Pate 18 f I I: I J ? I i I f 1 p e c b b n 1. : b. ft 01 w fl . C( 1r. 1, to or S S THE fAPlTlt TATiniTM . . ..w, uvmai,, eiifm, ureron FOR SALE HOUSES I REAL ESTATE mi ictat. - r-r-r. , . I ' I LIVESTOCK WANTED FOR SALEHOUSES 11.00 Drlr. br nil Liberty ad. Alloa C. Jonee, Realtor. Ul M. Hlfh. Phone 'H BV. MHI. a0 OPEN DAY! u4 vnlBi by .wn.ra aew homo I Bedroomr), doa, ejoubl ftrat with overhead itoraf. Pad and Ktcn Builder. Located 1 Block a,uun .nq DtOCt wtat el Knur ?MH. eroo KlltabttA SI, f boa I7I.I, Bill WALLACE ROAD VtTt doe I. I bH U Wltb IMS ei cioon opm. Lrio 11. rm. 41a. ra. ho beau, ww earpt, Co)ninl It. A nook. Ins KM 1111117. 1. finished dbl. uroce, it. wl-lndicaped lol with eprlaklef 0TUm. Thle Bearlr sow Bom It priced si onlr 114.1. ONE ACRE M Skrlln Rood. Now b-B R. house eno food well. 7111 attractive 11111 n I rati bur at just ilto,. ST. VINCENT'S y This older f-BR heuu 1 locaiod M a ooroor Jot near St. V)neDt' ocoool and to la tood eoadltloa. Th full prlc 1 suss owoe. LESLIE DISTRICT Thli dt lux l-BR born baa alt the tM that you are looking lot. Parly rm., i batni, ww cuhi, dubwaeher, arbaae dUpoiet and mur ather axtrae. Corner lot, t block to Luli ettbooj. 3 Of. ' Burt Picha 111 N. Hllh St. Off.: I-4MT Eves.: Bob Conklls I-1MI alio . I nW fWlWTM AWMW BBIMO IN TUB FAMILY I W will help wiw ia aowa pennant. B eraert, SUMMERS REALTORS ITW ttat. fa. caro-Ko. I-4I01 a3 mw owner I room aomo, extra lot. aprtBklla artm. outdoor flreplsee. rare. Block to Out. off. MM. payment aad moathly mu .-it... , on BY OWNER Verr ale !-blrw bom, carpet, good aaltboor aooa. Mao. 1.118. olf BY OWNKB CaadaUrla 1-bedroom. tiouow era. ln atuitr. iii.ko " Ml OWNIB BeauUlol I bedroom feouae, a fatwe. vrd atl. Open re ana aiau. 17 Jaatei at (Kettni. aioa BBW I BKOBOOM raodera home. Klnal eod Beiohu. Beautiful view, double aroa. bet waur. baaeboerd radiant beat. (Iriplar. liar to (a appro- eiai. ireo uiea creea Boad toff Wal- laeo Roadt. .0l. olM FOR SALE FARMS u atcua (m.w.) n a. ia ciiit.; iMiuu rtMBur. a-tfonn. Mn.-nodfrn Bonf, luit brB, apriav wttUr, nomt ealck tnt duek. tow lartjea tractor o w tasva. wiltli TAKI UBURBAJf TRAPS. M iClCf Uoitlr Bat trim. cro ini now or jwica Mroi. modtrn Aoraa, bara, bto h. lYtvetor, ate. KK T. T. ANDKRAON TOR A TAMt 625 N. 15TH TOR THI FAMILY THAT KtKDS 4 bdrmv-Doo'i (all to Ma tola Idtallr locitad bamt atar hltb KbaaJ. la jir, rm. wit a x:rpita, din. rm. and axtra brtakfait nook, dblt. plbf., full burnt, pipad oil furnaca. 1 4.000. OWNBX WlTdL TRADI TOR ACRE AGE. Vt Mrs, OOUSiBtM, XV, fH. 17l. ( Dial 4-4494 ENGLEW00D iI,,4 V- Oaubl Plumbla. BeparaU l,i.. . . - a-i.av. wuj uca txada to nM NORTHEAST I Br. la Maa. uli ,,'u, TlAtoaT TKrI. "" aatailr SUBURBAN EAST NEAR RICHMOND SCHOOL A aood deal at H.KK. Oood Craa. k ta " Oa para- SUBURBAN SOUTH . CLOSE IN A. A. LARSEN, Realtor Ul a. Bilk Aadr Htlroriea Pb. ITlti A Wella-Pb. UTII Bra, and Buadar Ph. lilt A. . leekelt-Pb. UHl f Dial 4-4494 REAL ESTATE WiTST PAY RENT? Slot down and M par no. will put you in paairwn oi a vary attractivt 1-bdriD. homo In Wtt aialaBi. Larit Wfii-amnicd kitchtn, ear port, dfuli prlca lasoo. PRANT LOCKMAN, KIT rain rooadi Rd. Realtor . 4-atlt 1W X ACRE, 4 room houit, full road front act. ytar aroand rk la back, will take 1,400 (or nulty or tood houxa .rauer. &u 4. Bos 40. milt Kuth of Liixrtr ttora. alfj STATE FINANCE I.UC.M Uodtra J-bedroom dome with unllnlmed UMtilri. Plreplao. OH AttaebMl taraee. Lire 1st. 190 down, balonco 170 per nontb IHludlat tuaa and in- lurtnu. tl,7U.a, A Honner. a Bow. a Paint Iruin tnd a Utile work-roj nie a food borne. Baa i bedroom, on pared -.. mih joi, rruit tree. Oloa. la km .am i- H.ow.M Here It la. I960 down, ill it.r ww.wu eoum. c?n ood- roora bom. A will bnlll bouie . w? """I .n' "'la. -. - .him one price. h U" Uot,n 1-bWrocm bom, M,w, ,ou pr montb. Modern l-bedroom home Bouth, ejai, o wbool and bin, 70 p,r montb. tnlr Browo or o. V. Hum Co-w Broker wltb aiat Plnonu Co Jltor. H7 s. Hltb at. Pbono 1.41,1 Bvenln I-5M1 or J-JJ0J. CANDALARIA SWELL HOME Urf aoran lot. u i 11 llrlni toon. dUalaf raota plu ale aaok la weU. rrafd kltcbra. oodroom plu JamUi room wltb flre.l.e. uw la, air prd. Price t, ,11,40,. eawauiBa 1 a -7f Laa Obtaarl NELSON Washington School Dist CoaronleaUr arrauod I . b d r m home, t . ,id, well laaulatod, via. """J." ". 'mil UeuT ll' in rm. 1 i,, dinette, kit!. , jvd. t., 1) bit. to bua. Caa be baadled oa or im H u. ,.." .i IN WEST SALEM RBDUCXO BACRIP1CB BALB " 1. dlnlna rm. 1 a UtT UM rm., prd. at., lot W a tat, frult treaV J daw. It bltl t. .cbLoiSS BUY THE EASY WAY uimi a nana u,nn.i , bomo wltb a low dowa parmcat of and IX p., monlb. SI k. ' ' B.r of UK ant. .lean" Close In To CaDifnl A (ood older l-bdrm. home, kitchen modernued. Interior food thrauthoul. yew roof., larto lot. pvd. aller, lot of ".-. iw oa'ao; iaoo dowa, DUPLEX-$12,500 NOB HILL DISTRICT A lOOd home imI 1 , mi . conoiiion. irl lloor wltb I bio. room and full banment. Autoa. ... ,u,uav.. upatair prtmnt al m ratod. Cloe u I Kbooli, to klk. to bua. - Court Street Income Valuable incfttiAn i... ,i Ini auartsra snd r.nt.i. i. ..lnuI oondition. Will taka modern home in m-K '. fw.wo. cau air, NELSON & NELSON orac-jALIZINO REALTOR 10a ri. nun St. Pb. l.laaa - C1I0 ajwavar aur- hit , j , aXaw part it. Batltla dowa. tao. la par Oaatawa ailliu TtaiiM SS-.? " ktaal Caw tit RAIBITS '"J . CalUrala - .ma, i, cuuiar Rd. or1 rm OLOVIB'I Ired or Yewli lAMIfE bar kitten wionf. Phaaa t-ooi. kiw PABABEBT bablea aad breeder, lit ut. ra, a.ioei. cell1 .V """. "1 brill brMda, tl b II. Par. lr..d waMbdoTia, !-.,,,,"r " Boilal, afoamouth. .elll WEEBa-OLO Oolllo pup, nceUiat with raaam I-1JN Clll1 Tuesday, August 11, 1.'S FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Ft Sato MISCELLANEOUS ESTATE SALE AO boueaheld furauhlna from Is Mlele at Clara X Jobaeoa ta (a on ul itartlB Wadnaedar l I A. at. Pannport, halra, Ublat, O. B. Beat, (ill Bartitta rut, ataatlful aatiia dub, ul (lav allrr wan, alotka, 1ot,U luua, aad aaddlsf, Mt ft. ait. Duncan rhif dia. Ukl, fireplace eel, tea-wuoc. blrde-ere maple bedroom eel, kraaa bucktt, Neac aooker, O. B. Illi-Matr, kundrd af a tbr Item. Svcrr piece la tap wnditiea aad muet aelL WML and Thar. t P af. ' tin Chemeket sir. . Bill TTANTED Ptmal Poa Trrlr. aot re BOZEB Pemale, and hau. ,11. month, ar cropped r. . Mill ' MKU HHI PUPPI. T. err pup potential Iiimba w Tropical pioh. Parakeet. Turtie. ,up- T. .' ,n,m Lne,tr pb 4eeler road. 4-1771. Closed Wodaot- el' CLEAN tut kitten, to 1 ta food home. . wa .'a. can jo. Mill LADY molly, ratlatirtd eolll baa four vup. i or aai. in a. Judtos St. Ph. HELP WANTED FEMALE PRUNDLY, NEAT appearln women for dlinllld aad prolltabl atlfhborbood wore. BHuiutu Avon Coamctlc r otollibtful to u. (V help rou auo Md. Por intorrlew. write Ircn Stew art. P. a Boi 1711, Portland I, Ore a. fblll STENOOBAPUER farmanent. part time, about , am. to I bjb.. fir d weeklp; prelerablr rr II, i Mrlennd, accural. Bupram Court Ll brarr. .tm. buubikeepeb. middle aied. Palli.r no caudrcn. No laundnr or claanlni. ooi i cpltol Journal, fblto WANTED TO RENT WANTED BY reeponllblo partr, 1-bed. room modern bouac Have an abud. the normal arletr not aalat not Alnntr. Have one mll dot wU mnnred as doc fo. Reference cam b furnlehed. PB, 1-OM7 crcnlBaa and week ende. Jllo aaeie'peae'pee'aappa.oeia FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM cioaa build Idii. 638 N. Wlntar. U itata Jkaoi- PLEASANT room. Near lUtahoiutv pk. J-04fl7. iklll RXaiSTRRBD alrdala cblld'i pat, bunUr Phona S-M19. N. pupplaa. Idtai r watcB doa. dUnd. icllS BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 111 I UcCa 9Bw viocc mw oi it, capltoi. 1H bltKkil nur.n di aa a a Lion. pb. a.Mwvr ttriLa OrPORTUNITT for homo Wlf. to lim u.vuwt u t. ian, irieadiy let a. T mvim' ""ura io: to a p.m. ? iQr us, inea port tlmi, -vai -.!,, ,r, experience, local rel- m..a.vw., tam ri, ut bo. Uomy, b K DADDY TRANSFERRED K Bndr Calaba ST. VINCENT DISTRICT tZKl V.UB.r.ui'baa.raJ'Ilir.'.TS,"4 .1... both m,d. ..d oT?hU ft.".! V. JUST A BIT SUBURBAN ' y, acre with bautlful land, modern l-room bom with a ,.ac m ...,-VJ.r.b.Vm.iT.?c;r. BEAUTIFUL SETTING paved road. Tou U Ilk. it" oiV, . a .a" on INCOME PROPERTY GRADE "A" DAIRY FARM ' s . Ohmart 6? Calaba, Realtors ai,7H JCalatr l-bdroom bouaa, 114 ere. Lara kitchen, nook. iln. room, utllllr room, lam oloaet, manr uun,-iua, .kvaciiaa aarai. rB. 4170I. all1 IP YOU HAVE a law modal ear 1 will tk It la a dowa pormeat on lovdr new o-oeoroom ranch atria bom. noue win tai maximum atat o. loan. Call 83101 or 3I7M. all NICE BVILDINQ LOT on 100 ru. Will cell or trade oa tmll plao acrot the dlvld. m,o BIT BUILDER - EAST INOL1WOOD New i-bedroom, aicluelv duitrlet, . " .. ."."v" 'm"n, quautr obui. n renent lawn. Phone 17071. alto Oi-.NEB LEAVINO-Ii rou want a fine ,,'muu, . nraroom nom. IBI4 I It, a" i.r. with aa uaouall fled rlew. Plenir of wtr. Price ro- 'm eio,vu to ffu.eoa. l-im, Bill' B-BDRM., 1 bathe, LR. DR, blr kitchen, unuoi. aarace. a D10CI Laall bleb. Ph. all! OVF, 1-bedroom, fuu kaannrat, Oa I oenroom. fcuburban. 4-B7TI. alll A BARCAAIN 4-room hour partlr llnlehed on acre. CToo la. 14.000. WIU lake email trUr houat la trad or will aeu aa ' rmo. i.eaTina fowa. J. X. LCLERC, REALTOR 1MI H. CapllOl am WILL SELL OR TRADE air 1-bedroom ranch atria bom 1 "" w,rt 'hi. "ra i nit it ah oa on floor, mlnuie to down town. In Salem1 Xlnoat dUtrlct. Will comlder tradlnl -" uwu.e, apartment nouae. Tea- if. . . """ mot,L e-aoee. II Bin, wooo arrive, we,t Balem. alloe SMALL I'NFl RN1HHED 1-hedroom horni Nlr rard and oatla. wpiin i lion within welkin, dUtenoe to ttata- 1. 1. i """eerwior ana 410T fur- mono aoo4. also WORTH TUT unurv LA ROE, CRICK, 1-BEDROOM HOME "u . one-oarm. T,nt home rear oi lor. Located Ml N. Cottaie rl"" can ea coioath, Railtor, for -..., wv .... uu iiim. aa nk aise. 1013. COCA COLA .rLAjiFiv-H,ri ib your chance to ipm i i nome wun ndd ...... iiwiacB, dhdii, aawoti.t iur. . ; uw w Tl,ni wroi - w.aL!;. - r mnt -nt. ANY -.nBvnDlai vrrsH CONSIDRRRO. cen uoioath, Kealtor 111 COURT ST. DIAL 444II. By. M, . alll1 Dead-end pared ureet. Lvln room, dlnin, room with wall-to-wall carpet Mtcnen witB eatlnt apece. utllltr room, renced-ln beck rard. I7t0. lus til .'0037. 14 'u.-ISfV" '-M""- horn, la me, rrnced rord PallO, LR. DR. Kit., DtU. aad Vtt ..r. wiib terra. Ph. I Mje lor tppolnlmenl. ali" $1,000 Down I bedroom home. Oood condition, anlr rear old. Lane attached farai. Paved treet, dote ta but line. Belanee 'Ik rent. Phon 4-1171. all. ''fV".0"" "mU' hm' '""'la. ae.'r i.-. w "m. nrepiac. aw- nr.,, jar- landacaiMd Ia, a, So. Summer. 110 - ... alto- -J. HOME Perfef, condition. 6b piv1 Price 1104. ,too dowa. "5 "0MI-C,0"" lt. run baaimenl 01 furn.c. Lot. of built-in.. Near S.!m Oenaral hoepltal. lll,a. FOR BENT-Sl. -Bulla locitloa an s. 13th J realtoh 4 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES . " """L "bnosi Home. prm. in! aMlaineaae, Motor Courte irii-t nave rou? YOUR CHANCE ..11 S.n "- " that h wall-to-wall carpet in Uriu room. SwhrIf,,,ul??,L." "'. t.-. , we"00"' or oair moo. trade for Lartre Home Thl, 1 well worth the aikln. of ,10.100. Ml . ft. floor .pace, with 7..uirj V.. ' "r"lace. Jn. julatad. Atl. carasa. Owner want, u t.! " 4-badroom Charm - Comfort - Terms ra inia reanr nice new bom. If . ,!n!!r: "r""c- Brand new. l b J?J". ' " oll. Loca- iwo ',m prl" on" MACHINE WORKS Betabllahod manr r. Preient owner report all buelnau hi, bid, will handle. Rant anlr I1TI per mo. Oood aarklnt area. A lont lUt of tin eulp rnenl and machine. Liberal term. Pull Brlca ail one Attention Dry Cleaners wum ana extra well catabluhed. JI.-.Ii"Ml i1? "" w,i awblabed. ,H,bcv ,0 u. -Inf .qulp- H excellent condition. Owner win , cn.nio ror real proprtr. Pull pne, iiiii I;,, i'o"0. Bid WHY NOT RETIRE? h. " " ,,n "d" '" '-""droom w. u. M .ruinwood dUtrlct. Ti ,i, 7 1 ub"" terme. PuU NCOME $402 PER M0, e in vrr food condition. nit oompietair furnlihod. Welklln, ? . Am", m ,0W'1 l0,n' tathOUM B.irm M.raoriai Boapltal. Varan ciee aimoet unheard ol. Onlr KlIKi in...i'-.... ' ' A rerr tood 425 Acres - $5000 Down I tin ia a. 11111 na V... . . a,... aeldom iei. An ouutandlnr farm. Oood ZZ 77 i weua. j aprinn. Creek, umoer. ao A. tiled. New. modern - -.iu House- w oy bo bam. Silo aw.ti-.iP oin. ao ay to itrite. Only 36 ACRES I -bed room home, to by 40 barn, Oa ma, 9 cnicxca noueea. pvd, rd. Lou . W-trt ,"1t" -h anttre umi in net rrora town, full a,.w,ww. vwner lorceo to sell. 3 ACRES MINUS a-oearoom houo lo cood ;..... r a,i,m. rvd. rd. Stone a throw from bua aervlce and atore. Near achool Amall barn, Mali k..t .. pun pair , i , jU Par Bueinea, Opportunltle, and Home, ' ".K.lla live. 4-H4H41 or tn"runu live. -fl30 UHIf (Eve. 4.HA11I W.v ' ""' call far KR. LEAVENS If no anewer. eell "fJNSED IN ORXOON. WAHHINOTON MORTOAOE LOANS 10-YEAR MATURITY Al Isaak & Co., Realtor wine, rnonea: e.3311 or l-7I0 Br. Phone,: .47li. 4-44. -M3 4JHS1 or I-7I7I JM5 PorlUnd Rod If Ba anewer, phoa 41341 lt' atama waata to loin hiM ta how rou the extra alee 3-bdrm. borne wltn lorelr Urine rm, bit kitchen wltb .vol;., en. ooaroom ar food, ixea wiib lot of cloeet pac. a tile '"""e 'or the winter month. Alo , naiunuuu noor. lnultd w"iii.invMn. Located oa a eor bot lot 40 I 110, onlr 4 reare old. Juat I block, to achool. Price iitso. Beit Family Hai Outgrown Thl Home Smell dowa end M per month oa thu l-rr.-old l-bdrm home with h.r- wood floor, bit kitchen with lot af L . """tM. and Vn,tlan e-nc. .d-iu, 3 BEDROOMS Onlr 4 rer old wltb 1400 o. ft. at iior mVmcm. n.rawooo noor. Venetian .; air neat, nice fireplace, Inald utllltr, double cerate. Blf del ete In extra larte bedroome. Conven ient kitchen, located on S'4 acre af beet eoll. Prlca 115,000. Term, . E. KLUMPP, Realtor I0M Portland Rd. Pb. 1-7(41 nve.: 3-JM4 or J-JMI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FUEL August Special piaoer nd - tra or drr - l-eord wn, ..v. vui oi wwn aeurorl. WEST SALEM PURL CO. mi Bdtowator. Ph. 1-4011 eelM- "" POR child cere. v.r. ll.hi un IB. PB. 717 eve Blntc or week nda. tblll' CHILD ATTENDANT for aururr' Khooi T.V W ... '"" M wrll Boi nf,p Journal flrlnt at and ,...,.... thlM' .vvvunianr, xperlenoed la a.naral ... ' r',uu ,or ioeI accountant "''I, tapir awn haadwrlttttf. Box I f-Mli a-..:.,.. ; ."'"lrna.. rblsO' AND PICKED II" alabwood. 114. Pboaa Andaraoa. l-erat lum BTAABI ekVkie?k.,nr a ;y "twirriEni tjtpt.fa FOR SALE POULTRY WB ARB batchlat Naw Hampehlr Oold- .roes ana aroor Aoro White Rock. .r.rr W..K. wpaciai price to 1 "'--n irr.r rew.ra. rox Hatcaarr. ptat. at. rnon 1-4III. f. (IX OEEEB Call AmltT 1331. J. D. Me- Aiun... nt. i, aot BZ aalam- fie " , .. narara-uaed lane alia procure wvoaor, a rouat eeer ror rrrers. 44311. f 10 Office Jobs Be u for oualllr lobs. Beoefll br aur know edit of employer, and br aur '- .... iu .na communitr. Check OUr liatlne. Unn av tu.a COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT -. oh tureioa Hldf.) 4-3361 IfllO" PRODUCE I WANTED SALESMAN ORAVENBTEIN applaa ll.lo boi. Brlat wnn oniBera. ie,0 wallac Rd. Pb. 1-1111. ,. I SALEIMEN to tell tb lateat product . ul-"rt' won eommlAwlon. Call al Marlon Hotel, Room No. 431, 3-7 ".wnwiir, autuat Jim. fflll SLEEPINO ROOM, for I Or J. mured, rnona l-ejis. IN N. Jklls- PLEAMANT ROOM, 1 block from poat office, OentlemaB. m Perrr St. Ik lis, FOR RENT HOUSES ALMOST NEW 1-bedroom bout. Elec tric rtBio. hardwood floora, automa tie bt, lneulated. 1330 Maple Ave. . " Imlel" 1 BEDBOOM bouee. Available let Sen. Kujus,, auhuu. n. a.ta, mornince. , Jmlll. LARU1 (-ROOM bouaa wltb utllltw room, on circulator. Coarenlent ehop plni. Ph. l-4lil. JmlM 1-BEDROOM HOUSE. Clou In. Phono a-oiii liter : p.m. Jmllo' "00! lra hour. 1517 Park Lane. ruuu. .-0.4,. jmlas CLEAN. OLDER 1 bedroom hom. ...1 duet heat, no per month. Rawllsa Realtr, 1010 N. Capitol. 4-1M1. i-T. I BEDROOM, electric beat, wall to .all crpct, 144. 41744, j imllte 1-bedroom modern horn. 4430 Sunnrt , t-- lorato. Jmll3e VCKT NICE unfuruiihad .trivnA prtmnt. Ul u. 14th. Ram, re. frlter.tor. waahlat machine and water furnuhed. Phono itro. jiflj BALED ALTA foeeu etrew, beavllr fer- iiuiea, lonat aroea, ttcelleht quditr, 110 per ton In field. Prank Uric.-,. bob. It, mile outh Frtntl aehoel oa aaiuecreet tea rnoBa Balem 4335T. 11113" MEN BOY8EN BERRIES of excellent eu.lltr ar avallabl al Brawiter'a Berrr n. .cn one mil norm OI Keller arhon on Clear Lak Road. Come to lane treen bulldtnt. You pick. 10 eenta per w. a. rewatr, jet. x. Hot 10I-C. ffllO Grabenhorst Specials AM IK TP A ftaa iDDDnum . . i. . w.mlZZJ'itRZ. 'call ttky&r" and th. loc.tloB BlcMiirV to build thal j T.'a'-J' '"'M'" u ,,k. P,n..iB. ZitclSaSSr """ " m5?'iB,iiNH0EST BKOS., REALTORS I r Tj-,-,.- . ?,'.'.I"',J!, "" eU Ph. 1-1471 . - . a. Law l-llll clPO- $15,000 a Year Will he the minimum Income for the mon we want. Wewant aa enenetic. promotionally-mlnded man with proven ealei ability and food business sense. Inveat a minimum of 13500 wltb a fl nanclallr sound Dun At Brad, atreet ratlnt available oa r quean manufacturer of a ns. eonrr product which will revoj. utlonlxe Induetrlal co-utruetlon. Thla product cannot b- Imitated. The demand 1 treat and the lobe win be bit. Exclualve life time factorr franchise now open In Solera area. Pereon selected should be over 30 end muet past exactlnt character and credit crutlnr. Pactorr - trained mea will sunt ib fettint ,t,rted. Pactorr will assist in future fl nanrlnt up to 110,000. If joU ouallfr, writ to Mepco, 101 Phoenli Bldi, Portlind 4, Oret.. for Interview. GOLDEN JUBILEE and Rochester neaoh- u. i re. rip, euappr loon, followed br Red Siberia and J. H. Hal. Moeee nuame. isio wauac Road. Phone . If 110 ruat bale oraveasteln appla 11.74 auan.i ana tesa. ra., 11104 EXCII'.LENT OATS and Vetch ha. never rained on. wire baled. 133.00 per ton. 3 Ml. N.w. of Reiser Sen. Cell J-.suj. e-100, 3-314. H193" ruTsTOE-ortanletllr frown on our farm. Rod or whit. Plckllnt cukes soon, vine ripened tomato. Graven ateln apples. Last week on Anrtaot. PblUlpa Broe. Perm Market. Ilio Port IandRo8alem Ph. 3-4511. ff. IIBCHANICALLY INCLINED MEN PKEPIRRED THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITT TO JOIN A LAROE CORPORATION AND i,; JurtorsLr AND PAMILV Si pr?RVN0OM" " " pm " lBl.reeted la tlrlBt rour uu. .avantate and can pels an Interview and teat rou will bo ac cepted under our dealeri commlnlon and bonus startlnc at ,341.00 TO I.IM0 PER MONTH, R.Jld projo tlon for men wltb outatmdlnt ablll- mw Mlt. LUDLOW, -.-.nn-vn nuiBL, TUBS., AUG. 11. f;S.?.1iR1 n1 ':" PBI. SHARP. xTcif-r." 5lU T ABOVE "i-x. svindir a on time. NEWI.V nrca . . . '- BEDROOM bom, p.rtlr furalid. tor i.oo p.m. Jmlll I-BEDBOOM am me . . v.ttava. MQUia 1. Rn write 1ID, Brooks, WANTEDPOSITIONS HELP WANTED sen Ainu wumen to work on our hop. piceinr machine, sttrtlnt Autust 17 Dar and nltht work. Located I mile, S , ,' ":m 00 in Rlvr road. Call Salem 4-1311 or 4-1131. Mlailon ".iwra aiarreeser. atEMODLEINQ servlc and new con. etruction. Anrthlnt from foundation 5 ...!w rM'- T,r"i arraBted. Phone bill1 .Ariait-tio CLEANING. Uundr. " , - .mwu seierencec fnone w-aoaa. Bill WOULD like to do IroBlat la ar home, a-.,vi. hl83. BOTOTILLINO lalddl. Orov. Nuratrr. ,n mi. mono 1-433. h BEAN PICBEBS WANTED for Aut. 11 mllea iouthast, H mil wt ol Penn. Annex. O. Zlatel, Rt. 4, Box II rii. aua.o. LOU'S FRY COOK wanted. rant, mo Center 8t. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY - P.mtZT. r1 w " ro- atat on for cdlflO' leie. Phnne l-itu i l 1 REALTOH toil N. Capitol Ph. 4-401 Eve. 1-311 alll' H""l ltU ADVERTII1NO Per Ward, lime 14, Pa' Ward 4, Per Word. I 10, Per tterd. I awolh at, N. Rrf.nd Mlalmtm I, Ward Br tnmi Ueal New, Colama Oalr, Per Far ... f, Mlalmim I, Ward. Ts Plar rl in Same DaY"l Paper, Phont 1-240) Before Is a.m $1,000 Down You'll anjo? Itvint lo tbla coty J bedroom home with double rtae an about on -third acre, tit UuJde utilllr. Onlr 11.92. NORTH 23RD STREET Thli eomfortable 1-bedroom borne wltb ftroplac nd dlnlnt room OB fin lot ahould tppetl t roa. Porced air all heat Aikiot lll lu. ST. VINCENT'S AREA Oood 1-bedroom home with flreploce basement and oil furnace. Gar! wuit , inn oia. ah ror 110.350. VOVR BtDROOiMS 5onoiy bum Home In cite, aouth. I bedroonia down and I up. Plastered up vomn. near oue, mil lor 110 (VOO or Irede on crraae. RAMSEY, REALTOR 1M4 North Com mere! el Offlco 4-I3U Rve, Al Bender t-7i4r Wrwm Am aUDMay 4ll ao EK.W.?d?D BEAUTY, Corner Lot, $8950 nwSlT&ZilTJL'!! ''. " B.t. dh7ldren mint. ' " " on dowa par- utility room. Beautiful trounds la. Owner as extremal an.i.... 'h"1 rr low down perment wl "...biiimhi to see. XL rf -JTart Owner . ,ir,m.r an.ii,,. wei..".S."" 'K'd north do,. i , 1 ,. i .. ' mm to aae oner nn f..u Ul handle, why not cell Chat tin. LOW DOWN PAYMENT .iMac.."'" floor., c. b. 'iTL'SSS GRADE "A" DAIRY b.rV,fo,:t,vavh,V3ra.,ho,',,,i. TiSoT t:, cr permanent paetur. 14 aerie wheat IU", " f'" ". II all lth 1300 ft ot a' ' B,.liT, ito ft '.." h,- ""X' motor. 14 milk cow. io. .TOafat tm """ co.fc her. feed, to with ea" ThT S oi. ' T"1- " "nlnrr. ..lie, locted Co.. ta tPt&SZAK rSS c'.iTd.'i. THE BEST DEAL IN VALLEY .a"?!.',. U?J,VSr"Z OoVlVvntmeit, o. pen to qualified J",,', o.e, tiu e.U ., d,.7o.-',,'e,"'' B"ok' YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH THIS ONP f Seclusion on extra larta l! South five " room. rT-iV"" - FtwSr1g$? d" ,0"' LOW DOWN PAYMT. - MOVE RIGHT IN .',,Mu .p.. inroo i.vel Isree lot. Clos to achool m V,. X 7. m' " ul In.ulated. we.therslrloric l T.J T.I.a"0' '.".I.!1.1"- 9"1' rear, ol lUKJyRETORJULE ESTATE SAT.E-lomnlete house furnleh. Inu At antique. 1537 Chemeketa St. dltl l-PJECE mpl bedroom s,t I45. 3110 Llvlneston. Ph. 1-1143. dill WANTED FURNITURE SECOND PICKING stirt Tuedr. Aut uit It it Rlensche's and BUhop's Been Yard. Phoa 4-1711. No tnai- vu..Mua surnuneo. fit. I. Box 03fl. i'" rp ri a 1 1 ree oervice 4"fi2f?Jf.,f"i7..,!?'",i p",l Xurnlsbedi or nrooka. 135 per month. Herman Hthh, Phon. 4-1017 Jmll, LEHLIE.MaKIMr war ' r, (hom. lurx.1.1, TSSSrSrSSi ' ' lmlll aa'",,a."f,D. """ '. 0. See t 740 UBlver.Hr St. Phtrot 1-4.01 Imlll aaaauii. partlr furnlihod. Elderly or workln, eoupli. log, Matet atZ """" ra- Jmlll. TT"rn ""l. Prlrat. bath. an. i rm ' e"B """""'d hous. rrV...., fmlll. - '1 "eee,e,t, FOR RENT APARTMENTS AT THE ELAINE. Purnlah.. ......I oa.a. loo. rrmm leundrv tm.unm- . central beat. 170 North Libert. " IPlll HEAP I'.ENT, redecorated" wood ranto. Oround floor. apartment. Ph. 31'aea, )Pl J.. ... i""0011 """"nieh.d dti Plex, 110 Perrr St. phon 1-4375. BABt""fr apt., utllltl. !,: wznzzs? st sfzi I kf,Jh!i ' ' ". J.Mi J,0"B. Watt Salem. 4 '"' loiei. c.11 ,JkT,.rTa!,ii "Wlra. M. MM. r7.n.K " Atk far - mi. na Salem. 1110- BEAN PICKERS reenter. WIU b titihiand school , to 11 a.m. and cross from Sofewtr Stor on Center ,. irom so p.m. Aua. i. rrast.. a Alt. f !! 18 Years Exp. PRUNING, FEEDING, ABLfilNli, HKAC1NG, Iniured Operator dowiT Call 4-1114. lare. n.-...."' " exterior. "111 Par t. Ib.."' M roar ma Platter lntarin. . j 1 ery anxious to tell, it RAWLIN'S REALTY (HOLLYWOOD REALTORS) ttlt . Csplt.l , . ' Offlc I-4III 4, 4.,,,, Evenint Phones ...Tlbb.IUI.7IH Ch,H.3t jlm,.- .,... -urn ri WANTEDREAL ESTATE I JSrJAXM FJ.GK.ERS Imured Operator - Call a-7522 ReiUter Bow for plcklnt. Ib bow . hlfoe t "h 'fhT.r?''," 152 " "SI ".Vm, !- t.rtlnt date. Pood rTami ioaj" u.l i"" a"'?.,,' ."...I.,",a7 " ' nn o.Dift. or tent neueei. Dallr bus servlc. Irom Salem. Write t. P. Mc- t.rny aa eon, f, Bos ,33, COi Oreton, or drive out , mllea on South River road or I miles east of Inde pendence, Thle le one of th valley'o oefter yard and cmp. D. p. kc- or cion. Ml. I, BOX 433, Sera, Oreton. Phon Independence 1IP8. time HELP WANTED MALE NON-UNION 31400 after - aaivo AUCTIONS Sudtell's Auction niRNITURR WFD., AUO. I1TH AT iafto. eu,Y.MiuH RD. PHONE Kelvlnator refrl,., mahot . china caae. OE eoneol. radio combln.. twin bede complete, devenoa At davenport, table. v.... ... .n mower,, carden hose, lamp at colfee tables, coll A, ,, eprlnte. mattresses. 1 tin front pie cabinet!, anllouo drop leaf extenelon teblo. hardwood spool bed and many mlo. nicies. LANS SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALE!! YD - mill y.'.y ,v a 1 your Brouorlv ia - -,. I... ".'.',", "" " SJ.n-u'-,IIM" ' 'r STATE PINANC CO. REALTORS !' S RUB St aa. WANTED TO for uvtra. 17354. LEAtE Vcnt buUdlnc Vlclnllr of S.lem. Ph. el5 WB ARB la Bred al food hou,e la tell. in or neer aalem If you wlaB la Us I ORABENHORST BROS REALTORS -J...?. s-io'nr Ph 1-3471 .a EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TAKE TRAI1PR bouee or 1500 do , 4 yr old I br. home. It 15. Allen C. Jonee Realtor. Ill N. Huh Phon 1-lln BUSI NESS lOPPORTUN ITI ES T"""' "tNTAL with Urine ou.e. ... ..K..V,. aaitf. ntr pra. edits YN BEAl'TY shop for sill. Brooke, Ph. Oervili i. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GIANT MKRRY Mlxup lmusementrida loreted al Oreeon Stele al pa,.. sroumis- se.eoo. ln.ulr. Rt 1. rd13 BAKERY POR BALE ii.aot R.,onabi t.rms or wni tr.d. for prorxrty. will lata car ae dowa ferment, call 4-1531. cdlll' NURSERY Kurrery and dock oa approt. tH acr with I bedroom ttra house and ood well. I7.IM. Will .1.. rm,. Ap! proi. ll, acre, available located oa Lanslnt A. la vary eood locatloa owner aaw fumlthee weter lo other kouea at II M a month. 1- t LeCLBRC, UN N. Capital FOR SALE LIVESTOCK POR AI.KShet!and on-v P mouth 470 or 3134.1 uiv.bmet cow for sale. I Rt. 4, Box 3J4. list. HORSE 1-year-old filly. Saddle Oentl. 3117 Stat St. reare old. elJ. horse. el!4 ARE YOU IN A RUT? ti your present Job tadloui, korlni. low parlBt and without a future Do aot let any mora ir ..t. harder than a lellow worker who does not work hard? will you ever reallee your drrama of a fine home, new car no ..cuntr IOr yourself aad family? nr. rou waitmi to itrlk oil where there 1 bo oil Are roa dreamlnt the eeme dreame you were a year axo but ..... wtH notninr to better youreelfr nr. you tmbttlou anouth to take. 0 minutes time thl Wednesday for a Interview concernlnt a poslttoa ..... tf.r. real lutur and opportua. ur ror advancement w. n.. ante betlnnlnt with Ird day of traln Ibi, plue extra on a year round job that requlrea you hav a car, be away j.wm nome tour Blihts a week, at leest 11 years of an, and available for antpiormeni in in &ar lutur. If you ar only curious, pleese do .ppiy. uurnte whll trelalnt pltced at minimum ol 1100 par week. Contact timer Adam Senator Hotel . Salem Wedaeedar, Autust 11, till .10 00 A.M. to 1:10 P.M. tallO" RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will fo days' Hnuu. rtfon. a-vyo,. hlOO PAINTING, Interior, exterior, McClaln aad Ooldea. Phon 1-1131 er 1-1861. bill LICENSED practical aura desires work. PRACTICAL NBRiE deolr. .mployment with .Iderly maa or womaa. Perma nent. 1-4537. hlJl PAINTING, PAPER hantlnt. day S SiT. 1 '" "lM,. Phone .7.7... -1 wtmtnfc Clou to atat. -qoae ,-tsTi. ,,,, Llbrtr JpllS 1 furnlshd apt. 117 jf." ,,.rr'.l7.,',;I,5,D "-at. Utlli a,...BLBj uti.a ana 430 Bo. 30th. refrlteretor. jpin ' id'.'lrl v'i1 'ur,nUhe1 " r" nPlor d tlrl. V.rr clean, every aonyealenra. f',r',lA. Dt'"'' Saw 0 ... ..... w viioo. I-040B. Iplll urea bedboom. lull bath, adult, only: Call mornlnt. Phono 1-7571. iim NEAI I-bijom lurn. .pt.. cOBVenlene Caallnl a..0"' " N cp'tol. afternoon. "?!;i.Rt.0M. vCOU" mnt. Applu Adurt,.,'hT,;d.y,.,ho",-1,- EoomA L1, "".'". nodern. fartly fur iosi Bdiewater, West Salem. Ipllta "nraBC. LIOHT CRAWLER doalat. dirt Int. tradlnt. Phone 3-1310. level. h307 PAPER HANGING, p.lntlna. tlmate. Don Lucero. Ph. 15533. h307 SPRAY PAINTINO PHONE 4-1505. I-I5I1 Kill JOE PALOOKA HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED NIC hi ahlft. Ao. PIT In mornln. Top Hat Reelaurant. "7t 'ate. ,blM LA"N MOWERS, SCISSORS, dlnn- hd. etc., sharpened. Oeneral Mo tor Repair, 111 Oerth. Phone 1-141. hioi PURNISHEU. Lovely for I or 1 ' ISth. 1-5015. 150. '- 1155 N. Iplll" I-ROOM furnished apt., orivat. hart," jtllltl.fc ciaa. In. 14. il.".?" SSSl ??! furnuhed ap.rtment Sear school aad tthouee. Ph. 1-04177 ?..2Mw 'u'""hed apartment, prlvat bath. heal. Refrlterator. Ill n. Hi.h" Jplll LANDSCAPING, trictor and tiller work. -rv. i-.r-rnne 4-3373. h1 FOR RENT OPPICE SPACE Phon. 1-4114 Inoulr at 101 B Blth J' POR RENT OB LEASE Hall suitable for church, iodic or what bare you. Im mediate poaseestoa. Rent only ,71 per month. Al Isaak. Realtor, ph. 4-1311 UN LAROE warehouse space for rBt err l.sse Cement floors, brick tuUdlni Dowa town. Inquire R. L stiff Pur. nuure lo. mono 1-1115 11 "a?S",'ur".u,,l ""mint. r .vvlu np.rimeni. 1-4505 JpllOe .R,0."? '"'"''hed an.rtmBt." list St. Phon 3-4157. 415 8. 10111 hZeir.j ,."""" Partment. Prlv.te bath. Adult. 705 N. Liberty, 1-1147 ipll, M?.R'.'!r,""i,S",,D ". 1 bed-- Ilw BQ. nth, Jpll.. NICELY FURNISHED apartment, am b..d.r AP 5S0 NO SummeV e .. .. .,u'ihd POB LEASE 1I0 ta 300 f..t front... "... w.e, a m. (ra J. Pitta, ph 11101 ,. WANTED TO RENT S-li ED ROOm home in aouthwett dutrkt. INKI'RANCE EXICLTIVK movlnr oatrm, perminent poaition, deairei to ini -ir-jiuijin nome, rieasa call Ore- "in tBureeu rwieritjon, 4-3317 between I m m. and I p m. Jtlflj Pt'RN IKRItD 1 or aUbedrMro houie br reliable couple. Prsferably aaat, 34n JalM BUSINESS RENTALS "Z"E, B.0,7' space ib oar build: In.MMSo. Liberty. 1.5373. J0105. line feet. Realty, aso a moBth. Call a... 3-4454, or 4-171. I.. ,!r"l ar .tor, .pacJ rr" .7?'.,f,"-' ' W'- frket o LOST & FOUND LOST Red COCker mala . . yemed Penay. Reward! Pb.'l4.V'ol; 'ST, WHITE kill.. '.... Laat .een In .a,;;... .r1 Vtu-lnlfa . a. . " Her mls.reu U on a 1. 131S Aev in. Ion. U be heart broken, " aiter kiso KEALTOR rt. 1-W cdlll GAM ASTt elnva 11 ju. .: j.. au... M. r . -'ac. ..arc My Ham Fisher MERC'S A GRAND F(H VOO. I'M OIVIN'JOe TM' TEN GRAND 1 GOT PER MY STOCKS. AM' YOU'RE NEVER. TTEU UK t 9tA.B air STOCn: USSEN, BUTTERMLL , I eOft WANT NUTMIN'.., wesbe rA a wise suy. BU....BUT I DON'T WANT rcr Lnsr, KEEP IT shupdup taise rr. "''vB I i mi ,.j AN VA SMOULDA GOT Jf AMMH. Y ACWRESS tTiAtSt. tuf2'T'ES ' TMrNN, one, 1143 Boutheut i ""L .V"""- -:nn" T. Bebeock Tract Bervlce. dlN " vnais. wdlM'i Rwy, , ti ear. ...v,. .....