Mondtjr, August 10. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Ralera. Orcron FREEDOM AHEAD V! i No Change in U:S.'A'Plan$ Wuhingtoa Ut Highly placed official tatd today Rus- aia't H-bomb announcement Local Men in Five-Ton Club Portland ( Th Fiv Ton Strawberry Club, mad up I ....tit uUMa n a MUBrny d,rMticW ve ton of berriei per change in U. S. defense plana. h ortmniU)i here. They . aaid the Elsenhower administration if taking the Soviet boast calmly, and has t There are 23 charter mem bers from Oregon and South western Washington. Carl Pierson, Hillsboro, re ported the highest yield." 7.9 no present intention of under taking a "crisis program" of m0 wmo - tons an acre. The state average peraing cities, moving Industry m toQI uuucrsxvuna or nasuiy expana- Mon eountv members In- Bernard Smith, Kt. z. and Arthur McKay, Woodburn; Onas Olson, Salem; Ernest Reding, Brooks; Carl Nibler, r - . . " tt j.;rw Cpl. Richard Davis, Battle Mountain, Nev., is lifted on litter into ambulance at Freedom Village, Korea, after he returned to freedom during "Operation Big Switch." One of first Americans freed, he told of Red death march that claimed 1,250 lives In February, 1931. (UP Radio Tele-photo.) Herbert Hoover, 79 Today, Plans More Work ' San Francisco (U.nForm3r I during the last 20 -years the President Herbert Hoover cele- federal government has ing the air and radar defenses),.,,,,,. va Hiv iiurui American contin ent. Soviet Bluff Possible I Authorities gave two reasons for the government's unruffled reaction to Soviet Premier Georgi H. Malenkov's asser tion Saturday that "the United States no longer has the mono poly of the hydrogen bomb." 1. There is a strong suspi cion here that Halenkov may have been bluffing. This sus picion is based on the fact that delicate scientific instruments, capable of recording atomic blasts in any part of the world, have detected no test explo sions in Russia since October, 1931. 2. Even if Russia has suc ceeded in making a super bomb, the basic facts of world atomic power have not chang ed. Long before Malenkov spoke out Saturday, U. S. offi cials were warning that the So- ordinary A-bombs and long viet Union possessed enough range planes to lay waste most of America's cities in a single devastating raid. Gervais, and G. Paul. P. Connor, St 601 brated his 79th birthday today with enthusiastic plans for an other year of useful work. Mr. Hoover planned a "nor mal routine" on his birthday. Members of his family and a few friends were to gather to night at a small dinner to wish him well. He leaves in two weeks for New York. He said his "main chores" for the next year will be his work on the new federal commission on reorganization of the exec utive branch. "I am in hopes that the new commission can contribute something to lessen what Presi dent Eisenhower has aptly de scribed as our 'staggering eco nomic burdens,' " he said in a statement. Mr. Hoover indicated he is still deeply concerned over the growth of the federal govern ment in the 20 years since he left public office. The overall picture is that ex panded from about 400 differ ent agencies to 1,500 and from about 600,000 employes to more than 2,400,000," he said. "Expenditures have grown from about $4,000,000,000 an nually to over $70,000,000,000 annually" over the same peri od, he added. Mr. Hoover said the commis sion's first meeting will be held Sept. 29. Until then, he said he will be busy reviewing the 230 recommendations made by the 1947-50 commission, which he headed, LEGALS I Hsts been tPpotsUd nccatrls i ths esltts ol Ocrtruo a. Klnne, deccuM. by the Circuit Court of tht fltstt ot Ort- lon lor Marion County, d4 hvt auUl fled. AD periotu btrsby Art notified to present tneir claims to mi it 401 Fionttr Trait Bulldlni, Salem, Oreion. within Ix months of the daU of flrit publica tion of this noUot. XHted sod first published July 97, ini. ALICE I CRANOR t O. flUdter, Jr. Attorney for Executrix July 27, Auc. 1. 10, 11, 14, 1051. 'Hot Flashes' Stopped , or strikingly relieved In 63-90 of com in doctors' tH Yoa may t suffering netdleuly from "hot flashes" and irritable, rattles feelings of "change of life"! tn doctor' tests, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Tablets brought relief from eucfa functionally-caused suffering in 63 and 80 (respectively) of the cases. Complete or ttnking relief I Try wedem ecHwf PinkhaM Tablet . Both Pink barn's Compound and Tablets are modern in action! But, thotiaandi of wotnaa are chaoaina to new, improved Tablets (with added iroajTlliay're easy to carry and take. and five truly wonderful relief. Get a bottle today. Get relief from those distressing, ner vous, "out of sorts" feelings of "change of life"! (Splendid, too, for functional paia of monthly menstrual periods 1) ISassassssasssssssaeaa It arts throefh a womas's 1 eyaipattaetie nervous its Ifttil I tea le retieve dlatrese of WWlHK- those awfaT'eeatweTes"! FREE ESTIMATES On Kitchen Remodeling Old or New CAPITAL STORE 181 N. High v Ph. 4-5431 Nsrthbsend Msanlineri leava m MS A.M.; 1:00 P.M. and fc05 P.M. PORTIANO . . 30mln. SIATTU . . . . 14hf. SMithb.una' Malnlbwrt tea. f 4:25 A.M.; 3:15 P.M. ami 8:25 P.M. MEDFORD ... 90min. IAN rRANCISCO 3 hrs. IOS ANGELES . y hrs. local timms thowm. Far trvW InformMoa, call or writ UkMmI Airport Torainol. Call M45J or your travel agont. COMMM THf MU AND yoirueoirai rui Ei m OQKED RUGS Today's Greatest Value In Carpet FRONK'S are pleased to offer for the first time in Salem these beautiful wool mixture hooked rugs. If you are interested in rugs, we believe that these hooked rugs offer the greatest dollar value in rugs and carpets on today's market. M Just Think ... a 9x12 Rug . OTHER ' SIZES OF HOOKED RUGS They or orailabU In red, blue, green, block, and beige borders. Also a block de sign which will enhance th beauty of any , colonial furniture setting. 1 U Rectangular rugs available in all sizes. Oval rugs through 10x14. e e e only 99.95 2x3 .. . '. $7.95 2x4 ... . 9.95 3x5 .... 18.95 4x6 ... . 29.95 6x9 ... . 59.95 8x10 ... . 89.95 9x12 . ... 99.95 10x14 .... 159.95 11x15 .... 184.95 12x18 . . . . 249.95 rje-e s &mt Open Fridays 'if 9 P.M. Open Iveningt by Appointment! 4 rflQtJSC OF CARPtTi 2715 S. Commercial Phone 46313 II Ne, Uberty St. I J Salem, Or(oe , . . . Store Boors: t:J0 ajn. to S:S p.m. Frldaj Nlte Till pjn. aea mm, mmmmmwmmmm.. GIRLS, YOU'VE BEEN WANTING THESE! y 1 W,TH P0,NTED T0E AND RED RUBBER SOLE ' qk ia II . Spanking white toddles ot Penne! In ' ' ' ", lM" buck leather, they have long-wearing red . I i QNvV molded rubber sole, ore tops for bock-to I N JJ) school. 4-9. AA to C I DOWNSTAIRS STOM KILTIE OXFORD Suede, Smooth Back-to-school favorite! . ! ! Black, spicetang, navy, grey suede, green suede, brown leather. Cushion-crepe sole. Sizes 4 to 10, AA to C. DOWNSTAIRS STORE 98 WHITE SIDEWALLS SPARK YOUR CASUAL Smart os a side-walled convertible! In smooth leather or suede, they have cushion-crepe tola for walk away comfort. Burgundy, . black away comfort. Grey, blue tuede. M to C 4 to 9. DOWNSTAIRS STORE EVERY SHOE IS SANITIZED FOR riCAklBD DCTTCD WEADI W m t I ar sys s srv t ini. COLOR NEWS IN CLASSIC SADDLE SHOES 90 Exciting color news In classic saddles! Wonderful at Penncy's, the - smoke fray oxford with orange brown saddle, red robber sole and beel. 4-8. AA to C. DOWNSTAIRS STORE WEDGE-HEEL FLAT IN EXCITING COLOR DUOS 98 Colorful casual, has adjusta ble strap for better I t, leath er sole, heel. Black suede with gr7 red and grey smooth; blue suede with red. 4-S. AA B. DOWNSTAIRS STORE HOODED HEELS HAVE THE FLOOR! 98 Hooded heels are news and they're at Penney's! Slim and smart, the strap buckle style, extra good looks In the "square back" hooded heel. Black auede black calf trim, bine tuede. 4 to t. AA to B. DOWNSTAIRS STORE HEY, FELLAS! LOOK! CORDOVAN COLOR EXTRA HEAVY SOLE SMOOTH TOE OXFORDS Specially crafted for comfort and long wearing value! Fine quality side leather shell, Goodyear welt construction. Durable . double rubber composition. Sanitized. Sizes 6-12, B-C-D. J90 MANY OTHER STYLES, TOO! DOWNSTAIRS STORE Tt-1