Monday, A unurt S, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orcfoa ract s Truck Rodeo At Sweet Home Sweet Home Entry U sow open lor the frontier Diyi log truck mirr, .. l. - " ... w uu driven are to compete for ui prize money. The truck contest. Initiated last year, ii open to active truck driven, who possess a chauffeur! license, have one year's accident free record, and a S10 entrr Irr Vnrv limited to IS driven on a lint come lint lerved basis. Mail ntriea are acrrntahu n nr those entering In this manner it is suggested that if you can quaiuy, 10 send in your name, age, mailing address and nam of employer. If the driver is eu-empioyea, he should say iot wnom ne is hauling. According to Larry Ducan, chairman of the log truck rodeo arrangements commit tee, emphasis this year will be on skill rather than speed. Time will be a factor, however, with points to be deducted for those covering the course ei ther too fast or too slowly. Total number of points pos sible will be 535, with 50 points allotted for both back ing and stopping and the re maining 435 applied to the various obstacles. The ob stacles will include a serpen tine, right and left offsets, a tracking barricade, straight alignment and diminishing clearance. The obstacles are now being constructed. Entrants are to drive a new truck, which will be unloaded but with the trailer near the end of a 28 foot reach. The first place winner will receive a check for $100 while the runner-up will receive $50 and the third place winner will get $25. Frontier Days beards and costumes are to be judged dur ing an Intermission period. All entrants for the log truck rodeo which will be held on the athletic field of the high school, will be ac cepted at the office of the New Era newspaper office., ALPS TOLL BEACHES 11 Courmaveur. Itxlv IB P. iy peaks of the Alps are taking a mgn tou oi novice climbers this summer. ' The hazardous sport has claimed at least 110 lives in the last two months in the Italian, French, Swiss and Austrian Alps. Uncounted scores of climbers hava been injured. About three and ona half Pr cent of the ocean is salt LAST Gl KILLED : W y f " j r i C"-- V.'- McKays to Vacation Seattle () Secretary of the Interior McKay, weary after months of tussling with con gress, is looking forward to a long vacation in his native Ore gon. McKay, here for the na tional Governors' Conference, told newsmen Sunday: "After the conference Fm go ing down to my beach place at Neskowin on the Oregon Coast No telephones down there. If anybody in town puts in a phone, we - burn his house down." Mrs. McKay joined her hus band here after a short visit in Oregon. . 'Av him Mn. Cross, ' Jr., raises handkerchief to her eye after receiving word in De troit from the war depart ment that her husband, Sgt Harold R. Cross, Jr., (lower) was the last American sol dier to be killed in the Ko rean war. (AP Wirephoto) Bend Area to Lose UAL Service Redmond U.(9 K. C. Jones, assistant ta the president of United Air Lines, told a crouD of 30 civic leaden Saturday UAL planned to discontinue air service to the Bend-Redmond area. Jones, who said the reason was "purely economic," said United planned to file Its ap plication for discontinuance with the Civil Aeronautics Board in a week or so. He expressed the opinion that United's place might be taken by a feeder line. Earlier, Jones said United planned to discontinue service to Klamath Falls. Folks Watch As Squirrels Move Home Chicago WV It was mov ing day aad the whole neigh borhood tuned out ta watch and ta help. While the mo ther carried her five babies, ona by one, from the old flat 'to the new one across tba street, men of the Annltage and Burling vicinity en the North Side halted traffic. Father danced and chat tered some distance away ta divert the attention of a cou ple of neighborhood eats. Yon see, the moven were a family of squirrels, whose quarters In one hollow tree were flooded by a rainstorm. The only other available res idence was In a hollow tree across the street Hiau friends guarded the heavily burdened mother's rente from traffic as she carried her offspring la her teeth. Floods Streets New York WV-Water pour ed from a broken main near Union Square for two hours yesterday, flooding streets and subways. It touched off an underground steam pipe ex plosion that tors up concrete slabs and shot a 300-foot steam geyser into the air. Five hundred police, fire men and utility workers rush ed to the scene. The flood caught three sub way trains between stations, and passengen were led to safety along catwalks. Ground floon and cellars of 14th street stores were dam- raged extensively. Governors See 'Copter' Crash Seattle ) A Navy helicop ter crash and accompanying rescue, provided extra thrills Sunday for governors here for their national conference. Neither was on the program prepared by the Navy for ma neuvers staged on Lake Wash ington for the visiting dignitar ies and a large Seafair crowd. The tiny training helicopter, piloted by Lt Conard Larson, Boston, Mass., crashed into the water a few feet from a stand occupied by the governors. Larson and Marhtftlfa Mat 2-C William S. Robertson, Se attle, were quickly rescued, Larson by another 'copter aad Robertson by a crash boat Nei ther was seriously injured. Navy officials said the 'cop ter apparently crashed after power failed on the tall rotor. U.S. cows produce about HI billion pounds of milk a year. Tom Ostrander, wha lives next door to the sqnirrel's Id home, swean the soother made a last trip ta sea If aha had left anything before set tling down in the new home. The average family in Great Britain has 1.7 children. PRINTING... ' Qualiff Work Speedr Sank DIAL 3-8853 Wally's Print Shop Masonic Bldg. Stat & High no fuss no muss no bother no dirt use Frcs-to-logo tuc ririu cnti A siisi shhMia rwtfc CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 Oregon's $ezCut$cz Far IY3A0D, REDGD Ticket 'SaloTJOirjf This year's State Fair will be the biggest and most colorful entertainment and educational tvent ever staged in Oregon! Each of the three major attractions for which tickets are necessary would be a complete, top-flight sbdv all by . iuelf anywhere else. Here is a great opportunity to entertain your friends royally. Dont miss ill See ALL the fair events during . the eight days. Assure yourself good seats; scad for your tickets NOW1 (Use this form.) OREGON STATE FAIR, P. O. Box 671, Salem, Oregon. Please send the following tickets: CimUh ISA n4ICAfnnra WOCLD CHAMMONSMW tODtO C aW Iwy Ntykg) wmI 3i30 SMtdciy cmI Msnrivj -fTWkMa DmbIUm im Res. Box Seats $1 JO, Rodeo Other Res. Seats (9 $1.25. Rodeo Oa ! la s-.fl.lll SMCTACUUUI SM-TUM BTVUt P.M. Ivanr Nlgat far a Night. . box aeat J1.JU, Kcvue -Other Res. Seats $1.25. Revue Cillif.1, InHtaa Hoast SACINO with .mi mm Wafrtaa ItSO (vary Dy txcpt S.wd. Ret. Box Seats $1.00. Races -Other Res. Seats $ .70, Races. AB sricca include taxes. Draw check or M.O. to State Fair for all tickets for all events Total. Send self-addressed, stamped envelope to insure return of tickets. OVIAT MVS AND NMHTtl SAT., SEPT. 5, THRU SAL, SEPT. 12 ENJOY YOUR STATE FAIR AT SALEM Parking 25 cents. General admission to grounds (pay at gate) 50 cents to pjn., 25 cents after 6. Children lt and under, general admission free. (Prices have never been raised!) ; Box Office at Fairgrounds Now Open, 1 to 5 p.m. You are invited to SAVE at Schlesinger's Sweet 16th Birthday Party! 100 (ifi. Girls! Reserve your choice now. Avoid the back-to-school rush! Meet your friends at Schlesin ger's today! Short Sleeve Slip-ons shop in air-conditioned comfort! A Small Deposit Reserves Your Selection 409 COURT ST. OflMrSwHten kM 1.91 It 21.5 Open in 9 P.M. You are invited to SAVE al Schlesinger's Sweet 16fh Birthday Party! Schhsinger to Oaiim tlP T llf ll. f'V and theCampus wants- : ; V' I ul l W P 'n every Conceivable Pleat! ' 3fe 1 I If ft f IPI ill '-i Permanent heart AUTHENTIC li- i , 1 ill ; 11 I V I ""- Hruiis English 5g I j I "III ll III I I ' V i OverhipPleoft Princt of Wolet Plaid i . S I Sfllll ill i Knif Pleat Ferguson Plaid Walkllig V" ' - J LMi ij r l-3l -i l Awdion Pleats Stewart Plaid . Clfirt 3 SJ I -HjSjVJ" trU&M, oHeaft Black Wateh Plaid F" jS" I L l l Tweeds .:. Flannels ... Wool-Orion Tweed m rSfn) U 4J 7.98,17.98 Q9B OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 P.M. I JT V DEPOSIT Will J J A I I J A j jj0r S RERVE YOUR J. j (i 409COurt