half THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. gales Ongm UomiMj. Xvrmt t, 1M4 Ex-Governor Gardiner of Maine Dies in Crash Allen town, Pa. UP) A private plan iell apart and crashed Into a wooded hillside yesterday, killinc a former governor of Maine and two of hi friends. The dead were William Tudor uanuner, oi, 01 awn, tat., ana Boston, hero of a famous World War II exploit and Maine's chief OJtecuUv from 182S to 1833. Xdward K. Chase. 60. of Cap Elizabeth, Me., a state senator, investment broker and brother ef author Mary Ellen Chase. Id win 8. Burt, 60, of South Portland, Me., a Portland wholesale groceryman. ' The three long-time friends were flying home in Gardiner's plan otter attending a reunion cf the 96th Pioneer' Infantry Association at Shamokin, Pa. They served with the group in World War I. About It miles north of this astern central Pennsylvania city, the plane, flying at 9,000 1 Killed, 2 Injured in Willamina Crash Wlllamlni (" One man was killed and two injured when a car missed a turn a quarter of a mile southwest of here Saturday at mldmorn tag. Howard A. Delaney, 40, of the Oregon hotel, Portland, was killed. Injured were Jack loose and Richard Dutton, both Portland. Paul Bollman, Polk county coroner who took charge ef the body, said the men were . homeward bound from the beach when the ear failed to make the turn, bit an anchor post for a power line and overturned. feet, fell apart Rain and heavy clouds were reported in the area. Gardiner, a colonel in World War II, won the Legion of Mer it for exploits in Italy. He was 61 when he and Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor, now com manding the 8th Army in Ko rea, made a daring and hazard ous trip into German-held Rome before American forces invaded Italy in 1853. In full uniform, except for caps, they landed from a British submarine, motored to Rome and spent 30 hours under the Germans' noses in conferences with Marshal Pietro Badoglio. They gained a pledge of loyalty to the Allies and information that vitally affected the course of the war. Safely Prize Won By Salem Trucker A Salem truck driver, George Millikin, employed by Capital City Transfer Company, is win- ner of first prize in a nation wide "safety idea" contest The idea, for which Millikin, was awarded a prize of $100 in cash, was that of securing abra sive paper to the surface of walk boards" to prevent dol lies or workmen from slipping as they load and unload trucks. A walk-board is a moveable in clined plane from truck bed to ground for the moving of freight The National Mayflower Warehousemen's Assoc i a 1 1 o n sponsored the contest and an nouncement of Millikin as the winner was made by Russel Pratt operator Capital City Transfer, who said Millikin had been with the company four years. I DIES IN CRASH rt . V Ti William T. Gardiner, ax governor of Maine, who was killed in an airplane .crash Sunday. . Setk Dismissal of Sweet Home Charge Albany A motion for dis missal of tb case ef the City of Sweet Home vs. Wiley T. Stockett on one count charging obstruction oi a street and for affirmation of his - conviction on another count was filed in circuit court Thursday, On the one count it was ex olained by counsel representinc to city and Stockett the de fendant ha agreed to pay a $25 fine. Stockett originally was charged on four count each defining a type of obstruction illegalized by city ordinance, but two were dismissed in city court where he was fined $25 by Judge Ed Russell. i Linn Co. Forests Closed by Hazard Lebanon A major part of Linn county forests have been closed to entry except by per mit, since midnight Wednes day. ' A spokesman at the Linn county fire patrol headquar ters said the land lies roughly east of a line running north and south from Lane county to Marion county, just east of Sweet Home and La comb. DISMISS THIELSEN CASE Albany Complying with a stipulation between the liti gants, Judge Victor Olliver in circuit court here has dismissed the case of Fred D. Thlelsen vs. Henry W. Thielsen. TERMITES (TEAR GUARANTEE PHONS 2-4711 fcurutttd 'tit CMrtrtl Serrfcl ItS SO. 28TH New Hearing u auf we malaMw ry nt war u kai um atrd-f-b tr ial to km eUarir asais, wrl-u- .lalraad U lb irtatait icUa tint adraae Bint In btftr Im (Ml th lot 4 Ifov tm to urn mint saw hr lnt. SM and try thai, toapaet bw lMtrvmuu. incladlae tht turns mv TiuHaisT-XAa bunas aida u all prlu ranna. Ask for Floyd lennett MAFCO HEARING SERVICE OF SALEM Permanent Office SBUIMHOTH MezualM Beer rkoa 2-0702 an :M to s .-. Sato. Cteu WMMMUr ul Tkaraaar. UaM t law aaa.hitiB.at. aaaatt A Limited Opportunity for You To Make Greatest Sayings on Fancy California Tree-Ripened Elbertas Here's the Story Behind This Great Value! These peaches were slated for delivery to California fruit canneries. But due to conditions beyond control of the growers, the canneries are temporarily closed. These peaches were then offered for sale on the open market. Safeway made a lucky purchase. And now this great value Is being offered to you. We Cannot Guarantee These Prices After Aug. 5 Buy them buy the Pound for table use. K 111 Delicious anytime! Ill IV Buy them by the 7 il flat for canning ,'",D Compare this price Flat '1.39 Floyd Breaatt Malta Biailns SWrte. Senator Hotal Salaa, Ortcoa maw ana ail roar in aoaklat. "Facta aaon Traaaw-iar wanns Clt nt aula Baa. aadraw 15c Soft Weve Toilet Tissue kim iim & rolls a Hint $1.29 Crystal & Ruby Serva Snack Set 8 Piece Set, 4 Ruby $00 Cups, and 4 Crystal Trays u Variety Rtg. 59 Lady Eve. Bubble Berth 1m T J J I 10 auortad tncnueaa, each ana a tlcart to saw bathlaf luxury. Jurt apttnkla your tavern (niraaee Into your bath . , . and ralas ta a mountain ef vara, awaaa asaBtoa bukblaa. TtUtuj 5mww D Reg. 49 Imported "Blue Willow" Cup, Saucer Set Luxurious end expensive 4 Sets T looking ... In traditional blue willow pattern. VmUtin $1.89 Plastic Household Broom Colorful $fl 00 Bristles A Variety 69c Jetomatic Ball Point Pen Toiletry $3.49 Certified Multi-Vitamins , Super Potency - All Vitamins $Q49 Necessary for Normal Health u Toiletry 100 CAPSULES Per Llptfick Therf h Smooth and Creamy 4 Nail Locqeer That WIN No Chip, Uie Reg. Chen Yu Nail Lacquer M.00 Chen Yu Lipstick V r Reg. M' (fen YuNaf VI 1 ' MM Yu r lZl,cL."CkBoHi $1X3 I I frowtno, n n chip irl fm 39c Eaton Summer Colognes 4,o, $100 Toiletry $2.00 Tussy Summer Colognes Now $-00 Only I Toiletry For ioqiftiftH. Ltistrons Half J 1 Breck f a ChamnAA hVIIUIIipVV Irtnot out every starry Men ITf Kt . . . fives your hair a left, natural appearance. Leaves a eJullinf film. 14S N. LIBERTY We Reserve the Rlfht to Limit Quanlltirs 25c Top Spread MARGARINE TeUetry Limit OPEN FRI. TILL 9 SEEDLESS GRAPES FAMOUS SUNKIST 0RAN6ES Toter Bag Sale Dinty Moore 24 oz. can 49c Bon Olive Oil 4oz. 24c Beef Stew Chicken Spread irr 25c M. C, P. Pectin . 2 25c Dill Pickles lSeW:. 27c Clorox Bleach ww .. . 31c CriSCO $inWd' New Detergent . Sanitary Napkin Qu.iityshert.nin, Sauerkraut Cheer Modess 3 can 93C lleilOC 21.. 32C ' 12'2f.r 77c KAISER Aluminum Foil Numerous Household Usee 25-Ff. roll 31' MCP BRAND Lemon Juice CONCENTRATED 7-03t-can IT LUNCHEON MEAT HormePs Spam READY TO SERVE 12-Oz. can Toilet Soap Camay Soap 3 23c Fer Lovely Complexion Camay Soap 335c POOCH DOG FOOD For a balanced diet Per can 9 Ivory Soap 4 Personal Ban AJLC Dog Food "a-9e Honey 32c PERK HORSEMEAT Give your pet a treat Per can Margarine "SK 27c Pastries Al. 30c For Fine Washinf Ivory Flakes 30c 12Vi-oz, Pkg. 22 Detergent Dreft 30c 15-oz Pkg. Toilet Soap Sierra Pine 3 So9. 23C Clean Grimy Hands Lava Soap Bar IOC Famous Ivory Soap 3 23c Mild Ivory Soap 2LBar:27C Gentle Ivory Snow '30c SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS SPARE BIBS Try these for afs size on your II afUI barbecue grill! IQ. Ml They're grand! W M VEAL VALUES - Round Steak Smalt bono lb. 98c Veal Chops , Rib or larf loin lb. 69c Shoulder Roast Lea. lb. 49c Shoulder Steak For breadlnf lb. 55c MORI MEAT VALUES Beef Liver economical lb. 39t Beef Swiss Steak thick lb. 79 Calve Liver always delicious lb. 694 Freeh Ground Beef lean lb. 394 Lamb or Veel Breast tender lb. 25t) Ring Belogn. 3 12-oz. rings $1.00 Swift' Canned Ham .... . 5-lb. can $5.79 Joy Brand Liquid Soap . bottle 30C Water Softener White King 3Pk:z-25c Household Cleanser Scotch Cleanser. 225c U-oi. can Woodwork Cleanser Spic & Span 25c i16-oz. can Detergent Tide fET73c Detergent Oxydol 73c 65-ox Pkg. Price in this ad effective thru Wednesdey, Aug. I