Monday, Aomut 10, 195S Caution to , Cycle Riders the need for increased "fety training for Oregon youngsters, the state traffic "ty divliion commented Fri day. The accident to which the lighUy-triveled country road late in the evening. Two young boy were riding bikes, one near the right-hand edge of the roadway and the other appar ently near the center line. In veitigation indicated. An over taking car, the driver of which may have been partially blind ed by glare from approaching headlight!, itruck the bike near the center line, initantly kill ing iti rider. The diviiion said thii acci dent givei grim emphasis to the. tact that bike riders must be doubly cautious when riding after dark. The following safety rules were listed for bicyclists: 1. Ride with traffic and keep to the far right, close to the curb or road shoulder. 2. When riding with a group of other bicyclists, ride single file. . V 3. Never ride two on a bike. 4. If you must ride at night be sure you have a good light and a good red reflector at the rear. 5. Obey all signs, signals and traffic laws. Heavy Fine Given Man at Sweet Home Sweet Home Bertrand Robert Crippen, 44, of Leban on, was fined $250 on two counts in municipal court Fri day morning by Judge Ed Rus sell. Mr. Crippen was charged with driving while under the influence of liquor and after pleading guilty was fined $190. He was fined $100 for assault ing an officer. A charge of dis orderly conduct wu diimluoH CrtoDen vu nickeri nn hv Officer Jensen at 12:40 a.m. at the west city limits on U. S. highway 20. With Crippen was ou wue, wnose case was post poned to Auiult 10 at 1:30 n m Mildred L. Crtnnan nlnril Innocent to the two counts of resisting arrest and being drunk on a public highway. Ball of $40 was posted. Save Made to Sell for 59.95 Fabrics by . . . JULLIARD MILLICAN MYRON Tweeds . . . Fleeces, etc. gBlailVaaV TEACHER, ACCUSED IN BROADCAST, x&m fry a fi n California's first verdict awarding $39,000 damages for false implication of Communist sympathies was returned by a San Francisco jury in favor of Miss Fern bruner, 29. (right), San Lorenzo, Calif., schoolteacher. The Jury held that James Tarantino (center), Los Angeles gossip mag azine publisher, slandered Miss Bruner by calling her a "reported Communist or Communist sympathizer" in radio broadcasts nearly two years ago. Tarantino was ordered U. pay $23,000, radio station KYA of San Francisco, $29, 000 and KYA manager, H. G. Fernhead (left), $5,000. (AP Wirephoto) Four Corners Four Corners Recent changes in home ownership noted include: Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Warren are the new owners at 258 Drager's Gar dens. They have four children, Sharon, Jerry, Barry and Rob ert They moved here from Em pire. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross and daughter Mary have pur chased the Everett Smith prop erty at 4160 Durbin Ave. They moved out from Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnson and family of Colorado Springs, Colo., are located in the Don nelly cottage at 455 S. Lancai ter Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence WH son and son Don, formerly of Chehalis, Wash., are residing at 3724 Mahrt Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bow- den, Marcia and Gerald, of Crete, Neb., are visiting his sisters family, the Jess Mc Ilnays. Visitors in the Newell San ders home were Floyd Jay of Burlington, Iowa, and Mrs. John Booten and daughter of Seattle, Wash. Mr. Jay and Sanders were boyhood friends in Iowa. Mrs -Ella Carsten will be Great COM OPEN NIGHT 409 Court J Street hostess to the Baptist mission ary group Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 1-30 p.m. in her home. Mrs. Eldon France will give the de votions and present the lesson. Out of state visitors and va cation highlights continue to make news. From Dayton,! Wash., are Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fullerton and children, Betty and John, who are house guests oi mi motner, Mrs. Clara Mor ris. Visiting in the Lawrence Lee home are Margie Chivington of Everett. Wash., and Marilee and Coralee Fawcett of Valsetz, Ore. Ronald Lee has returned from a three weeks trip to Washington and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Searcy and sons, Charles, David and John, are home from two months spent in Okmulgee, Okla, with her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Stines. House guests in the Rex Nicholson home were Mrs. Nicholson's brothers and their families, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ackerson and Mr. and Mrs. John Ackerson, all of Oakland, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon France have as their house guest his niece. Miss Roberta Strong of Oklahoma City, Okla. Miss Strong teaches kindergarten in the Oklahoma City schools. Savings .., tm i -mi .ail i" EVERY FRIDAY UNTIL 9 P.M. mm. -fa I s Vn r 7 I re ' ly mm THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, OrctM WINS DAMAGES Asks Bids for Pumps at Amity Amity The city is calling for bids on a deep well turbine type pump for the new city weU. Sealed bids will be accepted until 8 p.m., Aug. 17, accord ing to O. X. Roth, city recorder. Specifications call for an oil or water lubricated pump with a capacity of SO gallons per minute. Bids will be opened at a special meeting of the city council, Aug. 17. , McKAYS AT BEACH Neskowin, Ore. U.B Interior Secretary Douglas McKay and his wife arrived here yesterday to spend several days vaca tioning. McKay attended last week's governors' conference In Seatle and a weekend gathering of republicans in Portland. Vava Honing at the coast are Miss Verlalne Walker of Four Corners and her house guest, Miss Betty Tbacker of Port land. They were accompanied oy Miss Joan Capper ot Salem. Miss Walker teaches in the Sandy high school. Miss Thack- er is with the FBI in Portland and Miss Capper, who taught at Sandy last year, will attend Iowa State college this year, working for a master's degree In English. tiiim ei'iienno m . a :'&. V A J Use Your Charge Account Buy Today Treating of Wafer Grows The drinking water fluoride tlon program continues to grow and as of July 19, there were 41$ cities providing treated water to 788 communities of approximately 14 Vi million persons, according to statistics compiled by David M. Witter, DDS, director of dental health for Oregon. In Oregon, Gearhart, Flor ence, Corvallis, Philomath, Sa. lem Heights, Pendleton and Astoria citizens are drinking fluoridated water. More re cently, Mill City has decided to go along with the program. Boardman, Nyssa, Ontario and Umatilla have fluorides which are natural to the water suppliers. "The earlier In life that the child consumes fluoridated water the greater the benefits that will be derived In stralght er, stronger, better looking teeth," comment Dr. Witter. "These benefits will be life long. It is an established fact that the fluoridation which Is added to the community water supply is accomplishing the same benefits that are noted where the fluoridation occurs naturally. And that is about two thirds leu tooth decay per child and more numbers of children free of the ravages of tooth decay. ( . $2,7007660 Suit : For Forest Fire Portland ) A $2,700,000 damage suit was filed In Fed eral Court here Friday by the Long-Bell Lumber Co., and the Gardiner Lumber Co.- The two firms contend they suffered that much loss In a forest fire which swept over their holdings in Douglas County Aug. 18, 1051. They contend in the suit that the E. D. Wood Lumber Co., because of negligence which resulted in the fire. "" Long-Bell asks $1,921,205 and Gardiner Lumber $795,725 for standing timber and felled NEW TRANSIST HEARING AIDS In All Price Rentes Moice Hearing Aid Permanent Offle Senator Hotel Ph. X-tltt at Schlesinger's A 5.00 Deposit Wi Reserve Your Selection and Save! Gotham Cops Arrested at Chi Airport Chleage W) Heavily armed police closed la as the big plane arrived at Midway Airport frees New York yes terday. The pilot had radioed ahead. The hostess saw twe mala passengers packing guns. Detective Lt. William Walsh spied the nt. He politely asked them If they'd Ilka a lift" downtown. They accepted, and Lt Walsh aad his men sped the pair to po lice headquarters. At headquarters, the pair readily produced their gens. They also showed their Iden tity cards. One was a cap tain, the other a lieutenant a the New York police force. Bed faced Chicago poliee drove the twe to their Loop hotel. "We saved cab fare, amid the New Yorkers. and bucked cold-decked timber they say was destroyed In the fire. : CAMEL j 2ndS t 3rd K5 I 4th 55 I Male vow own 30-day r v- j S Camel tost t Made to Sell for 79.95 Imported English Tweeds! Kamakurl by Kanmack! Cashmeres and Wool Blends in Exciting Colors! Polk County Farm Calendar August 14 wheat marketing quota's election. August 14, 1:30-4:00 p.m. Peach day, OSC Fruit Experi ment Farm, Corvallis. August 20-31 Oregon- Washington Nut Grower So ciety annual tour. August 20, 1 p.m. First annual production tested live stock auction sale, livestock pavislon, OSC. August 21, 8 p.m. Pedee Farmers Union, Pedee school. August 28-30 Polk county fair, new fairgrounds, Rlck realL Cub Scouts Given Sweet Home Awards Sweet Home Cub Master LeRoy Schrocder presented achievement awards recently In a ceremony held in the city park. Receiving award were: Paul Carrol and Deryl Shanusson, wolf gold arrows; Roger Key- Latest Published Figures show of all other Camrft lead over tni CameTt lead 3rd Corner lead over th Place er ith Place 2.0 Shop at Schlesinger's in Air-Conditioned Comfort! Past! ser, Dennis father and Lores Neshem, wolf silver arrow: James Robertson and Roger Keyser, bear awards; Jama Robertson and Roger Keyser, bear gold arrow; Ronald Key ser, lion silver arrow. Th ttreaentatinni marm ataila after a potluek dinn.- for par ent and Cub Seoute of rack 88. . Announcements nt tha ava. nine were slm top Park a march In tha Frontier Days paraae, Saturday, Aug. 18, and the next meeting data, which will he Sent. S. at (ha lh ..b The September meeting will be a wiener roast. Linoleum i NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117 8. High Ph. 44711 Double Green Stanps Till Ab;'jsI22 Chapman Drug Store 141 CandalarU Blvd. far ahead brands Place Brand Place Brand Brand Brand 4 M Mfrf I eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee whet yoyjvcj bn missing I 1!