Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, August 01, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pate 2
In The Valley
Dalit A director meeting
of the Dallas Botary club wis
held Tuesday evening, July 28,
In the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. c. Lundy at 900 Jefferson St
In Dallas. Wives of the direct
ors also met In the Lundy home
and had a social hour while
their , husbands slotted the
course of the local Rotary club
Present were Mr. and Mrs
Blaine Johnson, Mr. and Mrs.
Abe Regier, Kr. and Mrs. Men.
tv Dairies, and Neil Povey
Henrv Dairies, manager of the
Dallas Safeway store, is presi
dent of the Rotary euro zor
Miss Marianne Strauss from
Jacobshaat. Bashof OT.S. Un
Ion of South Africa, was the
principal speaker at a meeting
of Dallas high school's inter
national Relations club July 22.
Miss Carolyn Hoffman was
hostess of the meeting.
The politics and geography of
Africa was the principal theme
discussed by the croup.
Miss Strauss, an attractive
home economics major at Ore
gon State college, came to this
country last October on a study
visa and will return upon the
completion of her work next
June. The visitor was the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Regeir
while In Dallas.
Miss Marge Hendrlcksen was
guest of honor at a surprise
birthday dinner given for her
by Mrs. Marshall Huntley the
evening of July 28. Present In
addition to the guest of honor
and Mr. and Mrs. Huntley were
Mr. and Mrs. Don Yeager, Mr.
and Mrs. R. R. Llvesay, Rev.
and Mrs. John Propp, Mr. and
Mrs. George Heppner and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Lund,
and Mrs. Lund's sister and her
husband from California, Mr.
and Mrs. Fritz Johnson and
Mrs. May Huntley.
A family reunion In honor of
Gus Hiebert was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fete
Balser the evening of July 26.
The guest of honor Is the bro
ther of the hostess. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Gut Hiebert
from Newport, Wash., Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Wlens and family.
Grandma Hiebert, Mr. and
Mrs. I. N. Pauls and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Fast and
family, Mr. and Mrs. John Fast
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ferd
. Balzer and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Bethel Park
Bethel Park Mrs. C. E.
Earhart of Walla Walla,
Wash., If visiting In the R.
Nelson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner John
ton and sons, Harold and
Mark, week-ended In Yon
colla, Ore. They were guests
of Mrs. Johnson's parents,
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Beaty.
Miss Winnie Beaty returned
with the Johnsons.
Tuesday night Gardner
Johnson and his Junior boys
of Brooks Assembly of God
church were hosts at a wiener
roast at Bethel Park In honor
of the Junior girls and their
teacher, Miss June Davis.
Sunday guests In the R. Nel
son home were Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Nelson and Mr. and
Mrs. Vera Myrle of WlUamlna.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gaines
and sons, Don and Glenn of
Lead Hill; Ore., visited In the
R. Nelson home last week.
Wednesday the Gaines and
Nelsons motored to Westport
where ,they stopped over at
the Dick Hudson home. The
following day the group drove
to Cannon Beach and from
there to Willamlna where they
were guests in the Clarence
Nelson home.
St Louis
St. Louis The St. Louis
parish picnic was well attend
ed Sunday. The silverware
was won by Homer Zelinikl;
the perculator by Rlckie Fer
schweiler; the steam iron by
Ronald Tjelleaiie tho oil wnnl
blanket by Sam Grassman and
xne piauorm rocxer By Rose
ann Rush.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo KlenskI
hsve as their house guest Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Zembal and chil
dren, Maryann, Rosemarle and
Joey Mike from Aberdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rush
have as their guests Mr. Rush's
nephew and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Howsrd Kyles and sons.
Charles and Brockway of El
Monte, Calif.
Logan and bovaenhemr
son is nearly over and the
evergreen will start about Au
gust IS. Both of these crops
are small this year. Manv are
starting to pick cucumbers.
They are nearly month later
than usual.
Adm. ate Taa Is.
Dick Johns'! Ore.
S Court at.
Rainbow Assembly
Holds Initiation
Sweet Home At formal
ceremonies Lois Perkins, Carol
Bowser, Lucille Shelton and
Estelle Bonham were Initiated
into the Order of the Rainbow
Officiating at the ceremonies
was Worthy Adviser Ruth
Refreshments were served at
the conclusion of the evening's
Sclo Mrs. Floyd Johnson
and children of Salem visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Sims and other relatives here,
over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray McKnight
and son of Roseburg recently
vlaited their mother, Mrs.
Edith McKnight.
R. M. Cain and son, Cle.
inent, are vacationing in Can.
Miss Elizabeth Jenklnson of
Monroe, Neb., was a recent
visitor In the R. S. Thurston
home. They were old friends
in Nebraska.
Mrs. Arlie Nave enjoyed a
visit with Mrs. Hal Pierce
while visiting In Nebraska.
The Pierces formerly lived
here and now live at Ord
Mr. and Mrs. Lonard Arnold
and son, Larry, returned this
week from vacation at Cra
ter Lake.
The Christian church Sun
day school enjoyed a picnic
Sunday at the Frank Novak
grounds, west of Scio.
A reception will be given
for the new Baptist minister
and family, Rev. and Mrs.
Gerald Manley and boys,
Tuesday evening, Aug. 4.
The McDonald family re
union Will be Sunday, Aug. 9.
Brltta Yates of Hermosa
Beach, Calif., is visiting her
sister, Iva O. Abbott.
Mr. and Mrs. Laddy Elliott
entertained with a family din
ner Sunday in honor of their
grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Cour
sey of Hermosa Beach, Calif.,
who is visiting here.
Nancy Thurston recently
spent week at Waldport,
visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil Rhoades.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shima-
nek and son, Harvey, recently
visited their son, La Verne,
who Is in the Bremerton Na
val hospital in Washington.
The mens and women's
Sunday school classes of the
Baptist church enjoyed a so
cial time and pot-luck dinner
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Benton Arnold, Wednesday
The men of the Baptist
church are planning a deep sea
fishing trip for Saturday at
Lincoln Mrs. R. W. Ham
mer and her sister. Miss Al
pha Logsden of Lincoln have
had as their house guests, their
nephew and niece, Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Johnston and
Michael of Murdock, Minn.
While here they were enter
tained with a trip to the
beach. Mr. Johnston has re
turned to Murdock to prepare
to resume his duties as superin
tendent of Murdock high
Spring Valley Home Mis
sionary society will hold the
annual picnic at Maude Wll
liamson Memorial park near
Wheatland. Sunday, Aug. 2 at
1 p.m., with families and their
friends as guests.
Each family is requested to
bring table service. Contact
Mrs. R. F. Yungen, chairman
at Lincoln store for further in
formation, phone 2-1229.
Mrs. L. I. Mickey of Lincoln
has received a message from
her sister, Mrs. Fanny Emel
telling her that she is now at
Colorado Springs, Colo., taking
care of her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Henry Emel, who Is ill.
Idanha A vacation Bible
school will be held daily at the
Idanah Community church for
children between the ages of
4 and 14. The classes will gath
er at the church from 9 a m
to 1 p.m.
Mrs. Evelyn Gearhart. De
troit high school teacher, will
be delayed In her return to De
troit as the result of a shoulder
fracture suffered In J ul y In
Portland. A substitute teacher
will be employed to teach her
classes until October 1.
There are about 38 million
dairy cattle in the United
Have You Been toP.D.I.?
(Nicknamed by the Kids)
Salem's only recreation park, plenklng, swim
mine, dauclns, boat sides, salt ball, horse shoe,
poay rides, refreshment stand.
3 Miles Out Turner Road
Irwmttem far Ursa kak-Ca 4-S622
Broken Leg
Surprise to
Pastor's Wife
Bllrerton Mrs. Arthur
Chariest Bates, wife of the
Bev. Bates of the First Chris
tlaa chares paster, Is
walking with the aaalstaaee
of eratches, after an in usual
Mrs. Bates fell at a pie
nlct two weeks ago at t h a
Otto Dlckman - Laura Hav
erneck home sustaining s
fracture of the small bone of
her left leg, slightly below
the knee, and for five days
walked around as usual un
til the pain caused her to
visit her physician.
It was found that the
break waa "clean," and aba
was permitted to continue
convalescence with the aid of
crutches, making normal Im
Old Timers to
Picnic Sunday
Silverton J. D. Drake,
historian, has announced the
7th annual meeting in a pic
nic at Silverton perk, Sunday,
Aug. 2, of the Silverton Old
Timers association. Drake
will give the welcoming ad.
dress preceding the program
that is to follow the early af
ternoon no-host picnic dinner.
John Tburmah of Salem, is
president of the association,
Mrs. Minnie Lavender is vice
president Clay Allen Is sec
retary and Reber Allen Is
A large attendance Is anti
cipated as plans for the 100th
anniversary of Silverton is to
be the featured observance for
the coming year, 1954.
Silverton Pending perma
nent plans, according to the
report of members of the
board of directors, Mrs. B. M.
Renshaw, RN., is to serve as
seuperintendent of the Silver-
ton hospital, to replace miss
Ruth Barber who resigned her
position to take effect August
Mrs. Renshaw Is a gradu
ate of the University School
of Nursing, In Nebraska.
Replacing Howard Robin
son, patrolman or suverten
who resigned, effective Au
gust 1, is Robert T. Lewis of
Klamath Falls force. Lewis
is a veteran of World War II,
serving in the Navy. He is
married and has three chil
dren. Five Boy Scouts and their
scoutmaster from - Silverton
returned home from the na
tional Jamboree In southern
California, Sunday night by
train. Making the trip were
Scoutmaster Bill Scarth and
Scouts Wade Bentson, Carl
Becker, Fred Grant, John San'
ford and Darrell McClure.
Registration for the third
swimming lesson program
will be Tuesday, August 4, and
not on Monday, August 3, as
formerly announced. Classes
are to begin on the day of
registration, Tuesday. Begin
ners, advanced and adult
classes will be provided. Reg-
Silverton Churches Chart
Summer Sermon Schedules
Silverton Church announce
ments for Sunday, Aug. 2, in
clude at the First Christian
church, in the absence of the
pastor, Rev. Arthur unanes
Bates, 11 a.m. sermon: "I Can't
Come Down," by the assistant
pastor, Gerald Sawyer, who
will also speak at 8 p.m. on
the topic: "A Guide for Life."
Christian Endeavor for the
young folk will be at 7 o'clock.
The summer-month program
worship hour during August,
for Trinity Lutheran church
is to be one hour earlier. The
10 a.m. sermon theme will be
Water that Helps Fruit Bear
ing." After the worship hour
there will be a picnic at Sil
ver Falls State park with a
basket no-host dinner, coffee
furnished, guests to bring table
service. Puich and ice-cream
will be proviaea. inoie wim-
ing rides from the cnurcn win
be cared for at the cnurcn.
Sunday school does not meet
in August.
At Calvary Lutheran cnurcn
Rev. Arvld L. Hokonson will
speak on 'Trustful and Trust
worthy" In his sermon at the
Sunday, Aug. 2, 11 o'clock
hour. Evening services will be
at 7:45 p.m. Members oi the
congregation are interested in
attending the Luther League
convention at the First Luth
Lcwisvillc-Arlic Picnic
Discloses Historical Data
Buena Vista Of much inter
est to this community was the
picnic held Sunday in the aa
Joining Lewisville-Airlie dis
This was their annual picnic
and some of their historian
articles concerned the former
Mort Staats place, now owned
by David Williams. The timber
has been sold and is being log
ged off making the hills back
of the farm look quite differ
One farm has changed hands
The Dale Malicoats, who lived
on the Jap Bagley farm, have
gone u Salem and the Tress
McClintock family now lives
The Lewlsville school house,
built in 1908, has been pur
chased and moved to the Bill
Lewis farm and used to store
On June 27 members of the
Smith cemetery association met
at the old Lewlsville church
and voted to disband the Smith
cemetery and Join the Fir Crest
cemetery district, so the Smith,
cemetery, that was moved dur
ing Camp Adair days xrom me
Smith donation land claim to
its present location near Mon
mouth can have permanent
care and other advantages
gained from such a district.
Wayne Osborn, son oi Mr,
and Mrs. Frank Osborn. is do
ing well as a catcher for the
Salem American Legion Junior
baseball team.
Cpl. Robert Wilson, son of
Clyde Wilson returned home
from service in Korea in July,
Pfc. William Prather, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Prather,
has received his discharge from
the marines and resumed his
work at Oregon Tech., Klamath
Weddings the past year have
been Mary Lou Tartar and
James Johnson; Charlene Tar
tar and Melvln Lytic They will
live in California where he is
In the army camp. Marion Da
vis and Harold Loyd; Peggy
Shroeder and J. Leslie McBeth;
Sandra Staats and Randy
New Logging Road
Under Construction
Detroit Work began early
In July on 8.6 miles of access
road over which 30 million
board feet of timber will be
transported to market. The
road, which will develop the
Straight Creek drainage 25
miles NE of Detroit, is under
construction by the J. Wesley
Webb, Co., Salem road con
struction firm, for the Parkett
Logging Co., which was award
ed the logging contract on the
Specifications call for the
usual gravel surfaced timber
access road, with future plans
for a connecting link with the
Blowout Canyon access road.
lstration is at the municipal
Forty-seven pupils were en.
rolled on the third day of
Trinity Lutheran summer va
cation Bible school. Sessions
are to continue each forenoon,
Monday through Friday, until
Friday, August 7. Mrs. J. T.
Isaacson 1 s superintendent
with five teacher-assistants.
eran church at Puget Island,
Wash., from Friday through
Sunday of the coming week,
the pastor's quartet to present
a vocal concert and also to
bring the messages at the con
vention. Mrs. Cora Graden is
to preside in the church social
rooms Wednesday afternoon at
2 p.m. for the Ladies Aid group.
Wednesday at 8 p.m., prayer
service and Bible study will
be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
J. LeRud.
Rev. A. W. Nelson has re
turned from a month's vaca
tion in the midwest, and will
speak on "Friends in Heaven"
as his sermon topic at the 11
o'clock worship hour and will
preside in administering of
Holy Communion.
Ma BeeDe's Cafe
5490 Dolls Rd.
Specialties in Wong's
and American Dishes
Open Service Weakly
with Sunday 6 p.m. to
12:30; Saturday, 6 p.m. to
3 a.m.
OrtVi f stuTy Manart tr Take Oat
Call Salem 2-2600
free srtbf 0ie4 Matter
Sparks; Patricia Wilson and
David Charles Atwatar;
Blanche Johnson and Earl Hen.
ry; Tom Hueker, Jr., and June
Davis; Janet Comstock and Pat
Babies have arrived at the
homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Dunckel, a girl; Mr. and Mrs.
Randy Sparks, a boy; Mr. and
Mrs. Don Dickey, a boy; Mr.
and Mrs. L. N. Crowley, a girl;
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Runkle,
a boy Mr. and Mrs. Parker
Geise, a girl; Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis Lamb, a girl; Mr. and Mrs.
June Johnson, a boy; Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Ploub, a boy; Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Richards, a
boy; Mr, and Mrs. Herbert
Shenk, a boy.
Deaths: Fain Simpson, who
suffered a heart attack; Jacob
Ploub, Sr., Mrs. Frank Byerley;
Mrs. Helen Jones Dilt William
Boyer fell and broke a hip.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sheythe
wiU celebrate their 90th wed
ding anniversary Nov. 2 and
present were Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Staats and Mr. and Mrs. C.
V. Johnson. Both will celebrate
their 55th wedding anniversary
this fall.
The same officers were elect
ed, G. J. Hlebenthal, president;
Mrs. V. O. Osborn, secretary;
historian, Mrs. Leland Prather.
Buena Vista
Buena Vista House guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Detering,
Mr. and Mrs. George Ground
of Modesto, Calif., left Tues
day going on to visit Mrs.
Ground's brother at Tillamook
and going home over the coast
al route. R. F. Wells of Los
Angeles, also a guest of the
Deterings, left by train for Cal
ifornia Monday.
Patsy Bride has spent the
past week at the Victor Bride
home. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Gregory Bride ,of Portland
came to spend the day and
then Dorothy Joined them for a
week's camping trip as a guest
of Patsy.
M. A. Wells' daughter-in-
law, Mrs. Monte WeUs of Fer
ris, Calif., and Miss Sharon
Wells of Silverton were guests
at the Perry Wells home Sat
urday. Dr. and Mrs. Willard Stone,
Jack, Jeanne and Michael of
Salem enjoyed a picnic supper
at the Fred Detering home Fri
day evening.
John Wells of Coqullle was
a house guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Perry Wells. They entertained
for him Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Night and daughter of McMinn.
ville, Miss Mary Lewis and
Miss Virginia Garder of Co
qullle, Tuesday evening.
The Greenline 4-H Judging
team will tour Sunday with a
potluck supper in Helmlck
Mr. and Mrs. John Penrose
have moved their furniture
from Coulee City, Wash., to the
Frank Krauger house. Mrs,
Penrose is working in the Nel
son nursing home In Independ
ence. Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Conger of
Suver took Mrs. Georgia Pra
ther for a drive Sunday around
the Jefferson and Stayton way.
Mrs. Fred Detering attended
the Marion county health de
partment staff, party at Shat
tuck's Chateau in Salem Wed
nesday evening and on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Detering spent
the day at the coast.
Mrs. Grace Perkins fell off
a ladder while picking cherries
and broke her leg at the Leo
Drazdoff orchard. She Is In the
Salem hospital.
SAT., AUG. 1
8 P. M.
Silverton Ball Park
Tickets will be available In
Salem at Stevens k Son Jew
elers, or at gate. Grandstand
$1.50; bleachers; chil
dren See.
ISIH N. Corns, re Ul
Tea waiting up
ever pains
Army Squad to
Blast Shells
At Monmouth
Thera will probably be
qalte aa eiplosloa sear
Monmouth Saturday of this
Causing that eiplosloa
will be a S.I baieeka round
. (a racket type shell twa feet
leaf with a fia ahapad tall
that la used la a basoeka)
Bad aa aid 21 asm World
War n type Genua shell.
The local Army Beaerve
armory waa contacted about
the shells, which are the
property of Mrs. Battle
Kerber, Boats 2, Bos 94,
Meamauth. After the army's
conversation with Mrs.
Kerber, MaJ. Blaine Math
las, ordnance maa at Van
couver Barracks, aad
trouble shooter .la the Ore
gea and Washington area,
was contacted.
Math las checked the shell
and found them to be Intact
aad probably loaded. He la
turn Informed Fort Lewis,
from where a demolition
squad will be seat
The shells have already
been removed to a pasture
area with warning signs
surrounding them.
About 17 per cent of Great
Salt Lake is salt compared to
three and one-half per cent of
the ocean.
hom .aas
Mitsl Gaynor
' Scott Brady
In Damon Runyon's
Rod Cameron
Brian Donlevy
June Allyson
Van Johnson
George Montgomery
In Technicolor
IVE-IN TtigftiK
Gates Open T:tt
Show at Puik
No Advance In Prices
In Technicolor
Greiry Peek '
Susan Hayward
Dale Robertson
Ruby Calhoun
1 .11 Tm itmmTii
sal UMHUII(NS,mmT t?.
To oil our patrons who ore
receiving our monthly pro
gram: Duo to circumstanc
es beyond our control wo
are unable to provide you
with satisfactory show
calendar of the present
time. Our moiling list it
being kept for future use.
Hello Folks and many Friends:
I am Yea Sing now speaking
to you about good Chinese food.
I am establish here tor many
years and to do business in same
place for many years you have
to be pretty good so people like
to come back that Is me. You
corns to my place and I will
cook for you beat Chinese and
American foods. If you do not
care for Chinese food we have
all kinds American food so ev
erybody can have all kinds dif
ferent dishes. Besides good food
we also have Class A restaurant
which inspect man says is okay,
too. We open our place at t pm.
and stay open until 1 or S ajn.
so any time you get feeling of
hunger you come In, I tlx.
(thst's my name
Picture not of
me this my
cousin frank
Mt Angel
Mt. Angel Mrs. Margaret
C. "Orandma" Welton, a resi
dent of Mount Angel for more
than 35 years, is now making
her home in Woodburn with
Mrs. Lester J. Church, at
Route 1, Bos 68.
Grandma Welton, who was
95 years old in May, enjoys
good health and occupies her
time in making rugs, reading
and sewing quilt tops. She
would enjoy bearing from her
many friends.
Mrs. Stanley Pilster, the
former Diane Gamble, and
her Infant son left by plane
last week to join her husband
who Is with the U.S. Navy In
Pearl Harbor. Hawaii Pilster
shipped out last May and had
previously been stationed at
Whldby Island, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Verl Terry of
Portland were Monday evening
guests of his mother, Mrs. Rob
ert Terry.
Mrs. Robert Terry has re
ceived word of the death of her
niece, Miss Mabel Tate. 16,
Me Tilt l:N
Jeha Wayne
Jane Pa-well
Warner Bros.
if ' I a aja
I -Warnercolor
1 Feature-length Technicolor Special
! ' 1 A Thousand
A It A Routin. i
1 Lwo. Carousin'' -
'A ThrHhlV
1 f
Crowds - Crowds - Crowds
Saturday, August 1, 1953
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Tate of Seaside.
The family had been on a
motor trip in California and
continued on to Utah to meet
their son returning from over
seas duty then returning home.
While In Idaho the daughter,
who had been ill for a number
of years, became seriously Ul
and died. The body was re
turned to Seaside for funeral
and burial.
Coming Aug. 24
In Person
On Our Stage!
7.-00 (t-iOX
All Seals
Priest $1.80-$2.40-$3.0
Mail Orders
Taken Now!
Make Checks Payable to
Capitol Theatre. Specify
rim or second SB
wirt) NAT 'KING' rm f