mm mtmm : Oregon. Mq Junior lecjm Bmemll '''rfT" -v- WiS t ; ; .4 r J ft SET fr-i .-'i r -af at---.. 'w. f - .-r 1 Kim j!?-;a i . I . tL I -S- ' I I Gorv Patcrson Pitches Three-Hitter in Finals frophy Takers Tom Pickens (left, upper photo) and Curt Jantie, co-eaptaini of Salem'i Americas Legion junior baseball team, carry off the Ore gon state championship trophy at Waters park Sunday after defeating MUwaukie 13-3 in the state finals. The presentation was made by district commander John Muir of Mill Gity. In lower photo are three Salem players who received Individual trophys. From left, Twink Federson, outstanding Infielder In the tournament; Gary Faterson, outstanding pitcher; and Curt Jantxe, outstanding catcher. Amick Speeds To Victory in 75-Lap Race Bill Amick and his 1950 Olds mobile won the 75-lnp main vent at Hollywood Bowl Sat urday night, nosing out anoth er Olds, driven by Tony Dlv- lney, by less than a quarter of lap. Royoo Haggerty finished third, while Wally Gervais atmi In fourth. Bill Weimann won the tro phy 'dash and the fast heat race. A number of crack-ups and pills, none of them serious, dotted the evening. Illegal Deer Hunters Fined $250 Apiece Sweet Home Two Foster hunters were fined $250 each in the Sweet Home justice court recently. Jerry S. Watkinds, 27, was fined after pleading guilty of hunting deer during closed season and Marvin C. Seber, 84, was fined after pleading guilty for killing deer during closed season. The two men were arrested by Med Crippen, state police of ficer assigned to game law enforcement. Weit Salem Lions Jarkson Jewelers Leilon Post 131 .. Dickson's Msrset Four Corners .... Ben's Kir. Mkt. . fltelnke's Orchsrd Helshta '. Tonltht's camas: ' By CHRISH KOWITZ. JR. Gary Faterson 'who had . started only one other game all 'season. Ditched the Salem Am erican Legion Junior baseball team to Its sfeond straight Ore gon state championship at Wa ters park Sunday. i Paterson twirled a three-hitter as the Capital Post No. 9 defeated Milwaukie 13-3 to clinch the tiUe. It was the 21st consecutive victory for Coach Vines Genna's Bang. jn addition to the state (hanvoionshio trophy, Salem was awarded the team sports, manship plaque. Three Salem players re ceived Individual trophies. They were second baseman Twink Federson, for the out standing infielder In the tournament; Paterson, out standing pitcher; and Cart Jsntie. outstanding catcher. Other awards went to Mil- waukie's Bob Stones, outstana Ing outfielder; Milwaukie's Stan Byars, individual sportsman ship and Hermiston's Leroy Hanley, best hitter. Hanley hit seven for 13 in three tour nament games. Paterson did not allow Mil waukie a hit until two were out in the fifth inning of Sun day afternoon's game. He was in command all the way. Ed Warrenbure came In to pitch the ninth Inning for Sa lem. West Salem Lions Could Clinch C Loop Title Today "C UAOUI STANDINGS L West Sslsm Pet. 1.000 .100 .800 .S7 .400 .400 .000 .000 Lions vs. Jackson Jewelers at West Belem and Lealon Post 130 vs. Pour Corners Barries: (All semis at ;!. "1" UAOUI Sslem Laundrr Bishop Electric .... Warner Motors ..... Orchard Helshta ... Truss Oil Vista Merchants ... Pour Corners STANDINGS W L ..... s 1 ' S 1 1 I I 3 1 0 S Pet. .83 .667 ,7 .00 .MO .400 .000 The' Capital Fosters, ee sponsored by Stan Baker Motors, Fumllite Block and Supply, and Keiser Mer chants, teed off on MUwau kie pitcher Dick Stephens for 1 hits. They were all sin gles ezepet one, that a triple by Jerry Waldrop. Pederson led Salem at the plate with four hits In five times at bat. Jantze had three for four. Don Pigsley batted In three of Salem's runs and Larry Springer ' stole four bases. ( Milwaukie had earned the right to play Salem in the fi nals by defeating Hermiston 7-3 Saturday night. Bill Wiit ala, Milwaukie pitche, struck out 17 Hermiston batters. In marching to the state championship, Salem defeat ed all other three teams In the tournament. Salem beat Albany 8-3, Hermiston 15-S and Milwaukie 13-3. Coach Genna plans to give his squad a couple of days rest. then bear down in practice ses sions In preparation for the Northwest regional tournament at Yakima. State champions from Oregon, Washington, Ida ho and Montana will compete there. Salem won the regional championship last year. Hllwsatle (1) ' a H O A ErsrsJS Csnnon.f Lsrsens Bloedel.e Bfltone.r Stephns.p Marsh!. ef Knlsht.e D4tone.ef S b-wiltsla t e-Oass I I Pedrsn.l S SCmpbl.ef S Jantscc 4 t 0 Plckns.l 4 3 Sprnsr.l 3 OPInlerJ t 0 Oress.rf 3 OPatrsn.p 3 Bolton.r 3 a-Apaer ewmbt.p i (II) Salesa B H O A 4 3 1 1 3 10 3 3 0 3 13 1 3 3 0 3 3 Kowitz' Criss CCross Br OBmia KOWrri, riL. Capital Jatnal Saarti Miter fQfJf One again, Salem'i American Legion junior baseball team haa heaped honon upon our city by winning the state championship. Every baseball fan in Salem is proud 'of Coach Vince Genna and his 15 boys. No team ever worked any harder than this year's Salem Legion team. If ever any team really deserved a cham pionship, It is this one. When the first call for Legion practice was issued about the time school let out, 60 enthusiastic boys showed up in hopes of making the team. Genna was confronted wit the problem of whittling the size of the iquad down to a workable number. Since he didn't have much time to spend studying each boy, Genna decided the best way to eliminate boys from the squad would be to conduct gruelling practice sessions day after nay. ine less interested boys, and those with less hustle, would then drop out voluntarily, Genna figured. W l mm m Avery aay, aa soon as uenna got on worn irom nis truck driving job, he'd gather his gang together at 6:30 and put them through three hours or more of rugged drills. When it got too dark to see the ball, Genna would have the boys slide. When they slid so long they got sore on om side, Genna would have them slide on the other aide. When they got go sore on both aides that they ouldn't elide feet-first at all, Genna would drill them on diring head-first for the base. Then he'd run them for two or three lap around the field. That type of practice put the boys in shape, alright, but It didn't succeed in cutting down the squad. Only a few rave up and dropped out. So, slowly and surely, Genna reduced the size of his roster after carefully studying the abilites of each boy, AD the time, he'd drive the boys harder and harder in practice, hoping that more of them would give up and quit the team, sparing him the unpleasant task of cutting them. A few more boys left. But nearly all of them kept on plugging, hustling through every practice session as if the world s championship depended upon it. "Cutting some of those fellows off the team was the hardest thing I ever did in my life," Genna will tell you. Out of it all came the 15 young men who comprised the Salem team which yesterday won the atate championship. They worked hard for that championship. And all the kids that were cut from the squad along the way worked just as hard. While they did not play in the tournament, . and some of them did not play at all, their hustle and determination in those long, after-dark practice sessions were an inspiration and a challenge to the boys who did make the team. When you've got that kind of boys living here, it's no wonder that Salem won the state championship. The West Salem Lions go after a ahare of the Junior baseball C League title to night when they tangle with Jackson Jewelers at West Salem. In the other league game Legion Post 138 tangles with Four Corners at Barrick Field. If Jackson's or the Legion nine loses they would drop out of the league race. The Lions could clinch the title tonight by beating the Jewelers while Four Corners would beat the Legion tam. This la the final week of play In the C League except for three make-up games next week. Jackson's, the Lions, and Legion Post 136 are all involved in make-up games. West Salem now has a one game margin over the two sec ond Dlace teams with two games to go. They lead third place Dickson's Market by H4 games so four teams are still in the fight for the title. B League teams swing into action Tuesday night. Tot sis II I 34 II Totals 31 It 3T II a Walked for Peterson In Ith. b Piled out for D. Atones In Ith. e struck cut lor Miller In th. Miiwaukia ooo 010 030 3 I Salem 034 003 03' II 1 3 Wtnnlni pitcher Paterson. Pitcher: IP AB H . R ER SO BB Stephens ... I 30 It 13 I 4 3 Paterson ... S 31 I 3 1 3 I Warrenburi 1 3 t I HBP Larsen or Paterson 3. lob mii- waukla I, Salem t. Errors Sprlnser 3, e-loedel 3. Csnnon, Leonard 3, Brara. SBH Waldrop. RBI Plsiler 3, Jantae 3, Waldrop 3. Sprinter, Brars. Xntsht, Stones. Pickens. Bolton r. eac. 6prlnser. AB Splnser 4, Piaster 3, Campbell, Jantze, Larsen. Pickens. DP Stephens to larsen to innara; larsen to Brars; Plisler to pederson to ricsens. Tims 3.00. Umpires westover and Heine. Att. too (ast.l. Saturday tame: Hersalelen 111 Dsusner.l I 4 Hanler.e 4 Abal.rf S O'Donel.S 4 Leach.lf t I Oochrn.p 4 M'Oraw. t a-Mannr I b-ReUwlt 1 (1) Mllwaakla OA B 1 4 1 ICanon.l 1 3 Larsen.s I 8tphns.r 4 IMrthl.ol I 1 B4UMI.1 4 S Knlttit. S t IT twttela.p lit I I Salem Senators' Annual Picnic Nite Due This Evening The Salenf Senators eon duct their annual pienle night at Waters park to night, with gates opening st 5:3S. Following the picnic, there will be aa exhibition gams with the touring House of David team at 8:15. During the picnic hours, fans are Invited to bring their lunches and eat on the playing field. All mem bers of the Senator team will be there In uniform, and will be available for auto graph signing, picture pos ing, etc. Free cake and coffee will be served to those attending the picnic. The cakes are being baked by wives of Sen ator ball players, who are engaging in a contest for the best cake. Similar picnic nights' in the last two years have at tracted crowds upwards of 2000. With a break in the weather, another big crowd is expected tonight The House of David game itself should prove quite an attraction, as m a n ag e r George Anderson's bearded baseballers always put on a good show, win or lose. Anderson and three team mates will present their fa mous pepper game during an Intermission in the game. Jerry Ballard, six-foot, six- inch Senator first baseman, has requested that he be al lowed to pitch three innings against the Davids. Merchants Win Over Mt. Angel Mt. Ange The Salem Mer chants . edged Mt. Angel Townies 6-4 here Sunday in a non-league Softball game. The Merchants play in the Salem City League. Bob Knight homered for the winners while Grahn and Shepard each had a double and single. Duda Walton doubled for Mt. Angel and Bede Annen had two singles in two trips. Friday the Townies defeat ed St. Paul 13-1 In a cham pionship game at Whiskey Hill. Tuesday night Mt. Angel travels to Mill City for a game with Kelly Lumber. Carl Beyer, their ace pitcher, will do the pitching, Salem Merchants .... too 013 t t 3 Mt. Ansel ooo 040 t 4 t LOCaL UNITED PRESS ASSdCIATID MESS NEWS AND FtATUHU Page 10 Salem, Oregon, Monday, August 3, 1953 Spokane, Salem Virtually Tied for First Place in WIL 1 1 Totsis IT It 34 11 Totals 14 I 37 S sv struck out for Leach In tth. b Grounded wtrt for Methsson In tth rt.n.lsum til OOO OOO I 11 1 Milwaukie 001 133 Ol'-I t S Los las prteher Cochran. Pitcher: P II I s m SO BB Cochran t 33 I 4 4 I 3 MtOiew .... S 11 3 I S 3 I Wlltala t 31 11 3 1 17 I HBP Matnsson or wuiaja. " . Cochran, McOraw. PB Hanler, Pjilsht 3. LOB Hennleton It, MUwaukie 11. Brrns O'DonnsU . Hanler 3. Wlltala 3, Abel. Deuaner. Crist. 3BH Stephene t, atones. RBI Abel 3, Stephens, Can non, Leonard 3, Knlsht, wntsla. Mac O'Donnell, Marshall, SB Hanler 3. Abel. Daussnsr, Crist, DP Cochran to O'Don-n-11. Time 3:41. Umpires Hsnkt and Purakawa.- Att. too mt ). Tandevort and Brandon; If. Berer. C. Berer and Salem Girls Defeat Newport Newport The. South Salem Merchants Girls team troun ced Newport 19-1 here Satur day night. The game was not a league game. Dorothy Stewart, Jo Stet tier, and Vivian Reeves all homered for the winners. Flor ibel Gordon had four hits in five trips to the plate and Carol Peierson had two trip les, all for the winning Salem nine. Peterson and Stettler shared the pitching duties and held the Newport nine to four hits. The Merchants tallied nine big runs in the seventh inning. Sslem til 333 t It 33 I Newport 100 til 114 1 Minor League Scores fBr Ths Associated Press) Handsr's Reeulls AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Charleston I. Mlnnespolls 3. St. Psul 4-4. Columbus 1-1. Kansas Cltr 1-1. Toledo 4-3. Indlanerolle 4. Lmilsrllle 3. INTERNATIONAL I.SAOU! Montreal 3-1. Buflelo l-o. Ottawa t-0, Toronto 4-3. Bprtnefletd I, Rochester S. Baltimore 4. ftyracuaa 1. TEXAS LKAGI'B Osllss l-l. Oklahoma Cltr 1-1. Tulsa 4. Port Worth I. Shreveport 7, San Antonio 3. Beaumont t. Houston I. WESTERN irAfll't Lincoln 1-3. Denver 3-13. Dee Moines at Colorado Serines postponed. Omsha at Wichita (31 postponed. Stout CUT l-l. Pueblo 1-3. PIONEER LEAtUTB Idaho, Pells 7. arret Pslle t. Salt Lake Cltr I. Mesle Vsller I. Ses- ond aame poetponed. rain. Bolie 3. Oetlen 3. Second tamo post poned, rsln. Pocstallo at BllUnss. ram. (31 telardee'e Reealte INTER NATIONAL LEAOI'I Momreel 11, BullaM 1. Rochester 3, Strrlnsfield t. Toronto II, ntlewa 1. Rrreeu.e 7. ReHtmore t AMERICAN AKSOOATION Minneapolis I. Charleston I (It kia.l Onlr tsme scheduled. TEXAS LEAOrS Oklahoma Cltr I. Dallas t. Port Worth 11. Tulna. t. Shrreperot t. Sen Antonio I. Houatoo 7. Resumont 1. WESTERN LEAOCt Dea Motnes t. Denver 1. Colorado Sorlnss 4, Uncoil t. Omsha I. Slous Cltr t. Pueblo . Wichita l-l (1st Sims tl Innlnsi. 3nd ssme 7 Innlnl Mel, PIONEER IEAOI E Rill mis t. Idaho Palls 1. Oreet Pells 4. PoretaUo I. Rnlao t. Oeden 4. Mselc Veil, st Sslt tjke, rsln Stook, Paulus Top Seeded in Tennis Tourney Ted Stook and John Paulus are top seeded among 15 team entries in the annual Men's Doubles Tennis Tournament which is being played this week. The finals will be held next Sunday at Willamette University. Stook and Paulus are the 19S1 and 19S3 champions. Other seedings sre George Watts and Jim Morgall, No. 2; John Wysong and Phil Brown, No. 3; Mel Williamson and Garyi Boedigheimer, No. 4. Williamson and Boedighei mer are the 1B53 State Uou-, bles Champions. They were, members of Del Ramsdell'tri state champion squad. ' The first round matches are: Cocking - Campbell vs. Merchant Wilson, Burkland Page vs. SyTing Kitchen, Williamson Boediger vs. Ad kinson Bennett, Watts-Mor-gali vs. Minniefie Alfred, Grey - Ramsdell vs. Reese -Socolofsky, Bsker - Wulf vs. Luther Minlfie, and Wysong Brown vs. Conder-Berg. SPORTS SLATE MONDAY Baseball Western International Leasus; Lewlston at Caliarr, Spokana at Bdmonton, Victoria at Vancouver. "C" Leseue: Weit Salem Llona vs. Jackson Jewelers at Wast Salsss tad Lesion Poet lit rs. Pour Cornere at Barrlek. (All aauias at t;15). 8oftball Induatrlal Lsssus: Bert's Msrket rt. Plrtt Nations! Bank tt Phillip's 7:M): Ksr Woolen rs. Reiser Electric at Leslie (1:30: PO Clerks vs. Commercial Seat Covers at Oltnter (trio). Cltr Leasue plar-olls: Used Csr Deslers rs. Salem Merohanta at Phillip's (1:00). Broadcasts XOCO Brooklyn Dodtera re. Mllwsukle Brarss at 1:11. TUESDAY Baseball Wsstern Internsltonsl Lesaus: Lewleton at Caltarr. Spokane at Bdmonton, Tsklma at Salem, Wenatehee at Trl-Cltr. and Vletorla at Vancouver. "B" Leaaue: Salem Laundrr re. Orchard Helshta at Barrlek and Truer. Oil rs. Tleta Merchants at Loalle. (All tamea at :.) Softball Industrial Leseue: Ho tames scheduled. Cltr Leatuo plar-ofts: Used Car Dealers vs. aslem Merchants at PJbllllpa neia (i:soi. Broadcasts XOCO New Tork Slants rs. Chlcsso Cubs at 13:01. ' Wrestling Salem Armory (1:10): Main event Irish Jack O'Relllr re. Jobnnr Demchuek. Aiao preliminaries ana special event. WEDNESDAY Baseball Woctero International Leaaue: Lewlston at Calsarr. Spokane at Bdmonton, xasima at aiem, wenaicnee at xri-cur. ana victoria at Vancouver, "C" Leaaue: Btelnke's vs. Orchsrd Helshta at Orchard Relshts and Bert's Keiser Market re. Dickson's Market st Lulls. (All semes at l:lt.) Softball Industrial Lessue: Marllower vs. Plrst Chrlstlsn at Phillips (7:00); Ksr Woolen vs. Wolssmotts st Ollnser 1(1:301. Cltr Lsssus plsr-olfs: Salem Merchants vs. TJssd Car Dealsrs at Phillip's (1:00). (II needed.) Broadcasts KOCO Sslem Aenstors vs. Ysklms Besrs at 1:11. Edmonton Yakima ... Vancouver Lewlston .. Wenatchet Trl-Cltr .. Victoria .. Calsarr ... (Br The Assoetstrd Press) The Spokane Indians climbed into s first place tie with Sa lem in the Western Internation al - i- . , v. i. Sslem sti a.csuv oununy uiiii, iiiauu KpokiQ, to a win over Victoria and aa- lem's doubls loss to Wenatehee, The Senators looked like a second division club, rsther than the winners of the first half of the split season, as they were humbled by the fast-improving Chiefs, 8-1 and 10-0. The Indians, on the other hand, showed lots of spark as they came to life in the clos ing innings of their game with the Tyees and pounded out - a 8-4 decision. The standings were in a uni que situation. Spokane, with a record of 14-15, was one-half game. ahead of the Senators, who have s 21-13 record, but were three percentage points behind the Senators at .SIS. In other games around the loop Sundsy night, Vancouver split a twin bill with Lewlston, winning the opener 9-4 and dropping the nightcap 11-7; and Yakima divided a pair with Tri- City, taking the first 4-0 and losing the afterpiece 6-3; Cal gary and Edmonton were not scheduled. In games Saturday night, Ed monton two-timed Calgary, 13- 5 and 4-3; Victoria snd Spo- WIL Standings IBr Ke Assoclsted Prctal . 11 i 34 .til Stndsr's Bsselts! Ysklms 4-1, Trl-Cltr t-l. Wenstchee l-lt, Sslem l-l. Spokene I, Victoria 4. Vsncouvsr 1-7, Lswlston 4-11. Sstardar's Beealtet Bdmonton 11-4. Calsarr l-l. Victoria 4-4. Spokana 1-10. Yakima I, Trl-Cltr f. Salem t, Wenatehee 4. Vancouver t, Lswlston I. Maadar'a Seusdalst Lewleton st Cslssrr. Spoksna at Bdmonton. Victoria at Vancouver. Onlr aamea echeduled. kkane split, Victoria taking the first 6-5 and the Indians the second 10-4; Yakima edged Tri City 8-6; Salem whipped We natehee 8-4; and Vancouver clubbed Lewiston 6-3. The Indians collared the Tyees Sunday night with two runs each in the aixth, seventh and eighth frames. Will Hafey was ths big gun with a homer, s triple snd s single for Spokane. A pair of Charlies, Beamon and Oubre, in that order, were the main links in Wenatchee's chain around Salem. The Char lie of the first part whipped up a Uiree-hitter in downing the Senators in the opener snd the Charlie of the second part set Salem down with another three hitter in the regulation after piece. Three Salem errors in the opener helped the Wenatehee cause along. The bargain bill at Lewiston wss s free-swinging affair, with the Broncs and Vsncouver rap ping out a total of 41 safeties. Al Heist and Gsbby Williams of Lewiston each got s homer snd accounted for eight of the 11 Lewiston runs between them. The Broncs won the sseond game with a tour -run uprising in the seventh. Two Yakima bobbles afield and a brace of hits In the final frame gave Tri-Clty its second game win over the Yakima Bears. Yakima had easy going in the opener as ths Bears roll ed to s 4-0 lead In the first thrse Innings and rode tt through to the end of the game. Ted Edmunds took the win as he went the distance in ration ing the Braves four scattered hits. Plrst tarns: Sabtlnl.l Lubr.tb s TsneellU 3 Peres, M I Dsro.of 3 3 Wthrsp.r I Maatran.a 1 Collins. p t Rosnspl.p I l-Nelson 1 H O A I I tM'Cmk.r 1 Mlmbt.t 3 I Btrlml.o 0 Prhmn.l t Rehrt.e! ostnfrd.i 1 1 Besmn.p I t N) Wenateke O A Salem 000 100 t-l I S Wenatehee ......... tot 103 I 11 I Losing pitcher Collins. Pitcher: ir AB H II M II Collins ... m 1 I 4 4 1 1 Roemplc .. It. M 7 4 I 3 I Bermon ... 7 31 3 1 1 3 t Errors Peres 3. Bsrtolomel. LOB Sslem I, Wenstchee I. 3BH Malmbert, Helmuth, Eartolomel. Seaman. RBI Dero. Malmbert 3, Helmuth, BartolomoL Munos, Beaman. SB Paras. DP Baa man to Stanford to Munoa: stanlerd la Malmbert to Munoa. Umpires Asbiore) and Van Keuren. Second tame: Selees (II Rabtlnl.3 rsniellu Peres.Sb wthrsp.r Oero,c( Neleon.t Essesn.lf Hemphl.p Borst.p s-Mstrca O A 3 4 Oreen.l I 1 3 4 1 t 4 I 1 BrtlmU 3 I 4 I 1 Htoth.r S I I Ulmbs.l 4 t tstnlrd.a 4 t Oubrs.p 4 t t 0 t (It) Wsaslcaea B H C A t I 1 I t 11 Totsis 3t I 34 t Totsat 34 11 37 11 x Struck out lor Borst In tth. Sslem ooo 000 too 111 Wenstchee 110 003 00 II 11 I Losrnt pitcher Hemphill. Pitcher: IP AB K R BK SO BB HemphlU .. lVe 11 7 I 7 I 4 Bortt IH a 4 3 I S Oubre t 31 3 I tit HEP Munos br Borsl. LOB salsa) 1, Wenatehee I. Hit Munos. Hslmuth. Errors Hslson. SBH Withers pooct, Stanford I. Palmer. RBI Munoi 4. Hel muth 3. Stanford, McCormack, ataUn bsrr. DP sabatlnl to Taneelll to Bal lard. Time 2:11. Umpires Van Ksuraa and Aahford. Att. 1. MO (sat.). Sanisr Uaaaearaai Victoria Ill 003 0004 t 1 Spokana 100 lot 33 s 13 3 Prior, walker It) and Martini Hearts, New (I) and Sheets. Plrst tame; Vancouver tot 111 0 I s t Lewlston 010 100 0 4 t 4 Ounnsrson, Thompson 13) and Duret to: Kline, Butler (II and Oarar. Second lame: Vancouver 033 011 OOO 7 It S Lewlston 003 303 40 11 II a Meyers. MeKar II) and Leerttt; Bren ner, Perea (I), Butler (31 and Cameron. First tarns: Tri-citr tot ooo t i 4 1 Yakima 303 000 4 I 1 Robertson and Warren; Sdmtmdt and Albtnl. Second tame: Trl-Cltr 110 111 003-4 II t Yeklma 300 OOO 1003 14 4 Sorrier. Dobernlt (t) and Warren; Carter and Alblnl. . Satartar Ilaeassrea' Plret tame:' Edmonton att tit tit It II S Calsarr 000 OOO tot 111 McNultr and Monan: Stltss, Sehuttt (71 and Brlcker. Second tame: Edmonton Mt ltl 0114 T t Cslssrr 000 lot tnl a 3 Cooaat and Mars en: Orel) sad LeUard. ' I 114 t M I St 44 1 Mrtt tanas: , Victoria Spokane Ml st 44 1 t DrlUlnt and MarMa; Oerdetl, Hew (4) and Sheets. Second tarns: ' Victoria lit lit OOO ID I Spokana 130 tit 10- 10 13 t Hodtts, TMUlni II), nomas at) us Harfordi Worth. Otoraanonl fl) aaad Sheets. Trl-Cltr Ml too tB4 I It Yakima to! 031 tO"t It 4 MiehatUoa. Dowarnlo (I) aavd Warraai Rlos and Alblnl. Sslem 400 301 111 t S I Wtnatehse sol 00 SIO 4 t t Nicholas. Borst (t) and Hslson: Bow man, Decarolls (t) and BartolemeL Vancouver 300 131 1011 t 1 Lewleton tit too 0 I M Hemendes and Duretto; Perea, Sutler (7), Marshsl! (I) snd Camsron. Totals S3 3 II 7 Totsis It It 11 It a Piled aut for Rosnaple In Tth. FISHERMEN! OPEN NIGHT8 AND SUNDAYS Speelal irlaaa an rata Mi paahj PtB Haa ef flehrar needs "I BAYS WORMS." 6ee. Cadwell Serv. Ste. 25th snd State Rt Yesterday's Stars For ARROW TIES AND SHIRTS n't Shryock's Men's Wear CAPITOL SHOPPING CVNTKS Rattlat Rsr Boone. Titers Led De-1 trot', to doubls victors over Boston 3-1 ' end l-l with eta hits Includlnt two doubles, a triple and a home run. Pllehlnt Welt Maitereon. Srnelers , Shut out Chlcsso with sis hits l-l. ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP 1101 So. Commercial FOR... EVINRUDE MAIN EVENT Johnny Demrhuk va. Jtrk ' O'RilfT 8KM1-FTNAL Masked Marvel va, Grtg Jarqnea OPENER Mr. Sakala Ye. Johnny Hrnnlnr , SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M. tMsrsf st km. Isfrss N. 9 TIMBER SALE MARION COUNTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION AT SALEM, OREGON In Room 418, State Highway luilding st 3:00 o'clock P.M. MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1953 Certain standing and down timber en the North half ef Northeast quarter (N1 NEVi) of Section 17, Town ship 8 South, Range 2 East, W.M., Marlon County, Oregon,' The minimum price which will be accepted is $37,500.00. THE TERMS OF THE SALE ARE: CASH, and the State Highway Cemmissien reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or all bids. Detailed informatein can ba secured from C. W. Parker, State Highway Building, Ream IIS, Phone 4-2171, Extension 717, Salem, Oregon. OREGON STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Stote Highway, Building, Salem, Oregon ( I WHAT YOU WANNA KNOW, JOE? IP i Ttf-!'- What's the) Army Reserve got to offer rrvet Tna pay af yoar srada or rank for aaeh brainint taseailiat httfiotallt Y tat a who!, lot Bora. The aaabaoa ef roMBtaf pnar otmfatioa to woaar swvntry, a ehanco to TrilnKeoa and as to Array er hooks at full nav. ihi and rood traininf ... and Snail, a liatimt) a st at SO beaasd oti woaar aerw How big is that retirement Income?' Ifi cwenyj am yoejr tencth otmnrim, trade and Bsapaaaat at rata eiasail trm. h cm b tso.oo or raora a avsavrtk. Mow much trm do I hoy to spend to oejrn at rsjTirtjmenT incomer tj!1 "n18 ttimmar camp plut 40 . inintH every yeav. YOUR COUNTRY NEEDS YOU! l Arawr Sasssea Una) keakwettr as TIUT ejes e wta Sva aeaien . f, r, Sasrwtla., states. Ttet SaVees eS yew beat Anwy tnerve (Me laatrtcvar kn U. S. Army Reserve Armory 755 Airport Road Sslem, Oregon