARPETS AND RUGS Sq. Yd. $14.95 Value, 12 Foot Green Wilton, Now Only . .$1 1.95 15.95 Valua, 12 Foot Cocoa Wilton, Now Only . . 1 2.95 0 12.95 Value, 12 Foot Green or Beige Sculpture. . . .10.95 FREE 40 OZ. MOTH PROOF WAFFLE PAD WITH THESE CARPETS. IMPORTED HOOKED RUGS REDUCED 9x12 Regular $79.50 Now Only. .$64.50 9x10 Regular 19.50 Now Only. . 49.50 6x9 Regular 39.50 Now Only. . 32.50 3x5 Regular 1 0.95 Now Only . . $.95 2x4 Regular 1.95 Now Only. . 4.95 J APPLIANCES Regular Kelvinator Range, Deubla Oven $409.95 Thermador Rango, Doubla Oven, 6 burner 424.95 Thermador Rango, Built-in Heater . . . 354.50 Kelvinator Refrigerator, 11 -ft., Automatic Defrost 429.95 Kelvinator Refrigerator, 8-ft., Automatic Defrost 339.95 Kelvinator Refrigerator, 9.4-ft., 2-door 449.95 Admiral Refrigerator, 9 ft : 259.95 Admiral Refrigerator, 11-ft., Flash Dofrost 369.95 Admiral Range, Slightly Used Like New 424.95 Now $359.50 359.50 299.50 379.50 289.50 389 50 219.50 319.50 275.00 DINETTE FURNITURE Regular Now 7-Pc. Chrome Set, Yellow, 6-ft. Tobla. $216.65 $179.50 5-Pc. Chrome Set, Yellow, 5-ft. Table. 157.75 119.95 5-Pc. Chrome Set, Chartreuse, 5 foot Table 149.50 119.95 5-Pc. Chrome Set, Gray-Green, S foot Table 137.50 $9.50 5-Pc. Chrome Set, Gray-Red or Green Chain 143.75 89.50 5-Pc. Set, Tan Table, Green Chain . . . 99.50 59.50 7-Pc. PlosticTop Primavera Set. Cocoa Chain 187.75 1 39.50 5-Pc. Coloromic Set, Brown or Green Chain 154.50 1 29.95 we tin WITH rOICHll 230 CHEMEKETA SALEM, OREGON OUR FREE TV-RADIO Combination Contest Will Continut . Through August