Frifoy. Joly SI. 1953 ,; THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, hlw, Qreiom Pax I Bean Festival Parade Prizes CHILDREN WIN AWARDS AT STAYTON FESTIVAL Stayton The "Cowardly Lion and Tin Woodman" walk ed away with sweepstake hon ors in the children's pet parade ft...; at the opening of the Santiam HAPPY REUNION v, $1 o A . e? It was a happy meeting Thursday night when five sisters from the deep south arrived at the Southern Pacific depot aboard the Shasta Daylight where they were greeted by their brother, G. E. Hudson of Salem and Mrs. Hudson. In the picture, from left, are: Mrs. R. H. Sutton, Dallas, Texas; Mrs. E. L. Goza, Many, La.; Mr. Hudson; Mrs. C. B. Bettis, Arkadclphia, Ark.; Mrs. H. B. Cooper, Shreveport, La.; Mrs. S. C. Sutton, Shreveport; and Mrs. Hudson. The visitors came directly from Dallas, Texas.' While here they will be taken to the beach, Silver Creek Falls and other interesting places. Mr. Hudson has three brothers also in the south, Grant and Fred Hudson of Shreveport, and Sam Hudson of Bayminette, Ala. The Hudsons live at 1149 Court Street. They have lived In Salem since 1930 and for 21 years Hudson was a guard at Oregon State Prison. Dallas Water Shortage Puzzles Commissioners By JIM DANIELS Dallas The growth of Dal das depend! upon the develop ment of new sources of water according to statistics revealed in a Tuesday night meeting of the Polk County Water De velopment committee. The city does not have water available at present to supply the demands of a major indus try, were one to contemplate locating here. Requests for water for lawn and garden ir- LE&ALS NOTICE Or INTENTION TO IMPROVE JtAYNOR STREET FROM ELECTRIC AVENUE TO THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 13, NOR BILL ANNEX ADDITION NOTICE HEREBY IS OIVEN that th Common Council of tht elt of Balem, Oregon, ctMnu it ntcestsrr nd xgedl tnt and brbr deduct Its purposfl'and Intention to lmprov BAYNOB STREET, from the south lino of Electric Ave nue to the siiey In Block lo. Nob BUI Annex Addition to too city of Salem, Marlon County. Ortf on. by brlncin said portion of said stroet to the established rade. providing dralnaco. oonstracUna cement concreto curbs, and paring saw portion of said street vlth a 3V inch uphaltlo concreto pavement 30 feet wide, at tnt expense of tn abutting and Adjacent property, except the street and alley Interactions, which axpenso will bo Assumed by the city of Salem, all in ac cordance with the pltns and specifi cations therefor which were adopted by the Common Council July 27. 1053, which ro now on fUo In the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may bo exam ined by any interested party. The com mon Council hereby declares lte purpose and Intention to make the above de scribed Improvement by and through the atreet Improvement departmnt. Owners of property liable for tht cost f making such Improvement may file written remonstrance against the same with the cltv recorder at any time with in ten days after tht final publication f this notice. By Order of tht Common Council July ST. Itu. ALFRED MTJNDT, City Recorder XHte of first publication July 31, 1953. Sato of final publication August 14. 1053. July 31, Aug. 7-14 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY Of MARION PROBATE DEPARTMENT No. 1MU In the Matter of the Estate I of ASA PIS HER. ) NOTICE To ASA PISHER, a person presumed dead, or any other person lor mm; . You, ASA PISHER, or any other par ton for you, art hereby required to aooear and product to tht court within twelvt weeks from tht data or the last publication of this notice, satisfactory evidence of tht continuance in life of Asa Ftaher. bo he alive, or In absence thereof, tht court will enter 1U order appointing Jane Fisher Harvey aa and for administratrix witn we wui an nexed of the estate of Asa Ftsher. Dated this 34 dsy of June, MM. H. C. MATTfiON Marlon County Cltrk Attest: Belen U Mulkey Deputy First Published: July S, 19U. Last published: July tl. 1F53. July 3, 10. 17. 34. tl SCHAEFER'S NERVE TONIC For functional disturb ancts, nervous headaches, nervous, irritability, excita bility, sleeplessness. 1.00-$1.75 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dally, 1:M am . m Sondayg, Btn; 135 N. Commercial FRESH OCEAN CAUGHT SALMON ass lb 33' Tronsportotion by our own Refrigerated Trucks Fitts Fish & Poultry Market 216 N. Commercial Phone 34424 rigation purposes have been rejected in recent months in sofar as they came from users outside the city limits. The statistics, prepared by Aaron Mercer of the Willam ette Valley Lumber company and Phillip Hayter, Dallas at torney, member of the water commission, revealed that on the average of 70 new outlets per year were being granted. Basing a calculation on this figure for domestic expansion a population of more than 15,- 000 was predicted for Dallas for 1975 according to the sta tistics compiled lor the pur pose of instituting survey by the Army Engineering Corps of the water situation in the county. Work on new water mains is progressing apace as the water department proceeds with the lob of laying a 10 inch line by the new high school plant to service areas adjacent Salem Sand and Gravel company, successful bidder on the project of putting in a pump station on La Creole creek has started work on the system. Work has started on preparing a new intake line from the pumping station to the city's reservoir. Every available source of water has been taken under consideration, including a joint project with the city of Monmouth for pumping water from the Willamette river for use in Dallas and the home of Oregon College of Education. First diesel - electric passes ger engines were used in-1934. LEGALS IN THE C1BCCIT COURT OP THE TATE OF OREGON FOB THE CO UN' TT OF MARION, DEPARTMENT Or FRO BATE No. 1I0M In th, Matter of U EiUt, of PHILIP p. OATE8, dMliHO, I1H Known aa r. P. GATES. ORDER PIXWO TIME AND PLACE FOR HEARING OF FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT. Th, Pint And Pinal Account of Nina A. Oatai. the dulr appointed, tjuaUIIed and Acting exeeumg 01 in, .dot, en titled aetata hating been filed herein: IT IS ORDERED that Monday. V" 10th dap of Aumit, 1MX at th, hour of :lf a-tn. of laid day ba and th, fama bcieDr la fixed for th, eettleaent of laid account and that notic, OI aaia eeiue- irent be publlMied In tb. Capital Jour nal, a ncwipaper of Salem, Oreion. of general circulation In Marios countr, Oregon, aa required br law. Dated thla 3rd day of JulT. IMJ. , REX KIMMELL, Judge. JUlP NOTICE TO CREDITORS Natlee la barer green that tb, on der ailed, by an order of the Circuit Court of th, Btata of Oregon, for the County of Marlon, duly made and entered on th, ith day of June. 1M, waa appointed azacutor of the aetata of Oeorta H. Orarea. deemed, and that It baa duly Qualified aj auch executor. All peraone baring elaltnl ageuut tald aetata are hereby notified to preaent the eame. duly yerlfled a, reoulred by law. to the office of W. C Wlnelow, 40. Maeonte Building. Salem, Oregon. In Marlon County. Oregon, within els () montha of the data of thla notice. Beted thla lsth day of July. UN UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OP PORTLAND, OREGON, Eiecutar of the Batata of Oeorg, H. Orarea, daeeaeed. W. C. Wlnelow Attorney for Batata 04 Maaonla Building Salem. Oregon . . Data of ftnt anblteetloa: July IB, IMJ. Data .1 laet publication: Auguet 1. leal. July 1 1114.31, Aug. 1 New Judges in Ninth Slated Washington (fi Senate- House conference committee had before it Friday separate bills passed by the two cham bers authorizing creation of new federal judgeships. The committee will try to adjust differences in the measures. The House bill, passed by the lower body Thursday, would create 26 new judge ships including two in the Ninth Circuit, California, Ore gon, Nevada, Montana, Wash ington, Idaho, Arizona, Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam. The Senate measure would add 39 judges including one In the Fifth Circuit, three in the Ninth Circuit, one in Western Washington and one in Alaska. The House by voice vote Thursday rejected requests by Rep. Tollefson (R., Wash.) and Delegate Bartlett of Alaska to add the Western Washington and Alaska judges to its 'bill. Champion Dave Bell and Fryer Will Go to Akron By VIC Hey kids, here's a few more Derby news notes for you. Champion David Bell and myself as Capital Journal rep resentative will leave Salem Monday afternoon by far and catch the Great Northern's Em pire Builder at 3 o'clock out of Portland to Chi cago. From Chi cago to Akron we will go by the Baltimore and Ohio's Co lumbian, arriving late Wednes day evening. David's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, are driving us to Portland to see us off to the All-American Derby, At Akron, Dave will get the official grand reception in eluding rolling out the red car pet, mounting a golden stairs, reception by the brass band and a police escort from the station to headquarters. Thursday he will go to Der- bytown at Camp Y-Noah where he will be outfitted In Derby togs, given a chance to work on his bug, run in a test run and then have a swell time for two days in boating, swimming, games and other entertain ment The big race is Sunday and Dave will be in there gunning for that championship trophy and the $5,000 scholarship top prize. We'll return Monday by the B & O's Shenandoan to Chicago, by the Union Pacific's City of Portland and the Shasta Daylight to Salem, arriving Wednesday morning at 0 o'clock. Dave's trip is paid for by the Capital Journal and Doug las McKay Chevrolet company as his top prize for winning the Salem Derby. Just like everyone else in Sa lem who jumped in to help with the Derby, the Southern Pacific office here took care of all our tickets and reservations for us even though the only time we ride their route is from Port land to Salem when we re turn. Say, fellows, Prize Chairman Jack Maulding tells me that somehow you trophy winners haven't taken your trophies in to Stevens and Son jewelers yet to have your name en- W with FARMERS Auto Truck Fire 0SK0 INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Copitol St. Phone 3-5661 Between Hood and Shipping e n Festival in siayion Thursday night B The lion was depicted by Danny Baldwin and the tin woodsman was represented by Hanna Baldwin, children of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bald win. The parade was followed by a square dance in the civic building. The grand parade will be held Friday night with judging at 6:30 and the parade follow ing at 7 p.m. Saturday will feature the La tourette acrobatic acts at 3 and 8 p.m., the bean hole feed at 6 p.m. and a dance from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Winners in the children's pa rade follow: Grand prize Danny and Hanna Baldwin. Coming the greatest distance Gail Fisher, first; Catherine Leffler, second, and Ora Lee Boehme, third. Wheeled division Michael Hughes and Richard Hoffman with a horse and buggy; the Etzell children in "A Barrel of Fun," and Roseanne Henrik son. Hard to make floats The Hann children with "Play mates" float, Alan Jacoby, Den nis Peters and Bonnie Jean Christensen in a pumpkin float Children's section Richard and Ronnie Clarkson and She ryl Chrisman, the McGill chil dren, and Bill Hicks, Douglas and June Edwards. Novelty division Sandra Angel as a hula dancer, Tony Christensen, Janet Phillips and Sharon Angel. Pet division Gail Anderson, Tommy Noack, John Roy, Carta and Karen VanDriesche. Silverton Howard Robin son, patrolman, has tendered his resignation from the local police force to become effec tive as near August 1 as possi ble. Robinson's successor has not been selected. FRYER graved on them. Remember, that engraving is part of the prize you won, it's all free and paid for by the Derby associa tion, so take the trophy in now and get it engraved with your name so you can show it to your friends now and your grand children SO years from now. There are also a lot of those official Derby certificates with your names on them that fel lows didn t pick up at the ban quet. They are at Douglas Mc Kay Chevrolet company now, so if you will stop by and pick yours up, they 11 have it ready for you. If you can't make it to McKay's, drop them a post card or phone them and they will mail it to you. Also at McKay are a few items that were lost at the track on Derby day, particular ly some tools that Inspectors and workers were using. If you know of anyone who lost any thing, tell them to contact Mc Kay's and see if they have it. Derby Director Bill Byers is back after a 10-day honeymoon to Montana and Canada and up that away. I don't know how many of you kids know it but Bill was a pretty busy man there for several months di recting the Derby, holding down his regular job and keep ing his romance going on with Audrey Christman. Guess he was successful though, the Der by was even better than last year's, Bill married the gal six days after the Derby was over, and at last reports he still has his job. Champ Dave has been Busy the past few days too. Last week he had to oversee the Job of painting and crating his bug for shipping to Akron. The job was done at McKays but Dave kept watch of it He and the family have been guests of the Senators at a couple of ball games and now he's busy de ciding what to pack in his suit case to take to Akron. At a Derby association meet ing last week members talked over suggestions and plans for next year. They still want your ideas and suggestions so write them down and mail them to McKay's 0( to the Capital Jour nal. St, on Hlway Going North Left photo shows Hannah Baldwin, center, as the "Tin Woodsman" and her brother, Danny, as the "Cowardly Lion", right, sweepstakes winner in Children's pet parade at Stayton Thursday night. Katherine Leffler, with her goat, is at left. Photo at right shows Ronnie and Richard Clarkson in full dress suits pulling canopied float with Sherill Chrisman as "queen." Cigarette Blamed For Forest Blaze Lebanon A fire be lieved caused by a cigarette was blamed for small blaze Wednesday afternon in the forest two miles north of Sweet Home. Fire patrol members OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS m9 CIEMMICE MUMS Values to $6.95 SHOES $1199. One group of ladies' sandals, children's sandals, Infants' oxfords, boys' tennis shoes, broken sizes. Values to 6.95. Shop early. SHOES LIBERTY STREET Regular 9.95 LAWN CHAIRS SJ95 Beautifully mode aluminum frame, plaid nylon cover, collapsible for easy storage! Limited quantity. FURNITURE COURT STREET Values Ladies for (7.95 One large group of well styled dresses. Sizes 10 to 20, 12Vi to 24!4. Save dollars on this clearance! FASHIONS LIBERTY STREET Values to $3.95 GIRLS WEAR .$1 99 One group of blouses, dresses, skirts, summer sports wear reduced for clearance! Odd lots. GIRLS LIBERTY STREET halted its spread before it burned more than a small area. So far this year there have been five fires in Linn timber by lightning, and another six from miscellaneous causes,- in cluding two by smokers. The timber is rapidly drying and each day presents a more critical fire danger. to $12.95 toeh) Dresses Revenge Motive in Portland Break-In Portland ) Abe Altman, bail bondsman, reported to po lice Thursday that someone had broken into his apartment and had (mashed and slashed to pieces some $1,800 worth of his things, i On a mirror waa left this message: "Leave me in Jail, huh." liberty street - 3V J9 m A 12.95 Values SAT.ll BEDSPREADS $7799 Fine 200 count quilted satin eovtr. Either twin or full saes. A selection of lovely shades. DOMESTICS LIBERTY STREET . 19.95 Portable BARBECUE $(6)99 3 shlf, heovy itetl construction, cHorcoal pot on top. steel grill. 2-inch cutting board, roll cosy casters. FURNITURE COURT STREET Values Ladies $3 One group of popular loafers, cool sandals. Broken sizes. Reduced for quick clearance! Save! SHOES LIBERTY STREET Values Ladies Sportsueor Limited quantities! Skirts, blouses, pedal pushers, sum mer sportswear! One group reduced. SPORTSWEAR LIBERTY STREET 1 I Phons rf7 4-1451 W 195S. Commercial court treet Value to 8.45 SHOES 99 to 5.95