Prt 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oretoa Wednesday, August 12, 1953 FAN FARE lyWik DitiM i Beavers Pound Out 16 Hits for 10-6 Victory Ron Baker Hurls No-Hitter On Final Day of B League Bon Baker hurled a no-hit' ter at the Vista Merchant last night as Orchard Heights knocked over the Vista Mer chants S-t In the final "B League fame of the year. The final "C" League game of the summer was also played last night with Four Corners the victor over Bergs Keizer Market 4-1. Baker hurled hitless ball throughout the contest but two walks, two passed balls, and an error In the fourth gave Vista their lone runAHe struck out eight batters and walked six In the six inning game at Leslie. Orchard Heights tallied two runs in the second on a hit by Larry Bales, two errors, a walk and a passed ball. They added one in the third on an error "C" UAOt'E STANDINGS (riaai) w L ret wm Balea Lieu 1 I l.Mt DMkeoa'i Market ........ 1 1 .114 Jeekooa JniXn ........ I 1 .114 Utloa Put 1M I 1 .114 Pour Corners I 4 .411 Berfe Kelaer Mulct .... I I Jet Blelnke'a 1 .141 Orchard Helehle 1 NO Last nlsht'a acre: Pour Coram 4, Berta Kelaer Market I. "B" LSAOI'I STAND IMOS riai W L Pet Btlrm Laundry 4 1 .141 Blehop Bleetrla S .114 Warner Motor, I 3 .114 Orchard Helihla 4 I Jll Truak OU .411 Bart j Market 3 I .311 Vlata Merchant S .311 Pour Comer, 1 .000 Lut nliht'a eeore: Orchard Houjhta t, Vlata Merchant! 1. Sweet- Home Loses First Game in ABC Portland uh Action con tinues tonight in the double elimination American Baseball Congress baseball tournament with games scheduled between Friberg and Heales' Babes and the Longshoremen and Hilla boro. Forest Grove and McMinn ville were victors In last night's action. Homer Davis permitted only two hits as he pitched Forest Grove to a 1-0 victory over Sweet Home. And In the other contest, Mc Mlnnville Pitcher Jim Beard blanked Verboort, 8-0. BwMt Homo 400 oot ooo t s 1 Sweet oron ooo oim ooii 1 s Hall and Owonal DaTU and VoorhclM. Verboort llcMlnnylUe Bvera, Lepachota ... 000 000 00 1 4 ... Ill 110 4 S I (I) and VanDeman. and a single by Ron Baker. Their final two runs came in the fourth frame on singles by Jerry Goertzen and Both Smith, a catcher's interference play, three stolen bases, an er ror, and a passed ball. Baker was the game's batting star with two hits in two trips. Dave Merchant takes the loss. He struck out five batters and walked but two. Orchard Heights had five hits, all sin gles. ' In the "C" League game last night Four Corners scored four runs in the third inning for all their scoring and beat the Keizer nine 4-1. The winners could get but two hits off loser Gene Gil bertson and all came in the third inning. Bergs had three hits off Delwyn Harms who struck out a total of ten men out of a possible IS. Four Corners scored their four runs in the third on two San Franclsee ai.R9The Hoi hits, one by Leon Chartler and '"wood Stars were picked to the nth.r rw rlaUrlB L.vtnn W,n U, C Portland tun Jehoale Heard's a I a e-hlt pitching conpled with 1 Portlaad hits gave the Beavers a li-f PCL victory over Oakland her last night. The Oaks trailed 10-2 going into the top of the eighth when they slugged out four runs, three off Bill Hower- ton's 23th homer of the year. It was Heard's 13th win against 8 losses, while starter Bob Murphy lost' his fifth against one win. Murphy was relieved in the fourth by Billy Jo Waters and he left the mound in the fifth tor Don Ferrarse. Jim Russell started the Port end scoring in the second when he went home on Don Eggert's single. Eggert tal lied on Heard's sharp single to left. TJwo walks off Murphy loaded the bazes and Jim Gladd got an Infield hit to score Heard. Eggert doubled in a run in the third. Then in the fourth, with two on, singles by Hank Arft, Russell, Eddie Basinski and Eggert brought in four more runs. PCL Standings L Pet. at u .on 1 00 JT4 n to Jii tt 1J .4M Hollywood ,, Seattle Loo Anaalas San Ptanclact .. Portland u T3 .414 San Dlean at n .444 Sacrament. a II .44) Oakland M 11 .411 Taeedar'a Beaaltat Hollywood 1, Sacramento 1 an Praneteea 4-0. Ban Dlete I- Ui Antelee 4. Seattle 1 Portland It. Oakland t OB 11 SOS 30 34 In the second game the Seals could hardly bag a hit off Lefty Bog Kerrigan, who shut them out with four singles, 8-0. Dick Faber knocked in two of the runs with a bases loaded single in the eighth. JoTfnan.l Cullll.U Chpmn,cf Howrtn.r Urah 11. lb NeaU Murphy.p Watere.p Per area, Bero.aa a-Octtal B H O A lAuilln., 4 lRobbe.U 1 Oledd.c I Marae.ct I 4 4 0 RueatLr S 1 Ban.kl.1 I OEexrt.l 4 1 Heerdp 4 IValbelp 1 (14) Paftlawd B H O A 1 10 1 Mijcr Lei:-' Uiiiw (BP Tba AJoaclatod Preeal NATIONAL UAODB Bateau layla. Haw Tart. J3II SoeWaa dleaat. St. LauU. Jill Tbeanpeen. Haw w k h. m.ii. a.-j-h ivm net a.n-B- bolla. Cttlcaaa aad Bablnaoa. aUaaalra. Baaa Batted to Caeapaaella. Brook lyn. IMt Matatwa. Mllwaakaa, Ms Hodiee. Brooklyn. 11: tnrnv Haw Tar a. til Bnnla Philadelphia, n. - ... un.nw aa KluaaewekL. Cincinnati. Ml raaapaneUa. roauya. aai auaw. vann a CUaUnaaU. J. Pruatai Burdetta. Milwaukee. S-t. .till Snaha. Milwaukee, lt-t. .lit: aai. dli St. Louli, 14-1, .111! PodrM. Brook lyn. 1-1. .nil Iraklne, Brooklyn. 11-1, m. AMIBICAN UAODB maiuu Varnoa. Waablaltoa. .334; lllnaaa. Calean, Jill Boaan. CMaalaad. .Ill: KtU. Boataa, Jill Male, cntceae JII. lltnoeo. Cnleaio, Hi Mantle. Maw Tork 111 Booea. Detroit and Vernon. Wean- nvitoo. n. aaaa Baaa ZernlaL Pnlladalphla. Ml Koaaa. Claralaad. Ill aamart. Boataa. Boaat, Detroit and Bam. Hew Tack. la. PliekBu LooaL New Vark, tl-ii J4I; Brown. Boaton. 11-1, Mf Ford, Maw Tork. 13-4. .144: Shea, waaklaltaa, ., .lit; Dorian, cnicaia. lo-t. .nt. Woman Golftr Wed in rnrvnllit HaSDltal ... J Ym UnTVBUt ' Moss, Corvallis, one of Oregon s pear, auiowu w wn.. " to be married at 1 p.m. today in uooa samariuui uuajutw. here. Miss De Moss marriage, to Howard Kirby Smith, Miami, wi. Alnvawl from AuK. 2 because of auto accident injur- Dy Avon ivuruau and Quentin Greeaough, for. mer Oregon Stat college foot ball greats. They are brothers, in-law, of the bride. Yesterday's Stars (By Tba Aeeoclated praaa) Ptleklw Carl BrUrna, Brooklyn Ottt, art. aate op Jual twa alnilaa la UI Bins fell 13th tarn 4-1 orer New Tark. Battru Minnie Mtnoaa, Cnlcaaa WkHa ox. bit a three-run Boat ran la ike aoa t-I yletory aver Cleveland. HSBJNC AT ITS BBT. . rtt ssiwtt tmrUmi-m ftmii faiWHat ltft TWs VijAaf i eW" Ban Diana 001 101 IH 1 11 I Baa Praaclaca .... 10 001 000 4 1 Karrliaa aad Bununera; Torn ay. along with three walks and two errors. Each team commit ted three errors. 't Minor League Scores (By The Aasoclated Free,) INTERNATIONAL LBAQUS Bracnaa 4-1. Montreal 1-1 Buffalo 1-t. Baltimore 0-1 Ottawa l-l, Roebeatar 3-3 aprlnifteld l-l, Toronto 1-1 AM1BICAN ASSOCIATION LonUvlIlt 4. Charleaton 1 Toledo S. St. Paul 1 Indtananolla S. MlnnaaiMlli 3 Colombui 1, Kanaaa city S TSXAS LT.AGUI Honatott S. Dallaa 1 Oklahoma City 1, ahraranort 1 Ban Antonio I. Port Worth 3 . Beaumont 1, Tulaa 9. WE8TBBN LXAOTTX Daa Uolnea 11-1, Sioux City 1-4 Wichita I, Denver 1 Uneola 3, Omaha S Puabla I. Colorado Sprlnna 4 PIONEIB UAOOS Bolae 4. Bllllnia Oadcn 1, Pocateuo t Salt Lake 10, Idaho Pall, t Great Parle 4, Mailt Valley t Cow an At Hood.rf a O!lberteon.p S Hawiey.lD i 3 1 8oDdennan,o 3 uanlon.el a 1 Heeuey.rl 1 Roher.U ant. (I) B B H 111 Lancae 1 Cbartlar.el 0 Harma,p 1 ahlraa.II I Nlcbolaon.o Aaarudclb I ProcMI I t (4) 4 Corner, B H H TolaU 11 1 I Total! 11 4 3 Brn'a , , 000 It 1 I 3 Pour Cornera 004 0 4 3 3 Wlnnlnc plthar Harma. Laeinf pit cher Ollbaruon. ao By Harma 10, Oll berteon I. EB Off Harma a, Otlberua 4 1BH Oena Ollbeitaoa. RBI cowan. Cbartlar 3. Laytoa 3. (I) Orehari Hta. R H Vlata Merehanta (1 B R H Hayden.lf Manaaajai Krvm,cf Mllka.rf RoeOb Hamllton,e Merchant.p TburatoB,rf Total! I Ooertaen.lf I Anderaon.3 f Oamar.aa I Bakar.p 0 Bale,, lb 0 fimlth.e ' OBoehmer.rf 0 0111.30 1 RPdnrchtj II 1 To tale 33 I S Vlata Merehanta OOt 100 1 S 1 Orchnrda Halthu HI M-S t 3 Wlnnlnc pitcher Baker. Loaini plt char Merchant. SO Br Baker I. Mer chant I. BB Oft Baker I, Merchant 3. RBI Ooertien, Baker, OIU. pennant largely because of their speed and youth bnt they were sparked along the vic tory path today by old man Frank Kelleher. Kelleher will be 37 next week. He has become as much a part of the Hollywood scene as a punched celebrity, but is far from wsshed up. Only one regular on the squad is batting over .300 and that's Kelleher with a hefty .325. The Stars moved into a com manding eight game lead over runner-up Seattle last night by beating Sacramento 3-1 while Lop Angeles was trouncing the Suds, 4-1. ' Munger's Tenth Kelleher figured in aU the Twinks' scoring as he went two for four and helped George Mungar, another old ster, to his 10th victory of the campaign. Bevos Seals Tied Portland bounced back into a virtual tie for fourth with San Francisco, which split a twin bill with San Diego. San Francisco won 4-2 at the ex pense of Lloyd Dickey, who dropped ills xourtn verdict. Totala 3t t 14 II Total, II 11 31 11 a Hit Into doublt play for Perrareee in ttb. 000 MA MO I 001 300 111 I Oil 400 10 141 111 II H BR BB SO 114 1 4 111 1114 I 4 3 S lilt Oakland Hlta ., Portland Hlta .. Pitcher: Murphy Watera . Perrareao Heard . . Walbel IP AB 1H II 1 1 m ii 1 33 1 3 B Lake, Joreeneen. Culttl 3. Chap man, Howerton, Robot 3. Oladd, Mar qule, Arft a, Ruiaell 3. Kiiert. Heard. B Meal. Jortonaen. RBI Blfert 3, Oladd. Chapman, Howerton 4, Arft 3, Baalnakl. Dayta. Mamula. RnaaeU. IB Lake. Bgtert. Howerton. 3B chapman. HR Howerton. SH Oladd. DP Lake, Dayla and Marahall 3; Earo, Daytl and Marahall; Baalnakl, Auatu and Arft. eft Oakland tl Portland 13. Winner Heard! Loaer Murphy. U Soman, Beau aad Sllya. T 3:31. A 1.01a. Seattle loo 000 000 1 S S Loa Anielea 003 010 10x 4 11 Wldmar Lovrleh (II, Dal Duca (I) and Ortelii Bulcer 'and Peden. TIieiotindTwnP Accessories for Any And All Occasions SHRYOCK'S MBN'S WSAB Oaaltal Skapatai Canter Tafce ihe tfhedjust once . . . and you'll never willingly go back to average driving ! , i ,f f r "ajfixjxBw, eWwaWamjT im PtfnnMr iw CaaxwSLa Here's your chance to drive America's Stock-Car Champion If you take pride in driving a daan eally beautiful car, the Hudson Hotnet is for yotx So dynamic ara isa hrkss, it appattrs to be in inotioa when a atanding still. V yoaj taka pride in perfonnance the eager rwtpotTteB, the aizsling take-off of the fabulotai IMbob HorrtBt wul "apofl" you for average tjVfaajasjS YeojV feew-Majs ansattity, too, fas kiau aa. big this car has an extremely low center of gravity due to exclusive "step-down" design which makes not only for safety, but for a ride soft aa eider down. We invite you to drive a Hudson Hornet. See ua soon, won't you. May Pawl Bama Hydra-Mont Orara and Twta H-rWtr.Hadaaat eaSreayaa'aeWaTel aaWeMplb) iVtwatlf aryitttt SBaTwaVataal aft) QaTall'e) Mfwa . , Netionel Stock-Car Chemprea HUDSON WASP HUDSON JET aeveV y'ateadl RwHealRaj MBB tf Ike Mtyerat tatt ParfarimeKe entl Ecanaany hi Hie lawwrt Priced nM l ana trraeaiiiikai aaktoet aa tkaaaja aHtkawt aatlea. SHROCK MOTOR CO. 316 No. Church St. Salem, Oregon Oakland 000 300 040 I S 3 Portland 031 400 301 10 II Murphy watera (41 Perraraao (I) and Neali Hard and oladd. Hollywood 010 100 001 3 S 1 Sacramento 000 001 000 ITS Munaer and Braiam PlaretU and Rttcher. Pint lama: San Dteeo no 000 a- 3 S I Ban Pranelaco 000 400 x-4 S 1 Dicker and Mathlal Bradford, aad Tleeiara, Tornay (1. NOV OPEN Ready to Go Again For Another Season -Register Your Teams Now for Winter Play New Bowlers Welcome Free Instruction LEI'S BOWL 4T B&B Bowl 3015 hrltai. M. , Fk. 2-4431 i ' tea lunci 110 f QT. K WHWtlT B 4 tUB OU K FMOf B HtUWOHMLCtXUHtU.IC 10 DAYS ONLY! INTRODUCTORY OFFER ON OUR FABULOUS NEW FALL LU.E-UP1 i sw ua mar mm i j ir P4c K pXpopxjW of w 1 iK for yovr iwtyw FoB swt arxJ ' 4 ff I f ' EXTRA SAVhNtGSI MM " j "-Hy 39.50 iC tf regularly 49.50 IVn 1 WM,S x CMOost mom X- Air ( p"viduor1y Tailored for Yew Alone . Coftwtt FM GuorofrieedJI j AllAk.ll t A 1 A I 3aty&jviaeax&& otfoat muy W gBS 550 N. CAPITOL, SALEM.