' i i ! ! ! i i ' ! ? Fat 8 3 Die in Traffic, 2 Drowned Or Till JUuettUa Pna) Three person died In traf fic accident! and two otheri drowned In Oregon over the weekend. John Mora, Jr., 24, Hermis ton, wai killed outright, and passenger, Fieldon Wayne Simmon, 44, Walla Walla, wai Injured fatally Saturday when their car ran off a road at H in kle in Eaitern Oregon. An other passenger, George B. Ward, 38, Walla Walla, was treated at Pendleton for crit ical injuries. Howard Albert Delaneyl, 49, of Portland, was killed and two Portland men were hurt Saturday when their car over turned at curve near Willa mina. Walter Schlltt, 27,of Port land, drowned at Marshall Beach on Sauvies Island Sun day. Alexander Hay, 28, Port land, drowned in lake in Eastern Multnomah county Sunday. He bad been swim ming and fell off a log. THE CAPITAL JblNAL48a!m;OreVo Monday, August 3, 1951 BRINGS BACK MEMORIES NOW Rent a Clary World's Fastest Adding Machine , Electric end Hand Machines First S Months Rental Can Be Applied if Purchased Clary Multiplier Corp. 1305 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 25375 Former President Harry S. Truman inspects his honor guard after arriving at Camp Ripley, Minn. Mr. Truman will spend two days looking over his old outfit, the 3th Missouri-Kansas Infantry Division. (UP Telephoto) Mory Lou Rafcliff Granted Scholarship Mary lotl KatcHff, Willam ette university graduate last May, has been granted a scholarship to Stanford uni versity by the Nation Founda tion of Infant Paralysis. The scholarship will cover full tui- Thought About Your Future? The Beauty Industry Needs You COMPLETE COURSE IN BEAUTY CULTURE MODERN BEAUTY COLLEGE 478 W. Churrh St. Am YOUR HAIR b tion and living expenses for one year. Miss Ratcliff, who was sen ior scholar in women's physi cal education at Willamette, will study physical therapy. During her undergraduate years, she was vice president of the senior class; a member of Psl Chi, national psychology honorary; Future Teachers of America; YWCA; Women's Recreational club and Asso ciated Women Students. The scholarship assignee is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Ratcliff of 1818 NE 37th, Portland. She is a graduate APPOINTMENT DELAYED Rye, N. H. (JP) Gov. Hugh Gregg is not expected to name a successor to the late Sen. Charles W. Tobey (R., N.H.) before Aug. 10. Gregg left by plane last night for a gover nors' conference at Seattle and indicated he would not act on an appointment until he re turns on the 10th. CHANGE of OWNERSHIP Mrs. Powers, our new manager, is clearing out the summer stock to make room for our lovely new fall merchandise. Take advantage of these savings! hats U 100 J W 2.00 V s.oo 7 li DRESSY AND lUj CASUAL J It J ALL SUMMER COATS DRASTICALLY REDUCED ! ! II L GROUP I P COTTONS i.9S 7oc Value GROUP III COTTONS & RAYONS 6.95 GROUP V DRESSES 14.95 Value 15.00 SSIS GROUP II COTTONS 5.00 GOUR IV DRESSES 1195 - ft QF 1.5 Value GROUP VI DRESSES 19.95 lt.95 . 38.95 value 3L cjCittie renc 115 N. HIGH PHONI 37070 ACROSS FROM COURTHOUSE SQUARE OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. rSodpyr Predicts Demo Victory Eugene VP) Michigan Gover nor G. Mennen Williams is con vinced the democratic party will gain congressional seats in the 1934 elections and "has laid a solid groundwork for vic tory" in the 1958 presidential election. Sneakinff at a demnrratt nic Sunday, Williams said the republicans now are revealing "their traditional lark nf faith in the future" and "their de termination to foster private in terests first and public inter ests afterwards." The young democratic gover nor criticized Interior Secre tary McKay for "trying to give away to private exploitation," the Hell's Canyon dam site in the Pacific Northwest This is part of a "general retreat in the administration of public power," he said. "Public housing, control of monopoly, soil conservation, ag ricultural research and rural electrification programs have been crippled by budget reduc tion!,- Williams declared. Williams, In Oregon en route to the governors' conference at Seattle, also spoke at Milwau kie Sunday morning. Shakespearean Play Staged at Ashland Ashland UP) The annual Shakespearean Festival open ed here Saturday night with the presentation of "Coriolan-us." Tha Flivahathan 4hBt uaa ! filled almost to capacity de spite the fact that it was the first night of television in the area. . Among those attending the opening night were Sen. Eu gene Marsh, acting governor, State Supreme Court Justice James T. Brand, and State Treasurer Sig Unander. Patterson Host To 9 Governors Portland () Gov. Paul L. Patterson Saturday was boat to nine other governors on a trip to Timberlino Lodge at Mt Hood. The visiting governors were John S. Fine of Pennsylvania, James F. Byrnes of South Carolina, Francis " Cherry of Arkansas, Burton M. Cross of Maine, Hugh Gregg of New Hampshire, Theodore McKel- din of Maryland,, Norman Burnsdale of North Dakota, Johnston Murray of Oklaho ma, and John. Lodge of Connecticut. GRASS ROOTS MEET Washington UP) The House Agriculture Committee will hold a one-day "grass roots" hearing in Pendleton, Ore., Nov. 5. Amity Station Changes Hands Amitv .Wilcox Auto Serv ice, at Trade and 4th streets, operated by Harry N. Wilcox cnk . IQKn has changed ownership. . Elmer Engelland, an em ployee of the Amity Hardware opmpany in the repair shop, and former partner with Wil cox in the Hancock service sta tion and 'Amity Food market, is the new operator. Wilrnx ii .takimt over the Oregonian motor route, recent ly operated by John casteei, who has bees promoted to an Oregonian position in the New berg area. STEWART'S MOTHER DIES Indiana, "Pa. 0J.B Mrs. Eliza beth Ruth Stewart, 78, mother of actor James' Stewart, died of a heart ailment in a hospital here yesterday. Tele-fun by Wirren Coodnck . "Now eHal when yen haw ton something Hke Mama's hum ust before she tights a) hcM heod.". . .The steady hum of the dial ton k your signal to begin dialing... Pacific Telephone. a UWVJUJ - a am. m r .. - - - ' man .. : A ' IRNERSPRINv mattress 0 CL INATIOMAI Scab WEtK Here's a terrific chance for YOU to "rftrike-it-rich"! ... A wonderful opportunity to SAVE $20.00 on a genuine Sealy "Golden Sleep" Innerspring Mattress! And it's a genuine saving because you can compare these super-luxurious "Golden Sleeps" with mattresses selling xfor as much as $59.95 . . . and you'll find the same quality features! But this amazing saving is yours during National Sealy Week only ... so don't delay! COME IN TODAY! THESE $59.95 FEATURES ARE YOURS FOR $20 LESS! Prt-Built Sog-Proof Bonknl Som High Cal Couittl bdmivt "Eody-BalorKud'' Inner- Dlm Dmrator-DtsigRtJ sprinfl UnH! W Cevar.1 a Enginttrtd for Corrtrt SlNpiR Speddty-Dtsigned Matching Box r i - - rOSTtrtl ffrhf for wt $39,951 Phone 39185 Open Friday Night Til 9 P.M. We Give and Redeem Penny Saver Stamps 450 Court