Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 10, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pazt 2
In The Valley
Mill City
Mill City Mrt. Howard
Meant and Mrs. A. X. Nesbltt,
co-leaders of Girl Scout troop
Mo. 88, took a group of their
girli on a swimming party and
Dicnle at the staytoa park r
cently. Thoae going for the
day war Frances Ward, Zeta
Crotier, Nancy Porter, Gloria
Klecker, Penny Gould, Sherry
Hamen, Rotale Bluett, and a
guest of the group from Salt
Lake City. Bernlec Board
- man, who is a Girl Scout In
that city.
Guesti this week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meant
it her mother. Mrs. . c.
Boardman. and her sister, Ber-
niece Boardman, from Salt
Lake City, Utah.
Mrt. Lester was in PorUand
Wednesday visiting with Mr.
and Mrt. Richard Thlelke. The
trio alto made a trip to Seaside
and other coastal points.
Rev. and Mrt. Nobla Streeter
and children. Steven and su
an, left last week for Berke
ley, calif., to villi wim rew
tlves. Rev. Streeter it pastor
of the Presbyterian church,
The city council held its
August meeting Wednesday
evening at the city hall with
Mayor John Mulr and all the
councilman attending. It was
voted to have the city attorney
draw up an ordinance request
ing the Mountain States Power
company to fluoridate the city
water supply.
A report wat alto given re
ardlng the city maintaining a
dog pound. It was stated that
the minimum expense Involved
would be $30 monthly salary
for whoever wat in charge of
the pound plut expense of feed-
in the animals.
The lasut wat left pending,
at this amount would have to
be budgeted. William Hutch'
son wat present at the meet
ing, asking the city council to
dote an alley that runs through
hit property, some oojecuon
to this wat raised by other
property owners and no im
mediate action wat taken.
Etfie Cole, Marlon county
health nurse, announced last
week that there would be a
nursing conference and li.imun
iaatlon clinic at the Mill City
elementary school building,
Aug. 11, from 9 to 13 a.m.
Mrt. A. I. Netbitt will assist
at the clinic.
Mr. and Mrt. Curtis Cllne
re home after spending 10
days at their beach home at
Waldoort They have been
making extensive improve
ments on their property.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hen
derson of Redmond were Mill
City visitors last week. While
here Mrt. Henderson attended
Rebekah lodge Wednesday eve
ning. The next meeting of the Mill
City Three Links club will be
Tuesday evening, Aug. 11, ac
cording to Mrs. Arnold Syver-
son, club president A no-host
Dicnle dinner will be served on
the lawn of the Bert Morris
home, overlooking the Santiam
Santiam Rebekah lodge met
for their regular meeting Wed'
nesday night, Aug. 8, at the
I OOF hall, with 29 members
attending. Antonla Thomas,
taTttn wBrf i wn
If Only I
11 wives YOU 1
"Vi tastel J
f vovaiMKl ' jn-i j
I rnoi fas aun I I
V eem J J I
it eiats i S I
noble grand, presided at the
meeting. Routine business
wat transacted, and it wat de
cided to install several new of
ficers at the next meeting, who
have recently been appointed
to fill vacancies created by
members moving away.
Refreshments were served by
the men of the order. Commit
tee for the Aug. It meeting
will be the losing tide in a re
cent "good of the order" con
test Julia Bastett will be
chairman of the committee.
The arts and craft program
at the summer playground will
close this Friday after a good
attendance record. The play
ground activities will continue
until the end of August J.
Hale and MissT. Thomas were
the instructors hired jointly by
the city and school. -
Mr. and Mrt. Don Smith and
family are back in Mill City
again and have purchased the
Union Oil station which he for
merly operated before telling
out to Al Havener about a year
ago. The Smiths have been
on their ranch at Sisters during
their absence. Mr. Havener
stated that hit plant for the
future are Indefinite.
Among those from Mill City
attending the Swan family re
union at Leslie park In Salem
recently were Mr. and Mrt.
James Swan, Mr. and Mrs.
John Swan and Mrs. A. T.
Aurora According to a late
announcement the Canby-Aur
ora Truck Service formerly
owned and operated by Mr.
and Mrs. Verl Cochran, has
been sold to Robert W. Larson
and Duane B. Davit of Trout
dale, who plan to continue the
dally service to Portland, as
well at the general hauling
business at at present
The Cochrant have operated
the truck line for the past year
and a half.
Robert Larson, one of the
new owners, operated a truck
line out of Troutdale for 14
Boy Scouts going to camp
Pioneer on Mt. Jefferson in
cluded Richard Dougherty,
Kenneth Rose, Robert Will,
Terry Lowrie, Billy Belter,
Frank Netter, Wayne Lowrie,
Gordon Hopman and Ray Hoef
ling. Accompanying the boys
were John Kraut and Wilbur
Home on leave it Airman
2c Clyde Dlller, USAF, who
arrived from Mather field, Sac
ramento. Calif.. Monday at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Dlller, in Aurora.
With him it SSgt Ted Weber
of Sacramento. The young
men will report back for duty
August 17.
Potluck dinner was servea to
200 people during the Mission
Festival at Christ Lutheran
church of Aurora recently.
The committee in charge con
sisted of Miss Norma Jean
Hurst. Miss Marlene Driever,
Mrs. Warren Bunn, Mrs. Ben
Jeskey, Mrs. H. R. Driever,
Mrs. William Wenzel and Mrs.
Claude Pullen.
Rev. and Mrs. Robert Ham-
pel and daughter, Lynn, are
mending several weeka vaca
tion in California at tne nome
of their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred wenat
and family have returned to
their home In Lot Angelet af
ter vacationing in Oregon the
past several weekt. While In
Aurora, they were house guests
of Mr. Wendt't sister and fam
ily, the George Doughertys.
James A. Miller bat reiurnea
to San Francisco after
month's vacation spent in Ore-
A dinner during the week at
the Georce Askin home hon
ored James A. Miller of San
Francisco, and Mr. and Mrt.
Georie Miller of Yamhill.
Entertaining at dinner in
Portland at the Caro Amlco
restaurant wat James Miller
for members of hit family, In
cluding Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Mil
ler of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Georce Miller of Yamhill and
Mr. and Mrs. George Askin of
Mrs. HatUe Ehlen. Mrt. Ezra
.funt Mr. and Mrt. Walter Fry,
William and Alvin Fry, pic
nicked along the Oregon coast
AumsvUle The T. W. Ed
wards residence, two miles
southeast of Aumsville, was de
stroyed by fire Friday in the
absence of the family who are
on vacation. Contents of thej
house, a tractor and garage i
also were destroyed.
Grand Opening
3355 S. Commercial
Officers Elected
J "S VTn
Df TvUWI vlUll
SUverton Donald Daniels
wat elected president of the
Yoder clan at the annual re
union at SUverton park recent
ly, replacing Olen Yoder, who
presided at the business meet
ing. Daniels served during the
past year at vice president, and
Mrs. Maud Peck as secretary
treasurer. Fred Watson wat elected
vice president and Mrs. Henry
Wallace, secretary treasurer.
Marcia Yoder is permanent
Special guests present were
Mrs. Pearl Darrow of Oregon
City, Mary Lou Eyeman, Mo
lalla, and Charles Wheeler,
Attending from SUverton
were Mr. and Mrt. George
Chrlttenson; from .'ir.nisgs
Lodge, Mr. and Mrs. u. n.
Rlx; from Yoder, Mr. and Mrt.
J. R. Watson, Mr. and Mrt. WU
liam Moore, Mr. and Mrt. Hen
rv Wallace and Dennis, Joseph,
Jewel and Dorothy, Mr. and
Mrt. Richard Watton and Stan
ley, CaroUa, Joan and Douglas,
Mrt. Etta Yoder, Mr. and Mrt.
Emerson Yoder, Gloria and
Arlene, Mr. and Mrt. Russell
Yoder, Judy and Jimmy, Mr.
and Mrs. Nolan Yoder, Mary
Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Sinclair, Mr. and Mrt. Glen
Yoder and Glenda and Sherey;,
from Salem, Mrt. Marcia Ap-
let, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hem;
from Oreion city.iMrs. n. as.
Bobbins, Mr. and Mrt. Fred
Watton; from Gladstone, Mr.
and Mrs. John Watton, Mrt.
Maude Peck, Mrt. Rot Ella
Schwartz: from Oervalt, Mr.
and Mrs. Ruttell Ray and Don
na and Dwight, Mt. and Mrs.
Virgil Fahey and Raymond;
from Liberal. Mr. ana Mrs.
Fred Scheubel; from Canby,
Mr. and Mrt. A. F. Eyman,
Mr. and Mrt. Donald Daniels
and Joel, Barbara, Tommy,
Terry, Richard and Jimmy;
from Portland, Mr. ana bum.
WUllam Smith, Mrt. Harriett
Y. Potta, Mr. and Mrt. BUI
Smith, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Realina and Carl. Mr. and Mrt.
Jame Warrack; from Molalla,
Mrt. Donald Steininger ana
Rodney, and Mrt. nawennc
Scoffs Mills
ScotU Mills Mr. and Mrs.
Marlon Groshong spent last
week-end at East mm.
Rev. Evert Tuning hat re
turned from th Frlendi church
conference held at Twin Rocks
Mr. and Mrs. Ryland Males
are the parents of a daughter,
born July 24. -
Mr. and Mrt. Harlan Irvln
of Halfway, Ore., recenUy vlt-
lted at the home of Mr. ana
Mrs. Chet Lantx. Mrs. narian
and Mrs. Lantx are sitters.
Miu Carol Boyts nat re
turned home from a visit at her
sister's home in Fortuna, Calif.
Duane Owens, son ot mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Owens, it en
route to duty in the overseas
army medical service after
spending a two weekt furlough
at the nome ox nu parvjnw.
A two weekt course In Bible
tnHv for vouna children is be
ing conducted at tne menus
Mr. and Mrt. Patrick acn
tnn nave reiurnea w m
Mr. and Mrs. ueorga jonn-
on and children and Gene Gal
bralth left for wasningion,
where the men will work in the
vrain harvest
Mr. and Mrs. ram
and Mr. and Mrt. Russell Nel
son attended the Nebraska pic
nlc in the SUverton park sun
Elmer Pownall recently re
ceived his hpnorable discharge
from service in the u. a. navy.
Miss Jean Pownall has re
turned from a visit at the
homes of Marion PownaU and
Ervin Pownall, her brothers.
who live near Willtts, Calif.
RickreaU George Mason
of Rickreall, who suffered
crushed pelvis recently in an
accident at the Willamette Val
ley Lumber Co. mlU In Dallas,
Is improving and may have vis
itors for brief intervals' at the
Dallas hospital.
Mrs. May Mason, his wife, is
receiving treatment for a heart
aUment at the same hospital,
but is not permitted to have
no fuss no muss
no bother no dirt
a Prco-tO'loco
p . . ' - -m - -i win " 7 1 wa
b v 11;
Rufus, restless hbrnbiU, It held cautiously by Joseph
Schleslnger at the New York ASPCA shelter after being
captured in lower Manhattan. The restless bird fled a
pet shop and thrilled spectators at he cavorted amid down
town skyscrapers. He lost hit liberty In a most ignominious
manner, however, when be entered a trap set for the lowly
pigeon. Schleslnger, as can be teen, uset heavy glovet .
at he handles the bird. (AP Wlrephoto)
Wood burn Mr. and Mrs.
EmU Born left Monday by
train for Davenport, Iowa,
where they wiU spend a month
visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ingram
left Saturday for a vacation at
Glacier National park and
other points of interest
Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Jones have returned from their
vacation of five weeks, visiting
relatives in Michigan, Illinois,
and Iowa. They traveled
through 11 states and on the
return trip came through the
Black Hills and Yellowstone
National nark.
Lawrence Schuler of Los An-
geles left Friday for his home!
after spending two weekt with
hit daughter and family, Rev.
and Mrt. George Springer. He
wat honored with a birthday
dinner and reunion at the
Springer home during hit visit
Mist Carol Zerzan of New
port wat a recent guest of her
grandmother, Mrs. Lottie Zer-
zan, and her imcle and famUy,
Mr. and Mrt. John Zerzan of
Mr. and Mrt. Edwin Ostrom
left last week for a month's
vacaUon in Bismarck, N. D.
They planned to attend a
homecoming celebration for
Robert Langford, nephew of
Ostrom, who was recently
elected president of Boys' Na
tion. He is the son of Mr. ana
Mrt. Dale Langford (Julia Os
trom) and a senior in the Bis
marck, N. D., high school.
Rev. Ormal B. Trie, pastor
of the Woodburn Methodist
church, has spent the .past
week attending the annual mis
sionary education movement
sessions at Asilomar, Calif.
Dallas The rose garden
of Rev. and Mrs. Earl W. Ben
bow was the scene of a no-host
dinner recently when the mem
bers of the official board of the
First Presbyterian church met
to discuss plans for the coming
year concerning the recently
purchased property to the north
adjoining the cnurcn buiraing.
Present to help formulate
plans for its use were: Harry
wT" .rn.nw:;
UT.kk Maw
Mcuiasson, Jonn
Urness, S. E. Whitwortn,
Charles Greenwood, Clinton
Rulter, Blaine Johnson, A. J.
Inglis, Paul Morgan, Howard
Slaats, James Jackson, G.rald
Zahnle, Howard DeVoe, Ben
Dodge, Frank Richards, Lynn
McCuiley, Mr. and Mrs. Hollis
S. Smith, and the hosts, Rev.
and Mrs. Earl W. Benbow.
... .j M a t tii.
"'.." 'h..: rU-
have as their house guests,
and Mrs. C. W. Woolsey of
Woodland, Calif., who will
spend part of their two week
visit at the Inglis summer cot
tage at Neskowin.
They were'dinner guests one
evening this week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Miller
of Portland. Mrs. Miller is a
daughter of Mrs. Inglis. Later,
th group enjoyed the swim
ming exhibition by the wom
en's Olympic tesm at the Wav-
Evans Family
Reunion Held
SUverton Mr. and Mrt.
Fred Event and AUan, Lila
Mae and Arthinla, have return
ed to their home in Klamath,
Calif., after spending several
days visiting friends and rela
tives in Silverton, and attend
ing the annual famUy reunion
of the Evans family which was
at Paradise Island near Salem,
and making the report of the
group-gathering, from Kla-
A general
vote was taken
favoring the family reunion to
be the first Sunday in August
at Paradise Island at a per
manent arrangement
Present from Salem were
Mr. and Mrt. Lewis Trout and
Wava, Mr. and Mrt. .Loyal
Timm and Gary and Gerrald,
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sutherlln,
Mrf- Minnle patent a her
daughter, OUie, Mr. and Mrt.
Ray Ritchie, Mr. and Mrs. Mar
ion Ritchie and Dennis, Mari
lyn and Nina, Mr. and Mrt.
Marvin Ritchie, Mr. and Mrt.
Fred Slgent and Judy and
Barry, Mrt. Mary Ritchie, Mr.
and Mrs. John Ritchie and
Jackie and Steven,' and Mr. and
Mrs. Erwin Batterman and
From Monteteno, Wash., Dr.
and Mrs. Lester McCracken;
Mrt. Donald Trout and Larry,
Mr. and Mrt. Gale Trout, from
Roteburg, Mrs. Ruth Owen and
Sharon and Ronny; from
Brooks, Mr. and Mrt. Stanley
Jonet and Robert, Diana and
Deborah, Mr. and Mrt. Darol
Jonet, Miss SaUy Jo Jones,
Mrs. Leo HaUey and Juaneta
and Mike; from Taft, Mr. and
Mrs. Hubert Currier and Mike,
Judy, Freddie, Laurie and
Dana; from Wood Lake, Calif.,
Mr. and Mrt. A. F. Wood; from
Clear Lake, Ore., Harvey
Evans; from Klamath, Calif.,
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gustafson
an sons, Mikkie and Timmie,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Evans and
Allan, Lila, Arthinla from Ger
vais, Mr. and Mrt. Ronny Mul-
lint and Barrie and Denny, Mr.
and Mrs. S. P. Jonet and Kath-
Pulette and Son!.; from
Eureka, Calif., Mr. and Mrs.
William Evans and Donna; and
from SUverton, Don Evans,
Mrs. Ethel Ritchie, Ronnie
Frank and Glenda Nelson.
Fairview Mr. and Mrt.
Donald Marshall and three
children of Grants Pass are
"t of her parents, Mr. and
i Mrs. W. J. Marley. in the Fair-
view district during his sum
mer vacation.
erly country club in PorUand
as guests of Mrt. Inez Miller.
Enroll in August
and Save $ 15.00
PHONE 4-4962
Tap, Ballet, Toe, Acrobatic, Baton Twirling,
Fox Trot, Waltz, Swing, Rumba, Samba,
Tango, Mambo
Regular Cauru Pric, 23 hours, $33,00
Even if you don't Intend to start lessons until
September Yea May Enroll Now end SAVE!
Start Now and Prepared for Our Fell TV Shew
Watch for Opening of Our New, Spacious
Ferry Street Studios -
Jon-Mar Dance Studio
477 So. Commercial
Studio Open, 10 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Sheridan A community pic
nic wUl be held Sunday, Aug.
23. in the city park. The pic
nic will be under the sponsor
ship, ot the community recrea
tion director, Bruce Parker,
and an event of the afternoon
wUl be a playoff to determine
the champion horseshoe pitcher
of the city.
The Sheridan Canter club
won a trophy last wee a zor
having the largest number of
riders present at the Yamhill
TraU Riders fun day. Other
awards won by the group in
cluded first place in men't
stake bending and women's
stake bending, three-legged
tack race, women't saddling
race and women s nag race.
Arlyn Stupfel ot the Sheridan
club won the trophy for tne
most points in the women't
Sprinkling restrictions in
Sheridan have been eased from
an alternate day basis to a lim
ited time each evening, accord
ing to water commissioner Rob
ert Cole. Sprinkling may now
be done from 6 to 9 p.m. daily
in any section ot town.
Johnny Agee, U. S. Navy,
son of Mr. ana Mrt. neison
Agee, is home on a month's
leave. He has two more years
to serve on hit enlistment
Mrt. Cecil Stutzman wat
horlbred with a pink and white
shower last week, given by
Mrs. Lawrence Berkey. There
re 65 guests present from
Salem, McMinnvUle, Grand
Ronde, WUlamlna, Sheridan
and Whitesdh. Games were en
joyed and refreshments served.
Many gifts were received.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oglevie
and Joanne have returned
from a trip to Kansas, Texas
and California.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Berk
lund and children of Billings,
Mont, are visiting at the El-
wood Berklund home.
Mr. and Mrs. David Remlng
ton and daughters attended the
Remington family reunion at
the Silverton park recently.
Mrs. Pearl Hill of Port An
geles, Wash., visited at the
Glenn Hill home this week en
route to California. She will
return later for a longer visit
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Usher of
Swlsshome are the parents of
a son, born July 16. They are
former residents of Sheridan.
Karen Guetenburg of Satsop,
Wash., is visiting with her
cousin, Marcia Bryant.
Mr. and Mrt. Ade Pelzer and
famUy have returned from a
trip to Utah and Wyoming.
The class of 1933 of the
Sheridan high school will hold
its 20th anniversary reunion at
the Sheridan city park, Sun
day. Aug. 16. The 28 mem
bers of the class, their families,
faculty and friends are invited
to attend. A picnic dinner will
begin at 1 p.m.
Rev. Earle Terry of tne
Methodist church took a re
fresher course last week at the
College of Puget Sound.
Amity Announcement wat
made this week that William
Plue has resigned hit position
as coach of the Amity grade
school and has accepted a posi
tion in the Portland public
school system.
He wiU graduate from Lewis
and Clark coUege Aug. 14, with
a master's degree in education.
He has taught two years in
the Amity school.
Dr. T. M. White of Amity
was guest speaker at the Chris
tian church Sunday morning
and evening, Aug. 9.
A musical program has been
announced for the church, Aug.
13. Mr. and Mrs. James Alley,
evangeUsts. will present a pro
gram on various musical .in
struments. The meeting Is open
to the public at 8 p.m.
New Showin- Ooea :4S
"Small Town Girt"
Jane Powell, Farley Granger
"Cry of Hi Hunted"
Polly Bergen, Barry SalBran
Journal Want Ads Pay
siiucrtan Mr. and Mrt.
Clarence Fisher of Berthold,
N. D.. arrived Wednesday tor
a visit with relatives.
The Fishers were special
guesti at a family reunion plc
. , i. in th SUverton
park with early afternoon din-
ner, a social nu wr
Also a special guest from
Berthold was a sister of Mrs.
Fisher. Mrs. Earl Lawson and
her daughter, Leatrice, oi
Granville, N. D.
ru. tut included, from
SUverton, Mr. and Mrs. Milton
Knauf and Dona, Darlene,
Mary Jo and Helene, Mr. and
Mrs. Alois Imper and Sharon
and Rodney, Mr. ana Mrs. ium
. , i -j ..j fimrv. Mvrne.
sncnuau ii4 ---- --
Sharon, Carolyn, Henry, Micky
and Tommy Mr. ana jar.. .
u..ii mrui Burt Mrs. Minnie
... ... .. mn ' '
Goyette, Miss Delima Goyette,
Mr. and Mrs. reiix uuycn,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred St Peter,
u. .. un cvral St. Peter,
and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Fisher;
from Albany, Mr. ana mr..
it.., t.1 Tttninn and Rosalie. Je-
rome, Paul, Paula and Phyllis.
Coming from JuncUon i-iiy
m. Mn. w. M. Fish
er and Donald and Jerry; from
Sweet Home, Mr. ana ir.
n A richer and Jackie.
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pal
mer; from Salem were Mr. ana
Mrs. Robert Fisher and Patsy
and Gregory, Mist Gertrude
Fisher, and Abram Wolf.
A special feature of the din
ner was the observance of the
birthday anniversaries of Miss
Delima Goyette, Mrs. W. L.
Fisher. Mrs. Fred St Peter and
Mrs. Felix Goyette.
Phone r-M67
Sc Till 5:0
Esther Williams
"Dangerous When
Rajr Mllland
sawn t-are
Aims Meorheaa v
Hark Shriner
Plus Many Stan
The Star of The River"
Adults, Mat 14c
Evenlnft ll.Ot
Children zto
Van Beflln
Short Subjects
IKE the East at its bead Eojor
ra .
earama booatr of th countryside . . . New York's fuhionsble shops
the onatenieot of new Broadway plays . . . tuned ait galleries.
Traveling oa Uaioa Padac it a vacation in itself . . . you enjoy famou
Union Psci&c steals in the diner, reluaboa in the tne dub car,
comfortable Pullman or coach accommodations. For real travel pleasure
plan your Indian Suaaasor vacation East o Union Pacibc Railroad!
Let mt htlf fltn yomr trip
Travel-shop" Monday through Friday
Room 75 1 Pittock Block Portland 5, Oregon
IOA0 Oat rtM BsUir irtfAJMUNIts
Monday, August 10, 1953
Hong Kong The Danish
freighter Heinrich Jessen wat
Intercepted and boarded Sun
day oft Amoy, a radio report
received by the British Navy
here said. The 388-ton ship,
which left Hong Kong Sunday,
reported first that it wat be
ing tired on, and further that
it wat being boarded by uni
dentified attackers. There was
no additional message.
fMM 4-41I
Gates Opa 7:00
Shaw at Dm
Donna Reed
Charles Coburn In
Ralph Meeker
"fHOW '
Gates Open 1:00
Show at Dusk
lit Feature
Montfomery Cllft
Anne Baiter
At Regular Prices! ! t
Plut 16c for Viewer
j g "GOOD 8AM J
I If Gary Cooper "
I J Ann Sheridan , I
aawtm... tenon . . . toaunai
Mm set
1 I
East now J
the balmr dri, crisp niahu. ah