Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, July 31, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Pat 2
In The
Dayton Mr. and Mm. Nell
Trammell and ton Larry, and
Mrs. Anna Woodward and Mn.
Louiia Harmon enjoyed the
day Sunday at the beaches.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Teach-
out. Mr. and Mrs. Delmer
Stoutenburg. and their fam
ilies, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie
Selckel, Jr, and family, of
St Helens, enjoyed a picnic
dinner Sunday at Williamson
Mrs. Elsie KirkendaU had
company over the week-end;
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Kirken
daU of Olympia, Wash.; her
sister, Mrs. Howard Swope, of
Wecoma Beach, and her moth
er-in-law, Mrs. Swope, of Sher
wood. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Owens,
on the Neck road, are the par
ents of a baby daughter, born
Saturday, July 25, at the Gen
eral hospital. The child weighed
8 lbs. and 8 os. and has been
' named Karla Kay.
Bev. Ed Swanson of Seattle,
Wash., visited Wednesday and
Thursday at the home of the
Mew Sbewtnf . Opea
Clark Cable - Gene Tteraty
Technicolor Ce-HIt
With George MontfoaMfy
Tomorrow 1:M a e:M pjn.
Special Matinee Featarti
Gene Aatry Champion
Jeree Gedser. Caret Lartsa.
Norma Hatermu, ratty Whit
man. Janice Elklns, Jimmy Da-
Tis, Marfaret Berry, Kathleen
Bonn, Laura Chruman. Shar
ea Crabtree, Sawn Deal, Larry
Hooenow, Don mo weauera,
Donald Coons, Jim Burke, Dor
othy Cronn, Ralph Shepard,
Wyotta Cappo,
JoAnn Edwards, Jadith Mor-
nil, Jim Batllner, Charles
Jones, Betty Draper, Patsy
Jamison, Donald Aostla.
Like home eocklngf Well who
' doesn't but that la no good reason
to expect the missus to stay home
and cook all the time. In fact ws
have a deal down here at the
Marlon where you can eat In our
main dining room any evening
or en Sunday for hist $1.23. That
la for dinner, of course If you
Just want a sandwich or salad or
something light the price Is light
er too. What t wanted to say
about home cooking was that our
bakeress bakes ALL of our hot
home made dinner rolls, our pies
and our cakes. Yes, even our fam
ous French bread. So when X say
you get a home-oooked meal at
the Marion I mean Just that. In
fact it la probably more home.
cooked than the meal you get at
home. Bo let's give the wife a rest
and a change, lets take her to the
Marlon Hotel Dining Room.
nm um
On Order Over $4.00 1120 S. 12th St. m. 2403
Taylor sisters. Later In the
week, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Staab of Salem came and
brought with them Mrs. Tilly
Dosing of Washington, D. C.
The ladles are related.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Owens and
family attended the Guernsey
cattle sale at the faigrounds in
Salem, Friday. Her brother,
Ray Hobson of Klamath Falls,
was selling cattle. Other mem
bers of the family gathered to
gether for a picnic dinner.
Thirteen local Boy Scouts,
accompanied by their Scout
master, Delbert Temple, left
Sunday, July 28, for a week's
outing at Camp Baldwin, east
of Mt. Hood.
The boys going on this trip
were Bobby Albright, LeRoy
Temple, Howard Williams, Jr.,
Dennis Wright, Jeffery Wright,
Jerry Overgard, Rayrrfond Bor-
gan, Gary Jensen, Dexter Mc
fee. Kenneth Caldwell, Maur
ice Jensen, uoyd wewnouse
am. Matthew Mullenax.
On the trip up to camp, Sun
day, the following, their wives
anr families took the group
and all had a picnic dinner.
They were Bill Wright, How
ard Williams, Robert caldweu,
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gibbons and
Delbert Temple.
Mrs. A. M. Vernon recently
accompanied her daughter and
husband. Mr. and Mrs. c. A.
LaMarr and son Francis Lee, of
Mission Bottom, on a four-day
trip to South Twin Lake. Mr.
and Mrs. Julius Palasky of Or
egon City also were In the
Dirty. The fishing proved to
be good.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brown
and daughter Alice, of Egbert,
Wvo.. were dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ellis. Fri
day evening. The ladies were
schoolmates while attending
school in Newberg.
Recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Matthews were
his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
Johnson, and granddaughter,
Patty, of Offalalla. Mebr. While
here they visited another bro
ther. Floyd Matthews, and
family, In Sheridan, and other
relatives In Portland.
Brush College
Brush College Msrilyn Sar-
gent, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Sargent, was Honored
with a surprise party at her
Brush College home by a group
of friends upon the occasion of
her ISth birthday anniversary
Present were the honor guest,
Marilyn Sargent and Ruth Sus
milch, Phyllis McKinney, Rose
msry Gilbert, Judith Bone and
rim foods
Ma BeeDe's Cafe
3490 Dallas ltd.
Specialties in Wong's
and American Dishes
Open Service Weekly
with Sunday 4 p.m. to
12:30; Saturday, 4 p.m. to
3 a.m.
Orttr't FmRt Wn tr Tike M
(all Salem 2-2600
Fret sAIg Owed Mends
The Dalles
Willamina Mr. and Mrs.
Cal Francis of Berkeley, Calif.,
were week-end guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Delbert Newkirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young
and Eddie of Canyon City,
Colo., are guests this week of
Mr. and Mrs. Laurice Fox and
family. The men were navy
Slhrley Barber has returned
home from a vacation trip to
Fresno, Calif.
Bob Buffington returned
home Tuesday from a Portland
hospital after spending several
weeks there.
Mr. and Mrs. Emil HoweU
and family attended a Howell
family reunion at Cbampoeg
park Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jensen
and family enjoyed a camping
trip at the Detroit dam over
the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Con'
nick and family of Winchester
Bay were guests of his father,
Ernest Connlck, several days
this week.
Mrs. Sophie Sandberg is quite
ill this week.
Paula Frederick of Salem
spending this week with Mr,
and Mrs. Clarence Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kihl
stadlus and family. Bob Gal,
lagher, Mr. and Mrs. George
Hanson, Ronnie Alder and Mr.
and Mrs. Elton Thorn and Gary
were among those from Wll.
lamina who attended the Min
nesota picnic Sunday at Jant
zen Beach.
F. B. Lash of Willamina un
derwent eye surgery at a Port
land hospital last week and is
getting along as well as can be
Jess Duncan returned to Ms
ship at Long Beach, Calif., this
week after a month's leave
here. He expected to be sent
to the Far East in September.
He is on a hospital ship.
Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Ris-
seeuw of Willamina are tne
parents of a daughter, born
July 28 at the McMinnville hos-
pltaL Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Garland Huddleston
and Mr. and Mrs. William Ris
seeuw of North Plains.
The Friendly Circle dub en-
Joyed a picnic at the home of
Delpha Paine this week. Guests
present were Miss Betty New
kirk and Mrs. Martha Eckl.
Members attending were Mrs.
Hilda Rabuck and daughters,
Mrs. Frances Vollman, Mrs.
Ruby Tollver, Mrs. Augusta
Hanson, Mrs. May Norrls, Mrs.
Anna Gardner, Mrs. Edna Gra
ham and Mrs. Vivian Castro
and Deborah.
Mrs. H. A. Parrett and Mrs.
Rurik Hendriekson attended
the, third district board meet
ing of the Oregon Federation oi
Women's clubs at Cannon
Beach Monday. Flans were
made for the fall convention
on Sept 30 at Oregon City.
Sublimity Mr. and Mrs.
Nick W. Kremer returned home
Sunday after nearly seven
weeks visiting friends and rela
tives at White Lake and Plank
Inton, S.D.
Former Oregonlans, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Hoffman honored
the Kremers with a surprise
party - at their South Dakota
home. Mrs. Hoffman is a niece
of Mr. Kremer.
Of special interest was the
large number of "Shelter Belts"
planted since the last visit of
the Kremers in 1938.
Cottonwoods, willows and
various evergreens are among
the trees used.
Rev. Joseph Scherbrlng left
by train Monday evening for
his old home state, Iowa, where
he will spend four weeks rest
ing and visiting with relatives
and friends.
He was accompanied by his
grandnlece, Mary Wolf, 12-
year-old daughter of Mr. and
10 lbs.
. Box
Mrs. Frank Wolf, who will
visit her grandparents.
' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gor
man (Marguerite Heuberger)
are the parents of a 8 lb. 12 ex.
son, ueraia Robert, who ar
rived at a Vancouver hospital
Friday; July 24. This is their
second son.
Mr. and Mrs. John Heuberger
and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Gorman
are the grandparents.
Rev. Theodore Wolf, S. J.,
of Spokane, Is here attending to
the clerical duties at present
- The Sublimity degree team
assisted in the organization of
a new court of the Catholic
Order of Foresters at Silver-
ton Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Joanne York was solo
ist on the banquet program that
Mrs. Josephine Korton of
Portland spent the past few
weeks at the John Heuberger
home. Mrs. Korton is an aunt
of Mrs. Heuberger.
A pair of deer were seen at
8:30 a.m. Tuesday cavorting in
the Andy Kintz berry field.
Upon being detected they
quickly made their way to oth
er lots and soon disappeared.
Dayton Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Shawver entertained at dinner
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes
Moorman of Salem.
Mrs. Phil Long of Malta,
Mont., has been spending the
week here between the homes
of her aunts, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Phelps, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Younsberg In Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. Myrl Jones and
family of Portland visited Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis
Phelps and children, and his
brother, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
Jones and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hedge-
cock of Van Nuys, Calif., are
here visiting in the home of his
brothers, Ivan and Ralph
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Meier, Miss
Annabell Nelson and Murray
Day have returned from a
week's vacation which took
them as far north at Lake Lou
ise, Canada. They went by way
of Grand Coulee and returned
through Idaho.
Mrs. G. Endlcott of Portland
Is spending two weeks here
with her sister, Miss Alice
Rev. James Soden and two
daughters of Newport moved
into the Baptist parsonage this
week. He is the new full time
pastor of the Baptist church.
Mrs. Martha Nogosak cele
brated her 82nd birthday by
going to Salem to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Clarence Howe.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Zentner.
Jr., went to Seattle, Wash.,
over the weekend to attend the
wedding of his cousin, Dale
zentner. They then went on to
the home of Carl Zimmerman
and brought Mrs. Nogosak
home. She had been visiting
were lor a week. .
Mrs. E. S. Filer and Charlotte
accompanied their son and bro
ther. Martin of Portland, on a
Sunday ride which took them
over the Sunset highway to
seaside and Astoria. They then
went down the Columbia river
highway to Westport where
they crossed over to the Wash
ington side on the Cathlamet
ferry and returned home via
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Willson
are announcing the birth of a
new grandson, born to their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. James Webb of Trail,
on Monday, July 27, at a hos
pital in Medford.
The baby weighed S lbs. 8 oz.
The Webbs are former resi
dents of Dayton. They have
two daughters, Kathy and
Gloria Ann, who are here with
the grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hemme
went to Forest Grove Sunday
to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Braun and the new baby. Mrs.
Braun's mother, Mrs. L. S. Lor
enzen, is staying with her.
Steve and Bruce Magee of
Corvallls are coming to spend
a few days with their grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Remme, this week.
W. V. Appleman and daugh
ter of Multnomah have pur
chased the new home recently
built by H. O. Brown.
The Kroweldeert Bridge club
met with Mrs. Ernest Budke
Thursday, July 23. Special
guests were Mrs. Harold Frink
and Mrs. L. R. Aldermsn. High
prizes went to Mrs. Floyd Wil
lert and Mrs. Harry Gray. ;
Woodburn Meetings of the
Mary Martha and Etta Hall cir
clet of the Women's Society of
Christian Service of the Meth
odist church will be held Tues
day, Aug. 4. The Mary Martha
circle will meet at 1 pjn. with
Mrs. Charles Conyne and Mrs.
Ralph Sebern will be hostess
to the Etta Hall circle. Mem
bers are planning a Christmas
box to be sent to a missionary
the latter part of October.
The annual picnic of the de
scendants of Dr. Truman Bon
ney and Jarius Bonney, pio
neers of 1848, wUl be held at
Sell wood park, 17th and East
Miller St. in Portland, on Sun,
day, Aug. 2, at 1 pm. Those
attending are asked to bring a
basket lunch and their own ta
ble service. Ice cream, water
melon and coffee will be pro
vided. Louise Howard Shields
of Portland is secretary.
Robert Langford of Bis
marck, N. D., whose picture ap
peared on the front page of the
Wednesday Capital Journal, as
president of Boys Nation pre
senting a membership pin to
President Eisenhower,. Is a
grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Ostrom of Woodburn and a
nephew of Edwin, Arvld, Or
rin Ostrom and Mrs. Mabel
Heer of Woodburn.
Eleven Woodburn Boy Scouts
have been spending the week
at Camp Pioneer. They were
taken to the camp last Sunday
by Mr. and Mrs. Clair Nibler.
The group ircludes Eddie Belle
que, Keith and Philip Nibler,
Art Cheney, Bobby MacMlllan,
Richard and Kent Payne, Lar
ry Hurst Harold Smith, Ted
Coman and Tommy Fry. They
were accompanied by assistant
scoutmaster c. M. xrsser and
will return Saturday.
Dr. Allison B. wweford, a
native of Texas, Is now assoe
iated with Dr. Gerald B. Smith
in the practice of medicine and
at the Woodburn hospital. He
has moved to Woodburn with
his wife and two sons, residing
at 463 Grant St
Dr. Willeford is a 18S1 gradu
ate of Baylor university and
recently completed a period as
medical officer with the air
force and also served as a pilot
in the air force during World
War II.
Pleasantdale Patty Culp
and Janle McAllister of Burns
have returned .home after
spending nearly two weeks
here with Fatty's grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Dorsey and other relatives.
Miss Betty Ann Gross of
Portland was a week-end
guest of her brother and- wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gross.
Billy Knott has returned to
his home at Vale, Oregon, hav
ing spent several weeks here
with his sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flock.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flock
and children were dinner
guests of her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson,
near Dayton, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Spencer
and baby of Eugene were re
cent houseguests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Houseguests of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Rutschman and children
recently were his brother and
wife, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Rutschman of Portland.
Mrs. Rodney Wiser return
ed to her home in Dayton,
Monday, July 27 after being
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
SAT., AUG. 1
t P.M.
Silvetion Ball Park
Tickets will be available In
Salem at Steven At Son Jew
elers, er at gate. Grandstand
$1.50; bleachers 81.00; chil
dren 60c
Ed Richards for two weeks
while she was 111.
The Junior Youth Fellow
ship of Daytpn Pioneer church
met Sunday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bus
Hadley. Mrs. Hadley gave the
Present were DonnJe,
Frankle, and Leona Hole of
Gresham, H. L., Keith and
Rosie Lou Trammell, Aliyn
and Myron Webster, LeRoy
Smith, Emma Jean Aeblscher
and Weston Hadley.
Mrs. J. B. Cummings and
her brother-in-law, Charles
Cummings, both of DeLake,
came to this district for berries
recently and spent a day with
friends, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
A group of neighbors who
made a week-end trip to Silt
coos lake were Mr. and Mrs.
Weldon Swan, daughter Bon
nie and niece, Jean Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Relchsteln
and niece Carolyn Booth.
, Mrs. Bus Hadley and Chip
per Bench left Monday eve
ning to spend four days at
Jennings Lodge attending the
Oregon - Washington confer
ence of the Evangelical church.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hole
and children of Gresham spent
Sunday here with his sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs.
George Webster.
Fairview - Thirty four
descendants of Mr. and Mrs.
Smith Stephens attendsd the
annual family reunion, held at
Maude Williamson state park
in the Wheatland district Sun
day, July 26. -Mrs.
John Graber of Salem
was the eldest one attending
ana mcnara Raymond Massey
of the Fairview district born
July 1, 19S3, was the youngest
present Sunday. .
Haward and Charles Steph
ens of Fairview and Mrs. Hugh
Murphy of Salem are the sur
viving children of Smith
Howard Stephens of Fair-
view is president and Mrs.
Guy Eadea of Salem is secre
tary of the association. The
1994 reunion will be at the
same place.
58e Till 5:00
A m fcv
f1 Jane Fowell IN
I I Farley Granger I I
U "smau town entr U
Color by Technicolor
lOlh Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, August 1
Hand-Pocked Quarts of Ice Cream
'59 REG. 65c
20 Faverita Flavor ta Choose From
29" REG. 35c
Also in our carry out deportment you will find packaged lea cream In quarts,
drink.. UW,n y" Wi" m0"y ,,ney ,,Mm U,,'M li"f
FREE CONES to kiddies accompanied by parent, 24 p.m., Saturday.
You'll Always find a Higher Quality of Ice Cream at The Pike
The Pike Ice Creamery
138 S. Liberty At the Bus Stoo
Amity Amity chapter. Or
der of Eastern Star, and Amity
lodge No. 20, AF&AM, held
their annual picnic at Maud
Williamson state park Sunday.
The First Baptist church
elected Richard Crader of
Portland as pastor. If he ac
cepts the call, he will begin
his pastorate aero in Septem
ber. He is now pastor of the fel
lowship Bsptist church In Port
Camellia court No. 23, Order
of Amaranth, enjoyed a picnic
supper at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Soren Sorensea recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lambert, i
Mrs. Richard Fuller and Mr.
and Mrs. Sorensen are mem
bers of the court
Sixty-six persons attended
the annual Sunday school pic
nlc of the Baptist church Sun
day at the Yamhill river on the
Lehman farm.
A no-host picnic dinner was
served buffet style.
Special guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Green, Monmouth,
Mrs. Andrew Wakeman, Miss
Virginia Wakeman, and her
.mm U.Ujmtulll. and
Mrs. Wakeman's nephew, who 1
is in the service.
A number of members of the
Methodist WSCS, the pastor,
Rev. Bruce McConnell, and Mr.
Weldman, superintendent of
the Sunday schol, presented a
program at Eola Village, north
of Amity recently.
Unlonvale Mr. and Mrs.
Louis W. Magee of Unionvale,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Magee and
sons. Steven and Bruce of Cor
vallls; Rev. and Mrs. Clark
Robb, Rebecca and. Philip of
Spokane, left Thursday after
noon for Waldport and dug
Saturday they dispersed,
Rev. and Mrs. Robb and chil
dren went to Mapleton to visit
Rev. and Mrs. George Millen
on sons, David and Kim, for
merly of Unionvale, and going
on to Roseburg where they
were formerly located. They
Coming Aug. 24
In Person
On Our Stage!
All Seats
Price S1.80-S2.40-S3.60
Mail Orders
Taken Now!
Make Checks Payable to '
Capitol Theatre. Specify
First or Second Show!
T2 7:00 4 MO FX
Friday, July SI, 1953
remained all Bight returning .
to Salem to be guests of hi
parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mage
and son returned Saturday to
their Corvallls home. Mr. and
Mr. Louis W. Mage went to
Long Beach, Wash., and dug
Rev. Robb 1 in attendance
at the Evangelical United
Brethren conference at Jen
nings Lodge and Mrs. Robb,
Rebecca and Philip are guest
of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Louis W. Magee.
Unlonval Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Holt of Unlonval at
tended the Dayton Oldtlmer
picnic, held Sunday, July. 26,
in the Dayton city park.
Miss Thelma Terry and Wil
liam Hausman of Portland were
Sunday dinner guests of her
mother, Mrs. Robert Terry.
Flos lie for Viewers
t-D Short Subject
oaeaa 4
All Technicolor Shew
Mltsl Gayner
Scott Brady
In Damon Buayon'a
Rod Cameron -Brian
Bring the Family!
1 .
nmt WW?
Gates Open 7:M
ghow at Dmk
NOW - (FBI.)
1st Feature
Dale Bebertsoa .
,.. and .
In Torhniooloff
Gregory Peek
8Mn Hayward
Tonne (Fri.) with
Our Family Cartoon
Cmrnlral "SILVER
WHIP" Win Be the
First Feature -
3S oin f