Members of Wedding Party Among mid-August bridet is Mia RuthiU Willard, who to to be wed to Gordon K. Stein on August 15. Miss Willard to telling plans for the wed ding this week-end. Zhe.cfremony wU1 tolemnized tt 8:30 o clock that eveninj in the First Christian church, the Rev. Dudley Stnin olficiating. Peter Larson is to be the soloist, Mrs. J. M. Crscroft to play the organ. Attending the bride will be Mrs. Donna Sawyer as matron of honor; Miss Marilyn Springer as maid of honor; Mrs. Billy Kelso and Mrs. Maurice Mer rill as the bridesmaids. Jack Stein Is to be best man for his brother. The ushers will be James Christian, Billy Kelso and Ronald Tatone. The reception also will be at the church, The bride-elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Willard and Mr. Stein Is the son of Mrs. William P. Stein of Canby. Miss Willard was honored at a sur prise kitchen shower for which Mrs. Billy Kelso and Mrs. Donna Sawyer en tertained on Thursday evening at the Kelso home. Feting the bride-to-be were her moth er, Mrs. E. C. Willard, Mr. Stein's moth er, Mrs. William P. Stein; Mrs. Jack Stein, Mrs. Don Hastings, Mrs. R. C. Willard. Mrs. Richard Trent, Mrs. Her bert Dalke, Mrs. Ray Rogers, Mrs. Ken neth Crick, Mrs. Ivan Eberly, Mrs. Wil liam Samarin, Mrs. Wilbur Pearson, Mrs. Robert Schunke. Mrs. Maurice Merrill, Mrs. Pauline Hillpot, Mrs. Dale Thompson, Mrs. Stan Sayles. Mrs. Gene Katter, Mrs. Earl Jaeger, Mrs. David Bartruff. Miss Marilyn Springer, Miss Shirley Thompson. ' . Past Oracles, Oregon Grape camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will meet Monday at the home of Miss Mary Champ, 1760 C street, at 8 o'clock. There will be election of officers for the coming year. . ' Several people from Salem will be In Portland next week-end to take in events planned for republican groups. The week-end events center around the 100-per-plate dinner set for Saturday. Saturday afternoon a reception is planned between 3 and 5 o'clock in the Marine room of the Multnomah hotel 1o honor Leonard W. Hall, national re publican chairman, and Mrs. Hall, who are to be in Oregon that week-end as special honor guests for the events planned. Mrs. James W. Mott, Salem, vice chairman of the republican state central committee, is general chairman for. the reception. She has named Mrs. Fred eric Young of Portland, vice-chairman of the Multnomah county central com mittee, as chairman of arrangements. Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry, State Treasurer Sigfrid B. Unender, State Labor Commissioner William E. Kimsey, Mrs. Marshall Cornett, republi can national committeewoman from Oregon: J. J. Card, republican national committeeman from Oregon; Robert A. Elliott of Medford, state republican central committee chairman; Mrs. Mott as state vice chairman of the central committee; Mrs. Roy T. Bishop, presi dent of the Oregon Federation of Re publican Women; Fred Robinson of Medford, president of the Oregon Re publican Clubs; Mrs. H. D. Peterson of Dallas, head of the Oregon Council of Republican Women; and Douglas R. Spencer of Eugene, president of the Young Republican federation of Ore-. ' gon, will be in the receiving line with Mr. and Mrs. Hall. Mrs. Earl T. Newbry, Mrs. Sigfrid B. Unander, Mrs. William E. Kimsey, Mrs. George Jones, all of Salem, Mrs. Eugene Marsh of McMinnville, Mrs. Rudie Wil helm, Jr., of Portland, and Mrs. Robert A. Elliott of Medford, will be among those pouring during the different hours. Chairmen and vice chairmen of all county committees and precinct com mitteemen and women are being invited to participate. On Sunday, August 9, the republi cans plan a big picnic at Laurelhurst park. - ft ' si - ts x6i .,,. n.wfemers belnr welcomed to the eaplUI are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Proctor and family, who AM0!5S HTK!!rwH. Mr. Proctor belnr with the Oregon Farm Bnreaa federation. Mrs Proe toV.nd'chlldre TaSTred alJJve. The ehU4ren are Carolyn 4. Rodney Kent, three months old, and Charles , Robert, . . ' i I v ' A-7 ?3 I'M , ' , (Jutu-UllKr ituJli) pktun) MRS. DALBERT J. JEPSEN AND SONS SALEM FRIENDS will be saying farewell to Mr. and Mr. Dalbcrt J. Jensen and family whs are moving to North Hollywood, Calif, to live. Mr. Jepurn to be on the faculty as Harvard school for boys. Mrs. Jensen and the two sons, Peter, at left, and Carl, are pictured above. Several affairs have been given in farewell to them recently. ANNUAL picnic for Past Presi dents club of unit No. 9, Ameri can Legion auxiliary, to arranged for next Thursday, August 8, in Bush's Pasture park. Members are to take the Mission street entrance. The dinner is to be at 6 o'clock..- Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen is general chairman and on the committee with her are Mrs. R. W. Wyatt, Mrs. W. W. Woodruff, Mrs. John A. Boening, Mrs. B. M. Bennett, Mrs. W. G. Nothelfer, Mrs. Clara Poland, Mrs. Jennie Bart lett, Mrs. Beth Coffee. Woman's Society of Christian Service of the West Salem Methodist church is meeting Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Chester McCain, 876 Piedmont. This is a general meeting for the group. Mrs. James Best is chairman for the program. . . Susannah Wesleyan guild of the First Methodist church will meet Sunday at the Lodge at Silver Creek falls at 4 o'clock. Arrangements for transporta tion may be made by calling Mrs. Harry Swafford, 3-4302. All Amaranth courts are invited to the state grand lodge picnic at Cham poeg park this Sunday, at 1:30 o'clock. " 1 Copettes will meet Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Vernon White on Bliler street, with Mrs. Clive Scott co-hostess. The group will make favors for the state hospital. All policemen's wives are invited to attend. i-:.' kj t' ' i HVl MRS. CHARLES PROCTOR AND FAMILY r Cirque Club Dance Aug. 8 Cirque club's mid-summer informal dance is on the calendar for next Satur day evening, August 8, at Izaak Walton league clubhouse. Dancing will begin at 9 o'clock. There will be a snack bar throughout the evening. On the committee for this are Mrs. Theodore Flook, Mrs. Newbury Close, Mrs. Gordon Cooley, Mrs. Joe B. Richards. On the decorating committee are Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Hazelett, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hendrie, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jen nings, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hay. Woman's Society of Christian Service of Leslie Methodist church will spon sor an exhibit of old and unusual Bibles at its regular program and business meeting in the church parlors at 1:30 Wednesday. Anyone having an unusual Bible is invited to display it. Mrs. Harold Allen will present a de votional program and Mrs. W. S. Ank ney the program subject, 'Making Friends of God's Children." Mrs. Roy Grettie and Mrs. Lewis McRae will re port on their week's attendance at the society's school of missions and Chris tian social relations recently conducted at Camp Magruder. Mrs. Ankney and Mrs. Everett McRae will report on visit ors' day at the school. Hostesses for the tea hour Will be Mesdames Charles Vick, T. D. Trick, G. H. Templeton, and Joe Wood. w (JfiUn-Mlller $a pklun) Cajgnanwup iht-iwii.i m i Attendants for Wedding Told Members of her wedding party arc being told by Miss Jeanna duBuy, who is to be married on August 14 to Glenn 'Lukinbeal. The wedding will be at 8 o'clock in the evening of that date at the First Christian church, the ' Rev.' Dudley Strain officiating. Mrs. J. M. Cracroft to to be organist. Mrs. Allen Craig will be matron of honor for her sister. Mrs. Karl Schmidt and Miss Ellen Reynoldi arc to be bridesmaids. Best man to to be Allen Craig. Ushers will be David Lukinbeal, brother of tut bridegroom, and Richard Don. The reception following is to be at the church also. .The bride-to-be la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis duBuy and Mr. Lu kinbeal to the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lukinbeal. Some Notations . . . By M.L.F. -J Friday morning brought one of the late summer's delightful coffee parties when Mrs. Wayne P. Loder entertained at her Strong road home in compliment to Mrs. Ray A. McKlnnie . . . Mrs. Me Kinnie recently returned to Salem to make her home and to being welcomed back by many friends . . . The Friday coffee was between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. ... It was a perfect morning for such an affair and friends thoroughly en Joyed the beautiful gardens at the Loder home, taking their refreshments outdoors to visit with others while drinking their coffee . . . In line with the hostess and honoree was Mrs. McKinnie's daughter,' Miss. Marilyn Mount, who will enter the Uni versity of Oregon in the fall . . . "Welcomed heme" greetings were ex tended Mrs. Hollix W. Huntington, who returned earlier in the week with Mr. Huntington and their son, Kay, from three months abroad . . . Mn. Hunting ton was assisting at the coffee but also was busy answering many questions bout the Interesting trip ... In Am-, sterdam the Huntingtons met Mr. and Mrs. Willard Marshall and daughter, Julia, who are abroad ... In Rome they i met other Oregon friends by happen chance, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hug gins, Sr. of Coos Bay ... - Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr who was among those assisting, Just returned from the . beach this week, having been there the past two weeks with Mrs. Frank H. Spears and Mrs. T. W. Creech from Salem and Mrs. David M. Graham from Eugene, at Jhe Spears cottage at Nei kowin . . . Mrs. Spears and Mrs. Creech were due home today . . . Next week, Mrs. Dyer will be in Eugene to visit Mrs. Graham, formerly of Salem . . . Mrs. F. D. Qulsenberry, also among those assisting at the coffee, was eagerly awaiting the arrival of her son and daughter-in-law, Lt and Mrs. Dwlght Qulsenberry and their little son Stephen Dwlght, later in the day from Fort Hood, Texas, Lt. Qulsenberry having been stationed there ... He will go overseas later this summer, Mrs. Quls enberry and little son 'to be at their home here . . . Among others asked to assist at the coffee were Mrs. B. O. Schucklng, Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. James B. Young, Mrs. Ercel W. Kay, Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mrs. Taylor Hawkins, Mrs. C. W. Panlus, Mrs. Robert J. Herrall, Mrs. Roy H. Simmons, Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mrs. Breyman Boise, Mrs. John H. Car son, Mrs. Glenn S. Faxson, Mrs. Keith Brown, Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks . , . Chatting in the gardens during our call: Mrs. William L. Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith, Mrs. Harry 8. Dor man, Mrs. Jerald 8. Backstrand, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. Harry H. Belt, Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. John R. Caughell, Mrs. Frederick S.. Lamport, Mrs. R. L. Edwards, Mrs. Donald C. Roberts, Mrs. Edgar T. Fierce, Mrs. George Wetter, Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson, . Mr. Brasler C. Small, Mrs. Kenneth Power, Mrs. Donald McCargar, Mrs. Edwin Keech, Mrs. John A. Heltiel, Mrs. William L. Lidbeck, Mrs. James Walton, Mrs. George Alexander, Mrs. Chandler . Brown, Miss Elisabeth Lord, Mrs. Ronald E. Jones, Miss Edith Schry ver Miss Beryl Holt, Mrs. A. D. Wood mansee, Mrs. F. W. Poorman, Mrs. Karl Becke and Mrs. H. G. Malson, both of whom leave this week-end for the gift market in San Francisco, Mrs. Maison to be accompanied by her granddaugh ter, Carolyn Zoe Lowery; Mrs. Vine Buchhols, Mrs. William H. Hammond, Mrs. Howard A. Rex, Mrs. Harold M. Ollnger, Mrs. James T. Brand, Mrs. Roderick Livesley, Mrs. Robert Drager, Mrs. T. Harold Tomllnson, Mrs. Wil liam J. Braun ... Executive committee of the Salem district of the Woman's Society of Chris tian Service of the Methodist church met in an all day session at the First Meth odist church Thursday morning. Among members were several Salem women: Mrs. E. P. Goulder, conference secretary of spiritual life, and the following dis trict officers: Miss Wilms DeVrles, re cording secretary; Mrs. Mervin J. Gil son, treasurer; Mrs. Laurance Walworth, secretary of promotion; Mrs.RoyGrettlc secretary of student work; Mrs. R. E. Wingard, secretary of supply work; Mrs. George Roseberry, secretary of missionary personnel: Mrs. C. W. Stacey, publicity chairman. Mrs. G. Wesley Turner, formerly of Salem and now of Lebanon at this meet ing was elected secretary of youth work; Mrs. W. F. Culvin of Jefferson, secretary of status of women; Mrs. Arvid Olson of Albany, secretary of lit erature. Mrs. Carl Oldham of McMinnville presided over the group which rep resents three thousand women In this district organized into 38 societies and 10 Wesleyan service guilds for employ ed women. ':.' ' i . . J' '.' - . -. . I V . -. . ...i u: ! :r.:- : .j. ,, ' '7; : '' : . :": - . 1 . . r lFtb)T itttdiv Pictimt KbiMto) ' MRS. RICHARD A., BAKER BRIDE TODAY at a oeremony In Eugene was Mrs. Richard A. Baker (Nane Joan Byrne), above, daughter of Dr, Charles D. Byrne, chancellor of higher education In Oregon, and Mrs. Byrne. Friends from all parts of the at to attended the wedding. Baker-Byrne Wedding Is at Eugene A wedding uniting two prominent Oregon families took place this after noon at Eugene with friends from all parts of the state attending. Wed were Miss Nancy Joan Byrne, daughter of Dr. Charles D. Byrne, chan cellor of higher education In Oregon, and Mrs. Byrne, and Richard Andrew Baker, son of Alton F. Baker, Sr., pub lisher of the Eugene Register-Guard, and Mrs. Baker. The service was at 3 o'clock in St. Mary's Catholic church. Bishop Francis P. Leipzig nf Baker, long-time pastor at St. Mary's church in Eugene, offi ciating. Mrs. Dale Cooley was organ ist. .... The bride wore a beautiful wedding dress of white nylon tulle embroidered all over with lily of 'he valley sprays of Schiffle embroidery, !he dress being styled with full court train. The finger tip illusion veil was arranged from a beaded pearl crown. For her flowers the bride carried a bouquet of white or chids and stephanotis tied with white satin ribbons. Dr. Byrne gave his daughter in marriage. Mrs. John P. Byrne of Oswego waa honor attendant for her sister-in-law. Miss Sara Archibald, Grants Pass, Miss Sue Riddlcsbarger of Eugene, Miss Ancy Vincent of Eugene and Miss Nancy Hagglund of Tigard, all Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters of the bride, were bridesmaids. AH attendants were attired alike In white organdy, full length dresses with embroidered panels down the back threaded with pastel grosgrain ribbon, the honor attendant's in lavender, the others in other pastel shades. Each carried a white lacey bas ket interwoven with ribbons and filled .1 m : -. J''.. J A t ' '- v; it . 4- I 7, Mecwu etaale putmt MR. AND MRS. LOUIS ALDEN BRUNER THE WEDDING of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Alden Bruner (Barbara Jean Crawford), above, was an event of lt Hoturday evening. The bride la the daushter ot Mrs. Robert Crawford and the lato Mr. Crawford. Mr. Bruner la the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bruner of Eagle Point. The couple will reside In Klamath Falls. 1 :-:V i ' ' if j' i " , - with pink and white blooms, and each wore a crown of white embroidered or gandy. Carol Little, six-year-old niece of tha bridegroom, was Junior attendant, wear ing a miniature replica of the brides maids' frocks. Herbert C. Baker was best man for his brother. ' The ushers included Alton F. Baker, Jr.', and Edwin Baker, broth ers of the bridegroom; John P. Byrne of Oswego, brother of the bride; Ralph Little, Eugene, brother-in-law of the) bridegroom; Kenneth Warren and John 1 Akers of Eugene. ' The reception was at the Byrne resi dence. Mrs. Ralph Little, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Robin Jones, Mrs. Herbert C. Baker and Mrs. Alton . F. Baker, Jr., cut the cake. Mrs. H. A. Bork, Mrs. C. F. Wright, both of Eu gene, Mrs. Frank Baker of Tacoma and Mrs. A. L. Strand of Corvallis poured. Others assisting were Mrs. Earl M. Pal let!, Mrs. Adam Wilhelm, Mrs. W. Dolph Janes, all of Eugene, Mrs. F. M. Shide ler of Corvallis, Mrs. Kenneth Hirons, Mrs. W. P. Riddlesbarger, Mrs. Kennetft Warren, Miss Joe Tallman,. Miss Vir ginia Means', Mrs. Robert Newburn, Miss Alice Ann Wright, Mrs. James M.ignuson, Mrs. Jack Jensen, Miss Betty Shideler, Miss Anne Allumbaugh. All white and pastel blooms were used In decorating at the wedding, and featured was a lighted bride's candle which is to be preserved to burn at each anniver sary. The couple will travel along the Ore gon and California coast and will be at home in Merced, Calif., where the bridegroom is stationed with the air force. . mm 1 i