Pag-a 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortp Monday, August 3, 19SS FPU SAU HOUSES BT OWNUY-71 ft. blah.., fronUe.. Berth, nu, elder typo t-bedrooca Booao. lln Utnlitt. a taraiee end plenty fruit u4 salt, prlco 19.500. VOU 0-OJS1 tTW. HT EQUITY Is neat 1 S R. bouse on o, tain sl cm 1-3100. eiti BEDROOM bouM. Hardwood floora. W ..Ulan tripped. Insulated, vodern Blttnea. S-76M. 6146' AXRES and aman modera house. Tako food house trailer oo down payment. Rt. f. Box it, an mile out Ifcelny road. tut OWN Eft MUST SELL Die born short ustaac from Salem. Reason for cu- lac, UlaiM. Nice bom far couple. Will Sl. lurtUUMO AT USlurclUfML 4-7677 sin1 kuxift DISTRICT. Modern 3 bedroom nome. Attach, iuui. 1 cre. 38.750. Phone 4-1.0. aii5" aULVEBTON property for at I or trad xor saiem proper tr. oood I room house, fireplace, basement foroact. Approximately 1 acre. fruit tree. $.000. Term. Writ 170 K. 31L phone 8-603 or i-wsi. im Fob SALS or exchange. acrea, modern bona, inside utility, Una garage. Call -ioJ3. aiw BT OWNEE, 16,850 3 bedroom bouM. larta corner lot, paved treeta, close to store. bu. schools. 3-3364. a 184 $1500 Down FURNISHED! Hero 1 a Terr clean and neat 3-bed-roota borne that caa be bought com' pletelr furnished IncluCns w&oW, range, refrigerator and TV act, and lot only 8150S down. Replacement ooai of the furniture alone la worth mora than that It la located on A paved attest In tbs elty, with bua servic by the door. The yard la ai good aa the fcoua end garage. Full price only A19&0 furnished. ENGLEW00D BUY Thli homo li being offered BELOW OI appraisal. It baa 3 bedroom, larce kitchen and foreed air heet, alo lane Attached garage, paved t recta, not over yeara old and very attractive, run price only 18600, with easy term avail- 'Cj y REALTOR . , 1 punwr- amm llVHb, T i sfw 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. , Evening phone: 38341 a 104 I BEDBOOM bouse. Cheater and Lan ding. 111. wo. will be open Sunday. Owner. 3370 Lansing. a 184 JUST COMPUTED, 3 bedroom home. Heir Waablngtoa icbooL 3965 Larsen atreet. - alM 2 BB ROME 3 yra. old, tl.SOO do. Price 10.000. Drive by 3333 LibertT Rd. Allen C. .lonss. Realtor. 331 W. High. Phone 3-883$. Eva. 3-M4I. $V BEDBOOM "home," "ln""good location, very quiet ulshborhood. Dining room, living room and part basement, at tached garage, $8500. Owner will take food trailer house or car. Oood bua eerviee. J. B. Leclerc. Realtor, 1696 K. Capitol. Phono 3-3333. ai84 SrEW I bedroom ranch typo "borne. In Weet Salem, vltb view, 3 ear garage, largo living room, vltb largo wind owe, : dining-room, batb with built-in dress-1 ing table, modern fireplace, patio, lot f built-in and extra. $13,000. $3,000 dovn. Conaider law model atation wagon aa part down payment. Phone 3-Q3- 0185 ksiXXB ' DISTRICT 3 bedroom home. third acre, partly furnished, close to Achoola, bui, store. $6,800. Term or will tTada for 1 or 4 bedroom borne. 4- 1181. al84 VACANT 1013 N. 15TH BT, ZMMEDIATK POSSESSION Lit. I. Km- Fireplace, Bedroom I. t. Rm., Kitchen. Hdjr. Plr.. Base tat, S O. Furnace. Nice lot. JOHN J. PANN, REALTOR All N, High . Ph. 43483 Bvg. 17401 3847S 3331 S 3784! 0)83 JOR SALE ACREAGE I BKDBOOM boon on 1 ooro. Oood tor don ipot. Lot, of berrlei. 1 mllo from OUT llmlti. Prleo 11,000, 11,000 down, Boluco (71 month. J, K. LeClarc. K ti ter. 1IM M. CopltoL fhono 1-1369. REAL ESTATE Modern 3 BR & Den ThU IB burl lM down bon thti lodora roncb trpo boroo, onlr 3 St fooro old ood tn porftcl obopo. S lovotr bedroom, lorgo den. eorered .lto Mtb built-in dlnlnl table. Lond eapod nrd. beontlful irooo front ftnd reor. brick planter boxea. m bath nnd tn perfect ahapo. AJZ for VOH DAVia, zva. 1-1031. LOOK LOOK LOOK PARTY ROOM I BEDROOMS UI.l. BASEMENT BEAUTIFUL CARPET FIREPLACE DININO ROOM CLOSI IN ONLY Ill.tO Pot nppolntmant. call Lllllo Croaf Bra. phone 1-alll. MARRY, MERRY, MARY and aettlo down in this 4 -bedroom family borne. 1 bedroom down and 2 bedroom up. Built In English style nd In extra fine condition inside and ut. Located In Englewood school dis trict. Pun baaement xao living room. Lara dining room, beautiful yard. ASK IOr THKlaMA MANKKRTZ. AVI. Ph. 3-80M. lvM Palriroundt Road Phone - - 4-lltt $200 DOWN Is all rou aeed, and balance Ilk rent will pay for a large 3-bedroom home It's not a new home, but it is in Meal location for a growing family. ciu to trade, Jr. high and high school Bus b door. Largs, well-shaded lot. ST. VINCENT 4-bedroom bom only 1750. Really a roomy home With Blent of atnrara pace. Lars corner lot with fruit tree and tots of lower. Only 3 block to eehooi. Would trad for a mall house just ouuiao city limit. KINGWOOD SPECIAL Bew t-bedroom home with an ox ellenl Tiew. Deelrned lor quiet, com i on a we living. Lane living room vlth a dining L. A parlous kitchen 3d i re lane utility. $13,500 and a fin aeighborbood goea free with this REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South nth fitreot Phone 3-9701 Phoen eventnea and Sunder, e-1671. 4-I3M. t-S31t. 3-1344. 31174 cl4 cuoairno ADvrsTiaiNO Pee Ward, , Imm j, Pw W.rd P K.ta, I tla,H , Pee (M. l ai.nik owe No Betule Ml.iaa.m It Warda. BIADII I, s, Coloean Only, rvr j, , w.,de. T PUcs Ad In Sam, Dnf-i Paper, Phon, 2-2404) Befors la a.m. REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Wl MIZD Lurnn: Hmdm. Ttrmt, Aertuet. EuilneMta. Motor Couru o4 Trm: Wbot Bovo Tool CAN'T BEAT IT tif iu. Oni mo, old. Aa In a pi ration for any boue-wile. Oreen botwe. Ouuide and to-Me fireplace. flirbaii dUDotaL Oil furnace, vei- vetr lawn. Lovely abruba. Oaraae. Insulated. Full price only 113.1 Term. APPROVED FOR HAPPINESS Plui Ift ihlu ne. Oil H.w ut. 2 B!k. lo bua. S ki pom. Xa- oolot. Too prtc U ooir M7M. Ttrw. VERY SPECIAL Keriroom home vltb A baaemrnt TUe roof. 3-car garage. Automatic rmkla jyatem. Falrmount area PeicetuI St. Shown by appointment only. Full price 813.400. Term. INEXPENSIVE! SPACIOUS! Rome la Englewood. Ha I bedroom. In good condition. Oiragg. Plreplace. i..m a nka- to school. Imm. poa. Bargain price of $7070. You couldn't mis. TRADE FOR ACREAGE A nl nice 3brdroom bom tn St. Vincent and BUbland dlst. Ha gar age plu o car port. Lovely lawn end beiutllul nruD. very quiet e. amp. utiitt rnnra. will exchange lor Acre age north or east with raacn-tpe borne. Full price 113.7 JO. FAMILY SET UP Tea, this la It. Very modem fruit market. Modern clean living Quar ter. Several trailer apace. Modern r iterator. 3 acre blah way front' age. Thla ha been a very prospermia butlneas for many ye.iri. Full price for everything only 124,000. OUT OF THIS WORLD Motel and hotel combination. Thla 1 super deluie. Brand new. Deluxe ruga throuchout. Immaculate bath room each unit. Lifetime ateel furni ture. Beauty rest mattrease. Thl motel has only been In operation for 0 weeks. W are amazed at the in come. Full price $136,000. Liberal terms. VARIETY AND LADIES' APPAREL Thl Is a beauty. Ha been end U a big money maker. The stock and equipment are the flneet. Etablihed for many year. We consider thl one of the finest businesses of it kind have ever had on our doom. stock at Inventory apprx. $30,000. put urea can either bo bought on lib- oral term or owner will leas to tenant. 8 APARTMENTS The location 1 fine. Rent all very reasonable. Monthly gro&a Income $307. ; Very low overhead. Liberal term. Full; pric only $n.ow. 10 ACRES Very close in, paved Rd. Very close to school. Very modern clean 3-bed-xoom bouse. In the best of repair. Ma chine ahed. Barn. Chicken bouse. Oar age. Very good well. Pull price $8&00. YEAR ROUND CREEK Through thl 15-acrt tract Only 8 miles from Salem. Land could be imitated. Very good new a-bedroom modern borne. Barn, garage, brooder bouse, chicken bouse. Very good well. School bua. Full price only $16,000. 62 ACRES Modern 3-bedroom bouse. Barn. Chick en house, only 2Vi milea from good town. Considerable fruit and wal nut. School bus. One of the most beautiful views you bar ever put two eves on. Terms. Full price 18740. For Business Opportunities add Homes call for RAY GRIMM ETT, CEve. 3- 7670) OT MR. KIOOINS. lEve. 4- 84941 OT MR. CRAWFORD Eve. 4-50301 or DAN IBAAK. Eve. 4-3933). For Farm Only call for MR. LEAV ENS, (Eve. 3-4735). If no answer call 4-3341 LICENSED IN OREOON. " WASHINGTON AND IDAHO MORTOAOE LOANS 30 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office phone: 4-3311 or l-783t Eve. Phonea: 3-4735. 4-9494, 4-5020, 4-3533 or 3-7670 3i)35 Portland Road If no answer, pbona 4-334$ Cl$3a CAR OR CASH New 3 -bedroom home, nicely finished. hardwood floor, automatic oil heat, gar sue, paved atreet In good district. Specially priced ot only 18,300. Owner will take late model car or will sell on reasonable term. Call atr. An' tueraon. C. V. KENT & CO. M No, Church Phono 4-3M3 Evrntnit ond Sanday: Andcreoa 3-1744 elll" mitt unn tiimit limit! titmmtt luttitttl tllUllllt lltllllltl tititiiiiiiiiiiill tlUltltlltlll ttllllllllllllllltlU tlllllllll 61 llllllllll huh it ft miuit unit i tun 61 LIST BUY SULLIVAN TRAOX-IN Small hotu or car. 3 Bdrm home, I.H, DH, Kit with lota of built- Ins. tiled bath, shower, hardwood floors, otl furnace. 1100 a. ft. Patio, flrrplare, fln pond on I1, A. East 813,500. UNUSUAL very attractlv t Bdrm home with den. lee rms, oli-flred bot water beat, cedar aiding. 3 blka school. Drape carpet go. Lg fenced lot, patio, nuts, garden, lawn, shrubs. $14,000. VIFW HOME. 3 Bdrm ranch stile mahogany paneled dtn with bullt-ln book shelf A dk. 18.33 LR With vtew windows ct ftreplac. DR s Br Nk. Basement with party room and fireplace. St. pavement Included prlre. Be It Ot 390 Forest Hill Way. J0.40Q. ENOIeXwooD TilsT. Very well ar ransed home with fireplace, full base ment, sawdust furnace, able. plbg.. clone to school. Quiet net hbor hood. A 3rd bedrm In basement. 1643 Orant St. Make an offer. 813,000. Eve. Ph. 3-4M. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 33 Portland Rd. Ph. 4-IMJ Br. Office 37 N. Htlh Ph. 4-M33 Eve. Pn. 4-334, 3-48t, 3-l4J C184 WANTED REAL ESTATE NtlTlt'Ei If your property u for aalo. rent or exchente, uat it vltb va. wo hare all kind, ot eaib buyere STATE PINANCE CO. RXALTORS 151 S HUD St ca BR ARK In need of food to toll. In or near Salem. If yon wlab 10 Uat your properly for aala, ,ee OHAJll-NHOHflT BROS. REALTORS IS. s Lthfrty Ph. 1-3411 ea EXCHANGE ALESTATE 1 nrnnoilM borne, U.MO. Tale traUer houM aa part down payment. Phone 3-46. l-letl. rbll6 U ALL AH Nk modern 3-bedroom home, free of debt, t larte lots, paved streets, on bus line. Would lit to trad for home in Sa.em of aame value. Write 173, Capital Journal. bl$S REAL ESTATE NOW IT CAN BE SOLD! it-acre lot with family fruit berries. Thl new Dating tn oxclusiv . aorUi aub. dlatrict. 3-4 bdrm.. H. rooca with fireplace, din. room open ing out to flagstone terrace. Attractive kitcbea with ceramic tile coun ters, nook, bath with ceramic tile powder bar, 9 adrms. down, 3 up, baaement. auto, oil turn. Outdoor barbecue, luscious garden and plant ins. Fric $13,000. ENGLEWOOD - FIRST LISTING for tbla Capo cod aheeo 4-kdns. borne ltb dale, plbc, oeporato dtn., rm.. fireplace, nice kitchen vltb eating apace. Auto, oil beat, dpacloue room., will orranaed. to block to bua, blocka to ecbeol. Mlcelr pluu ed, email lot la aid. diet, near boapltol a cllnlca. Oood Urine. Price til, to. CUTE BUT 3-bdrm . plastered, newly deooratod, store, Richmond school eb bus. STOCK ANDOR TURKEY RANCH 17$ Rolltng Acres. Practically all plow land. 110 seeded to permanent hay and pasture. Balance native grass, with a little timber around tno edges. Numerous rear-around spring. Some irrigation posslbl but not necessary. Family orchard. Two barns. Other outbuildings. 4-bdrm. home. Older but modern. Wired for rang. Owner raising 3000 breeder turkey, culd be bad. a well as $$ bead Hereford, and farm equip ment. Asking price of farm. $34,000. Stock and equipment extra. $10.00$ vill handle. Located about 3$ mi. NX of Salem in Marlon couaty. - A. A. LARSEN, Realtor lit . Bub A E. Beckett Ph. 14M1 Andr Heltoriea Pa. 17111 A. 3 Bedrooms -East Englewood California bound I These folk have lust listed with us their very, very lovely 1-year-old bom. Tbr' a 3 -car garage, tnsido utility, wall-to wall carpeting, a beautiful birch kitchen, lovely lawn and abrub. Ton can't beat It for $18.1001 Loo Ohmart BEAMED CEILLING! Thl new 3-bedroom borne Is a real breath-taker. The living room has I open beams above and dandy homey fireplace. There'e lots of knotty pin, and a 100x180 lot. Just appraised FMA $13,500. Come and get itl NEW 2 BEDROOM PLUS HOME EAST Here's a dandy new homo by a good builder, complete with fireplace, dining room. Inside utility. 3 bedroom plu a finished room over the attached garage. Selling for FHA appraised prlco of $10,500. GORGEOUS SETTING This fine 3-bedroom homo 1 now vacant and wanting a new owner. Lota of room in the house (dining room, breakfast nook, fireplace, utility room, etc.) and a large patio, all la a jetting of lawn and tall pines. You'll Ilk Itl LARGE OLDER TYPE HOME ENGLEWOOD A good family homo la a eloae-tn tocatoo on "D" atreet. 3 bedroom, fireplace, dmlng room, roomy baaement, ale yard, quick basement. FOR THE GROWING FAMILY You should see this large 3-bedroom homo east. It has many extra ' features yon will Ilk. 1700 q. ft. floor space, inside utility room, sep arate shower, largo well-landscaped lot. This 4 a lot of bouse for $lt.$00. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors 47T Court fit. Eve.: Ted MorrUon 3SQM Ralph liaddr 33111 Louia Lorena 35500 Grabenhorst Specials ENGLEWOOD BEAUTY If yon ore looking for n apadoua l-bdrm. home, thla lo it. Beautiful lie. llv. rm., din. rm. vlth bullt-ln bullet. Tiled both and kitchen, utility rm, attached Unite tame. CALL 4. E. LAW SUBURBAN LIVINO AT ITS BEST Here la a beautiful 1-bdnn. home. S dovn and 1 up, llr. in, din. rm., fireplace, hdwd. fire., lie. kltchrn, radiant llaea beat, eloae to oehool and bua. Pine location, 1300 tn. ft. on lint floor. Clean borne, lie. lot. 610.500. CALL ROY S.. PERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER. HIOltLAND OR BT. VINCENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 1 bdrml.. lit. rm. with fireplace, dlnlnc rm.. kttonen with breakfast area, convenient utility rm. Oil funace. Prlco 11100. Immediate poaaeaalon. CALL K. K. LAYUON EAST SALEM Nice quiet location. Neat, clean B-m. borne with nulde utility, tuto. beat. Eraf. nook, nice yard, outaida fireplace. Price 10.506. CALL J. E. LAW ROLUNO LAWN 4, OAKS Beautiful aettinc In one acre, elose-ln borne .Duelled In Oake well back from pared road. 9 bdrma.. llv. rm., din. rm., fireplace, excellent condition thruout. Appros. 1500 oo. ft. 614,500. CALL ROT 8. PERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER KEIZER IRRIOATED ACREAOE Price buludea over 1100 ft. of pine. Irritation well. 6.7 acrea of the beat aoll, expandable two-bdrm. borne. Owner leavlot Saltm. Prlco (14,000. CALL H. K. LAYMON GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 B. Liberty St, , ' Ph. 3-3171 Evening ak Sundara call H. K. Lermon 3-5193 Roy S. Ferris 3-8010 3. E. Law 3-5113 c EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TAKE TRAILER bouM Or 1300 dn, 4 yr. old 3 br. home, 65.350. Allen C. Jonee, Realtor, iji n. una. pnono 1-6131 Eve. 1-6646. eb BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOSS your own business buy thl nlco beat grocery is meat market, doing a gobd Dusiness. Ail goes, lock, stock and Xlx tura. for 18780. Terms. $30M dn. A neat inat u real, se sen colbath. ediu BY OWNER, excellent tavern In central Oreaon. Lease I, food and la priced rltht to move, 613.000. Soma terma to rlaht party. See Pred Kinney, loot Wall St., Bend. Prcyon. cdl63 GOOD GROCERY . Thla t probably the best buy la Salem at 18. wo for business, equip ment and fixtures. Inventory extra. Store grosses 880,000 annually and owner aara this could be r.ti tr. creased by advertising. He's ready to retire, tvau a-saii, Kamser Realty. cd!84 Equipped Restaurant $80 per month. Phone S-$81 or 3-483 tot inisrmaiion. odlM BUSINESS & INCOME DUPLEX You can't beat thta tor th reduced pric of $5,940. Dandy location. Ltv in one side and rent th other. prvent owner selling duo to Ut health. Phone 0-071 1. Ramsey neaitv. miiii FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN PRIDAY 4b UONDAT BVZNTNOB dl3 WANTED FURNITURE fa To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Dial 4-4494 REAL ESTATE SPACIOUS! auto, beat,- Inside utility, near Price i7ta Phono lout WtlU . Ph. 2JTM ClU Rudy Calaba Phono 31115 . 34116 Henry Torvend 13632 AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS ' 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM ddlS3 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK IOUNO PUREBRED Hereford bull 6110. Phon, 35694 cvenlnae. .184 OOOD IAMILT cow. flrat calf Ouemaer heifer, mtlktnf 4 t allon per day. Train to a take out, 4586 K. Monroe Ave. rll4 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEP White face Hereford. 14e. Locker pork 45c. Notbtnt down. 6 moe. to pay. cuatom aunnf. Trailer loaned fret. Solan Mont Co, ' 1336 s. 15th. Ph. 1-46U ea RABBITS Dora AND Bucka, California ttraln Oood clean 4 lock. 4416 Claxter Rd. .0307" PETS HOLLYWOOD AQUA RUM 195$ UcCot. one block east of N. Capitol. l' blocks north Of Madison. Ph. 3-6897. ec304 CHAMPION BE ED BOXKB puppies, err pup potential champion. Moore Tropical Fish, Parakeets, Turtle, sup plies, i mues rrom Lancaster on Meelsay eoa-A. 4-3773. Closed Wednes day. - ecl94 PARAKEETS. 31843. 3180 Llv In too. Phone cl8$a SIAMESE KITTEN! Registered, reason able. Phone 44388. ecl$3 BEAUTIFUL WEIMARANFRA PUrPIES Your choice, $100. SOU Evergreen avenue. erlM FUEL August Special Planer ands . green or dry - 3-cord roao, 81. out or town deliver!. WEST SALEM PUEL CO. It3$ Edge water. Ph. 3-4031 e30f' tfjiRD PICKED 14" slab wood. 3 cords $14. Fboa itndertoa, 37751, 4-43. eel4 FOR SALE POULTRY WB ABB batching New Hampahtra Oold- on Broad and Arbor Acrea Whit Rock, very week. Special price to rear around fryer growers. Fox Hatchery. 3830 Stat St. Phone !. f- DRESSED FRYERS. Ph. 4-1244 fl$3 OEEflB AMD CtOJltfjgB, Phon 38000 fi$4 to XEW RAMP pulleu rtadr to lay. Mra. H. E. Mibler, Oerval. Tib and O. fl4 PRODUCE CANNING APRICOTS, direct from Ya kima, Choice cot thru season. Crop It bort ee don't wait. Also raspberries, boysea, log an and young now la easea. Transparent apple, peaches oon. Wo will have ever? thing as it come on direct from farm to yoa. Phil Up Bros Farm Market, $$ Port land Rd. Pnon 3-4)13. ff MONTMORENCY pie Chem delivered 18 pound. A W, Baca a. Fboa 3-ion llltw m FOR SALE POULTRY NTW CBOrft. white roes pots tea. $0 lea. . Green Apple laarket, a sail a north on tE. ffiaa HELf WANTED BEAN F1CKEBI Pick wber the pick. tnga good. Special boaus to drlve-tna. Register now. W. R. CoUett. Follow elan oat North River Road pest Rei ser. Start about August 8th. glM IDEAL BEAM PUKING ml. east of Reiser on Chemawa Hwy. U1 run bus rout. Joseph utjotr, paoao 4407. alts BEAN P1CREB WANTED for platot. i ana ewer. Tranaportauon furnished, Picking starts about August Itth. Call sirs, atoeiquut, 4-oon. gm TABT1NO TO pick beans bfonday, Aug. Jra. Clarence Herr. Rt. i. Bog 18 liverton. Fhono Salem 3137 at SU verton .3U1$. git NOTICE: Registered bean nickers. Rlen. ache's Bean Yard's wilt start picking tvra., a usual uin, nog a.m. giu BEAN PICKERS register nov. Frank To ner, 1390 Harmony Dr 1ft mile north east of Ketaer. Phono 4-373. (Watch paper 4or suntng date glU HELP WANTED MALE NEW CAB bALKSMAN permanent pool. .ion. oc.i aai u vaiter. Reference. rwiuireo. writ, noz 17a, capital Jour, o.i. ,mit' VSID CAB lot boy. Permanent. Ad. vancement opportunity. See Beldy, aaer jirotnero. oo cento, street. laltt HELP WANTED FEMALE LUMBER SECRETARY Permanent position for high type glrL Must take shorthand. Invoking experience neiprui. For appointment. asa i or auien atcrariand, phono 1-4173 gbl$4 CAR HOP, Apply J. Drive inn. No phon calls pleas. gbl$4' EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Day sniit. no Mtinaay work. Clark', 470 Court. gblS4 BOOKKEItfEB 34 ust be npcrlenccd. Excellent working condition. Perma nent position. Reference required. writ box 177. capital Journal. gbllft POSITION WITH A FUTURE Married woman with pleasing personality who needa to add 149 to $7$ or mora every week to family Income. Out of town opportunities also open, car neces sary. Ace 3ft to 4$. Piexible working Dours. rermaneni position wiin nation al organisation. Opportunity for pro motion. Write now for "Oct Ac quainted" application. I. O. Carroll ampire tyra;is corporation, .Newark, New York tSate. gblSV WANTED LADY with fountain or res taurant experience. Should lira near. Pbona 4-1793 after 11 am. Capitol Zesto. dm n. Capitol. abi$4 PLEASANT PROTESTANT baby sitter. as occasional companion to semi-invalid. Box 178 Capital Journal. gbl84 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Best Jobs! P Oen. Ofc. Apt. fltr 1300 P c-en. Ofc. Lt. ahorth. 6 da. ...3300 P Ini. underwriter exp open P Recept. Or.'a ofc. part time. 61.25 nr P stock control clerk 1170 P Salea epvar., exp. ready to wear 1100 P PBX Opr. 30-40 6150 P Accl. 6 day 6335 P Bkkpt. machine opr. 11-35.. 1300 F Secretary 6335 F Uedlcal jteno 6300 P fitenod. several b da 6300 M Oen. ofc. etmle man, out ...6335 M Sale, trainee. 2 yra. col. ...1300 CLOSED SATURDAYS DUR1NO AUGUST COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 414 State St. (Oreion BWe.l 4-3351 PORTLAND OFC., 430 8. W. MORRISON Ifl83 WANTED SALESMAN THREE MEN between 33-40 years for retail bakery routes. Must have or bo able to obtain !fc ton truck. Earnings from 3100 to $300 weekly. Oood fu ture. People with routa or sales ex perience preferable but not essential. Call Marlon hotel 3-4133. Ask for Mr. Benn. gl$3 WANTED POSITIONS ROTOTILLINO uiddle Orov Nursery, 4920 stlverton Rd. Phone 4-4632. h' EXPERIENCED baby Sitting, day. No Sunday. 3-3773. by hour or hi 86 TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, blade work;, bay and grass mowing. Phon 3-3041, bl$3 PAINTING AND decorating, 35 years ex perience in Salem. Free estimates. 3-7:52. hlM LANDSCAPING, DESIGNING Pre es timate. Guaranteed results. Mainten ance work. Phon 3-2579. b!86" RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will go daya or night. Phon 3-9M4. B300 FAINTTNO Brush, gpray. Waterproofing. Satisfac tion guaranteed. L. E. "Hess" Nel son. Phone 2-4307, 38343. bl$$ PAINTING, papering, carpenter work. Day or contract. Phone 31643. hl38 CHILD CABS Englewood District, 1000 , istn. Mrs. Heme jonnson. sbbm. hl85 AM EXPERIENCED farmer, welder, hcetmetal worker, furnace installer. s mo at 3630 Garden Rd Salem. hl84 PAINTING, PAPER hanging, day or contract, small jod welcome, rnone 3-7692. h207- LIGHT CRAWLER dosing, dirt level ing, grading. Phone 3-3330. b207 PAPKR HANGING, painting. Free es timates. Don Lucero. Pn. rn. nao7 SPRAY PAINT1NO PHONE 4-n0S. 3-8591 EDUCATION IP YOU like to draw, sketch or paint- write for Talent Test (no leet. oive ase and occupation. Box 173. Capital Journal. hhl86- FOR RENT OPFICE SPACE tnoulre nt lot S Blah J Phone 1-4114. LARGE warehouee epac, for rent ot leau. Cement flfora, brick bulldln, Down town. Inoulr R. U Stiff Fur nlturo Co. Phone 1-6185. 1 FOB LEA9B 160 to 300 feet frontato on Edtewater St. weal saiea. un J. F11U. ph. 31401. ) FOR RENT ROOMS BOOMS tor f irlt. Kitchen prlviletee. tue entire house, eel N. Wlnwr. Phone 1-4171 or 1-6460. It lit LARGE CLEAN loom fOT 1 OT 1. 1555 N. Capitol. 11M ATTRACTIVE BOOM cloaa to atate buliamti. 539 N. winter. WW CLOltE, NICE dean front room, bot. coloJ w.t. Ml fmui lklaan SI.EEP1NO BOOM, for 1 1. TOO N. llltf Church. Phone l-eua. PLEASANT RLEKPINO room, dote In. brlvat, entrance. Man. aw r. cot taar. Iklll Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PAL00KA mgeaaa?gaaaasf'w, py,M A fp., 4 them eTtw 'U meee i ast Borneo "1 1 tare us V amn't vou nevw it th ' FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN. OLDER 3-bedroom home, full baaement. sawdust furnace. 80 per Located north, suburban. 3- octbeaat, 8M per month. Older S-tpsaeoca, located vary dose In. SS. Newer 1 bedroom court rental, range and rofrteerator furnlahed. Raw lins Realty, 30$0 B. Capital, 4-171. Jar S-BEDBOOM almost new modera bouse. Fori Information, call l$4$. Jml$la UPSTAIRS DUPLEX Clean, very large. 3 room and bath. $4 per month Contact BUwlis .Realty. Ph. 4-1781 or 3-444. rn $ BEDAOOU boms, automsUc beat, fall basemaat. $U per avoolb. phone s-eiee. jm UP AND DOWN duplex, newly decorated. rum ana out. upstair furalehed. beat ftrraiabed. Fhono 33U3, jmla S BEDROOM boo, 30300. Caa be seen 137$ Smith, oveninaa. Jmlaa ROOM modera cotta aafurnlsbed. colso tn. Inquire 7 la rear of $74 if. Church. jmlSS1 FURNISHED S bath, gar as a, laundry. ReeAanabl. Portland Rd. la a alt 3t4s jmla' -BEDROOM unfurnished house. V. blinda, hardwood floors, electric beat. $& per month. Lincoln school dlst. Children welcome. Mo pets. Caretaker at 437 atate. Phon 1-M3J. Jmin SMALL BOUSE, clean. in. fur- nisneo. eog so. High. jml$4 ROOM BOUSE, oil brat, fireplace, basement. AduiU. 1137 N. 4th. JmlA3 1 BEDBOOM modern bona la country. Phone 41355 after S. Jml83a BEDBOOM. clean, modern, unfurn. iabed house in country. Phon 3-1340. ONE PUBNISRED apartment one un furnished bouse. Both clean. Phone 3-T7.1T. rml3 BEDBOOM duplex, automatic water heater, wired for range, oil cir culator, water furnished, near stores and bus. TOO 8. 3lst At. 3-0873. Iml84 OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR office or store apace lor rent, call at rut Market. lo TWO BUILDINGS Is Hollywood. Could be used as one. Door between: approx imately 1.000 q. ft. $50 month, each aid. Call Rawlins Realty, 3.464, or 4-17fll. In FOR RENT APARTMENTS S-BEDBOOM turnUhed duplex apart- ment- Adult. Phone 3-8300. JplSJ1 FURNISHED DUPLEX apartment. Elec tric range, recently redecorated. 3 blocks from downtown. $45, $40 N. Commercial. See Mgr. $:00 p.m.-$:00 p-m. Jpl$3' BOOM furnished apartment. Private aauv. utiutt paid. Phone 3-4084. JpIW COVERED WAGON house trailer. 318.00. i n. ata at. )pl85 DOWNTOWN first floor, 3 room, bath. private entrance, ess center. jpiBB1 ROOM furnished apartment, private nam. neat. Mirigrator. $ if. High, JplSS FURNISHED Bachelor apartment. Utili ties furnished. Clean, close In, rea aonable. Phone 46292. Jpl88a CLOSE IN, small furnlahed apartment. iar, utilities, 127. 705 Marion. jp165" ATTRAVTIVE 3 room furnished, cloae In, inquir 70, in rear 01 074 . Church. 1p1$8 KOOMB, 2 bedrooms, clean, well fur nished. No objection to children. 3183 Moody Ave. Phon 3-9463. Jp185 ATTRACTIVE It room apartment. Elec tric range and refrigerator. Private bath, knotty pin interior, wall to wall carpets. South. Phon 1-0713. pl$3 5-BOOM furnished apt., u till tie In cluded. Hollywood district. 150 month. 3050 Myrtle St. JplSB SOUTH STATE AT 1STB Cheerful 3- room corner furnished apartment. SftO. To see, phon 3-4370. Jpiss 3-BOOM furnished apartment. Nice and dean. Utilities. Close In. 34$ Marlon. Jpl83 MODEBN TJNFCBN1SBKO 4-roatn. 1 bed. room apartment. 1140 so. 13th. Jpltd NICELY FVBNI1B1D ntortmenti; baaaador Apta. 150 No. Summer. FUR NIBBED large 1 rooma and bath, clean. Phono 4-1161, 3-1683. Jd1!3 LARGE, CLEAN, modern. 1 ond 1 bed room apartment,, partly fnrnlahed. Available now. lost Edfewater. Weat Salem. Ipl86" 4 BOOM modern, electric rente, refrlter tor. Water, heat furnished. 150. 3160 B. ComX .fter 4 p.m. Pbona 41453. Joltl" SEVEBAL furnlihed npartmento, food location, inqulro H. L. stiff Purnlturo. Phono 1-6165. Jp 1-BOOM Apnrtmtnt, private bath and entrance, clean, cloao in. lurnlahwl. 413 S. Vltb. JplW CLEAN AND nicely furnlihed 1 room basement apartment, tie for 1 person. 130 So. lllh. Ipltv TO QUITE couple. 1 room completely furnlahed. 150. Ind floor. 666 14. Cot tate. Join ATTBACTIVE cool furnlahed apt. Suit able for 1 tlrla or couple, close to State House and Shopplnf Center. Automatlo washer, tlectrle dryer. 468 N. Winter. Ipl64 1 BOOM apartment, newly decorated. Purntahed or unfurnlahed. Rlde-a-bed. atovo and rerrlterator. laundry faclll tlea and farbatf furnished. Reaaonable Worklnt lady preferred. )M So. 17th. Jpl84" 1-ROOM furnlahed apartment, dose In. around floor. Private batb. Phone 16761 plI4 NEWLY REMODELED 1 rooms, furnlih ed. Private batb. 136 so. Itth. 3-6336. 1P167- IN TUR.NIE Modern furnished 2-oed-room apartment. Phono Salem 4-1467. 1P187- 1 BOOM furnished apt. Private batb or entrenet. 19,3 N. Capitol. 4-4710. 1P184- LEE APTS. Salem's Most Distinguished Addreu. For attractive, convenient, modern liv ing it' Salem' flneet. Bachelor unit at $55; another ot $57. Centrally lo caed. Television available. Inspection invited. 585 N. Winter. JP133 FURNISHED basement, 3 room, utilities, prvate bath. 420 8. 30th. pl84 LOST a FOUND LADY'S Bl'LOVA wrist watch In or near Senator Hotel. Reward. Pbona Stayton 4534. kill' LADY'S WBIST witch. Saturday. Corner of Liberty and Chemekera. Reward. Phone 41371, ei. U or ovenlnta, 17101. LOST Sprinter Spaniel. 8 months old. brown and white. Blfhland district. 1-7561. Reward. kill LOST SABLB Collla dot. Reward. Phone 1-3706. kilt MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 1-RR. SERVICE IN MOST OASaTt DR. HARVEY SE1ILER. DENTIST Adolpb BUM., Stat, A Commercial Sts. SALEM PH. 1-3111 to MISCELLANEOUS BBTE-BIYB TRUCKS O-DRTYB MOVE YOORAKLP SAVB CAB BENTALS - STAKES . TABS TEXACO STATION 111 OOO RT ST. PHONE 1.161 faqe arnvKNsoa and al mbppord SALDI SAND OKA TKX COMPANY Contract work Bond Cktarlaf . Dltcbnu Sawer and Baaement Equipment Rental Dftcbln, by the pool Pnon Deyo 34HI Bvaa. 1-4411 er 1-7413 Salra. Omon aa BUILDING MATERIALS Knotty Pine Paneling 3129 60, shelving 1 139.10. ma hoe any plywood 4x$ Sfte ft. It' ntcel Fir plywood K low as Sc. Ue. Ply wood for any Job cat to your site. Hardboard 1-7$. wall board 1.40. aldinga 850.50 up. Flooring priced right. Cedar for fence weave 15.00 to 35.00 M. Very attractive! (Screen and screen doors, roofing, cedar, oak flga, ev erything for your Job. Free delivery and estimating servioe. No down pay ment 3$ monuu to pay. Pins list of carpenters to recommend. Com an la and ruitl Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY 4 .Portland Rd. Pn, 4-441 . ' ma Keith Brown Close-Outs Reiulay Salt 1x8 - r-1 No. 6 Common Shlplap 636.06U Its.ooM Carrier Load lots 30.0OM 4U . r to 10' Roui-t Car Stakes .56 aa. 3-0 X 1-f I It. .40. 641 Screen Door H4 - 4-1 edibtr. M-O Ploorlnt 14 - 4-6 cotbtr. va Ploorlnt t Shaper 17.56 1 Driu Press 13.50 1 Toilet 40.00 1 Double Compartment 7.50 ' 114.00 134.00 60.63 46.68 M.00 Sinks 31 36 SMI I Roll (30 rod) Field Penc 11.(0 11.05 1 Rom (a, rod rolls) Barbed Wire 1 Oeneral Electric Pane . 14.86 1.11 11.11 SOME BATHROOM FIX TURES & AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES LEFT AT , 80 OFF. 16-Ute Prencb Doors 1-6 X 1-6 11.41 9 67 1-4 Z d-8 14.36 10.34 1-6 X 6-1 14.46 10.41 1-1 X 6-1 14.54 10.41 Band At Power Toouf eb Flumblnf - Tools at 35 off. 1 - 40-ft. No. 90 Extension Ladder 40.61 1 1 - lt-ft. No. 60 Extension Ladder 11.01 1 1 - 11-ft. No. 61 Extension Laddera 11.60 1 1 - 30-ft, No. 100 Extension Ladder 11.01 1 - le-It. stepladdera No, 11 35.60 1 - 11-ft, stenladder No. 11 17 10 11.10 ALL SALES ON DISCOUNT ABLE MERCHANDISE FIN AL - NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front At court Street Pbona 1-6111 WB GIVE SetH OREEN STAMPS ma SALE Ralls, carload supply 19.75 Camp Adair tutd window Sfi.00 Painted shake with undercouno 110.76 TJn painted cedar ahakea $6.00 New 4x8 plaster board $1.40 v- aianogany pirwooa ,aoc V Mahogany plywood .2e Colored batb sets, complete. .EAROAIN Toilets, wash basins, kitchen sinks. water heater CHEAP Hew 4' soil pipe 70c 4 solid oranxc-burg pipe a, 38c New bath tuba, complete ......369.&0 300 gal. steel septic tank 367.50 Metal garage doors, complete. .145.00 Waterproof wall board. 4x$ ....81-7fi Hew Grade-A screen dwor .86.80 New fir door jamb $2.50 PlywAod. aU kind .CHEAP Weatherstrlpped window 314.20 Picture window, sash .... BARGAIN Loos Insulation, per bag .......11.00 No. 1 cedar shingle ...$0.26 No. 3 cedar thins lis $5.00 Oomp. roofing, first srad $$-$ C. G. LONG & SONS Ph. 4-5061 on mU H. of Kclrn ma Remodel, Repair, Now Save your cash for a rainy day. No down payment, 15 months to pay Epping Lumber Co. 1710 SUverton Rd. Ph. 46131 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ma LUMBER FOR SALE Oood ahlplap. 135 per M. atraltht. No. 1, 155. No. 1 and better. 165. 1-ln. lumber. 115 per M and np. Phone 3-2043. malts FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS BETTER BUYS Glenn Woodry niBJ Mcculloch chain saws, sos Edge water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1641 B m7W. REFRIGERATOR Hot point range, chrome dinette sU 3 double deck coll springs, lnnersprlng mattress, bed stead, radio phono combination, lawn mower and miscellaneous. 1160 Lee St. ni85 BETTER BUYS Glenn Woodrys nlBS- VACUUM CLEANER Nearly r.ew Ken wore tank cleaner. $10 50. Star. Roebuck At C., phon 3-911. D185 BETTER BUYS Glenn Woodry ttl83a DOUBLE LAUNDRY TRAY, stand and fitting. $10. Horn evening. 3235 Livingston street. ni85 OETTER BUYS Glenn Woodry nl6I TALL GRASS and weed are a fir has ard. If you are guilty-better get busy. Rent a power sickle bar mower at Snook's. 1255 Broadway. nlf3a BETTER BUYS Olenn Woodry nl83 TOP SOIL Klver am and fill dirt Prompt Uverr. Phono 1-1746. BSTTEB BITS Olenn Woodrra mat' BOSPITAL BED for eal, a, rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Pbono 1-6166. . BETTEB BUYS olenn Woodrra nl83 Journal Want Ads Pay For Sola MISCELLANEOUS Metal Fence P eminent. No pkeep. Pro, tu tbataa. 34 as as. to pay. BORKUAN LBR. BTJW. CO. lift SUt, St. Phone 11761 Bill. BSTTEB BUY Plena Woodrra ill SEWING MACHINES White Rotary portable. Excellent condition. 123.5,. Bleclrse conaolo aawln, machine, (H.60. Sean, Roe. buck Co., phone 1-1161. nut. BEMINGTON POBTABLB TTpowrttert i.. bow- nuim sronor. at. m. washer. ITU Madison. alas titlABT FifiT lira for aalo. Phone COMPLETE bouaebold furnlahtua. Chee tenner eklrta. Phono 4-3754. nl84 FOB SALE Locker cartons, I cant each. ww tor a..ou; euo wax paper 81.06 a rolL No dealera. UNITED OBOW. ERS. INC.. 4716 Liberty Road, mat" THIS WEEK ONLY SEWING ' MACHINES' YOUR CHOICE $12.95 Singer, Ruby, White, Domestic, Pre. New Home. Lake Shore, Burdlek, Standard, Bon, Vertical Feed, Vole. Wheeler Wilson, Western. BROOK'S BARGAIN CENTER 1355 Broadway nltB GREENHOUSE Nearly new commercial greennous lexaa-. just we sis for small nursery or garden. Priced to sell. Phon 4-5644 or 4-3651. nl3 MUST SELL TODAY Chrome dining let i cnairs), s neos, mstiresses, box springs, vanity and bench, droaser, chest of drawers, electric manglii Easy Spin rinse washer, writing desk 34$ S. Winter st. Phone 36040. ol!3 Reduced , $5 PER DAY UNTIL SOLD A" Heavy Duty Electric Drill STARTING PRICE AUO. Ird . 1161 AUG. 4th - $100 Keith Brown Lumber Yard PRCNT 4k COURT ST. PB. 16111 "Wo aire lis Oreen stamp," n SCHW1N BICYCLE, Pull slxa, km, ac tion, band brake. Phono 1-6084. nl84 C' Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBY WANTS Pianos. Pbono 14116. aa USED BABY BATH1NETTE, food con dition. Phone 4-5374. nalto WANTED Traah Burner os amalt tea motor. Burnett L. Cola, Box 481, Mm City. Ore. nam ELECTBIO BANGES. Woodry-a. Ph. a 3-iUO. WANTED: DOUGLAS Fir, Cedar, Hem- iock roiea and Loca. Nledermeyer. Martin Co.. 715 Portland True! Bldt.. Portland 4, Ore. nal86 NITE CBAWLEBS wanted, si. 00 bun dred. Any amount. Pbon, 1-8301. nallt SPORTING EQUIPMENT m-HORSEPOWER outboard motor. Will troll. 50. Homo ovenlnga. 3228 Llv. Ingston street. nclkft PERSONAL OPAL KING, percale nedtr. luadutt Ula weet. 4-4353. 2465 Wallace Road. P16I MBS. JEAN, psychic reader, telle your past, present, future. Can help over come obataclea that keep ion from success, health, happiness. TIP To. Motel, 1560 So. Commercial Sy ttE. Apt. 7. 6-8. PI68 AUTOMOBILES 51 FORD V-B Station Waton, 21.600 mtlee. food condition. Orlslnal owner leavlnr. 61395 for quick aale. Oliver. Rlekreall. Phone 1-757 Dallas. ,161 WE ARE OPEN EVENINGS SEX OB FIRST SAM'S MOTOR CO. Liberty Jl Chomekota Ph. 1711 Acrosi from First Natl. Bank a SBABP, CLEAN 1647 Hudson sedan. Heater, overdrive, brakaa mined, food tlree, new muffler and battery. Only 6491. Phone SUverton 1-6101. 0.185 I860 FORD Convertible. Radio, heater. overdrive, white aide walls, 31.000 ee- -tual miles, tort 1 year old. leather In. terlor la In beautiful condition. W1U flva dealer fuarantea. call l-u7 0181 RON'S '49 BUICK Sedanette with Mir 11.600 fuar anteed actual miles. Complete service record available tor thla barsaln. Haa radio, beater, Dyna flow. orlslnal set of tires lust re placed with premium Safety plltht white imrwalli. see thla one Now and you will BUYI j '51 MERCURY 4-DOOR SEDAN WITH ONLY 3$ wi one-owner mileage. Radio, heater, overdrive, fender k Irts, turn sternal, whit atdewall tires, oris in ai dark maroon finish, vary clesn In and out. Oct this on al a barcaln price NOW! '51 CHEVROLET De lux styinine club Coupe RH, fender skirts, sport light. Thl ana I loaded and ready to go to a mart buyer at a big saving. OPEN EVES. 'TIL 9 RON'S 1341 BROADWAY PHONE 1-66M aiti By Horn Fisher