Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 01, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    tnrday, Auiurt 1, 1953
Psc I
local Paragraphs
Article Recovered A shot
gun, in air rifle end a taurpau
lin were recovered along the
Willamette river bank Trlitrs-
y by city police where they
were believed abandoned by
fleeing tramienti. The ihotgun
wai one reported itolen from
the barn of Zero Polaire, 2105
North Front street, earlier this
week. The air rifle alto be-
ioiica u mm, roiaire torn po
Womaa Held Rose Myrtle
Bridget, Vathon, Wash., was
va uj bvcilc iaiiicc i nun
day and Jailed in the Marion
county jail for Josephine coun
ty authnHtic nn n fnraprv
Plcnle Sunday JUG club,
Neighbor! of Woodcraft, plant
picnic for Sunday at 4.30 p.m.
in the gardens at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Macklin,
123 Madison street. Coffee
will be furnished. Those at
tending are asked to take their
own table service.
Directors Meet Members of
the board of directors of the
Salem Community Chest will
meet at the Chest headauar
ten Tuetday afternoon at 4:30
o clock.
Surgeon Returning Among
the Oregon men being return
ed from the Far East Monday
when the H. B. Freeman docks
in Seattle will be A 3c Wyatt
R. Surgeon of 197S North Fifth
street, Salem.
Held for Joaephina State
"police arrested Earl L. Zosel
Thursday on a Josephine coun
ty warrant charging grand lar
ceny. He was taken to the
Marion county jail to await Jo
sephine county authorities.
Boatleai Someone shot two
holes in the padlock locking
his boat to ahore below the
2300 block of North Front
street and mad off with hit
HVi-foot rowboat. Frederick
Clark, 2175 North Liberty
street, reported to city police
Wallet Mbnatnr Someone
'tank her wallet eontainlne
about I4S while she was shop
ping downtown Friday, Mrs.-)
H. 1 Power, Lacomb, reported
to city police. She said she
InM It nn cnunter while look-
. ing at some merchandise and It
Returned to Salem- Arthur
R. Kelley, 22, Hoquiam, Wash.,
was returned to Salem Friday
by a Marion county deputy
sheriff to face a charge of Jar
ceny by bailee in the claimed
taking of a car from th state
which he had not paid for.
Fall on Stairs Mrs. Susie
Martens, S4, Dallas, fell on the
.stairs In a downtown otlice
building Friday afternoon and
suffered a skull laceration that
required hospitalization. She
was taken to Salem Memorial
hospital for treatment. She was
released Saturday afternoon.
I SIa ZmArtnH&raA ku
Vandalism in Salem
A complaint mat vaiiumo
were breaking locks and open
ing railroad switches on their
downtown linet was lodged
with th city police Friday by
Oregon Electrle eompany of
ficials. The situation could lead to
loss of life or considerable
property damage, they aaid.
They said most of the vandal
Ism has taken place' in the
vicinity of Front and D streets.
Police are investigating the
OSEA f tenia rianaed Dis
trict No. 2 of tha Oregon State
Employes Association will hold
its fifth annual picnic Sunday,
August 9. at Champoeg park.
A special program is planned
starting at 2 p.m. Including a
variety of entertainment, elec
tric organ concert and old
time dancing. There will be
games and races for th kids.
A large group of state em
ployes, their familiies and
friends are expected to at
tend this annual picnic at Ore
gon's historical land mark.
Building Permits Madsen
Wrecking company, to wreck a
two-story agrage at 32S0 Port
land road, 150. WUliam B.
Wohlgemuth, to reroof one
story dwelling at 850 Rose
mont, $200. W. Kingston, to re
pair a one-story dwelling at $40
South 21st, $50. J. D. Foley, to
reroof a one-story dwelling at
1505 North 21st, $385. Mrs. C.
C. Russell, to reroof a one-story
dwelling at 1280 Highland,
$200. Paul Llnnell, to repair a
two-story dwelling at M0
North 20th, S0v
Driver Arrested William
A. Rankin, Turner, was ar
rested by city police Thurs
day on a charge of driving
while intoxicated after he was
seen by the arresting officer
to sideswipe a car driven by
Brenner Luthi, 325 South
Capitol street, at the intersec
tion of North Capitol street
and Highland avenue.
Smith Named
On Board Again
Reappointment of Francis I.
Smith, Portland, as a member
of the State Board of Educa
tion was announced today by
the office of Gov. Paul Patter
son It is subject to approval by
the Senate Executive Appoint
ments committee.
The office also announced
the reappointment of Charles
E. Rawlinson, Portland,
mtynber of the Oregon State
Board of Accountancy.
Gov. Patterson - was out of
Salem today to greet eight
visiting governors stopping
over In Oregon enrout to the
national governors' conference
in Seattle next week. Gov. and
Mrs. Patterson will leave for
Seattle.Jomorrow. -
Final Rites for
Tautfest Aug. 3
Funeral services will be
held at the W. T. Rigdon
chapel Monday afternoon at
1:30 o'clock for Harvey Ed
ward Tautfest, one Urn mem
ber of th Salem police force
and a field Inspector for the
secretary of state for the past
three years. A late resident
of 2410 Hyde street, Salem,
be died In a Portland hospital
Ritualistic services are to
be by Salem Lodge No. 4. AF
and AM and Rev. Ernest P.
Goulder will officiate. Inter
ment is to be in Belcrest Me
morial park.
Born in Okeene, Okla., in
1903, Tautfest was the son of
Andrew and Anna Tautfest
During his early life he was
employed in garage and serv
ice station work and then In
police work, with most of the
police work being In Oregon
City.. The family moved to
Salem six years ago. Tautfest
was a member of the Masonic
lodge and A Kadar Shrine.
Surviving are his wife, the
former Ethel Hughart to
whom he was married in
Marysville. Kans., April 7,
1929; his mother, Anna Taut
fest of Lincoln, Nebr.; three
sons, John N. Tautfest, Ger
ald R. Tautfest and Daniel H.
Tautfest, all of Salem; five
brothers, Roy Tautfest of Long
Beach, Calif., and Archie An
drew, Arthur and Orval Taut
fest, all of Lincoln, Nebr.; and
five sisters, Mrs. D. C. Riley
of Madison, Nebr.; Mrs. Doris
Fernandei of Lincoln,' Nebr.;
Mrs. James Spidel of Waverly,
Nebr.; Mrs. Leslie Drake of
Bingham, Nebr., and Mrs.
PhiUis Pieclola of Brooklyn,
Traffic on Edgewater Street near Cascade Drive in
West Salem was slowed halt an hour Friday afternoon
when a dump truck loaded with rock turned over across
the highway, scattering the rock over the street. Th
truck, driven by Donald Moreland, 2409 North Fourth
Street, was hauling rock to th Center Street Bridge con
struction. It appeared to get out of control when th 1
driver swerved to avoid another vehicle. The driver waa
not hurt. The scattered rock was cleaned up by state
highway scoop truck that happened along.
Mudd to Be Chief
Of Communications
Clifton B. Mudd has been ap
pointed to act as liaison officer
between the secretary of state's
office and law enforcement
agencies, the secretary's office
said today.
Formerly head of the state
property control division of the
Department of Finance, Mudd
iwill be known as chief of the
communications division of the
secretary of state's office.
Jimii I.
boy, Jul
Earl Leonard Fry
Stricken at Work
Earl Leonard Fry, lat res!
dent of 285 South Commercial
street, died Friday in a Cor
vallis hospital after collaps
ing while at work with a War
ren Northwest construction
crew. He was 80 years old.
He is survived by two
daughters, Mrs. Doris Valdet
and Mrs. Gladys Hills, both
of Salem; a son, Richard Fry,
Culver City, Calif.; a brother,
Harry Fry, Velva, North Da
gota; a sister, Marie Dam
schen, Portland; and five
An announcement of serv
ices will be made later by the
W. T. Rigdon funeral eom
pany. Post Office Receipts
Show Some Increase
Receipts of the Salem post
office showing a slight increase
during July as compared with
a similar month a year ago, re
ported Postmaster Albert C.
Grafts; Saturday. During the
month receipts were $68,800.28
or $434.88 more than for July
IB52 when they were $88,
365.60. For the first seven months
of 1953 Salem postal receipts
were $543,787.86 or a gain of
$13,346.80 for a similar period
a year ago.
Plane Blasted
' (Continued from Page 1)
Tall Funeral
(Continued from Page 1)
Postmasters of 3
Counties Will Meet
Postmasters of Marlon. Polk
and Yamhill counties will meet
at T o'clock Saturday night at
tha Senator hotel for a general
discussion of problems involv
ing th postal system. The
group meets once each quar
E. K. Gentle, Monmouth
postmaster, is president of the
organisation and Mrs. Harriett
House of Grand Ronde, is sec
retary. Mrs. Mary Horn, Jen
nings Lodge postmaster, and
president of th Oregon chap
ter of th National Association
of Postmasters, is expected to
attend the conference. She will
be accompanied by Mrs. Maud"
B. James of Oswego.
Cuts Scalp George Stand
ley, 61, 985 South Liberty
street, suffered a 3 H -inch scalp
laceration and smaller cuts Fri
day morning when he straight
ened up too soon when ducking
under a truck tail gat in the
200 block of South Liberty. He
was treated by first air men
and taken to Salem Memorial
hospital for stitches.
Ring Snatched Paul Car-
michael, clerk in a Salem auto
parts store, was startled Fri
day when a customer closed a
transaction with a vigorous
handshake. Carmichael dis
covered later that hit $75 gold
ring was missing.
DAY, AUGUST 4, 8:00 P.M.
Apricots, No. 1 Tiltont from
The Dalles. Open Sunday.
Puritan Cider Work's. West Sa
lem. Phone 2-7614. 184
Apricots, No. 1 Tiltons from
The Dalles. Open Sunday.
Puritan Cider Work's, Wett Sa
lerp Phone 2-7614. 184
balcm oiireaAL llOrlTL
CrrriR-To Mr. end Mrr Delbert
..hflMtf. fcAV. Ju r 31.
TflEPraHTO Mr. Mrt. ftcbert
eorpf.r. MM Market Si, rlrl. JulT 31.
STUART To Mr. enH Mn Donald
tuerl. Rt. I. Boi 14. n tlrl Jolj 11.
KOIHMFR To Mr. end Mm. He I
turner. JMe K alb "OJ. 32
PHIPPS To Mr. and Mr..
FMppc. Me Llnne.ton St
"sCHNSlDCT - T. M'l U
Srhntldtr. 700 Ktena Avt, bof. JM
11' . . . . ...
rSmiii.'W. ju., terved every Wednesday
Moving and storage across
the street, across the nation.
Call Russ Pratt, Capital City
Transfer Co. 182
Shattuc't famous Prime Rib
of Beef au Jus with Baked Po
trl. i
SOUTH-TO Mr. IPd ""-V,,
cum. 111! Cro.. St . '
O. RoDMMOO. Rt. . 1
JUlT 11.
iivm.TNrv-Ts Mr
J N.iuini. Boi 111, SUTtorj,
'VhaJtR-To Mr. mk! Mri. Jobnolt it.
SM?.5 0.r14 St-
T,PP!-r-T Mr. ind Mn. Otrr Tm-
psRocrecHi - t '";
m. Joi i.
piritiR-T. Mr. ( Mr. : Cl.-
HANSS - To Mr n Mr.. .!
Sum., Turn". tf'rU
and Sunday.
Formerly May's Beauty thop
t, rtnxu rtMtnmn and nnpraterl hv
""iRachell Waller, 1107 Edgewa-
ind Mr.. orn ter. Phone 2-8709. 182
Doctor Don E. Woodard an
nounces the moving of his of
fice from 113 Gerth avenue to
Suite 413 to 416, Oregon
Building, effective August 1st
Road oiling eat" Tweedie
Oil Co., 2-4151, collect
Circuit Court
DeDblt alp RiUiMl S. SHIpp: E-
cm of tftvorc to aioiDttif.
ChorlM Dtao Otrmin JuoalU 1ml
0 1 1 at a: Dlvoreo ootnpltlnt, Allotlai
erutl isd mhtitnan trtatm.nt. Mornd
In Mlem StpltmMr SO, lvftO. Sookj cdj-
todr el minor oniM nnd proper tr rlsbu.
Coiuolldltod Prtlihtwtyi, X n . vg
outhorn fMlfle oorflpaar: PWft
bttom.nt to diftndAnu' Hpplonooatoj
oniwor. .
Stato Industrial Accident Cotaatfuloa
v. c. S. and Jacouollnc Stuna. dolnc
bu.ln.u u Al.ln'd Ctft: Oomplalnt
Mcklna Judgment adalrut dofondanu
In aum of Illa.M aa r.lmburMmoni for
mono paM oul br plalntlll in connae
tlon with allMcd acddenl in nmploTO
of Scrandantn.
K.llb and Manaret Phillip. a Ar.y, Heath Bro. Lotflml Co,
John Murphr and Colli. P. H.aUi: Ob
JtctlOfl bp defend. nt Podrabakr.
Probata Court
Laura A. Yaotta aetata: Petition for
probate of will and appotntrejnt of Ttl
an Kraft aa eioeutor. latato baa nn
proxlmate value of tftooo wlUl Alma
Kraft. Marrbolla Weller and Knldbt
Memorial cburoa a. beneflclarlea.
Anno Buecn. aetata: Petition for nn.
polntment of Karl Buaeh and mada M.
Battel on aa oaeeutor and eaeoutrlx. re-
.pertlveur. Batato baa probable tralua nf
Municipal Court
Olen Lawrence nardman, tie North
Capitol atreet, chanod with drltlnt while
Inteikated end drtvtns with n auapand
d operater'a lleanee, releaaed em SI7f
Aanaa Crumb, aantn Ana, California,
duoTderlr conduct, held in Ilea of baU.
Redner Crook, tranelent,
conduct, keld la Hen ( ball.
Manuel Coetelle. Route . Boi Ul
chafeed with reckleea drlvlns and failure
to retrain et the oceno of aa accident.
releaaed e lioe nail.
The. right wing fell off and
the big plane crumpled into
the Sea of Japan. The crew
was ordered to bail out.
Roche, of Washington, D.C.,
was the only crewman rescued
by U.S. ships.
The U.S. state department
protested the attack to Russia
and said it had Information
some of the 16 others had been
saved by Russian vessels. How
ever, Roche said he did not
tec any Red craft in the area.
Saw Russian Boats
Crew members of rescue
planes which scoured tha area
said they saw several Russian
PT-type boats which may have
picked up other crew mem
Roche said the American
destroyer Picking, which
plucked him from the sea in
th predawn darkness Thurs
day, 22 hours after the crash,
had stopped a Russian trawl
er or tug boat" and question
ed the crew, but saw no indi
cation that It had any sur
vivors aboard.
"It must have been about
6:15 Wednesday morning
when it happened," Roche
said. "It was 6:20 when I hit
th water and my watch stop
ped. Tells of AtUck
"I was sitting there' relaxed
. . . it didn't enter my mind
at all we might be attacked.
We'd been in that area before
and never saw any Migs. It
was international waters.
"I had Just lit a cigarette
when our No. 1 engine was
hit and caught fire."
Roche said a gunner on the
B50 fired back at tha first Mig
a threw to five-second burst
of machinegun fire but he
did not know whether th Mig
was hit.
"No, nobody issued an or
der to fire. No order was
needed. We were under at
tack," he said.
"I never saw tha second Mig
at all. It got our No. 4 en
fine 45 seconds to a minute
after tha first attack en th
No. I engine.
Albany Woman j
Dies in Wreck
Albany, Ore. W) A head-on
collision killed Mrs. Matilda E.
Deardorff, 22, and critically in
jured her husband, Donald K.
Deardorff on Highway 20 be
tween Albany and Corvallls
Friday night.
Their car collided with one
driven by Eardley D. Williams,
Corvallis. Williams and his
companion, Charles Blake,
Lebanon, escaped teriout in-
John Summert, coroner's de
puty, said the Williams csr
went out of control, sidetwiped
an oil truck and then veered
into the Deardorff car. which
wai headed for Albany. Wil
liams was traveling toward
Corvallis. Both cars were de
molished. Mrt. Deardorff wai a native
of Coulee, N. D. She lived in
North Dakota until coming to
Oregon following her marriage
last December. She wai to have
taught in the Albany schools
cext fall.
Deardorff, who wai brought
to the Albany General Hoi
ptal, it a nemploye of the U. S.
Bureau ef Mints electrical
laboratory at Albany.
The list of guests to be in
vited include all House mem
mbers, members of the cabinet
the chief justice of the United
States and associate justices of
th supreme court; the joint
chiefs of staff, and th com
mandants of the Marin Corps
and Coast Guard. .
Invitation to members of the
diplomatic corpi to take part,
th resolution stated, will be
tendered by the Secretary of
Sherman Adams, administra
tive assistant to Elsenhower,
took part in the conference that
decided on a state funeral.
Burial in Cincinnati
Martin said Mn. Taft and
the family had consented to the
state funeral and that burial
would be at Cincinnati, Taft's
home town.
Taft't death Friday, from
cancer, continued to evoke ex
pressions of grief and praise.
In th midst of their eulo
gies, many of the Ohio Repub
lican's Senate colleagues had
proposed hit body be brought
from New York to lie in state
in the rotunda of th capltol
Taft't body will be brought
to Washington Sunday from
New York, where he died, and
will lie in state in the historic
capltol rotunda.
The public will be permitted
to view the body from 2 p.m,
to 8 p.m., EST, on Sunday.
Albany C of C
Tackles Budget
Albany Representatives of
seven divisions of th Albany
Chamber of Commerce mem
bership assembled Thursday at
the Albany hotel for a meeting
to discuss strengthening of the
Albany chambers financial
condition, with the expectation
that representatives of five
other divisions would meet
Friday for a similar purpose.
At Thursday's meeting 47
members were named to these
first seven committees, and it is
planned that formation of the
other five will be completed to
During th session it wks
pointed out that th Albany
chamber is operating and has
for several years operated on
one of the smallest budgets of
any Oregon or Washington
town of comparable six and
that several Oregon towns hav
ing less population than that
credited to Albany have cham
ber budgets a third or more
larger than Albany's, all of
them competing with Albany
for industries and tourists.
Mayor Homes
Plumbing Board
Mayor Al Leucks today an
nounced appointment "nf th
board of appeal provided for
under Salem's new plumbing
code. I
The appointees are Robert
L. Fortter, 2180 Wallace Road;
Roy Bowen, 860 North High
Street; Mllo Raimussen, 477
South 23rd; and Russel Beut
ler, 495 Wallace Road.
A fifth member will be the
city plumbing inspector, who
will serve ex-officio. and
will be appointive by the city
manager. The plumbing in
spector now, at part of the
building tntptrtlng division of
th city engineer's office, is
G. A. George.
Th basic function of tha
board la to arbitrate or to hold
hearings in ease where those
who wish to Install plumbing
hav problems either not cov
ered by th cod or are in
variance with th cod.
"Th main Individual re
quirement," th mayor told
th appointees, "is that of
sound judgment, ' Impartiality
and a desire to see that the
plumbing industry in Salem Is
kept at a high standard, and
that tha rights of individual
citizens and business men are
at th same time fully pro
tected." Each of the men appointed,
the mayor said, has been rec
ommended by members of the
trade, and representatives of
both th plumbing Industry
and organized labor.
Th appointees also serve at
board of plumbing examiners.
Truchcrs C:l
(Continued from Ps 1)
partmant war doing aa out
standing job In connection with
administration erf th tax law.
"la fact, t can say that thai
two agencies rata top la th
en tiro country," he aaid. -
Rep. Robert Root of lead
ford then said if there was
nothing wrong with tha opera
tion by tha two agencies and
there was no evasion by th '
truckers of th tax, then
there must be something
wrong with th law.
"However, -nothing has been
shown this committee or th
last ona on which I served that
th law I defective," Root
said. "It seems to me that w
should forget everything in tha
past, wipe tha slat dean, and
start in from there. But til up
to you people to bring in aoma
thing specific."
Clarity Dexaaatved
Chairman Geary than aud
th offer to tha truckers.
"But I wish to max it cry
stal dear," said Geary, "Thla
commute wants your idaa
spelled out in bill which
members of the commltte can
study to ascertain who and
how much different categories
of road users will pay under
such a Dill. Your organization
represents a large Industry and
are heavy taxpayer. Wa ar
anxious to glva you ovary con
sideration. But It must b mora
than just talk."
In addition to Chairman
Geary and Rep. Root, th com
mltte members are: Senators
Warren McMinime. Tilla
mook; Charles W. Binfor, La
Grand and Jack Bain, Port
land and Raps. Loren S term-art,
Cottag Grove and Robert I
Elfstrom of Salem.
Distress Loans for !
Oregon Farmers
Washington Ol.rj The Agri
culture Department yesterday
added Idaho, Montana, Oregon
and North Dakota to ttates
where farmers may obtain dis
tress loans on grain in ground
storage or In temporary facilities.
Regular price support loans
are not mad on grain without
guaranteeing standard storage,
Distress loam are at 80 per cent
of the going price support rate,
effective for SO days.
af tha
Speedway Restaurant
With Candied Swt Potato
ATTKUrr oofrttCBrra
District Court
DarM Bnaupo. M. chariad with beln.
the fetber of an unborn child ojt of
wedlock, teleaaed en own reeoenlanace.
Marriage Licanta
Richard Crawford, ss. able ward em
nlere. Fori Orchard, Wah.. and Harlan
Peemn. IS. aeerourr, SM north Ubartr
Stbbf Jcho aergnn. j. etorckccncr.
Kcattlc, nnd Jeu SUa aerrloonj, oleae
ircpner, Seattle.
On.. I Prnal. ts. rook cat Worttl
lltn St.. and leerr afaraaret fwnltb, S4,
bookkeeper, let aelnoel, Selena,
Of all kinds. Trunain, AMwnv
Innl Supports, F.lnatto Hnelrry.
Expert tltten private fitting
Capital Drug Store
tl State Htm
Comer or Liberty
Rait Onen gum
a M M -anae k m
White Suede
Reg. 10.95
Reg. 8.5
Beg. 8.11
White Mesh
Keg. 1195
We Have Discontinued
Lines of Shoes
Kt. 1.95 to 9.95
ton $yat
and H
( White High
Any Sandal at 2.95
Any Sandal at 3.95-4.95
High Heel
Rag. 9.9$
Reg. Ml
Summer Sandals
Any 3.95 Sho
White Flats
Rg. 5.95
Capitol Shopping
m i
em I
Open Mondays
and Fridays
Til 9 p.m.