Friday, July ji, i953 .-THE CAPITAL JOt'RNAL. S)em, Oragoai hit! Junior Guild's Benefit to Be Next Wednesday - Certificates Go To Swimmers A BOY AND HIS LIFELINE Woodburn Twenty one student, 11 of whom are be ginner. earned Red Cross cer tificates at th close of the first aerie of free swimming lesson at the Settlemier pool in Wood burn, Misa Noren Wells, in structor and life guard, announced. 0 -3 Guild Members Sponsor Benefits Mn. Auitin H. Wilson, Mn. Miller B. Hayden and Mrs. Xarl T. Andresen were hostesses Thursday morning for a coffee In the gardens at the Wilson home, the affair being one of eeriea of eoffeea and lunch eons aponaored by membere of the Junior guild of St Paul'a Zpiseopal church. Proceeda go to the church building fund. On Friday laat, Mra. J. K. Chambera entertained at a luncheon at her home. Attending both attain were Mra. Ottia R. Berry. Mra. J. F. Causey, Mrs. W. C. Gabriel, Mrs. Homer Goulet Mrs. Char- lea T. Jory, Mra. Louise Muller, Mrs. Hal Patton, Mrs. George H. Swift, Mra. F. L. Brownell, Mrs. J. F. Causey, Sr., from Charleston, South Carolina; Mra. Earl T. Andreaen, Mra. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs. John D. Graham, Mra. Lawrence Oster man, Mrs. J. N. Chambera, Mra. T. L. Davidson, Mrs. Leon W. Gleason, Mrs. J. Bert Hill from Grand Rapids, Mich.; Mrs. John I. Wood. Mrs. Paul M. Gem mell, Mrs. Perry Whitmora, Mrs. Donald C. Roberts, Mrs. I. A. Kurtx, Mrs. A. A. Manke, Jr., Mrs. R. L. Nelson, Mrs. H. H. Henry, Mrs. Donald H. Upjohn, Miss Virginia Nowlen, Miss Rosanna Nowlen, Steve Crawford, Sue Wilson and Mrs. Wilson. During the coffee Mrs. George H. Swift poured. A bou-, quet of Shasta daisies placed in a green bowl centered the table. Prizes won in cards during the luncheon were won by Mrs. J. F. Causey and Mrs. Miller B. Hayden. The big project of the sum mer for the guild will be the benefit card parly and tea next Wednesday afternoon, August 5, tn the gardens at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer C. Page. i i r (Pi o I v. " t ' Wed In Mid-July Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dougherty (Csth arine Bailev) were married at North Howell Community church on July 17. (McEwan studio picture, Silverton.) V Plan for Garden Party The group pictured above looka over the grounds In planning the benefit card party and tea of the Junior guild, St. Paul's Episcopal church, the party to be next Wednesday, August 8, in the gardena at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer C. Page, 1589 Che mekcta. Left to right in the picture: Mrs. Page, the hostess; Mrs. George H. Swift, Mrs. W. C. Gabriel, Mrs. Earl T. Andreaen, who la co-chairman for the benefit; and Mrs. Louise Muller. Institute for Parents of Visually Handicapped Due Hie Oregon Lions club aux iliary has arranged its fifth annual institute for parents of pre -school visually handi capped children for August T to 13 at the Oregon state school for the blind at Salem, announces Mrs. Clarence A, Mamble, Klamath Falls, presi dent. Mrs. Humble emphasises bet there is absolutely no charge made to any parent at tending the six-day session, as the school is aponaored finan cially ty the Lions club' aux iliary. Parents attending may Ihre ott the school campus dur ing the entire session, have their meals m the school cafe teria, and leave their children in the hands of Lions auxiliary members while they attend the lecture arranged for their benefit. Interested parents may enroll simply by contact ing Walter Dry, superinten dent of the state blind school. The purpose of these classes is to aid parents in training their handicapped child to be come a normal, adjusted mem ber of the family and commu nity and, to ready them for school at the proper age. The gratitude and enthusiasm of parents who have previously attended these sessions, prove the Importance of the insti tute's work, as does the in- crease in attendance each year, says Mrs. Humble. Many speakers in different ft fields of child guidance are scheduled on the program, as well members of the blind school faculty. This year two schools will be held, one for parents attending for the first time and one for the advanced group. These will be held simultaneously, however, so that the newcomers may learn from association with the ad vanced group. , The program of the latter group will em phasis the school child, how parents can help their child during aummer vacations, and the handicapped child' need for real experience. Registration for the insti tute will begin on Friday, Au gst T, and a get-acquainted session Friday evening will complete the first day. All day sessions will be held each day thereafter through Au gust It. Clan Metis Silverton Members of the Miller family met in reunion Sunday at the Silverton city park. Those attending were, from Suver. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Jimmy and Geraldine Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mil ler and Wayne and Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Allen and Roy and Linton, and Alfred Pen darvis; from Turner, Mr. and Mrs. George Godwin; from Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nelson and Wayne and Ron ald, Mr. and Mrs. George Nel son and Harold and May, and Shirley and Shelda Gisse; from Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Miller and LeRoy, Gary and Lonny; from Newberg, Miss Maxine Duke; from Corvallis, Mrs. Alba Dederick, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Richter and Rodney, Dee Parrish, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowry; from Silverton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Minkler, Mr. and Mrs. Edson Kimsey and Ken neth, Archie, Laura and Ella; and from Deer Island, M,rvin Thomas. SERGEE For Women S'4" and ander at iimf nun shot 118 North High Oil.' iMlO.V 0i i Mrs. Ditter Honor Guest for Shower Sublimity Mrs. Delbert J. Ditter was the honored guest at a shower, given at her home Sunday by Mrs. Don Shepherd of Eugene and Mrs. Frank McDonald of Tacoma, Wash. Gamea and opening of the gifts were followed by refresh ments. Guests were Mrs. Alva Zuber, Mrs. Don Equall, Mrs. Roland Gothsacker, Mrs. Ber nie Blem, and two children. and Mra. Otto J. Erwert and daughter all of Woodburn; Mrs. Kenneth Hough of Salem; Mrs. Duane Neal and daugh ter Gates; Mrs. Billy Lulay Jr. Scio; Mra. J. H. Ditter, Mrs. Clara Neal, Mra. Fred Hot tinger and daughter, Mrs. E. A. Ditter and Mis Mary Jean Ditter. Miss Nelson Feted At Recent Shower Woodburn Miss Arlys Nel son of Portland was honored at a shower, Sunday, at the home of Mrs. Edward DeHaan in Woodburn with Mrs. DeHaan, Mrs. Dorrs nee Hoots of New berg and Mrs. Dick Bailer as co-hostesses. Attending were Mrs. Marinus Opitz, Mrs. Bernard Seller, Mrs. Sheldon Johnson, Miss Jacque! Berkey, Mrs. Roy West, Mrs. 1 Dick Topfer, Miss Betty Nel son, Mrs. David Cavett and Lin-1 da. Miss Donna Sebern, Miss; Ruth Nelson and the honored guest, Miss Arlyss Nelson.. Al so invited were Mrs. Emil Nel- son, Mrs. Edwin Ostrom, Miss1 Dollie Ostrom and mother and grandmother of Miss Nelson's fiance. The wedding of Miss Nelson and Dale Harris of Portland, I son of Mrs. Vern Harris of Tur lock, Calif., is planned for Oc tober. GRAND ISLAND Invita-1 tlons have been received for the marriage of Miss Delores Elaine Finnicum, daughter of ! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum, BETTER CARE and LONGER WEAR Cleaning Restyling LACHELLH 1S4S Ferry St Fh. S-C814 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 a 1 vuua v " 1 to Willard Ivan Wivell of Shelton, Wash., Sunday Au gust 9 at 2:30 p.m. at the First Baptist church, McMinnville. For Bride-Elect Woodburn Miss Marce lunn Kuns, bride-elect of Bob Salisbury of Salem, was hon ored at a shower recently at the Frank Chapelle home In Woodburn. Co-hostesses were Miss Ruth Anderson and Mlu Mary Lou Haynea with about 35 guest present. The wed ding of Misa Kuns and Mr. Salisbury will be an event of August 14. PRICE'S MID- VEAE? i r 1 tu u 1 I COMS I 1 BlOUStt 1 1 AND 1 I a a s. iiMMb. 1 1 The aecond aeries started at the pool Tuesday, July 28, with approximately 85 beginners registered. Beginner certificates were earned by Jerry Juve. Marilyn Sows, Winifred Woods, Lydia Armstrong, John Cornwell, Gary Simon, Deena Roath and Howard McLaughlin, all of Woodburn; Briant Brown of Hubbard, Sandra Beck and Marilyn Marvin of Canby. The principal requirement to earn to beginner' certificate are to swim 20 yards, float and be able to dive into deep water. Intermediate certificates went to Johnny Connell and Kay Eichsteadt, both of Wood burn. Earning swimmer certi ficatea were Keith and Philip Nibler, Judy Linscott, Judy Cornwell. John Pickering, Wes ley Smith, Monte Palmer and Judy Reed. The adult class has not com pleted it work but will finish within a week. Hour when the pool is open to the public are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 2 to 5:45 p.m. and 7 to 9:15 p.m.; Thursdays 2 to. 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9:15 p.m.; Saturday 1 to 5:30 p.m. and 7 to 9:15 p.m. and Sundays 2 to 9:13 pjn. The pool is closed every Mon day. Miss Austria Visits Family AtHeppner Heppner, Ore. W) Thlnrs are prettier than ever around here this weekend and among th prettier things I Mis Lore Felger, 18, otherwise known a Mia Austria. Named among the top It In the recent Mis Universe contest, aha la visiting a en pal whoa family ha been sending food parcel to the Felger family. The pen pal is V I r ( 1 n I a Gonty, 13, whose parent own n (hoe (tor In Heppner. Mlas Felger plana to visit with them five days before return tag to Austria. "It reminds me a little bit f Austria the hill and CLEARANCE vithnevr Items ,1D noN'T MISS OPPORTUNITY ' I i pR)CES! CHAND.SE AT - . ALL tucp ITEMS awf LstV T V TTT- : ' 1 -' - "'' - t ' ' 'rur' HiJ Marlon Ellis, 4V4, of Hayward, Calif., shown with hi ' mother, Mrs. Jessie Ellis in Children's Hospital, Oakland, Calif., where surgeon hope soon to operate to give him chance to eat his first real meal. Because of a blocked , esophagus, Marlon's only way of getting nourishment it ..." through the tube running into hi body. He weigh only 30 pounds. (AP Wirephoto) Jungwirths in Family Reunion Stayton Seventy - seven members of the Jungwirth fam ily gathered at the Stayton park on Sunday, July 26, for the an nual reunion and picnic. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jungwirth, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Jungwirth and Mr. and Mrs. William Meisenheimer of Salem; Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Jung wirth, Sharon and Robert Lacy of Newberg; Mr. and Mr. F. N. Jungwirth, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simpson and family. Mr. and Mrs. George Jungwirth and daughter, Wesley Kocker and son of Woodburn; Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Jungwirth of Lyons; Mr. and Mr. Peter B. Jung wirth, Mr. and Mra. Q. F. Jung wirth, Mr. and Mrs.. Clarence everything," said Mlas Felger f th country areand Hep pner. .t DOCK BOTTOM AT ROCK sales ?sV i&iil a. Jungwirth and family, Mr. and Mr. Francis Jungwirth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Jungwirth and family of. Stay ton; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Por ter, Mr. and -Mrs. Zd Jung wirth and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter and family of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jungwirth, Virginia, Grace, Joyce, Donald and Gary of Gr vais; Miss Ha Vey Jungwirth and Bill Jungwirth of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jungvtrth and family of St Paul. Guest were Mrs. Alta Mur phy and Mrs. Teresa Rund of Salem; Mr. . and Mrs. L. M. Doerfler of Mehama; Robert Brady et Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Mike Fink of Lyons, and Mis Colleen McManua of Ger- vala, . i THE SMART SHOP . . FOB ..VANITY FAW - LINGERIE US N. Uborry t astr.' : fj -a, . 135 No. Liberty