Pe 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sal. Oregon Saturday, August 1. 1958 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES Looking f or a N e w Home? ' 6 BEING COMPLETED W.ot te oh et atlea'a mm aad alcul dutrieu. The Harts Oete addition. I7M Block. Portland Rd., Ml. Curb, end niH treat Includeu la eala price, tadlrlduel huUdere zOmstein . . J. V. EPPING E. SEAMSTER . 4-3569 J-8547 2-8474 PAT JARVILL T ALLEY - J-7520 1-6589 OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUGUST 2 - 1 to 5 P.M. Drive out te this brand new 9bedroom home In Menbrtn Oardnis. It la planned end built for living. It hu everything including bath end wpiriM shower. Mem can't crowd you hart. II even hu two tub bowls. Plenty of gardenapae too. A lot f house utf UvlAf for only 910,299. Laft on Ton! Ave, to 41 4. ROY TODD, Real Estate Ml! luu (trait Offle. Phono 1-IM1 ' Bvaalaii Phon a Mr. Ilapm, t-Ull OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUG. 2ND 2:00 TO 5:00 944 KINGWOOD DRIVE This It trottv a lovely bono, lu nU tba feeture a choosy buyer could wish for. 9 4 bedroom thai havt ell tha grae ad beauty poaalblt. t tmawculnto fireplace. Kitchen dsilsned to add pleasure to I Bathroom that ra a colorful a tha rainbow. A bona address that ron'U llv with prlda. ) A l-nr attached garage with rooa to apart. 0 A baaamtnt vhara yon can dry your elothe vary eukkly. The llrlng room need only your favorite chair and a TV cat to en Joy a ycai evening. FULL PRICE ONLY $21,500 Owner Will Exchange for Suitable 3-Bedrm. Home AL ISAAK and CO. Realtors 1039 PORTLAND RD. PH. 4-3311 or 2-7820 FOR SALE HOUSES IT OWNtnv 7i ft. hlchway frontaca, north. Clean, older type l-bedroom house nice fireplace. 1 caracea and plenty fruit and nuts. Price 11,600. Call 1-9JJ1 wtaa. alU MT I QUIT I in neat I BR. bouse on o. ta 6L Call 1-J140. alU REDROOM house. Hardwood floors. Weetberstrlpped, tosuleted. modern kite ban. 1-7999. nlM" NEW 9 BED BOOM home located IMS N. 12th. Block from hlch school. Lane rooms. Lota of bulltlns.- Hardwood floor. Fireplace. Sandbar? furnace. Fated treat. Will consider car or lot en trade in. For appointment call owner and builder. 1-1900. 141 11 VB AC BE a and small modern house. Take cood house trailer on dovn payment. Rt. 9, Box 4ft, out mil out Itacleay road. all OWNER MUST SELL nice homo short distance from Salem. Reason for aeU- Inc, Illness. Nice horn for couple. Will call furnished or unfurnished. 4-2977. elW SEIZE DISTRICT. Modern 1 bedroom home. Attach, garage. 1"4 acre. tl.TfiO. Fhone 4-1109. allt WEST B A LEU HOMES -BR 970 Roaemont 17790 4-B R 421 Roaemont 10100 J-B.rV, I44B Wallace Rd. 9S990 POOR CORNERS t-B.Kl, 4299 Stat St. ... STULLER REALTOR til Xdse water Fh. KiiT or 4I1H a lis RET AIR LIVB IN OA RENT This bouse Is In an exceptionally rood location, it la close to the xngie- wood school and the btih school. It baa t bedrooms, living room, kitchen, nreaKiaci nook, easement ana arete. It is also plastered and ha tree and ehrub. This would make a cood rental house and the price la Juat 96)00.00 , with terms. See ua todayl i ABRAaia, BOU ALAND At SKINNER 411 ISasonle Bo lid in a Insurance Real Batata Mortgage Loans J -83 17 BvaCi 1-470 t J-7JS6 ain elLVEXTON property for sale et trade zei aaiem property, oooa bouse, fireplace, baaament furnace. Approilmataly 1 acre. Fruit treea. 1 Terms. Writ 179 N. 31st. Fhone l-tosi or 2-1991. am For BALE or axchanse, 9 acres, modern home. Inside utility, larye arace. Call 1-10X1. alt OWNEB, M.B&O 2 bedroom bouae. large corner let. paved street, eloa to stores, bus. schools. 1-9149. allt KEW 9-REDROOM and bedroom, will e O.L er F.H.A. Br Owner, phone 20VHT. aiS2' roBCED TO SACBIPICK nicely ctartad ranch type J-bedroom home. Hal Had ler street, off Sliver ton htfhway. Make reasonable after. Fhone ixu. Dart on. alia l-BEDBOOM, modern, oil heat, firs- place. Very small down payment, all nan or in Drive. 3-1191. aiss1 $500 DOWN rOR UiM OH BO NIC! l-raom horn, en ,TKk lt. Ux400. H of l.nd .lit wll with barilM Irull. ONLY Ww. $1200 DOWN F'JR VERY Niri -bedroom bom on creek lot OitOO. Oarace. work ahop A) chicken house. Wonderful tarden anil to creek acroee the back. FULL FRICB toOOO. $1500 DOWN WILL BUT BOTH Of THE ABOVE HOMES (IDI BT MOt. BICNT ONI Otrf TO liAKI TK1 MONTHLY FAY MCNTS. n DA VI LAZtNBY. It,. h. llOIt Dial 44494 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY" 1 TO f P M NO. 1 tin PR1ROLE ROAD New t bedroom home, automatic oil beat, fare, lane let. 19.S00. Onlr 11,100 down plus loan costs A reserve. Monthly payments leu than rent. NO. J 4320 MACLEAY ROAD New apacloua home with Irt. living room, din In room, convenent kitchen, S bedroome, oil heat. You will like the architecture of this home, to, 390. Your down payment might be sufficient. C. V. KANT At CO. 4M No. Church Phone 4-K0I - al M50 DOWN $ eedrooms, late built home, larte lot. electric heat, hardwood floors. Vene tian blinds. In top condition. Price laoop. sip cenwood Ave, Phone loioi. a 181' REAL ESTATE Choice 5 Acres Attractive a-bedrooe home. Hect ical condition, bdw. floors, chain rooej. fireplace, oU furnace, doubi earase, larce chicks house, electric water retca. Variety of fruit, berrtea and filbert. Beautiful place to live profitably new. Priced at II .MA Terms. See air. Johnsoo far parilcu lers and show inc. ED D. POTTER, Realtor til l. auk at ra. i-MH m t-UTi FAMILY GROWING? OWNKR WILL TSADB thl IHtcry l-bdrm. heme, full abasement, cawdust heat, open stairway in ilvln rm , fireplace, separate Ala. ra fey smaller l-bdrm. bom ea email let. SXB MRS, OOLBBBEX, ph. IUTI Dial 44494 11- 3J i REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE , FAIRMOUNT HILL I Beeceaj Aewm. t small todreem . tlvie reoas, chalaf-kitcha combiaatiosi. Baceaaent. loie ef floyera. This boas I Is load ceodiiiom and priced rtbt, at 3-BEDR00M HOME $5,400 H,.r LU. .b4 Uf hub NbHli. L.rt, llrtat root., tfintai room. Ilulm U4 atllllr ma w I fle.r. r.rt aadiul hnk M I lit IM. lU .1 Mf. A MOUMUkl. oauir kou DUPLEX - TRAILER LOT N. t lan. 1M i in lot. D.,l,i I, I i,.r .14. Oa. Mi tt furaljh. Owal want Much auiiir u kathasoM. (i.tot .owa pans int. htiue. m COB If ML MU ftlM-tll.U.. ' 6 ACRES $1,700 Oa Olau .rMk .Mat 1 an. (ra .11, Uaiiu t W,al a.l.m. N. kuUaluii. All ,mr4, .bout M Uarrr u., ..out hU tt .round It E. J. Zwaschka STATE G. I. SPECIALS 11000 DOWN AND REASONABLE MONTHLY PAYMENTS SHOULD QUALIFY TOO FOR ANT OF THB FOLLOWING; New I -bedroom bom Inside city limits. Beautiful hardwood floors Plumbed for automatic washer end drrer. Corner lot. Close to schools. Really cute t-bedroom home with dlnlne room, also breakfacl i Lena attached earase. Forced air ell beat. Paved street. City water. l-bedroom and den. Nice fireplace. A well-planned kitchen. lOOxlft Jot on paved street. Excellent district. Close t new scaool, only sum. 4. 40 acres and 1 homes. About acrea In pasture and M acrea in cultiva tion. All stock and equipment goes. Only 1 miles to down town. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Sol aouth HUh atrt Boon. S-I30I Pnmi, .vralngl od auad.y; 4-1.71. 4-I1M. S-(7. 4-MK. 3-1H4. till CAR OR CASH New 2-bedroom home, nicely finished, hsrdwood floor, automatic oil heat, earase. paved street In eood district. Specially priced at only 11,200. Owner will take late mooei car or wui aeii en reasonable term. Call Mr. An derson. C. V. KENT & CO. 451 No. Church Phone 4-3291 Xvenlns and Sunday: Anderson 1-1744 C1I3 UN UB PASSED VALUE In Candalarla View home 1500 so. ft. floor snace. lovely Jam rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors, central hall war, full baaa ment. Insulated, screens and storm windows, auto-oll heat, patio, douoie erase. Beautifully landscaped llli 109 lot, entirely cyclone fenced, aer den space. Built for owner by one ef Salem' a better builders. FHA loan available. Must be aeen to be appre ciated. Attractive price. Call 1-4920 for appointment. a 112 MODERN ATTRACTIVE -bedroom borne. .ooubie farace. Lsndscaped yard. Rec reation room, oil furnace. Carpet, close In. 979 Mission. alll I BEDROOM house, Cb eater and Lan alna. 111,600. Will be open Aunde. owner. ai70 Lansing. 184 BY BUILD KB Lovely new l-bedroom home with fun bascament, larce llv lng room, dining room, birch kitchen, lo oi linen and doaet apace. 1 fire places, lV baths, hardwood floors. Drastically reduced In price. Located 1&T9 Bonnie war In Kins wood HelshU. Owner reside 1B9 Bonnie way, x. I. uodte. pnone 1-10&9. all2 JUST COMPLETED, 1 bedroom house. Near Washington school. 2989 Laraen atreet. al!4 1 BB HOME, I vrs. old. 91.500 dn. Pries 910,000. Drive by 3231 Liberty Rd. Allan C. Jones. -Realtor. 131 N. High. Phone J-SS3. BV. 1-tCtg. IN THE COUNTRY Small S-bedroom neat, clean boms. araee and outside butldlnta, modern plumbing, eli ml. south on River Road. sj.ulkj. Terms. See er Can SYnest P. Althoff 1-9619 Of 1-2299 McKillop REAL ESTATE 4U cam au. I Open House a UN DAY, AUO. 1ND . t TO I P M anart 2-bMlroom r.ach horn,. Imclut lua... Citr. bli IM. VIXWI rnica anoi location la at 14IS Wallaea Koti STULLER, REALTOR Nt Bdt,.tCT fh. 1537 ,r 44711 111 KIIZEB OltTBiri 1 bMroom bom.. third acr.. partlr tornlihad. cloa. to aehoola. kua, atorM. 44.400. Ttrma r m trad. lor 1 or 4 kMreom hotna. 4-lllt. alac FOR SALE LOTS LOT (UilM) locatKI north larva lira. Phnna 1-4411. WANTED REAL ESTATE in LOTS OF ROOM A room loar-prle famllr noma NORTH. 4-kMroom. II,. rm . 111., with krraktaat nook, alao aa litra apart- mant aa rant.!. Pull kaam,nt with .avduit hML 1-au taraa lan. lot. Ptlea 410.400. 8n or Call Prank VlaaM 1-4614 Or 4-1470 McKillop REAL ESTATE 441 canlar atrt .141 II KlrilD AltVtllYItINO Par W.r4. ( UaiM 15. Pw tt.r, Par Ward. I Urn- IM Par Word. I a.Mh Mt N. Rrlaada Ml.ln.ia 10 Ward. BFAntBK la Lal Nawa Oalp, P.r Ward . ...... ta Mlalaaai I Wnda. T Plar. ad In Ram. Daji rapft. Phin. I-I44 Beora 10 tua NOTICIi If lour pro part, at tor aaM, rail r aichanaa, Uat II lth aa Wa har, all kind, at caab hmi BT ATI PIN A NCI CO, REALTOR i4i a Him at ca HI ARE la ot a nod bouaM t. aall, la at a,ar Saint. II rou alah ta Uat pour proptrt, for ,ala. a, OHABINHORST IHOa. RIAI.TUM I), a Lib. rtr Ph 11(71 ca EXCHANGEJREALESTATE TRADE SALEM home for Portland. StuUer. Ritr. Fhone 19991 er 49799. . c bl 91 I BCDBOOM home, 99.900. Take trailer house as part down payment. Phone 1-1949. 1.391. ebl9g TAKE TRAILER house Of 1900 dn. 4 VT. old 1 br. home, 99 990. Allen C. Jonee, Rfaltor. ill N. High. Phone 1-MH Eva. 9-9149 eb Sale or Exchange 90 A. his My Imp. dairy farm, clover, grass, pasture, alfalfa and spuds. Op erated now as Grade A dairy and In come In excel of 119.000 per tt. Pine new modern home and the bait In out hides. Price $40,000, Will consider soma trade. 89 A farm, 79 A clover-grass pasture, I alfalfa and wheat. 1 M rm mod home other Bldgs. Price 924.990 Inc. part of crop. Trade for mod. home up to $10,000. low a ciock rancn. in n eotiora. iree lrrlg, good alfalfa grain land, good ranch bldss. Price -9K.000. $19,000 down. Bal 20 yrs at 44. Take good borne up to 111,000 en down paymt plus some cash. We have ether good trades to offer In farm and Income. C- A. Miller Realty. 470 X. Miller. Ph. 4-941T. cl2 r Modern 3 BR & Den This X& a burl 12250 down burs this modern ranch trpe home, only iVt years eld and in perfect ahspe. 2 lovely bedrooms, large den, covered patio with built-in dining table. Land scaped yard, beautiful grass front and year, brick planter boxes, 14 baths and In perfect shape. Ask for DON DAVIS, Xve. 1-7029. LOOK LOOK LOOK PARTY ROOM) I BEDROOMS PULL BASEMENT t BEAUTIFUL CARPETS PTREPLACE C1NINO ROOM CLOSS IN . ONLY 111 00 Pot appolntmrnt. call U1114 Croaa. Iva. phoaa 1-4111. MARRY, MERRY, MARY end settle down In this 4-bedroom family home. 1 bedrooms down and 1 bedrooms up. Built in Xniltih style and In extra fine condition Inside and out. Located In Xnglewood school dis trict. Full basement xao living room. Large dlnlne room, beautiful yard. Aik for THXLMA MANXKRTX. Xve. Ph. 2-8053. REALTOR 1144 Oraal SI. NOW IT CAN BE SOLD! -tcn lot with family fruit berrlei. This new lMtln In exclusive north cub. district. 1-4 bdrms.. llv. room with fireplace, din. room open In out to flagstone' terrace. Attractive kitchen with ceramic tile coun ters, nook, bath with ceramic tile powder ber, 1 bdrms. down. 1 up. bftsesaent. auto, ell rum Outdoor barbecue, luscious garden and plent ies, price $11,00. ENGLEWOOD - FIRST LISTING for thl Cap. Cod ahak. 4-bdrra. horn, with dai. pltw ., 4,parat dla., nn.. Ilr,olac. ale. klUb.n alth ..tin, apae. Auto. .11 ho.t. Spacloua room, will .rraaiad. t block to bui. blocka to aehooL Nlcalr plaal. d. aai.U lot la .id. dlat. a.., hoapltal 4, cllalca. OMd tarma. prie. ll,4M CUTE BUT SPACIOUS! l-bdrm., Hu tared, newly decorated, auto, beat, inside utility, near a tore, Richmond school bus. Price 97990 STOCK ANDOR TURKEY RANCH IT Rolling Acres. Practically all plow land. 110 seeded to permanent hay and pasture. Balance native grass, with a little timber around the edgca. Numerous year-around springs. Some irrigation possible but not necesBsrr. Family orchard. Two barns. Other outbulldtncs. 4-bdrm. home. Older but modern. Wired for range. Owner Talcing 2000 breeder turkey, could be had. a well as 90 head Herefords, and farm equip ment. Asking price of fsrm. 124,000. Suck end equipment extra. 910,009 will handle. Located about 29 ml. N X ef Salem la Marlon county. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor Ml a. HUh A. . Backltt . Ph. 14411 Aadr Hajtoraan . Ph. 17141 P1MB4 1143 Walla . Ph. 11711 .141 1410 Palrtrounda Road Phoaa 4-19M - 4-lltl FOR SALE FARMS A A. FARM BUYS 14 ACRES WTTFf CREEK, en paved road, timber paature, 9 A. In cult., orchard, l-bdrm. eeml-modern Lovely yard At shade, barn, etc., plus horse, some tool ft stoves. Possession at once. Price 14900. ONLY $1900 aowa ana se per monin. 5 ACRES WITH NICE l-bdrm. modern home en pavement. All in cult., seme orchard, aaraie hen hse. All thie for 16750. 13000 dn, er TRADE FOR 10 ACRES NORTH. COUNTRY STORE WTTH COLD STORAGE LOCTXRS .nd l-bdrm. lovalr noma, ator. hide and about I arrra. THIS 1A A OOOD PETUP POH SOMEONE AND PLENTY OP MONEY CAN BE KADI HERB. TURNER HOMER t. trad, for Sam ar aall for low dowa parnant. SCT T. T. ANDERSON, KrO. Ph. 41714 Dial 4-4494 'it CC -1 Grabenhorst Specials LOCATED 41i 14TLE8 OUT. Larto anllnlahod home with aamt.. 14 acraa ef irouad with froatac. on Mala to Hlihwav. Thla proputr haa a arr Blea .law. Could be a real eountrr etete. Out of town own.r Mak. Ofr. CALL O. H. GRABENHORST, JR. 4 BDRA4B. - CAPI COD STYLE Thu horn, la In a choice location, hu a verr attractive yard with aome fruit treea. Sprinkler aratem la front yard. Wall to wau carpetlas in llv. rm., and din. rm. Two hatha, full baarat, and manr ether fin. feature.. To ee. thla CALL H. K. LAYMON. VALUE PLUS POR THE MONEY Plnait dutrlet for eehoola and hue ahopplnt clou, t kdrma., hdwd. flra- 1 ftreplacea, full baamt., playroom, dbl. earaea. Paved atreet eute-oti heet. Lou or tntereet In thla home al 41T.400. CALL HOY 8. PIRRIS, CO-OP BROKER. CHARM WITH ECONOMY Built for comfort 1 lee. bdnne.. one with built-in Pullman lavatory, llv. rm., dm. rm., kitchen with ilaaied-ln Book, bath, attached aaraie. baamt., with auto-oll furnace. Oood location, eonvenlenl to eehoola and ahopplnf, Bue by door, CALL 1. C. LAW. tlOOO DOWN Buy thl, 1 bdrm. home In Richmond School Dutrlet, Plreplace, full baamt., aaraae. Nice alae lot with fruit treaa. Pull prlc. 7,000. CALL BOY S. rXHRIS, CO-OP BROKER. UNUSUAL DUPLEX ULTRA MODERN 1 bdrmi . t tiled hatha. 1 llv. rm.. 1 din. ereai, 1 beautiful kitchen, l utility rm... Ideal 1 family horn. In Suburb.. Several combination. f living auartere poa alble. CALL J. B. law. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Liberty St. Phone 1-1471 Bvenlnu and aundaye Call JE.LayiaB 1-Sl.l J. I. Lew 1-41 II Roy S. Pvrrla 1-4010 REAL ESTATE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS -Silverton, Oregon 9 rooms and bath. In eood conditio wired for range, electric water heater, ate. Big lot, pleasant location. You would Ilk it. $709 dowa ....$4,100.00 Duple, close In, one 9rm. and bath. end one 4-rrn. and bath, all on one iioor, jew Bioeu rrom business , tlon $490000 .ooa piece lor retired couple, one block from business section, 4-rm. end bath and utility, cement founda tion, fireplace, wired for ranaa, trie water heate, alnsle garage. Might consider acreage In trade ....19900.00 Large beautifully landscaped lot In piaaaant location, Verr good, nearly new 1 bedroom modern home with full basement, hardwood floors In living-dining room, fireplace. Oar age. Tou'U like It 19900 00 Almost full aare, close In. 4 rm and bath In excellent condition. Chicken nouse, eve. a real value. Fine loca tion ,-. 14200.00 1 acres, all Cultivated. em tm Oood famllr-Used modern home. Quest bouse. Barn, etc. This is welly a fin vi-opartr yon woum enjoy ewnlnc. Only ....$7790.00 A bargain la an acreage. Thla 21-acre place reallv ha water a real arte sian well that flows a steady stream of water day and night. Also year round stream. About 14 acres tillable. very good valley eolL Unfinished two oearoom nome an ether buttdtniB. Priced at $7900.00 An unusual farm buy 31 acres, nearly all cultivated, very good, nearly new l-bedroom modern home. Oood laree earn, chicken houu. carta Drilled well. Close te Silverton, $14,000 19 rs, I acrea la bearing nut trees. 1 room house. Other farm euuotnca. Larte ebare of farm bl $19,900.00 Write er can for cr Picture folder ana property ssie list. BSPORB TOO BUT. RRNT OR SELL, HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SILVERTON, OREGON ell REAL ESTATE iuiii LIST RABBITS DOES AND Bucks. California Strata Oood clean stock. 441 Claxier Rd eh20T PETS HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1114 McCoy, MM block nil .1 N Cepltel. ISi blocke aorta .1 Muiaoa. rn. i-tstT. cioa. CHAMPION BRED BOXES PUPPMa. v- ry pup potential chemplon. Moor Tropica Plan. Parakeeta, Turtlea, eup pllee. 1 attlM from Lancaater aa llaekwp nad, .4771. Cloaed Wodnee- dey. 1M SIAinai KITTENS tte.Uler.d, reuoa. able, pneae 44jn. eciai" FURNITURE FOR SALE BREAKFAST SET. end tables, coffee ta ble, chairs and miscellaneous. 97s LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White fare Hereford. 14. Locker pork 45c. Nothing down, $ moa te pay Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Bale. Meet Ce 119 sets. Pa, 1-4. ea FOR SALE JJVESTOCK FOR BALE One 1 at Saanea milk goat. 160 00. others milking, will freshen soon. $10 09 lio. smell enee for vet, 14 M ea. Have a good assert went. Call before noon er after I pa H. M. Boss, Dallas. Oregon. Rt. I. Box 120. I mil" South ef Dalle Hospital en Us Vow Ave. tl9i TOt NO FI RtRRFD Hereford bull, $119. Phone 1J4 evtnintt. 194 GOOD f-AWII T cow. first calf Ouemsey heifer, milking 4 ealloe per day. Train te stake evL 4999 & Mtoaro Ave. ell BXAITTIFVL WXIMARANERS PUPP1EI Tour choice, $194. 1919 Bvercreen avenue. ecllt POR PALI Collie pup. Trleler, regis tered. Phone Salem 90P2. ecl92 MANT BEAUTiri'L colored canary sins ers tn fine song. Phone 9-M29 eciai FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatctilne New Hammhlra O.M. a BrMd end Arbor Acre. White Reck. v.ry weak, apeclel price, to v.r roancl frrer trowk Poi'a Hatchery. 1110 Mete St. Phone Mm. I' DRESSED FRYERS. Ph.4-1244 nn OEEtt AND Oeallaae, Phaaa lion aa NEW lamp puUeu reedy ta lay lira. a. & JukMt, Oaavaie. Itk and O. fl4f 441114 144UIII IIII1IIMU WUIIIHt 4444441444 M44IIIIII 4IIIIIII444IIIM44 I4MII4III44II llltlltllltlMllllltl 4444111441 44 IIIIIIU4I I4IIIIII II lAII 444144 41 441111 BUY SULLIVAN TRADE-IN Small houao . ear. 1 Bdrm home, LR, DR. Kit with lota of bulll Inj, tiled bath, ahower, hardwood floora, oil furnace, 1100 eq. ft. petle. fireplace, flah pond on IV, A. Xuk 11.400. UNUSUAL very attractive 1 Bdrm home with den. lae rma, .U-tlred hot wetar heat, cedar eldlnk, 1 blka to echool. Drapea At carpet io. lea fenced lot. patio, nuta, garden, lawn, ahruba. 114.000. VTIW HOME. I Bdrm ranch etyle. BiehOf.ny paneled den with built-in book ahelf At duk. lira LR with view wlndowa At flreelai-.. na a a. Nk. Baaament with party room and at. pavement Included In price. See It at IW poreat Hiu, way. 110,400. CNOLIWOOD DIST. Very wall .r. raneed home with flreplece. fuU baae- nrat, aewautt furnace, dble. plbe., cloae to echool. Quiet notchborhood. A Ird bedrm In Jeaem,nt. 1444 Orant et. aaake .a oner, lll.soo. Eva. Ph. 1-4M4. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 1341 Portlend Rd. Ph. 4-4411 Office 147 N. HUh Ph. 4-4411 ra. 4-Ilel. 1-4441, 1-1141 REAL ESTATE Br. Iva. CI44 WANTED FURNITURE ox- Journal Want Ads Pay WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WS NEED USTTfiaS: aleeBMu Parma BuelneMe, Meter Carte and Tavru: What Hava Yea CAN'T BEAT IT Per vela. Only t tnea. eld. As epiratlea fer env beuee-wlfe. Oreea house. Ovutde and laatd fireplace. Oerbage dispesaL OH furaaee. Vel vety lawa. Lovely ahruba. oarace. Insulated. Full price only $12,909. Term. APPROVED FOR HAPPINESS Ploa It'e ehlny saw. OU haa! 1 diet. 1 Bike to hue. 1 wecka paae. la euiaud. The rlce U Uy 44744. Tama. VERY SPECIAL Bedroom borne with a beeen Tile roof. 9 -car gerece. Automatic epriakie system. - Fairmennt ere. Peaceful St. Shown br appointment only. Full price $11,409. Term. INEXPENSIVE! SPACIOUS! Horn la Xnglewood. Has Ipedrooin. In good condition. Oarace. Plrepaece. Lawn. 4 Bike, te echool. Inn. pom. Bargala prlc of $7979. You eouldn'i miss. TRADE FOR ACREAGE A real nice l-bedroom borne ta St. Vincent and Highland dlat. Haa gar age plus car port. Lovely lawa and beautiful ahruba. very eulet St. Sep. utility room. Will exchange for acre age north or east with ranch-type borne. Full price 91X.7W. FAMILY SET UP Yes, this Is It. Very modern fruit market. Modern clean living Quar ters. .Several trailer space. Modern refrigerator. 1 acres highway front aie. This haa been a very prosperous business for many years. FuU price for everything; only 929,000. OUT OF THIS WORLD Motel and hotel combination. Thla 1 super deluxe. Brand new. Deluxe Tug throuchouL Immaculate bath room each unit. Lifetime steel furni ture. Beauty Test mattresses. Thl motel has only been In operation for a weexs. we are emasea at tne in- Full price $139,000. Liberal term. VARIETY AND LADIES' APPAREL This l a beauty. Ha been and 1 big money- maker. The stock and equipment are the finest. Established for many year. We consider thla on ef the finest businesses of It kind have ever had on our books. Stock at inventory apprx. $90,000. Futures can either be bought on lib eral term er owner will lease to tenant. 8 APARTMENTS The location la fine. Rent all very reasonable. Monthly gross Income $297. Very low overhead. Liberal terms. Full prlc only $19,000. 10 ACRES Very close In. Paved Rd. Very close to school. Very modern clean l-bed room house. In the best of repair. Ma chine shed. Barn. Chicken house. Oar ace. Very good welL FuU price $9590. YEAR ROUND CREEK Through this 15-acr tract. Only $ miles from Salem. Land could be Irritated, very good new l-bedroom modern home. Bern, parage, brooder house, chicken house. Very good well school bus. FuU price only $19,900. FUEL August Specisal Plaaer mtt . arwa dry l-Mfd lead, 4li. Out at Iowa doltverlea. WEST SALEM PUB. CO. la Edaewater. Ph. 1-4011 eelta AND PICKED 14" alebwood. 1 eorde lie. Phoaa Aadereoa. 1-I74L 4-4J51 M1M PRODUCE CANND40 APRICOTS, direct from Ya kima, Choice eta thra eeaera. Crop le ahorl aa doc't walk Ale. raepkarrloo. aeyeaa, toaea ul pouaaa Bow aeaeoa. Tranesarenl applee. aue aoem. W. win hava avarythlas . aa 14 awa an direct fraoa farm ta ywa. rhlUlpa Bne. Pen. Market, law Port land Hd. Phone 1-4411. ft MONTMORENCY pic cherrle. delivered. lae pound. 1. W. Hanna. Phone a-l077. If led NEW CHOPS, white roae poutoaa. to Ibe. ewe. Oreea An pi. Market. 1 mllee north an ME. 1(144 BOYSENBERRIIS D-Plck. 140 pound. Alan Wleener. 1 mllee north of Central Howell. fflll TXLTON APRICOTS SAather load, thla tlm. from Ykklma. CdtEEM APPLE MARKET I mllaa B.rth m hlchway toi. fflll CANNINQ and treeauu carrot.. noon, or evenlnaa. 1-1107. Phone 11181- BAUD ALTA PESCV1 hay, areen and leafy, excellent hore. hay. 114 per ton la field. RL 4, Boa II. Phone 1-0047. fflll- BALID ALTA FESCUE hay, areen and leafy, eicellent norae nay, 114 per ton la field. RL 4. Boa 11. Fhone 1-0047. ff 182 WANTED TO RENT DENTI.Y aeede 1-bwdroom' hoana. Will cocialder l-bedroom. Pbena a.,171 and aak for Doctor arnowikl. Will WANYED 1 or .-bedroom unfuralabed hauee, far teach sad family. 4-lltl. 1.141 WANYED TO rant 1 bedroom unfurnuh od boilm. llefereiice. furalehed. 14141. alU SMA1X THAILU SaBM fat I BMatha. Phone 1-4744. J.14I FOR RENT ROOMS ATTRACTIVE BOOM, aloea bulldlnia 414 M. Wlatar. a. aula mil NICE SLEEPING and lllbt haaaekaeplna room. Ladr. 444 M. Church. Jkiu BOOMS for elrU. Kitchen prtvuaaoe, aaa entire houao. del K. WtBter. Pben. 1-4171 OT 1-4440. )kl44 LABOE CUAlf room for 1 ar 1. 1U1 H. Capitol. 14a NEAT SUEPINO unit with I Ahower end ..race. 1-4444- Ice til. Iktu. PLEASANT BLEEP1NO room. clOM la. 1. Irate aatrasca, Man. 41 M. Cot taee. Ikl44'...p......e.....e FOR RENT HOUSES CLEAN, OLDEt l-bedroom boms, full beaement. sawdust lurnac. gee per month. Located north, suburban. 1 bedroom, northeast, $50 per month. Older l-bedroom. located very close In. 459, Newer 1 bedroom court rental, ranee and refrigerator furnisiied. Raw line Realty. 1090 N. Capitol, 4-1741. JOB S-BEDROOM almost new modern house. For information, call I949. jmiu HELP WANTED BEAN PICKERS register now, H. L. Pcarcy, Rt- 2 Box 199. Phone 4-114. C142- BXAN PICKERS Pick where the pick ings good. Special bonus te drive-ins. Register now. W. R. Collett Follow aims out North River Road past Kei acr. Start about August 4th. gl86 STARTING TO pick beans Monday, Aug. Ird. Clarence Herr. Rt. 2, Box 199 Silverton, Phone Salem 31207 or Sil verton 34919. g!B3' LP STAIRS DUPLEX Clean, very large, 1 rooms and bath. 940 per month. Contact Rawlins Realty. Ph. 4-1741 or 2-4844. Jm 1 BEDROOM home, automatic beat. fuU basement. 999 per month, phone 1-9184. Jm S-BEDROOM unfurnished hous. V. blinds, hardwood floors, electric beat. 985 per month. Lincoln school dlst. Children welcome. No pets. Caretaker et 4579 State. Phone 1-9452. Jml94- SMALL HOUSE, clean, nlshed. 492 So. High. in, fur-Jmi94 S-BEDROOM :'urnUbed 4-3119 after 9 p.m. Phone - Jml92 NOTICE: Regisured bean Dickers. Rlen- eche' Bean Yard's will start picking weo., august em, 7:00 a.m. gigs' BKAN PICKEBS register now. Frank To ner. 3W Harmony dt iv miles north east ef Keller. Phone 4-2972. (Watch paper for starting date) giag BEAN PICKXBS WANTED 14 nd older. Tnuuportauon lurnlsheKL Call Pletoon leader, Mrs. Comer, 1-8897. 1 glB5a HELP WANTED MALE WANTED. Blckler'a Shop. 1041 Tile Rd, Salem. Barber lain NEW CAB SALESMAN Permanent poel- iiob. Beet deal la vauor. Reference, required. Write Box 171, capital Jour Bal. ealBS- USED CAB lot boy. Permanent. Ad vancement opportunity. See Reldy, Loder Brother.. 4M Center street. 4.184- ONS BEDROOM fumlahad .ottaaa. Hea. eonable, laundry, aaraie. Inquire laet Portland Rd. Jmlll MODERN CLEAN 1 bedroom houu. Near Waahlneton achool. 447. month Indud. tnt water. Phono 1-1174. JmlSl S ROOM HOLSE. oil heat, fireplace, bntcmont Adulta. 1227 H. tth. Jmlll 1 BEDROOM modern hooaa la eoontry. Phone 42&.M after I. Imllje ONE FURNISHED apartment, en. un. furntahed houee. Both dean. Phone 1-7717. Imlll 1 BEDROOM cottaea with aaraae, wall- to-wau carpete, eiectrie atove, ram. aerator, bendlz. 170. 434 Catterlln St. 1-1707. Jmlll" BHD ROOM dunlei. automatla water heater, wired for ranke. oil cir culator, water furnlehed. near .tore, and bui. 7 a. Hat St. 1-6471. Jmll4 OFFICE FOR RENT MORNING A Evening choree oa dairy. xxchr-nre for bouse and wage. Close In. 2-9399. gal82 HELP WANTED FEMALE - LUMBER SECRETARY Permanent poattlon for hlth trpe flrL Muat take thorthand, Involclnf experience helpful. For appointment, aak for Illen AlcParland, phone 1-4171. ebiat" BOOKKEEWEB Afuat b npcTlenced. Xxeellent worklna eondltlona. Perma nent poaltlon. Reference required. Writ. Boa 177, Capital Journal. bin QKOL'ND FLOOB Afflca OT etor. apae for rent. CaU at Pitta Market, Jo. FOB LEASE September Z4t! concrete bulldlrur. 4.000 eq. feet, lilt Pair, rrounda Road. Phone 1-7114. Jolll TWO BUILDING! In Hollywood. Could be ttaed aa en. Door between! approx imately 1,000 aq. fL 160 month, each aide. Call RawUna Realty. 1.4444. or 4-1741. jo FOR RENT APARTMENTS S-BEDROOM furnished duplex apart ment. Adulta. Phone 1-9300. 1p183 EXPERIENCED waitress. Apply Cherry's riantstion. 1715 S- com'i. gbl82 62 ACRES Modem l-bedroom houae. Barn. Chick. en houae. Onlr 1U, mllea from eood town, canauerable rrult and wal nut,. School bue. One of the moat beautiful vlewa you have ever put two eyee on. Tenna. Pull price 11740. For Bualneaa Opportunltlee and Homee cell for RAY GRIMM ETT, (Eve. 1-76711 Or MR. KIOOINS. (Iv.. 4-44441 or MR. CRAWFORD IB... 4-40201 or DAN S3 AAK. (Eve. 4-1M3). For Farma Only caU for MR. LEAV ENS, (Eve. 1-4716 1. If no anewer call 4-1141 LICENSED IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO MORTOAOI LOANS 10 Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Offle. Phonea: 4-1111 er 1-7611 Iva. Phonea: 1-4711, 4-1414, 4-4010, 4-JS11 or 1-7171 1011 PorUand Road If Bo anewer, phone 4-1141 el! BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOSS your own business buy this alee neat grocery A meat market, doing a good business. All goes, lock, slock and fix tures, for 19759. Terms. 93090 dn. A steal that Is reaL see Ben Col bath. Dial 44494 cdl83 WHOLESALE Our eurvey shows that several areas ta the Northwest need a progressive wholesale distributor In the hardware, a port lng goods, housewares, tors, elec trical lines. If you would like to start In business for yourself on a small in vestment end still beve the power ef a large distributor, we offer this op portunity to a gooa man. Tour in vestment ef 93900 to $9009 Is in mer chandise. Tou decide how much end whet kind. We carry your dealer ac counts. This business offers a sound future with exceptional Income, Write to CIRCUIT DISTRIBtTTINO CORP. 141 N. Lombard SU PorUand 11, Ore gon, ed 1 ti ro B LSAPE. remodeled major ell com pany service stetion. oood location, Call 44459. cdl92 BT OWNER, eicellent tavern la central Oregon. Lease Is good and la nrlcad right te move. 912,000. Some term te right party. Bee Fred Kinney, 1009 Wall St., Bend. Oregon. cdl93 LKAVINO TOWN t apartment house, all furnished, we live in one apt,, 1 rented $149.00 per month, large lot, 4 walnut trees, ens ef chcrrr, apricot, peach, plum. 1 epple. frne garden. Dowers, On Mill Creek. 4 blocks to First National Bank. 929 N. Commercial 11999. Own er. edits Equipped Restaurant 9M per month. Fbene S-9911 er 1-4098 for la fennel ion. ediu" HOUSEKEEPER to live In. board, room and wasee. l la family. Call 18032 after 4 p.m. gbi82 WANTED LADY with fountain or res taurant experience. Should live near, Phono 4-1791 after 11 .&. Capitol zesto. eoo n. capitoi. ebiat' PLEASANT PROTESTANT baby sitter, as occasional companion to seml-ln-vslld. Box 179 Capital Journal, gbiflt WANTED SALESMAN THREE MEN between 18-40 year, for retell bakery routee. Muat have or be able to obtain t, ton truck. larnlnia from 4100 to 4100 weekly. Oood fu ture. People with route or aalea ex perience preferable but not .aaentlal. Cell Marlon hotel 1-4121. Aak for Mr. Bnr. fill' HELP WANTED APPLIANCE SALESMAN wanted who le aggressive and ambi tion for future advancement. Must be capable of selling both to Inside and outside prospects. Liberal com mission plan. Apply Mr. Doyle, Mont gomery Ward, ftalem. ga WANTED POSITIONS BOTOIILUNO Middle Drove Noreery. suverton Rd. pnone 4-4632. h- EXPERIENCED baby alttlni, by hour or day. No Sunday. 1-1771. hill- TRACTOR WORK Plowlnv, diaelnt, blade worki hay and araaa tnowlni. Phone 1-2041. hill PAINTING AND deeoratlne. 24 yeara x- p.rlenc. IB Salem. Pre. eetlmatea. 1-7M2. hied LANDSCAPING, DESIGNING Free ee- tlmatee. oueranteed reaulle. llalnten. aace work. Phone 1-2574. hl86 BOTO-HOEINO. plowlnt. dlectni. lev ellni. lawn planum. Service Center. Phone 4-1871. hill LAWN PLANTINO. Weekly care. Fencea, eprlnklera, ahruba. aervlee center. Ph. 4-1671. hill RELIABLE BABY SITTER WUI lo daya er nitrite. Phone 2-1M4. hloo- FAINTDiO Bruah, apray. Waterproofm,. Satlefae tlon kuaranteed. L. I. "Heel" N.I eon. Phone 1-4107, 1U41. hue CUSTOM HAY or 4traw balm,, twine tie. o. Strand, phone 1-4612, silverton, hill CHILD CARE Ihalewood Dtatrtct, 1090 N. 14th. Mra. Bertie Johnaon, 16861. hl85 AM experienced farmer, welder, ehoetmetal worker, furnace lnateller. ae. ae at 1110 Oardea Rd.. Salem. hl84 PA1NYINO, PAPER henelne. day or contract, Bmall Joba welcome. Phone 1-70.1. h207 LIOBT CRAWLER doetni. dirt level. Inc. iradlnc. Phone 2.1220. h207 PAPER HANGING, palatini. Free 'a- tlm .tea. Don Ph. 81521. h!07 SPRAY PAINTINO . PHONE 4-1504. 1-4611 FOR RENT OPF1C! SPACI Inquire at 104 s Hleh Phone 1-4114. j. LABOE werehoue. epac for rent e leaM. Cemeat Oaora. trick buUdlnf Dowa town. Inquir. PL L. stiff Pur altnr. Co. Phono 1-1146. J FOB LEASB-140 lo 10 feet trontaaa n Bdeewam St, Weel Salem. Ira 1 Pitta, ph. 14408. j. FURNISHED DUPLEX apartment. Elec tric ranee, recently redecorated. 1 blocka from downtown. 846. 140 N. Commercial. Beo.Mvr. 4 00 p.m -4 00 la. JP1J3 1 ROOM rurnlahed apartment. Private bath. UtUltlea paid.. Fhone 1-4084. )P182 ATTRACTIVE s room apartment Eiec trie ranee and refrlkerktor. Prlvete bath. knMty pin. Interior, wall to wall carpet.. South. Phone 1-0718 JpllJ 8ROOM turnlahed apartment. Mice and dean. Dtllltlea. Cloae In. 141 Marlon. Jplll MODERN UNFURNISHED -room. 1 bed room apartment 1141 So. 13th. JplH NICELY FURNISHED apartmente: Am baaaador Apt.. 650 No. Summer. Jp FURNISHED LARGE 3 rooma and bath, clean. Phone 4-1801, l-ttll. - Jplll LARGE. CLEAN, modern. 1 and 1 bed room apartment,, partly turnlahed. Available now. 1064 Idiewater, Wrat Salem. Jplll 4 ROOM modern, electric ran,., refrlker ator. Water, heat turnlahed. 180. 118 S. Com'L after 4 p.m. Fhone 41481. Jplll SE VIRAL turnlahed apartmenta, cood location. Inquir. H, I stiff FuraJtur.. Phon. 1-1115. . Jp CLOSI IN. NIc modern furnlahed 1 room apartment, Adulta. Fhone 18410. Jplll COOL I RM. furn. apt, automatla heat. eonvenlencea. reaaonable; 1 or I ladleai 476 N. Capitol after 11 noon. Jplll ENGLEWOOD dlatrlct, furnUhed I room and bath. Lou of etorai. apae.. loll Nebraaka. 1P182 t-ROOM apaitment private bath and entrance, clean, cloae la, turnlahed. 402 S. HUH. JPIH U N. SUMMER Nice, cleen 1 rooma and bath, furnlahed. Private mtrence. Verr nlc. yard. Jplll FURN. Bach.. 1-2 men. IneL utlL Clean, cloae In. Ref. Ph. 46202 before 1 p m. . 1P1I2. CLEAN AND nicely furnlahed 1 room oeaement apartment. 120 for I pereon. 130 So. 14th. JP185 I ROOM furnlahed aaraee apartment. water and aarbaee dlepoaal paid. Elec tric heat, Ha drink era. 111. Call 1-6261 after 1. jplll FURNIBHED apartment, cloe. vet. bath. Phono 4-6571. a. pru JP182 NEW I ROOM, auburban court apt., un- lurnianeo, electric ranee, reirueretor. Employed couple. 1-5347. JP142 BOOM. bath. Upttelra. Hollywood dU- trict. per month, pnone 4-4253. Jplll-" TO QUITE couple. I room completely furnlahed. 158. 2nd floor. Ul N. cot j Jplll ATTRACTIVE cool furnUhed apt. Sult- .01. tor a una or couple, cloae t. stete Houae and Shnpplni center. Automatic waaher, electric dryer. 461 N. winter. Jpl64 1 ROOM apartment, newly decrsated- Furnlahed or unfurnlahed. Hlde-a-bed, atove and refrlaerator. laundry faclll ttea and aarbaee furnlahed. Reaeonabl. Worklna lady preferred, let So. 17th. Iplll e-etoom lurnlehM epertmeat, time In. I.,.. oeUl. Phon. I,-WLI. REMODELED I rooma. furnl.h. . rn..,, u, so. 14th. 1-12J0. JP147 in ti aEB Modern furnlahed l-bed room ...runeni. rhone Beltm 4-1417, JP1I7' JOE PAL00KA lurnianed apt. Privat. bath da .uw.uc. ...a n. capltoL 4-4711. JPI44 By Ham Fisher li &7T 1 mAK m' SyCH FE 1 I 0meO ' B"- Y DOH"t CA"-l. N I EASY...I ON-Y T6LLIW tt . - M HWAT til VA.fjfORW A.AN6R0VE SOMf BUOOV LEFT IT TO 1 A SAP. , VA...NOW fSvuk ulat V l?JiflZ?25 j r Je