it. : WdiMAday9 August 5. 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pact t. JIM Money if you don't agree IS 5 -.if-;.- .. I . : bk rmrmn 'rits"' -r STEWART, PRODUCE WAYS BETnil! t More Sempeet per kettle . than. fceeSexwelHwg Mr 4. remeia MM (HmecMereebene) f . Money, vnbrMSoM leusses-berlle a 7?s L1K Tosfoi SAFER For Linens Because It's PURE jug 30' MANAGER, AND THE i iii nan ff k f h. WHIH KWG SOAP, RVi $72,999 V A CIMTtST j - - - - -. (JET ENTRY umu not Mm-MfT BMM GRAPE JELLY 0hr caieriM por pOOftfVil iMOOtb, WOt otiiftf. tfIIiotj flwor H without llngl froift of odd4 wgof. r4- K,33c TASTI-DIIT B'fMM APRICOTS Ontf 41 cotorltl pf M Irtcjt PrtporttJ with fvlhr MOtrd, lAriptntJ frvit. A dJtliciovily iwt. letting djcmrl for oil who Jit. lorgo 1 1. 3 . con. 37c TStn-OilT OftttfM VANILLA PUDDING , eii w M ei mm ANOTHER FINE LINE OF ETQMe7 Alt CNcM I A rtl ltfs Emery' offers an automatic checkout that eliminate the tiresome waiting in line customer have often experi enced heretofore. A short conveyor belt bring! the articles to the checker, totalling the item purchased. The move ment is controlled by the articles touching a bar when they are placed on the belt faster than the cashier can check them. Each article Is moved over this bar, which eliminate the possibility of the customer being charged for an article second time. When fully staffed It is pos sible to check out customers as much as four times faster with this automatic system than with the conventional type of checkout system. 45 - FOOT PRODUCE COUNTER A Complete Line at IGA Stores BLEU CHEESE DRESSING, 0ty 1 otori 9 teoonl A iRinfvlty oro oorotJ tippy, taflgr tfrt fng thai ottlvt on tod) cattrpixt. largo I ovnet m f AITf-Dir? Offtk REESTONI PEACHES 0fy M COtoriot par wrv fngt Firm, plvmp, high Ovolitf, hvy tvrvpoo) POtht. Stt'tOl)trf, bvt ior)'fatttAlf. Ifljoy OOtiAO OOOiOo rsin.ein oioct GELATIN DESSERTS 0r V coloriti por tarr. fngt Chooto froot or ,m TIME LEWIS PRODUCTS &1 I liii lltxri. Nimt--r" ..Ml NU BORA SOAP POWDER Giant C1 Pkg. Bl With Dish in Each Pkg. frtHERHnfefftW! 12 OMAR AISO y trie) Hotter fcna doy rMmor you need DIAL soap Perfect for Complexions! 2 Reg. Size 2 Bath Size 0 Frozen Meats Cooking Hints Puzzled as to how to cook frozen meats. Here are some answers to questions you may have. All frozen meats axe cooked by-the same method a unfroz en meats, but, of course, frozen meat require longer cooking time. B it Is a roast you are cook ing, plan from Vi to Vt again as long cooking, say meat cook ery experts. Beef, veal, smoked ham and lamb roasts should be cooked in a 300 degree Fahren heit oven; fresh pork should be 330 degree Fahrenheit. As for broiling; cook frozen meat. If not previously defrost- j ed, more slowly than defrosted meats. That is, move the broiler rack farther from the heat. This way the meat is not overcooked on the surface by the time it is cooked to the Internal degree you want. If chops and steaks are to be coated with crumbs or a batter, defrost before cook ing. This brings up the question of the way in which to defrost meats. Defrosting may take place In your refrigerator; at room temperature; or during cooking. It has been found that the flavor, tenderness and juiciness of meat is not significantly af fected bv the manner in which it is defrosted. Jim Stewart Old Hand j In Produce Business Jim Stewart, who will man- age the produce department of the new Emery store, is an old hand in the produce field. Stewart worked for the Val ley Fruit and Produce Co. here seven and a half years. He wai also with the Wheeler Bros. Produce Co. a year and a half and with Krueger's Cash and Carry store for six ears. He has lived in Salem 17 years. Stewart, who came. here from Portland, has a wife, two daughters and a son. This year marks the 30th an niversary of Michigan State's first undefeated and untied football team, the 1913 aggre gation which copped seven straight wins. Now Sunbeam's Is Recognized Wationallv! V POST Iieconlid Vmle Add a new name that of Sunbeam Bread to the coveted list at the nation's finest product receiving recognition a Saturday Evening Pott Recognised Value. It' no surprise Sunbeam' th fattest sell ing breed in all the Northwett. Lo Sllft&mMsahles.. EMERY'S NEW IGA F00DLINER STORE! The Northwest's Largest Selling Bread REACH 265 Drowned in Iran Flash Floods Tehran, Iran MD An esti mated 2(5 persons drowned late last week in series of flash flood that swept away a village in rugged mountain area of Northern Iran, It was reported here Tuesday, - The flood isolated the whole valley area near the village of Vaz, Tijan and Chal sia until Monday when news of the disaster was carried out by messengers on donkeyback, Tehran papers said. The vil lage of Vaz was wiped out, the reports added. Wwvoh At Emery s CONGRATULATIONS EMERY'S IGA FOOD LINER River Bend Sand & Gravel READY MIX CONCRETE Complete Selection Magazines and Books Supplied by Salem News Agency Independently Owned and Operated BEST WISHES T!'"' On Their Fine New Store Sunbeam's the only bread that's a Post's recognized value! 1 i A Wonderful Addition to Salem! FOR DAVIDSON'S YEGGS WASTE TIME Berkeley, Calif. UR Used car dealer George W. Shomar said today he'd like to thank the burglars who broke open his cafe. He'd been trying to get the darned thing open ever since he lost the combination two years ago. It was empty. Michigan State athlete dur ing the last school year were enrolled in 20 different field of study. Q IUNS0 ra soap auotDoonvi IGA Foodliners value cally, and nationally, mora people vote for Sunbeam' luperbly better quality and tastier freshness. Truly, Sunbeam It broad at its vary .best. You ean't beat that Davidson om ' bination Energy-Packed and full f flavor! SUNBEAM