Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 03, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Part 6
Monday, Anciul 3, 1931
Capita I
Edited ay MARIAN
Miss Evelyn Benz Wed
Here on Saturday Eve
Bride at a service in the Firit
. Congregational church Satur
day evening wis Miss Evelyn
Irene Benz, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry H. Benz, her
marriage to Hugh Harper, Jr.,
on of Mr. and Mra. Hugh Har
per of Can by, being solemnized
at 8 o'clock with the Rev. Hen
ry Grow officiating.
Orchid, cream and pink glad
ioluses decorated the church
for the tervice. Down the pro
cessional aiile wai a white
cloth and white tapers tied with
tea green bows were at the
Lighting the candlea before
the aervice were Mrf. Rou
Morrow of Hubbard and Mm
Betty Tbacker, wearing baller
ina length frocki of paitel blue
and pink, respectively.
For the music, Mrs. Raymond
Chlapuzio aang and William
Fischer played the organ.
The bride wore a wedding
dress of ivory satin. It was
fashioned with a net yoke out
lined with a band of lace, point
ed long sleeves, panels of lace
down the skirt, and a full train.
The fingertip length veil was
arranged from a heart-shaped
crown of lace. The bride's bou
quet was of pink Elfe roses and
pink larkspur arranged with
pink nylon net and white or
chid in the center, pale pink ny
lon fluffs caught in bows on
the white satin shower. Mr.
Benz gave hit daughter in mar
Mrs. Harvey Gray was mat
ron of honor, wearing a leaf
green taffeta dress with bodice
of frosted organdy. She wore a
small cap matching the dress
and carried a fan-shaped bou
quet of cream colored and or
chid gladioluses tied with, aea
green ribbon.
Miss Verlalne Walker and
Mrs. Robert Harper of Canby
Miss Feller Is
Feted at Party
Miss Louise Feller was hon
ored Thursday evening with a
shower at the home of Miss Ela
Lovre. Hostesses were Mrs.
Harold Swinford, Mrs. Betty
Shannon, Miss Ella Patterson,
Miss Joyce Remington, Miss
Ela Lovre.
Miss Feller will be married
to George Schlegel on August
Guests were Mrs. W. W.
Goodwin, Mrs. Albot Murdlck,
Mrs. Blaine Veteto, Mrs. W. L.
Groen, Mrs. Lester Sebern,
Mrs. Alvln DeGuire, Mrs. John
Wallace, Mrs. Leonard Turn
bull, Mrs. Flynn Faught, Mrs.
Kenneth Bayne, Mrs. J. R. Hoi
lis, Mrs. Martin Sands trom,
Mrs. J. P. Molson, Mrs. P. E.
Glllespl, Mrs. George McKay,
Mrs. Marie Bertram, Mrs. Mar
jorie Anderson, Mrs. Helen
Hansen, Mrs. Irene Callls, Mrs.
Gladys Beaty, and the Misses
Louise Pettlt, Ruth Blschoff,
Marlls Taylor, Arlene Christy,
Pat Orth, Dixie Bond, Shirley
Decker, Ar.lith Miller, Sarah
Lovre, Bertha Lovre.
Mothers will meet Thursday at
the home of Mrs. George Pro,
1013 Maple avenue. Mrs. Carl
Glmpl of Eugene, a department
president, will make her of
flclal visit. Hostcscs for the
evening will be Mrs. Carl Bal
berg, Mrs. Maude Dutton, Mrs.
Wlnnlfred Butler, and Mrs. Pro.
rOLLOWINO a week's stay
here, Mrs. John Kellj has re'
turned to the coast. She is with
Mrs. O. B. Robertson at Agate
SALEM friends have receiv
ed cards from Mrs. Herma
Pflstcr of San Fernando, Calif,
formerly of Salem and nov
traveling In Europe.
On Kitchen Remodeling
III N. Hlih Ph. 4-5431
Only once a year Is this
famous iiiom offered at
I tMt 1 I' I
I il.150 l.U. Mtrl I
I trogtftlt (Mfinwiti. I
, special price. Stock up nowj M H every nigMi watch yew
complexion look smoother, excitingly yonnoerl
40 State St., Corner of Liberty
were the bridesmaids. The two
wore sea green taffeta dresses
made with bodices of frosted
net and caps to match. Their
flowers were fan-shaped bou
quets of the cream colored and
orchid gladioluses with leaf
green tiea. .
Robert Harper of Canby was
best man for his brother. Jack
Leonard of McMinnville, Henry
Hanson, George Irwin, Jr., and
Marvin Benz, brother of the
bride, were the ushers.
The bride's mother wore a
dusty rose crepe suit with Jack-1
et of matching lace, white ac
cessories and corsage oi ru
brum lilies. The bridegroom's
mother wore a navy blue crepe
dress with white accessories
and corsage of rubrum lilies.
The reception was in the
church parlors. Mrs. Earl Benz
cut the cake. Mrs. Gordon Flath
of Portland and Mrs. George
Irwin of Canby poured. Assist
ing were MUs Ruth Wlllard,
Miss Nancy Benz, Mrs. Scott
Foster, Jr., Mrs. Jack Leonard,
Mrs. Rinehard Behm, Mrs. Or-
ville Kannier, Jr., Mrj. George
Irwin, Jr., Miss Betty Davis,
Miss Coral Jaynes. Miss Elea
nor Brostnom of Portland play
ed piano music during the re
ception. For traveling the bride wore
a beige wool suit with white
trim on the cuffs and collar.
white accessories and corsage
of white orchids. Following a
trip to Lake Louise and Banff,
the couple will be at home at
Canby after August 13.
In addition to those In the
wedding party and assisting at
the reception, other out-of-town
guests Included Theodore
Gensmer and Orville Gensmer
of Portland, Misa Marie Wolf
ram of Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Benz of Oakland, CaL
At Koken Home
East Salem House guests at
the new home of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Koken on Evergreen ave
nue the past week were their
daughter. Dr. Rachael Reed
from San Francisco, and their
son and family, Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Koken and daughter.
Joan, and son, Fred, who have
been living in Washington.
It was the last visit of the
Richard Kokena for at least two
years aa Friday they left New
York City by plane for London
as a stop on their way to Nagal
Township, Hofhatrpur district,
Punjab, India. He is to be em
ployed as an equipment special
ist setting up machine shops for
the Indian government in build
ing the Bhakra dam. There will
be 40 Americana In the group,
all living in their own com
pound. Shower Given
Falls City A shower was
given at the home of Mrs. John
Tlchrob last week honoring
Mrs. Robert Gwaltney.
Games were played. Re
freshments were served to the
following guests: Mrs. Gwalt-
ney, Mrs. Gwaltney, Sr., Mrs.
John Smith, Mrs. Ann Duna
way, Mrs. Lloyd Dunaway,
Mrs. Ted Paquctte, Mrs. Alvin
llerron, Mrs. Therisa Smith,
Mrs. Morris Bakke, Mrs. Keith
Purdy, Mrs. Homer Goodrich
Mrs.' Floyd Graham, Mrs. Al
bert Graham and Mrs. Ken
neth Graham, Mrs. Simon
Robinson, Mrs. Clifford Robin
son, Mrs. Marlon Fawver and
the hostess, Mrs. - Tichrob
There were also 18 children
Wed in Vienna
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
Edward DcHaan have received
we rd of the marriage of their
son, SSgt. Walter Duane De
Haan, to Miss Hertha Schumak
of Vienna, Austria, on June 18,
in Vienna. The couple plan to
come to the United States about
September 1. SSgt. De Haan
has been stationed in Vienna
for the past three years.
'.""A famouV".
no commkti nw w tonn
L .
: ' ' . ' " -r.-4 - - 7 I i A-
la Recent Bride Mrs. Wilmer Crites (Baibara Haun),
above, was married July 18. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Haun of Redding, Calif. Mr. Crites is
the son of Mrs. Harry Harmon of Gates. (Bob Veness
J.. D. ... c
Feted at Party
Miss Jeanne du Buy, bride-
elect of Glenn Lukinbeal, was
honored at a shower for which
Mrs. Roy Reynolds and her
daughter, Miss Ellen Reynolds,
entertained Friday evening at
their home.
Feting the bride-to-be were
Misses Jodie and Lorna Johan
naber. Miss Etta White, Mrs.
George L. Hill, Mrs. Theodore
Adams, Mrs. H. E. Smedley,
Mrs. Karl Schmidt, Mrs. Dean
Gatewood of Portland, Mrs. Al
len Craig, Mrs. Louis du Buy,
Mrs. Reynolds and Miss Rey
At Corvallis
Dramatic order. Knights of
Khorassan met in Corvallis
Saturday evening. Attending
from Salem were Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Elwood, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Judson, Mr. and Mrs.
Don Judson, Mr. and Mrs. Oval
Harris, and Park Sturgenn. Re
freshments were served later
in the evening.
A picnic was announced for
all Nomads of Avrudaka and
their families Saturday eve
ning, August 8, at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff W. Raber in
Corvallis. Dinner is Ho be served
at 7 o'clock. All members of
Knights of Khorassan and their
families are invited.
Birthday Event
Mt. Angel Suzanne Hoffer,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gene
Hoffer, celebrated her tenth
birthday last week. Her moth'
er entertained at a supper
party In her honor at the Hot
ter residence. Games were en
Joyed during the evening, with
prizes awarded to Kathleen
Gamble, Charlotte B u t s c h,
Shirley Schlecht and Barbara
A decorated birthday cake
centered the' supper table, and
Mrt. Hoffer was assisted in
serving by her sister, Mrs.
Clarence Erwcrt of Eugene,
and Miss JoAnn Bochsler.
Those present to honor Suz
anne were Carol Wavra, Wilia
Jean Hackett, Shirley Schlecht,
Kathleen Gamble, Agnes Pur
dy, Charlotte Rutsch, Kathleen
Blem, Virginia Bourbonnais,
Diane Bourbonnais, Elaine
Schriner, Laura Ann Kloft,
Mary Ann Kloft, Julia Ann
White, Tonl Williams, Sharon
r.itzclbcrgcr, Linda Terhaar,
r.arbara Bockelman, Diane
Wilde, Judy Wachter, Barbara
Hoffer, Dickie Hoffer, Ginny
Hotter and Debbie and Mike
E.-wert of Eugene.
During the afternoon, Mrs.
Hoffer's sister, Mrs. Tonl Nissl
of McMinnville, was a guest at
the Hotter home on the occa
sion of Suzanne's birthday.
Guild Event.
Priscllla guild ot Chri.vt Lu
theran church will meet Tues
day at 7:45 p. m. In the church.
Mrs. Boyd Hlllesland will
present the topic "Our Hope to
Go into All the World," Mark
16:15. Mrs. Margaret William
son will give the Bible study
and Mrs. Evelyn Hamby the
devotions. Hostesses for the
evening are Mrs. Harvey Fox,
and Mrs. Ernest Hippt.
REGULAR business meeting
r.f Oregon Grape camp. Royal
Neighbors of America, will be
Wednesday evening at the Vet
erans of Foreign Wars hall at
8 o'clock.
For Women S'4" and ander
imu mm sho
115 North High
ji . i mil I m n,mw i
Miss Bell and
Mr. Hoke to Wed
Announcement is being made
of the engagement of Miss Mar
garet Bell of Salem, daughter
of Gilbert Bell of Kimbolton
Ohio, to Roy Millard Hoke, son
of Mrs. Mary Hoke of Salem..
Nodate is set for the wed
ding. Mr. Hoke is with the
navy and is due home soon
from service in the Philippines.
Miss Bell is employed here at
the state house.
For Bride-Elect
Sheridan Miss Alvina Mc-
Kenzie was honored last week
at a bridal shower given by
Mrs. Anna Duerrst, Mrs. Ves
Latham, Mrs. Cleo Latham,
Mrs. Tom Fuller and Mrs. Er
nest Simantel.
Guests invited were Mrs.
Walter Russell, Mrs. Emit Schu-
man, Mrs. Stanley Christensen,
Sr., Mrs. C. A. Stringer, Sr.,
Mrs. Joseph Zajac, Mrs. Al
Burke, Mrs. Laura Sauter, Mrs.
Rhoda Smith, Miss Shirley Si
mantel, Mrs. C. A. Stringer, Jr.,
Mrs. Rod McKenzie, Miss Car
olyn Latham, Mrs. Laurin Mc-
Kinley and Mrs. Jake Grauer,
Mrs. Stanley Christensen, Jr.,
Mrs. Bill Russell, Mrs. Law
rence Buell, Mrs. Alma Duerst,
Mrs. Frank Petrie, Mrs. Rag
nor Peterson, Mrs. Harold Gun
ning, Mrs. John Duerst, Mrs.
Ted Rossner, Mrs. Glen Grauer,
Mrs. Harry Crowe, Mrs. Clyde
Todd, Mrs. Lewis Tatom, all of
Bellevue; Mrs. Marlon Montoy
of Arlington, Va.; Mrs. Ada
Grauer, Miss Arlene Grauer
and Mrs. Marion Latham and
Mrs. Harold Ladd of Sheridan;
Mrs. George Ferguson, Mrs.
Alice Mullikin, Mrs. Merritt
Van Atta, and Mrs. Etric Far
mer, Mrs. John Plowman, Mrs.
James Beacon and Mrs. Perry
Shreves of McMinnville; Mrs.
Virgil Hcider of Willamina;
Mrs. Eugene Schulte and Mrs.
Irene Russell of Portland; Miss
Adair Duerst of Burbank, Cel.;
Mrs. Arthur Wohglemuth of
Ncwberg. v
Named Chairman
Mt. Angel Mrs. Gene Hot
ter has been appointed child
welfare chairman of the Amer-
irn Toinn mixiliarv for Di..
trict II. to :erve for the coming
Durlne the oast two vears
Mtofferved a, Resident
of the Mount Angel unit.
DEGREE OF Honor Protec
tive association will meet
Wednesday at the Woman's
club at 8 o'clock. There will be
practice for inspection. Mrs.
Ruby Rockhill is social chair
man for the evening.
Tha biggest ahoe sale la
Salem . . . Famous brands ,uy hf irt, pai af (hf n
... all at exactly t for uar prit . . . gtt tha tee
th. Price af 11 end pair FREE!
Of Couple
Of interest to many friends
is the announcement of the
engagement of Miss Mary Ann
Fischer, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. J. Fischer, to Richard
J. DeRosier, son of Mrs. Bea
trice DeRosier.
Both young people arc grad
uates of Sacred Heart acade
my. The attractive blonde
bride-elect is employed as
secretary to the director of
information at Willamette uni
versity. Mr. DeRosier Is with, the
U.S. army, stationed at Fort1
Ord. California.
No date has been set for the
Party for
A shower was given Friday,
for Miss Irene Reznicsek,
bride-elect of Walter Tolms-
Hostesses were Mrs. Shirley
Treml, Misa Sally Tolmsoff
and Mrs. Charles Molseve.
Attending were Miss Rez
nicsek, Miss Sharon Barker,
Mrs. Carl Ditchen, Mrs.
Georgia Schaap and Phyllis,
Mrs. John Tolmsoff, Mrs. Joe
Simonyi, Mrs. Adela Treml,
Mrs. Percy Dunn. Mrs. Roy
Dunn, Mrs. Alan Wiesner, Misa
Katherine Moiseve, Mrs. Steve
Schmidt, Mrs. Rose Reznicsek, I
Mrs. Timothy Strubhar. Mn.
Jenny Seminoff and Miss Joyce
Larson. .
Housewarming for '
Mr., Mrs. Brown
A surprise housewarmln? was
given for Mr. and Mrs. Doug
las Brown, at their new resi
dence, 3632 Harvey. South Vil
lage, Friday evening. A gift
was presented the couple from
the group calling and a late
dessert was served. Hostesses
for the event were Mrs. Ronald
Bonney and Mrs. Lyle Urban.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs.
Brcwn, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry An
drus, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stu
der, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hof
stetter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Martin, Mr. and Mrs. RonalS
Bonney, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ur
ban and families and Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Ammann.
GUESTS for the Monday
Bridge club no-host picnic par
ty at the home of Mrs. Henry
M. Hanzen this afternoon were
Mrs. Carl W. Emmons, Mrs. El
ton Thompson and Mrs. Samuel
W. Robb.
Today's Menu
This fresh-tasting soup needs
no cooking, comes to the table
straight from the refrigerator.
Company Supper
Garden Salad Soup
Sliced Turkey Mashed Potatoes
Squash with Green Peas Salad
Bread and Butter
Lemon Pie Beverage
Garden Salad Soup
Ingredients: One 14-ounce
can chicken broth, one 10 ft
ounce can condensed tomato
soup, 1 medium tomato, peeled
and seeded and ice cup
lighly packed, Vt cup lightly
packed medium-grated cucum
ber, 2 teaspoons minced chives,
1 tablespoon cooking sherry, Vt
teaspoon Worcestershire sauce,
1 teaspoon salt, dash of pepper.
Method: Chill soups. Open
cans and strain chicken broth
through double thickness of
cheesecloth to remove fat par
ticles; add tomato soup and
beat with rotary beater until
combined. Stir in tomato, cu-
cumber ana cnives. aqq coox-
in sherry, Worcestershire sauce,
salt and pepper. Taste and add
more salt and pepper if desired.
Mix thoroughly. Serve chilled.
Makes 6 servings.
In Hm Capitol Shopping (oirttr
I f
Wed at Stayton Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith (Marie
Helen Fery) were married July 11 at Stay ton. The bride
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Fery of Stayton
and Mr. Smith is the son of Mrs. Sylvia Smith of Prine
ville. (Artz studio picture)
MEETING ot the Amateur
Artists association of America I
. . .
Kenmore Electric
Sove 15.00 Regular Price 34.95
A small price to pay for on appli
ance thot will sove you hours of ex
housting work. Lomb's wool buffer
lasts for years. Lightweight, easy to
Purchases Totaling $20 er Mora Can Be Made on Sears Easy Payment Plan
Phone 3-9191
for free
or mail this coupon
for free literature
X ft-.
f i
.',fc m I
will be Tuesday evening at the
YMCA at 7:30.
stop polishing floors
your hands and knees
. . do it the EASY woy
Floor Polisher I
CEMENT V-m nil , '
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
S50 N. Capitol
Salem, Oregon
; Gentlemen: Please lend me further Information da-
acriblng Kenmore
2 Arrange
Coffee Event
A benefit coffee party for
the membership of Ainsworth
chapter. Order of Eastern Star,
is planned for Tuesday morn- -
ing by Mrs. Ira Goddard and '
her sister, Mrs. H. E. Smedley.
The party will be at the
Goddard home, 1955 North
19th, between 10 a.m. and '
noon. ,
Invitation la extended to all
Ainsworth chapter members
and friends to attend.
VISITING In the capital over
the week-end were State Rep
resentative and Mrs. Earl Hill '
ot Cushman as guests of their
soa and daughter-in-law, Dr.
and Mrs. Irvin B. Hill. The
Junior Hills' son, Robert Hill,
returned to Salem with the
grandparents following a stay
at Oushman. ' ' '
Dr. and Mrs. Hill and three
sons. Robert, Douglas and
Richard, leave this next week
for a vacation trip.
115 N. Liberty
Liberal Trade-in
There's a
Kenmore to
Fit Your
11 w
SAVE 25.00!
Powerful auction la wonderful for floor cov
erings and above-the-floor cleaning jobs.
Faster, more convenient than a broom or
dust mop on nncarpeted floors, too.
550 North Capitol, Salem