MoBdty. Avfwt 8, 1951 u. '.v THK' CAPITAL' JOURNAt, Saba. Omn Pico u AUTOMOtlLES $$ CASH $$ FOR - . . ... YOUR . CAR OPEN EVENINGS ' MOKDAT TBKODOH PRIDA! AIX MAXM AR0 U0DK4 to caooaa mom Western Motors ISO Broldwu riuu l-ttii jmt iniDaaa euwiitK, feity eoulpped. Perfect iuiiuu. mi. Plea mil. elu It roRD COUPS, eiceiiont motor, iood bad; an llm Ilk Call Mill after :I0. 111!' 1141 P0BD Olub Coup. Ont owner: good condition, in betterr. Bee al 111 Aeederay at. .114 IMl CHAHPIOR aiudeeaker, auelleat condition. 1101. Phone 4-1304. till- 1131 PONTIAC Only 3 owner. Radio, heater, 4-door eedrn. i-iiit, j-toet. .1M- 181 STATE FINANCE CO. af-su FIVE loan wrvlcei to fill your need for money quickly , 1 Auto liua. ' a aiiaalure 1mm. I Purnltun loani. 4 ConlolMattoa Hut. . I Parmenl-redoelni leant. Don't wait Come in todayl mono i4iu - . lti ae. ana at. i:u' . own C2STDUYS '52 FORD CON V.. $1995 . flUBitatr, Fordomattc, whit. ' veils, blue leatherette, Ulnl beige, very food. '51 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $2195 Dynafiow, radio, heater. Wo oold new tad have service tsc- . ord for four IudccUm. Top i duality. '60 BUICK SUPER ; SEDANET ...$1595 iTynanow, radio, heater, iMti wells. Wo Mid new and have service roeord for your -apection, only SO.lOB mile. 50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $1150 Out owner lave flno tart and ear anew It, only 11,111 allot. '49 FORD SEDAN. $950 Diatom i, radio. Meter, extra dean condition. ViugdabtNerlkedCsr Vote a WA Dealer OTTO J WILSON , COMPANY commtcTA!. at cum PHONl 3-1111 m- 41 CHIV. door, eh.ap. lit Wu Brown- Inf. etso- MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS III HARLEX DAVIDION. Pood condi tion, lilt. Rt. J. BOX Hi. Ollll i est a gua TtmtflalaseB ewlm Vvnallsnt condition. Malt iill. 1110. 8 it no alert. ueie. CUIHMAN (COOTIB, lood oondltlon. Phono 33110 efler I. 4111 Lowell Are , Relier dl.trlet. .elsl' FINANCIAL atAl MTATt LOAW ulcl acmet - sluumeat Ckuita Calvin V. Kent Mortgage Loans Re. Church . rata t rtt WB arm al aetata MtiaM 4, ojatrMk, State Finance Co. in . ataa at. rv nm in, a-m ui u-m and , ot a. aanioa marjiUMca and loam Bear -re Treeeo 11 04 Dally ULM UM Re. ORMBRaX Pin ARCS CO, LOANB W at. Oemaumlal a. Tai MM aoto voAifi W1LLA14BTTB CREDIT CO. la aonik Ckank Pxrkljii o-picntr fk. 1-1411 Uf (. M-1M. B-114 TRAILERS ll-POOT TBAILEB fw hiullnt, with urp. el nil Linon ovinui. till .. YOUNGSTERS PICKET CLOSED SWIMMING POOL . 1 ' nillnlil Tib 1 1 UTI. mini M lav ifmi laiawi rtaataai aaaltto. auaV tow ja oi m w mi aMiir unnt m muni a- m.i ro tir. M-aM. awtaa aanUtr. -. JJr Maur taiaia w wmm m WailMllO. tfMt A A, M fMf. mt. A araao. n, wmi an c. at war, iw. akm anow itrtfUr i ran h awnaa ama ta PartMaa wkoMkMn. Ontoa Uailai. U-4H. Ortaoa a la. mi. oion. , .:V - Neighborhood children went to wade and iwlm in ' water work pool and arc. picketing the locked gatet to, dramatize their trouble!. The park wai closed for' "security reasons" after the start of the Korean war, because in the park is the largest water supply for the city of Detroit. The city council closed the park for fear . of sabotage which would cripple the city's water supply ystem. The city lathers have promised to take under consideration the reopening of the park and pool to the youngsters. (AP Wirephoto) . Seabees Top' 13th District HOUSE TRAILERS IMS 17-roOT pIn Amnlean. Rltrlt- tratlon, hot watir tank, axceutnt con aillon Inilda and out. Very riaaon'aali. Mil SUM llmt lla nar). Brown. tain DIRECTORY ADDINQ kUCaHfH All main .wad machinal told, ran tod, repaired. Roan, all oaurt, Ph- 1-4TI1. Bl'LLDOZlNO ' Bulldozinf. roadi. cliarlng taith. Tlrtll Hurtll. 1011 Falriliw, (hone J-3141. MIS' DBEsSHAana AiteretieM, keauutthhu. a a 1 1 e a a. bueUaa, eoTtrid. buttonholea. Mrt. H. If. Allindir, 1-HII. olll BXCATATOfO Ban Otlea Bon aicaratlnt radios. Land claarlni. Ph. l-lin. olio PTJ BRACE CIEANIVO Rlll'a Vuraaca cleanuu. aT fuU tatraateed. Phom I-1HI work olB BOUSE MOTINQ . ,, t.....lM A.W Willi K. ptrlinct! Pree citlmatu. Bonded and Insured, m. f-eooa, i-thw. oaoo insulaiioS" Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum aereeu. Proa astlmatas. T. ruliraan. Phone 1-iaei. olio" M ATTBESSE8 Capitol Bedding, ranoratee. Pull Use new mlttreain. ra. l-eewe orrica pijbnitdbs appptJEa Desk chairs, flies. (Ulnf luppllia, eafea duplicator!, auppltas, deak lamps, type, writer standi. Roan. 4M Court SEPTIC TANRI Hamel'l eervlce. 1-KOt. eeptle tanka cleaned, .line Gueranteed work. Paone oioi- Mlke'i Siptlo aerrlce. Tanks ileaned. D'rooter eleane tiwirt, drains. Phone I-I4II " Bewir. aepue tanks, dralne cleaned, Ro-U-Rootor aewer Berries. Phone J-II11 8RARPEN1NO A REPAIR 0,000 CUiaMAN ICOOIEB, lla. Komi evenlnsi. 3311 Llvlnnton St. qalft TELEWIIIOM TRUCKS 1946 CHEV. TRUCK Flatbed, good condition, tires. $850 - TERMS Ph days S-4041, Eves. 2-0528 1IM PORD and Chevrolet sums trucki. With Job. Catl 1-1III. 0dll3 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR RAVINO RADIATOR TBOCBUT ValleT Meter Ca. anerta will eolet reui arob. Iimi and eevt you money Proa esti mates, asaadr earrtie. Center al Lib erty ac To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Lawn mowers, saws, etc lltu D Ph. 3-M1I. Pree pickup o Put, ellltnal rapalia, an all makes. Call e-liii, I a.m. to p.m. in Market at. ' Salem's Seabee reserve divi sion will be competing with 11 other .Seabee divisions In the United States for the Vice Ad miral J. J. Manning trophy, awarded annually to the top Seabee unit in the United States. The Salem unit, which is di vision 13-9, won the right to compete for the trophy by top. ping all of the divisions in the 13th Naval district, whlcQ Has IS Seabee units. The top divi sion of the district is selected after all have been given their annual inspection by a board from ISth Naval District. Tor the national competition the Salem Seabee division will be re-inspected, this time by a board out of the Navy depart ment In Washington, D. C. Organized first as a volunteer unit, the Salem Seabee unit, which now is commanded by Chief Carpenter Gilbert D. An derson, - was given organized status November 15, 1948. Commander of the unit at that time was Lt. William C. Hill. Following Hill as comman der was Lt. Donald Fisher, who was called for active duty. First commander of the volunteer unit wai Lt Comdr. Holiis W Libby. FALL VICTIM IMTROVES Independence Miss Anna Margaret Powell, 10, who was painfully injured Monday in a fall from a walnut tree at the family home of her parents, the Marshall Powells, sustaining a skull fracture, was brought to her home Friday from Salem Memorial hospital to complete convalescence. The girl is mak ing improvement, but must re main quiet for more than two weeks. ISP Would Close Two Crossings STOCKS tap The Aiaatlated Preset Admiral cerporattaa ... Allied Chemloal Allle Chalmers . American Alrllnat American Power LUB-. American Tel. Tel. .. .. American Toeaere ....... Anaoonda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethelehem ateel Boelni Alrplatae Co Ben wai . 1 . uk . H4 . 1IH !lH i. 114 ,. IIH .. H . II ,. lltt Burrowe Addlat Machini IIH CaWerala Pacllni " Closure of two grade crou ings across its main line tracks betwen Marion and Jefferson, la to be sought by the South, era Pacific company, accord. ing to a communication receiv. d from the utility Monday by the county court. The letter states that the SP entered into an agreement with the county and state back In 1925 for the construction of an overhead crossing. The agree ment contained a clause that provided for the closing of five grade crossings. However, two of them continue to be used. the SP states. One -crossing carries the customary standard warning signs but the other has private signs. In both instances, the letter states, the condition is hazard ous to vehicular traffic for visibility is extremely poor. The company suggests that if the -private crossing cannot be vacated, the county should make application to the PUC for public use. The SP company paid 40 per eent of the entire improve-ment. TYPEWRITERS Bmlth. Corona, Remlncton. Royal, Un derwood portablee All makes med macaiaea. Repent a lent. Roan, 4U Court. 1-4111. WINDOW CLEANTNO Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor wailnf. noueecieanwa. rawmw Ill court. LEGALS I have been appointed aiaeutrti of the eetato of Gertrude B. Klnne. deteaaed. by the Circuit Court of the State of Ore. ron for Marten County, and have quail fled. All pertona hereby are notified to preirnt their elalmi to me at 403 Pioneer Trutt EuUdlni, Salem, Oreton. within six montha of the date of first publica tion of tiln notice. Dated and first published July 27, lftl. A LICK U CRANOR , I. O. Btidter, Jr. Attorney for Executrix Julr 37. Aui. I, 10, 17, 34, 151. DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham C2) 1 Canadian Peel Ik OaveraviUar Traveler . ceianeeo Corporation .. Chryaler Corporation ., citiea service Consolidated Edieon Cftaaolidaied Vulteo ... Crow SeUerhacb Ctinue Wrtaht a. Doutlas Aircraft Pu Pont do Nemoura Statu, an Kodak KmaraOA Radio Oeneral Electric Oeneret PMde ,, Oeneral Molera Oeoraia lu. Ptiveol ,. Ooodyear Tire Home take Mtnln-. Cj. . International Harvester International Paper .... John, uanvtlle Kaiaot Aluaninuai Kennteott Oopper Libby McNeil Xjocvxheod Aircraft Loewee ineerperiiiM ... Lonb Bell Montromery Ward Mean Kelvin a tor Hew York Central Northern Pacific ...... Peoifio Amerteaa FUU Pacific Can IlettrM Paelfle Tel. Td Packard llotoT Car Penney, J. C i Pennsylvania R. X Pepal Cola Co. Phlleo Radio Radio Corporation .... Rayonter Incorp Rayonler Incorp. P.u. RepublVs Bteei MAR K 7 QUOTATIONS Wnoat ntaeagi l Iwwwr. AL ljltk. i own H t t mu Iwwor. tfoat. 11 naia 1a-I tr-nwr. Aesri. tH4-A; rrt m M I Mill .fwor. Mai. I IS.; Mybanna tewer, Sept. and lard M to M eenln hnndrtd Mde power, aept. 114. fU-M Oraln Portland uV-Cra trtbu a.otei Wneat (Mdi. to arrlva .raavrkeA. taau No. I bulk, doM-ered eoast: Sort Wbite 33; Soft WhlU .enludlaa Ual 111:! White Club I r) Bur rwd win tor: Ordlnajrv u bee tent J-U; U m past ttti 11 er enl I N. Hard Wktto Baart: tMimm l lli to or want 1M. U net sm& n.Mi 11 nor eat 114. agnwilay'o ear MaaJata: wThaai A: mmn ii nam Ti miU fend I. IUnnd A trndo Inrae, dlfe-MWiei A radn aatdlant. !- Vtoi ira4e Ian, ens -nine. manntni Oradn AA artnt. Ilei A ttorto. Wei A n LEGALS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposal for furnishing ma ter! els and conetrnctlni First Aid Station will b received at the office of the City Wanacer. City Hall. Salem. Ore ion, until 1:41 p.m. on Monday. Auiuft 10. 1B5J. and will no puouciy openeo mi 1:00 p . en the same date ky the city Manaaer at his office. This nrojeet meiudea tne lowwina pprulaalaly ejuantltlei 1 materlau, in place: 3000 lb, rein fort I ni ateel 710 So. ft. concrete bulldini block 7 window I door 3 overhead doora 1 wanh basin 1 steam radiators 1 lavetory MiKfllaneous appurtenant items Flam, specification and other dot-u rn euts rwulred for blddinx may be in- idmlm at the office oi tn enr En gineer and copies may be obtained by oil lined prospective bidder upon a depot it of 110.00, which amount will be refunded in ae in aoeument are re turned, but otherwise will be retained. Attention of bidders ta directed to Section 11-103. O. C. 1 A. provldlni for preeuallfleetlon. All proposal must be upon n reiular .lank (arm furniahan Wltft toe epecilt cations, and must be accompanied by a Mrtified cheek or m oona ier mount equal to or eiceeainc rm per .nt (9.i of the total bid. A 100 corporate surety bond will be required to guarantee me raiiniui periormaqce or the contract, together with Insurance in even sum as may se neceasary protect the City aaainst loss or damage ky reason oi injuries person prop attv. The rignt i reservRaa mj int cur so re ject any or alt bids, ar to accept the proposal wnicn appen ntaat mtid taieou. - ALFHKD HU1V17T , City Recorder Amnt i, mi Power Shortage Seen by McKay Seattle Vf) Unlets im mediate preventive steps are taken, Secretary of the Inter ior McKay said Sunday, the Pacific Northwest will face a serious power shortage by 1980. The former Oregon gover nor, here to attend the Nation al Governors' Conference, ad ded in an Interview he will meet early next month with Army Engineers in an effort to arrange priority for pro jects under study. "Remember that It takes several years to complete a project after it has been start ed," McKay said. ''Just the normal growth of the Pacific Northwest will tax present projects." The cabinet member declin ed comment on the proposed Hells Canyon Dam on the Snake River, beyond observ ing that "applications for li censes are now pending" be fore the Federal power Com mission. McKay said President Eis enhower is committed to con servation of natural resources both in the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere. Reynolde Metals Icfclleld Oil Baawey atores. Inc. ... Bcott Paper Co I. Bears, Roebuck at Co. .. Bocony Vacuum Oil .... Southern Pacific atandard on Calif Manderd Oil N. J atudeaaker Corp. ...... Bumhlm Minim will Al CO. Traniemerlea Corp Twentieth century Pol union Oil Company .... Union Paclfl United Airlines United Aircraft , United Corporation United Stalls Plywood , . United Blates ateel Warner Pleturee Western Union Tel Weetlnthouse Air Brskt , Weellnthouao Bectrlc , , Woolworth IIH MS Kit n aist nit ll'A HS 1 ..... ee II ..... 414 11H n M'a ..... US, 111. M II I IIH 11 , IVa , IIH I4 13U 1! JV. Ilto M 1H as I 31 114H 4 ...... 101. IIS llta 311 11V, MS 31S 41' to m J1S as 31V 4IS 14 tl SIS 114 IIS IIS Il'e , 4114 1011. IIS 31V 4 , 1111 , IIS , 41 41 11 4IS 41 Brew ta Caa4H3 Lit partlual OaaraeM Isree. el-44e doe.; treAe AA lam. M-ta dee. I A lam, an il. 4M- AA outlaw,, tie dos.l A trade medium, lea om.i A srada smeUi nomi nal. 41-410. Bete ta IiiiIIiii Orede AA, una lit: A lane, de-no; AA medium. No: A medium, di-aeti A am all. to-tla. Canect I eenti additional. rotauavt. -raruana. Oraton tine lea. etVi-etc: I lb. team. 11-llSe: trlpleta, ISa leu than lla (loa. Promlaaa area da tattles. MSal la. lor alnila wnoeia atiaa. rroceeeoa in orieaa cheese, l-la. loatea ta retail. 41 w etc i. . " Poaltrp Uea Ckleaaaa .' 1 awnntB. f-e a. alanU). Pryua, IS-S Bm, llli l-t Us.. Maalaaa. 4t lhe.. and aver, lie: a eery nana, a weUhta, M-im Isthl hern, al Iwelttu. mi aw looawra, la-iaa. Dreeoea Cklokont Ha. I droned ta retailore. Btrera, krttlira, 41-4le .: eoaelera all was.. 41-4M! lleht neaA il-llei fcserr kens. u-Mci eut-aa try are. tu tu, fa-tot H I wool, arewa, e- Mo l. BaeMlo AToraee ta treworii Uvt waltea. 4-1 lae. MlMi t l las . ll-lsc lk.1 tolorod telle, do at. aaderi old dees, la-tlc, tew hither, rreih dressed fryers la ritallers. 11-llel ml aa ll-toa, Ceaotry ROJed Mease Teat Top attain. Il-im ., train h.arlee, Sl'Ita. mw Uea llaekers. Il rlei oewe, Ushl. Il-lle. Umbo Best, at-att Bvi itarUaaa, M-3so la. MalMe salt, ll-iee JO.) aau-auusy, I-lee. Bool Utility eew., S4-eat tk. eanter- nttort, It-nil ehelU dewt In lit, reek Dreoeod Mattl Whllesalere to ritaueeo. ittuart pwr ae'efataare. choice. IM-1M tat.. 41- 44 00; toed, II.M-II.Nl Mmmerdal It.H-ll.oii utility 11.M-ll.Ml commet. tlol cows. I4.N-I0.wt utility ai.oo-si.wti aannere-aillure. ll.M-MOO. Beet eata Chelae tteero kind euar- ttrt, 11.00 - H.N; rtaada, fall loins, trimmed. II OO-1I.O0: trlaa- flat, Il.N-II.N; toinuartari M.N-II.Nl ahuekt it.ea-at.wei riaa. m.w-.vw. weal and Mltee ueoo-.oeioe, at- ea aa: aaaaaieralaL 11.11. Umbo Choice-prime. 141-441 teed, 31-44; iprlnl Iambi, choice-prime, 41. M. Maltea oooa taaica. tt-il re. ee-ee. Perk Cate Ulna, No. 1. (.11 its., 6J-1I; ulUlly t-l ahoulderA It-lbl., 43c. ut lee re nas leo-at.tai rreta natis, 10-14 lit, H-N. park ear.asee, lH-no lbs. iii-ii. Bmebad auaso amtanoa. tet-Tt iwe.. fined lord la drums. 111-11. II: slab bas on. 164-71. Pertlaad tneeeenoewea Onloae 1 lb. lack Calif. Red Olobo, med.. ITt-I.M: whit lloao. I.1I-1.H; yillowi med. an lute,; few I it: Wash, pellowo, mod.; Isrse l.-1.4l. Peiateea Local Trlumpha. lull. l it: Roardman lonl whites. Re. 1A. 3 So. I. Til Re. S, Mwlb. tack. M-lll Ore. Rue aetta. Mo. L l.U-I.H: II lb. meih. Il- lle: loeol RuseaU. Re. 1A. I ll-I ll: CTaltr. lent wnitee, no. tn. t.oe-s.eei tair, name brands to t.n. erD. B. NO l areen aitaira. Urer.d cat Itlt f.t.. partland and Be. attic. 11-10. Wool Oroasa bails. Willamette Tab icy medium. M-Itt It. i RatUra Oratoa flae aad half-blaad. H-aac; wiuametio Velley lamb wool, 43ei 13-monlh wool II -tee Il-lle lb. 11-month (row. th. f.o.b. country ehlpplai polott. Idee predueert ptrlnl price r-o.t. Portland calf iklae, Il-lle II. ecierd Int ta toadltlon; ireen kipa, 11-lao lb.l tow hldei, 1-lOc lb tctordlnl to weliht and tualitri ball a mot. e-se ib.t tiue hides. II per eent. Salt arleee for obovo cleues, rilberle Wholesale wlllnt prlta, ' Ra. 1 medium Barcelona, Al-lit lb. okell- ea et-eio to. lb.: iitht ktitu. 71 -lie Ev WnntBll Wholtttlo eellhtt prices. first eoellty lane Prettuittee, le-lot 1B.I laeutd. Hint amaer aairaa, Tt-TII Partlana Utoataok rortlaad iexof nrkai vara araond lewu Ik. nail on ska Ran. land Urmock merket today. I'tiut loot; mtrtit alow In d.r.leolnl: fed eltert eUody to week, tew arass aloott atoodn aldt and) sal I ta beet eewt weak ta Mo Itwtr: oaaaer-ouller eery howi c boles Hall led leers II: Made loed-eaelce ateere M-14.U: aammarelal Brass aleeri 11-11: few loade leed-fe keUera M-M: tow tlllllr ttwe '"-ni oommareiai it. an, aomo held hlloer; oaaaer-eulter aawa areuad 1 10 I; hoary commercial bait lilt, tkor aUlltr tfmarelal kallo ll-II.M. Calree Ml; market aaaut aloody; teoo ekoleo eeolore aad lltal oalree le-ii. culle down to I tr ttlow. Rett VM: aarktt around I.M-1.1 be low Prtday; choice 1M-1II lb. butcher! S7-Tr.e: cimmo IH-1N ibe. 31-311 34b MO lb, oewe M-U. . ahtin MM: market waah te as be: choice-prime tprln Iambi M-ll: tood cholea 11-11 M; few food feeders II; too Mtriinan U.Mi road aUusktw eweo t.ew-0. CJea Ueeateok cnlaM l Barer reels ta nee castle eed la the new market Header. auMlIM were oat immoderate for a Header but clearance wee act aktaiaoi aaiu arise cute of St M M ceati kuadred peunds piaoea m eiieev. cattle war tttadp ta M aeald lower. Ill ee ta 134 M aad so we tram IllAd ta 111 M. . ta prima tteert aad pearllnte mm treat IMA ta taia an4 sood aad cnoleo noliero rrom eao.oo to tse.eo. A lood at straw Bear kill art want to eMM. CatU taasalnaa at Itl.M aad below. bulla al 111 M dewmward aad eaawil at til M sad Mlaw tat choice srodea. Oood arlma eertaa lamba merited asa ta IH H aad hMa to prtmo yearltaoa from lt.M M Ul M- Ita kroeanl M and aalaw. atilmeted enrols tBitaaX asia kaaa. M.M settle bars act rua in more taaa atantk. Ml oalrM aad ,M oboes. SALEM MARKETS Comtltod rrrtn imrli at Itl.m lullal far wo aotaanea at catnai swnrnt - (Rerteod Aaltr .l . Bs tsB Pea Plll.ll Babatt PeMett M.M IM-aa. aaa-3, HM-I4I (100-lb. kail. . y Bit Meek It-tlA M. Dairy pood ii et-I St rM-aa. katl, I4.U-IN UM wut paewra mis, II A I1M wt.l. Poaltrp Rwitat I II aid roMtore, IMi eolorod fowl, anal lethtrn fowl. He; rotsteri, Sit. Boast Barlnr PrUeo-Rtla, Aa. tie: tarn A. Vile; medluR AA, Sit! Bodlunt A. w-esoi ameu. swc. reaerallr e-li hither ttiaa the prteoo see re- tavm and A taterllby Mind t TMi meaiom sc BaMeetet-arnin artoel Piamtw. M, Tic: No t, 11-tte; Ma. s, Mc. awes waotcoalo aiaM a TM 14 Ittali, Taa. Portland luo Pirat Willamette tine piekUnt eueumbere Mid at l.ea a flat for eitt M. I the Baitalde Paraeere" market today; trrit WlUaeeelte .alloy Ororenstelnt Wirt S.M M-lb. bolt eprl eel receipt! fairly aee.y with waoloetlo truckert asklaa ta 1 It for ss-at lk. at Taklma Til teat aad Uoorparka. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5655 UNITED REPAIR CO. 3SS N. UlEkTY Authorized Repair on AD Major Appliances and All Small Appllanra-uarantaad Srvlct pickup and DaUtar m ' Large Appliances , Ivan Hoyse and Walt Claui, Owners AWNINGS-TEIITS-TARPS Ph. 34780 SAUM TsWT tS AWNING CO. 71t M. UIERTY r Csjivm Goo4 ol KvtryDtapUoaB , f "ANYTHING MADX TO YOUR ORDra Itoeb Market New York (fV-Tlie tOck market shook off early nervousness and forged ahead Monday .In a moderate manner. tais ran a nine past a point in a few ease, but far the mast nan war In feodest fractions. Loasej were Mattered and wot con centrated enough to held back aar malar division materially. Trading wa brisk al time and mount ed to an estimated l.JOO.eoo share. Tb total wa well above many recent day but remained under JMa?' 1.JK.W0 shares New Title Given Harold Stassen Washington ) President Eisenhower Saturday nominat ed Harold E. Stassen to be di rector of th. foreign Opera tions Administration. Stassen has been director of th. Mutual Security Adminis tration, which . was abolished and given a new title under a reorganization effective Satur day. Herice the new nomina tion to give Stassen a new title. JACKSON COUNTY CLERK Medford U.R Mrs. Curtis L. Hopkins todsy was appointed clerk of Jackson county by the county court. MARION COUNTY, OREGON LOADIXO MACHINI Iras due 10 10 A M . Aitiust 10, 1111, CALL POR BIDS anted bldi will bi received el the office of the Mirlen Countr Court et the Old HUh achMi Beiiainf. n Hleh Btrcet. Belem. Oreton, until 11:10 A M . Aueuit 30. lttl. for: Out 1 Cubit Ttrd Robber Tired Meterle! uiedlnt Machine. apeculcatrons. laformslloa and Bid Blenbe tor bkldtri mer M obteloed et th. offlre of the Counir et the Old Huh School Bulldmi. 411 R. Church Street. Belem. Oreton. Both preaeeol malt be lubmllted an the preecribed bid form tnd ihall be aceompenlo4 by a certified cheek, eeihier'A check, or bid bond, poytblt tt the Idartoa County Treoaorer, Belem. Oreton, fn en tmount not lest then flit per eeal at tht total irneual bid. Tht Counly reeerrei the rliht t rt Jtet anr or all bids rreeivrd. MARION COURTT COURT Br Ret Mertlep, Countr judli. Br Roy J. Rim, Ctuaty Coinmieetmor. Br X. L, Rotor County Commlnloner Am. s, s, tni Doolin Held for Killing Wife Portland flJ.BWeley Dool in, 50, Prineville, was under guard in Good Samaritan hos- first degree murder in the death of his wife. Doolin's wife, Bertha May, about 45, was found shot to death in a car near her home at Prineville Saturday. Dool in was found a short time later in a swamp suffering a bullet wound. In Prineville, Crook county sheriff's deputies said Doolin admitted trying to kill himself but would not talk about his wife's death. Doolin's condition was said to be serious, but slightly im proved. Multnomah county sheriff s deputies maintained a guard at the hospital. He was brought to Portland after treat ment at a Prinevlll. hospital. DEATHS Chicago Ontena Chicago UJbaupwlle mcderct. de mand moderate, market acout toady. Track cales ro lbs ): V. t nnteai stated: California Southern Oeaae I inch and larger l.H, Stockton Yellow Seml-Olokes I-inch and larger l.H: Washington Telolwg N per eent O. S- 1, I-inch and laraer; Colorado While Oloc-ai 1 to J-IncA 3.00. Street a)u ( lbcli California Tal low Seml-Olcbes 1-Inch and larger Me I H. 3 to J -Inch l.U-1.61; Mldweat Medium Yellow Olebea 1.35-MW: Teiu White Oloae l-inck and lsrssr l.U. Ohleaga Oratn Chlcaao (JTh A good run M cask rain and nice rains In the Midweat up- aet earn n the board i trade Monday. Uee est end d to n couple al genu. Corn's weakness undermined other cereals. Wheat shewed elaac at times oi wanting to ahead, but gave up the attempt lata In the cession. Soybeans eased despite better price for cash been all. Weekend! rainn were a help to the bean crop a well as corn. Oat alone chewed real gtranith. The September contract advanced around 1 eent at ana time. Toward tne rntisa beat gains were cut down. Buying In oaU reflected poor yiekU af this cereal. Hcliing eiDry taenia od aalwralalm.aaftaaa. 2 aostaaa InWbM James Crothcre James Cr other, late resident of N. Hth U at a local hospital July 11 t the ase of II Surrived by nephew, R It. Crother. Salem. Grave lee services win o net at Lte Mission cemetery, Tuesday, August 4 at 1 a m. under the direction of the Howell-Bdward Ce. W l Ilia a p. paals William P. Pauls, late resident of 170 Hth st . at a ixai hospital July 11. survived y inters, Miss Oiadra M. Pauls. Salem. Mr. Or ace Steurer. Xs c on dido. Calif.: brother, Otto Pauls, Prineville, Charles Pauls, Culver, Ore. Announcement of service win ac made later by the Clough-Barrlek C. far I Leonard Pry Earl Leonard Pry. In Corvslll July 11 at the ase of M. Late resident of Salem. Father of Olsdv jiflks and Perls Vsldea, both of Salem, Riebard Pry, Culver Citr, Calif i grandfather af llliy Hill, Linda. Chriiiine, and Warren Puane Vstdec, ell of Salem; brother of Hsrry Pry, Vslva, N. D. and Mgrle Demrhen. Portland. Service will be held Wedneitday, August at 1 P m. in the w T. Rigdon Chapel with Inter ment at Selcreat Memorial Park. Cera Its. era Oswald Cora Bmara Oswald, at th residence. Mt Daniel St., July 11 At the Me of PO. Survived by children, Mrs. Claire Johnson, Oakland, calif., Mrs. Cora Wsidron, Salem, C- H. Cwald. Lapuai. Idaho, also 3 grandchildren. Member of IDA. church. Service will be held Tuesday. Aucual at 1:30 p m. in thai How!i-Edwrd cnapeL Kfler n, o Shaffner will offlelstc. Shipment will be made to OeiemeeiK ImUlf few final ervtcec had interment. How To Stop That ... and Feel Stronger fasti If roa'ew been feellat week aad tire, mlelr, end want to feel ttroater feet. r rocmher the real oaaoo af your tired ferllnt a, klMMt at'a law la Iroa. Btraarlliae lnaoor blood . . . Rebuild tired blond wltk fast-aetlnt. bilk aotoary Oerltol oad watel aormol aaorty aad etrenttb retural la not owe day OeritsMroa plua a alt p. later oomblaatlM of bwod-balWIor fa tore ore I your blooditroom Mrryial elrvnaih and anerwy to eeery part at youl kwl. Jual t tablMBooae aire yoa twice tat Irea la a poaad e eohee' Veer. 1 timet Ibe Iron ta a pee ad at Miaeek. Genie area eoalelM the efleetlre oatl-aaamle Vilemin B,. Bo use Oerltol to boild UM red, etronr blood which etope that tired feellnf test I Gel Oorltel, liquid ar tahMe. at your drutsioro. tow leei nrenter iw la 1 dare or vaor meaer keek I Doe re area orAcarory eweeak CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFI 30SS PAIROROUNDS RO. Spedallxlcg la Chines, ii Amartcaa Vooda Featuring "Oood roods . W.U prepared" . Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinirrrra and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS SLOCK CO. 74th E.HOYT ' : Approved Relnf oread . Ractanfular Pracart Sap tie Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocka Interlocking Blocks t' In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocka i Equipment Soles-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWStft IROS 1 1IS S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mow.ra - Paint Sprareri - Atr Cob pressors Sanders Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mow t , Sharpening Repairs ea All SmalLGat Engines , ' FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong a and Xubbar TUa Resld.ntial, Commercial Initallation Ruga and Carptrta .: Estimates Gladly . IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLBR SUPPLY CO 1110 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Wall Turbina. . . ,. Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip. Galvanized Pip and Fitting WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service en Any Pumping Equlpm.nt MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER " i SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 11)0 N. Liberty , Whse. 180 g. Liberty ' OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 24151 ROAD OILING 1174 Edgewater St WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER OR 3-377 ROAD ' OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBING a HEATING . Repairing I9S Chemeketa ' Contracting Residential .Commercial Industrial Dr. f. 1. Lam, tuy Dr. a. Chin. ID DM. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS OpsUIrt, 141 North Liberty OttlM open Bslerdir only I am to I a.m.. I ta 1 o m Consultation blood press a re and arlne telle trt free of chart. Practice tine mi writ for atbrutlee ilfl Ro abU- tetiaw PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUI savia We glv Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENIERRY PHARMACIES Ph.S-3157 130 $. tfcartf 310 (mirl, Dtwitowi 2440 traar, Hedkil (MrtK a4-HOUR SERVICE , ' Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. ISO S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 1:00 PJrl. and 6:00 P M to , 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays ' Radio Repair ZSZ Ph. 3-7577 MITCHELL'S RadidTl.viiion1 180 State Motorola "W Dtaltrt for ew Gentrol Electric, Pick up and Dcllvsry . ..