Final Home Appearance For Capital Posters .hi?.''1.1 'M Sllem Ketjan 8 o'clock game. Salem will jneir final chance of the season I be seeking iU 23rd straight vie to tee the Capital Port No. tory. L?i?nC!!lPl0Shif meric Albany finished fourth in the action 1 """"L1 "" !" Oregon state toiirna tk !t,Miter, lrk knight, jment Salem defeated Albany 1 he Salem team, co-sponsor-! 8-3 in the opening round of the d by Pumlite Block and Sup-1 tourney, then Salem went on to P y, Keiier Merchants and I win the state championship. Man Baker Motors, meets Al- Naturally, Albany is eager for - , - .ur igion lquaa m i revenge. Tonight's tilt ii a benefit game for Jack Loy and Vince Genna.. Loy, 15, is the classy left handed pitcher who was standout with the Salem Legion team this year until stricken with rbumatic fever. He has been confined to bed ever since. Legion team, is not paid for his coaching efforts, despite the fact he takes many hours off his truck driving job in order to coach the team. Proceeds of tonight's game will be split be tween Loy and Genna. For Salem, the game will serve as a tune-up for the re gional 11 tournament at Yak ima. Salem play Butte, Mont., in the opening round of the tournament Sunday. The Capital Posters leave Sa lem by train at 6:50 p.m. Fri- went on to the sectional play day., offi at Hastings, Neb., winning Last year Salem won the one game there before being tournament at Yakima, and eliminated. LOCAL UNITED MESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, August 12, 1953 Page 13 ) f) $ Salem to Face Butte in First Tourney Game Billings, Mont (Special) Butte, Mont, will be Salem's opponent in the first round of the regional 11 American Le gion Junior baseball tourna ment at Yakima Sunday. Butt qualified for the re gional playoffs by defeating Billings 2-1 In the finals of the double - elimination Montana state tournament here Tuesday night. Butte won the title the hard way, after losing to Great Falls, 10-5, in the opening round. Butte came back to defeat Fort Peck 8-3, Great Falls 7-1 and Billings 7-0 to earn their way into the finals. Billings was the defending Montana champion,' and was favored to repeat this year, Billings won its first two games in the state tourney, and apparently had a shoo-in for tho title, but was upset twice by Butte on the final day. The Oregon and Montana champions meet in the second same of the regional 11 tour ney. Salem won the Oregon title in the state tournament at Waters park in Salem recently. Lewiston, Idaho, and Yaki ma, Wash., are the other two entries in the regional ll tour raiment O'Reilly Wins Over Marvel Jack O'Reilly earned a crack at Frank Stojack's coast junior heavyweight title with a vic tory over the Masked Marvel last night at the local armory. O'Reilly took two straight fills over the Marvel in the match which had two referees, Last week the two fought to a draw. In the preliminaries last night John Henning defeated Greg Jacques and Jack Klser beat Mr. Sakata. The match be tween O'Reilly and Stojack is scheduled for next Tuesday. TO KHOCD OVtDKftD MARION MOTORS ONUMAS TO SW lOURSSUfl Tourney Bound The South Salem MerchanU girls' Softball team will nlav in the Dreron state girls' Softball tournament, beginning tomorrow at Portland. Front row, from left, right fielder Loretta ' Juedes, utility player Katharine Johnson, catcher Lois Duncan, third baseman and pitcher Jo Stettler, second baseman Helen Hanson, and left fielder Low Hutehlngs Back row, from left, first baseman Floribel Gordon, : pitcher and third baseman Carol Petersen, center fielder Vivian Reaves, shortstop Dorothy Stewart, utility player Berniece DaMoode, and coach Enoch Mien. Not present for picture, left fielder Bernice Ettner, center fielder Mur iel French, utility player Helen Gordon, utility player Dorothy Miller, and utility player Fhillla .Jensen. Valdex Upsets Ez Charles . In 10-Rounder ' Miami, ' Fla. (U.R) Ezxard Charles' ' dream of becoming the first man in history to re gain the world's heavyweight championship lay all but shat tered today under the wreck age of his surprise loss to ob scure Nino Valdes of Cuba. Valdes stunned a crowd of 7.500 last night as he took Charles' best punches and came on to win the unanimous, 10-round vote of two judges and the referee. The setback apparently doomed Charles' hones of get- ing a shot at the winner of next month's championship fight be tween Rocky Marciano and Ro land La Starza, and, at the ad vanced ring age of 32, may have ended them for all time. Fights last Wight Salem Hosts NW Archery Tournament This Weekend Archers from all over the northwest and Canada will con gregate in Salem this week-end for the northwest sectional field tournament, a two day af fair being jointly sponsored by the Oregon Bowhunters and Washington Bow Hunters. The tourney, largest of it's kind ever held in the area, takes place on the greatly enlarged must complete 56 targets be fore prizes are awarded Sun day afternoon. There will be concession stands on the area selling food and drinks, since many archers from out of town will be camp ing in the headquarters area. The public is cordially invit ed to' watch at any time. The road will be clearly marked. The course is 1 mile south of course of the Salem Jabber walkle field archers, where Pringle school. special crews have been work- Attendance expected to ing for months to prepare for 300-500. this event ! . Besides its regular target Clwi ptm..: and hunting rounds, the areairlVWay UOUnCII now includes a new 28 target ' r . 18 target hunting JeT5 LSQTeS TOT Salem Merchants Win Opening Playoff Game 15-0 The Salem Merchants wen the first game of the In trad is. trict Softball playoffs with Mt Angel's Townles last night when they defeated them 15-8 at Phillip's Field. The Merchants scored one run in the first on no bits but made it 6-0 at the end of two Innings. Singles by Bob Knight, Fred Graham and Payne, along with several fielder's choices and walks gave the Salem nine their five runs. Salem's Merchants went scoreless In the third inning but then esme back with three in the fourth, one in the fifth, and finally five in the sixth. Helstrom triples in the fifth for the winners. Meanwhile Bob Knight was holding the Townles to three singles. Two of these hits came in the second inning but tight hurling kept the runners from advancing home. The other was in the third. Tonight the MerchanU travel to Mt Angel and a win would earn them the right to meet Oregon City. Oregon City and the winner of this series meet to decide the entry t m e a is I WoleeaMtu 14 S Commercial Brit .... IS S KM Woolen Mills .... 1 S Plreaea IS 1 nrtt Clrrletiaa s P cm ll Cleru a S Kelaer BleetrM , S II rtril Belloaal 4 IS Bert'4 Market ....... I 14 aunm unit 14 Laat Blaht'a ecoree! Fink National S. . nremen .! KeUer XUctrte . lint carat- uaa 7. Dwtriot Dlor-ofU: Salem MmoiU II, Mt. Awel t. Tooljhl: Mt, AUol TO. Mercnenu ot Mt. AneeL - ToDlfbt'o innioa: Bera'a Market Tat WolgaroolU at Phillip', il:ftf; Coin ift r elol Seet v. YMCA al PillUp'a (1:04 1 1 Warflover Mlli n. Foaltl Clark al Loollo 14:101. be (By Tha Ateoelatod Prata) MIbmI Beeea, llo. Ulna Valdea, KWti, Hevene. outpointed Saaard Chariot. Ill St, Cincinnati. II. oaetea, Tn. rata CHI, 111. Initio, Tex., outpointed Benny Bvena. Ill, Okla homa City 10. Ma Anfeleo Ramon Rlacarroo. l.lttt. Juarat, Mexico, atoppod Santlaio Kato baa HI. Denver, T. Brooklyn. Bldteweed Ovoro Al "Buc- patnted Ted Murray, in, Hew 'York io. I be 8:00 a.m., since each archer field course, 28 target hunting course, and special 28 target hunters round which requires the use of regular bow hunting equipment including regula tion broadhead arrows. Com plete secrecy has been main tained on the new courses, with no one person permitted to know the target distances or positions.. Registration closes at 1' p.m. on Saturday, and all shooting starts at that time, with archers placed at each target The dead line for Sunday morning will UroUSTBIAL LUOI I STAmnHM 1 PcL O-B. .an JJ4 m . t .Ml S .UI 4 JM S Alt If 411 , l4 JM St .IN lit .11 11 Soloos H eld to No Hits Clarence Marshall Hurls Vancouver to 12-1 Win (By The Aaaoelated Praia) Vancouver's Clarence Mar shall reported in with the Western International Baseball League's fist 1953 no -hitter Tuesday night, but lost his bid for a shutout due to wobbly control. . The 28-year-old righthander, making his second appearance in a Vancouver uniform since his release by the Pacific Coast League Hollywood Stars, held Salem hitless for nine innings but walked nine men as the Capilanos rolled to a 12-1 tri umph. The Senators combined three bases on balls and a long fly in the eighth inning for their only tally. The loss dropped Salem two full games back of the pace setting Spokane Indians who shaded Tri-City, 4-3. In other games, Victoria turned back Soleaa (t) 1 Botlnl.l.T I Tanaalu.a I Marahtl.lf 4 Peret.So I Deyo.el I Wtnrap.r 1 BollnM.p 4 Nelaon.c 1 Colllna.o 1 Peteren.a O A I I 4 S Etwla.x 4 0 Clark, at I S fttorer.! I 1 Mcaro.r S Taylr.U I I Uretto.c S I Petrlll.l 4 I kttahll.p (It) Vaneeaeer B B O A 1 1 II Tote M I M I Totala 41 II SI II Salem too 000 010 111 Vencourer 100 101 II II II I Pitcher: TP AB H R 1ft SO BB COlllne .... 4 11 II 1 4 S Paterooa .. W 1 1 I 4 1 Ballard .... IS 11 1 1 Marahall .. 1 1 1 I I WP Colllna. laer Conine. IjOB Solera 7, Vaocouyar I. Brroro Teneelll 1. Ballard. Deyo. Wltherapoon. Taylor. HR Charlton. 3BH Taylor. RBI M. Merahell. Burkowatx I, Petralll I, Clark I, c. Merahell. Cherlton 1. SB Bucko wett. DP Storey to BuckowoU to Pe tralll: Burkoweta to Clark to Petralll. Umpire, Moras and Jacob. Time 2:01. Att. 1.444. Trl-Clty MO Ml 1M S 1 i Bpokene Ml 110 11 4 10 1 Roberuon and Peiut, Werrea 111; Pranka and Sheet. Ml 1M l-t I I 000 1M 0--1 1 1 Prentice: Monroe and Plret reme: Edmonton .... Wenetchee . . . McNtilty and Bertolomel. Second game: Bdmonton 0M M0 Oil 13 I 1 Wenetchee MO 0 000 11 II I conent and Morten: Oubre and Bertolomel. Victoria MO 030 014 I 11 3 Yakima 000 Ml 0011 1 3 Bottler and Harford: Carter. Rial (Ii and Albtnl. Calaary 300 M3 I 13 I M3 0M 13410 13 3 l-tn-on. Prancla ill and Brlcker: Crenner, Marahell (41 end Cameron. Break the ties that bind yon to the old jalopy. If It's costly for repairs It's time for a chanre. Turn it In TO DAY for a late model and keep away from trouble. 14( Nash "800" Four-Door Sedan. Good run ning. Reduced to $395 TJULL The real thing WIL Standings Spoken .. Belem .... Vancouver Taklm ... Bdmontoo. Lewurten Trl-Clty .. Victoria .. Wenateno Calcary ... (By Tha Ataoclated Preatl I W L Pet. O.l. II 17 .130 .111 .133 .133 .too .471 .454 .411 .411 .401 s It 10 Taesdey'e Reealta: - . Vancouver 13, Salem 1. Spokane 4, Trl-Clty I. Kdmontoa 1-1, Wenatche tame 14 lnnlutl. . Victoria S. Taklma 1. Lewuton 10, Celaary S. Wedneaday'a Sebedalet Celtery at Lewletoa. Salem at Vancouver (3. Bdmonton at Wenatche (I). Victoria at Taklma. Trl-Olty at fcpokene (II. Yakima 8-3; Lewiston edged Calgary 10-9 and Edmonton and Wenatchee divided a dou- bleheader, Edmonton taking the first game 5-1 in seven innings and Wenatchee the nightcap 3-2 in ten. ' Marshall, who was signed by the Caps as a free agent last week almost lot his no-hitter with two out in the ninth in ning when Salem's Gary Bal lard lofted a long fly to left center field. Gale Taylor made a stab for the ball and lost it but the official scorer ruled it was an error. Marshall pitched for the New York Yankees and the St. Louis Browns prior to his stint with the Stars. In his first start for Vancouver last week, he was driven to the showers in the early innings by the Victoria Tyees. Wenatchee's Charley Oubre turned in the evening's next best pitching job, a five-hitter in the extra-inning affair with Edmonton. It was his 13th win against 11 losses. Edmonton's John Conant was trying for his 20th win but suffered his 10th loss. At Spokane, Eddie Murphy's eighth-inning single pushed the Indians into the win column after Trl-Clty had tied the game with a three-run rally in the seventh. Winning pitcher Bill Franks held the Braves to sev en afeties. Lewiston batters hammered out four home runs in the Lew- iston-Calgary clash at Lewis- ton. Bob Williams' two-on horn er in the ninth won the game for the Broncs who trailed the Stampeders 8-6 entering the inning. Other round-trippers were by Manager Bill Brenner, in the third; Larry Barton, in the seventh, and Mel Wasley, SALMON TIME! H And that's the time to take off for Bradley's H for that New Equipment. COAST GUARD APPROVED (ORANGE COLORED) LIFE JACKETS (Cheaper In Family Lots) m m si f r BB Vve SL "S3 ESS eV ! tm - as. J bM 9 m Lures and Rigs for Salmon Sports Fishing, Mooching r Trolling Salt Water and Surf Spinning Rtelt Tha New MITCHELL SURF Aires. Beachcomber CENTAUR! Bring In your spin reel spools te be machine filled with Dupont Limp Mono filament nylon line, (you will save about one-third on line cost) two home in the ninth; all solos. Ben Jeffrey drove la Victoria runners with a run in the ninth inning at Yak ima but the tallies weren't needed. The Tyees scored three times in the fifth and added what proved to be the winning run in the eighth. -1 '" Oregon Season Reno .tun Oregon s 19S3 migratory waterfowl season will extend from October 17 to December 30, the Oregon Fish and Game commission de cided at a meeting of the Pa cific Flyway Council here. Representatives of the seven Western sates met here yes terday to make recommenda tions for the 1953-54 migratory waterfowl hunting season in their states. However, only seasons definitely set were those of Oregon and Nevada. Only conflict was between Oregon and California. California persuaded Oregon representatives to open their season earlier than originally scheduled because bird flocks in the Tule Lake area would be' chased back and forth be tween the two states constant ly it the early season recom mendations, stood. ' . California re pr e sentatlves said also an early season open' ing was desired in their state Lebanon Holds Swimming Meet Lebanon Seven events were held in the all-city swim con' test at the municipal pool Sun day. This precedes competi tion Tuesday with Corvallis and Thursday with Albany. Both latter contests will be held in the neighboring cities. The pool supervisor save the following results of the Sun day meet, with winners named in order: 0 yard free atyle, tlrll 11-14 Bonnie Praatr, Debbie Klngan. 40 yard breal etroke, soya II and over Ron Rim, Darryl Blabop, Barney Cnerrauk. Lao vtley, Tarty Oraham. in the state tourney st Mill City this month. In Industrial1 League action last night the Firemen scored three runs in the first Inning and then went on to edge First N.tional 3-2. The Firemen got only three hits while the losing Bank team had six. In the only other league ' clash Kelzcr Electric upset First Christian 9-7. Keiier scored two runs lns the fifth to win the game. Tonight in the Industrial League Berg's Market takes on Wolgamotts at Phillip's, Commercial Seat Covers plays the YMCA at Phillip's, and Mayflower Milk octets the Postal Clerks at Leslie. The first game at Phillip's starts at 7 while the Leslie game be gins at 0:30. Mt. Aneel .'. MO OOO O 0 1 S MerchanU lit lis 11 -I C. Beyer, Duda (I) anaV M. Eomti Knlfht and Weaver. mi mo i a s e 1M 000 3 ( S Ruef; Mlckaahaai ad Pint National firemen ...... Clark end Tompkloa. Falter Bleclrte 131 1M ft IS S Pirat Chrletlen 301 30 1 S 4 Ooldea and Honeyaette: Broom ajar. Cole. . , 40 rerd free atyle, bora II and over Bay Rlnt, Darryl Blabop, Bamey Obey, raux. Don Beaton. Oeno apeaaL 40 yard free atyle. boya 10 and ttndar jonn anyaer. oeerio Myram. 40 yard Ire atyle. alrla 11-14 Bonnie rToaer. Doooie Binlan. Brenoa Dally. io yard rre atrl. nova 11-14 virau Ruaaeii. 40 yard tree ttrlo. bora 11-14 TlreD. Ruaaail. Don Allen, Dale Blahop. because bird flocks injure crops severely and farmers have taken to frightening birds from rice fields and oth er crop lands. The federal Fish and Game service already has announced liberalized hunting rules for the season ' and . said hunters may shoot until sunset in all fly ways. . Tommy Thomas Wins Cups at Seattle Race Lebanon Running in the Seattle Seafair national sports car race or August 8, Tommy Thomas of Lebanon took his M-G through ttie 12-lap road trial tor a total of 25 miles snd came in second In his class. The . novice class, which Thomas entered, is for drivers of cars 1100 to 1500 c.a., and is the most populous class cov ering M-G's, Simcas and Sing ers. His speed sverage was 56 mph. The Thomas M-G came out of the race in excellent shape with no injury other than a scratched fender. Awards were made at the banquet Saturday night. At this time Thomas received a sil ver cup recording his win, to gether with a silver box for driving his car the longest dis tance to the race. ' .' i Wee lediMii Wk on MMm THUS Tlic protection lhats always with you ! Here yon hive the well-known mmbera of Amer ira's roTsl family of tires on sale It special redoeed prices for a limited time only. These tire value stand far apart from and above the common lev el of tire quility. Each of them deliver! a tneaiure of safety and per inrtnanee that, we belieye, is nowhere elite available st any price. Investigate this special Price Reduction Sale today! In lh great I'. S. ROYAL MASTKlB, too bare a tire of asrtnais tread depth and mileage capacity, with Mopping power ane) akid proiawlitea beyond mli prtviout ttandarJa. '. - la h grt-t V. S. BYAL AIM BIBB, tow bar tha lira that, a few veara aero, swept ibe tire tnduttrr ehanfrios all American aulomohtU rid inn and driving Mill the Jlrat cMot tf America finmt of new cars. the now and eaasatleaal V. S. BOYAL LIFKWAIX, lor immediate nolaUauna m ail lira old and new, yea have the moot air-container ever developed, delivering, aleo, lb only atMiitt and ( aetii woukhU pcrvmxinn. Compare these product fmtum and performance with any tire you have ever luedl. Bradley's Bicycle and Sport Shop 237 H. rflfh Streei Kt SI I . eewe-eaeaw f ii lit . (ISko1-u",av i,eMJ.A 1 UNITED STATES RUBBER COMPANY f Recapping Complete Tire Service WALTER H.Z0SEL Phone 2-3645 (hemeketa and High Sfs. Opposite City Hall WHEEL BALANCING FRONT WHEEL ALIGNMENT 3M T