Wednesday, August 12. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Me; Oregon I -f -X,-.-7.- T DUE FOR FACE-LIFTING T 1 - mi 1 ii . 5i Old blockhouses in Dayton city park, which will be repaired through effort of the Dayton Civic Club and the City of Dayton. The block house originally was built on the Grand Ronde reservation in 1835-56 and was occupied by U.S. Army troops in 1856. ' It was abandoned in July, 186S. It later was used as a jail and finally be came a pig sty. It was moved to its present site in Dayton in 191 with special permission of the government. Tele-Views ? Radio-Television By DAVE BLACEMER TOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY Matinee Theatre, 2. "Gangs of New York Toymaker, 3:45. The old German Toymaker brings his tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil dren's show. Northwest News Digest, 5:30. ' Features Norman Wallace, newscaster with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up. Newspaper of the Air, 5:40. Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs local ana live. Fights, 6. Gil Turner of Philadelphia vs. Ramon Fuentes of Los Angeles in ten-round welterweight bout from Madison Square Garden. . Llberace, 7. Selections include: "Sleigh Ride," .French medley including "The Last Time I Saw Paris," and "Can Can," "These Foolish Things," "Say Si Si," Chopin's "Nocturne in F Major," and "After You've Gone." Scott Musie Hall, 1:30. Mills Brothers are guests of Patti Page. Also featured on show will be Jimmy ("I Saw Mama Kissin' Santa Claus") Boyd. I Married Joan, 8. Joan has to cope with a four-alarm fire and shows new method of firefighting. This Is Your Life, 8:30. The life story of C. Harris Pot tier, branch manager of a New Orleans insutance company, will be retelecast. Kraft Theater, t. "The Intruder" a tens drama of the tragedy caused by a young girl's violent resentment of her new stepmother. Featured in the cast are John Beat. Valarie Cossart, Patsy Bruder, Kathleen Comegys and Michael Drey- fuss. Orient Express, It. "The Gladiator" stars Steve Bar clay and Nadia Gray. Story is of an undefeated young Amer lean fighter who returns with his proud father to his birth' place in Rome for a championship bout. His increasing selfish ness and arrogance leads to his downfall. Crusade in the Pacific, 11.. (Part 20) The struggle for Okinawa. Chapter includes sequences showing enemy suicide planes used against the U.S. fleet off the island. Nlte Owl Theater, 11:30. "Meeting at Midnight" with Sidney Toler and Mantan Moreland. (Charlie Chan picture.) 2 Men Arrested on Statutory Charge Lebanon Two men are in the Linn county jail on charges of statutory rape involving 10 and 13-year old girls. Basil Francis Carleton, " 47, who listed a Eugene address, was arrested Saturday evening by Deputy Sheriff Wade Col lins and State Police Robert Rissman. He is charged with rape of a 10-year old Lebanon girl. Police said parents of the girl left her in a locked car at a local night club while they! were.inside about 3 a.m. Satur day morning. The man report edly broke the window to gain access to the car. The act was not discovered until parents re turned to the car and the man had fled. Carleton was booked tenta tively on a charge of contribut ing to the delinquency of a minor, but this, was changed Monday to the rape charge fol lowing an examination report from the physician who attend ed the child. The other man is E. L. Hun ter, about 33, of Scio, who is accused of raping a 13-year old girl on the old Salem highway north of Albany, about noon Saturday, said District Attor ney Courtney Johns. Johns said the alleged attack occurred along the railroad tracks. Hunter was arrested Monday morning at work. Pasturing hogs saves labor and helps maintain soil fertility besides producing pork at less cost. There are usually fewer runtt in pasture-fed litters. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Oal? procnm scheduled In a4TaDe MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Serrict and Installation ISM State St Phona 1-7577 fl OO j m. Kr.rt Th-HeT 10:00 p.m. Orient Exprfjt 10 30' Hour Theiter 11:00 p.m. Pacific CruMnJe 11:30 p.m. Nil Oil Theftter THLBSDAT 1:90 l.m.-Whit'i Cooklitff 10:60 a.m. Freedom R.nia 11:00 t.m. The Bit Ptyoff 11:10 i.m. Welcome Traveler! 12:0 a.m. On Tour Account 13:30 p.m. Ledlej' Choice 1:00 p.m. ?tptule Theater 1:1 p.m. Arthur Godfrey t:S0 p.m. fltrlke It Rich 3:00 p.m. Matinee Theater 1:1k p.m. Aearch for Tomorrow 1:10 p.m. Love of Life Push Sanitation In Polk County Dallas Walter Eltts, Polk County Sanitarian, reported to day that the wide spread prac tice of rural resident allowing septic tanks and even untreat ed sewage to flow into highway drainage ditches was causing his office considerable trouble. As many as five or six of these outlets per mile have' been uncovered by road main tenance crews in recent weeks. Legal action has not been found necessary to remedy any of these situations to date, of fenders bringing themselves into compliance with the state code on being approached on the subject Fitts reports that the restaur' ant situation in the county is rapidly improving from a sanl tation viewpoint with the worst offenders closed for repairs and alterations that are designed to bring their operations up to the standard prescribed by state law. Trailer courts and auto parks continue to give trouble, as do certain farm labor camps in the county; many of these estab lishments are notorious for their lack of adequate sewage disposal and sanitation facili ties. The sanitation officer has not started making his rounds on an official basis following a period of visiting and pointing out defects in the sanitary as pects of operations. Response has been excellent to this get acquainted program according to Sanitarian Fitts. Nudist Booth But No Nudes Portland u.B There will be a nudist booth at the Ore gon state fair next month, but the exhibits won't be in the flesh. I Fair Manager Leo Spltzbart, asked about plans of the American Sun Bathing asso ciation to have a booth at the fair, said the exhibits would be "just pictures." And, he added, "pictures of scenery, not people. LEGA.LS LEGALS WrDNtSDAt till .m.-carah for Tomorrow Silt o.m. Lot of Ufa J:i p.m. Tormaker 4:04 p.m. Howdy Doodr 00 p.m. Bulk. It RICH 1:30 p.m. Newapaprr of Air :4S p.m. Tlmt for Beanr S:0t p.m. Flghti :H p.m. New Corona 1:H p.m. Mbaraca 1:30 p.m. cott Muole Hall I M p.m. I Married Joan :M p.m. Thla Is Yfur Llfo mvicit- instalUtiom Motorola. Dunont, HoHirun, ICi Valley Television Center 2303 Fairgrounds II h. M9I3 See Ua Before Tea Par the Rest Deal In Tow Factory Train? Tecktalclaae Opto Until p.m. Dally Kieepl Satarela . TV TROUBLES? Technicians on Duty Till 9:30 p.m. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 1410 S. 12th Ph 45512 J: V 4 00 t 4:4' p t oe b I JO p I 4S p 10 p t AS a 7:00 p. 7:30 p I 00 p I 10 p too P :M P 10 M p. 11:00 P. m. Toymaker n. Howdy Doodr m. Variety Roundup m. Range Rkler m.Ne wjpaper of A If m. Time for Br any m. Huntlna and PUhlnr m. New. Caravan m, -a roue ho Man mJwDrainft m, The Unexpected m. Ford Tneater m. .Marti a Fane m. Ethel Barrnnore m. WrMtHne m. Htte Owl Theater ORDEft FOR PrRLICATION OP SUMMONS IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OP THE BTATK OF OKEOON FOR THB . COUNTY OP MARION N. 4tia BKVBRLT JESKK. PLAINTIFF VB. MAX JESKK, DEFENDANT. Sited upon the affidavit of the plain tiff In the above entitled ault. It aatli factorlly appearing to the court there from that aald suit waa commenced for the purpoae of obtaining a decree f di vorce and that plaintiff haj a good cause of ault aealnut aald defendant: It further appearing that the plaintiff hat been unable to locate aald defendant: It Turner appearing that the plaintiff In quired of Arthur L. Menke, Superinten dent of Police In the City of Michigan City. Indiana, and further Inquired of the landlord of the defendant who rented living quarter! to the defen dant at hta last known addreaa la the City of Newport, Oregon; the penona moat likely to know the defendant's whereabouts and aald persons did not know the present whereabouts of the defendant: It further appearing from the facta that It Is Impossible to serve a copy of complaint and summons upon aald defendant In any manner provided by the Oregon Complied Laws Annotated, It will therefore be nereasarr to serve aald summons and complaint upon- the defendant by publication and fcir weeks Is a reasonable time within which to require said defendant to appear and answer; and that four weeka la a reason able time for the publication of said summons; and that the Capital Journal la a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in Marlon Coun ty. State of Oregon, having 'the neces sary qualification for the publication of legal notices. I. Order For Publication Of Bummone It la therefore, hereby ordered and adjudged that service of summons la the above entitled suit and court be made upon the defendant by publication there of In the Capital Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and pub- ; llshed la Marlon County, Oregon and that said publication be made enee a week for four successive weeks subse quent to the first publication of said , summons, to-wit, the 29 day of July, ! IMS and that said summons require aald i defendant to appear herein and answer said complaint on or before the 31 day 1 of Aug., im. Dated at Balem, Oregon thli 14 day of July, j REX KIMMEtJj Circuit Judge Wm. Dobson, attorney Oregon Building. j July . Aug. I. IS, 10, M, IIS). X have keen appointed executor of the estate of OlUe M. RobUa, deceased, by the Circuit Court of the Btate of Ora gon lor Marlon County, and have qual ified. All persons hereby are notified to present their claims to me at 403 Pio neer Trust Bulldln. Ralem. Oregon. within six months f the date of first publication 01 this notice. Dated and first published July . 19f3. Charles D. Roblla B. O. Blaster, Jr. Attorney lor Executor. July 22, . Aug. I, IS, It. 1H Governor Gels Safety Award Gov. Piul Patterson today held special citation liven to state of Oregon in the 14th national Industrial pro tection contest. Patterson received the award from former Gov. Charles A. Sprague, represent ing the American Automobile Association and the Oregon State Motor associatoin. Oregon's citation resulted from the reduction in the number of pedestrian deaths in traffic accidents from S9 In 1951 to SI in 1952. The cita tion also was a reward for the excellence of the record made by the state traffic safe ty division, headed by Capt Walter Lansing and the work done In the division by James R. Banks, assistant director in charge of the pedestrian pro tection program. FIRE DESTROYS TRUCK Dayton About S a.m. Tues day morning, the CMC service pickup of Gordon Matthews was gutted by fire in the drive way of his home, on Palmer Lane. A passing motorist notic ed the burning car and the fire department was called. The pickup is a complete loss. There are about a million strands in a human optic nerve. LEGALS FINAL WOT ICS Matte, li ut IM mmtmmt cm rii m urn cirwut court mt sir. 1m Onra, Pretou Dwrt nMt lu flaal Moount m KucuLor mt Wm HUH ml M. C. SHIELD. Iwni u4 M14 Court haj ftio Prld.1, Auitut . IIU, .1 l: ..Ui circuit court hm m ta. Coualr Court Rohm l mid, orwioa. lor ktutaa mis Baal acMuat aa4 all oblMtlona toartto. DaloS Jul! M. 1M1. THB OMITSD STATU NSTIOR4L BANK OV PORTLAND I01UOONI, Bx- oaior of Iha Batata 1 m. c. akWda, OacaaMS. MOODY LAHKW, AUaroara. - aaJam, Otmob. JulrM.Ant.ll.M.M. mm IM faraulaMr. as a nam SwwaawBaoj tpa pMaoi,1a. at ta. aoooa aauiaas "ar m isa Tart aNraoi, aalaat, Mar kwt Oraaaa. a Auswjt sua, Mat. at IS a-B. Tala aotk la tataj alroa ta mirl aaaa vita aaatua ,1-kOl OX UA, aS Iha paraoul praoarlr ta aa aaM li oa MMon M faUawa: M.aM faat, aara ar Haa. at aaoiaaa ana katlar nr ahlaa. Tba tarma af aaca, aala ar, aaaa. Dalai una tltk Sar at ausaat. IMS. DBJawnt TOOKO. aaartfl ar Uarlaa Ooaatr. anOTXX. BSrOTEH a I Maaaat Traal MUSIat Aa. U, II, la, IS, IT, IS, It. St. tl. St. Si. St, M, ItSI motici or sals op rimioxAL nortin srni brown build ino awpplt. . PlalaUlf. wa. PACIPIO LUMBER, BALES, I Balaadaat. KOTICE IB REREBT Oim that tha Mraoaal aroo.r;r baralaartar ataertaati wm aa aold la tha Mannar aravMoal ar law (ar tha aala af oaraaaal ararartr r. Dr. Will J. Tksr-a optometrist Examination In Afternoon of Ev. by Appointment . Fir ApfwNrtiMAt ft or 44057 Weary Feet Perk Up With Ice-Mint Treat When feet trara, nTlouMO tting one! trory slp it torturt, don't just rroan an4 do nothing. Bub oa a littlt JcoMiafc. ' "iiy wane, ercaianko, its cooling, soothing eomfort bclpo driv tho Ar and pofn right out . . . tired nutria rtlax ia grateful relief. A world of diffrrenco in a frw minutes. See how medicated let-Mint witn eoothlnr lanolin helps soften up sorns and raltnttsee too. (iet font happy tooay, toe ice-Jtint way. At all druBfisu. I-jiJ mi alhar nafat flaaraan. (III! Ml ITMUI Mtmri 4JL HrllK (tank) wVllT TrtttoJ Wttiail BNfAri Ipattri er.iMwi.uD. THI DIAN CLINIC Oaaa 1. artll I Kaiioar Haa.b tim. Ual a a w. MaMor, Waaaanwr aa. Frioar. Chtfaarartic ttnlciaa. . . . la aor 4Sr4 vaa,. MM NOtTMf AST tAMBT oOWrVABB Toliplni, IAn Jalt .allia 11. tww. lor. t. T Lara. R.o. Or O Ckaa BJ) DR8. CHAN LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS CpaUirs. til North Libert. otflea ma Baturtar onlr it ta I ..n Ihlu Craraiutlaa. blood vrtuura and anna taeta ara fraa af charra PrMtlaad Mnra till wnta for .ttrMUra tiri B. ahll. C7T t SAVINGS EARN SOONER at Salem Federal Money placed in your ac count during the first 10 days of any month, earn from the 1st of that month. Start now earning our cur rent rate of 3 per annum. S60 State Strttt facing Court Hours SAIE OttGON Open ( to 4 Dally; I to It Saturday UVv SALE LEON'S The bluest shoe tale 1m Salem . . . Famous brands ,, . ... ... all at eiaetly t tor g,,r pric , fh- Me. the Frire ef 1! 0.j poir FREE! SEE the New '54 Hoffman 4' W'..iht1 BVtV I 1 I iff' - 1 V Hoffman for '54 is the most advanced TV tvailable' anywhere-with outstamling "furniture" designs that once again set the pace in csbinet styling. With new Trio-phonic Hi-Fi and improved Easy-Vision! M: e 31" CONSOU-TrtJitioosJ scriing im imported mshoginy veneers. New Trw.phonk Hi-Fi sound, improred Esjy-Vision' goldea lens. See tod hear k aowt 424 Price includes: pans and picrure-oiot warranty, Ffdertl excise tax, HEAR Triophonic Hi-Fi Sound l mm turn or aon r im J -v- ' . a " " HOmUN TlrOrHMMMC HUH MWHM fW OW lAMal-arVH MUTH CMAUCTM tO MJOOU TOMB -v- . HOFFMAN CRASHES SOUND lARRIQt A new dimension toTV soMndl Hoffman introduces high-Melity sound to toltvitio ... brings yon ait the high and low notes exacrir as broadcast, not the restricted middle range of other TV (Note Chart.) Trio-phonic Hi-Fi enriches ivtrj note the esr an hear . . . it's like having the TV artists right ia your home. This revolutionary system features Hoffman's new crossover network, dual speakers snd 10 wans of push-pull output The sound system of the future-brought to you toJsj by Hoffman FEEL the Comfort of Easy-Vision HOFFMAN MAKES TV VIEWING MOII FUN. Hoffman's exclusive Easy-Vision golden lens is the one real optical advance in television. It changes bluish TV light into restful, natural rays . . . steps up picture contrast and clarity. You can watch as long as you choose with full eye comfort... and the longir you, watch, the more you'll appreciate it i Hundreds of thousands endorse Easy-Vision ...brought to a new peak of .excellence in the new '54 Hoffman. See what it means to ysav eyes now! Trtimmk at tfdlman EASY-VISION television See the exciting new '54 Hoffman line now! YOUR HOFFMAN DEALERS' RALPH MARR VALLEY WILLS JOHNSON RADIO & TV MUSIC APPLIANCES TELEVISION CENTER STORE 355 Center St. 2140 S. Commercial 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. 432 State St Phone 3-3139 Phone 2-1611 Phone 2-1913 Phone 34959