TUM&T. Auput 11, 19SS DENNIS the MENACE Bt' A.W.O.L. FTOMTKST LOST ft FOUND LOST Green Parakeet In vicinity of zoia ano. mate, ceii or Jb3 fUwird. ki9o MISCELUNEOUS SEE-BIVE TRUCKS 0-DH.rVB MOVE TOURBILP AVI CAB BINTA14 STAKES VANS TXZACO STATION II COURT ST. PHONI I-1M1 raos invrawi and al uirroRO ALU SAND Si GRAVEL COMPANY concraet work tM4 Clearlna - Diuhtu Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dltchln b Iht root Phone Dart s-uot ant. or . Salem. Orecon DENTAL PLATE REPAIR t-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. BAR VET SEaiXIR, DENTIST oNdolpb Bldf.. Steto Commercial BO SALEM PR. J.JJ1I m BUILDING MATERIALS LUMBER POR SALE Oood ohlplap, 131 per U ttraltht. No. I, lit. No, 1 and better, let. 1-ln. lumber, lit per U and up. Phone " mslM Remodel, Repair, Now Ban sour cats for a ralsr da; Ma don payment, t" montna to par. Epping Lumber Co. 1140 SUTerton ltd. Ph. din OPEN ALL DAT SATURDAY . ma LUMBER SOO.OM' food lumber, complete mill flock. Deliver prices, 3 and better 2". 7; No. 3 dimension. ISO; 4a. $36. CEDAR SHINGLES DeliTtred price.: No. 1. tl II; No. 1, M: No. . it; No. 4, ll.M. Tod lluUor, nonius ph, Balem SUM. malts VV11N1AJVVO Larceet atoek la Balem. New weeth retrlpped window, completely aesem bled, lle.M up. Lario modern fashea and crratal picture wfndowe. It up. Pick your choice at bartala prlcea. PLU11BINO Hew toUota with aeat I1S H 30"xll" waah baelnj, complete 17.50 Bath tuba with fltunta IIH Double laundry trara. complete . 30.76 Shower cablneta, complete .... 41.00 Double kitchen elnks, electria water heateri, pipe cheap 4" aolld Oranceberg pipe 3Sc 00 sal. ateel eeptlc tank 167.50 OTHER BARGAINS Metal oaraie doora with bdwe.., ..US Hew 4x1 plaaterboard 11.40 4xt waterproof wallooard 11.76 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Nam, carload aupply MIS Overhead aerate door hdwa I1S.9S Looae Insulation, per bat 11.00 Roll blanket lmulatlon bartaln V "Jap Birch" plywood See 4" "Jap Birch" plywood tic V Mahotany plywood 43c No. 1 Cedar ahlntlea M 35 No. 1 Cedar ahlnilei 1.00 No. 1 Cedar ahlnclea 4.00 l-lb roollnr KM up Panel doore, hardwood doora. au typee ilaea doora lowest prleei New fir door lamha 13 to Painted cedar ehakea 110.71 TJnpatnted cedar ohakes It.oo New aabeitaa elduu i.lt.W C. G. LONG Ic SONS Ph. 4-Mtl One mill N. ot relief SPECIAL 1x4-' at M OO per carrier load, ap proximately 1,400 feet. 3x1 ' at me each. BURKLAND LUMBER CO. Phone 1131 Turner. malH S'x7' OARAGE door, complete with hard ware. Used, 135. 1-7330. I3 WUbur St. melts- NURSERY STOCK SHBTJB SALE, Morrli OreenhouM. 3135 Bo. winter. Laurel. Acuoa, BKimmie, Boxwood. Xvenlnts pleaae Ph. 3-56H. JT101WU- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HURRY I HURRVI HURRY ONLT 15 LEFT TO CHOOSC FROM POPULAR BRANDS SEWING MACHINES TAKE 'EM AWAY AT ONLY $7.50 ea. They pwltltrly MUST OO thll week. Bale anda Sat., Aui. It NOOK'S BAROAIN CENTER 1311 Broadway nlt4a APEX AUTOMATIC portable duhwaiher. like new, tto.to. Phone 4-tl30. nltl' SACEiriCE-LOe new porteble type wnur, aAllna machine, a-tnan robber boat, combination radio. 3O40 Madlion. nltl' THRIPTT THIRTT rrltldalr ranie. 1 model, tlie ee. menn wooarj nw 4 NEW .7ailS white aklewell tlrra, bar lain price. Call alter t- ill Writ Madrono. SHALLOW WELL Myera pump. tto. Ph 3-t7t4. " ateCLXLOTTI CBAIN SAWS, fit Edf water. Welt Selea Salem bonlu Sup ply. Ph. 4-1S41 NXW TWIN boa aorlne Si Inner.prlnl matt. Extra tpee., 31 . Olenn Wood rya, l0 N. Summer. nltoj f ALL GRASS and we.dl are a fire hat erd. U yon are anllty bettor tt buy. Rent a power tickle bar raower et Snook'.. 1311 Broadway. nltl a DR. CIESt, 10 00. Olma Woodry't aipf .wewatwammmwmes a . "V.IIIUIII py ftetcftom automobiles aotomoiii.es B10N0 CHICK WE For Sole MISCELLANEOUS TOP SOIL fttTer silt and fill dirt Prompt de livery Phone l-ntt b nwiTAt tn.. .... J r " tw hi vt rco. H L. .in rwrm.tire mo rnOB0 J-ftlM CEDAE MALLARD DECOT daca cheap 930 Croai atreet. D193 RADIO IECORD player comb. Table 74' wnT M.H. Olenn iwu n. oummer. niH SACRIFICE Altnoet new Easy Spindlier wNicr wim inner, jo.5 when new. wiu ior 9W.1S. pa. 43722. nl83 LARGE We tin home comb, radio fc recora pwir, u M. oitna Woodrr'i. nlM riANO Good coddltlon. 1. Ph. Aume- vllle 1031, balem 37003. nl2- IRONING BOARD, 3.00. Water Hom. M. tu.vv. oip udder, 3.M. Olenn Wood- niM Reduced $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD H" Heavy Duty Electric Drill STARTING PRICE ACQ. 3rd . Hot AUG.' 12th $70 Keith Brown Lumber Yard PRONT a COURT ST. PH. 11111 "We Olfe ItB Oreen Stampc" USED OFFICE FURNITURE 1 uaed IX' ecutlve walnut deek with aleae top, 1 uaed ateel flllna cabinet!. Larae auort ment used wood office ehalre. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORE, 111 No. Commercial St.- nl!3' BEAUTIFUL Mr. Mra. bedroom aulta. In allver oak llnleh, 141.00. Olenn woodry'a, 1I0S N. fiummer. nlto1 FOR THE UNPAID BALANCE 1 Sinter He ntweltht portable aewint machine, new machine guarantee. Only $69.78. 81nier tftewlni Center, 130 N Commercial. nlll' NOW "SCOTT -BUILT Television, IJ InsUllea and operation. Tmrtr din aervlce. rREI DEMONSTRATION, Phono 8318, nlte 4-304C, or call at 1140 North capitoi. nw USED ELECTRIC combination treadle eewint machine, A-l condition, only tin. 95. filncer Bewlns center. ISO N. commercial. nl9l TJSED OFFICE furniture; 1 uaed execu- tire walnut desk with ilasi top. S uaed ateel mint cabinet. Larrt t- aortment used wood office chairs. THE COMMERCIAL BOOK STORI Ml No. Commrclal at. nlM' GOOD SMALL PIANO 80" bltb, walnut caae, 1. Ph. 3-.7N. 112 Broadway. nlM SINGER TREADLE eewlne machine, four euaranteod. S14.M .Sinter Sewlni Center. 130 It. Commrclal. nltl EAST SFINDEIEB waiher. aood condl. tlon. 3-1llt or evenlnia 4-3470. nltl SIAMESE KITTENS 6 montlu Old, tit. 1251 viata An. Phone l-ltw. nll- 1UI BEFRIGERATOB. ud one rear. win cell eoultr. Ph. ttott. niw Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Planoa. Phone 1-1110. ELECTIIO BANGES. Woodrfa. 3-tllO ' WANTED ffioot stud mill lots or maltiplet ot 1-foot plus trim. to If diameter. Phone Turner 1115. nali7 SPORTING EQUIPMENT IS roOT CHMSCttAFT, comnleU with oare, car top carrier. A-l ahape. 3-7330. I3t Wllber St. nel4 OOOD USED and new bowa, httntlnf tertet and Held arrowt. I4U llth. Phone 3-t3W. neltl PERSONAL 1 WILL NOT be retponelble lor any debt, other than mr own. Darren rrer. nltl FINANCIAL NEED tlt.Wie prlfate loan. Excellent propertr lor eecurltr. very reliable purrhaeer. Al Iaaak, Realtor. Phone 4-3311. rl!3 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. It3 South Chorefe Parklnt o-Plenty Pk S-ttlt ue No H-llt S-IM STATE FINANCE CO S-31S M-131 FIVE loan services to fill your need for money quickly 1 Auto loatu. S Stcoature loana. I furniture loana. 4 Consolidation loant. ' a Payment-reduclna loana. Don't wait Come in today! Phone 1.131 117 so. Hlah St. rltt' BH OS POR FARM. C1TT OR ACREAGE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUT Steal aetata mortcacac atmtrattj State Finance Co. 1ST 80 llth St, Ph. Mill PRIVATE MONET to tete. Phone 3-07,4. loan on real ci- rSlf Lta S-131 and U-3M and ROT SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Tradee" U l Daily KSLM 1IN Cc OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 13S So Cwmmtrclal St. Tol Ultl TRAILERS NEW TRAILER with aldea. I wheelt. e at 395 Ur.on. tlt4 BOATS 13-roOT BOAT, anotor. and trailer. Pn. J37H. M1I3 . iHE tArnAii juinnAL, suta, om!n Pax 13 'Madman' Cheffings SCOOPS THE SALEM USED CAR MARKET! Wildman SINES SAYS "CUT 'ER TO THE BONE AND THEN SOME! DRIVE 2 SAVE HUNDRED 1950 Olds. Tudor 88. Sharp. R&H 1951 Chew. Tudor Fleetline. Powerglide, R&H , 1951 Kaiser Tudor. Overdrive, R&H 1951 Plymouth C ran brook Fordor. R&H 1951 Willys Station. Wagon. R&H , ,., 1949 Pontiac 8 Fordor. R&H, Hydramatlc 1949 Olds. 88 Fcrdor. R&H, Hydra 1951 Ford Tudor Sedan 1950 Chev. Club Cpe. 1949 Ford Tudor Sdn. 8. R&H 1949 Packard Sdn. R&H, ovedrive 1948 Chev. Aero. Extra sharp. R&H 1947 Olds. 68 Club Cpe . , 1947 Chev. Aero. R&H . . . ; ' 1947 Chrysler 8 Sdn. R&H 1947 Dodge Fordor Sdn. R&H 1946 Pontiac Sdn. R&H 1947 Chev. Sdn. rI:H 1946 Nash Club Cpe 1946 Ford Tudor , ., 1947 Ford Fordor. R&H KLUNKS tt DOWN - NO FINANCE CHARGES 1941 Nash Fordor Sdn , $ 165 . 1942 Buick Sedanette , . 95 1941 Olds. Tudor 95 1941 Buick 95 1941 Ford Tudor 95 A FEW BARGAIN PICKUPS WE DON'T COPY PRICES WE MAKE 'EM - HEY! U-ALL! CASH LOOT REALLY TALKS! THE LONGEST TRADER IN TOWN "BUZZ" CHEFFINGS Motor Company OPEN 'TIL 8 P.M. Mil S. Commercial Phono 4-1411 (Acroaa and South of AUTOMOBILES sicn DGSTDUV3 U BUICK 8PECTAL RTYIKRA Dynaftow, BZI tlass, radio, heater, cotots alncc new, one owner, service record available. 34. 900 miles, very choice $3395 M MERCURY CLUB COUPK Radio, heater, two-tone trey, very clean and In eicellent con dition 11335 It) BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Radio, beater, washere, covert. $1395 41 EDICT SUPER SEDAN Dynaflow, radio, beater, wash ers, vary tood 11396 4f FORD CUSTOU I TUDOR Radio, heater, overdrive, covers, good car $ tW '47 BUICK SUPER SEDAlV Radio, heater, entlne over hauled I 795 '49 PLYMOUTH STATION WAOOH Radio, heater, tood tires, en itna recently overhauled. Inter ior perfect, three wats. This price correct I 195 Vto gel a better Used Car ftDmaBufekPealer . OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone l-MIl e.193 LOW PRICES - HI-VALUE 49 PONTIAC TUDOR . Radio, heater. Hydra. $995 795 49 FORD TUDOR ...... Radio Sc heater 48 FORD 4-DOOR .... 695 Radio & heater 4ft DODGE PICKUP . .. 595 f ARROW t MANT, MANY MORS USED CARS OPEN EVENINGS TRADES TERMS, 7M It. Hltk Phono 4-U43 01M' (muss) ItTASRti for your ear. Set ne today! Wecter Motor!. 1313 Broadway. Ph. 3-Mil. ,. motor. Oood urea. 33a. po. E01 lit aleat, ,ln MILES OF DOLLARS ! I1S9S . 129S . 1245 . 124S . 1183 . 10S5 . 109S . 985 . 995 . 795 . 743 . 695 .' 645 .. 595 . 595 . 595 . 595 . 495 . 395 , 295 . 295 the American Letlont oloo AUTOMOBILES ltt&S MEBCVRT Monterey coupe, vinyl leather aeats. Mercomatlo, radio, beat er, and many more accessories. Will accept trade. Discount l&oo an new price. Terms ean be arrarifed. Phone 4-43SI after p.m. 0.191 . WZ ARB OPEN EVENINGS SEX US PIR0T SAM'S MOTOR CO. Liberty Oboaoteu Ph. ITtW Across from First Natl. Bank 1M0 DOOOE SEDAN Oood motor. Ph. 3K43. Mi. OJlSS 189 MERCURY, cuitom upholtUry. ra dio and heater. Ph. 3tost. fin II!) FOBD CONVEBTIBLE, 1IS. Ph. .3.70. flWt' l.w Vt-TON Chevrolet pickup. Excel lent condition. Phone 4-3111. ql IMS CADILLAC SEDANETTE OHOlty lor tale. Perfect condition. 43T Pine. 113 51 STVDE. CONVEBTIBLE, thla Week only ireturnlnt to ochool), low book, no trade. Perfect condition. Petera, Hit N. 4th. Ph. 3-1140. ol lait Chevrolet rioetunt, 1H. 3370 simruon st. oivi 1041 BL'lCK 3 -door aedan. excellent con dition. Radio, heater, turning alrnala. cieaneit 'tl In town. I3tl. tu N. 34th after t. ell' 1911 CHEV. AIRO., too ahape. Radio. neater, extra.. Phono x-4170 after s. dill' IBM roRD convertible Pordomatle. Ha- dlo and healer, white wall tlree. A-l condition. M. L. Reiser, 1 mile east and mile aouth of Sublimity, till- nil PLYMOUTH 4-dr. aedan, aecottor- lea, very clean. 11371. 3371 Towneend Way. qlt4 POST ADT8 MLB UK Ss. R. ! OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 TRUCKS al ien SALE 1IU 1-ton Oodae Dump. 0-t yd., like new. Can be teen at Santlam Trailer Court, Sweet Home Oreeon. Make offer. O. P. Hall. odlM 1M. STl'DEBAKCB 1-lon truck, 34 000 mnea. n.w axio-rt. train box. Almoot ew 8-ply tlrea. Motor and cab are excellent. !. I4 s. 3rd, Independ ence. edl4 HOUSE TRAILERS REAL BUT 1141 30-ft. Columble. excellent condi tion, eleepa four, olectrle brakea, '14 llr.tue. 1171. Inquire after fire. L. Wllklnton, St. a, Boa 471, Saleaa, Ore. talto ril HOMEMADE trailer houaa. fur- nuhod. aood condition. Quick eale. 1471. Phone 1-1011 alter Lot pro. t. t. Box 110. Orrveli. telto HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-4 CATr.RPli.LAR Mulpped with blarfe. arum and ranopr ior wftmi, M.ooo. Phnne 4-3?49. nW AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HA VINO RADIATOR TROITRLIf Telle? Motor Co expert will eel revr pro, leme erx9 eave rev noeiey Proa eitl etee, epeedy aartie. Cent at Ufe erty e DIRECTORY tnpINO MACHINES All nakai 01.4 asachtnaa eeld. rented, repaired ..Roea. 4M Court Pa, 14773. 111 Ll.n07.lNO Buildoilna. roade, elearlna teeth. Vtrell Huekey, 1011 Palrtlew, phnne 1-1144 olH- DRERPMARINO AH.retlona. heraitltrhtne, bnttasa, bucklv coTerwl. buttosaolea. Mrt. H. AL auandar, I-M1L Mil. T REUNION Frank (Pappy) Noel, Associated Press staif phout- grapher Is about to get warm greeting from his wif Evelyn, as he comes off medical evacuation plane on arri val at the Tachikawa air base near Tokyo. Noel, held captive by the Communist for 32 months, was released at Panmunjom in the fifth exchange of prisoners-of-war. Mrs. Noel flew from New York to Tokyo for this reunion. (AP Wirephoto) A.P.PhotogTried 3 Timesto Escape Tokyo u.B Press photogra-1 pher Frank Noel, the first-ci- vilian repatriated in the Ko-I rean prisoner exchange, arrived I in Tokyo Monday on his way home and told how he failed in three attempts to escape to free dom from Red prison camps. Noel, 48, who was met here by his wife, said he was given 42 days in solitary confinement after his third unsuccessful at- Pedestrian Safety Award to Governor An award made to Oregon In the National Pedestrian Protection Contest for 1952 was presented to Governor Patterson Tuesday ' afternoon by former Governor Charles A. Sprague as a representative of the American Automobile Association and the Oregon Motor Association. The award signifies the fact that Oregon has reduced its pedestrian fatalities and acci dents and that the traffic en gineering and the traffic safe' ty division of the state are making progress. GARNET COUNTRY Concord, N.H. (U.B The Adirondack region of New Hampshire and New York ac counts for practically all of the output of garnets in the United States, according to state officials. Maria Ray of Boston models a pearl basque bra worth $10,000 at a jewelers convention in New York. More than 2,000 cultured pearls go into its makeup. (AP Wirephoto) DIRECTORY KXCAVATINO Bet OUm Sod exeavetlnr and eradlni. Land clear lac Ptl. 11080 n unk r ri.rAMvo EUl'a Purnaee Cleanlni. All work frjj aiearanteetj. Phone l-13a. oija HOI UK MOVINO Leveltnr. foundation work. Pull per i five. Free estlmateji. Bonded end truiured Ph. 1-8M1. l-7s. 0205 INSt'LATION Intulation. weatharitripa, aluminum ereena. Pre Mttmalea. T. Pullman. Phone ol90 MATTRKSSKS Capitol Beddtns. reaovatea Poll Una oev nattreaaee Ph J-6 e OPPICS PUB WIT TBS ItTFPLIPS Desk ehalra fllea, flllna inppllea. aafea, duplicator, auppilea. dik lampa, jo trtitar atanda. Boea, 4M Conrt ROAD fiBADfNa Road tradlna, leretlnt, dltrhlni. 113 cap trader. JUr Ban cock, ph. toio. HKPTtC TANKH Hamel'a Mttle tank fleanad, line aerrire. Guaranteed ork. Phone 1-7404. ean.' HKPTIC TANK! Sewer, aeptte tanka, tfratne cleaned. Ro-tav-BdMtee Sewar fterrtoa- Pbooe J-MI7 fnHTTHSO A BEPATB Lawn mowera. aawa eta. litb k D Ph. l-4H Free pickup. e TTPKWBirCBS Smith, Corona. Rtmtoetoa. Roral. Da derwood portablea All pjakea aet aebtnaa Rpalre Sj real Roea. 4M Court I-I7TJ ea WINDOW CLBANTNO Acme Wiadov Cieaaera. Induitrlal floor vaunt. wkwrnaweJoutM. Pbooe J-3a37 NT Cava, STYLISH, COSTLY I I rC I Hi-) IN TOKYO tempt to escape from Red cap- tivity. . The Associated Pres.-Dhotog- rapher was released by the Reds Saturday He said his teeth were badly decayed from lack of care while he was held by the Reds for 32 months, and that he had lost considerable weight. Oth erwise he appeared to be in good condition. Noel said the rough North Korean terrain made escape virtually impossible and frus trated his three attempts. He said he had nothing to do but "stare at a blank wall" for the 42, days he spent n soli tary after his third escspe at tempt failed. Noel made his third try for freedom in company of Capt. Zach Dean, who was repatriat ed in April's "Little Switch" exchange of sick and wounded war prisoners. "Dean developed yellow jaundice," Noel said. "So the only thing we could do was turn In and give ourselves up. I didn't want to leave him." When they were back In Red hands. Noel said, he was sen tenced to six months in jail and Dean to two, After 42 days, he said, he was released and returned to the regular prison compound, STOCKS fBr The AMOcletrd Preait Admiral Corporation 37S Allied Chemical I!V Allla Chalmera s American Alrllnea UK American Power Llth American Tel. Si Tel. IS!' America Tobacco 77 Anaconda Copper 334 AtchUon Railroad tSV, nathl.h.m AtMl tit. Boelnt Alrplalna Co 40t Bora Warner 7m Burrowa Addlna Macblnt 14H California Paeklna 3i Canadian Pacific 3d Caterpillar Tractor tm Celaneee Corporation 304, Chryeler CorporaUon 71 S Cltlea Service 13 tt Coniolldated Edlaon S Coneolldated Vultee . .. lav. Crown Zellerbach 304 Curtue Wrltht 7i Douilaa Aircraft 06 Du Pont de Nemoura loo1. Eeetman Kodak 43S Emereon Radio 13 S Oeneral Electrle 73V. Oeneral Pooda MW Oeneral Motora h 00 Oeoreta Pxe. Plywood 13 14 Goodyear Tire tl? Homeeuko Mlnlna Co ...37 f International Harvester , 37S International Paper I21 Johru Manvllle 13 S Keuer Aluminum 3t. Kennecott Copper 63 Liboy McNeil Lockheed Aircraft 33H Loewee Incorporated 13 'o Lont Bell , Monleomery Ward ott. Nath Kelvlnator ltta New York central , n Northern Pacific t7 Paelfle American PUU a' Paclfle Oaa ot Electrle 31'. Peclfle Tel. Ai Tel lu', Packard Motor Car 4. Penney, J. C, , 71 Pennsylvania R. ft. .... 3m Prpel Cola Co 14H Phlle Radio . Radio Corporatloa ..... Raronler lacorp Raronier Incerp. P(d- , , Republic Steel Reynold! M'tala Rtchfteld Ot) Snfeway Storei. Inc. .... Scott Paper Co. , Bears Roebuck A Co. ... Boconr Vacuum Oil ..... Aouthera Paclfle Standard Oil Calif Mandard Oil N J fltudehaker Corp Sunshine Mlnlna Swift Co Traniarnerlra Corp. . Twentieth Century Po . Union Oil Company ...... Union Pacific United Alrllnea Unltpy) Aircraft United Corporatloa United Statai Plywood .. United Stataa Steel ... Warner Picture. Waiter Union Tel WeetlnthouM Air Brake. Weitinahottee riectrie Woolwortb 1 , as 26 1 a , 40 , its 1 CSV. , US , II 1 M , 35H , 444 M4 . 31 . 27 . 17'a . 43S .IM14 . IH '4 . US . ft . 24t . 3, . I4S . 4 . . 4 tak Market New York iP The aiork market mnv ad a little lower Tuaaday la eatreraeiy lutet deaimaa. Some reiMianre ta the decline develop, ed la lata tradint. eVattered .uea that had aera dowa rractloaally adied to the plui aide. There appeared l aa no treat dealra to bur or eel). Volume ran at the rata of about one million aheree. That com. pared, with l.ftM.ooe iheree traded Mob day. Cbleaea Oaleat Chicaao aj. Suppllea Bioderata, do ne nd fair, avarkei about ateady. Track aalaa fM lbe.): U. S. 1 a)eu ttatPMl: Colorado BpanUh I-lnca and letter ahowint allfht decay 1 ; T-iaa Whlto Olobaa t to t-lneh 134: tracklot aalea delivered looblna atreet baala Illi nois Yellow Olobaa uninspected but tan orally good W per teat a-m eh and Urt ar 131. Street sales fM Iha.): Califarala Span ish J -in eh and tarter, mostly 4 to t-lneh 1 M; Yellow Seml-Olobes t to I'lneh 1301 M: Mid waat medium Yellow Otobe 1 n-lM: amaU l.tt-l.lfti Teiaa White Oitbea t.lnch tad lariar t ot, I to 1 lach S.H-2.M. MARKET QUOTATIONS POaTLAN nttaitat-Teaiattno. anajeet W ka aMdlato abaam: Proaattm omalltv. at&xt- Jl ot aaw per aeat aeldlti do- Uvtred to fwrttaas oo-Tl. Ik.i Oral waA. aa-aae. aooond duality. ai-oe. run rout, and aonnlrf Botnta. I oanU tats. ataltatwwhoieaal ao waat aaa t holaaalo. iradaa A A. as aeon. : A trada. tl score. Sac: B, aa aooro. Stoi c, at aearo. sta. Aooro srteas atrltUr DentnaL Cbnie Somas tvu to twrtland wholesaler!. Oreaoa slnalea, 4lta-4IVti Orean t Ik. loaf, tt 14 -. Baaw to ITatisealaoo CaaMlaS dSSS ooatalntna ae sua, tawaa tndndod La-a. Portland A irada uraa. f7y.-ajO; A arada modlsa. tSve-MVaoi B trade lane, Ma-dtke. lwrtlaM Bam twarwa Bottee Pi lea v r Menem oraso aa aetnt, 71cl A earusk Tlei A BtUla, Tie: ear tow, not B armta, saw. Rata to seadweere oaadsas Lot Portlaadi Ouraded Una, dta Soa.: rrade AA larae. 17a 4oa.i A tana, tl tto dos.1 AA awdlurA, dlo don.: A trade medium, too dot. A treat smalla semi nal. 43-430. sa to Botaresra otaao aa. mito. 74e; A tana. ttMooi AA medium, (tei A medium. 4T-4tc; A small. M-llo. Cartons I eente sddlUonaL a pnot to mauere, paruau Oreeon etna lee, otvt-tao: S P.. loavea, tl-tlVeei triplets, lUa laaa than sla- tlea. promlum oranoa amain, oeveai lb. toe etnala whoola MtM. Proaoaaad Am- crtcan cbeeaa, l-ltt. iMvta to ralaU. 43 ti tle lb. ran ' Uu Cktokeaw mo. f tmtltT, I.a.a. planta)'. Pnrara, latx llti 1-4 lea. Slat rM..tara, 4 me and ever, lie: heavp he.a, aJl welihta, IO-3 lei Uaht hens, all w.lahtj, llo; eid rooatara. ll-lto. DreeaeS Ctneata Ha. 1 droaaeS to retallera. Pryei. krollera. 44-4it lb.; roaaurt, aU wu. 44-4tc: lllht h.nl. 33-33c: heavy hen. 31-ltet aut-on ry era, aU ett, tl-lo LVi whole drawn, li ne lb. Rabblta Avorata k siowoni UO! whllet. 4-1 lbs, M-33e: - lbs, 14-lJc ib.t eolored oelta. 44 fb ander: old doee. lo-ltc few huher. Prosh dreaaed fryera to retallera.i 17-osei cut up ai-ooe. Co. I try RUM Heata e.l Top duality, si-uo la, rouin he. vies, 13-310. M.S. beaa oiocaara, ee-.m v". lllht, 11-130. Lambe Beat, X!-4M ID I yonrunav, 30-3to lk Beat, 13-14! m.i auu-uuniy, l-ioc Beef Dtuitr cowe. lt-3ao la.: eanner- euttera. 13-33cl sheila down to 17a, wreu DroaoM auala whowaalan t reuuem noiun an awt.: iHf-AlMn. choice, aco-700 too.. i- 44.00: aood. 37.M - 43.00: commercial 30.M-37.O0l utility, M.00.33.00: commer cial cawa, 31.00-31.00: uUllty, 33.0O-3t.00; cannera-cuttera, xu.w-se.ev. Beef enla cnolce aveera-ninn wuar tara. SI3-M: rounds. IM-11; full loins, trimmed, 111-71: trlentlea, 117-33: fore- ouartere, llt-31- ohucka, tll-40; .tut. tot-tl. Veal and Catvoa Oood-obolco. 134 40 M; commercial, trt-td. Lamba Choloa-nrlma, 141-ttt aood, 131-44: sprint lambs, choice-prime, 47.00. Menu oood eholoe, 11-13 lb. tt-04. Park Cafts Letna. Ha. L S-ll ba ttt-t3; utility es ahouldora, II laa., asaui: aoara rlba. tt3-M: freeh hams. 10-11 lba, tat-et, ton aaroaaee, win lbs., ttl-44. . Smoked Baaao annnnao, awe-re isa, fined lard In drums. llt-UJd; alak taa- on, 114-73. Portland atltuaBawaetat Ontana M lb. aack Cain. Bod alone, med- l.n-t.M: whlto elobe. I.3I-1.M: vellnw. men. and Lane. 1.71-1001 taw 1.31; wash, yellows, mod, 1.M-1.7I; tent 1.33-1 W. Potateea Local Triumph, lua, I.ao- 1.70: Boardman lone whiles. No. 1A. S.U, 3.71; No. X, H-lb. aack, to -ltd Ore. Rus- eetta, No. 1, 3.II-4.O0; 10 w. masn, ao- nc: local Ruaaeta. No. 1A, 111-131. Calif, loni whltea. No. 1A, J.so-i.oo; lair, l.to-3.7t. name oranaa to a.so. m.i n no. a aroen nuano. Uvered ear lota M.t. Portland and Bo- attle. 31-10. Waal oreaoa bails, onilamstle Yal uy medium, to-ile lb.i Eajtern Orm fine and half-blood. -lo; Willamette Valley lamb wool 4301 13-moolh wool. at-toe Mob.lr ot-rie fb. an ii-montn arow th. f.o.b. country ohlpplns polnta. Hides Producera paymi pneo x.o.o. Portland calf sklna. 31-330 lb accord. lac to condition: sreen alia. IT-lto lb.; treen cow hides, t-100 in, aecoroint to wtltht and aualltyi bull hides, 4-tc lb.! tlue hldea, II par deal kola prloaa lor above clauea. rileerla Wholesale lelllnt priet, aa l medium Barcelona!, 31-34! lb.; shell ed. 41-lla lb. lb.: Iliht helves. 7I-I3c fa. vyalaata OTholesele aelllns pneoa, first auallty larao Pranouetua, 3l-30o lk.1 ahelled, tlabt amber taalvaa, 10-7le Pettlent Uvaetaek Portland (U.B Trad ina oa hoci was alow on the Portland livestock market today with a tew aalaa about cent hiiher. Cattle 1, holdover too; few early ales steady but demand narrow lor iraaa steers and helfera; good U2 lb. fed ateera 33. llihtly aorted at n.tw; few commercial irasi steara 11-17.3; canner-cutter cowa T-I.M; utlllty-oom- merelal oowa Monday moatlr 10-13, lew youna 13.10-11. commercial bulla mostly K.so-ll.M. Calves ISO, holdover 100: market not established, aenerally askiaa steady but early bida lower; holdover aupply largely Utility-commercial tradaa. Hot 1 300; market alow; few aalea around lta higher but bulk of supply urvaoldi choice 1I0-31S lb. butchert 16.21 26.75, choice 1 butchera 31; choice around 300 lb. sows 23 M. ' ftheep 600, holdover tot: market rather slow: slauihter lambs weak with early top ftOc lower: feeders active, ateady; chotce-prima aprlnt lamba mostly 10.50: good-choice grades 17.40-11 ; tew good ftwiera , good No. I pelt yearling 14; cull-good awes l.M-4. Chicago Llvestork Chicaao faPV Hogs are the acartest at the stockyards thla week eince a pack inghouse workera' atrika waa running la March 1016, and Tuesday prlcea swelled another 3 to 71 cent- a hundred pound. Most butcher weights sold from 622.00 to 135.00 and moat aowa from IH.M to 621 00. Cattle wera unevenly 3) cents lower to 2$ higher. Cows and bulla showed the advance while ateera and helfera were on the easy aide. Oood to low - prima eteent and year lings ransed from 110. M to III 35. Oood to prime belfers mads 119 00 to I24M while cowa topped at 611.60. Sheep were steady to M cents up. Oood to prima sprint lamba were avail able at 133.00 to 626.00. flalable receipts were estimated at a.tno hots. 7. M0 est tie. 400 calvee and 1.000 sheep. Ch Irate Graft Chicago Wheel rebounded eevtral eenu on the board of trada Tueedar following the eharp loss as at iha two previous eesilona. The rebound cama after all contracts had slipped to new low ground for the season during the first hour. A Pick up la export trada and better flour buslneas, plus technical con t Id era t lone, were given credit for wheats advance. Other sections of the market had minor price chantee. All corn contracts sank to new sea ion a I lows lata la the saasion. Thla reflected belief a govern ment crop report, acheduled for Issuance after the market'g etaee, would anew aa callent corn crop proapecta. Soybeans had email gains moat of the day despite week net la crude bean meal. Lard eported oa news the Agriculture Department would purrhajte substantial asnttt.ee of I hie commodity. Wheat closed 340'. hither, Sept 1J4H-I 64. corn loweT, S-pt. 1.44, oete unchanged to hither, Sept. 76V 77. rye JV3- higher. Sept, l.lTW-, aovbeana IS to cents hither. Sept, iisw,, and lard I to 17 centt A hundred pounds hither, Itevt. 13.7T. Forttent Orel! Portland i Bo .Ms or offer. To.n.r'e oar roceipto: Wneai is: con rertleni r.e.l.lae Market Portland ihPreewater dtotrlct in. metoea eoM to wholeeele house borers at moitlr 1 11 a ll-ia. lue tMar: season first Weneto apeer rn.lone offered at 111 eretoi load eEarlmaa dletrtet wetnmtlon offered at Is. -4 tentt a pound SALEM MARKETS' en ill a tMee usee It at I lint mm fee law eulleaii ed Oeadlal lata net taalere. IBlltail enUByJ Retell tMd Prlieai Bakklt INdteta ISAS St las. IAM-I.U Utt-Bj. koa). Raw Mesk ll.at-0 ta. Bafcrp PeaS M.4 14 lt-t at I ltd U I1M wl.l. rawMi Berraaa tla, oM roaatere. Hal aototwi fwwt, Swat mhora fowl, IK; wasters. 11. Bnoi auyteat Pvteea awe, AA. SSat aw! A. N-d7c: modiam AA. sio: matHnat A. 11-tJci email, tl.. fosoraUf t-le above. Lam sd A at Ttoi medium Ma. tie: NO L OT-MOI ... BXHlct HVelaeal! am. A SS Tla lk.i twuil Ha, Mid Willamette Obituaries Georgt Sims Silver ton Funeral eWvicM will be held at 2 p.m. Weda day, in Memorial Capel, lCk man Funeral Home, Aug. IX, for George Sims, 76, whe died in a Salem n ursine noma Mon day. Interment will be la Val ley View cemetery. Mr. Sims was born .eTuae IB 1877 In Nebraska and bad lived in Oregon 39 years and Silver ton 215 years. His borne was at 215 Sheridan St Surviving are his wife, Lydia Mae, SUverton; and a sister Nannie Pearson in. Cali fornia. , , John E. Lecher . Woodburn Recitation pf the rosary for John . Lecher, 82. has been postponed until 8:30 n.m. Wednesday. AuC. 11: aVI.TB (M-m. tjaar). wlwtoBwal awaas Ikaa tka twlaas so art iky tmtaoat t St. Luke's Catholic church. Funeral services will be In the church at a.m. Ttaursdsy, Aug. 13. Burial will be in St, -Luke's Catholic cemetery be side his wife. Bertha, who tiled in 1041. The Rinso Funeral Chapel will be in charge. . Mrs. NeldcTMiller " Albany Mrs. Nelda Wendk Miller, 59, lifelong resident of Linn county died la an Al bany hospital Sunday alter an extended illness. The funeral will bt at 1 p.m. Friday at the Fisher Funeral Home. Rev. R. E. Beck, pastor of th Assembly of God church. will be in charge of th serv ices. Interment will be la th Riverside cemetery. Joseph C. Dreher Dayton Joseph Charles Dreher, 54, Dayton, died of a heart attack Friday, Aug. 7. Services were held Monday, Aug. 10, at 2 p.m. from O'Mal ley's Funeral Chapel In Me MinnviUe. Recitation of th rosary was held at 8 p.m. Sunday at th chapel. Interment was at St Mary's Catholic cemetery. Dreher was born In Hays. Kan., July 17, 1890. He is sur vived by his widow, Amelia J. of Dayton: two sons, Robert C. McMinnville; Joseph C. Jr., of Squim, Wash.; on daughter, Mrs. A. E. (Marie) Buckley of Bozeman, Mont; mother Mrs. inaij wuia. ksw ... uui. two brothers, Frank and Zack of Michigan; two grandchil dren- of Bozeman, Mont Miss Delia Bucklev wood burn Miss Delia Ann Buckley, 19, daughter ot Mrs. Opal Buckley Hartzog of Wood-' burn, died Sunday, Aug. 9, at a Salem hospital. Her home waa at 1500 George St., Woodburn. Miss Buckley wu born at Cen tral City, Neb., Feb. 4, 1934, and came to Woodburn seven years ago. She was a member of the Woodburn Founqusr church. Besides her mother she is survived by a brother, Billy Gordon Buckley of Woodburn, and her stepfather, E. L. Hart zog of Woodburn. Funeral services will b Thursday, Aug. 13, at 10:30 a. m., at the Ringo Funeral chapel her with Rev. Arthur Goble of the Foursquare church officiating. Interment in Bella Pass! cemetery. . Mrs. Emma raist Aurora Funeral services were Sunday, August 9, at 1 p. m., at the Everhart and Kent Canby Funeral Home for Mrs. . Emma M. Faist, lste of Canby, mother of Mrs. Clarence Rupp and Elwood Faist ot Canby. Walter ot Portland; sister of Mrs. Anna Faist of Woodburn, John Studt of Sterling, Colo. Mrs. Faist died Aug. 6. Vault interment was In Zion Memori al Park at Canby. ' DEATHS Fiord Arret BTtA.oi A wo t Its. Mita ( Ana 11 T.a m rmMfnt of Oerrla Rt, 1 at th aae of 4. Brother of Mra. a. W. Beha. Oenrla, Ore. Announcement of eervtees will H mada later or W. T. Klfdoa Co. Ctrae A. Mennla Ctrda A. ennla. lata Taaldant of He Waller St., at a Salem hospital Aug. t. Survived hf dauehter, Mrs. Maxlne Do Larp. Salem, anna, Paul Moanla. Dallaai liters. Mrs. Ola Rurnham, Calif.; Mra. Cleo Klnamaa, Calif.: also four iraad chtldren. Services Saturday, Ana. IS at 1 30 a.m. in Clotieh-Baniek Chaaal. Interment at WOlamatta Matioaal Ceciia. terr, rortlaad. . , Oeerra Tewattid Oeorto Towaaentl ta thla ltr Aar. at the aae of . Lata TeaVdaat at Salem. Survived by brother-ta-la. aoa- eri Howery. rortiano: atetar-in-uw, Mra, Delia Oooch, Portlano; couala, PaoJ Towaaend. Solera. Serv leea Thtrrtdar. Aur. II at 1 a.m. la W. T. Ktgdoa Chapet ith eoncludtnt aarrloaa at Sa lam I'lemee- Cemetarr. raelntti Ortaa BaaSy Hyacinth OTtoo Baody. Is thla tlty Auc. la, in her aeveoth year. Lata raat dent of 131 N. Winter St. Survived by erendparero. Mr. and Mra. Csamoat C. wtemala, Salem. Announeemoat af aarr Icaa later ay W. T. ftiidw Oa.