Past 8 Guest Ministers to Speak In Churches at Woodburn Woodburn "The Certain tie of St. Paul," will be the topic of Or. David Ferguson t the Woodburn and Bethel churches Sunday morning, Aug. 2. He will ipeak at 10 Jn. at the Bethel church and t the Woodburn church at 11 a.m. A buiinesa meeting of the congregation will follow the 11 o'clock service at the Woodburn church. Sunday school is at 9:49 a.m. and pray er meeting Is Wednesday at 7 pjn. A guest speaker will be In Salem dliurciieS St. Jaaaaa'a CalkaHa Chamakala wlDtar. sn. Joaah I Vmd.rb.ek aaavar. Omdar mihi: a. 1, a. t;la, lt:N and U:J. CoBftulou Satardair: t.M M i:ja III l it lo I. Juki Im Maaaartal MaUiaarlat Coma, C MtUnm mad Win tar itrtu. Dlvlna WOTBoip aamea at ll a.aa. ouaat a pa a fU to Di. Burr r. Pamaarwa. Me. cntrva actual at t:u a-aa. Saautk-Daa atiaaatlat Summtr at noao. Houu acflool t:w Tople: i na jiaaurracuoD ana im AacenaloD Sarnm at U aja. Inr paaioa- B. o. ecouinar. St. Mai Latkaraa (Ma. eraaal) titatntn ana A atraevi. H. w. Oreaa, pailor. Kiwi al anl 11. Hair Cora aulas la IM II a'claek aarrlea. Susdar acbool at 10. rtrrt Baatlil Marlon ana Libert Dr. Lloyd T. Aadttaoa, paalor. Rav. Thorn Urn Jantma. eaaaciata Dutor. Him. dar acbool S:el a.m. Moraine worahla it a.m. iwt. view L. unjcka. auaat apeaaer. Youtb meetlnia l:la p.m. Sre Blac faapal terrlce T 30 Dm., star. i a or a wb ianawa apaaxlnf. Fee t'araeM Bapllat etata and Kin Streole. tut. viator L. Loucka. paator. Sunday acbool f:4t a.m. Morales wor- amp ii erclocK. Toung people'a Leaaua 9:H sun. STanlng poapal aarrlea 1;M p.m. Caiank at Jeaaa cartel at Latter Dar Batata Uf.ra.aao nih and MadUon atreeta, John M. Sellaburr, olebop. Stautbooa anoetlnd a.m. Sunday Softool leiia a-aa. sveaina aarrloa p.m. alaaa Tratk Caster 141 Chamakata. under acbool 10. Sarrtca 11. Toplo: "Beck at All Tblnil." Aer. OlITe Star- Caatral tatkaraa North Capitol and avelnee etreet. O. B. Rondalrom. paator. Caatral Latberaa Hour broadcaat orar KOCO 1;W. rarnilr Sundar acbool :. Moratu woriMp u. (renins aarrloa Oraoa latkaraa (KLC Bannrrlew and Lanilnc aranuaa. Sundar acbool Junior aantlao I.U a.m. Dlrlna worahlp 11 a.m. Woman', MUslonarr Soelatr Am. fa t w LoaaU W. Holla, paator. Saint faal'a Ealaeaaal Church and Cbemekota atreeu. Bar. Oaona H. Swift, B.D., ractor. Holr Communion !: e-m. end air, a.m. Ruraanr aehool ta pariah hall ll am. Holr Buoharut u a.rfl. Witt Charak at Ckrlat, Seleatlet Llb ortr and Chamakaaa atraau. Sundar acbool at 11 a.m. Church eerrlee at ll a.m. Laaion-aarmon aublaet: "Lore." Mo Sender aranlna aarrloa darlni auiuat. St. Vlaaaat do rani OatkaHa Colum bia and afrrtla atraata. liaaaaa at a. 1 M. t il, 10 anl 11 It a.m. Conlaaalona aaaniraar, to i:w anl T to a p.m. anl balora aaaeea. rirat CenffroeaUenat 700 Marlon St. Moraine worahlp aarrlea 11 a.m. Bar. fcoula Whlta. guaat mlnlatar. Chrlattaa a Forth th and Oalnaa. Bar. Paul W. Ounthar. paator. Sundar 'aehool 0:41 an. worahlp: Onaat apaakar. Mlu Ma rlon Dobla, mlaalonarr to Naw Guinea 11 a.m. AUIanoa Touth Pallovahlp 0:30 p.m. ninaUatal talk, MUa Dobla 7; S-m. allht Maaaarlal OaMrataUaaal touli b. Whlta, mlnlatar. Sundar aehool 0:40 a.m. Claaaaa for all aiaa. lnelndlnir tha Prlandlr alaaa for adulta. Morning arorahlp 11 a.m. Sermon "Tha Outreach al tha Loro of Ood" br tha Bar. Edward O. Salter, auaat mlnlatar. Cburch-tlma feuraerr. Viral SalrHaauat 44 H. CotUta. Circle and haa'.lng aarrlea I 34. Barman t:00. Speak er Mr. Thomaa Qaaalar. t. Mlrkt LjtlMrftM-043 N. Church trtMt. DlvlM Mrvlc ivm. (Julr fcnd Auiuft). Sundu school eonvAU t 10 in. Family dir. Cvmp Colton, S p.m. Tk BthDl U. North CottAit ana "O" itret. rt. huhoiph woyki, pMtor. Bundfty ichool 14ft vm. Wor ship snd Communion aMrvico 11 tv th putor presehlni on "Y Bolltv in Ood." Irtnlni soiptl hour I o'clock with Mnnon on lb tople, 8tikbllltr In Court ItrMt ChrlalUn STtntttntb ftnd Court itreoU. W. H. Lrmaa and O. Philln Hurd. mlnUters. Blblo school u tmblr 1:30 ft.m. Mornlnc worship 10: 'clock, asrmon br Hsro)d Lvmsn, 'Bui- for as ft Chrtitisn." Youth hour I 30 p.m. Brtnlns worship 1:30 o'clock. Br SB on by O. Philip Hurd. mrirsntad Cliurrk of Jftus Chrlsl of Lstlor Osy Paints vent tenth and Chs- sntksU strtsu. osorgs w. Bptsd, psstor. Church school 0;4S. Communion service 11. aCvsnms worship 0. Wlllsrd U Hut ta tUMsJtsr. Klncwsod Blblo Kim strrt. Rsv. John B. Prlsstn, supply psstor. Buna ay school 0:4ft a.m. Worship ssrvlcs 10. U XTtnlno ssrvlcs 7:4ft. Ttte Bslvstlsn Armt U. BtsU itrttt. Sunday school 0:4ft am. Hollnsss m Ins 11 a m. YP. Lesion P.m. Jr. Lo tion p.m. Open Air f p.m. Salvation PMttint T.Jt p.m. liberty Church fo Hold Picnic Sunday Liberty The Sunday school picnic of the Liberty Christian Church of Christ will be held Sunday, Aug. 2 at 12:20 at Crestwood Acres in the Sunnyside area. Each family is asked to bring a hot dish, a salad or dessert, along with their own table service. Treats will be furnished by the Homebuild ers clats which is spontoring the picnic. Mrs. Harold Plcw and Mrs. Gerald Knepper were in charge of invitations, Mrs. Dean Withers and Mrs. Lester Stringer, games. Anyone who attends the Liberty church is Invited to attend the picnic. Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117 S. High Ph. 45151 charge of both the 11 ajn. and 8 p.m. at the Woodburn Chris tian church Sunday, Aug. 1. Rev. D. D. Priest conducted the mid-week prayer service on Thursday st 8 p.m. Rev. George Springer, the pastor, with Mrs. Springer, David and Mary, left Tuesday for a week's vacation at Long Beach, Wash. Rev. D. Lester Fields, retir ed Methodist minister, will conduct the morning service st the Methodist church Sunday, Aug. 2. His topic will be "The Lord's Song in a Strange Land," in keeping with the pastor's series of "Great Hymns of the Church." Fol lowing the service the month ly fellowihip pot-luck dinner will be held at SetUemier park. Rev. Louis Kaplan, an out stsnding Jewish evangelist, will spesk st the Woodburn Four square community church Sun day evening, beginning at 8 o'clock. Rev. Kaplan is a former' New York business msn who has conducted city-wide cam paigns scross the nstions. His topic will be "America, Russis snd Palestine in Bible Prophe cy." At the morning service Rev. Arthur Goble, the pastor, will speak on the topic "Com munion with Christ" Rev. George Bullock of Sa lem is conducting the services st the Woodburn Assembly of God church while Rev. snd Mrs. Ernest Ilium and sons are on a vacation in the midwest. They will not return until after August 9. Rev. G. M. Trygstad of Can- by will be guest speaker at the Immanual Lutheran church in Woodburn Sunday, Aug. 2, at 9 a.m. Rev. and Mrs. J. William Carlson left this week for a vacation, visiting their two sons in Concord. Calif., and their daughter in Los Angeles. The annual daily - vacation Bible school Is scheduled to begin August 24. Holy communion snd the ad dress at St. Mary's Episcopal church in Woodburn will be at 9:30 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 2, with the vicar, Rev. T. M. Baxter, speaking. The 7:30 evening service will be resumed Aug. 9. Les Newell will be in charge of the 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. services Sunday, Aug. 2, at the Bible Baptist church. Other at 9:45 a.m., young people's meeting at 8:45 pm., midweek services Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. Rev. and Mrs. R. Brend- ler were to leave Thursday for a two weeks visit with relatives in Los Angeles and San Diego, California. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Is the only service at the Wood- burn Church of God on Aug. 2. The pastor, Rev. Edward. H. Baldwin, is participating in the Oregon State camp meeting at Clackamas which will end Sun day. Rev. Macky Hill of Carlton will supply the pulpit at the Woodburn Free Methodist church during the absence of the pastor, Rev. George H. Norsworthy. The Norsworthy family left Wednesday for Mt Carmel, 111., where they were called by the illness of his par ents. The Hills are moving to Woodburn. Pulpit Blessing At Good Shepherd A Service of Blessing of a Pulpit will be held at the 9 a.m. Church Worship Service of Good Shepherd Lutheran church of South Salem. The pulpit, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lenaburg of Beav- erton, was made by them out of cedar and gum woods. The Lenaburga were charter mem' bers of Good Shepherd Luth eran church when it was offi cially organized in April of 1951. The second In a series of two summer Holy Communion services will be held at Good Shepherd Sunday at both the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. church services. Christian Home Theme of Sermon "The Christian Home," will be the theme of the pastor's message, for a special family Sunday service at the West Salem Baptist church, 1320 Edgowater St., at 11 a.m. Sun day. A story for the boys and girls, a regular feature at the morning services, will provide for the spiritual need and in terest of the Junior worship pers. Music for the service will be a message in song by a women's trio. Following the morning serv ice a picnic dinner will be held In the Sllverton Htv park. First Presbyterian Church Chemeketa at Winter "A Parable of Wage and Hours" Dr. Paul Newton Paling Two Services: 9:45 ond 11A.M. KOCO, 10:00 A.M. P.ASSP0RT TO V V:- I President EUenhower congratulates FrancUzek Jarecki, 22, former Polish jet pilot who escaped from behind the Iron Curtain with hit plane, during White House cere mony at which the president signed bill they hold which gives JarecU the status of permanent resident of the United States and the right to qualify later as a citizen. (AP Wirephoto) Bells Honor Salem Pioneers The First Methodist church has received a gift of Carillon ic Bells with Westminster time strike from Mrs. Winifred Her- rick aa a memorial to her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Rig- don, and her son, the late Ma. jor Winfield Charles Clarke. The Rigdons were pioneer members of the church, joining in 1889 and active until their deaths in 1942 and 1944. Win- field Charles Clarke was a member from childhood until his death in 1949 at the age of 43. The 23 bells are amplified from the spire of the church, and great hymns of the church are played at 12:30 noon and 5:30 p.m. dally and from the organ console on Sunday morn ings. They alio strike the hour through the day and evening, meeting a need of the down town area since the removal of the courthouse clock. Uecker Reports On Conference Rev. Lloyd Uecker will out line the program of Evangelism aa set forth by the Evangelical United Brethren denomination Sunday morning. The general theme for the year ia "Christ Calls to Christian Growth." Aimed to include the services of all members of the local church, the program will oper ate in three general phases. These are deepening the spirit ual life of all members, a per iod of fellowship cultivation, and a period of visitation evan gelism. This service will be follow ed by a meeting of the church council of administration and all standing committees on Monday evening. At this time printed details of the evangel ism program will be presented as they pertain to each group. Sunday morning Rev. Uecker begins his seventh year of service at the Englewood church. He also has been newly appointed as area leader for the 11 churches of the Salem Portland area for the coming year. Christ Lutheran Conducts Picnic The members and friends of Christ Lutheran church will celebrate their annual church picnic Sunday at Haser's Grove 1 south of Four Corners. The Sunday school and wor ship services will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will be held at the picnic grounds. The picnic dinner will be served immediately after the service. Coffee and refresh ments for children will be served. Each family will bring their own table service. The service will be under the direction of Rev. T. M. Geb- hard and Herbert Hamann, su perintendent of the Sunday school. Joe Van Meter and Keith Perkins are in charge of the adult games. Special activ ity for the children will be conducted by the Sunday aehool ataff. W. E. Schulti ia general chairman of the day. The perimeter of the Antarc tic continent is 16.000 miles long. Hear AUBREY SARA S.0 Saturday Rally, 8 p.m Sunday Night, 8 p.m. See Faith in Action! It A.M. Sunday Worship, Rev. Wyatt :4S A.M. Sunday School, a class for you FAITH TABERNACLE 1305 North Sth at Gaines THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SateM, Ortgoflf CITIZENSHIP Amity Churches Baptist Winism P. Bray, pastor. Bun day school 10 am. Marnlnt- worship al IL BTtning sarrica at a. Casrsh of Christ Blbls school 10 m. Morning worship at 11. Christian Bndesvor 0:3O p.m. Evening semea t:M. Choles practice 0:30 pa Msthsdsst Rsv. Brace ifeConnsU. minuter. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 aun. Youfc Fellowship 0:90. Oak Ororo Chapel Rev. Bruce Me- Conneil. mlnlsUr. Morning worship 0:4ft a-ss. Sunday school 10:41 ia, My of G Prank K. Mspes. Sunday school 0:4ft a.m. Morn ing worship 11 a m. Krtnlng ssrvlcs 1:00. Hazel Green Hazel Green Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zielinski frcm their son, Stephen Zielinski, that he has arrived in Korea and is stationed with the Military Police at Puson in the 45th division. He had left the states from San Francisco, Calif, June 30, going across by boat and landing at Sase- bo, Japan, July 14. Louise and Norma Omholt are staying with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Halvor Omholt for the rest of the sum mer months. Their parents brought them up a month ago i ana now have returned to their home in Monteaca, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zie linski and son, Warren, spent the week-end at Breitenbush Springs, they took with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Zumstein and'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zie linski. Mr. and Mrs. Art Starker have left for Longbeach, Wash., where they are partici pating in the clam digging during the low tides there. Miss Jacquelyn Zielinski spent the week-end at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Traviss of Mt Angel while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zielinski were gone over the week-end. Miss Elaine Garrvison. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Garrvison is returning this week-end from Ridgefield, Wash., where she has been staying while her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snoen and their daughter, Penny. While there ahe has helped in harvesting the rasp berry crop. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc- Claughry and family went on a fishing trip last week, which tooK them to Three Creek lake which resulted in little luck. From there they went to Crane Prairie and had great success in their fish catch. Mr. and Mrs. Jul Faar and John Lchnherr have been gone the past month to Wis consin to visit with Mrs. Faar's sister and families and then stop and visit in North Dakota on the way back to Orrgon. Mr. and Mrs. Don Zielinski and family drove to Tillamook bay on Sunday morning early to participate in some clam digging during the low tide. First Methodist Church Church and State "Rest for the Weary" by Brooks H. Moore, Minister U:t I.; Rreadrut KSLM 11:30 a.m. Woodburn Fills Faculty Posts Woodburn The 1953-1954 faculty for the Woodburn pub lic schools has been completed, it was announced by Frank P. Doerfler, superintendent Miss Georganna . Thien of Oswego has been employed as girls' physical education instructor at the high 'school and Mrs. C K. Olson of Woodburn aa fifth grade teacher at the Washing ton school. Henry Ercolini was hired earlier In the season as boys' physical education In structor and coach of football and baseball. Miss Thien will replace Mrs. Catherine Elder and haa taught one year at Myrtle Point and two at Warrenton. She is a graduate of West Linn high school and Lewis and Clark college and is now completing a year at the University of Ore- mrs. uison will tane ine piace of Miss Virginia Meek, who re signed. She graduated from Salem high school and Oregon College of Education at Mon mouth. She has taught at Mc Kinley school in Salem for the past four years. All other teachers will be the same a last year. Missionary From New Zealand Here Miss Marion Ooble, mission' ary to the tribes of New Zea land, will speak during the 11 a.m. service and give ai illustrated talk at 7:30 pm Sunday at the Christian and Missionary Alliance church. The New Zealand tribes men, discovered some IS years ago, are still living in stone age primitiveness. Miss Doble reports. The Christian and Mission ary Alliance pastor, Rev. Paul W. Gunther, is currently serv ing as a Bible teacher at the denominational conference at Barro Colorado Island Can'. al Zone, is one of the strong holds of the peripatus, a primi tive worm-like animal. 1288 State St. Phone 3-6489 Buy Locker Beef Now! Wo recommend the purchase of Fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at this time because the price ii definitely right and the quality is good. The U. S. Department of Agriculture recommends your , storing foods for the freeier for the tame reason. Wa accept and pass on to you the recommendation of tha U. S. Department of Agriculture because it it tound judgment to purchase your meals and other foodstuffs at a sea sonally low price and store them for use at a later date when the market might normally be higher. We offer you this opportunity to buy meats not only at a seasonally low price, but with large wholesale discount beiidet. Whether you with a quarter or a half of Beef or any number of retail curt, wa know we can tave you money. Our price, quality contidered, it the best in the State of Oregon. The weight it guaranteed to be honest and you will find our service to be courteous and helpful. Any of our retail cut double wrapped for your locker Free! Plan to buy a weekt tupply. Shop Randoll't Market and tave! . Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Baby Beef LIVER New Low Prices Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef, may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay. Half of Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter 2Mr 23l'33y BONELESS NEW YORK CUT SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK . BEEF TENDER LOIN . . . . FRESH BEEF HEARTS . . . COUNTRY GROUND BEEF GROUND ROUND AW LAWYER DIES I 'v'.. '(J . .V --) - Dexter Rice of Roseburg, attorney, former legislator and judge, who died Thurs day. Dexter Rice of Roseburg Dies Roseburg 11 Dexter Rice, 80, dean of this city's attor neys and members of a pioneer Southwest Oregon family, died here Thursday. Rice practiced here continu ally for 58 years following his graduation from the Univer sity of Oregon law school in 1897. He had been ill several months but continued to han dle some cases until his death. He was a former county Judge and a member of the State Game Commission, from which he resigned in 1939. Rice was a member of the Oregon Legislature in 1901. He was born in 1873 at Rice Hill, 20 miles north of here, to Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Rice, pi oneer residents. He is survived by a daugh ter, Mrs. Donald Helliwell, and grandson, James Helliwell, both of Roseburg. Funeral services will be held . Satur day, More than 250 different kinds of birds and animals are found in Great Smoky Nation al Park. :' j-. r-alZ'! l yf STYLE SAUSAGE .... a. 29' aAkatmat Woods Strike In Stalemate laiunnn Hone for an early settlement of the current CIO woods strike appeared uu Thi.radav morning, although two meetings were slated soon between striking union mem bers and employer groups. More than 2,000 ciu wood workers in the northwest are for the S cent hourly wage in crease that Weyerhaeuser Tim ber company and a few other operators have offered. Tuesday the 115-man crew at San tiara Lumber company started picketing the mill at Lebanon, and an estimated 9S men employed by the Snow Peak logging operations Joined the strike movement Shortly before they walked out 550 left the- Wilamette National Lumber company's mill and logging operations at Foster, and the Santiam lumber mill at Sweet Home. John Ball, IWA-CIO business agent of the Lebanon local said another 400 to 500 men go on strike in this area. Ball said that if the two lo cal, oaeratkras were to grant the 5-cent hourly increase, it would mean total payment of about f 46 per week more at Santiam mUL and 834 per week more by Snow Peak. Committee Okays Cain Nomination Washington ) The nomina tion of Harry P. Cain, former republican senator from Wash ington state, to a three-year term on the Subversive Activi Make an Offer! Salem General Hospital's HIGHEST BIDDER. Must CONTACT WILLIAM GAHLSDORF I at Salem General Hospital Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Steak T-Bone Rib Steaks , Fresh Beef Tongues on Locker Beef .Don't fail to take advantage of these SHORT RIBS IUN BEEF CUBES Frldty, July 31, 1953 ties Control Board was ap proved Thursday by the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Senate confirmed Cain earlier this year for a short term on the board. The reap, pointment is for term ending August , 1958. The committee also approved nominations of seven members of the Federal Board of P. roles, including Dorothy He. Cullough Lee of Portland, Ore. Hear Defter With new electronic marvel transistor HEARING METHOD "CAN I GET hear ins ali operated entirely by a single 'en. ergy capsule' smaller than a dhae in aiameierr . . . without any I vacuum tubes? that can be worn in the hairf Can X get an aid I can wear ao that i NO ONE will know I tun hard of hearing?" A new FREE booklet, "Facts 1 about Translator Hearinc Alas." L. S. WSTSOM, by the author of a 600-pae text on neanng instruments and na tionally known authority on hear ing instruments, gives you tha FACTS. It tells the truth about transistor hearing aids and will save you many hard earned dol lars. . L. A. WATSON, President 1 I Healleal Aaeaetle Iaatraaaaat Ca. a Baa SU, SI Ma. Srt at, Hals. 1, Mia. I I Pteaae eeai aaa (la Plata enreleee) a . rear PmES teaklal. "Pmeti Akeat I I Traaalatar Hearlae Alaa." NAME ! ADDRESS 1 CITY :. STATE I Nurses' Norn will bs sold ba removed by August 30. prices. .Convenient credit am . u 53' lE8t .. 2i' AT "