Fritfajr, July 81, 1953 STOCKS t .By The Associated Frets, hamirel Corporetiea ,, , i.jed Chtel A.iu Chalmere . smartcea Airline uitrkkB Povtr a? Ufh araeriesa Tel. TeL .... iirUti Taktcct i Bacon-da Copper ixftuoa Railroad it-thelebea. te. ...... . .. as .. 40 .. 11 ..1141 .. TS .. 11 '. . u .. It .. 11 u 13 . 1S 11 . 11 ,. UV 11 ' ,. 2a ' . IS . n . aa . ias n . MS . MS . II 7 . It .. it . 17H m 37 .. S& t . 11 .. Il 17 .. tt .. 30'. HV, .. 01! '.' II .111 ::1 .. 14H .. JOS .. H ,. MH .. US .. 44 .. 4H .. U .. ,. a ,. UH .. MS t . M ,. S .. Jiv. .. .. .. 11 .. 11 ,. 41 ,.101 ,. J'4 .. T-i ,. ,. I1H .. 4 .. US .. 4SVi .. .. 44S .. 44 feeetAf Alrplalae Ce. ,, fear Warner fe.irrew Adding Uacbint fcaiiforola Feckiig .... lftndlaa Faelll taiarpiUar Tractor rt-ianes Corporation, ,, . fcarreler Corporatloa ., title Service tmolidatd Rdieoa ... LaaeeUdated Vuite ... . I0WB iiroc fc.rtis wrum EmubIo Aircraft Fju pool de Ntmoura tr.itmaa Kodak irtntrioD Radio fbenaral Bleelrl Ioeaerel Food lr.Btral Uotor foeorela Fae. Plywood .. tnoodvear w rtanftakt Mining Co. . International Harveater iniarnational Paper .... Lena IHnvtll Kaiser Aluminum r-nnecott Copper ...I. hibbr McNeil Lockheed Aircraft imiu, ... lonb BcU Montgomery Ward Nttb Kelvtoator New Tork Central Northern Pacific paelfia American PuU . racifia Oaa Electric , pacific Tel. Tel Packard Motor Car .... Penney. J. C p-nnarlraala B ft Papal Cola Co. Pbllea Radt 'Radio Corporation Aayonler incorp ,. ftayooler Incorp. Fid. Republic Bteel Reynolds Metals ... RKtlftSld Oil aafewar Btoree. Inc. ... Seott Paper Co Sears, Roebuck Co, .. Ax oar Vacuum Oil . Aon (hern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Mandard Oil N. J. Studsbaker Corp. Sun i bine Mining Swift Co Tranaamerlca Corp Twentieth Century Poi Union Oil Company Union Pacific United Airline . United Aircraft , United Corporation United Statca Plywood . . United Statu Steal . ,. . Warner Picture! Waiters Union Tel Waitlnihouae Air Brake . Wet ting house Kectrte , . Woolworth lrk H.rk.1 Ntw Tork an A eoactBtrttlon of bur Ibi In .tv.r.1 n.lor 4ItU!om Prldtr HD( in. iiocK m.rK.t .and with n inoir ef .lsor. Oalnl tlttnd to 1 tnd S nolnu in i.v.r.1 Hctloni ef th. list, thU. louw w.r. luuallr Volum. botlt up to an .itimktfrd 1.. 10 000 jhtrM. That ! Ih. bltbcot total alnc mM-Junt. It eoraparaa with 1.300.- H anaroa traoao; Tnuradar. SALEM MARKETS Cempllad front roporta of Saleaa daalera for Ike rataante cf Capital Jearnal rcadcra. (Sarlaed dally.) run Pood Prteaai BabMi Palleu II aa AftV nee). IV10-I 4I (loO-lb. ban. lar Meib S 01-B 50. Dairy Peed!. IT (10-lb. bail 14 11-6 0 not wt.)i pcaturt mis, ai M (100 Wl.. Paallry Barlat Prieoa Colored Iryera. lie, old rooiura, 11c; eotorad fowl, Ue, laihorn fowl, lie; reaatera, lie. Bvni . Barlni Prlea Bate, Aa. net lane A. evtle; medium AA. tic; medlnm A, M-O; small, lie. TtMleeato Prleo Eti wboiaaala prlaca seneraUy 1-le hither than the prleea above. Lane trade A traerallf noted at Tic; medium tec. Bejtterfai Burme piicet Premtnm. It Tie. No. 1. 7-c; Bo. s. Mc BatieewWhoJaaale trade A nairbmaaV tie bm retail. Tte. Partlanl Uvaatock Portland Ofojuoat alaaaei ot eattle, kofi and aheep cloead lower on the Port land Uvaatock market Uil week. Cattle tor week JtOO; market opened active, cloaod slow despite emiller mid week receipt; fed ateera and hell era 10 Tte lower, othara cloied 10c to 1 00 off; aawa maitlr 1. 00. apota lot lower; bulla Wc-1 to lower; choice fed ateera 350 31: few leads food with aomo Canadian choice ateera ItJS; cominarcUl 18-10; cuttar-utility 1011: eood-choice fed be I (era 33-32 M), few food 3031; Utillty ommerclal 11.10-11; canon-cutter cowa lata l-l W; early to 10 M; utility cowi 1113: utility-commercial bulla lt-17.&0. Calvea for week til; market alow, largely l.OO lower: tood-cholce vealera and llcht calvea late 1121; utilltycom merrlal 11-11, culla down to 100. Hoaa for week 1115; market cloaed M Tle; lower after atcady otart: choice lto-331 lb. butehera late 21.6031; havier and IlaMar welihta eoUed 2121; choice 150-510 lb. aowa late 31-2S.M. Sheep for week 1771; market cloaed weak to We lower on alauahter Iambi, ateady on feedera and ewea; choice prime aprlns Iambi 20. 50-31; good 'Choice U-30; good feedera mainly II; cull-iood awe 1.50-4 00. CMrage Llveatecb Chicago Ho a attended their alow price decline Priday in a ateady to most ly 31 cent lower market. Cattle were about ateady except for bulla which were weak to 10 renta lower. Vealera ware atrona and aheeo ateady. Butcher welaht hocn generally aold from 121.21 to I WO. Molt aowa broueht in 50 to 121.00. The cattle run waa ahort In duality a welt aa number. Friday' trading waa moitly confined to a few eale of good to low-prime nint ateer. heifer, and mixed year Una at 130 to to 120 M. Lamba were aparaely aupplied and mrllnee were abient entirely. Dtlllty to prime grade lamba o!d from tuoo Salable receipt were eitlmated at 4000 hoai, ioo cattle. 400 calvaa and loo aheep. Portland Grain Portland Wheat fbid to arrive market. baala'No. 1 bulk, delivered ecait: Soft White 3 31: Soft White (excluding Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 133: It cent 3.23. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 131: 10 Pr cent 1.37? 11 pr cent 2.31; 13 per cent 3. 31. Clleat Grain Chicago t Soybeans and eita dit Plaved atrength en the board of trade Priday while wheal we taking a rrat iter ita advanee of the pait couple of ilon. Wheat wa aublacted to weekend sell ing daaplte an increaie In report of ten rut damage. Corn didn't move far ut maintained a ateady undertone. Wheat cloaed to l cent lower, Sept. ltlt-l-t?, corn 44 lower to higher, Sept. 1 41-v otta H to 1 cent higher, Sept. lt'4i. rr H lower to S hianer. Sept. 1 4 aoybeana W to 1 renin hien tr. Sept. 3 and lerd t cenU wwar to cent a hundred pounds htib- CARD OF THANKS Our heartfelt thank t to all who extended comforting aym pathy and help In our recent orrow. For the beautiful serv ice, floral offerings, and other kindnesses, w are very grate ful Mr. Otto C. Buff Mrs. Cora Fogle Mrs. Pearl Finseth Mra. Petri T. Speer 181 FOR SAU HOUSES so. nth sl can l-j lea. .in BKDSOOM hotu M T Zl arrST . -l oder car or let ired lo. por appinimaa call oanar and builder. 2-stoo. .,.' DOWM t i " a.R .--- aiiraetrve k.M t ?m rr -wide. Well Pi yard and garden apace All TMin TODAY; TT WON T liVo. PRICK 1 REALTOR M41 . Capua) ai. rh. 4-4001 I... I-IM1 MARKET QUOTATIONS raBTXAIUo) rRnnuCB UST Sattorfav--Ta-aative, auoiect is im mediate change: Premium auaLity, maxi mum .31 of one per cant acidity de livered la Peruana ee-lle Ib i ftrat eual Ity. Si-etc. aecoud euallly, Sl-tec. Valiey routea and country point. I eenta leaa. Butter Wholesale f.e.s bulk cube to wholeae.. grade AA, tl ecore, tie; A trad. 12 score, tic: B. M acore. Sic; C, It acore, tte. Above prices strictly nominal. Chaea BelUat price to Portland wholesaler, Oreaon alnglea, S-454; Oregoa I lb. loaf. 41 VW Be ssie to Wboieaalara Candled esse containing o loaa caeea included lo b Portland A grade large. Ma-tlWc; A grade medium, e-Ml-je; B srade larae. eos-tmc. Pertlans Dairy market Baiter Price to retanera Orade aa print, lie; A caiton. T2c: A print, lie: aarton. Met B print, see. Bgia I praducera Candied 1. e t Portland; Ungraded large, M-etc doc.; grade AA large, 14-45 do.: A lane, ta ils do.; AA medium, tie do.: A gude medium, lie doa.; A srade amalla nomi nal. 41-41C. Sara t BetelleraOrade AA. large T3c: A large, tl-tt; AA medium, tte; A medium, tl-llc; A email, 105 lc. Carton I cent additional. Cheeao Price to retallera, Portland, Oregon alnglea, t-4tc: I lb. loavea, ll-13Vic: triplet, mc leaa than aln Slea Premium orand alnclea. l; lb. for alngle wheel tCiia, Proceaaed Am erican ch, l-ls, loavee lo retail, 4J1 45c lb. Paullry Uve Chiekana (No. I ejuallty, f ob. planta). Pryera, 2S-2 lb., lie; 1-4 lb.. 3 lc; roaster. 4 Vi lb., and over. Sic: heavy nana, all weight, 302lc; light nana, ai lwetghU, lie; old rooatera, ll-itc. AreaaeS Chicken Re. 1 retailer. Pryera. broiler, roaatera, all wta.. 4l43c; draaaed 41428 light hen, S3-I4c; heavy hena. I3-I4c cut-up fry- era. all wt.( to-so lb.j whole drawn, 14- C ID. Babbits Average to srowera: Live whltei, 41 Ibi.. u33c; l-f lb., ll22c lb.; eolorad pelt. 4e lb under; doea, lt-13c, few higher. Fresh draaaed frycre to retailers, ll-itc ut up tlt&c. Country KUIed Meals Veal Top quality, 21-13 lb., rough heavies 11 -31c. Mas Lean blocker. Sl-llc; sows. Usht. 33I3C. Lamba But. e0-43g lb.; yaarllns. SO-l&o lb Mutton Beat, 12-14 lb.) eul.-utllltj, S-ioc. Beef Utility cows, S4-3le lt. cannar euttera, 3333c: sheila down to lie. Praam Dreeeed Meaaa Wholaaalera la reuilerat Dollars par ewt.: Eoat-Steers. choice. 100-TOt lb.. 40- .00-44.00; good. 17.00-42.00; commercial 31.00-11.00; utility 21.00-11.00; commer cial cowa 24.00-21.00; utility 24.00-21.00; cant, era-cutters, 21.0025.00. Beef ante Choice ateer hind ejuar tore, 12,00 - 51.00; round. 41.00 - 61.00; full lotna. trimmed. ct.OO-TO 00; trian gles, 27.00-13.00; foreouartare 10 00-35.00; cbucka n 00-40. oo: no, aa.oo-es.ou. Vaol and Calvea, fa 40.50; commercial. 31-31. Lamba Choice-prime, 141-44; sood. 90-44; aprlns lamba, choice-prime, 47.10. 147.10. Mutton Oood chelee. 10-12 lb. IB -44. Perk Cute Loin. No. 1. 113 ibi.. 65-70; utility 1-1 shoulder. It - Iba., 43c- 41; apar rib 54c -160; freah hams, 10-14 lbs., 15-tt, pork carcase, 120170 Iba. 13041. Smoked fJama Skinned. 164-70 Iba., fined lerd to druma, 114-11.60; alab bac on. SS471. Pertland Mlseeilaneeu Onione 10 lb. aick Calif. Red Globe, mad.. 2-71-3. 10; white globe. 3.253 60: yellowa mod. and large, 1.71-200; few 2 31; Wash, yellow, mod. 1.101.71; large 1. Jft -1.40. Pet ataee Local Triumph, lug. 110 1.71: Boardman long whites. No. 1A, 3 50 71: Ko. 2, 10-lb. sack, 10-11: Ores on Rus sell. No. 1. 1 15-4.00; II lb. meth. 50 12c: local Rusaet. No. 1A. 2.11-1.35: Calif, loot whites. No. 1A, 3.15-2.00; fair, 3.50-3.11. Name brands to 3.21. ay 0. S- No. I green alfalfa, de livered car lot f.o.b. Portland and Se attle. 21-30. Wool areas basis. Willamette Vau ley medium, K-13e Ib.l Baatcnt Oregcn fine and half-blood. Mc-oic; Willamette Valley lamb wool 42et 12 -month wool. 45-50 Mettle SB-He lb. en 13-month grow th, f.o.b. country chipping point Rides producer paving price f.o.b Portland calf skins, 31-JJe lb., accord ing to condition; green kips. 11-lie lb.; green cow hides, t-ltc lb., according to weight and quality; bull hide. 4-5c lb.; glue hides. 50 nr sent below prices for above tiauea. Pll ber ta Wholesale selling prlca Re I medium Barcelona. 2224 hV; shell ad. 41-51 lb. lb ! light b aires. 71-IJe B. Walnata Wholesale aelllns prices, first quality lane Pre nq net tea, 35-loc Ib.t ahelled. light amber halves Tt-71e Portland Kail-ice Market Portland ej First Willamette valley sweet corn wa offered at 121 for five doien eara on the Portland produce market today; season's first Yakima .valley Netted Oem potatoes aold at 2 10 a hundredwelsht for some 400 sacks; some price shading required for apricots to move over-ripe and smsll fruit; medium Willamette valley roundhead cabbage waa 1-1.31 a crate to whole saler. Chlrage Oolong Chlcaso (Ufa Supplies moderate, de mand light, market about strady. Track aaieji 0 Ibi.i: U. S. 1 unleu slsted: Cellfornla Stockton Yellow Semi Globes 3-Inch and larger 1 50; WaMiint ton Yellows IS per cent or more U. S. 1. J-inch and larsrr. 1.49. Street sale it lbs ; California Yel low Seml-O.obei l-tnch and larger and 3 to 1-Inch 10-1 15: Midwest medium Yellow Olobe 1 35-1 15: Texas White Olnbe 3-lnth and larger 1.75. MILITARY MEN AND VETERANS Thnradir, Jul. I Organizm) Nsva. rVurv, sur face division at Naval and Ma rine Corps Rescrv, -tralnln, cen ter. Companv D. 162nd Infantry rrglmrnt, Oregon National Ouard. at 6alom armory. D battery. 722nd AAA.AW bat talion. National Guard st quon aet huts on Lee street. FrldsT, July It 8eabeeR eserves. st Naval and Marine Corps Reserve training center. fi.ln.aa, A KiMfnav Anna! 1 E AAU Ml. at Salem Naval Air Facility. CARD OF THANKS To our numerous patroni, friends, who continually con tributed to the success and pleaiure In our many years of auto repair business in Silverton, we are sincerely pitefuL Hans H fedora. 181 FOR SALI HOUSES BT OWMEE. new sccm. a badreoani, Knotty pins doa. mahoeaay annas rooaa. birch hiubM. ruffed ha for automatic waaber and dryer, double sarase with everawad at era. Located 2 block south aad I biacka weal of Ktiaer echooi at 7t KUabeth. Fade and Bee. BuUdcra. Pboae llttt or I1U4. elll riVI ACSEa tmt aaaall mom kooaa. Tat. aaod h.uao tralln m do-n p.imtau m. a. Max 44, Ma alia out IKtliir rMd alat CIUB TBI! OIK i loai bur In tan noaltivalr iom oil aiarkat Ant. 1 -alrmaunt BUI 1-bMioonj oottaaa. ao naluabl. 1.1. n.w paul, Iniulatod. Iicl h,al, nno. Tainu, 1444 down! 11H Falrmaunl A... .101 OWNER MIST SELL nlte home abort alliance .rocs Salem. Reaaou for eoU 1ns. Ulnea. Nice home for eoupl. Will sell fuTniKhed or uaruTnUhed. -2ti1 ai KCIIIB DIlttlrT. aODdarm k.droom noun. Aiiarn. laraa,. la ocra. la.ioo. Phona 4-1100. alio WBST SALBU HOMBB I II, tit Roaemout ITtlt IBI, 411 Rctsetaoot .gSIOS M 1 , 141 Wallace Rd. IStW POVR CORNERS S-B.R., 4St State St. !wM STULLER REALTOR Ml Bdsewater Ph. 31517 or elltl a 111 R IT AIR UVB IN OR RXNT . This bouse 1 la aa eacepUonally sood location. It la cloae to the Xn la wood acbool and the hlsh school. It has I bedroom, living room, kitchen, breakfast nook, basement and e area a. It 1 also plastered and ha tree and ahrub. Thl would make a sood rental house and the price la Just SUOO.OO wlih term. See us today! ABRA54S. BOURLAND a SKINNER 411 katsonlc Bulldloa lnauraac Real Kstat Mortcase Loans 1-1217 Bvae; 2-470S or J-TISS alW SILVSRTON property for )e or trade for Salem property. Oood room house, fireplace, basement furnace. Approilmatety 1 acre. Fruit tree. 1 000. Term. Writ lit R. list. Phone 2-1M2 or 1-1891. alSl POB SALS or eacbansa, t seres, modern home, inside utility, large sarase. Call 1-1032. aist' BY OWNER. 11.1502 bedroom house, large corner lot, paved street, close to store, bus. schools. 2-1116. silt NEW t-BEDBOOM and 1 -bedroom, will go a.L or TU.A. By owner, phone 30917. 0112 FORCED TO SAC SUF ICS steely started ranch type 2-bedroom home, 2311 Had Iy street, off Silverton highway. Make reaaonabl offer. Phone IX U . Dayton. all! 2BFDROOM, modern, oil heat, tire place. Very mll down payment. 431 Manbrln Drive. 2-2151. alll $500 DOWN FOR thla OH SO KICI S-room bona on cntk lot. 02x400. t. ot land am oil vllh barrlaa Irolt. OKLT (IOM. $1200 DOWN FOR VERY NICE 3 -bedroom home en creek lot 10x400. Oarage, work ahop ch chicken house. Wonderful garden soil to creek acrosa th back. FULL PRICE SSOO0. $1500 DOWN WILL BUT BOTH OF TOT AEOTI HOMES SIDI BY SIDE. RENT ONE OUI' TO MAKE THE MONTHLY "AT MINTS. BEE DAVE LAZENBT, Er.. Ph. 130K altl' NEAR NEW HI SCHOOL A well built MR. home with lira- place, located on a lie., lot with fruit oh nut trees. Near new nigh and Leslie Jr. HI. schools. tllOO with 1 1400 down NEAR STATE HOSPITAL A very clean l-B.R. home with ett. sarage, w-w carpet la Uv. nn. Jull price is only SOW. 4-B.R. HOME Get aettled before school atart. Within easy walking distance to srade, ,?r. hlah and high school, fruit and nut treee. soooo. Burt Picha 170 N. Hllh St. Off.: S-4041 Eraa.: Allan -latthrr. ,-1701 alll' I Bit HOME7) rra. old. II. 000 dn. Prlca 110.000 Drl," bit 1911 Llbartr Hd. Allan C. Jonaa. Raallor. 331 M- Hllh. nhona l-llia. Ira. 1-II4I. a $1500 Down FURNISHED!! Here 1 a very clean and neat I bedroom home that can be bought completely fumlehed including wash er .range, refrigerator and TV set, and for only tllOO down. Replacement cost of the furniture alone la worth than than. It 1 located on a paved atreet In th city, with bus service by the door. The yard ts as good ax the house and garaae. full price only ttlto furnished. ENGLEW00D BUY Thla home la being offered BELOW OI appraisal. It has 2 bedrooms, large kitchen and forced air. heat, also large attached garage, paved streets, not over I years eld and Very attrae-, Uve. Pull price only tOOOt with easy : terms available. REALTOR PHONE 4 4454 1955 Fairgrounds Rd. Evening ohfine- 3541 alll FOR SALE FARMS FARM BUYS 14 ACRES I WITH CREEK, on Pved road. 1 A. timber ft paiture, t A. In cult., 4 A. orchard, l-bdrra. aemi-modarn home. Lorely yard shads, barn, etc.. plus horse, some tool stoves Possealon at once. Price It&OO. OHLT HVOt dowv and per anontb. 5 ACRES WITH NICt t-bdrn. modern hone on pevement. All in cult., aome orchard, garaae ek hen hae. All thla for It'-SO 13000 dn., or TRADE POR 20 ACRES NORTH. COUNTRY STORE WITH COLD eTTORAOl LOCEIUI and l-bdrn. lovely home, atore bldg. and about 1 arret. THIS LA a OOOD SETUP POR SOMEONE AND PLENTT OP MONET CAN BE MADE HERE. TURNER HOMF8 to trad, for Salaa ar Mil tor la dawn oarmrnL n t. T. AUDfunoK. Co. aa. un Dial 4-4494 n- -art Klil 4-4494 J THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, toba, Ortfoti pot uu Houses OPEN HOUSE 2670 ENGLEW00D AVENUE 2680 ENGLEW00D AVENUE SATURDAY, AUGUST 1st 1:00 TO 5:00 P.M. Baah aeuso baa fl boalrsoaM. btrah klUheai with blew faa. fermtoa eouator top, large hvlns room with ftreplaoa, dialog rooaa. large both with built -tm vanity, full baaemonl with enerfawrs auto, ait fursaco. laandry room ta wired for dryer, plastered sera. Located cot large let W I IM'l, as paved street wear city Sua and e)r a blocks to eehoel. One house has all birch doora, aloeeta, aavd buliUtoM. aad la priced at 113 OO st. The other baa pointed woodwork and priced at til. SO ts. Meaimum tinanctns. Drive out sad see theaa Saturdsf sftoraecct frees l.H ts :N. ABRAMS, BOURLAND & SKINNER 411 Maaoaw BnlldlM ' Baal total. i l-Ollt Looking for a New Home? 6 BEING COMPLETED 1I.0M bo Oao 1 aaltB'o aawoot and aim! Olatncu. Tko north Oau addiuon. m llMk. poninsd Rd., ME enrkt and nt olroot bnclndo. Is a. la nrlaa. Indindnal knlMon ZUMSTEIN - 1-8347 I . 8EAMSTER - 4-IS6S J V. EPPING - - 8474 PAT JARVILL - S-tSSS TAIXEY S-7520 OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY EVENING, JULY II, S TO 9 O'CLOCK 2890 ARGYLE DRIVE 3 Bedroom,, large living room, also family room with fireplace. PRICED RIGHT 0HMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4n Court St n,m ltm 1411, I FOR SALE HOUSES ST OWNER 70 II. blahwar Irontaaa. norm, ciaan. oidr Irpa a-badroom houaa, slca Ilraplaco. I oaraaaa and nlanty fruit and nuta. -rleo M.aoo. Call 14111 ...a. .las OR TRADE Owner baa been transferred to lu seoe. Must soil or will trade for 2 B.B. house In Eugene. Only 4 yeara eld. oaceptlooally well cared for. 2 bdrms.. large Hvlns room with tlreplece. din Ins room, kitchen with nook. Inside utility, attached aerate, lovelr lawn. shrub and tree. Lock ted in Beat Bag Is wood in Enslsvood echooi dis trict. Thla home la Insulated and waa then tripped, aluminum window screens. Otl furnace. Price ts Sit Set and well worth the price. Call u today. ABRAMS, BOURLAND s SKINNER .411 Haaoals Building Real Batata Inauranea atortcage Loana Office 2-1317 Eve.: 1-47M or 1-716 aisp FOR SALE LOTS LOT (TlilM) loeotoA north In oroo Una flra. Phona I-U3I. aalis REAL ESTATE Choice 5 Acres Attractive 1-bedroom bom, eicel- lent condition, hdw. floors, dining room, fireplace, ell furnace, double garage, large chicken house, electric water ant tea. Variety of fruit, berries and f liber ta. Beautiful place to live profitably now. Priced at lit. 100. Terms. oSoe Mr, Johnson for part leu lara and ahowlnt. ED D. POTTER, Realtor hi a. man St. rn. i-w, or l-im clll' FAMILY GROWING? OWNER WILL TRADE thl lH-Horr l-bdrat. home, full basement, aawduat heat, open etalrwey in living rm.. fireplace, eeperato din. rm., for mllcr 2-bdrm. horn on email lot. EE MRS. OO LESS EE, ph. 21171 COAST PISH 'If CHIPS Owner ha reduced price to 14210 for his well known, alweva buir Sea Pood spot. Short hours, closed ons day a week a dandy money maker. Will take i cat or what have you? MOTEL 1 an It, part perm, rented, on park-like grounds. Bay frontage. Room for trailere. Will trade for house St acreage. 124.000. MOUNT 4 lovely rentala s beaut, home. Cloae to the Dorchester House Ocean view. llt.OOO terms. BEACH COTTAOE 12710. I bedrau.. Uv. rm. c kiteh., with attached raae. Neat, clean attractive. E-Z term. VARIETY STORE 17101. Compl. atockod St eeutpped. Nice llv. garters, alone to the beach. A daody business Just right for two. JOHN R. ANNALA REAL ESTATE Nelscott, Ore. Delak Mil clll TALL TREES In thl beautiful landscaped vsrd Patto and outdoor fireplace. Homey I -bedroom house with Urge fern llv room kitchen, dining room and Urine room. Wall-to-wall carpet. Venetian blind All of thl besides balna cloae to school. Reasonably priced. By the River Small 2-bedroom rootle house, large garage, beautiful yard. Priced ta sell. Make offer of dews payment. With! Also! Plus! Spacioue modern 1-bedroom borne Living room with fireplace, dining room, compact kitchen, full baae ment and double eareia. Alao amallar 2-bedroom bom era no for Mom and rep. riu lecrea ef land completelT fenced and enough outbuilding for the city former. Trade for I houses or duplea. TRADES! Have several parties that beve I bedroom home: they need I bedrooms. alao acreages. Call ae If yea want a waoe. Gleason Realty Hit rukvr M. n. tun alll' fS Pis) 4-4494 y j n m i SOt SALI HOC! B Maftowo Lana REAL ESTATE STATE G. t. SPECIALS 11000 DOWN AND KKASOMULI monthly rATunrrs SHOULD QUALIFY TOO VC ANT OV TH fOlAOWlNO: Nav l-badroom homo rnalso allr Umlu. Baaullful hardvood noora. PluabaS tar automatic vaahar aad arrar. corna, lot. Cloao to acboalo. fttallr auto t-badroom homa with dlnlni room, alaa braakfaat nook. Lnrio attach, aaraia. rorcaS bit u oaai. rarao airaat. Cltr vaiar. t-badroea and dan. Nlca tlraelaaa. A vall-nlannad kltahan. looalio in, an aaaad atraat. Ixcallaat dlaUlca, OVaaa to nav acnooi. onlr M7M. 40 acru and I homaa. About M teraa in anatura and M naraa In cultiva tion. All ateck nnd aoulvmant aoaj on I, a auaa to dovn lovn. REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 Soutk Hllh Slraat Fhoao l-IMI Phona ovanlnca and Sundar: 0-1071 a-llU. l ull. 4-ollt. 1-11,4 till' Smith's Best Buys $750 DOWN Two-bedroom home. Living room with dining area. Penced back yerd. Two block to school. Oood sew 10ft. wall. Pull price W.tM. Completely Furnished Small, but only bloeko to bu. tonat-rt, lot. Electric ranee and re frigerator. List of otber furnishings in Smiths office. Oarden spot, pice lawn. Only 14101. Tarma. Suburban North Two-bedroom homa, 21-ft. llelnt rm. Separate dinette, Bendls washer eteys. The best of aoil. good well od lovelr view. Large lot 140140. Priced et test. Owner will take lata medal car or good trailer houee aa part payment. 3 ACRES Let of ahade make thl horn a real pared lee. 23-ft. living room with large picture window. Separate dinette, two nice bedrooms. Well to-wall car peting. Inside utility. Hardwood flra., fireplace in living room. Larae chick en house, good well. Lota of fruit, csr den space. Lovely flowsra and ahrub Owner will trad for two-bedroom homa ta Salem. Thla acreage la lo cated close to Oorvala and arte at only It. IOO. 7-- ACRES Three-bedroom home, living room, eeparate dining room. Chlekew house end barn, all lead la cultivetioti. A BUT at ag.7M. 44 ACRES elwen Salem end Silverton, the best et soil, borders on Pudding river. Some beaverdem anclearsd. Ore la and paiture, timber, berries and lr den. Some stock and ltll John Deere tractor goea with ssle. Oood three-bod-room home. All binds of family fruit and garden. Prked at 111.100. Term. Owner will trede for email aereaae and two-bedroom home, south, 20 Acres, Northeast WHismette soil, good all-purpose form, all-year ereek en piece, deep wall far Irrigation. All Irrigation oeulpment goe with sale. Pour-year-old three-bedroom home, with at tached earare, earn and chicken hoiu family fruit and ear den partiv fenred. 1IM berry crop wee aver II tone, price 114,00. ENGLEW00D DIST. Close to everything t Three bed rooms. Nice living room, piaater sep arate living room from dinette. Modem bitche awith plenty built-in and Bendli wether. Oeaee and beau tiful back red fenced. All kind of flower, rose arbor and acme fruit trees. A king price 111. too, terms Owner will irade for email aereaae with three-bedroom home. NEW SUBURBAN Beautiful chad, No. 1 oak flooring throughout. The beat ef aoll. good wall. Two-bedroom home, lovely liv ing room with dtnlng eraa end fire piece Deleo forced elr oil heat Inatde ntllltr. atteched garage with Iota of storage apace. Oarden, and priced at 111. too, terms. SALEM'S FIRST DRIVE-IN SMITH REAL ESTATE lot Pertland Road Pa. t-tWT altl RIAL ISTATI YOU'LL LIKE IT TOO'U. tor M. aaktkoorb, raol vtav baana. Mala, vita okl braao. ally atar, lea. varS all its arici ertii. raai aioo aornu.. vail-t-aU osrnallnt on tko Urlna Slain, rm,.. ahaarful naa, ImS oaot. nrooia lar lit oaa. corn SwrTtHO war Sack from too atraal anrronnsaa Or trail ai anaao lroa. nnnnonnao f flar. alao lava or aaraae Dutch Caloalal atrlo vltk n aarni. 4an. Rm. na lar ara. oloao I na oavor aab. OaUr SI7M. uviNO at rra nrr ulaa Out. S-Mra.. B'tas SUnino raaa. V1U aav vaU-to-aU aar aatlna. A varr auracllva hoaa, saU vorlk Uo aatias arleo OlMlo. - DOH-r maat THIS OKI THftn-raar-ola) t-Mna. kaaa. Mv flnara. frraola.. naat a olaan InaMa at ant. nlealr faoea, fflrd. Salt black la aav Kb. lea, tara toa aroU abM. oalr nakin, ,l,.ooo. Ron i-oaoo Ed Lukinbeal SEAL thTTATE 411 V. HIOll EVE.; PBCKKNTAUOB. 1-1411 X, 2-17M; LTLI POftEE. vadT alll- NELSON CLOSE IN BOLLYWOOD DUTRJOT S-bdra. koaa. Urlna ra. It a M. dlnlni ra at bit. It I II, auL na.. ar.. lot M a lit. trull teaaa. aa com, roof. .Idar Irpo boma. avd. at., arm UM. Call Mr,, woollaa, NEAR NEW " MORNINOSIDB SCHOOL Cleaa 2-bdrm. home, living room. Siatna, kit., util. rm. la taraae, cloae to bus achool, let 100 a HI, fruit tree, appi. ace rra., loomed, poe. Prtc MI7. Call Mra. Wootu. Are Your Ears Burning? i m w in King ei you reiaaiu in this aummer cool l-bdrm. home, Por winter pleasure you have aa attractive Ra mon brick fplaeo. and forced air beet to keep yoa coir. McKinler echooi 2 blk. away. Juat 1 10,000 will make thl 4-r -old houaa youxa. Call Sl. Watte, -72to. 110,500 SALEM HEIOHTS DIST. Roonu -room home. In vary bait of aondltloa wltb aelect oak floors, very attractive living room, good sited kit., dble. eara a. lot to i lot, fruit trees aurfaeod rd.. approi. ace 1 yra., cloae to bue At achool. Price 111. 100. $1000 PER MONTH 20-DNIT RESIDENTIAL COURT All unit flrlr new with ons l- bdrna. borne for owner It dealred. Well located, cloae to all schools, bu. Real opportunity to enJor ever Hoot per month income, call Mr. Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON SFICIALIZINQ REALTORS TM N. HUh St. rn. l-ion clll Btwn tm ss WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES wa NI ED LISTINOS: Homaa. parae. Aereaee,, Builneaaea, Motor Court nnd Tavarna. what nave your WHY PAY .MORE? When you can bur a home with all the feature 01 a luiurloua home. e)ur rounded br aaocaaafal walghbor. ftpa- oloua voomi. Mora wtndowa. Fatle Tnaulated. Owner forced to aelL Cherrp and and S Walnut tree. It br 101 corner lot. Blacktop atreet, rull price onlr 19600. WILL SELL PRONTO aa the owner ha been transferred 1mm. pose. Onlr I no, eld. 1 bed rooms tti den. Location 1 cloe to tit Vincent and Highland. Wrcath-glvina fireplace, insulated, wired for drrer end washer. Oelco forced elr oil heat, ftpacioua living room, rull price 111,900. laar terms. Compare It For Price 1 paeiou bedroom. cUona'a threw from atnglewoo dacbool. Fireplace. I weska poaa. Owner leaving cltr. Oil heat. Coar and gar breakiaat nook. An Meal familr home, rull price ttiM. Terms. TRUE VALUE Aa a metier of face, we consider this a bargain, t bedroom on on floor. Storm window. Automatic oil heat. Oardea spot plus a nice rerd. 4 biks. to school. 1 blk. ta bu. Owner leav ing, rull price ha been reduced to 110.100. GARAGE, SERVICE & SUPPLIES Tea, this is ewulpped for all I. Large Well built bid. Texaco a a Pert. Acceaeortcs. Fin larae home adjoining A verr rich community. Iverythine aoa for 131,100. Ownrr will accept aaleable proper tr np to 110.000 a part payment. Terms. BEAUTY SHOP Well established. Rent on bide, onlr lei per mo. you wouldn't heve to apend a nickel, on this business. Full prlca for equipment, 13000. 2 ON ONE LOT taot down. Tea, 1 modern house on one lot la a desirable location. 141 br lit lot. Almost new. Blacktop et. Hear achool and bba. Full price onlr lint. Mighty Neat Motel In a verr select location. In the beat af repair. Completely furnished. litre apt. in the modern living auarirra. 1 unlta. Fvd. drlvewar. Lota r neon. Owner mar consider a duplex aa psrt payment. Full price onlr til. 000, Term. 36i2 ACRES With 10 under cultivation. I -bed room house. 41 br 40 barn. Oarage. Chirk en houaa. Fared highway. 1 walls. 14000 down. Full pries 14,000. 34 ACRE . lfodera I -bedroom coltae built ta 1147. In food condition. Borne berrtea. Chicken house to-ft. welt, a alee little home priced et onlr Ittit. 17 ACRES PLUS verr tood aod.rn home onlr t alio, from Salem. M br M chicken hniue. l-cer urate, t A. atrewberrlea. Some walnut, and eherrlaa. Prd. rd. aeheol bua. PuH prlca enlr 111.110, Por Bualneao OoportunlMet and Boma. eel) tor MR. KIOOINS (Rve. t-ttltl. or MR. CRAWFORD l, t-MU. ar DAN WAA It Igie. 4 mil, ar RAT OR1MMSTT ISU. 1-101,1. Por Aeraaee Mir. Cell for MR. LIAV BNS (i.e. l-7. LICTNS1D IN OR SOON, WASHINOTON AND IDAHO. MORTOAOI LOANS M-Tear Maturltr AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phono: 4 )lll ar l liu Sr, Phwti: l-tlll. 41414, t-UtO. I-IIII ot 1-1ITI 1011 Portland Road If no onaw.r. Phone 4-1341 clll WANTED REAL ESTATt NOTICIi If roar proportr le for aalo, real of nrhant. Ital M vltb w wo bare all klnda of eaeb borer, STATS P1NANCS CO. aiALTORS ill a Biib at aa BAYS Bl.ont aa down pennant on reo eonablr priced l-bedrooa bouee. Phone I ecu raltl To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 tIAL ISTATI GOOD SCHOOL LOCATION t-kitrioa aoaao vltk tun bnarmaaL nav u roranoo, kloaU to Si. Yla aal taaoM, t black, to Nubland. Itiaolr loadaaaaod lot to a lot. ahaa ana frail trooa. olooa ao a nta aad aba rrtaa U rUkt, at IM.NS. ON NORTH SUMMER STREET Thla koaao la dlffaroat. t badraaana. aatra tar,, ttrnl raoon, varaor lot. au br door, all for jam tiMS. Oood tanna, aaU far araoiatawat. IN MUNKERS ADDITION Lara, lat. baaullful no, ,-bodrooa kao. RA arrralaad St avlllas , artoo af 111.001. A tool an, and nlca laoalloa. Suburban. C ' TAKE A LOOK!!!! til V. tut atraat. Lot la M s Its, a wild asao ot laod aaohra, aaUav UK atorlar, aavdual kaat, vrlaad at 1 11.000. HARD TO BELIEVE A l-badrooa raaah olrlo hoaa wrra A DBt oa baartttut Oandalartn Baiabu vllh t fuoalnaoo, an aoil, for only ,lt.toa it'i racaal, aa aoro rlsbt la. 4t ACRES ON TURNER-MARION ROAD All oultrratod, part at tola Inra lo to, arndo Mack aoU. a bowl ts A. Inat rich I far a duak pond, a aodarnlaad l-badrooa banc bnra aad . ahlckaa konto, total aria onlr MOM. vltb MOM dova, or V1H oall ao a, vltk out anudtos, irniatloa dlwcb br alaco. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors Court St. .: Boar, Tacrand Mail Loala Larona m uipk Had or nua Grabenhorst Specials I loo, DOWH A wonnlontlr loeolad. oottaio atria, l-bdrm boao. . rlco IT0M. Oood tarna. To aoa thla drlro br UT Stotunond and tbaa CALL M. t. LAYalON for datolla. RaBTAURANT BDS3NSM ON PACIFIC BWT. Ueluilra dinaon braakfaata. Delni aotur than I1M par dor artraaa tara poor. PUB SoUlla llran br aallln, t. B. LAW. OVBRLOOKINO Rtvra a TALLST on af tna ban ban In noia. tbla. laraia, bl, 14. and din. ra., all-birch kltcbaa, auto, dahvoabor. hdvd. Xloora, aula, oil haot, la., plarrooa mi aala floor. Tnrao aloa bdrnu.. traa, at patio. To. couldn't oak f. anrthlni aora. Brand nav. a tha tint to oao. Ill.aOO. CALL HOT a. P1ELD6, CO-OP. BBOKUt MOTICII PRICXD Wra TSrUIS POB All nSUSDIATl SALB--U, lot IM a Ita. a bdraa, Ut. ra. with firaplaca, dla. na., aorr oaaroa loot kitchen vltb brkf. aook. Dbla. laraia, baanUfal landacaplaa. Pall. A faallr boao la a frlmdlr aauhborhood. Drl.o bp SMI StnaaP Laa, than lor OppU to oao. CALL JL K. LATMON MO. I BDS1NSBS ZOHB Pick ap that fuluTO aoourllp nov: 1. M a 100 Oornar nam Intaraaatlon reduced to IMS t M a J0O Oood potential , 1.000 I. loo a io Aran dcveioplna faat Older boao on lot 1 1.000 t. lot a 114-v.rr oood t -10, a 100 Corner ..I 1 360 t lea z 100 Mala Arurlal Trlckac. llt.OOt 1 M a 1M Reduced froa 111,000. Nov I I toe I. in a lo ! - lut South of aitp Halt. - aUa boao ...I tooo . IM a IM state St. Apt Houee sooe - proooead No. t aoao.All.SM CALL ROT S PBRUS, CO-OP. BROKER , GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 1)1 a. Ubertr St. Phme 1-ltTi aTraalaia and aundara CaU B. BT. Lonaoa t-1101 1. B. Lav l-llll Bar a. Perrll l-Ml, (111 FAIRM0UNT HILL I Bedroom down, I email bedroom ap, llvlna root, dlnlag-littehea -combination. Basement, lota of florert. This Hon. 1 ta food eondltloa and priced right, at n.lM. 3-BEDR00M HOME $5,400 Hear Loell and hew high schools. Largo living room, dining twwu kitchen and ntllltr rooaa aa 1 floor. Fart basement, awdnat beat, ft s 111 lou Bua at door. X eomrortable lamllr home. DUPLEX - TRAILER LOT Ho. I tone. IM lit lot, tuplea Is t pear aid. One aide la furnished. Oood cement block utllltr and bathhouse. 11,000 down payment, balance an contract. Full price fiMO. 6 ACRES $1,700 - On oiena creek about 1 mile' treat aUr limit of West Beiem. Mo building i. All eleered, about M cherry tree, about half af sroua4 at level, balance slop. E. J. Zwaschka REALTOR lit! Ortnl St. NOW IT CAN BE SOLD! H-aer lot with family fruit ek berries. This new Hating la oveluslro north ub. district. 11 bdrm.. llv, room with fireplace, din. room open ing out lo Haas ton terrace. Attractive kitchen with ceramic til coun ters, nook, bath with eeramle tile powder ber. S bdrms, down. 1 op, basement, auto, oil fura. Outdoor barbecue, lueclou ear den and plant ing. Frlc 111,000. ENGLEW00D - FIRST LISTING for thla Cap. cod ehate t-bdra. hoae vltb dble. plot , eeparate din rm.. fireplace, nlra kltcben vllh eatlat apace. Anto. oil heat. Spaolout rooma. veil arranied. Vj block to bu,, t block! to tchooL Rleelr plant ad. amall lot la oicl. dial, near hoapllal a ellnlea. Oood teraa. , . rtk, ,i.ut ' CUTE BUT SPACIOUS! -bdrm,, 1 a tared, nswly dee ore tod. ante, beat, tnsld ntllltr, nsar tore, Richmond achool bu. Flic ITtM STOCK ANDOR TURKEY RANCH lit Rolllni Acrei. Praellcallr .11 plov land, lit aeoded to permanent bar and paiture. Balance natlra traa, vltb a Utile tinner around the odeee. Numerou, rear.around oprlnie. Some trrlietlon poulblo but aot necMiarr. Pamllr orchard. To barn,. Other .utbulldlnaa. 4-bdrm. home. Older but aodern. Wired for rente. Owner ralalnt MM brooder turkera. could be hod. aa veil a, M heed Hereford,, end fara eanlp aent. Aaklna price of fera. U4.M0. stock and aatrt. llt.OOt vlll nandM. Located about M Bl. H.S. f Salaa la Marlon wuotr. A. A. LARSEN, Realtor in a. ana ,hoa mom A. B Beckett - Ph. I4MI Andr H.lroraan . Pb. riitt A. Wellt Ph. srrw WANTED REAL ESTATE WB ABB la need ai toed house to eeU. n or near BMiem, u roa wua la ui pour property for eale, OHABaTNHORBT BROS. RKALTUM ll d. Ubertr Fa 11471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TRADK ttAiJEM home for Fortland. euuijer, mtr. rnone 21117 or 4711. cbiM I RsnROOM borne, II too Take trailer boua na pr-rt dova paraeaL Phona t-j4l,l-)lll. ,M TARS TRAILSB houee or I tot dn, trr old I br. boao. n IM. Allen c. Jonea. Raallor. Ill N. Hub. Phono l-ltil. a... .,i,i ,b IUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOSS pour wa baelnaaa buy this ale aeat grocery meat market doing a good buainaaa. All eoog, lock, stock and fla tare. for It7a0. Terms. 19011 dn. A teal thet le real. Bee Boa Colbatb. rdlU WHOLBBALB Our lurver shows tht eevtral area tn the Northwest need a progressive wnoiesaie autriautor la the hardware, porting goods, houseweree. tore, elec trical Hnei, if pota would like ta atart a auainaa tor yourself aa a amall In vestment and still have th power of w terse aisirieuior, we Offer this pp. portunitr to a toed men. Tour In vestment or moo to aiooo b In mer chendlse. Ton decide how maeh aad what kind. We carry your dealer ac count. Thla buaineaa offers a eoond future with eicepttenel inrome. Write CIRCUIT DifrrRinnTiieo CORF. 1041 R. Ipombard BU PorUand 17. Ore tea. edltt Sb Dil 44494 i Ptetf IS REAL ISTATI Phono Mil MIIS I Toe af orruoa Mai BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOB UAtk, remodeled najor ell com panr eerK stauea. oood lecatron. Cell 44411. odltl BT OWNtB. eicellest tavern la centra. Oregon. Leeae la good and I priced right ta move. 111,000. Bom terms ta right party. Bee Fred Xlnner, loot Wall at , Bend, Oregon. edltl FURNITURE FOR SALE Attention MUST SELL Intlrt houM full of furniture. Vrorr thlna toaa. HIT tin at. Weal Salem. Phone 41411. dial TRAD1R LOOTS OPIH FRIDAY a MONDAT rN TNOS dill" .....-,....., WANTED FURNITURE LViSAiTIMTl OTTlaTl LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCBIB BSSP White I aoa daroford. ate. Locker Port etc. Bothlaa dova. aot to par Oattoa klUlns. Trauet toanod rroo. Salaa bteal Ob- in a stta. PK a-dsns, ss