Ft, c THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Capital Women I4IU4 by MAEIAN LOWBT FISCHEB Local Man Wed Aug. 1 In Tokyo Announcements have come to Salem frlendi telling of the marriage ox Mist Jean Keith of Applegate, Ore., to Robert R. Boardman, Jr., of Salem. The wedding was an event of August 1 as an aiternoon ceremony In the Tokyo Union church, Tokyo, Japan. The couple planned their honeymoon at Atami, known as the "Riviera of the Orient,' then were to go on to For mosa and on to Okinawa. Both art in church work with the Navigators and will be station ed on Okinawa. Mr. Boardman is the son of Mrs. Robert R. Boardman of Salem and the late Mr. Board man. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keith of Applegate, Ore. . New Officers for Co-Ree Club Named New officers to serve for the coming six months have been named by the Co-Rec club of the YWCA. Ed Wulff is the In coming president. Serving as vice president in charge of pro gram is Miss Helen Tlbbetts. Miss Florence Goodrldge, Miss Wills Till, Ervin Lay and Clay Rambo have been elected as members of the executive coun cil. On the transportation com mittee are Miss Wills Till, Jsy Blair and Denis Lavender. Miss Goodrldge will be chairman of the hospitality committee. At Joint meeting of old and new officers, plans were made for a scavenger picnic to be in Daughter Greeted To Mr. and Mrs. Otto J. Wilson g o congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, their fourth child, at Salem General hospital on Tuesday, August 11. The baby has been named Jane Ann. The older children are Sharyn, Alan and John. Grandparents are Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Sieg mund, all of Salem. Miss Jaynes Is Engaged Announced recently was the engagement of Miss Coral Jaynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Morris of Skamoka- wa. Wash., to Donald K. Har per, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar 11. tiarper of urants Pass, Ore. Miss Jaynes is employed by the state board of forestry and Mr. Harper is located in Pen dleton with the Oregon state police. A fall wedding is planned. . Birthday Party A surprise birthday dinner party was given August 10 in honor of Miss Jaynes. Among those present were Mrs. W. E. Morris, Misses Dor othy Hollaway, Edna Allen- bach, Ruth Rae, Ernestine Jus tice, Elizabeth Beat, Virginia Antrein- Shirley Branson, Pa tricia Brown, Mary Stout and Elaine Schmidt, hostess for the evening, and the honor guest Party for Miss Matter On Tuesday Miss Louise Matter, bride- elect of Marlon K. Putman, was guest of honor at a miscellan eous shower last evening at the North Winter street home of the Harold Phillippes. Miss Lenore Phlllippe and Miss Do reen Cavender were hostesses. Bidden to the shower were the Misses Norma Watson, Ce lls Weaver, Carol Hardie, Bev erly Bell, Josephine Nystrom, Marianne Aston, Beth Wendt, Caroline Matter, Eileen Sus- bauer, Marcia Seeber, Ann Gil bert, Beppy Gilbert, Ann Fow ler, Loretta Rowe, Betty Jo Davenport, Shirley Newberry, Betty Williams. Margie At wood, Harriet Hiday, Barbara Pickens, Rosemary RowelL Geri Radcliff, Judi Wood, Mrs. Wes DeLapp, Mrs. Gary Tip pets, Mrs. George Matter, Mrs. R. B. Putman, Mrs. J. H. Put- man, Mrs. Harold Phlllippe, Mrs. W. C. Cavender. Woodburn on Friday. Anmut 14. The evening program will feature swimming. The group will leave from the YWCA at 6:30 o'clock. Any young adult desiring to attend should telephone the YWCA for further information. Son for Robisons From Oakland. Calif., comes announcement of the birth of a son, Richard Msnley. to Lt and Mrs. Gerald M. Robison, n Saturday- August 8. Lt Robison is stationed with the supply depot of the navy at Oakland as a legal off leer. Also welcoming the little boy is a aister, Kathleen Claire. Grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker of Salem, this being their fifth grandchild and first grandson; and Mr. and Mrs. Manley Robison of Salem. Mrs. Parker-has gone to Oak land to be at the home of her daughter for two or three weeks. e VISITING her over Sunday and Monday were General and Mrs. Frank J. Baum of Los Angeles- who were guests at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thom as Brubeck. The Baums were en rout home from a vacation trip north. Earlier this month, the Bru becks and children, Donald and Shannon, were en a trip to Vic toria and Vancouver, B. C. ALPHA DELTA PI alumnae are to meet on Friday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. A. Duncan- route 1, Independence. HOSTESS at an informal salad luncheon this afternoon was Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert, en tertaining in honor, of Mrs. Paul Moser of New York City. Mrs.- Moser Is on the board of foreign missions of the Presby terian church. She has been visiting here with her son-in- law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Dean K. Brooks, and will be leaving later this week for San Francisco, then east CHI OMEGA Mothers club met Friday for a picnic supper at the home of Mrs. H. E. Smed ley. At the business meeting, new officers were elected. Mrs. Theodore Adams was named president; Mrs. Louis du Buy vice president; Mrs. Wendell Munson, secretary; Mrs. Jessie Payne, treasurer. I .... Is Bride-elect The engagement of Miss Mary Ann Fischer, above, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. A. J. Fischer, to Richard J. DeRosier, son of Mrs. Beatrice DeRosier, was announced recently. (Steimonts studio 'picture) Duo Plan To Be Wed On Aug. 30 A wedding of late August will be that of Miss Marilyn Annette Quamme and D. Doug las McLeod. The ceremony is arranged for 3 o'clock the afternoon of Sun day, August 30, in the First Congregational church. The re ception following also will be at the church. The bride-to-be is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Quamme and Mr. McLeod is the son of Mrs. Helen B. Mc Leod, all of Salem. ... VISITING here are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hulsey and daughters, Kay and Jan, Cas tro Valley, Calif., who are guests at the home of Mr. Hul sey's brother-in-law and sis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Muell- haupt. While the visitors are here, the 20th wedding anniversary for the Muellhaupts and the birthday anniversary of Mr. Muellhaupt are to be observed. For Miss Rogers Unnnrln Mill Colleen RO(- ers- who is to be married on ii.niii 20 to Eueene Zucer. Miss June Haugen was hostess last week at a shower ana aes sert luncheon party. Feting the bride-to-be were Mrs. James A. Rogers, airs Psuline Zuger, Mrs. Reel. Mrs, John Day, Mrs. Robert Schnl Hrr Mn. Robert Feller. Mrs. Richard Alien. Mrs. wmiam Xrinvh Mn Gilbert Adams. Mr. Jimiti Bairev. Mrs. Clyde Major and the nosiess. Brennans Due Due to arrive in Salem Sun day to be here for a few days are Lt. Col. and Mrs. JTeaericit Brennan, who have been in Honolulu. While in the capital the Brennans will be at the Marlon hotel. They and their son, John, are now visiting in Portland. A no-host picnic supper is planned by a group of friends on Sunday evening to honor the Brennans, the affair to be at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brownell. Wedding on August 21 Announced for Friday, Au. gust 21, is the wedding of Miss Lorraine Elvera Nyquist of Woodburn and Charles Victor Courier of Hubbard. The ceremony will be int. emnized at 8 o'clock that eve. nlng in the Woodburn Four. square church. The bride-elect Is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ny. quist of Seio and is employed at Woodburn. Mr. Courter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Courter of Hubbard and is employed in the composine room at the Capital Journal. For Bride-Elect Among affairs hnnnri.. Miss JoAnne Maiek. hn to be married on August 23 to Allan J. Olson, will be the party for which Mrs. Barnes Rogers and Miss Mary Feike will entertain at the home of Mrs. Rogers next Monday eve ning. , LEAVING this week for a trip east are Chief Justice Earl C. Latourette of the state su preme court and Mrs. La tour ette. Mrs. Latourette left today for Denver to visit relatives, Justice Latourette to join her there later, the two then to go to Boston to attend the annual conference of chief justices and the American Bar association. They will be in New York City for a week before returning west They plan to be gone three weeks. COMDR, LEWIS B. MELSON was a visitor here over the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy S. Melson. Comdr. Melson is sta tioned In Wasnlngton, D. C, but has been at San. Diego on scientific work and flew north from San Diego for his visit here. ICTSSORST Coa forts St Qakk Today's Menu Featherllght cake filled with berries and cream make an out-ef-thls-world dessert Company Sapper Boiled Chicken with Creole Sauce Fluffy Rice Green Peas Salad Bread and Butter Blueberry Boston Cream Pie Beverage Blueberry Boston Cream He Ingredients: 1H cups sifted cake flour, 1V teaspoons bak- ins Dowder. Vt tM.nnnn .alt 9 eggs (separated and at room temperature) cup cold wa ter, 1H cups sugar, IV, tea spoons vanilla- 4 teaspoon lemon extract, 1 cup heavy cream (whipped), 1 pint culti vated blueberries. Method: Line bottom of two by 8 by 2 inch pans with waxed paper; grease paper. Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. Beat egg yolks and water until tripled in volume. Gradually beat In sugar. Con tinue to beat until light colored and thick enough to mound lightly about 10 minutes. Stir in flavorings. Add flour mixture all at once; fold it in. Beat egg whites until stiff but not dry; fold Into yolk mixture until blended. Pour into pre pared pans. Bake in moderate (330 F.) oven 30 to 33 min utes or until done. Invert pans en cake rack until cake Is cold. Remove from pans; remove paper. Put a generous layer of whipped cream and berries be tween cakes; top with .remain ing cream and berries. Packers' Special - The Packing House Cut the Price So We Pass It on to You 130 lo 150 lbs. HIND QUARTERS YOUNG UNBRANDED BEEF Selected for its exceptional quality. Nice white fat, good con formation. This will make you steak purchasers happy. Come early a limited supply. - ' lb. LOCKER READY Corn Fed Steers Ib 57c Baby Beef tt. 43c Premium lSI-tM-lb. Sides Spring Lamb lb ' 59c ' Trimmed Weight , ALL PRICES MEAN LOCKER READY WE TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR MEAT SWIFT'S PREMIUM BLUE RIBBON PACKAGE 50 Pounds - All Choice Cuts Steaks to Broil - Cube Steaks - Oven Roasts Ground Round - Tender Cubes to Braise All Selected to Please the Most Particular Taste 9 Founds Cubed Steoks 1 1 Founds Sirloin and T-Bone 4 Founds Prime Rib Boneless 14 lbs. Relied Pot Roast, Boneless 4 lbs. Rolled Rump Roast, boneless 5 lbs. Pure Loan Ground Round 4 b. Loan Stew Cuba from Lain Round Swift Premium ' Standard af Quality TOFS THEM ALL Swffl's jT inmVimj "3Uli 53 Pounds - Center Cuts $43.95 BABY BEEF PACKAGE SPECIAL FOR DUALITY AMD rmunuv 1 S lbs. Pot Roast - 20 lbs. Assorted Staaki 7 lbs. Lean Ground Round 42 Pounds $ 4 Cant Flay. Fak Orange Ada 4 Cans Flav. Fak Lemon Ada 4 pkgt. Flay. Fak Feat 4 pkgt. Flay. Fak Baby Umas 4 pkgt. Flay. Fak Green Beant . 4 pkgt. Flay. Fak Mixed Vegetables TURKEYS Fancy, lb. . . . ...65c CAPONS "Good Seating", Ib 65c PORK LOIN Cora Fed. lb. . . . 69c GROUND ROUND . 7 lhs. $3.85 GROUND BEEF 12 Ib $2.88 FRYERS 6 $5.88 1 23 10 TOTAL VALUE 7.56 OUR FRICE $6.43 BEEF ADAMS Orange m 12 jr Hera it the best buy af tha week Loan Tandar, Meaty Short Ribtaf Beef .05c DO.. TENDER RIB STEAKS AMltnY Bit OsMiity Mttf PURE LEAN GROUND BEEF Met 0th; frtfj Ism SbtsJttw at sef . Swift's Another Special far This Weak 49c 2 65c AMERICAN CHEESE u 45c i FRYER RABBITS 49c JUMBO BOLOGNA SL IT S FREE if Yftl I CUT A roUND-OTHIRWISI sj rrvkb it I UU you fay for what you cut 1.59' FINAL -DAYS F n SUMMIT P v-J If ML no STT TTV1 II at the FASH 10 M ETTE 3 DAYS ONLY! LJ ' VeS ; I DRESSES SHEERS s NYLONS COTTONS You'ya Stan tha Tarrifie Claaranct Fricct on These nowan even further reduction! price 6.69 8.69 9.69 12.88 Now 4.69 6.69 7.69 10.88 HURRY! FOR FINAL CLEAN-UP AT TERRIFIC REDUCTIONS! SAVE! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 HOFFflflAM'S NO AJfOINTMINT NECESSARY I win Kim ana kto(ssMSsCe FASHIOMETTTI THE 150 N. Commercial St, Phone 3-5563 429 COURT ST. BB INC.