Tough Post For Streibert Washington Thtodor C. Streibert, New York radio executive, Is taking over the tough Job of directing the American overseas lnforma tlon program just when H is to be overhauled. ' Streibert, former borJ chairman of the Mutual Broad casting System, was nominat ed Thursday by President Els enhower to head the new Unit ed States information agency. Saturday, this agency takes ever from the state depart ment the work of the Inter national Information Admin litrstion, Including the Voice of America radio. It alto will absorb other operations. Stici'ueri succeeds Dr. Rob ert L. Johnson, who is return ing to his job as president of Temple University. Johnson resigned because of 111 health after a strenuous five-month career as head of the infor mation operation. During that period, the agency was the target of heat ed criticism in congress, par ticularly by Sen. McCarthy (R., Wis ). Worker Saved From Cave-In Eugene HUB Larry .Neet. 21, Lowell, thanked three fellow workmen today for saving his life after he was trapped in a hole for hours by tons of rock and dirt 19 miles east of here yesterday. Neet wss digging founda tions for a Bonneville trans mission line about noon yester day when the aide of an eight foot hole caved In around his legs and arms. The slide con tinued threatening to cover his head. Richard Erlckson, Ronney Branson and Rudy Candler, fel low workmen, worked for hours to keep Neet's head above the dirt They were un able to atop long enough to seek held. Finally, Rural Electrifica tion employe happened by and went for help. An ambulance was called to administer oxy gen. Then a power shovel dug a pit S3 feet In diameter around the area to stop) the dirt and allow workmen to dig Neet out. Neet was taken to Sacred Heart hospital for treatment Ellsworth Not To Push Bill Washington (UJt Hep Harris Ellsworth (., Ore.) said today he will cease pushing, at least for this congressional session, a bill requiring that "sustained yield" timber operators be re imbursed with national forest tracts for private lands taken by the government The bill was approved by the House Interior committee and cleared Wednesday by the Rules committee. But Ells worth told the House that op position to It had developed and attempts will be made to reach a compromise during the congressional recess. Reps. Leon H. Gavin (R., Pa.) and Lee Metcalt (D.. Mont.) said they will cooperate In drafting a new bill. They opposed the bill In Its present (orm. Schreiber Considered For Tariff Board Washington U The sen ate had under consideration today the nomination of Dr. Walter R. Schreiber. 48. Port land, to be a member of the six-man, U.S. tariff commis sion. ur. aenretuer is a career man In the department of agrt culture and Is well known for his work in the dried fruit and nut Industry. He attend ed Lincoln hlith school In Port land. Oregon State college and the university of Washing ton. TV Channel 4 Moves, Medford to Roseburg Washington M Television channel four has been moved from Meciford to Roseburg Ore., the Federal Communis.. tions Commission announced today. This change will take effect au days after notice is pub lljhed In the federal rMiitvr. It usually takes 10 days for sucn nonces to be published. WHAT MISSING t,-. ' Motorists crossing the Mississippi river on the Lewis and Clark bridge at St Louis, Mo., can get good laugh of this sign, If they have a quick eye. The sign, with the let ter "G" missing from the word "bridge" refers to a tem porary approach being constructed at the opposite end of the bridge. (AP Wlrephoto) Debt Growth By Battle for By SAM New York iff) The battle over raising the federal debt limit dramatizes the growth of all forms of debt in recent years. Never have so msny Amer icans owed so much. Private debt has doubled In the last six years. The federal debt today Is 9H billion dol lars higher than a year ago. All are agreed It will climb higher before the year la over, no matter what the congress decides about lifting the legal limit on it at this time. State and municipal govern ments last year issued a rec ord four billion dollars worth of new securities. In the Polish Youth Relates Escape Berlin A slim 17-year-old Polish boy told Friday how he escaped from behind the Iron Curtain, dodging Red police at every step of a 18 day, BOO-mlle trek across Po land, Czechoalovakla and East Germany, The thin faced Marion, his last name a secret to protect his family, was lucky. His buddy, Jan, 18, who started out with him, was either kill ed or captured by Ciech po lice. "The police caught us one night as we took shelter in an abandoned house and de manded to see our papers," Marlon said. "We ran and police fired. I got away through window. . Jan never got out of the house. He was either shot or captured." . BlodgeH Soloist At Jason Lee Corydon Blodgett will be guest soloist tar the Sunday worship service at Jason Lee Methodist church. Mr. Blodgett is music instructor at St Hel ens high school and Is also a member of the Portland sym phony choir as a soloist.' Woodburn Cow Has High Butter Record Andrew Kehrlie and Son, route 1, Woodburn, have a reg istered Jersey cow that recent ly completed a 303-day herd improvement registry produc tion record of 1.823 11 milk containing 454 lbs. butterfst at me age or two yean and four months. The official record was made tests were supervised by Ore gon State college for the Am erican Jersey Cattle club, Jer sey breed registry organisation located at Columbus, Ohio. 25 to '1500 e kM. -! kt kwimi a in ( mm jrj e tw km IWi t I f xV-"L A IOM KAN KM tvrrrONC. leew VO i A b9M KAN KM tvrrrONC. leew tM Oaatl I'esMeaeefeeaeM V . Cea kw Mat Ik Water. Har. Tei mmma iw stw LETTER CAN DO U,.-' mm' m c v-jvL'L..,' :T ni ... r 44 Dramatized Limitation DAWSON first halt of this year they were going into debt at an even fatter clip. In the last seven years state and local government indebtedness has doubled. The total now tops $27 billion. Corporations owed about $85 billon when World War II ended. Fast plant expan sion and money Inflation has boosted that debt to around $200 billion. The debts owed by Individu als and unincorporated busi nesses are now estimated to total around $190 billion. Consumer credit one easily visible form of individual debt has swelled to Just under $27 billion, with buying on the cuff, installment credit, ac counting for more than $20 billion of it Mortgage lenders estimate that about 10 million single family homes carry mortgages, sustained by the earning capa city of individuals. This huge debt total of gov ernment, business and individ uals Is being carried neatly at the moment by the wave of prosperity, still unbroken. It is into this picture of to tal debt that the controversy over lifting the federal debt limit is thrust. By a 1946 law the U.S. treasury can't go into debt for more than $275 billion dollars. Its current in debtedness is more than $272 Vi billion dollars. This is climbing, in this month, the first, of its new fiscal year, treasury collec tlons fell about two billion dollar below its receipts. It has a cash balance of a little less than $9 billion. Some argue that the treas ury could stay within the debt limit the rest of this year it It would borrow the $2tt blUion more than the law allows and let its cash drop to $3 billion. Treasury Secretary Humph rey, however, says it isn't safe for the treasury to have less than $8 billion in Its Jeans at any one time. Too many unexpected things could hap pen. SCHAEFER'S COLD TABLETS For simple hee dacha and simple neuralgia caused by m common cold, headache, nasal congestion, favor, muscular achat and pain, temporary conttipa 1 1 n Only 50c-$1.00 SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Oan DaOy, 1:M aja. I bjs SaBeXn, 4 pjb. 13S N. Commercial TW t f y ' r CITY FINANCE COPCATrON OF SALEM TEX CAPITAL JOURNAL, Mm, OrtffM Y Day Camp Proves Popular The day camp program of the Salem YMCA for smaller boys, being conducted on a five day weekly basis at Crestwood Acres, a few mile south of Sa lem, ha proved quite attrac tive both to the youngsters as well as their mothers. This is the report of Gu Moore, general secretary of the Y, who announce that another period will start next Mondsy. After that the program will be extended further if there is suf ficient demand. The boys, divided into In dian tribe, assembly at the Y each morning and then ere tak en by a motor vehicle to the camp where they are under the direction of experienced ad ult. They are returned late In the afternoon. At the outset the maximum number for a camping period was fixed at 80 boy. This ha been cut to 40 in order that the leader may give more individ ual attention to the young ster. The camp, which operates Monday through Friday, is cal culated to provide out of door experience to the youngsters as well as prepare them for large scale camping when they are a bit older. Additional informa tion may be had by contacting the Y. AID FOR SCHOOLS Washington WT The Senate Thursday voted 84 H million dollars for federal aid to school construction in areas which have had heavy population In creases due to defense work. IH beer lmJA k Refreshing as the enchanted High Butter Record Made by Jersey Neal M. Miller, owner of The Eagle's Nest farm, route 1, Woodburn, Ore., has a register ed Jersey cow that recently completed a 305-day herd im provement registry production record of 7,501 Mm. milk con taining 489 lbs. butterfat at the age of two year and ten' month. The official record wa made by Noble Lad s Belle Eagle Tulip and her test were super vised by Oregon State college for the Anerican Jersey Cattle club, Jersey breed registry or ganization located at Colum bus, Ohio. Washington The Senate Thursday voted to earmark 200 million dollars for relief and rehabilitation of the war-torn Republic of Korea. The money would come from military funds already appropriated by Congress. r iever used such CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE rem om the land of sly A bit of the cool refreshment of this enchanted flavor that's switched over a million beer drinkers , land is yours right now! with a frosty bottle of in just the past two years. Discover refreshing Hamm's Beer. Just reach . . . and discover the Hamm's Beer from the land of sky blue waters. TAee. Hamm Brewing Co Sr. Paul, U inntnta Mcintosh and Wife Die in Fire Eureka, Calif., WV-Kennetb C. Mcintosh, widely known California and Oregon lum berman, and his wife were burned to death early Thurs day when fire destroyed their country estate home. Their daughter, June Ann, 22, tried to save her parents, but wa forced to jump from second story window. Mcintosh, 47, and his wife moved here from Eugene, Ore., about two years ago. He was vice president and general manager of the Mc intosh Lumber Co. at Blue Lake, Calif., and also president of the Cascade Lumber Co. at Eugene. Miss Mcintosh said she was awakened by the barking of . fine fuel..." course! 3-8862 snma men the family's little dog in the bom in the Freshwater Dis trict, about seven mile north east of Eureka. She ssld she tossed the dog out a window and then tried to make her way to her par ents' bedroom. Flame blocked her path, however, and h wa forced to leap from the window. She suffered a broken ankle. She then notified caretaker William Yousey who hurried to neighbors, notified the fire department and called an ambulance. The fire department arrived about 4:30 a.m. but the home was In smoking ruins. Easy Credit-Always! PICK YOU CREDIT PLAN Take your dioke froie eey one of ew wide selecltea of eommiwt credrt pto". Here . yowl surely M e ewy-poyoiit er roegeieoet imtri te St year podteiboofc end let you vm Ike US. oyol are e year , dwke today! Pay As Tw KM 1mm Srot US. S. ROYALS RECAPPING Complete Tire Service WALTER H. High Chemeketa (Opposite 1 ' J. blue waters land it comes from Friday, Jary SI. 1953 About three-fourth of all farm work in the United State Is done by farm and their fun. llie and only one-fourth by hired help. CAR & TRUCK RENTALS . 394 North Church Phono 3-9600 WHEEL BALAKQXS Front Wheel Allgnmeai ZOSEL CO. City Hall) Ph. S-1I4I r V Mm tta20d 117 Ciar1JL PtsMeUtt