Saturday, August 1, 1953 THIS CAPITAL JOURNALTSalem, Ortfoa Pat IS DENNIS the MENACE 1 KNOW WIS SOUNDS SIU.Y, BUT I MtlKO FOR RENT APARTMENTS LEE APTS. Iiltm'i Most Distinguished A4dreu. For attractive, convenient, modern liv lnf lt'i Balem'a finest. Bachelor unit at OSS; another at $57. Centrally lo caed. Television available. Inspection invited. 505 N. Winter. Jpisi" jniRNISHED baiement, S room utilities, prvate bath. 430 8. 20th. jpif LOST & FOUND LADY'S WRIST WATCH. near capltol building. Reward. Phong 2-0335 even- Inu. tin iXST Sprtnggr Spaniel. I months old, brown and whits. Highland Uitrlct. I-7I9C Reward. klM EosT SABLE Colli, dot. Reward. Phone 1-1709. mei MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE u, CAR RENTALS STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION It COURT ST. PHONE 1-1911 AOR STEVENSON and AL MEFFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-BR. SERVICE IN MOST CASKS DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldi., stata Commercial Bta. SALEM PH. 1-3311 m SAND A GRAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Claarlnc Ditching Scwar and Basement Equipment Rental Bitching or the Foot Phone Dan 3-9403 vaa. 3-4(17 ok 3-1411 Salem. Oregon m UILDING MATERIALS ivnottv nne Bos any plywood eis no ft. It'i nicel wood for any Job cut 'to your elte. Hardboard 1.73. wallboard 1.40. gldlnii IUHA tin. Wlftnrtnsf nrlrstil rla-rit f!uiat for fence weave 15.00 to 35.00 M. Very rc.lTl oe(nB u .ecu uuuii, TtMiinc. ceaar snini ei. oaa lira, ev- trythlnv lor your Job. Free delivery . and estimating service. No down pay ment IB mont.u to pay. Fine list : Portland Rd. Lbr. Yard npVW AT. I. hT MATDHDAY IfiM Portland Rd. Ph. 4-4433 tni Keith Brown Close-Outs Reiular Sale 1a . ..1 No. A Common Ahlnlap 933.0011 13S 00M Carrier Load lots 30 MM 4x0 . 7' to 10' Rouih Car Stakes .30 ea. 1-0 X (-1 X 114 NO. 943 Screen Door 1x4 4-1 eftbtr, M-O Floorlnl 1x4 . 4-1 cAbtr. VQ Floorlni 1 Bhaper 07.00 1 Drill Press U0 1 Toilet 40.00 750 114.00 114 00 50.03 40.99 30.00 I Doubl, Compartment Sinks 19 30 37.15 1 Roll (10 rod) Field Fence 11 40 10.03 t Rolls 190 rod rolls) Earbrd wire 13 l 1 Otneral Electric Fans . 14.99 I 11 30.31 SOME BATHROOM FIX TURES & AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES LEFT AT 50 OFF. 10-Llta French Doore 1-0 X 1-9 1-4 X 4-9 1-9 X 9-1 1-1 X l-l 13 41 1430 14 40 1459 9 07 10 34 10.41 10.49 Band A Power Tool. A Plumbing Tools at li olf. I - 40-ft. No. M Extension Ladder 40.00 10.00 1 - 19-ft. No. 90 Extension Ladder 13.00 13.90 I lt-ft. No. II Extension Ladder 13.50 10.1 I 30-It. No. 100 Extension Udder 11 00 15 75 I - 10-IL Stepladdera No. 11 15.00 19 30 1 - 14-lt. stepladder No. II " 33 40 U90 ALL SALES ON DISCOUNT ABLE MERCHANDISE FIN AL - NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS Keith Brown Lumber Yard Front A Court Street Phone 1-4111 WE OIVE BAH OREEN STAMPS SALE Walla, carload eupplr tTS Camp Adelr used windows 5 00 P.mtMl ih.k.1 nli orulercourie 910 79 tJnpalnted cedar shekea 96 00 Hew 4x9 plaster boerd H K V." alabocanr plrwood 30c V Mahogany plrwood 4Jc Colored bath aete. csmplets. .EAROAIN Toilets, wash baalna, kitchen sinks. waur heaters CHtAP Hew 4- aoll pip, 4" aolld orange-burg pip, J Hew bath tuba, complete ' toe gal. steel septic tanks 9 to Metal taraaa doo'i. complete. .145 00 Weurproof wall Hoards. 4x1 ' Hew orade-A screen doors ...99 s Hew fir door Jamba . Plrwood. all lade CH EAP Weatherstrlpped windows ' Fit tare windows, aeah ....BARCAIH Uioss Insulation, per bat ; Ha. 1 coder ehlnalea Ho. t seder emnglee " Comp rooting, first grad. .... C. G. LONG & SONS Pa. VMel One mile N. sf Kelser me By Ketcham ores, imm m YOUR irm 90f KKDSS Wf (REIT BUILDING MATERIALS Remodel, Repair. Now Save your casb for a rainy day Mo down payment, I month to pay Epping Lumber Co. 37(0 SUvertOn Rd. Ph. M13 OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY ease u ft. of sewer pipe with I war y'e a ion. re, irreiniar re and 1' floor drains, 44 and H" waur pint. . cwncrci.. in., s-noa. -aiat. melts LUMBER FOR SALE Oood ahlplap, 131 per M. Itrtttht. No. 3. ISt. No. I and better. 444. 1-ln. lumber. 910 per M and up. Phone 3-0(I malea FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Mcculloch chain saws, so tin- water, west Salem, salaat Localss Sup. plr. Ph. 4-1S41. a TALL GRASS and weeds are a lire hus- ard. If you are guilty better tet busy. Rent a power sickle bar mower at Snook's. 1JS5 Broadway. nltl TOP SOIL Rlrer silt and fill dirt llv.rr. Phone 3-1741. HOSPITAL BED for oale sr rest B. L BUM Furniture Co. Phone 1-tls. QUART FRUIT jara lor sale. Phone nltj- 4-2074. SPECIAL New Sinter electric, walnut ab tnet, sewtnt machine. Round bobbin, sews forward and reverse. Free sewing lessons. Only fiss.fco. Singer Sewing Center. 130 N. Commercial. ntlJ FURNITURE almost new. Chroma set, swing rocker. Bill rug, refrigerator, twin beds, etc. Priced to ell. let Portland Rd. Din GARDEN TRACTOR and all attach ments. $350. Terms. Phono I-MM, 1235 ho. 35th. n IS IS ICE 8 room furnished apartment. $10. 1171 M. 4th Street. Phone 4-1580. JPIM" for BALE Locker cartons. 1 cent each. 500 for $4.00; alio wax psper 11.00 a roll. No dee en. UNITED GROW' EftS. INC., 4715 Liberty Road, nilfi- COMB. RECORD PLAYER A radio 5 records), silverware 134-plece), camera with photoriasn, eitension laooer, el ectric sender, saw, curtain stretcher, mirror and toU of mlscl., elec. roaster .tt. ae at 511 No. Commercial. Apt. DINING ROOM SET, bed spring and mattrem. Call evenings, J-0933. nisz- L8ED KELVINATOR refrigerator, 135, Br kaa bed. sprlnu and mattress, $30. 1345 n. loth. maa FiiRVisHKD baitement. 9 room, utilities, private bath. 430 S. 20th. JplS3 NORCiE refrlierator, 0005 Dennis St. good chape, 340. nul" GREENHOUSE Neerly new commercial treenhous. 19x33'. Just th. also for small nursery or garden. Priced to cell. Phone 4-5044 or 4-3651. n!93 like NEW Easy spin Dryer. I old. 3AO. Phone 4-siao. 10 cu. 1335. FT. Cell "zenith Freexer Uka new, 3-5063 evenings. aiei' twiv HI7.K Box fiorlna and Mattress. UMM Soeclal at onlr 119.95 USED MERCHANDISE MART 370 S. Liberty Phone 4-0371 Terms of course. P133 SIHIVIN BICYCLE. Full slss, kne, ac tion, hand praae. rnon. -vuv. Wanted MISCELLANEOUS KOODRT WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-1110 aa WANTED Trsih Burner A small gas motor, turner w. vut, . " car. Ore. aeios- ELECTRIC BANOE1. Woodry'A Ph. 3-5110 ' . .... wnwt . wi, r-.ri.r. Hem. io'ck Pole, and Lose. Nledermerer- Marlln Co., in roruano Portland 4. Ore. aalgg' NITK CRAWLERS wanted. IIOO hua dred. Anr amount. Phono 1-9303. PERSONAL I'LL NOT BE responsible for anr bills other than my owa. Mrs. Bueleh Albert. P193 hr. JEAN, psychic reader, tells your n..t nr.nt. future. Can help over. AMf.r that keep rou from urrMS. health, happiness. TIP Top Kan Jto. CommercleL Hr 90R. ... v ... " P1S9 AUTOMOBILES 1946 FORDOR NASH "600" Seriei.' RitH, excel lent paint. Here's a real harp buy and we sharp ened our pencils to give you thi low price. $395 MANY OTHER POST-WAR CARS TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN FVENINOS STAR MOTORS N. Com'l & Union Ph. 3-6303 WHEN BETTER USED CARS AND TRUCKS ARE SOLD. STAR WILL SELL THEM t'9." II FORD V-i Strtlon Waeon. 33.000 mile, good condition. Original owner Irarlnf. 9IJM for oul'k sale. Oliver. Rlekreell. Phone 1-757 Dallas. .191 FoliTtLareTtrefle It fool trailer bouie. one ton 4 wneel drive pickup. 1941 Mercury. 1940 Cher, 1941 Pontlac 193 aiudebaker pickup. IJ Hort 133 . , nnn. issa criev. Master DeLuxe Artuel mileege. ie.4I0. See( covers, redw, perleet condtion. Phone .Ill !-4J. 1P3.1 PR KOTO V9 Autometie trans, and steerine, anlv I.OOO mllee. Must secnllre. WiU Use aider sr. 431 H. Chuck. 1U AUTOMOIILES 48 PONTIAC $89S Cps. sda. Only 34.001 actual muss. New newer, equipped with RAH. Ay dramatis, UpaoaMery Ilk. saw. '49 PLYMOUTH . .. ....$895 Spatial deluie 4-dr., RAH. teal cov er I. artttnai finish, wait, atdawaU Urea. UN da. 83 DODGE 4-DR: . . . .' . $2395 Sedan, 140-hp, red ram tnttna. gtratghw nana, with oo. only muea. Beautllullr squinted. Tola one la worth 3N. WESTERN MOTORS 1141 Broadway '49 DODGE 2-DR $1095 Wayfarer sedan with RAH. white atdewalle, tu-tona paint, low aule aae, laslly ales, '50 CHRYSLER $1895 Wlndaor deluxe 4-door. RAH. new tires, ortilnal finish, motor ever hauleaS. '82 CHRYSLER V-8 . . . .'$2605 Aaratova 4-door. Like sew throut b ouu RAH, white eldewaUa, IM-bp t V- aaiiaa. A real buy. Salem Automobile Co. Phone I-4I1T Dewey's 5J PLY. CLUB COUPE Save Yourself Real Dough Her 51 PLY. CLUB COUPE Here'i Another Money Saver 51 CHEV. Vi-TON PKP. A Buy You Can't Past Up 4T CADILLAC 2 SDNT. Loaded, Nice as Any '53 38 DODGE SEDAN 1 It'i Cheap '28 Model A Sdn. New Motor IP TOO ARB REALLY LOOKING FOR THE BEST BUYS IN SALEM. DONT FOR037T TO SEE THESE Dewey's WE NEVER CLOSE 3080 MARKET PH. 34061 .it). WZ ARE OPEN EVENINGS SEE Of FIRST SAM'S MOTOR CO. Liberty A Ohemekets Ph. 17117 Across from Flnt Natl. Bank HARP, CLEAN 1947 Hudson seden. meter, overdrive, brake. Mined, good Urea, new muffler and battery. Only 1499. Phone Sllverton 1-1101 $$ CASH $$ FOR YOUR CAR OPEN EVENINGS MONDAY THROUC-H FRIDAY ALL MAXES AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors 1193 Broadway Phono 1-143! 1947 STCDEB4RER .Quipped. Perfect Phone 4-3313. convertible, condition. fully tmt CJ193' 1949 BUICK euper 4 dr. Radio, heater, ood condition 1190. 1591 Mlddlegrove. Phone 93373. 193 OWNER MUST SELL 1991 ACra Wlllrs seden, 19.000 mllee, la A-l eondttlon. 91399 full pries. Terms A trade. 4-3534 alter 9 p m. 193 19 FORD COI'PE, excellent motor, good bodr and tires. 171. Call 39391 alter 9 30. (IM 1931 CHEV. Coupe. Ill Columbia St .193 pas CADILAC ill I. Loaded with all xtras. Must sell. Price 11.199. IttS Boxer. Phone 3-4919 .193' 19S9 CHEVROLET sedan. Many extree. very clean, 1 owner. 1019 Nebraska. Apt. No. 1. ,I93 IPS. CHEV. SEDAN 4-door, 907 Mill. Phone 1-9440. top ehspe. .It!' TAKE OOOD LATE MODEL or in trade for Feirmount view lot. writs Bos 179, Capital JournaL ,193 1949 POSTS Club coupe. One owner: good condition, new battery. Sc. si 7S9 Acedemy St. ,194 1947 CHAMPION Studebak.r, gacellent condition. 1404. Pnone 4-4304. .197. 1917 PONTIAC Only 1 owners. RadiS he star, s-dewr ssdaa. 4-t7M, 1-ee.e S194 tf taaat.. was 4M Atsny) AUTOMOIILES DON'T BUY BLINDLY! VISIT ONE OF THESE USED CAR LOTS THIS WEEK END AND LOOK AT YOUR LEISURE. SEE THE CAR YOU WANT THEN BUY. THESE DEALERS CORDI ALLY INVITE YOU TO BROWSE AND CHECK BEFORE YOU BUY. '49 buick m Aetlasetta with W.toS actual guaran teed miles. Complete service record available. RAH, drna, new set el premium aafety-flLght white aide W.U, Ace uus one and BUT. '51 MERCURY 4-DR ??? Ift.tot nownr mileage. & OD. fender aklrts, lura tUnala, WBW, original dark merooa finish. '51 CHEV. CL. CPE. ;....??? Deluie stylellne. RAH, gportllght Loaded. Ready to 10. . RON'S 1311 Broadway Ph. I-MM '50 CADILLAC ."61" Coupe and la tullr equipped. It's s beeutlful automoblls la A-l condi tion. Has RAH. '52 FORD TUDOR Ssdaa with radio, heater. '48 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-dor aedea. A aharp buy st a bartaln. CHEVROLET8 Many, many choice burs from 1949 throuah 1903 In A sice yarlety si aiodeia sad colors. i DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. Ml H. Commercial St. Phone I-3173 BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER . - Remember NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought to You So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Loter 8QUAK A? sicrj DE5TBUV3 '52 FORD CON V.. $1995 Sun liner, Fordomatlc, white walls, blue leatherette. Hint belie, very good. 51 BUICK SUPER SEDAN $2195 Dyne now, radio, heater. We told new and have service rec ord for your Inspection. Top quality. '50 BUICK SUPER SEDANET ...$1595 Drnariow. radio, heater, white walls. We aold new and have service record for your pectlon, only 20,105 miles. '50 PLYMOUTH SEDAN $1150 One owner gave fine cere and car shows It. Only 31.3S1 miles. 49 FORD SEDAN. $950 Custom I. radio, heater, eitra clean condition. Ybugri a better Used Car I iWiaBuickPealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY COMMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 3-3033 ,199 1951 CONV. NASH Rambler. White sidewall tires, automatic top, radio, weather-eye air conditioner, excellent tires, low mileage. We will guarantee complete satisfaction on this beauty. See it nowl $1295 MANY OTHER POST-WAR CARS TO CHOOSE FROM OPEN KYEN1NOA STAR MOTORS N. Com'l & Union Ph. 3-6303 WHEN BETTER USTO CARS AND TRUCKS ARE SOLD. S1AR WILL SELL THEM .193' 1941 DODt.E SEDAN Rid 10. heeler, nrw motor, brekea. Urea. 149 D etreet. In dependence. 4193 lew cHr.v, coupe, new i ton. paint. grroo 1949 DODGE Pickup. 9400. 13ft Perry St. sill BIO DIM ot'NT-19M Belelr Immaeula'e, low mllease, fully eoutp ped. t-f,7t .193 II rHErTf door. cheap. 179 West Srown. ass. 4194 AUTOMOIILES 52 DODGE $1795 Meadowbrook 4 -door aadan. Leaded with acceeeorlgg and a real bareala at uua prlc.1 , '49 PLYMOUTH $1295 Oanbrook club coupe. Plenty of ao caaaorlea and plenty ti car hara at h bin savins. '48 DODGE $595 Deluxe 4-doer aadan. Hera's ft bur at aba lowest pries In town. I Location. ( , To Sana To Eastlyt Ml North Hlfh it CheaiekeU 111 Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors 51 BUICK t?T Rlrura auper 4-dr. sdn, RAH. beauti ful 3-tona blue. 1 local owner. Da payment 1990. '50 CHEVROLET .' t?T Deluae fordor sedan. RAH. one owner sod very, very aka. Da prmt. $399. '49 WILLYS STA. WGN . .??? Radio, beater, overdrive. On, owner and a real burl Da. pymt. 130s. Sam's Motor Co. Liberty at Chemeketa $ $ FOR $ $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value! PONTIAC '90 BEDAN. Hrdra. RAH IIIPB '49 SEDAN. HTdra., RAH .... 1195 '49 AEDAN. Heater 10B3 '49 SEDAN CPE. RAH 995 '47 SEDAN CPE. RAH 70S '41 SEDAN (Sharp) RAH Ill CHEVROLET 11 SEDAN. RAH 11499 STUDEBAKER 19 COUPE. Heater I 195 DODGE '47 SEDAN. '44 SEDAN, RAH RAH , I 140 BEST FOR LESS 'II FORD 'II PLYMOUTH ,.l 190 49 KELLY OWENS Co. 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 0193- POST AUTO SALES HR Se. Sals '51 Merc Club Coupe RADIO, HEATER, UVEKJJKIVE. WHITE BIDEWALL TIRES. 1TN VKR BY I RTS, QLEAM1NO JET BLACK FINISH. 23,000 ACTUAL MILES. '51 Ford Sedan HOT ROD SPECIAL WITH AN OLDAMOBILE "99" ENOINE. RA DIO AND HEATER. THIS CAR IS JUST LIKE NEW. '51 Chev. Bel Air RADIO. HEATER. 1 OWNER, 13, 000 ACTUAL MILES. '51 Stude. Club Coupe RADIO. HEATER. HYDHUMATK.. V-I ENOINE. '51 Frazer Sedan RADIO. HEATER, OVERDRIVE. LIKE NEW. '51 Pontiac "8" CHIEFTAIN SEDAN. RADIO. HEATER, HYDRAMATIC. '51 Plymouth Coupe RADIO. HEATER. NEW TIRES. ORIGINAL LIOHT OREEN FIN ISH. OPEN EVES 'TIL 9 413' MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 119 HARI.F.T DAVIDSON, pood condT tl"fl tm Rt 1 H" 499 OS1S4 TRUCKS " 1946 CHEV. TRUCK Flatbed, good condition, tires. $850 - TERMS , Ph days 3-4041, Eves. 2-0528 Odin IMS FORD snd Chevrolet dump trurks. with Jos. call s-7911. sdlal 7 m Vv f tarn cm wsro ASsnoenoN V 111 Est. AV I AUTOMOIILES 1 1 The Seal Of Quality LOOK TO US FOR YOUR HARD-TO-GET TOP-FLIGHT MERCHANDISE 1952 FORD RANCH WAGON $2295 This hard ts get all srouad car Is what rog Bead. Locally swned. 1952 PLYMOUTH SUB' URBAN $1993 17.000 miles, ana local owner, s top flight stllltF car. 1952 OLDS. "98" 4-DR. DE LUXE $3193 Radls, heater, Hrdra., power ateerlng, sous as rise. 1951 OLDS. "98" 4-DR. SED. ' $2095 Tops la every way. Load ed. 1950 OLDS. "88" CLUB SEDAN $1895 These care are few sad fer apart. Immaculate la gvery way. 1949 OLDS. "88" 4-DR. SEDAN One local owner, low mileage, premium tires. 1949 OLDS. "98" 4-DR, (1395 SEDAN .-..$1295 The best buy sn the read today. Hurry la sad drlvs It sway. 1952 DE SOTO 4-DR. SE DAN $2495 Eeautllul Slue, radio, heater, power ateerlng. 1951 FORD CUSTOM 4- DR. SED $1545 Radio, heater, ywos tnsllo .vary, vary cleaa. 1950 FORD CUSTOM 4- DR. SED $1145 A very good car. Beau tiful greed. 1951 HUDSON HORNET 4-DR $1875 Heat, mtiste. Hrdramaus beautiful bronse dolor. . 1950 LINCOLN 4-DR. SEDAN $1295 Mew paint, new tires, 1S4S BUICK SUPER SEDANETTE $1195 A real sharp car with Drna. 1950 CHEV. FLEET- LINE 4-DR $1095 You cant' go wrong oa this one. Radio, heater, w-s tires. 1950 CHEV. CONVERT.. $1193 A real sports car, A-l cond. mechanically, pow erglldg. 1950 PONTIAC 8 CON VERT $1593 Full faetory aqulpmank Black with tan top. 1852 STUDE. CHAMP. 4-DR $1195 Locally swned. 11 mllee per gellon, low OQUlp ment. THERE WEEK END SPECIALS rVK BEEN THOROUOHLY CHECKED AND ARE READY FOR THE ROAD MILES ST MILES ur DRIVINO AND RIDINO SATIS FACTION, BACKED BY YOUR LO CAL OLDSMOBILE DEALER. 24 YEARS IN SALEM LODER BROS. 456 CENTER PH. 27973 cjiaz" AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAV1NO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. expert, win eolvs roor prop ionic and eeva rou money. Pre. .,tl. matee, apeodr service. Center st Lib ertr FINANCIAL O o REAL ESTATE LOANS Up to 30 yra Amortls.tlea. Quick service Minimum Ch.rgea Calvin V. Kent Mortgage Loans 494 No. Church Phone 4-3333 SEE UB FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAGE LOANS BEST OF TBHMS WE BUY Real aetata mortgagee A contracts State Finance Co. 117 SO. High SL Ph. 1-4111 US. S-133 and M-331 and ROY H SIMMONS tNBURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades' 1104 Dally KSLM 119S KS OANKRAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 So. Commercial St, Tel. Mill AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 193 South Church ParklLg a-Plcatr Ph. 1-3457 Lie. No. M-1M. S-194 PRIVATE MONEY to loan OB real estate. Phone 3-0794. risj STATE FINANCE CO. S III M-331 FIVE loan services to fill your need for money qulckiy 1 Auto loans. 1 Plinature loanc. I Furniture loane. 4j Coneoltdalloa lo.og. 9 Parment-rednetna laana. Don't wait Come in todayl Phona 14131 111 So. Hish At. rllie TRAILERS u rooT ysaileb for Manilas, tarp. Acs 3999 Lsrssct sveaus. with llll 6 Injured in Highway Crash Corvallis VP) Six men. three of them brothers-in-law of Grade DeMoss, who had been at family party celebrating her impending marriage, were hospitalized Saturday after an early-morning highway crash. Don Durdan, 33, halfback on the 1942 Oregon State College Rose Bowl team, was In criti cal condition from a skull frac ture and other hurts. He is one of Miss DeMosi's brothers-in- law. 'aWientln Greenough, 34, also a brother-in-law and center on the same Rose Bowl footbaU team, was unconscious hours after the accident but hospital attendants said hi a condition was believed not critical. The third brother-in-law, Lester Gault, 48, was not seri ously hurt, nor wai the fourth occupant of the car, Justin Johnson, 24, Grand Coulee, Wash. He is to be best man at the marriage of Miss DeMoss to Howard Smith of Corvallis and Miami, Fla., scheduled for Sunday. A decision on whether it would be delayed had not been made, her father, Ray De Moss, said. Sheriffs Deputy Milo Askay said the four had just dropped Bob Hardenburger, also a hus band of one of the five DeMoss girls, at his rural home and had started back to town when two miles south of here anoth er car struck them from the rear. The driver was Lloyd Cooper, 26, Springfield, Ore., and with him was Robert Cof- felt, also of Springfield, Askay said. Neither was critically in jured. DEATHS Wm . Toay Praaler, lets yesioens or ease sun Fernando Blvd.. Olendale. Calif. In that city July 39. survived oy outer, Mra. Susie Bralthwalta. Lawrence, Mass.; brother, William Fratler, Toledo, Ohio! nephew, James B. Frasler, Salem: niece. Anns o. praaier. aaiem. urav.sra. .rv- Icea Monday, Aug. I at 1:30 pm. at Belcrest Memorial park nnoer direction of Clough-Berrieg CO. -rno nev. n. Harold Lymsa will officiate. Willi. m T. Paula William T. Paula, lata rettdent sr a.u S. 14th St., st a local hospital July 31. nvvi.Mt hv .liters. Miss Oladra M. Paula. Salem. Mra. uraoe ateurer. m oondldo, Calif.! brothers. Otto Pauls, wrin.vtiie. cnar ee rauis. t-uiv.r. ur. Announcement of eervlcea will be made later by me CWUln-Earrlcx, to. Sun. TCSward Ta.tfe.t Harvey Edward Tautlest, In Portland Jul. id at th. aee of 49. Late resident of laid Hvd. st- ealem. nusoana oi stnei M. Tautlest. aaiemi lamer m Ana. T.utfeat. Lincoln. Neb.. John N. Taut. r..t aaraid r. Tautlest. uavio, si. -iau(- feet, all oi aaiemi oroin.r oi nor nut let, Long Beach, Calif., Archie, Andr, Arthur, Orval Tautlest, all of Lincoln, Neb.l Mra. D. C. Ktler, Maoiton, neo. uri. Darta Fernandeg. Lincoln. Neb. a,,.. Jim BoldeL Waverly. Neb. Mrs. Leslie Drake, Bingham, Neb., Mrs. Full Plcclola. Brooklyn, N. Y, Services Mon- lur. 1 at 1:30 p.m. In W. T. Rlgdon CnepCI Wttn rituausiie service, n. n.icm Lodes. 4. APAAM. Concluding ssrvlces at Belcrest Memorlel Perk. Tho Ber. Ernest r. Ooulder will olllclel Cars L. Mrrs Oswald Cora L. urra Oswald. St tne residence. use Daniel at.. July 31 at the axe of 00. Survived by children. Mrs. Claire Johnson. Oakland. Calif., Mrs. Cora w.ldron. Salem. C. H. Oswald. Lapual, Idaho; also a grenocmioren. Mcmocr oi S.D.A. church. Announcements or serv ices will ba made later by ins uoweu. Edwards Co. , Jemea Crothorf, let. resident or gro N. lath St., at a local hospital July II i th. ... of aa. Survived by nepnew, R. R. Crothers, selem. Announcement of ssrvlces later by the Howell-Edwarda Co. Willi. ra F. William F. Bauer, lata resident or nr. l. Boa 70 E. Brooke at s local hospital Aug. 1 at the we of 09. survived by wife Mrs. Elsie Bsuer. Brooks; con, Elmer Bauer. Detroit, Mlchlcan; brother, Al bert Bauer, Detroit, arich. Member of Johns Lutheran murcn. cervices will be held In tho Howell-Edwards Chapel Monday, Aug. I at 10:30 a.m. Shipment will ba made to Detroit, Mich, for final eervlcea and Interment. Rev. H. W. oross will slflclstc. Bart Leen.rd Pry Earl Leonard Fry, lit corvauu juiy it at tne aee of 40. Late resident of Salem. Pother of Olerfra Hills aod Dorla Valdes. both of Salem, Hlenaro rrr. Culver Cltr, Cellf.; grandfather of Billy Hill, Linda, Christine, and Wsrren Duana vaidex, ail or oaicra; ororner ot Harry Fry, Velva, N. D.. snd Marie Demsehen. Portland. Announcement of services will ba made later by the W. T. Rlrdon Co. HOUSE TRAILERS FACTORY BDILT aluminum tear-drop camping trailer. 2010 neorasaa. a p.. No. 1. tal 1049 ELCAR trailer. Hot water, refrte- erator, toilet, snower, cteaniva street. tslM TRAILER BOISE cheap. lft N. Capitol. laifia DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machine sold, rented, repaired. Roen, 4ft court. Ph. 2-4771 BULLDOZING Bulldoslns, roarls. clearlni Ueth. Vlnii Huskey, 10 10 Pairvlcw, phone j.j.u. oioe DRCHRMARiNO Aiteratlooi. hemstitchint, buttons, buckles, covered, buttonhole. Mrs. H M. AUender, 3-9811.. oiot EXCAVATING Ben Otjen ok tVn exc ere tine and radina. Lend, elearlnr. Fn, 1-2000. 01 80 PIRNACE CLEANIVO tni'. W..rt,mrm fltanlnl All work full guaranteed. Phone 1-1245. 0180 HOI BE MOVING t.a.7wisr fnonria line Tsnetf Full at pertence! Free eitimatea. Bonded and Iraurrvd. Ph. 2-4041. 2-7M. 0305- INHU.ATIOM Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum awrefiu. Pt Mtlmete. T. Pullman, Phone I-&9A. ot00 MATT RE SHE ft Capitol Bedding, reoorete. Pull line new mattresses. Ph. 1-4044 o orPICE PLRNITI RR BITPUEI Detk ehalriv fllee. filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, d'ftk lam re, type writer stands. Roen. 45 Court. VtEPTIC TANKS Hsmel'a rvlce, 2-7404. septle tanks cleaned, line sOika's Beptl ServVre. Tanks cleaned. D' rooter elean aeweri, drataa. Phone 9-9440 OlH Bewer. septle tank a. dralna cleaned. Ro-to-Kootr Sewer aervka. Phone I-IJ17. PHARPEMNG A Rf.PAIR Laws mow'ra, eews, eta. lltb O- Ph. 1-4411. Frao pickup. a MARKET QUOTATIONS pobylanb) fsewrxs US stteefel Teerwstlvs, subject Is lav. madlats chaase: Premtrua duality, assal -mum Jl af so. per cent scidltr de livered la Portland ee-71. lb.i first cjaal. Ity. 44-4SC. aecond duality, 41 -44c. fallep rsutaa sad eoaatry potnta S ssnta leas. Salter Wholeaal. ...... bulk nets to whsleesls. sradaa AA, 91 score, see I A grade, ra score, sect as, aw ecora, sac. C. as aesrs, 44c Above prices strfcUF aomtaal. oats saiuaa price is psrtlaaa wholesalers. Oregon singles, 43 14 -44 Vast Oregoa I lb. loaf. 49's-90Vie. Eaaa ts egkeseesler. caadiaa ssaa aontaintnl no loaa. csaas tneluded f-o b. Portland A grade Urge. 44M-47tlat A arada medium, S9ta-44tc: B grade large, 404-43'vc. Partlasd Dairy Mark. Batter Pries ts r.tansrat Orsds AA print, llei A eaiteet, net A arlata. Hot aartoa, 11CI B pnnta. sss. Eaaa la peasseers uaaaiea s. ev st. PorUandi Unaradid large, 5l-44a doe.) grade AA torge. e4-Uo doe. I A large. 40 gle dog.; AA medium. 41a dog-! A grads medium, Ms dos.1 A grads smalls Bsau aal, 41-41C. Egga t. setallsrs oraae as, mrgs. 71c: A large. 44-40: AA medium, foe; A medium. I7-49C! A small, H-tle. Cartons 1 cent. sddltlonaL Cbssee Pries to retausra, raruaais. Oregon glnslee, 4tt4-49c: I Is. loaves, 51-53Vae: triplets, 1H0 less than aln alea. Premium brands alnglev SStssi ' lb. for alngla wheels so we. rrocesaea aa- . erlcan cheese, l-Us. losvaa ts ratal, 41 45. lb. Psallry Uv. Calakeas-INS. 1 suaUty. tag. plants), Frrere, lt-l lis., lie: 1-4 lbs. lie; loeatera, 4H lhs , snd over, lie; heavy bene, an wetsnta, au-aic. uan. hen,, si IweUhta, llei old roosters. 19-190. . Dressed Cblckeaa No. I draeaad ts retailers. Prrere. broilers, 41-434 lb.i routers, all wle. 41-43c; light nana, 33-34e: heavy hena, 31-ltc. cut-up frr era. aU eu, M-wc Ib-i whole drawn. 14 45e lb. Babbits Avsregs ts growers: Lies whites, 4-1 lbs., 30-33CI l-l lbs.. ll-Uo lb.; colored pelts. 40 lb. under! aid doee. 10-13C lew higher. Fresh araaaea. frrere ts retailers, ar-esci cut up -"-Castry BUIed Me.ta Veal Top quality, 31-330 lb, rouaB heavla.. -3ec. Haaa Lean blookcra, ll-Mci sows. light, 33-13C. . .. Lambs Best, 40-41O lb.i leullags, 30- 350 lb. Mattaa Best, 11-144 Ib.l etUl-uUUty, l-loc. Beef Utility cowe, 14-lls lb. cenner cuttera. 33-33ci sheiu down Is 17o n, ua hm1i Wholaaalers ts retailors! Dollars pes '"mf-Steera. sholce. S00-70I Ibc. 40-00-44 00; good, 37.00-43.00; commercial 31.00-37.00! utility 17.00-11.00; eommer- . clal cowa 11.00-11.00: utility 34.00-34.001 cannera-outters, a3.00-3o.O0. Beet cute Choice ateera hind suar- . tere, 93.00-10.00; rounds. 49.00 -IIJOl full loins, trimmed. 4l.00-T0.00: trian gles, 37.00-33.00; lorequartera 30.0-'j.00l chueka j9.O0-4o.0O: rlbe, 44.00-93 0S, Veal snd Calvea Oood-cUc.e, 14 40.90; commercial, 39-39. Lembe Choice-prime, 141-441 sood, 19-44: aprlnl lambs, cholca-ptlma, 47.90. " .. .. Ma ilea utwa cnoicti, wi rrk Ctr Loins, Mo. 1. 1-13 lbs. flfi-.O; uttlltf t-t h on Were, 1-Ws, 43c- 15: spere rlbe iMie-ve.Mii iresa nsni,' 10-14 lbs.. M-68, pork ottrctues 120170) IKs, ttlta.AI ImokM Bent Hinneo, e'i - fined lir4 la tirums, 14-lfl.-0; sleO bivt on, 16473. rertientt MlteuMee Onietit ba In, sack cmt Kea oiooe nnxl., J.Tft-l OD; white clobe, I wi Tellows meo. erwi lane,, iw 7. Hi Wteo. vellowi, med. t.U1.7. Uno i.n-i.4o. -m FeUUfe--iptMU Tnumpns, iuis, w I.W; BoeTdman long whltt. Ho. 1A, S.M 75! NO. 2, BO-ID. BSCK, W-bo; uroa auk setts, no. 1, l.4.00; to to. mesa, ou- 12c; locl Ruuets. No. 1A. CsUI. lout vnttes, no. ia,, itwr, 2.60-1.76. Netne brands to t.Ti. Her u. tt no. i ereeo ouau. ar Uvered ear loU t.o.b. PorUand and Bo attle, 3V-30. Htvel Grease Basis, wiuame.H via ier medium, 0-53 lb.i Eastern Oregoa fine aod hallblood, eac-azc; winemeue Valley lamb wool, 43ci . 22 -month wool, 49 -508 Mohair 8S-670 lb. ott 12-month trow th f o b. tttruntrv ablDelne points. , Hides Producers paylnt price f.o.b. Portland calf skins, 21-22o lb., accord ini to condition; green klpi, 17-lBo lb.: treen cow hides, S-lOo lb., acoordlns to well fti and oualltn bull hld, t So Ib.r flue hides, to per eenl below prices for abore classes, t-L-rt- Whcicisle eelllne price, Ko, l mexUum Barcelonas, U-lio lb.) aheU- Ht 48-aio lb. Ib.t Hint naives. Te-tuo a. Walnuts WhDieiaie eelllnr prices. first quality lane PranqueUes 3-loe lb.i ttheUetl, lisbi amotr najes. io-too SALEM MARKETS Cenelld from- reports mt Balem dealerf lor the cnldaneo el Capital Jearaai readeri, 4 Revised dally.) Bets It Peed Prleeei Rabbit Pellets II Ift (10-lb. BSf), 14)0-6.45 UOO-lb. bell. Ere ! 1 6 0 -50. Ilalrr feed 43.45-1 IT (IO-!b. bar). (4 35-5 DO (100 wt.Ji pasture mil. M il tioo wt . Poeltry Birlaff liee Coiord rrrere. He, old roosters, 15c i colored fowl. 21ct leehora iowL 10c; roasters, 2 Jo. Ber 1 Boylne Pricae Etei. Aa. flTct lent A. -l7ci medium AA, Olct medium A, M-fl2c; imaU. Ud. Wbaieeale Prte'a Ect wholeJaio priew teneraUy 4-7e lilsber than tho prices above. Larre iraia a ceoeraiAy tuoteoj at 73ei medium ISc. Better fat Bur me prtcet mmlnrn. TO- l,c: No. I, 4763e: No. 2. Me, Batter Wholesale rad a paKlimeni, Tie Ib.t retail Tie. DIRECTORY TELEVISION Peat, efficient repairs, oa sll mskee. Cell 4-9991, sea. ts S p.m. ITS Merkel St. sine TYPEWRITEBS Smith. Corona, Remington, RoyaL Un derwood portables All make, seed machines. Repalra A recL Ko.0, 49S CourL 1-1773. o WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanere. Industrial floor waxing, boueecleanlns. Pbon, 1-3337. 117 Crmrt o LEGALS NOTICE TO CREDITORS I THE CIRCUIT COURT OP TH STATE OP OREGON. FOB THE COUN TY OP MARION, in Probate. Number 15521, in tne Matter or the uteie or Alma Mat Zurcher, Deceased, Notice ts hereby uren that FERD 1. ZURCHER had been duly appointed administrator of the eitete of Alma May ZurrheT. d nwed. by order of th Circuit routt of the Btet of oeenn for Marlon county. dated July 17. 103. AU persona ha-lns claims as emit eetd estato are hereby required to present such el: ma duly verlfiod, and with proper certlike- tion attached, to the undersigned Perft J. Zurcher at ftl M. Hieh street, aaiem. Oregon within six month from th data of this notice, the Mm belne dated and published tor the first time tnts lltb dsr of July. 1051. Perd J. Z'jrcUer, administrator Elmer M. Amundson Attorney for th Unlet Pat of 1st publication 711-63 Data of last publication t-lS-Sl luly lt-25-Aue or. f . T. Lam, B O. Dr. O. Chaa BJJ DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstair. 241 North Libert Offlea open Saturday only IS sat to I p.m.. to 1 pa. Consuiuttc. blood prpssnro and arln tu ere fre of chare Practiced sine 1911 writ for at it active gift it 4U ea(!w I . -s -