n zs ' Track ToivcoircJ Stiafte Niners Down Hermiston; Milwaukie Ousts Albany Dmiside! TWIe. Br chris kowitz. jr. Salem's defending state ind rational champion American Legion Junior baseball team today has the Inside track In tha race toward tht ltst Ora gea stato championship. The Salem team, represent ing Capital Post No. 9 and sponsored by Ptanilite Block and Supply, Keiier Merchants and Stan Baker Motors, de feated Rohrmsn Motors of Hermiston 19-6 at Waters park last night. That leaves Salem the only undefeated team in the double- elimination tournament, Salem takes a day off from competition today, though Coach Vine Cenna scheduled practice for 1 o'clock. Tht Capital Potters play either Hermistoa tr Mllwaa kit at t a'elock Sunday afternoon. If Salem wins that one, Gtnna't gang will hiTt wrapped ap tht state title for tht second const eutlvt year. If Salem lose Sunday afternoon, tht aama two teams would play at I 'clock Sunday to decide tht title. This is necessary Beavers Drop to Second Division After Splitting Portland U. Red Adams proved no punle to Seattle's JUIalen in last night's night tap as tht Suds took a (-1 win from Portland after the Bear art won tht opener 2-0 before I79S Pacific Coast League spec tators, Adams allowed three hits during tht first two innings and then was taken for three runs in the third before Dick Waibel relieved him. The loss dropped Portland Into the second division. Jsck Tobln started things off in the third with a walk, and Leo Thomas and George Schmees traipsed to first in the tame fashion. Walt Judnlch's double scored the three. Waibel entered tht game and was greeted by a single off the bat of Artie Wilson. Another sin gle by Claude Christie scored Judnlch and advanced Wilson to third. Gordy Goldsberry tingled Wilson home. Roy Wel maker took over on the Beav ers' mound and forced Al Wid mar into a double play to re tire the side. Seattle tallied again In the sixth as Christie walked, Golds berry sacrificed him to second, Tobin walked and Alex Gar bowikl, pinching for Merrill Combs, singled In Christie. Tort Lovrich, who replaced Wldmar In tht third, was ered Hed with tht win, for a record of 7 and 4. Adamt took the lost. The Beavers got five hits in their half of the third, but gath ered only two runs. Welmaker beat out bunt as tht Rainier Infield played well back, but h. was forced at second by Fletcher Robbe. Franktt Austin and Hank Arft singltd, with another by Aaron Robinson scoring Robbe. Lovrich entered tht gam and put tht side out an a pop fly by Don Eggert Zggtrt ningled in Robbe in he fifth after Robbe and Bob Marqult tingled and Robinson walked. Lovrich turned over his job to Jim Davis In tht ninth when ha hurt his hand eatehlng a lint drive by Robbt. In the opener, the Beavers used the technique of tht out field fly and sent enough runs across the plate to eome out with a win. Portlands two runs came across early In the second and fourth innings. With one out, Jim Russell singled to eenter and advanced to third on Jim Gladd'a right field single. Eg gert knocked out a long flat '. one to left and Russell raced across the plate. Marquis, with one down, tri pled to left eenter in the fourth. He scored on a fly to right by Russell. Lyman Linde came out ahead PCL Standings memo coast league W L Tel OB Hollrwood Tl to .111 Seattle 11 M .Ml 4 Lot Anielea 44 4J .III IS Portland II 44 .414 IT Baa rreaeleea .....ai IT .411 IT Sea Ditto IT 74 .444 11 OUIUd H Tl .441 U Sacramento M Tl .441 tl friaar'e Beoalloi Hollrwood J. Vat Anltlet t. Bacremeata 4, lu Dleae I. sea rraacleee a-J. OallaaS 1-1. PortlerMl t-J, Seattle 1-4 lactase It takes twe Itctea to knack a team tut at tat tearnatneat. Hermiston fights for sur vival In an o'clock game to night against Milwaukit. Tht Milwaukie Pacific Plumbing team remained in contention for the championship by de feating Albany 5-2 In another game at Waters park last night. It was Albany's second loss of the toumsment, and eleml nated the Cummings Movers squad from further participa tion. . Salem batters enjoyed a field dsy against two Herml ston pitcners. Banging out a total of 19 hits. Mike Campbell bad the most, three. Paul Beck was credited with the pitching victory for Salem. He was relieved in the seven th inning by Gary Paterson. Leroy Hanley sparked the MUweekle ( IIOI Breu.Ia Caaaoa.l Lareea.e Bloarfal.a ManhUf siephna.a aatoao.r LeaarallB Ifuler.lf 4 1 aornn 4 S t IDtnn.l S 1 IBredlr.e 4 S 4Colmn.l S I omit war 4 t SRotli.cl 4 e SMbr.ik s S 1 Bonir.II 4 1 SWIIfrt.v 1 I-Owina e (II AlSaar n o a i i i 1 T II I 1 1 1 1 I e i of Vern Klndsfather in tha short, hour and four minute opener. Slated to open on the mound today for Seattle was Bill Ev ans (13-8). Hurling against him will be Royce Lint (13-8), Totala 14 IT 14 Total tl I IT 14 i-Wilhl lor Brealer In sta. Milwaukie 104 1M SOO I 11 4 Albaar 104 404 0001 4 Ball wwert. Pitcher: IP u I I n to IB Btepheal ... I M I 1 1 I 'lirarl I 14 14 I 4 l HBP Haaelwood er Stephen!. LOB lailwatikle 4. Albaar II Error Brere Boreaaoa 1. Roth, Bloedel, Cannoa. Braller. 1BH Dorreh, Miller. Hal Bloedtl. Merahall. Miller 1. cotraaa 1. Baa. Wtlferr; Lenaard. BB Laraan. Bloedel, Cetraoa. Tlma :1T. Daralree Weeaever aad Haaka. Hermiston club with two doubles and a single. The game was a sluggish af fair that lasted until 12:20 a.m. Hermiston committed 10 er rors. The Milwaukie-Albany game started out like a slugfest, with Milwaukie leading 3-2 after one inning. But after that it settled down to a duel be tween M 1 1 w a u k i e's Dick Stephens sd Albany's Pete Wilfert. . Bob Stone led Milwaukie offensively with three hits in four trips. Desn Sorenson and Bill Cotman had three hiti apiece for Albany. id If O A Cuban 'Mohorchs Defeat Red Soxers, 4-3 ; Silverton The touring) Cuban Monarcha edged the Silverton Red Sox 4-1 here last night It was the final home game si the season for the Red Sox. The big blow of the night was a homer over tht left field wall by Roger Dasch It was the second of the yesr. Max Marshall, the other hit ter with a homer over the wall this year, and Dasch both received $23. in 1044 s 114 404 000 ) T 4 IVolgamoft'j Gain Clear Possession of 2nd Place Wontrrhl Silrerloa Hlcala ana welter; kaaaala II) and Haade. Bacheit. Boar. Wolf amott's moved Into ate and placa la tht Industrial aaft kall league all alone last night with a - win aver the Fire men as Manr Hilfllcker hurled a ant-hitter. In other league action Kay Woolen defeated First Chris tian 9-3 and Mayflower Milk 13. Wolgamott's opened the game with three' runs in the first on hits by Vaidez, Hil fllcker, and Kampster. They I added two in the second, one Salaai (14) B Paderia.l I Caraeal.ef I Jaataa.a I Waldrp.lf Pkkm.lk riatltra Or aal.rf BprlnirJ BKk.o Bolton, rf Spaar.lt Patena.s 1 I s : 11 1 I Dawn I S Phallfr.l 4 1 Henltr.e 4 4 Abel.rf 4 lO'Dnnl.l 1 I Laack.lt I Mann'.t I Cchra.l I I Mthan.ef ORatwt.p 4 4 a-Crlil 1 k-Ptrrr 4-trOrw 1 Beraltlea B Ji O A I II 1 1 I 4 4 I I 4 I 4 Erskine Wins 6th in Row As Dodgers Down Cardinals Tolell II IT 14 Totllj II I II II a Struck out for CDoootl la Ilk. k Hit kr pitehar tor Leech la Ilk. auruek ant for Rotwetl la lib. aalam 1H 0 III II II 1 Herniate Oil 001 101 a 10 pitcbar: n ab X R SR bo bb Back 14 T I I T 4 Pollereaa .1 I 1 1 1 I Mennr .... 1H 11 T I 4 4 HBP Back kr Betw.lr, campMii or Raiwlal. Perrr kr Patcraon. WP Man ar 1. PB Hanlar. LOB aalam II. Htr mil ton II. Brrori Hanlar I, O'Donnall Cochraa a. Dauaaar 1. rntliitr. Sprlaiar. 1BH Bprlaiar. Hanlar 1. RBI WaJdroo a. Sprlaiar. Jaataa I. Phalf- far. Dauiaar, Back 1, Aba!, O'Donncll S. Spaar. Plekaoa. Haalar. Bolton S. Bac. Plaalar. BB Jantaa I. Waldrop. O'Don ncll, campball. Plckanj, Boltoa. Hanler.' DP aprlaiar to Paoaraoa to Plekcoa: Jaotaa to Sprlaiar to Plfalar to to Bprtaiar. Tnao Ik. Datplraa Haaka aatarar. Atl. 1004 I cat.). By CARL LUNDQUIST New Tork U.B Carl Ers kine, who spends most of his spare time trying to get a better pension deal for major league ball players, was mak ing tha Dodgers dread the time today when be will be eligi ble for a pension himself. Erskine suddenly has emerg ed as the most effective Dodger pitcher and he turned in his sixth straight victory, 2-1, last night over the St. Louis Card inals. He struck out 11 bat ters, giving him a total of 31 in his last three games and 117 for the season, placing him sec ond in that department only to Robin Roberts of the Phils. Ran the Show In last nights' triumph, hel was in command all the way as he gave up only six hits: Jim Gilliam supplied the offensive punch, scoring one run and 9 Major Leagues 9 (Br Tha Auoclatad Praal! AMERICAN LEAGUE W L Pet. OB New York II n MT Cbleaio 41 .III IV, Cleralana IT 41 .111 I Bolton IT 41 .Ml 101. Waablnitoa 41 43 ,4TI II Pblladelpnlo 41 II .434 U Datrolt II 14 .114 31 Bt. Lout M 44 .131 34 rrldar'a Baaaltai New Tork 11. at. Lotlla I. ', Waahlnttoa 1, Chteaao I. in the third, and three in the fourth. Thrta Mayflower homers featured their game with Bergs. Wright. Pool, and Mor gan all hit for the circuit Vinct Matt had three hits in four trips for tha losers. Watts hit a homer for First Christian but his team was beaten by Kay Woolen in a make-up game. Kay Woolen tallied five runs in the second on one hit and three errors. INDl'ITRIAL LEAGUE T 14 C A Wolaauotta coauaerelal Scat . rap woolea aolkt firemen Pint CbrUtlaa ... Pootal Clarke .... Keuar Blectrle ... Plret National ,. Marflooer Milk .. Bern kferket ... Lait Blunt a areret: Pet. O B. .17 .714 .711 .111 .all .WO .US .157 .101 .14 10 U woitamotu I. Stock Cors and -MGs In Races at Hollywood Bowl A 75-lap main event wU! highlight tonight s stock ear racing program at Holly. , wood Bowl. tl The speed session gets ua- derway with time trials af 7:30. At least 2 cars ut, entered. In addition to tht trophy dash, heat races and long ' main event, there will be a' special five -lap exhibition' race for MG's. Don Thonvss of Corvallis."' Jack Scovllle of Corvallis'' and Tommy Thomas of Leb- anon will pilot the British cars in the special race. - '' TIDE TABLE ' TidM Up Tft. OrttM A.4, IMS (Wtraaipiiaal Ut V. ft. UMM taOoJ GCMflia ar-tr, rwlUtitl, Ore.ua Flrtmn : Kay Woolen Mill r iiF. Chrlitltn j Ut7 flower Milk 3L Bri Utrket is. remen tot) ms. i a Woltamottc S31 t 1 Hlckenham uia Tomnklm: Hunirkar tod Oretnler. Ftmt Chrlitltn 104 000 0 I ft ft Jt7 Woolen 3S0 10 l t 1 rerlow tuid Swtnk: UeTer. nitr m nd Heoerr. Clevelttad 13, FhllavdeiphU Deuoll I. BoJton i. NATIONAL LIAOUB W L It 34 17 43 54 41 S3 41 i n 44 , 4ft M Two School Teachers in Golf Finals Cincinnati W A couplt of aehoohna'ams met Saturday for tha Bird Women's Western Amateur Golf championship. Battling over Camargo Coun try club's 6,523-yard par 79 tourtt in the 36-hole title match were Claire Doran of Cleve land, a Junior high Instructor, and Jane Nelson of Indianapo lis, a grade school teacher. Miss Doran, IS, ousted Pat Sevany, Gross He, Mich, by 4 nd 1 in Friday's semi-finals. Miss Nelson, 25, was a one- up victor over Mae Murray of Rutland, Vt. By SCOTT BAULK San Francisco U.R Don't look now, Mr. Fagan, but your rag-tag San Francisco Seals are fourth in the Faeifie Coast League standings today and getting hotter all tha time. The club that nobody want ed even for the bargain price of $250,000 squeezed Portland out of the first division last night by .001 of a percentage point. And they did it by beat ing the arch-rival Oakland A corns twice in doublehead er, 5-1 and 3-1. Wet Bit of rials Sacramepto defeated San Di ego 6-5 la the other loop con test.! Tht night was ona of clutch hits and ninth inning climaxes with a little boxing thrown in ana two players inrown out, l Fists flew in fllmtown as Hollywood won in the ninth on Frank Kelleher's pinch hit singlt off Jot Ostrowski. Two were down whtn Kelleher de livered to score Don Dahlke from second. Junior Walsh went all the wsy for tha tri umph. Fred Richards of the Cherubs and Gene Handley of tht Twinks traded blows in tht eighth inning. Both clubs rushed onto tht field but only Kicnsrds ana Handley were bounced. LOCAL UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Pas; 8 Sal era, Oregon, Saturday, August 1, 1953 Senators Stopped on Two as Chiefs Win, 2-1 (Br Till Ateoelatea treat) The Wtnatchee Chiefs climb ed ant af tht Westers Interna tional league cellar Friday night en a neat two-hit pitch ing performance by lefty Rick Botelbt. Tht , Wenatchee southpaw went the distance as he lead the Chiefs to a 3-1 decision over the loop-leading Salem Senators. Pushed into last plsce was Victoria. The Tyees split a twin bill with Spokane, tak ing the opener, 7-1, and drop- WIL Standings Pint teraei Sealllo (41 a Tobln af I Conkaa 1 Thomee.l S achnee.rf I Judnek.lf S WlUoa.lk I Orlete.e 1 OMibrr.l I Koa!ta.R I O A 1 OAuilmj s 1 4rtobka.lt S S lArfl.lk I 1 4Marai.tr I S IKuaalLrt s 1 !OIod.e S llaiartl S 1 SBanakl.l t S I Llada.s S 4 farteaaS a oa TetaU IS 4 11 I Tatala 11 I 11 4 reiiM 004 404 Hlle 410 411 I Porllaae 114 104 ' 1 nil" oil III ' Ptteher: . TP AB a I Bn II ao Hiaoaikiaer I n I I 1 I s UMle T 14 4 4 4 I 1 B Mara till, auaaall. a Noao. BB1 atari, ituaiell. IB Olaao. Btetrt, fVhmeee. laWMaraula. LOB Seattle s, rerUaod 1. U Mutarl, Aaake aaS Strit- iob. 1-1 li Beeoaal laoil: Beollle (I) B II Toain.er l OMaoaja I Thamaa.l 4 Bchneoe.r S Ju4DCh.lt 4 Wllaoa.tk 4 Chrlatlt.o I OMtbrr.1 I Wldmar. a a Lorkk. S OrbwakLl S Dala, oa a 1 SAuillao 4 4 I Bobbe.r! S I 1 ArfMk I 4 IMara,ct I 1 4 nbaaa.e I I Iakiart.lt 4 1 1 Btatkl.l 4 I I Oram. I I I 4 Adaraa.o 4 4 iwimkr.o S I 4e-rtaeaai I 5 tk-Beleh 1 4-Kiir I Llot.lt 1 Waibel. Wards 4 Brnoiua s TolaU 14 II 14 t Tolala IT I U II a roaoea aa far welmakar la Ita. a tlaalad tor ward la lib. tFopeoo; aa for Arft la 41k. Minor League Scores i Br The Atanrleted Preen INTEBNATIONAL LEAOl'S Vaalreel 14. Buffalo I ttocheaur 14 Iprlnitltld 4. trraeaae 1. Baltimore I. Oabr lamea Irheduled AMSBirAN ASSOCIATION loalerlUe a. Cherlattoa I ill laalaill. MtaneepoHB I. Indlanapella 4. Toledo 1J. at. Paol I Kaoaaa cntr I. Colamboa I. TIXAR LSAOI'E Dalle 1 Oklahoma Cur 1. Talaa I. Port Worth 4 tea Aatento a Snrtvaport I. Beauneat at rloutton. onataoaeS. wnaTian lltnii rlor4o Sprlnia 1-1. Llacola S-l. Dearer T. Dee Mnlnei J. Biobi Cltr T. Omaha 1. Oell lamrt trhadulrd riosFta it tors anilaat 4 Idaho Palii I. Oraat Pallt 4. Poralallo t. Bono 1. OaOeo 4 laalr VaUar 41 Salt Ukl Oil. Soil- Statue HIU ... PorllaMl , Kite ... Pttoher: Wldmar . Levrlca Dana ,,,, Adaroa Waloal .., Welmaker Word Xlllett rp is is s IS 1 I 404 Ml SM a 111 401 111 It 001 411 404 I 401 HI 414 I 17 BBSO 4 14 1 I a - Wlaaer Lorrlah. Loaar Adarae. Toblo. Thoroaa. ivhtaaea. Jadnlea. Wil ton. Chllttle. Kokoa I. Oraat. B Ooldt eerrr. BBI taoaiaaa I. Judalek, Chr te lle. Ooldaberrr. Oreat. Boklaaoa. Bo aert. Oarbooakl. IB Wllaoa. Bthmeee, Jtidolrh. HR Orant. Boo. OoMakerrr. DP Atittla, Baalaakl and Arttt Baelnekl, Auttla and Arft. LOB Seattle T. Port lend 4. U Aatke. Slraltoa and Mutart. M B. Alt 4711. Plrrt lamer Ben Preacleco 000 01111 4 1 Oakland 144 004 41 4 I Bradford. Llea and TleeMra, Tor aer ( i Atklne. hturohr III end MeU Berond lame: Ban Praaclaro 400 400 401 S S I Oakland 104 004 4041 I 4 Stnaletoa. Bradford til and Tornay; Bemberier aad heal. Fisk Deftats McDtvitt in Ladies' Finals Mrs. Frank Fisk captured the annual Salem Women's Golf Tourney at the Salem Golf tlub Friday with a one-up win over Mrs. Charles McDev itt on tht 20th holt. Mrs. Fisk has a four handicap and Mrs. McDevitt hss a nine. Tha winners in the other flights ware: First flight, Mrs. Ed Roth over Mrs. Tom Hill, 2-up on tht 18th; flight two, Mrs. Charles Muuer over Mrs. James Haworth, 1-up on the 20th; flight three. Mrs. Hal Da vis over Mrs. Robert Zbersole, 2-1. Handicaps were used on the first two flights. The trophies for this tourney end the husband-wife tourna ment will be given out at a dinner at the course on August 9. Ban Dtato 003 144 001 II I Sacramento trjlllioal 4 n 4 Luna. Benton tit and atathta: Oebloa, Yarllan 14. and Bltrker. Lot Anttlaa 000 001 0041 1 . 4 Hollrwood oil 000 411 I I I Chandler. Padaet til, Oetreerekl, II) aad tveaoi WaieB aad areata. I Four Open Dates On Fort Lewis Football Sched Fort Lewis, Wash. Four open dates exist on tht Fort Lewit-44th Infantry Division football schedule for this fall, and officials here would like to hsvt them filled by tesms in tht Pacific Northwest Scheduling is complete with the exception of Sept. 8, 18, 25 and Nov. 21, which are still open for teams who would like to play the Fort Lewis eleven. Of these four games, one may be scheduled away and the other three must be played at Fort Lewis. The game away may be played on any of the four open dates. The team, made up of person nel from the 6th Army and 44th Infantry division, is coach ed by 2nd Lt Les Richter, two time All-American linebacker from tht University of Califor nia. Any teams Interested In mak ing the trip to Fort Lewis, or playing host to them, on any of the above dates are asked to contact the Special Services Officer. 44th Infantry divinion. Fort Lewis, Wash., immediately. 61401 .... Spokane . Vaaeouvor Teklata ... Lewlatoa , i, Bdmontoa Trl-Cllr . Oellerr 4. Wenetehea Victoria .. (Br Tha Aiaeclated Prteal l ret. .141 .111 .114 , 14 11 . II. 14 , IT IT , II IS .444 , II II .104 , II 14 .414 , II II IM 1 14 II .411 , 11 IT .431 , II II .411 IVa 4U, 4Vi 4 VI I I 1 Prtear'e aeealtat Wonatehee S. aalam 1. T-Cltr II. Yakima 1. Caliarr I. admontoa 4. Victoria 7-II. Spokane I -30. Lewlatoa I, Vanaourer 4. SatarSar'a Seaedaht! Bdmontoa at Coliary ill, Vaaeourar at Lewlatoa. Victoria at Beokane. talent at Wenatchee. . Trl-Cltr at Yakima. ' ping tha 27-hit night-cap, 20 11. ... Bsewhera around tha loop, Tri - City's Braves trashed Yakima, 10-2, Edmonton tqueeted by tht Calgary Stam peders, 8-4, and Lewlston shaded Vancouver, 8-4. The Senators got their only run off Botelho In the fifth when Chuck Esaigan doubled and scored on an error. Jerry Ballard got the other safety, also in tht fifth. Jakt Hel muth't single fnd Harry Bar tolomei't triple gave the Chiefs their winning run In the seventh. Bill Bottler rationed the Spokane Indians' three hits in gaining credit for Victoria's first-gsme win over the Tribe. Jim Command was the big gun in Spokane's 23-hit attack in the second game ss he got credit for three RBls with a single, a double and a triple. John Marshall, the winning pitcher, and catcher Clint Cameron teamed up on the of fensive to give Lewiston its win over the Vancouver Capi lanos. Marshall went tht dis tance in scattering 11 hits and joined Cameron in t three-for-three performance at the plate. The Broncs cinched the win in the bottom of the eighth with four runs. The Stsmpeders jumped off to a 5-0 lead in the first two timings as they edged Edmon ton and snapped a five-game losing streak, Glenn Hittner spaced 11 hits as he went the route for the Stampi, who made the most of their five safeties. Errors, five of them, told the story in Trl-City't shellacking of the Yakima Bears. Fourteen walka issued by three Yakima moundsmen helped the Braves' cause along. Vic Buccola fur nished Tri-City's batting pow er as he punched out three hits in five times at the plate, bringing in three runs. treat (II IIOI B StbtUnl.l S 4 S 1 Oreea.t Luor.lb IBS 4M'Cmk.r 1 Tantllll a 4 4 4 4Rlmth.lt 4 Prrea.lf 4 4 4 4 Brllm.c 4 Dero.cf I 4 a 4Ptrrmn.l 4 Bolard.lk SIS I Rchrt.cl I Zra'a'a.rl 111 4StnfrU 4 Maitraa.l I I S 1 Mnml.lk 4 Dahlt.a (tl Wenetcaeo I O A I IBotolo. 4 Brooklra ., Milwaukee , Philadelphia New York .. Bt. Louie ... CloclaaaU . Chlcaeo II Plttaburih II rrtdar! Keeane: Mew York S, Cincinnati S. Brooklra 1. Bt. Loula 1. Philadelphia 1-4, Milwaukee 1-1. Ind same 14-lanlas tie. called rata. PltUburah 4. Chlcaao 4. Pet. OB .441 .171 S .Ml .141 11 .141 11 .4H 10 .341 II Jll II TolaU Satem Wenatchee Pitcher: Dahla ... Botelho S 14 II Totala II 1 1T II 404 410 4041 1 404 Ml 10 1 T 1 IP AB H t n 49 11 I II T I 1 7 4 I II 1 I 4 I 4 Brrora Tanielll, Perta, Btanford. LOB ealrm 4. Wenatchee 10. 1EH Bertolo mel. 1BH Exjealen. Munoa. RBI Barto- lomel. BB Rlehart, Purhman. Matter- aoa. DP Bertdomel to Puhrmen: Pulrr- men to Muaoa. Tttne 1;!1. umnlreo Aahford aad Van Kturln. Alt 004. Trl-Cltr Ill 111 40414 S 4 Yakima 441 404 104 1 II 4 Border aad Warrea: Del aerto. Rial III. Youai (1) aad Morlcx. at. Oeorie IT). . ftdmontom MW IM Ofll i 11 CftltiTr MO tOO Ma I S 1 Utter. M-nler 13), ud Mortui Ritl Bir nd Brlcktr. Flral tin.: Tie tor l Ml 1H T t pokant 100 oe i Bottltr tod Martin; Sprint, Otaa aont ll) t 4 tfthetU. Bteontl I ant: Victoria. IIS MB 1011 lt 1 ok an 443 101 M' 10 H 1 Dolltna, Walktr 1, Lor in o d) tad Harford; Romar and Of la, Mtato ll). Tbacodtct Lawks toe IHatc htr Camtron. MO TM 010 I 11 t MO 00 I,' I 11 1 and LmtHI; Warihall and DRAG RACES AURORA AIR STRIP On Wilsonvillt Highway Sunday, August 2 1 P.M. Sponsored by NORTHWEST TIMING ASSOCIATION driving in tht other with a double and single. It marked the first time Brooklyn won in St. Louis this season. The Dodgers took an eight game lead over the second place Milwaukee Braves, who were set down, 5-1, by Robin Roberts of the Phillies in a four-hit opening defeat, then battled to a 10-lnning 0-0 rain-halted, second-game tie. Richie Ashburn made two of the four hits, both singles, and stole second both times. But that was as far as he got. Larry Jansen beat Cincin nati for tht fifth straight time, 9-2, with a steady 12-hltter as Al Dark and Henry Thompson hits home runs for the Giants. A Shutout Murry Dickson of the Pirates turned in one of his b 1 1 1 1 r jobs, blanking tht Cubs 4-0 with eight hits as Pittsburgh gave him a 3-0 lead in the first four Innings. In the American League, the Yankees again moved 5H games in front with sn 11-9, 12-hit victory over the Browns, while Bob Porterfield blanked second place Chicago with three hits. Ex-Dodger Ralph Branca of the Tigers scored his second victory in the A. L. by topping Boston 9-3. Wsshmgton made its two runs in the first inning against Virgil Trucks of Chicsgo, who had been shooting for his ninth straight victory since joining tne wnite sox. Jsckie Jensen doubled home one run and scored himself on an error and a single by Jim Delsing. wauy Weatlake of Cleveland who had a home run and four single, driving in five runs in a 12-fl victory over the Ath letics. Bert'. Market ill 4111 ll ISarflower Milk 17 10 ! II 11 4 Hill. Matt 14) and Umatllle: Wrliht, Orlmaa I4 aad Btroor. Auxuat 1 Hlah Watara Tuse Helmt a ll a m. I T 1:01 pin. 1:11 a.m. I it p m. -T:4I a.m. I ll p ro. 1:11 a.m. 7 'SI p.m. 10:11 a.m. 1:14 p.m. 11:11 am. 1:40 p.m. 11:00 M 10:41 p.m. 11:14 p.m. 11:70 p.m. 1:01 p.m. IT 4 1 4 7 4 1 1.7 1.1 IT 1.4 II 1.1 Low Watere , Time Heiaht 11:11 a.m. ll 11:11 e ra, 4 4 11:11 A.m. 14 1:31 a.m. " 0.1 U JO p.m. 1.1 1:17 A.m. -0.1 1.11 p.m. 1.4 1:44 a.ra. .0 1 1:41 p.m. 3.1 4 31 a m. -0 7 -1:54 p.m. I.I 1:30 a.m. -0.1 4:41 p.m. II l:C0 l.m. -0.1 1:34 p.m. I.I l it a.m. -01 '-KXsvf larrr.MCW4aa.lt44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph.2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances- and AH Snurtl . Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Royse and Walt Claus. Owners AWMINGS-TEHTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT A AWNING CO 729 N. LIIERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description 'ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" . ' CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" . Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dlntmrt and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS ILOCK CO 14th & I. HOYT Approved Reinforced Rectangular Precast Septic Tanks -Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Block In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Picnic Night At Waters Park Slated Monday Mondsy night will be annual picnic night at Waters park. Baseball fans are invited to bring their picnic lunches and join in the fun with members of the Salem Senator team, who will wear their uniforms and mingle with the picnickers. Gates open at 9:30. Free cof fee and cake will be available. At 8:19 the Senators plsy the House of David team. "OUR REPUTATION it YOUR SECURITY" that's LARMER TRANSFER and STORAGE VAN 111 I It. FUR TBI BEST IN HAULING STORAGE FUEL 3-3131 Dial ar see as at 89, N. Liberty Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER IROS 1185 S. 12th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Snravera - Alp n, pressors - Sanders . Plumbing Tools . Power and Hand Mower ; Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gas Engines ' FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! " ' IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. . Water Systems Deep Well Turbines . Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvaniitd Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SAL EM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 2 BO S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accountant Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewater St OILING WEST SALEM TWEEDIE FUELS OILS STANDARD OIL DEALER Ph. 2-4151 OR 3-5764 ROAD OILING PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING 1 HEATING Repairing J55 Chemeketa Contracting . Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 NOW sara Wt give Penny Saver Stamn. u t .a1 QU'"NB!m PHARMACIES Ph. J-3157 HO S. lartrtf no Csart, Dtwrrtm 2440 (rttr, Madkai Cstft) 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Daily 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 1:00 Pit and 6 00 PM to M P.M. AU Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair Greea Dl. ) Trtf sumps in. Q'iSIt MITCHELL'S Radia-Ttltvltioii 1880Srot Motorolo -m Dealer, for ftr Genero Electfie P'ck up ond Delivery 4