PagtS Capital Edited y MARIAN , Miss Combs Honored at Shower Miu Pearl Combf, bride-elect of Donald Edward Ander son, wai honored at ahower given by Mits Alice Humph reyi at the Humphrey! resi dence on South Cottage, last night. The gifts were found as a result of interpreting group- pantomimes as to whera they were hidden. Preceding the opening of the gifts Mrs. J. W. Humphreys, Miss Evelyns Bartlett, and Mrs. Q. A. Hadley received prizes for supplying the most "right answers" to games played. Those Invited to the shower were the honor guest, and Mrs. Donald Heinz, Jr., Mrs. Dan Morley, Mrs. Richard Roth, Miss Alta Hadley, Mis Hazel Heffley, Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Mrs, Floyd Johnson, Joyce Johnson, Mrs. Wesley Ander son, Miss Lila Anderson, Mrs. R. A. Combs, Miss Ardith Combs, Miss Alice Goffrier, Miss Evelyne Bartlett, Mrs. Q. A. Hadley, Mrs. Ferd Zurcher, Miss Mildred Coe, Mrs. J. W Humphreys, Mrs. Tliorton Jan- sma, Mrs. Ralph Smith Mrs. Ken Anderson ot Newberg, Misses Bonnie Bishop and Mar ceil Stewart, Mrs. Loren Lottis, Mrs. Milton Coe, Miss Dorothy Cook, Mrs. Floyd Cook. - Miss Combs and Mr. Ander son are to be married Friday evening of this week at a cere many at 8:30 o'clock in the First Baptist church, the Rev. Thornton Jansma officiating. Miss Ardith Combs is to be , maid of honor for her sister, and bridesmaids will be Miss Wanda Johnson and Miss Alice Humphreys. Bud Llnditrand is to be best man. The recep tion following also is to be at the church. Wednesday Affair Mrs. Russel Beutler and her daughter, Shirley, are enter taining at an Informal mother and daughter "coffee and coke party" Wednesday morning. The affair is planned for 10:30 o'clock at their home. ' MRS. R. L. GAMBA of Oak land, Calif., is visiting In Sa lem at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox. She arrived Sunday, and will be here for about a week. AT HOOD RIVER for Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dewey, Jr., and sons, Mi chael and Mitchell, Mr. Dewey giving a talk at Farm Bureau picnic there. i' Garden Club Mt. Angel Mr. and Mrs. Volna J. White will be hosts to the Mount Angel Garden club for the group's business and so cial meeting at their country home hear Monitor on Wed nesday evening, August 12. The business meeting Is scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock, but Mr. and Mrs. White have asked the Garden club mem bers to come as early In the evening as possible In order to inspect their spacious gardens. An interesting program has been arranged, and Mrs. C. Hal vorsen, well known flower grower ot Sllverton, will be the guest speaker. In the event ot unfavorable weather, the club meeting will be in the Mount Angel city hall. Today's Menu Pancakes are a breakfast dish deluxe when topped with sweet sauce of plentiful fresh peacnes. Brunch Party Chilled Canned Grapefruit Juice Puffed Rice with Brown Sugar and Cream Pancakes with Fresh Peach Sauce Beverage Pancake with Fresh Peach Sauce Ingredients: For the Sauce m cups sugar, H cup water, dash ot salt, 2 cups sliced fresh peacnes. For the Pancakes 1 egg, ? cups milk, 2 cups pan cake ready-mix, 2 tablespoons nutter or margarine (melted). Method: The Sauce Com bine sugar, water and salt in a saucepan. Bring to a brisk boll, Add peaches and simmer 10 to IS minutes or until the peaches are tender. For the Pancakes- beat egg and milk together; add to pancake ready-mix all at once and stir lightly. Some what lumpy batter make light fluffy pancakes. Fold In melt ed butter. Pour cup batter for each pancake onto a hot lightly greased griddle. Bake to a golden brown, turning only once. Makes 14 to 18 psncakes. Serve with the warm Peach Sauce. MM! lUUGESTStUJII AIPISIIN FOR CHIIOSS until Women LOWBT Visit in Portland In Portland over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Murphy, their son, Kenneth Murphy, who is here from Pasadena, Calif., also their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Crafts and little daughter, Christy Lee. They were guests of the Murphys" daughter, Mrs. Lucile Bran skill. A dinner given by Mrs. Brunskill on Saturday evening honored the Murphys on the occasion of their 44th wedding anniversar) . Mr. Crafts left Sunday for his home, Mrs. Crafts and daughter to remain here an other week with the Murphys. Kenneth Murphy will be here the remainder of the month with his parents. Mrs. Brun skill was here last week, but has returned to her home in Portland. She is to be princ ipal for the new Atkinson grade school built in Portland. HOME from a month's visit In Winona, Minn, are Mrs. Ralph E. Purvine and children, Billy and Becky, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy E. Raymond. The Purvine family will be at Nes kowin at their beach home for the remainder of the month. Activities Noted For VFW Auxiliary At a regular business meet ing of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary, Marion unit, Monday, reports were given by Mrs. Dave Holweger, Mrs. Loyd Bobbit, Mrs. Leon Han sen, Mrs. Joe Hopkins. It was announced that articles for the miscellaneous sale to be at the auction house later this month for the cancer fund are to be picked up by Mrs. Al Aeschlimann. Anyone having articles to donate is asked to phone 29001. Mrs. LeRoy Simpson report ed bazaar to be in Novenv ber. Mrs. Ivell Haley wiU be chairman tor a booth at the State Fair, Mrs. Covil Case and Mrs. Al Aeschlimann are to as sist her. Mrs. Arwln Strayer installed Mrs. Lloyd Grimm as patriotic director. Mrs. Dale Brooks, president appointed Mrs. C. M. Brlggs as chairman of the gift committee for the year. Dinner will be served to the Short Horned Breeders asso ciation on September 8. Mrs. Dale Mauk will serve as chair man ot the dinner. A picnic is planned with the post August 23, near Stayton. Mrs. Billy Kelso, Mrs. Dorothy Michels, and Mrs. Gilbert Ban nister will serve on the com mittee for the event For trans portation, members are asked to call 42744. SPECIAL GUESTS at the no-host dinner and meeting of the Marian Lela Norris Wesly- an Service guild of the First Methodist church were Dr. and Mrs. Brooks Moore. Mrs. J, H. Drysdale reported on the retreat at Camp Ma gruder. Mrs. Norma Shaw an nounced plans for fall meet ings. CAMP MEDICAL examina tions tor all girls going to Camp Silver Creek August 16, will be Tuesday evening at 7:30 at the YWCA. FISCHER I ..r lui " "ft i " - ' " ! 1 mint ii ... !.,,.. , " ' m YOUR ejiH i Merest 9 f In Salem Of interest to many friends in Salem is announcement ot the marriage of Mrs. John Snellstrom of Eugene to Elst ner Hilton of Pebble Beach, Calif, and Bogota, Colombia, S. A. The couple were married on Friday, August 7, in the Me thodist church at Stevenson, Wash., the Rev. J. C. Snow- der officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stark of Portland Witnessed the ceremony. The couple left today for a few weeks at Pebble Beach, then will return to Eugene ana Portland for a few day before leaving for Chicago. Later, they wil go to New York City and on to Europe and Africa leaving about October 1 to be gone several months. Mrs. Hilton has been a fre quent visitor in Salem and for several years was her through the legislative sessions. Mr. Hilton is a brother of Frank Hilton, Portland, form er state senator from Multno mah county. Informal Affairs Honor Mrs. Cox Mrs. Chester M. Cox will be leaving at tie end of the month for an extended Euro pean trip. Several affairs are honoring her preceding her departure on August 25 for New York City from where she will sail on September 2. Mrs. Stewart Johnson is to entertain at an informal tea for Mrs. Cox on Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Linn C. Smith are to entertain on Thursday evening at an informal at home for Mrs. Cox. A buffet supper is planned by Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell on Saturday evening to fete I Mrs. Cox and a group of her close friends. Rebekahs Receive Bid to Reception Salem Rebekah lodge receiv ed an invitation to attend a re ception for Mrs. Edna Bradley, warden of the Rebekah assem bly, at Clatskanle on August 29. Mr1. Mary Hornschuch was elected to membership by initiation at the Monday night meeting. On the program committee for August 24, are Mrs. Fred Shafer, Mrs. Ernest Frederick' son and Mrs. Walter Bradley. Mrs. Harold O. Bressler will be hostess to the F. L. club at her home, 4490 Center street. on Thursday evening. The past noble grands and families will picnic at the Wal ter Larson home, 1135 Cross street on Tuesdsy evening, Au gust 18. After the lodge meeting next Monday evening a reception will honor Miu Marjorie Prit chard, who was delegate to the United Nations sessions last month. IN ASHLAND for a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Robert Reinhoidt are Mr. and Mrs. Stein Tonseth. SEDGEWICK chapter No. 1, Woman's Relief Corps past presidents will sponsor a pic nic at Bush's pasture - park Thursday at 12 30. Members are asked to bring table serv ice and coffee. PRESCRIPTION Not one ... out TWICEI Ye, your prescrip tion It chtcktdand doublt thtektd for absolute accuracy. Checked first: to see that the eiact Ingredients and amount are used. Checked again! to be doubly lire that your prescription I compounded with absolute accuracy. This extra car and attention is just on of the reasons why to many folks bring their proserin, tion here. Bring your next prescription her. CAPITAL DRUG STORE N 405 Stale SI. (Corner of Liberty) We Give Green Stamps THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, BiUn, OrtfM Mayfield-Brock Rites In Mt. Angel Saturday Mt Angel St. Mary's Cath olic church was the setting Sat urday afternoon, August 8, for a double ring ceremony, when Miss Janice C. Brock, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Brock, Woodburn, RFD, was wed to Dale Donald Mayfleld, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Dale May field of Camas, Wash. The Rev. Cyril Lebold, O. S. B ofiiciat ed at the 3:30 o'clock ceremony in the presence of a large gath ering of relatives and friends. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a beau tiful redding dress ot imported embroidered Swiss organdy, detailed with three graduated tiers forming the waltz-length bouffant skirt The fitted bodice was accented with a portrait neckline. The ensemble was complemented by a bonnet type of embroidered Swiss organdy which held in place a veil of imported French silk illusion. The cascade bouquet was ar ranged with Ester Reed, Bos ton and Gerbera daisies, and white satin streamers and bows. Mrs. Patrick Ebner, a cousin, was matron of honor, and a sis ter, Miss Marlene Brock, was maid of honor. - The three; bridesmaids were Mrs. Harlene Foleen, Portland, Miss Helen Wrolstad, Yoder, and Miss Jo anne Freeman, Portland. Five Dressed Alike The five attendants were Identically attired in turquoise ballerina length frocks of taf feta with two overskirts of net and nylon tulle. Pleated nylon tulle over taffeta fashioned the fitted bodices. Completing their ensembles were matching pic ture hats, and their flowers were bouquets of daisies tied with white bows. I Lloyd Mayfield, Camas, was best man for his cousin, and the groomsmen were Joseph Brock, Jr., brother of the bride, Ken neth Strode, Los Angeles, Ken neth Uphoff, Woodburn, and Alex Austin, Ashland. For the ceremony, tall bas kets of white, yellow and pink gladioluses were used in the church decorations, while the altars were adorned with sim ilar flowers. White bows mark, ed the pews down the proces sional aisle. Mrs. Vincent Smith was or ganist, and Ambrose Smith At Looney Home ' Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr. Marion Looney for the past four weeks have been tneir son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mr. Frank Guild, ana cniiaren Kathy and Ma rion from San Carlos, Calif., and their other son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Johnson and children Stephen and Elazabeth Ann and Su- son from Isaquah, Wash. Also visiting the Looneysu Mrs. Looney's cousin. Mrs. Carrie W. Sutphln of Greelev. Col. PARENTS ot a dauehter. Anne Caroline, born Saturday, August 8 at Salem General hospital are Mr. and Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Jr. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Grabenhorst, Sr., of Sa lem and Dr. and Mrs. C. Bode Maxwell of Sydney, Australia. MR. AND MRS. Earl H. Barnes have been guests ' of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Johnson at the Knotty Pine Motel. Mr. Barnes 1 with the Umpqua ho tel at Roseburg. t4 sang. Preceding the recession al, the bride placed her bouquet on the Blessed Virgin altar. For her daughter's nuptials, Mrs. Brock was attired in a navy blue shantung dress and wore blue accessories. Mrs. Mayfield attended her son's wedding in a gray lace over pink taffeta, and her acces sories were pink. Both mothers added orchid corsages, Greet at Reception After the ceremonies, the couple greeted the guests at a reception arranged in the din ing hall of St Mary s school. Bkets and arrangements of white gladioluses and Ester Reed daisies were used in the decorations about the room, with similar flowers and light ed tapers centering the bride's table. , Mrs. Frank Crandall, Wood, burn, served the four-tier dec orated wedding cake, after the bridal couple cut the traditional first slice. Presiding at the urns were Mrs. Santord Wrolstad, Yoder, and Miss Pattie Orcutt, Molalla. Miss Clair Kyllo, Mo lalla, circulated the guest book, and assisting In serving were Mrs. Frank Brock, Woodburn, - Mrs. W. Eder, Gervais, Mrs. Bob Jackson, Molalla, Miss Virginia Hagen, Molalla, and Mrs. William Kraxberger, Myrtle Creek, Ore. The newlyweda left the same day on a honeymoon trip to Lake Louise in the Canadi an Rockies. For traveling, the bride was attired in a navy suit with white accessories. T.'ie couple will return the last week in August and will establish residence in Condon, where the bridegroom will take up his duties as athletic coach in the Condon school system. He was graduated from the University of Portland this year in June. The bride has been do ing secretarial work tor the Rich Mfg. Co. in Portland. Among out-of-town guests at the wedding was the bride's brother, Corp. Joseph A. Brock, who has been at Camp San Luis Obispo, Calif., for the past sev eral months. He has been with the U. S. army for the past IVi years, stationed on the east coast, and serving in Korea for 9 months. Officer Named At the meeting of Rotana club, Monday evening, Mrs. Carlton Wasson was elected vice president of the club to succeed Mrs. W. E. Greif, re signed. ' The meeting was at the home of Mrs. Carlton, a business ses sion following the dessert. Plans for the fall were dis cussed and for a rummage sale planned on August 28 and 29. ' WHITE SUEDE SHALIMAR Reg. 10.95 WHITE LEATHER HIGH HEEL PUMPS REG. 8.95 MEN'S CANVAS Reg. 5.95 Air Conditioned ! Capitol Shopping Center mmmmmmmmmirx,mmn LcAl ntK fj Keg. .w yr sy tgg yi88 'r & ! Pink Whit v I Blu Plans Told For Wedding August 22 The wedding of Miss Jean Ringwald and Richard Welsh is announced tor Saturday, Aug ust 22. The ceremony will be sol emnized at 10 o'clock that morning in St. Joseph's Cath olic church with the Rev. Jo seph Vanderbeck officiating. For the music, Gerald Neitling and Lorraine Nelke will sing and Mary Barton will be at the organ. Maid of honor for the bride will be Mis Sara Welsh, sister ot the bridegroom. The brides maids will be Miss Dorothy Kessel,' Miss Georgeann Burg hart and Mrs. William Welsh, James Moisan is to be best man and the ushers will be William Welsh, Bernard Nan neman, William Haslebacher, Kenneth Munson, Neil Selan- der and Charles Taafe. The reception following is to be at the Salem Woman's club house. The bride-elect is the daugh tcr of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Ring' wald and Mr. Welsh is the son of William H. Welsh. Recent Wedding Miss Verta Klopfenstein daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aden Klopfenstein of Pratum, was married to William Had, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hari of Sllverton, July 19. The wed ding ceremony was performed in Salem. The bride wore a pale blue dressmaker suit with white ac- cesosries and an orchid sage. Attending the bride was her sister, Miss Janet Klopfenstein. Howard Klopfenstein served as best man. A wedding dinner was served later at the bride's home for the immediate families and a reception followed for friends and relatives. The couple are at home in Brooks. At Board Meeting Members of the Salem Busi ness and Professional Women's club attending the board meet ing of the Central Willamette district, in Eugene, August 8 and 9, were the Salem presi dent, Mrs. Eugene E. Wootten, Mrs. Arthur Weddle and Miss Mildred Yetter. Mrs. Weddle was elected to the state nom inating committee and Miss Yetter was appointed district chairman. On September 20 the dis trict conference for Central Willamette district will be in Dallas. , WASHABLE CASUALS 5 5' Reg. 11.95 Sandal Reg. 11.95 Oxford FLATS Red Blue Tonqerine WHITE HIGH HEEL SANDALS Yellow Pink Reg. 9.95 Now Only . . . 5 Reg. 3.95 ROGUES T - ' I U88 r-BOOTERY Miss Coburn Is Bride Dayton Miss Carol Janet Coburn, daughter of Mr. ana Mrs. Russell Coburn, was wed to Clarence A. King of Salem Friday evening, August 7, in the Firenlace room at the First Methodist church in Sa lem. The Rev. Brooks H. I Moor officiated at the sin gle-ring service at 8:30 o clock before member or tneir im mediate familie and close as sociates. Candelabrum and arrange ment of pastel summer flow ers decorated the rooms. Mrs. Brooks Moore played the wed ding music preceding the ceremony. The bride, wearing an or chid suit and white accesso ries, and carrying a white or chid on a white. Bible, was given in marriage by her fa ther. The maid of honor waa the bride's lister, Miu Judy, Co- burn, who wore a tan suit with black accessories and pink carnation corsage. Albert King of Salem was best man for his brother. A reception followed. The bride's grandmother, Mrs. Orr C. Goodrich, made the decor ated three tiered wedding cake, which was topped with a bridal couple ornament Miss Phyllis Finnicum cut the cake. Mrs. Albert King, sister-in-law oi! the bridegroom, as sisted at the coffee urn and Miss Jo Ann King, sister ot the bridegroom, was at the punch bowl. The bride's grandmothers, Mrs. Goodrich and Mrs. Nellie Coburn of Dayton, were among the 30 guests present Following a short wedding trip, the couple will make their home at 328 Fairview avenue, Salem. The bride is employed as receptionist for the Morris Optical company and the bridegroom is em ployed with a rooting company. VHI mats WHITE MESH SANDALS $2.88 $3.88 888 Reg. 12.95 NOW ONLY WHITE LEATHER GAMMA PUMPS Reg. (.95 Bine and white nylon mesh spectators. Reg. $8.95, sale price V 5 SUMMER SANDALS Children' Any Sandal at 2.95 Any Sandol at 3.95-4.95 TuMdar. Angut 11, 1151 VISITING her from Paclfie Palisades, Calif., is Mrs. Bruce Walkey, who i with her aunt. Miss Elizabeth Putnam. Mr. Walkey went to Canada with George Putnam on a fishing trip. Capitol Shopping Center ptMItU FRONT LACES. CcntTClivitbp tOttjOftl TAKES YEARS OFF YOUR FIGURE WHEN FITTED IY ! Billie Rogers GRADUATE CORSETIERE AT DANA'S B00TERY 31 Lo-Heel for Teen-Ager Russet and white ny lon mesh spectator. Reg. $8.95, sale price 5 88 Women's Reg. 4.95 Now only Cool t Comfortable Summer Footwear! Grant's (if" FREE PARKING! Open Mondays and Fridays 'til 9 P.M. MCWUtB