Monday, Aogust 8, 195S T THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saba. Oro Pt. 11 FAN FARE ) Walt BtKea I Austin's Grand Slam Home Runs Wins for Portland Serine Leads C League in Both Batting Pitching With the season nearing n have a perfect record of three L"' end Dave Serine of Legion wini and no losses. Cloie be Pott 136 continues to lead the hind it Dale Wulf of the Liom C" League in hittinr with an with two wins and no losses, afasiug .SB9 average. Dickson's Loren Blaco leads Serine; had his string of the sluggers with three hom seven straight hits broken this ers. In team batting Jackson week when he grounded out Jewelers is out in iront with to the second baseman who a .394 average, mace a fine play. Later in Darwyn Harms of Four Cor the game he came back to get ners appears to be the best a hit to run' his total to eight control pitcher as he has walk' hits in nine trips. ed but four and struck-out In. the pitching department 26 in five games. Bud Chap- Plerer a ret. Serine 1 S Mt Betmaa S S 4 Ml ooi i i i joe Keller 11 S I .tat Barnee S 4 .444 rultoa S 4 S J PartM S S S JM Uftrr til .in Brow. 11 1 .1 Eevene S .400 Allen S .000 Killer t .000 Brannoa IIS .000 McCallarr .000 JlpP I .000 8ocolofaky 1 1 .000 1 Cnrllteneea I .000 Tottla II M It 111 Doublet: Pulton and Relmaa. Triplet: Portland (U.Brrankle Austin hit. a grand slam homer ia the sixth inning of the nightcap yes terday to wrap 1-1 TCL victory for Portland after Se attle took Ue opener, Austin's circuit clout broke a 1-3 deadlock. It brought in Charley Grant and Eddie Ba slnski, who had walked and Fletcher Robbe, who walked. The win waa credited to Lar ry Ward, who relieved starter Glenn Elliott in the sixth. It was bis fourth win against eight defeats. Crafty Al Widmar served up a five hitter at the Beavers in the opener as he won his 18th game of the season against 10 defeats. Seattle batters gave Widmar a four-run cushion in the first inning as the Rainiers lumped on Beaver starter Jehosie Heard who was dealt his seventh de feat against 12 victories. Former Portland third base man Leo Thomas led the Seattle nine hit attack with a home run, lem ' Lions and Serine each ' the most strike-outs with "C" LEAUl'E TEAM BATTING Teas AS R H PCT. IB IB Jaceaon Jewelere lotf 40 43 .104 4 1 West Balcm Lion 10? It ' IS Jtl 4 ' I Le.lon Poet 134 66 M 34 .334 1 I Dtckeon'e ararket 114 43 34 .314 4 I Brt'a Kar. Mtt. '. lot 31 33 .304 1 4 Pour Cornere 103 21 31 , Jot 3 Orchard Htllht ., lit 13 34 .303 3 1 Btelnke'a 44 '20 IT ' - .303 1 S "C" LEAGUE PITCHING Pitcher -Team W L PCT. BB SO Garnet JohriMin - WA Lion 3 0 l.tOO 7 17 I Serine - Leilon Poat , 3 0 1.000 I 13 3 Wulf - WB Llona , 3 - 0 1.000 7 It a Blaco - Dlckson'a 4 ' 1 .lot 14 34 "4 Chappellt - Jeckeon'a 4 1 .mo so 31 4 Harm! - Corner 3 3 .500 4 3t t s Bevena - Leilon Poat ...1 i .300 13 t . 3 Gllbertaoa - Bert'a 3 3 . .400 34 II s O. Oako - Blelnke'a 0 t .000 I t 1 Layxn - Coiner , 0 .000 4 1 1 Harvey Dlckaon'a , 4 1 .000 'I 13 Bhlraa Comre ...4 1 .000 ' 4 I I O. Oako - Btelnke'a 0 1 . .000 3 . 1 Roblnaon - Btelnke'a t 1 '. .'.004 11 4 3 Molina - Btelnke'a t 1 .000 7 11 Dallmen - B'.elnka't 0 2 . .000 t t I Turner Orchard Hta 4 s .000 11 30 S "C LEAGl'E BATTING Jeekaen Jaweieri Player . B R H Pet. Oentzkov 12 4 4 .400 B. Oriel 3 3 1 .SCO Brunkar 13 3 I .462 Ktau 13 3 4 .462 Croaa 11 3 I .425 Battier 10 3 4 .400 Keeker 13 3 4 Jtfc Oarrett 11 . 7 4 .364 r. Neuberter IIS .331 Chappell 11 7. 3 .373 -. Oriel 7 1 t .000 Billa 1 I I 000 Walerr 1 0 4 ..- Eeller I 0 4 .000 T. Neuberter 4 0 4 .003 Belllnier 4 0 1 000 Berr Oil .000 Total 101 40 41 .314 1 Waal Salem Liana ' Plerer Wulf Lammers 1 Luke Johnaon ... Xerber Venal ..... Heler BrUc Cotter Thoma .... . Orett LOT . J. Dent .... Whltehum H Pet. I .167 I 11 .400 .374 .375 .364 31 Pet. I .111 1 .111 I .400 1 Mt I .373 PCL Standings W L Pet. OB BeliTwo. ;.u 11 .tit Vault 71 II .171 I Lae Antelei ..,...,.47 44 .401 II Baa Ptaaclet 44 a .411 17 Pertleal .....43 47 .414 11 Ban Diet II 71 .414 11 Oakland 17 73 .131 31 aacremeat. IT 71 .431 33 Ba.v'a Baeolta: Oakland 1-1. Ban Pranclac 1-1. let saeat It utnlnta, lnd 7. TMrnta, Wlltna, Chrlttla. BR Tnoeaaa. Bee. Ooldaberrf. ataddern. DP WUaan. OarBB.ekl and Ooldeewrrvi AitetIB, Ba ainakl and Arfl. LOB Seattle t. Part land 7. u at mart, Aaake tad atrallaa. T-144. SaallM III a I Orbwall t 4 Thornaa.3 4 Madern.r 4 JudnlctLlf 3 Vilion.Sk 1 Ortelt.e I OMabrr.l I Davie. I Lovrtch.p S tat: naUyn-eed 4-3. Lea Antelea 1-1 Beattle 1-3. Portland 1-7 Sacremente 3-3. Ban Diet S-3 BotnrAer'e Baaalut Hallywaed 4, Lea Antelea Be A Dlete 4. BncramenU I Ban Prenelaca 13. Oakland I Portland 3, Seattle 1. II lanlnu Ootaper and Bvaail afuattr. Queen (I) end Melon. Pint aaait: Ban Dia tot tot 4 I 1 Saeremenl 434 114 I 7 I renala tad Hatkla; rwtlti and nit tbtv. - Becond itaaa: , Ban Dlete tOt 131 4041 1 Sacrament tot 111 too 3 I 1 T. Smith tad Bummer: Behana. Kim ball (I), Teniae Hi end Blither. . Tetala 3 I II I Totalt 31 I 31 It t walked lot ETIIett la I k Walked let Wei die tin. rattl Ill 401 l-l Hiu .203 033 I I Portland v 14 tJ4 Mitt .'. l Pllenet: IP AS R H ER BB SO Davla 14 34 7 I 7 4 4 Lovrtrh ... H 1 - 4 Elliott I II S I I Ward 1 1 ! ' ! ' Adama .... 1 I winner Word. Wear Davie. Oledd. Auetln. R Tobln, WlUen, Daela. Aualln. Kolloway. oledd. Orant. Baaln ll. RuieelL Robot. RBI-Oarbweekt 3. Betlnakl. KOUOwar I, uowoerrr. w tin 4. SB Baalnakl. Kellowar. HR Kol letrer. Aoatla. BB Wllaon. aac Tobln. Autila. LOB Seattle 7. Portland 4. U Anake. SUatUa ad MuUll. T 1:33. A-t 377. TIDE TAILS TUec fee Taft. Oreten Aaeeet. 1143 Dlckeeat Player Blece Better Barn Lartent Marruoa Petere Harver Hoffnaa Walker Hltaehl Btonebrlnk Kimball Woolrldre Bonotofykt B. Beeter Duncan Roaebrauih Totala Ill IS SI .311 Doublet: Lartent, Blaco. Harrlion end Hoffmen. Triple: Barne, Blaco end Hoffman. Homer: Elaco 3. Bart'a Kelaer Market Planer Jacluon Hawler Sondermea Cowan OUbertion Moree Penrod Kernea , Jackaon Manloa Hadler oroet . . trips. His ninth homer of the sea son came in the first inning scoring Jack Tobin ahead of him. In the same frame Walt Judnich walked, Artie Wilson doubled him to third and catch er Claude Christie singled them both in. The Suds' other tally came in I ,,J ! the fourth inning and was un- 1 111 earned. ! Lyman Linde (8-8) and Fred 1 lots Sanford (6-8) go to the mound I JSS'for Portland at San Francisco a .000 1 . I .ooo,iuesaay. 4 .000 Plrat tamt: Loa Antelea 060 000 loo 1 4 1 Hollywood 100 100 30 4 I 1 Hatten. mot 171. Paaget III end rtd- tn: O'Donnelt end Eretea. second aeme: I Loa Antelw 430 MI 11 II I Hollywood 401 004 14 t 1 Plrat dame: Sea Praaclac ... 443 404 414 4-J S S Oakland 403 404 401 1-4 I 1 Cloutb, Munertt! (41 and Tomer; florae end Neal. Second eame: Ban Pranrlico 411 lot 43 I 1 Oakland Ill 000 01 S 1 Botmler and Ternty: Ottttt and Neel. Plrat temt: I .000 b a I 4 14 f II 3 B Pet. 1 1.000 S .171 I .441 I .451 I .115 3 .711 .113 1 .134 1 .OH I .000 0 .000 To.'elt Double: 101 II 33 .301 Triple: Morat 3, Totalt 117 II II .357, Doublea: Lammera 3. Burnalde, Coffey. Doublet: Brunkal. Oarrett 3. K. Neu-lTrlplta: Johnaon 3. Wulf. Homer: Lem ber. Trlplaa: Brunkal. Homera: Klau. Imera. Cleveland Could Still Be Big Rond Block for Yanks Hawler, Hawltr, Ktrnet. Homera: Ollbrrtaon S. .117 . cov in. ria-;ry. .000 0C3 I Pae Camera .000 P'trer .000 1 Harma .000 Chartler ... ,000 Brunk oordon Aaferude B. Lento Prock Rack Lahr Laytoa ,,.. Nlcho'eoa Shlra Ollatrap Turner Kleen Rlckman T. Lante Seettle (II (1) Pardee B W O A BHOA Tobln ef ill lAuilln.a 413 Orbwakl.1 4 13 1 Aril. lb 4 11 1 Thomea.3 I I 1 I I t 1 I Uidete.r lis I Maroi.of 1141 Judnlch.U 11 tRuuel.r 4 111 Wlleon.l 4 11 IRblnan 14 4 4 ChrUllt. I 1 1 tEtterl.S 4 11 Oldabry.l .1 14 4 Banakl.l 411 Widmar. 11 Heard. 1 1 a-Llnt 11. Welbtl. S I , I Totala II 37 Total 31 I 17 1 Doubled lor Heard la Ith. Seattle Hlta ....... Portlend ,, Hlta .1 Pitcher: IP AS a WKlmar ,,,, I S3 1 Heard I 31 ,4 Wllbel ..... Ill Loaer Heard, a Oarnowtkl 1. Rob. Inaoa. R Tobln. Thomaa. Judnich, wu. eon. Chrlatle. Roblnaon. RBI Thomaa, 2. Chrlatle I. Boatnakt. 3B Lint, Eaaert, 400 106 0004 401 10 3011 Oil 400 0001 Ill 100 0134 H ER ZB SO 113 1 14 4 1 1 I I It O A 1 tAuetla t I 1 Kllwy.i t 4Eaert.lf 1 Mareiel 1 Releh.rf I OIdd.e ' 1 Orent.S 1 B-nikl.1 I 1 Elliott. 1 .Ruel Ward k-Robba Adama. Portland H O A 1 I I I Merchants, Used Cor Dealers Open Playoff Series INDUSTRIAL LEAQITB W L Pet. OB TMCA 12 2 .417 I Weltemotu II I Commerclel Beet ...II 3 Key Woolen Mull ..I 4 Pint ChrUtla 1 Firemen T Poatnl Clarke S S KeUer Sleelrlo I I Ml Plrat National I I .30 Mernower alllk I 13 .141 II Ben t Market I II ATI lit, Tonlabt'a tamea: Bert'a Market a. Plrat Nellenel Bank el ThUUp'a ll:il Kay Woolen Mllla ea. Kelaar Electric al Laalle : Poatnl Clarke ear com- terrlal Baal Covara at OUnter (l:Mi. City Leatue pley-effa: Salem Mereh- ante at. Uaed Car Doalera al Phillip field (141. .7M'l .7M m .413 IS I 41t 4S .tot 1 411 IVj 7 7 Autuat lied to II. I. Cent! and Oeedtlle Snreer, Pertlend. oraceni tllin wra Tlmt Heltht a m I 51 m. 17 I 11 a.m. 4 1 7:M p m. 17 10 11 a.m. 4.1 1:14 P m. 17 11:11 em. 41 44 P m. 4 7 II 00 M 4 1 10 41 p m. 1.7 13:34 Pm. I 11:31 Pm. II 1:13 I t. I I 11 07 a m. 1 le n 13:44 e m. I I 1(0 p m. 14 II 4 I Law wettrt Time Heltht 1 IS i t. 1 12:21 p.m. II 1 37 a.m. -0.2 l.IS P.m. 3 0 3:4 t ea. -0 1 1:41 p.m. II a:34 a.m. -4.7 14 n.m. 3.4 31 em. -01 4:4t p.m. I I 4 04 a.m. -4 4 a ia an. a t I 11 e m. -I I I II p.m. I S 7 01 e m. -14 7 01 pyn. 3 1 7:34 a.m. 10 1 11 im I I Industrial League content. This -game will start at 7. Other Industrial League con- . tests will see the third place Commercial Seat Covers tangle with the Postal ClerVs at din ger and Kay Woolen meeting Keizer Electric at Leslie. Both these games start at S:30. , Lulay Hurls No-Hitter As Sublimity Wins 4-2 Sublimity Clem Lulay hurled a no-hitter here Sun- . day as Sublimity beat Lone Elder 4-2 in a Pioneer League game. The two runs off Lulay . came as a result of walks and errors.. .' Lone Eldet ........ Ml 111 4043 I Sublimity Ill 41 to- I 4 B. Adama. ateuber (I) and ntalbewei Laley end Heubereer. The Salem Merchants t a n d Salem Used Car .Dealers clash tonight In the opening game ef a two-out-of-three game aeries for the City League Softball title. The game is at 1:11 en Phillips Field. The Merchsnts, champions of the regular season, will prob ably, send their ace Bob Knight against the Used Car nine. The second game of the series will be played Tuesday night and a third game, If needed, will be staged Wed nesday night The first game at Phillips' tonight will send Bergs Market vs. First Nationsl Bank in an ' Eddie Manganiello of Revert, Mass., is the captain of the Brandeis U. football team for -the second consecutive year. v ' V- x Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Mort Comfort PpVSTRTR, ft pifMftnt evlkilin (Ron acid) powder. hoVdi ftlio tttth nor IlrmlT. To tat ond talk la mort rota tor., juit iprinklt ft Uttlt rABTEriH on tout plot. No tummy, ioor. Pitti toato or fMlint. Chtcki "plttt twlor" tdeoturt breath). Otl PABTXITB at ikf tlrut ttort. CAR I TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phona 3-9600 .ti all e MILD MIUOW lUSIMT Rum loaking tKe rrve flavor o rhe tVe kbatasj L 1 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Doublet: Rtrm 3. Ma'or Leagues 9 (Be The ajtorftled Preatl NATIONAL LEAGUE L Prt. OB 31 ..! . .15 .41 .11 By CARL Ll'NDQUIST New York, (U.R) Cleveland's big pitching firm of Lemon, Wynn, and Garcia, Inc., still could be the one road-block Brookim .. for the Yankees in their drive Milwaukee . to a fifth straight American "lSH.. League pennant. Km York .. ... . Cincinnati . The Indians are a big seven cnieato .... games behind the Yankees in third place today in the race, but no other club in either league has three such key hurlers to throw in to the stretch drive, plus such spot 'starters as Bob Feller and Art Honttcman. . A Powerful Firm Right now, the Indians are just a shade better off with of them won 20 or more the Athletics. 10-1, with a six-1 st. Loun 3. New York i. hitter-in the opener of a ; ', nouDie neaacr, oeiore cany Wyruv came through with his 1'th victory in the nightcap. nlen niffMntf n eiv.tiittnp in n Satnrdar'a ReeBlte: m . .Ii l.,., at. Loula X New York I i -1 uiumiri!. muiig wiui .IS .171 74 .111 IVb .MS II 111 M'k .411 It Ml Suva .101 II Plltrburth Sendar'a Reealtel at. Louie II. Brooklyn 1. Phlladelohlt 4-1. Milwaukee 1-1. Cincinnati 1-3. New York 0-1. Chlceto 7. Plttaburth Ml tnntnta 3nd tame, postponed dtrkneaai. SaterdaT'e Reaelta: Brooklyn 11. St. Loula 4. Cincinnati II. New York I in Innlnil). Milwaukee I. Phlladelohlt 0. PltlaburiB 1. Chlcato 3. AMERICAN LEAGl'E W L Prt. OB New York 41 34 .414 Chlctte 43 40 .404 I Cleveland 44 43 .311 ' 7 Boaton 17 41 .143 im Waahlneton 41 14 .471 ll't Philadelphia 43 It .433 34 Detroit 31 14 .373 31 St. Loul 31 .337 11 Cleveland 107. Philadelphia 11. Detroit 3-t, Boatoa 1-4. 8t. Loula at New York, both semti poelponed. rem. Plertr Baa Pet Hale 1 I Roblnaon , I 4 .144 roller I I .333 laeob'OB 4 4 1 .333 Molln 4 S 1 .131 w. Btewart Ill .313 O. Oak IS 1 .3U Evan 4 1 I ,o Bheldoa 7 S I .141 e. Btewart 10 11 .loo McKlnnoa 4 14 .400 Btetnkt a S 1 .000 Detlmea .000 Robin tit .000 D. OlkO 3 I HO ante l .too Thompton I .000 Total II II .311 Chlcato 4. Warnlnaton I i Cleveland . Phlledelphle 9 Detroit 4, Boaton 3, 14 Innlntt. Garcia, the third member of the trio, they have won 39 games, one more than the ..... , , thr of them had amaned at ?'raigh Brooklyn, came tM, rt,w f the race a year, h.rou with an easy 0-1 , ! triumph on the six-hit pitch- ' , . . . , ing of Harvey Haddix as Rsy The Yankees rained out of; jab,on,ki Red Schocndienst. their doubleheadcr with the and steve Bnko nlt nomert Browns stayed five games in,Tne Mnwaukee Braves moved front of the White Sox. who , wUnln 7Vi , of (lrlt were tooped 1-0. at Washing- place by ,pmting with lne ton as Walt Masterson pitched Philielli losing 4.! on Curt a six-hitter for his aeventh simmons ilve-hitter in the victory and his fourth shut-, openeri thcn winning -i as out- I rookie Bob Buhl pitched Detroit trounced B o s t o n i seven-hit ball and struck out twice as the Red Sox went eight in the nightcap. down to their eighth defeat In a row. Ned Garver pitched a six-hitter to win his eighth game in the opener, 2-1, while Dick Marlowe gained the sec ond triumph, 9-6, as the Tigers pounded out 15 hits. Cards Break Streak In the National League, the Cardinals, . after losing six The Cubs topped the Pi rates. 7-6, in 11 innings when Randy Jackson hit a homer after Ralph Kiner had kept them going strong with his 25th homer, a triple, and single. The second game was rained out. C9 LU fit) 'Mr&SBt&EBSEB& Why Suffer Any Longer Wbn MMrt faiL vwt tmt Chitittt rvmrdift. A a mi at newtf for MM tt ta Chioa No mttur with tibai iimfnrt rot art affittttd. ditortltra iiDytim hfiri. laatit. iiftt Ktilntrft tat, tforutlpatloa. sierra. 4ttt, rheamotum. ttn tr4 kla4(tar ftTtf ats, ftm tit torn pitta U. CHARLIE CHAN CBJINE.E BUSS Co Ollle Raera ' u S Tee. ted Bet enrr 74 n Cemaerelel Pbene tiaa tLAM oaa Orchard Heliale Player Goertrea Turner Caehetier ..,. Boehmer Llmbeuth HIU R. Padenrecht .... Olaon Boeaa Orleson Herman Peleraon B. Padenrecht .... Ballew Quarry Totala B R H Pet. 11 4 I Mi 4 3 3 .400 II .144 I 1 .333 11 .133 11 1 1 .113 4 1 1 .117 111 .117 111 .147 . I l l .ia , II 1 .400 ,71 .000 , S 0 4 .000 ,410 .000 ,13 .000 , 1 4 0 .000 . I 4 .000 .103 33 31 3M B R R Pet. . II I 4 .133 , 14 3 4 .431 ,341 .313 . 13 I 4 301 . 4 1 1 fOO ,7 1 1 ie i a .lis nil oti I I .000 I 4 .000 7 1 t .000 7 .000 I 1 0 .000 1 I I .000 II .000 HI 14 14 .303 Turntr. Trlpltt: Heads It's a honey! And beMnd the i good looks of its grille is a heart of GO. Ford alone offers your choice of the lowedt-pricetl V-ti or America's most modem Six with your choice of three great drives: Fortlo malic, Overdrive and' Conventional Drive. Double: Molina. MARION MOTORS HKUKt-VAlVJUS0CJk VW riOT0.Ht Get out of the doghouse treat yourself and the family to a dependable used car from our lot. When you buy here, you have nothing to growl about! US NASH STATESMAN Se dan, radio, heater overdrive, 5tSi? $1095 M?ay JLk Tails It's terrific! More glass area than any other car in iu field that's what Ford gives you! And there's handy Center-Fill' Foe-ling, suspended brake and drrtrsi pedals, and many other evdvaiteed "Mortal More" features which expiata Troy yava t can't buy better than Ford. or Sideways Jt'a tensationol! Notwdy earn Ford's Creatmark Body! It's holl-tigbt aa sesl out weather and noite. And no ntatatar which baked enamel fiimh yots txtooea, nrnwarie niors and iipbohtery are ecjio-4yl itt rr n.'ir'-jeej,sJ'',4l ' its Ford for looks ! Ford's heart-stealing good looks are just one reason . . . it's worm more wlien you buy it, worth more when you sell it! See it . . . Value Check it . . . Test Drive it! In fact, it' Ford for everything vote want and need in a car today. Take Ford's new ride, for example, which reduces front end road shock alone up to 80. Take Ford's power steering i ; , the newest and finest in the indus try, yet one of America's lowest-priced! And take Ford's choice of 18 different models the widest choice in Ford'a field. No wonder Ford has won the title f America's "Worth Moie" carl VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at N. Liberty St. Salem, Ore. YOU CANT CO WRONG WITH AN USED CAR FROM YOUR FORD DEALER L J H 4-3311 -J