Friday, Jury 81. 195S m Capital journal, &-, onm Part Tele-Views Radio-Television mma DAVE BLACEMKB "l , Vf ; yw'-oW Mexican-Araric.n lad, whoi been featured recently on KPTV "Saturtev Night Revue i. headed for toemendou.uWKow business according to Hoagy Cannichael Hoagy, who discovered the boy and has spotted him prominently on the big, hour-and-half TV show, obviously believes in what he says for he's signed Ricky Vera to a five-year personal contract. Actually, husky-voiced Rickv i. n? f""- Rid?y ,nd hi tat. Connie, won Jr A t i . uiuor juDiiee contest, sponsored by the Los Angeles Downtown Rnainaaa..,'. ...i. tion. The pair of youngsters sang "Who Shot the Hole in my oumorero; ana lor this victory Ricky took home a trophy, plus a scholarship to the University of Southern rT .To"7 hal80 PPcareQ In one films, the latest being "Second Chance." Hoagy first saw Ricky on a local Hollywood television how and decided at once to hire the boy. Td never seen a iaca uxe mat before," says Hoagy: The veteran com poser sent out agents to locate the boy. Rosendo and Conseulo Vera, Rick's parents, are the peo ple responsible for their offaDrimr'a current m Vera taught Ricky singing and acting almost from the time the boy could talk. But Mrs. Vera didn't neglect her six other children Carlos, 7, sings; Connie, 12, sings and acta; Robert 17, pantomimes grand opera; Rosendo, Jr., 20, is studying commercial art, having won several art awards during his earlier school days. Mr. and Mrs. Vera were born in Dorreon, Mexico, but came to Los Angeles before the children were born. Mr. Vera is a house painter and Mrs. Vera, besides training a most promising bunch of children, sews all their cloth ing and costumes. Ricky, of course, hopes to continue with his show busi ness career. Besides his natural talent, one of the big things in his favor is the fact that he learns his lines and songs easily and never makes a fluff. This ability to memorize also helps him in his schoolwork he's in the ixth grade at the Breed street school in Los Angeles. TOURS FOB THE TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY ., Matinee Theatre, t. "Hoc-sier Schoolboy" with Mickey Jtoooey, Anne Nagel and Frank Smith. Tovmaker, 1:45. The old German Toymaker brings tale to delight the young of heart. Cisco Kid, S. Cisco and Fancho manage to foil a kidnap ping for $19,000 ransom but have trouble exposing the canister. Hoffman Hayrlde, 7. Last telecast. Live show starring jay tor morris ana ine country uentleman features and squire dancing. Yon Asked For It, 7:0. A day in the life of noted Jockev Gorden Glisson will be recreated. Also featured will be: Rudy Docky with his basketball-playing dogs Emil Corsillo, promi nent Hollywood wig maker Johnny Robbins and Vlnee Bonno will do their unique wrestling in slow motion. ' uoorway xo vanger, a. smuggling oz narcotics into a Federal hospital for treatment of addicts brings agent Doug Carter (Stacey Harris) on the scene. Raymond Bramley plays Carter's chief, John Randolph. . The Goldbergs, :S. Jake negotiates to buy a house in the country after 14 years at their Tremont Avenue address In the Bronx. Portland Wrestling, ll. Live remote telecast originating from the Portland armory. Nlte Owl Theatre, 11:45. "Mutiny in the Big House" with Charles Bickford and Barton MacLane. .., YOURS FOB THE TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY Dog Tales, . Live children's show featuring Uncle Mae. A Date With Jndy, 1. "Mother's Brief Career" Mrs. Foster swapa domesticity for the marts of commerce and finds that "a woman's place is in the home." Horse Racing from Portland Meadows, S:St. Live, remote telecast. Saperman, 4:1. "The Ghost Wolf. Rumors of a were wolf in the Canadian North woods eauses lumberjacks to leave their Jobs. Saturday Night Revue, 5. Ninety minutes of comedy and music starring Hoagy Carmichael with guest stars. Private Secretary, S:S8. Susie gets her boss out of diffi culties and solves the servant problem. Original Amateur Hour, 7. Ted Mack interviews and Introduces young performers trying for their "big break" in show business. Dangerous Assignment, t. Steve is sent to Barcelona to find a European diplomat who mysteriously disappeared during a secret conference. Plsyhouse of Stars, J:30. "The Doctor Goes Home" stars Ronald Reagan with Frances Rafferty. Story of a doctor who finds happiness in serving the needy in a smslltown clinic but his ambitious wife insists that he concentrate on his Park Avenue society practice. Mr. and Mrs. North, 10. "Surprise" an unexpected guest arrives at a house-warming and confronts Pam and Jerry North with a startling homicide. Premier Theatre, 10:S0. "Woman of Dolwyn" a touch ing, often poetic movie starring Edith Evans. On Television KPTV (Channd 27J Q program WM II. I TROUILESf 3 Ho auHat vka 1 aaaka raaat at I TV M In aaaa, 1, i Btlatrt aaa pa. P Y ! SHIM ) fyed mm. . Jl. CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S aiconr-moama raiDST t:M II. Tonaaktri S:M p m-CUca KM :U p m Ntnpaptr of Air Tim, (or Bout 00 p.m. aeona Baal :M p m Happaaaa la Svart l ot p.m. Jloftmaa luiw 1:1 I B-Tw liku lor B I D l Dm Doorway 10 Tha OoUkarga 0 a . Chaaca ai LUatlma 1 p.m. aot Caaalolna 10:00 P.M. WrMtllaf II :M p.m Midliaa Stuart OaMta MITCHELL'S ractsey Tralaei anrk aa tautaUattOB ism suu st. rhm t-isn UTI'BDII S:0i a.av-Oog Tmlaa 11:00 am Amirlcan Leaguo ll ik a.m. Talent Patrol 1:00 p.m. Datt with JiMtf 1:00 .m. Loaa Rangar t:ll p.m. Bttt tha clock S:N p.m. Portland Maadot-a 4:00 p.m. Lit, Baglna at SO 4:10 uptTmu :00 p.ak Saturday Might Bavuo 0:10 P.M. rlvata aaeratarp 1:00 p.ak Aaataur Hour T:0 p m. U Um 0:00 p.m Daagaroaa Ajaarnmaai S:lt s.av Wraatllnt 10 p.m. riarhoMH at atari 10:00 p.m Mr. ana lira. North 10:10 p.m. Maik Thaatar Trader Louie Does It Again Once again Trader Louie la going out on toe deep ena to neip everyone get a beautiful Raytheon NO MONEY DOWN TRADER LOUIE TV 187 Lena Ave. Phone 1S5SI Mtrd, Dftweat, HtthMa, tU Valley Television Center 230)MrriiM VM1J Sao Ci aafaia Voa Bay . Tm tk Boat Baal ta Toaai aatarp VralaaS TaaliaMaaa Otaa Data S I', attp. Iiwl Sataraar . SUNDAY S:r0 Prontlara el Faith M:tt BAParaaai riall 11:00 a.m Thla la Ula U:00 a.m. WhaU Tour TrouUo lS:lf p.nHoor ef Dteliloa 1S:40 p. m Sunday star Tlma S:00 p.m Irtuitrr aa Parana I II p.m. Art Llnklttttr S:1S p.n. Ror aottra S:M p.m. Tour Plartlato 4.0 p.mBli Parol! S:00 p.m OI Thaatar S:I0 p.mundar Rerltw 0:10 p.m. Whica Mr Un 1:00 IB. iiminfr Thaatar 0 00 p.ak TV Plarhouaa a.ia p.m. Th waa 10:00 p.m-Portltnd Batata 10:ia p.m. HtaoJlna ParaOa 104 p m Rarlta lt:l p.m. Cur Hoapltal 11:1 p.m. Taaaa WreiUlnt MONDAT 0:10 a.m. What'a Cooklogf 11:00 a.m. Bla Parol! II: JO a.m. Wtleoma Traraltra 1S:00 a.m. Oa Tour Aecouat 11:1 a.k LadKa Oholea 1:00 p.m. Doubla of Nothing 1:10 p.m. Strut It Rich 1:00 p.m. Matmat Thtattr 1:11 p.m. Starch Tomorrow TV TROUBLES? Technician M Duty Till :J pjn. Daily TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 141 8.12tb Ph. 45512 -RELIEF FOOD FLOWN TO BERLIN 1 i v. The first plane load of American food for the West Berlin residents is unloaded at Berlin's Tempelhof Air port after being flown from Hamburg.. This shipment of 3,400 pounds of food is part of a 13-mlllion-dollar stock being sent by the United States to replenish West Ber lin's emergency food stocks now being depleted by free distributions to the hungry East Germans. (AP Wire-photo) Officer Blamed for Failure To Protect Truck Driver Lakevlew () No indict ments resulted, but a grand jury found police "guilty of an error in judgment" in fail ing to protect a union truck driver and his load of beer from a crowd here June S. The crowd, estimated at 200, stopped the beer truck after it had driven away from the Lakevlew Creamery, which was being picketed by the Teamsters Union that day. The driver was driving off with out unloading. The driver complained that Brochure on KPIC Issued Salem television station KPIC is described in a bro chure issued by the Westway Broadcasting company, parent company of KPIC and four oth er television stations. It is a book of 38 pages. The prospectus includes a complete description of the KPIC viewing area which is scheduled to cover 10 counties In the Willamette Valley. The televising srea will reach north above Vancouver, Wash., south to Eugene, east to the Cascades and weit to the Pacific ocean. The antennae are 14 Vt miles from Salem and 38 miles from Portland. The antennae are to be 1448 feet above sea level with the tower on a 1118-foot promontory. A statement by Joseph Bren ner, vice president of West- wivi. was also included: "We have msde down psyment and all payments necessary for Channel 24 equipment includ ing a specially designed cu torn designed directional anten nae that can only be used on Channel 24. Also, the trans mitter csn only be used on Channel 24." The statement was issued following rumors that reported Lawrence Hsrvey to be inter ested in Salem television chan nel 3 for which Glenn McCor mlck (KSLM) and Gordon Al len (KGAE) are presently eon testing. CHILD KILLED Portland (ffv Three-year-old Dennis Love, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, ran into a street and was killed by a truck Thursday. The driver, Wesley T. Hudson, Portland, Mid he could not stop in time. Square Dancers At Y Wednesday The Wagonwheelers orches tra and the Square Dance Callers association will be fea tured at the square dance party to be held at the YMCA at 8:30 p.m., Augst 8. Rose mary Wiles is president of the Callers associstion. Joy Blair will be master of ceremonies for this program and all square dancers are welcome to attend. Light re freshments will be served. A specisl intermission fea ture will be a trampoline dem onstration by Jim Anderson, Billy Dunsworlh, Chuck Chap man and Marlis Nyberg. Vets to Install At Ml. Angel ML Angel The American Legion and Legion auxiliary met in separate sessions Tues day evening- at the Lesion Me morial hall, and planned for their September 22 meetings when installation of officers for each organization will take place. The Installing officers from Mill City will install the new officers of the auxiliary. Spe cial guests who will be pres ent that evening will be the department president, Mrs. Louise Erickson, and District II president, Frances Grund Presentation of membership stars and special awards , will be made at the Legion meet ing. Also at this meeting, or other meeting in the near fu ture, the two local Beaver State boys, Jimmy Scotta and Ray Schmaltz, .will give their reports. The Legion discussed a var ied program of activities for the coming month. Plans to purchase special Legion grave markers for all graves of vet erans buried in local ceme teries was discussed. A committee also is work ing on the idea of raising funds with a large scale Le gion dance, with plans to hsve all members help with the ticket sales. President-elect Dorothy El- senius, who presided at the Auxiliary ' meeting, reported that she and Mrs. Maurice Hammer, secretary-elect, at tended a tea at the home of the new District' II president, Mrs. Grund at Monmouth last Sunday, to which all incom ing presidents and secretaries of the district were invited. A report on the Well Child clinic held Tuesday afternoon in the Legion hall was given by Mrs. Bisenius. She stated that 24 children, 13 of pre school sge and 11 youngsters who will enter the first grade this coming fall, received ex aminations and Immuniza tions. The next meetings of the Legion and Auxiliary are scheduled ror Tuesdsy, Au gst 25. police watched the crowd take the beer to the creamery. He said he appealed to city, coun ty and state police and even District Attorney Robert L. ! Welch without getting any help. The grand jury report, made ; here Wednesday, folio wed two I days of testimony by 30 per sons. Welch took no part in the investigation, withdraw ing in favor of Atty. Gen. Rob ert Y. Thornton, who came from Salem. The jury reported that in the crowd's action "there were several minor Infractions of the law." The jury members said they felt "it is impossible to name any one person or group of persons who are di rectly responsible." The report added: "How ever, we feel that the officers were ' guilty of an error in judgment in not dispersing the crowd of people and af fording protection to the driv er for his load." No action was recommend ed, and Thornton left at once for a law enforcement con vention in Chicago.- UOYandWUlYmY 'AW LAWN LOOK fAfVIH vvay HUN6KV" fiCTTAl LILLYS FLO ti roon with Pks Movcrop goal IT Ttforouf growth ! 6 Top Reds Seized in Raid Philadelphia (UJ9 The FBI seized six Communist party leaders, one as he emerged from a secret underground meeting, today on charges of teaching and advocating over throw of the government by force and violence. The dramatic arrests, timed to catch the city's "highest" Communist party man as he came out of hiding, brought to 87 the number of party offi cials and functionaries who have been arested in the nation so far for conspiracy to violate the Smith act Shackled in pairs, the six Philadelphia area leadera were brought before a U. S. com missioner and held in a total of $175,000 bail for a further hearing Aug. 8. Top catch for the FBI was Joseph Kuzma, 41, described as the big man of the party in the eastern Pennsylvania-Delaware area with the title of trade union secretary. He was held in $50,000 bail. The other five were held in 825,000 ball. A HoaaawfliiikK So smooth it leaves you breathless at! mimoff tu qrtmbtt name (A prorf M . 1 00 orala """'J' tat. fwrn launwf Fk. lac. Man. Caaa. Prices Effective July 31, Aug. 1-2 Red Hill . . . Dennison's . . CATSUP CAMMED MILK St 5 . 14 ci. 2 fcr 25c . 14 ez. 2 fcf 25c MAYOMMAISE MMe -57' Best Foods 59' Nu.Uade -37' Best Foods 37' BABYfOODffi 3c,s25' fAMTAI AlinEf Yins IMHIALUUrLJ Ripened Luscious, Sweet-Meared Beauties cnviMfc ruirrrcMC wo 1 11 1 11. U llllUtLHJ each U Manor-House or Swift's 1 lb. 14 ozs. and over SALAD OIL M.,d SHORTENING irapp. BREEZE CHEESE Ossrl 'it' :' 3-lb. pkg. 2-lb.lcsi EG SOAPS WHITE MAGIC Large Size 23' RINSO u .ssit. 25' RINSO TIDE I.r0e5e W OXYDOL t, 2120 Fairgrounds Hi. 245 Court St. MS S. Commercial 1265 Canter St. HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! It's the chance of a lifetime. Your opportunity to buy fine furniture at enormous sav ings. Our building has been sold. Soon we will have to vacate. Until then our GIGANTIC Furniture SALE Goes on Prices Have Been Slashed on All Items. Don't Wait. See Us Now for Your Needs BEDROOM SETS APPLIANCES LIVING ROOM SETS DINING SETS KITCHEN SETS MATTRtbitj LAMPS ROCKERS Many Other Items Too Numerous to Mention OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 CAPITAL HDVVE. & FURNITURE CO. VALUES GALORE! 294 N. Commercial St. Cor. Chemeketa EASY TERMS 7