Tuwdar. Angnst ll, 1955 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaTera, Oregon Nf J.AL FOOTBALL LEAGUE SCHEDULE SEPTEMBER -CM. Bear 1 Ne staftaaaiCki. Ckrwa CM. Bear at Balaam sr..v?.k.,,vf OCTOBER -aaUa(oa at Pain. N '"BBlUan, N nt Vtrk at Pluatwak N -kL BtanatGrecaBay Clelaidatcbl.car -IU.atCIlaa4 N U-";,Ui" UC1,I. Bean Cai. Carta at PlUabvr ii?1" Grata BtyX Von at IhaUaxUtT Fraa. at Detest 11-PIUabarifcatFhila. If ,,-'f;Ju!weieaBa Cbl.ciinisat.r4ew Vara Cleveland at wuhlnctaa Lob tacelr at Dekvlt . . Chi. Been li-Oreea BajralPUt, N ' L0 Aatelaa Cleveland at New Von fhlla. at Chi. Carta Wasbtoftoa at Baluaor 3l-Greea Baj at Baltlnon N NOVEMBER 1-C1L Bean at Saa fraa. Den-oil at Lea Aafwlas New Von at CfcL Carta PalladelolBa at Pliuaarab aaalactoa at Clerelaaej 7-BalUann al Defrost N -Cat Carta at Was. Genoa Bay at Cat. Bear rVw Van at Palla. Plttabwik at C lev lead Saa Fran, at Loa Aaaalaa l-BaUaior at Phila. Cki. Bean at taak. Detroit at Onea Bay Loa Aafelea at Chi. Carta Pttabartaat Now Von aa rna, at Cleveland Il-Cki. Cwas at Pllla. N tt-Clevelaad at Pittabartjk Detroit at Cat. Bears Loa Aaaekta at Balaam Saa Flu at Omea Bay X asniastoa at New York tt-Oraaa Bay at Detroit St-Chl. Carta at Ctareaaad Laa Aasetea at Cki. Boars Philadelphia at New York Saa Fraa. at Baltimore Waak. at PlCBtxwtn Hollies' Walsh Leads Coast League Hurlers Sao Francisco I) Jim WaUh of Hollywood clung to hit plact a the leading Pa cific Coast League pitcher tMi week, wtih an average of .785 on the baiii of innings pitched. Allen Cettel of Oakland continue! to lead the league in number of gamei won, with 21 tucked away at the start of the week. Averages compiled by Will lam J. Weiss, league statisti cian, including garnet of Sun day, August 9, are: If aaee and dob M.cDoneld. HeUrwoe Tertian. BacremeQle Candlal. Oak-Sac ... Welih. Hollywood , O'DenaeU, Hollywood : Oell.l. oaklanl , etcCall. Ban Fraaeleeo , J. Davie. Seattle , Ltd a, Hollywood Mallor, ha Ditto o b mi is ij si s 1 II H I I 4 U 11 1 S 31 si at is U It II I IS SI HI 11 10 I SI II s 91 4S S4 1 S H II I I II 1 N-NlrbtGuat X-At Milwaakee El DECEMBER S-Baklaore at Loa Aatals -Cki. Basra at Do kK Sstea Bay at Saa Fraa. New Vork at Cleveland ' Pklla. at VaabiBftoa Pitta burgh at Chi. Carta M-Hreea Bay at Laa A auks 13-Baltimore at Saa Fraa. Cat. Cards at Chi. Bears Cleveland at Phila. Detroit at Now Vork Pitt, at Waaalaitoa (Maaaaiiesashla Play off Albany Team Plays at Mill City Tonight Mill City Kelly Lumber company's softball team of Mill City meets Al and Caps ol Al bany in 7:30 game at Allen field here tonight. Wednesday the Kelly team travels to Portland to play Grimshaw Tires, and Thurs day Kelly's play Corvallls In doubleheader at Mill City. Minor League Scores (Br Tht Aiioclatcd Prase) INTEBNAT10VAL LIAOUB RochoaUr ai Ottawa ! poetponed. Buffalo 11-1, Baltimore 7-4. Flut sane completion of auapended seme. Montreal at Srractue poetponed. Toronto S-0, frprinlflekl t-t. Pint sctoe oomplattoa of euependeo 14ml. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansu City, S-4, Columbus 1-T. Charleston I. LoulivlUa 1. at. Paul s, Tolada 4. Minneapolis S. Indlaaapolll t. - TEXAS LEAGUE ahrtvoport 4-3, Oklahoma Cltr M. Dalles S. Houston 4. Port Worth 11. San Antonio I. Beaumont I, Tulea I. WESTERN LEACt'E aioui City 4-1. Dei Uolnu 1-7. Omaha S-4, Lincoln 1-5. Colorado Sprints 4, Pueblo S. Only semes ach.duled. PIONEEB LIAOll Uaile Valley l-l, Oreat Palll 1-11. Pint lame I Innlnie. Belt Lake City I. Idaho Palls S. Ovdea lit Poeatello I. 1 Bolaa II, BlUlnn I. Molalla Wins Berth In ABC Tournament Portland UJ9 Molalla de feated Stelnfelds 13-4 last night to win the last position in the Oregon ABC tourna ment. Tuesday night's tourna ment games pitted Forest Grove against Sweet Home and McMinnville against Ver-boort. lUiuoerstr, Hollywood IS s SIS Levrlcb, Seattle II 114 II 1 Wldmar, Baeramento .. 37 1111 17 II MoUea. Loe Aaaelea .. SI 14 II I Near, BealUa 17 M II II I Dickey. Baa Dleio .... II S3 II S 1 Lint, Portland 31 41 17 11 I Unl. Portland II 41 17 14 I Heard. Portland M 71 II 11 I Mettle and Portland pltchlni am eeee: VY. Kane. Seattle II M 117 It II Adama, PorUand 17 13 73 I I Klndtfather. Seattle .. 31 71 Llnde, Portland 31 47 BucheckL Beattle 14 17 Del Duoa, aeattla .... 41 II Ramadeu. LA. -Fort. .... II M Bedford. Port. 13 IS ward..Portland II 41 Elliott, Portland II 31 WalbeL PorUand II 14 17 11 11 II I I nil 41 II 11 II I I II I I 14 S S 71 7 11 11 4 7 Sacra- Daily Double Pays $1,718.80 Del Mar, Calif. ( There were 18 lucky people at Del Mar race track Monday. They held winning daily double tick ets worth $1,718.80 each. The longshot combination of Mariontex in the first race and Fucheebee In the second re turned the big money. The setup for the fancy daily dou ble was generated by jockey Willie Steed who piloted the S7-1 shot Mariontex td the front in the last stride of the 5 -furlong opener. That vic tory alone was worth $117.70 for a $2 win ticket. Individually, Fucheebee paid $7.20 to win ticket. Individually, Fucheebee paid $7.20 to win. Dillinger and Restelli in Tight Race San Francisco ) mento's Bob Dillinger and Dino Restelli of PorUand art run ning neck-and-neck in the race for Pacific Coait League bat ting honors. Official league averages tor games through Sunday and Monday thowed Dillinger in front with a .341 average, one point ahead of Restelli, Othir mtftt Nam ud club DllltTmr. Bcrftmnto RMtcUl, Portland .... V. mtth, SReramtnte Bund 7, Hollywood ...i Mllnt. Oakland W 11 ion, BtatUff Ktilthtf. Hollywood Brovla, Sacramento .. MoUaa. Lot Anteln Rapo, San Dlcco .... ChrUtl. Srattl .... Taormtna, Ban Franclico lit 317 II .301 Kalin, Ban Franclico .. 100 loo n .jot Jones, Sacramento ., Poderolf, Ban Dleto Thomaa. Seattla .... Fisher. Hollywood .... Usher. Loa Anaelei .. Uprttht, Lot Antelea A. Evana. Loa Anaelei Avtratea of other Beattla tad Port land Dlayera: 2,000 People to Appear In Shrine Game Pageant Portland The sixth annual Shrine All Star football game here A a gust SI will be preced ed by the largest and a oat - rfnl pageant to the game's his tory. Cbet Duncan, pageant dl rector, reported today. Duncan said approximately 2000 persons, including 11 bands, S drum corps and more than SO uniformed marching O 11 M 131 4H IIS J41 1 SIS SI J4I SI 30 II JJl Ml .333 131 SIT ITS .111 131 111 111 ,331 II 1S1 41 Jll HI 3IS 111 .311 10 111 31 .311 131 413 1S4 .31 41 111 35 J II 111 SOS 151 .303 IS 311 114 .303 131 131 113 .3D 4S 13 II .30 III 941 114 JM a 304 ii .sn IT 111 11 .111 Tobln. Seattle Gladd, Portlaod Robbe. Portland ... Uaddern, Seettl. .. Reich. Portland ... Orteu. Seatu Judnleh, Seattle .. Schmeee, Beattle ... Qarbowikl, Beettl. Ru.sell, Portland . Combe, Beattle .... Robineon. Portland Au.tlo, Portland ... Marqula, Portland .. Kollowar, Portland Ooldaberrr, Beettl. Be.lnikl. Portland Pernandel, Seattle Arft. Portland Ktfert Portland flrant. Portland Brun.wlek, Seattle , I3i 3 in .in , II 141 13 .! , 111 31 1M .11 , 101 331 II .117 , II 111 U .111 , 131 111 101 .311 . 131 441 114 .111 , II 330 II .111 , II N II .161 , 113 311 101 .311 , 111 417 111 .111 , 10 131 10 .310 , 131 111 14S .191 , 13 13 11 Ml , W 111 41 .111 , 111 111 111 .144 , 114 ISO 10 .131 41 II II .J , 111 314 17 .131 , II 117 M .111 , 11 141 II .111 , II II I .141 Crosby and Westland to Play in Spokane Wenatchec, Wash. OP) Crooner Bing Crosby and U. S. amateur champion Jack West- land of Everett, Wash., will play an exhibition match here Sunday against two of the Pa cific Northwest's top young players, Bruce Cudd of Port land, and Eddie Draper of Seattle. The match at the Wenatchee Country Club will be a benefit appearance with proceeds go ing into a fund which will de velop the Three Lakes golf course, a municipal project here. Cudd Is Oregon amateur and Northwest Open champion. Draper tied for the Washing ton Open crown In 1951 and won the Washington Amateur last year. Both are Morse Cup plsyers. Britons Enter U. S. Amateur New York HV-British ama teur champion Joe Carr and other members of the British Walker Cup team have ertered the National Amateur Golf Tournament, to be played at Oklahoma City Sept. 14-18. The U. S. Golf Association, making the announcement Monday said the other British players are Lt. Col. A. A. Dun- ,can, captain of tne team; Nor man Drew, John Morgan and James Wilson. Eight U. S. Walker Cuppers, who meet the British at Marlon Mass., Sept 4-5. also are enter ed in the National Amateur championship. They include the defending champion, Jack Westland of Everett, Wash., Charlie Coe, Dick Chapman, Bill Campbell Harvie Ward, Jr., Ken Venturi, Don Cherry and Jim Jackson. Kelly Lumber Wins Two Games Lebanon Ron Davidson and John Pearson each threw one-hitters as Kelly Lumber company of Mill City defeated Western Veneer of Lebanon in a softball doubleheader here last night. Davidson pitched the first game, won by Kelly Lumber 8-2, and Pearson twirled the nightcap, won by the Mill City team, 7-1. units, will participate in the pageant, which will take place 40 minutes before game time at 8:30 p.m. This is the great est number of participants ever, Duncan revealed. The units represent various fraternal organizations, the army, navy and marine corps. high schools, colleges and com munities throughout Oregon and Washington. Highlight of the pre-game spectacle will be a concert by the massed bands. Multnomah stadium's turf will be covered from goal-to-goal and from sideline-to-sideline by the uni formed groups, offering a col orful and spectacular scene for the capacity crowd that is ex pected to jam the stadium. At halftime the units will present the traditional counter march. There will also be an entertainment feature as yet unannounced. The 54 all stars of the 195S high school football season, representing the top perform ers from Portland md al' other sections of the state, will begin practice next week for the grid-1 iron classic. The boys will meet for the first time Sunday, August 0, for a day of pictures and will begin practice the fol- i lowing day. j The rival head coaches Har ry Scarff of the Portland All Stars and Pete Sualck, Marsh field, of the Oregon All Stars have urged their players to report in good physical condi tion as they plan to begin scrimmaging immediately. Officials in charge of "Foot balls' Finest Hour" report keen interest in the gsme in all parts of the state, with requests for large blocks of tickets pouring in from every direction. Re served seats, priced at $3, can be obtained by writing Shrine Game Headquarters, Multno mah Stadium, Portland. Michigan State's all-time ca reer scoring record is held by All-American Lynn Chandnois, who racked up 31 touchdowns in four seasons of play. Hank Thompson, Al Rosen Top Major Sluggers New York () Hank Thompson of the New York Giants and Al Rosen of the Cleveland Indians, a pair of hard-hitting third basemen, top the major leagues In slug ging. Slugging averages compiled by the Associated Press Tues day, reveal tha 27-year-old Thompson leads the National League with a robust .632 mark. He has amassed 182 to tal bases in 288 times at bat, numbering 10 doubles, six tri ples and 22 home runs among his 94 hits. Rosen, who finished third last sesson, is the American League's pace-setter at .581. Al has 240 total bases in 413 trips. His extra-base record shows 19 doubles, four triples and 27 homers among 132 safeties. The records Include Sundsy's games.- - . Slugging averages are based on total bases on all hits and are computed by dividing that figure by. the number of times at bat. Para IS Shrine Stars Conduct Drills Portland ( Oregon high school football all-stars ran through a workout under sweltering sun here Tuesday in preparation for . the annual Shrine game, Aug. 22. Pete Sualck. Marshfield. coach for the upstate team, planned light body contact with heavier work scheduled for la ter in the week. Suslck ran his charges through basic T-for-mation plays on the first prac tice day Monday. His team will play Portland all-stars, coached by Harry Scarff of Central Catholic The Portlanders underwent a dum my scrimmage Monday. Players from both teams also were scheduled to visit the Shrine hospital for crippled children here later Tuesday. ALBANY BOY FREED Albany Listed among the prisoners of war released by the Communists in Korea last week is Cpl. Jerry L. Oakley, Albany boy, who enlisted in the medical corps of the army in 1950. He was attached to the Second division. i MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Witta BSiUy, Ananewt lg Mtta field artillery DSAR armory. TknraeUr, Aafwatt 1 Military Mara Vets Orrraninad HawaJ Ran face tUwlston at Naval and Marine Oorps niusaiia training earn tar. Company D, Mtad tat1 an try naiment, OrwfoQ National OusVO, at Bakan armory. Battery D. 722nd AAAAW bat- B. National Ouard. at ajnnnsit huts. Sa ta State W.Ui the 4ath infantry dMsloa In Korea Bet. Jamas O. Adkms. son of Mrs. August DatDaa, Leban on, (Oregon. Is en route to the United States after being wtth this division in Korea, ainee Oc tober. 1963. Adktns entered the Army In January, 1M2, and was triemoer oi toe tsota wuatry reejiment's heavy mortar eom- panjr. . . - . . . - , ta Kama. ! - With the Korean Baas Section flas. Beryl W. tMUried, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ruebcn O. Joraran- son, SUverton, Oregon, la searing here with the 14th transportation pari DBuanon. wntcn ia part ct the Korean Base Motion. The serfeant entered the Army la 1847 and la a (took In ana MSA'S) headquarters oompauiy. Re has tne UN Barries moon ana Korean Service Medal Fights Last Wight Rr4rklrsi Lain 1tm. IHU Ttrnnb. Itb. topped Prank 1 aodano, U, Phil .will phi t, I. BsMtan Wlllit JftmH. 10JU. Sotton. outpoint Tlmm Walktr, 1MH, Ortnit, H. J ;o. (Advtrtutuent) Druggists' Prescription For Relief of Itch When your skin Is irritated ntllh nlmnU. m.4 Wl.-l... I other skin blemishes from ex ternal causes, you're crazy with licning torture, try Sanltone Ointment Itching stops erompuy. smarting disappears nmcdiately. Sanltone Oint ment is also wonderful for itching feet, cracks between toes and Athlete's foot For Sale UPTAl DRU6 STORE State at Liberty Phone t-211 u . . at WE have just the place lor you. If such is your desire. it's at the wheel of a 1953 Buick with Twin-Turbine Dynaflow. And we suggest you hold on to your hat and your heart when the action starts-for here's what happens: You press the pedal and, from a standing start, you're up to a legal 30 mph before you have time to breathe but tw ice. Or, you're in the thick of traffic -moving smoothly, easily, quietly. Then, when it's safe to do so, you move instantly into the clear with the greatest of ease-in one progress give build-up of velvet acceleration- without a single gear shifted or fl clutch pedal pushed. That, sir, is the big thrill command you get in any 1953 Buick Special, Super or Roadmaster with new Twin -Turbine Dynaflow. For this fully automatic drive now has two turbines where one did the trick bcforc.Two turbines for instant getaway response with whisper quict-and with infinite smoothness through all ranges. Of course, a lot of able power goes whh this smooth, quick getaway-the highest horsepowers and compres sion ratios, Scries for Series, in all Buick history. And so docs big room. And tha supreme comfortoftheBuickMillion Dollar Ride. And the superb han dling ease of finely balanced w eight. Even Power Steering is at hand to make parking and turning still easier. Why not drop in on us soon and sample one of these great new 1953 Buicks with TT Dynaflow? It's an experience and a value story too good to miss. 'Slimdtrd on Kotimtstwi, optiotul tt Mr toii w ttbif Strut. THE 6REATEST IN 80 8 R EAT YEARS WHEN ItTTil AUTOMOIILES All BUILT 1UICK Will IUI10 THEM- i Ann- X M 1 w u u u u u v v. ' CROWNS BRXDGZW0R3 PIATIWOB3 MAYS X-R1TI DR. HARRY SEMLER, statist own : . ' .. MIT I'll a. - , rui i r.M. Set, Till - v-av.- ivL . i ''".. ''ai Ji f, ta,...- - 7-, 4.s r .r x:f ir nr - ... - r-t - ,Trnwn yww nsa ovoraafe m tlf. tenter I kfaemil i ilften, TOU rwaTMiiobk termt yen sum a', BecejuM YCar ree me torm, yo know mfU b4 ey en yr buiset. The iredri yo Med 1 PAY ODjT in aoc:;t3 tcu CVlTFOaD fPECIU SXRV1CS FOR OUT-Or-TOWN PATIZNTS SAVI TIM El Avoid He exaease ef ertre Mat! Take edvenfeae ef Dr. Semler't Premat Oeatol Service . . . partlcatarly (Mvealeat far taeie wke Bve eafilde He city. Year Diirfel Wert eeaipleted la 1 to I slay (difficult casei excepted). NO WAITING! Irekea Dtatarei 9alckly Re- Paired . . . Mining Teeth remptly Replaced. Lease, aacearrortekle plates rapidly reset tor ITTER IT. ASK YOUR DENTIST ABOUT THE NEW MODERN EXAMINATION WITHOUT KPvovNTvnact Yee era welcwaa any ttaw if yaa awa aaav.ei.nc. far en aiemina fiea , , , ar fe camwlt Or, Semler abevf year Oenfel Prattlewn a Cenplefe Service fee All Yaw Mel Nel, Yell kit YOUI BINTIST kaar Hi naw Traeiaarawt PeMe D.efel rlat.1 aa ael v.. IOOK linil , . . Sill IITTHI Saw tli. eeaielea at Or. Saailar'l . . . eatlae tnalr rwel "life-like" aeeawraece , . . aeHliilarrT twa Wt arltt anr TRUsYTI llefam Teat a. NXW PLATES IN 1 DAT , . , If M. trtracfle. Naea... Can. I aefara t( AH. Ilree.f Swtarwarl Yaar Near rierns WW le laeey k THI UMI PAY. a. ktfe-TafAV . . MM a I Pass, A WW WATCRSUOllH ftLOO. STATE t COf.U.'IRdAl SoUm, Orgon OTTO J. WILSON (0. WW 388 No. Commercial St. Salem, Oregon V