Pas 12 Friday, July 31, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOI'RNAl Salcrv Ortgoa BURNED FINGERS By KATHLEEN NORMS RADIO PROGRAMS SATURDAY P. M. 'I T.KVE R"fElt v RTfriTTli J. 11 i (r'-if tti 4-.t OUVV.iRi.lrrt yilH--d rrz mncr, 1 i,4ti mill Pi iUJ II Pii? kmStSS : H KGAE MM Ka. KOIN KEX KSLM CHAPTER 10 further talk ni Interrupted by a ring t the doorbell. Eugene, who had walked to the window with the usual eflect of puttinc a strong constraint upon himself. save oer a aurpriud glance, came back and aat down. Jennifer jerked the clutch that opened the lower door. Tney heard It open and a man came bounding up the two dark flights, whistling under his breath as he came. Jennifer felt herself almost autfocate, and ber spine stiffened ana grew coia. it was oia nar rows. He grasped her hands as If he would have drawn her to him and kissed her, but Jennifer drew back, her color gone, her eyes unsmiling. There was a moment's awkward alienee, then Jennifer Introduced him somehow to Eu gene and they all went back to seat themselves In the parlor. How are you?" Sid asked, self possessed and easy as always. "I've Just come back well, I've been back about a month. My kid brother," he explained to Eugene, "got a bug and they sent him down to the desert for a while. I went along with him and took an engineering course that I've wanted lor some time. Missea me?" "Very much," Jennifer said, (wallowing before she couid speak. "How How Is your brother now?" "Oh, sound as a nut) I got thinking of you tonight; I was all alone at the club and I tnought I'd drop round and see you," Sid explained. "Your win dows were lighted, so up I came. How's everything been? You're as thin as a rail, darling, but I don't are that the pulchritude has been affected to any great degree." "I think I must be going, he said, rising, the words choking him. "And I think 111 stay five minutes more," Sid said, "for Jennifer and I have about one million six hundred and twenty- two things to talk over. "No, you go too," her lips said to him vehemently without sound. Her face, turned away from Eu gene, was colorless. "Ill only slay a minute." Sid ney's tone was startled and hurt. Eugene, muttering an Incoherent food-bye, was gone, and she and id were alone. "What's the mat ter, Jennifer?" he asked then In an injured tone. "Did I break up something?" "No. Of course not." The poor fish seems cracked bout you I I'm afraid I drove him out. He looked as he was going to bust," Sid said, mildly amused, from his own magnifi cent height, at Eugene's puny rage. "He'i a very fine person." Jen nifer protested, reddening. Well, r "Well, dont get excited. You're not engaged to him?" "No. Not if he was the last man in the world. But I like him. I don't want you to laugh at him." "Then what's he doing here and why does he grit his teeth when I come in?" he demanded. "I don't know and I don't care," Jennifer said in a light nervous voice, "and I want you to go away right now and I don't ever want to see you again! Now, Tight now. I dont want to talk to you and I don't want you ever to come again. So good-bye, ahe finished feverishly, both her hands against his arm as she tried to move him toward the door. "Why. look here, look here, what's the matter with you?" Bid exclaimed, astonished. ''I've not seen you for alx months that's not my fault, as I explained to you and now, when I come up to find out how thlngi are with you, you try to brush me off!" "I don't want to talk about ft and I don't want to explain," Jen nifer said, sUU breathless. 1 Just ask you to go. Will you please go?" "Certainly HI go." the man an awered, warming to anger, "but I'd like to know what you are to little Sonnyboy with the gold eyelashes and what he la to you, before I go." "Jennifer, are you off me be cause I dldnt write? I'm a bad letter writer. I only wrote my mother about three times, ex cept for telegrams about Bruce. Listen, be nice to me I I've always been crazy about you. I got to thinking of you a few nights back, ana oi now sweet you were "I Just ask you to go, Sid. don't want to talk to voul" His bigness, his rumpled, rich shaving soap and tweed that had once so Intoxicated her. were very near to her now. There had been bitter lonely weeks, there had been months when Jennifers one thought and prayer was that they might someday be close to her again, and she might once more near mat nau-seriout. wnouy confident deep voice. She had thought a thousand of times of what ahe would say If that chance were given her. of how wise, how forgiving, how charming she would be. Now she was con scious of feeling only d sperately weary, angrily sure oi nerseu. needing only to oe leu none, "Look, can I come to take you to lunch tomorrow 7 -"No!" "Not going to forgive me, eh?' "Its not a Question of forgive ness. I think." Jennifer said. "I'll leave you to let yourself out." Her heart beating fast between fright, confusion and anger, her neaa nigh, sne waixeo irom me parlor, went straight to Betty's room. Betty was In bed reading a magazine. "Was that Eld Borrows who came In?" "Yes." "You haven't seen him for months, have you? "No. He was down In New Mexico or somewhere with hL brother." "'Sat so Well, you had two Beaut tonignt: you re coming on," Betty said affectionately. "Both gone?" "Yes." But Jennifer was not sure of It. She dared not cross the hall to her own room for fear that Sid was still waiting. She made excuses, brushing her hair with Betty s orusn, that was clot ted with the girls' dark hair, sit ting on Betty's bed pretending to gossip. "You dont like Eugene Evans, do you?" "I like him. vea. But not . . Never . . . not the longest day In the world . . ." Jennifer paused. She heard the street door close with a slam far below and breathed easier. "Never to marry him." Betty finished. He's too good. He's too smart," Jennifer explained. "He takes everything apart. I never could Uve up to him." "I wouldn't want to." Betty said approvingly. "There's such a thing as being too good. I've only talk ed to him about twice, but It was all the purity of people's motives and the what d'you call It? Integrity Isn't that one of his big words? of their intentions, and the mass wickedness of the world. Excuse me! I like people human. It's not his business whether people are good or not. I IHtnlr he'a - vlCTM "He tries very hard to be ner- fect himself, he really does," Jen nifer said in his defense. "Listen, Betty. He may come around to morrow night because he went off kind or mad when Sid came In. and It he does will you tell him I've gone to a movie? I don't want to see Mm. I'll go into the kitchen and shut the door." He did let me down." Jennifer said in a low tone as if to her self. She added nothing to it, went to her own room, putting out hall and parlor lights as she went, Sid was gone from her life now: EXigene was gone too: ahe felt curiously light and free. For long months ahe had thought that she must see Sid. must explain ana ask an explanation, some- tlmea in this visionary talk ahe shed tears, sometimes ahe had been only loving and pleading. But the dream had been with her incessantly, like a hunger that could not be appeased. now u was satisfied. She felt a deep pride: she waa breathing a new air. Sid had come and ahe had sent him away with no sense of effort, of struggle, of sacrifice. She had not forced herself to do this: It had come in a atxHV taneous rush: it waa over. If he came again It would only be to meet the same reception. Jen nifer felt tremendous forces within her: there would never be any compromise there there would never, Indeed, be any temptation. This was not to wash out the put. But it tremendously light ened the seate of shame and helplessness from which ahe had suffered so long. She waa not powerless: she was not Ignorant, frightened, meek little Jennifer Richie, obliged to take whatever hurts life dealt her. She was a woman with a right to acorn, with a right to choice, and she had used that acorn, ahe had made her choice. Undressing in the dark little oblong of her bedroom, lighted tonight only br the angles of cold silver that slanted In from the street, for the first time in her life Jennifer gave a triumphant isugn at ner own mougnta. (Te Be Continued) Beat boredom nloy e -Zwont fo. mew wrayry a -v"""" JU WtlGU? Good chewing, relieves monotony. Clveavoua nice little lift BrightcraupounmorncnU. llhestiU ! jjotl- AHJII ROOM ft BOARD By Ahern PPAlflKN. DP VrttIP PASSLE WITH A GBI77IV REAP Mir" TUAT lAC NOTHING COMPARED TO THE BRANNIGAN I HAD WITH A GIANT ALA5KAN KODlAkt cfcAK'.l WAS JUST WALKING PASTA Bk3 80ULDR,SEEAN0. AHW...KM ..HOLD IT UNTIL ANOTHER TiME.SlR.U MUST GET UP TO MY STUOr AND , WORK ON A VERY PROFOUND SCIENTIFIC TREATISE I HAVE BEEN AT FOR 5 YEARS . .THE 5UBJECT Of COSMIC RAYS IMF Jhe judge HAS BEEN WAITING FOR THIS CHANCE If MID WITH EACm OC0ER.MXn.LAtSO ) a! y T$ POUNDS Of ETl 1 FRfSH-PICKED rC sT .11 I i . eaeoB-aeU v 11 1 3 "GO , . II lunjfj iMii i rrrt n r . w- i J m nun eg WAITTI1. f WHAT TO. NOttTHOW.' HOLD HIM. A MINUTf If ttf WX 1 fHeesw wi IMT , ITAUy Sotta Ttuy Youi6rv wteK thb OTHer r , rrPAYwiq j -Ufmiai V'WUR yuPfTHlYWA IImBTWO-J 7rWAH.U6."WBLL, I J TALLY U(f I I num. s-aB y r ywiTMrwg. jTm owe tmtqnm i7Ke o i vtcuM P06-.6 s-.of ORPHAN ANNIE lw II flmt l noon! I V II I TraNKFTS-OOO 1 I I W6U. CVOH, tflHOY. P'Wk I f.ltVL y,???'"" ' All I LOOK1N' SJTUfT-JUNK , 1 I I 1 LCTtJ FIND A PLAC8 C 'Tj ':' uu. vr-$syiJ wsm 1 fit I 1 I I I I I A " i-T- V f t LIL ABNES clWFgrvL?'J? V" Sg.fTyTI I auTFU-COLn POWL Of VIL lN HW PWIS0WCD.UFLEE6U1AU6M. -ANUAVM FLOOSIX tTRUTfy VO' COVEm-OUT FINDS AH OPCMHG-AND SOME CftUMB TRlEOTO DEFY Kf VT -yau smw" I "iZl''.?.sfPa'ca M ,,"V,V. '!? cone., so i plastered him witv XV -VTa l 2iKFI XfUaVeV A HALF-WMAKWV.T-HE WONT 4 V . ST Aik Xoreooosr-fl vNwPrld11fs trvit again, when iodise a HOPALONG CA" " "" i rZi22Z&'' ' ""' "f THUMPER. "1 I THEN 111 fWt HIS I THE W ZO 6ENPKd K PletW HKjOH I' Sy"" ' II innocence fvcmt 1 II 6hnt into cohamche ami i OVV HM J 50T NO FKIENP4 II ANOTHER WAY J J J IF fPi ATTCKEP,I'LL KNOW WW6 J MUTT A JEFF "1 SWALLOWED iASLAPr.f7ftTSTf?)f: I 1 9 I r ' - iCVli ir "V lV S JKAT? ,V I 1 t A-StSJ '. W I ; J . j I Wmi Mia III I , II - -ZT - . 1,1 T ' II: RET unaniv m n """"a T THi 51MNT 5M0 1 fTHB 0U5 '61. HA BUT THIS Oli VM T TCNT CWtY ABOUT JUhf.'l . 1 V ,T ilOU, , ajttgp Txe-OUOH I lCO LKt litsHUl P WOMAN X'U. TA CAtf 1 DONALD DOCK 3 11 I rEe-AH-V'Hy) l'BECAUSB I I K HUH? IT'S SIMPLE.' ") I Kl II - ( ...IT'LL BE FIVE v Vvmat 1C-B V aaV , ,-r-. ARy6j ! I HATE I DON'T ) f lf I WAIT TILL, V . ? TIMES AS LON9 .' j MAR WORTH I !- &2ar3!5iSPFJlnIZ "iHl'--0ONE4OMtTHiri II I - JVffS"VA ,) 1 ' ..Wfl ...rilNtVEftllvltNOOOt i A--.5f5f, 3 .Vt8ytNIRLtWHAT0UT0lDMf ABOUT WO! " Vt Vi! Vat3" I u'l-" HCROVtRMCARINiUSJAN0 T -hWS . ' "afv t' XirVXL jfy' fl Q a- .--c?Hl. i'A!..THtN...THATfiow. 'rGTy rsiAJ&tt sitLA KGW t NBC lui Ml AUa Paratto f ft I braiBl tw ras rra Fmm Trs. Ba4 IWaUlul, n. a a. Nan jUtiva I .Hlawn' : An :UlKw TatoM 4j:M Tfcit f Hw Tlral ) N. Titasl N. Tilal Si Tll KitaWB Km T. U BltCsW Tti vruilaa thaw ta Wat ! Irkhaai Baai it.s.a.r. Ban ILat'a PralaaS l.r. Pr.Kaa Daatt Ahaai Fraak Ci-it Waalata Ha OraaS Ok) Opara 4la Araalal taala Anialai SaaSa CIti Ska Waalara Jaaikaraa Taaa Nail Fartr Nawa Vau laaal Btat paraaaSa Daaaa Orch. CH Caaaril Cllr CaiaeJI CUr Caaacll Slia" Off Nawa t)N aafarS Isprla. aavaa Scbarr Al Ckaaa Al Ckaaa f)OC Ball Navar Kara 1IM AST NiiU Vol BprUrirJk ThM Marlks L Stnti ! Air G M Twa All L4 Firstr Thlt It Or. r. .- Tsar Unit. kimt ft Kca Bslartlay HillaM HtitartlAF MlllBM HalarOr Mfttlata Mail Inivvav CIO Ta rsrlcr Shaw Karaaaaa Saraaaaja N.wa Saraaaaa laa. Baaas Jla Daa Bkaw jla Daaa Skaw Sai. Malta aa BaL Hallaaa Mat. Mallaaa HaL Mallaaa Jlaa Daa4r akaa- Jln Daaal Bkaa Sal. Mallaaa Sal, Mallaaa 1. Mallaaa , I. MaUaaa Hah Llllla Sbaa LUIIa Pkaa Llllk) Bkaa ILIItla Bkaa Caiatrr Blrla laaaa Ork Jaaica Ork UlBBI Makalr i. Mania Bkaa allaaaaa raravaa BaUiaaaa laravaa Gaaaaaka Gaataaka Oaatbaatera Oaatkaalara SaL riaal k.aak Ah. Baaai aaS BaaaS Maala Maila Matla Majla ilUol Vtwa Latlat IMaala V. N. CarllillMaaM ABO Naaa Sur Tlaa Kaarta CSIIar Haaa tSlllaa GaaS Liitaalar Gaaa LlalaalBB Traaaary Bkaa iLaaa Baairr Laaa Baatar Daaalac Pari. Daadap Partr OK WarlS Paaaaa riaal Edit. paaca Tlaa Daaea Tlaa Daaea Tlaa iMaila Lrla aaS Waalaraar Maala Oaaea Tlaa Uaaca Tlaa Iaa' Tlaa Daaea Tlaa Daaea Tlaa Llllla Bkaa Llllla Bkaa Llllla Bkaa Jllla Bkaa Hawaii CalkpilU Bkaa Haaall CalU Waatara Baaklara Llllla Bkaa Ullla Bkaa h.lltla Bkaa Cltlla Bkaa lllla Bkaa SUa Ofl tallrra C'kair UakarSa Una USA iNaaa Maala Naaa Maala frakaa Naaaar llara Daara Plara Daara Daaca Parla IDaaaa Pari? Danca Party Danca Parly Meiady"Ma" KOCO Hat Ma Sal. MaUaaa Bat. Mallaaa BaL. Malavaa BaL Mallaaa Maala Sal. Mallaaa Sal. Mallaaa Bat. Mallaaa BaL. Mallaaa SaL MaUaaa Sat. Mails. Naaa Bbrlha Baack "' Maala Nary Baa Dlaaar Maala . . Maala WarlS Naaa Gail Daa Maala ' ' Baadataaa Banaalaa Dacaat Oaaa laiibaU . ... Baaaball . fc BaaakaU , BaaakaU BaaakaU -1 Baaakall Baatkall v BaakaTl . Nltbl Naaa. Daraa Parlp Daaaa Party Daaea Party Daaaa Parlr Daaaa Party Daaaa Party jDanea Partr ns Mu.i BOIN 1.1, a. a. u U P-m. KIZ B4, a to p.aa. SUNDAY 1 ICharak af IMaala ' Alt M.ala ( I :M k-harek al Haala ' g;4.l I Al- IMaala ;M Maala far Salt Uka Caaearl Hall Maala I :IS BaaSar TaaaraatH L'aaaart Ball Maala .t :ti Maala lay larlUllaa la Caatart M.laay M Baaiay Laaralaa Hall Malady B aa Naaa Baaa Ulla Aaar. Saaablaa A flral Baallil Gaaaal al Gaa. Wrlfkl I IS Maala far Starr Sbaaara Plrat BaplUI Cfcrtat Naaa I'M SaaSay Bekaaakraa Llfbl A Lift Bark ta Gad IT. PawrB Caatral " :4S Maala Maail Hr Sl.fraarli LUbt A Ufa Bark la Gad rhrlitlaa Lolkaram a Naaa Sunday P.M. Daela Bak Blbla Claaa T Baharta Blbla T" t;lS Badla Palall Jrwlik Palth Ta a' Mara. Blbla Claaa T. Babarta Ortaa Lari i'UGIana Kiplarer llnaaia al Valca at Waflla Clob Ara Maria 1:41 Bbally Naaa laraal Prapkaay vtallla Clgb Hoar . irot Glaaa Bbally Baaday Nrara Cat. Naaa VTalfla Clab Praibylrrlaa fZ:7S Glaaa Baalli Allrraaaa Cbalr Baa. Brhaal Wallla Clab Sarrl.a li '-it Taa a Baaa'r Mai. Natlaaal l.alfcaraa Wallla Clab Ckrialaakan fJ.JJ Alila rnllral Vaiaan Haat Wallla Clab Braaabay il.aa Art al Utla Saaaer Paradt al Fraak-Braaal Calrary lat Baptlii II :TT Nawa Ptitlral Hlla Maala Bapllat I.I Ba.tlrt H:"raal Samrntr Parada al . Calrary III Bayll.l HIH Matbadlat Ba.tlat I.I Bapllat Itil Balakaa Warld Naaa N W. Naaa Sunday iZt " I lift Baadaa Taday Parada Bita Cattalnebaa saraaada Malar Ulyaa i'-M Balakaa Oa a Saada Chrl.tlan. Military Bai Saaday Malar Laara. JflJj Baadaa Allrraaaa la Aellaa Military Bail Barraada Maiar Lrayaa Taa Balakaa Bal Nawa Ravlaal Haai Gar Sanday Maiar II nay Bta Pleaiara Rrrlral Haai Laabarda Baraaada Iaraa 0 Balakaa Hallyaaad Bariyai Haar Andra Sanday Majar ;4S Bandaa Starr Baylval Haar Kaitrlanll Barenada Leaf aa M B. Caaalalaa Orcbaatra Valea af '"a Bbadaa Sanday Majar T Ifi Balnkaa Orcbaatra Frapbcay Tna Bbadaa sertnada Laaraa laa Baaday Graat Park Pan Aaar. Tr"B Sanday Malar 2 Byaahany I nlaa Dalaellya Baraaada Laaraa a.aa Grant Park Billy Nlab Carlar Bacard Saaday 1 fin Braahaay Grakaa Nick Cartar Baam Maala " ' B. Dlaaaad Barald at Tba Palcaa Raeard Baaa Bandar ' 45 B. Dlaaand Tralb Tba Falcan Beeard Baaa Matte ' 4;a Jaater Mlaa Charch la Muale Rrcard Baaa Daa Btrwart Z'iS Junior Mlaa Hene Mrnnenlta Bacard Baaa Dan Stewart CBS Naaa Lack la Bky Hour Record Baaa D. Stewart 4;4S L'BB Naaa Sunday Edit. Van. Naaa Beeard Baaa D. Bteaari Daeeabar American Neaa Recerd Booa SL Fraaelr' :1 Brldo Maala Hall v Nerar Na Beeard Baaa U NaT. Kaaa :I4 Paeapa Aaerlcaa Beeard Baaa Nat. Guard :4ft E.rara Muale Hall Blbla Haar RMard Beegt Bandatawa' !:M Belas with Gana Aulry T. Grant Family Record RaeoJ Bandatand :1S Maala Gene Aatrr J. Fiddler Tbeater Bacard Booa Duraat Dapa :ll Tany Marlh) Braadwar Call Ma Cancer! Rerard Beta! Baaeball . ;l :4i Tlaa Parada IJberlr Maala Raeard Baaeball fa B.Arabaalar Ul Praelael Paal Harrer Norblad Booa Baaeball ,, ;) Maala tlat Praclaal By read Mnato Bacard Baa. Baaeball It NBC Wblitler Trallle n P'araaa sn Off Baaeball :4ft TBkear Whl.llrr Rarorda TT Cllale Baaeball ' i:tt NBC Warld "aa. Naaa Qaaallaaa Baaeball , :1 Byapbany Daaaaa Drew Pearaoa ta Qaaallaaa Baaeball Syapkoar Guy BaorU Beaol Mean Gard Baaeball :4I Baur Laabarda Darla Day t and Beato Baaeball ' !:MayjaplioaT Tom Doraar Time Nawa Baaaball . f: :1ft Hoar Orcbaatra Cayaula Edit. Break. Baaaball , :! Meat Fraaa Llllla Marrlel Byea. Bnoa Mayor Spaa Ba.eball ' :4t,Mect Proaa Llllla Martlt London CoL Nawa Ba.eball 10:mIb. Bay r tar Pinal Newa riaal BdIL Prate la - ,,,, 4:11 Starr Taller Meaarlea Fallk Tlaea tba Valley Baieball ' i:MiCetfceUe Waiwarka Barred Haar VTInaa ef Beyerle i:4ft Bear ' Caeeert Br. Heallnr Beyerle . . fl'MWaaa Maala Caeeert Boa Bits Oft Sin Off .. fl-i Cllr Ceaaell Maala Caaearl Baa II :MP Ceaaell Maala Ceaeert Baal 11:45CP Ceaaell Maala Ceaeert Baal . MONDAY 5 A.M. TO 1 1:43 A.M. t:WDayeWaat Li Dare wen Dare arret i Para Tlaa J:B Ceealry-Id. :Il!l. U wua f iSlMaaakir 1:11 lie BPD Block K leek Block f:t t:lS B:IB :4S :M :1I lO:M 11:4' II :M 1 Old Beaaa OM Beaaa aele Baa Haela Ba Neaa tNewa flalea Treat Gal Baaday Newa Maala Boa Maala Baa T. I ledlabr Heeteea Baa. Boetaaa Bar Strike Blak Striae Beak Bak Here Marry Pare Fkreae Paya tad Cbaaee Para Hear Para Bear Paraj Bear Vara Br. Bleak Naaa Neaa Edlllea Arreaakr Carred Beaea iBaad Ufa Perklat Malaae Galde Utkt Mra. Barlea Perry Maeoa Norek Broke Brttktar Day Graad Slaa rraaefellr Heoae Partr Tlaekaapat Neaa Brbfat Clab Brbfat Clab Brklal Clab Brbfat Clak It a.a. IA Stare Taday Double r Nolhlnr C. Buntlay AM Mrledlei ITrae Starr Trao Starr Wklaaerlaa Girl Marrlea Bcepa Barnr Braakfaat Naak Braakfaat Neek Baraeoy Bai Rrkl.t Gear Brkfat Gear feat Ma. la CecD Breaa Feally altar I Bible I Bible Waatara Para Nr Neaa Ml Newa Cap. Cea. Paster Call. Back Faaat) Mallaaa Braakfaat Neek nreaktaat Nook a Daady a Daadr a Daadr a Daady Bark Fane Matinee Newa ''alio Teal lMo.1. Matle Ladlaa Fair Ladiaa Fair Oa. far DayjBeok Feaaa Back Fence Keren ade Back Foeee Serenade Back Feaea Baraor taaaa for Dor Beraaada ROCO Black KOCO Bleek KOCO Eleat KOCO B leek KOCOluaek KOCO Klook KOCO Bleak I.Neae Weaaaa Fra Plana Pal. eeend Leak Perrr Lea Bare Kraerda Bare lar ACNOtt 1. bpanta I. Thicket 10. Evercreca tree 11. ThtEatt 13. Cancel 14. Dlicloua drink 15. Af 18. Whrrr tht sun rises II. Carry 19. Ordered ll.Fite 2.1. By birth 24. Make amends it. Tie (an-a 28. Fame 30. Tracks 34. Prophet 3fl. Uneven 17. Male sheep 40. Bar of wood or metal 42. Speck of dust 4.1. Scent 4S. Implement 47. Bov 40. Sullrn SO. Guarantee) 52. Talks idly 53. Obliterate 64. Choose 55. Dispatched C0IWIARDnijRMAjNj EJL A TIE RJ5m J0 LEI ill RTIi EjAlSE N DIE D TIP RilT E RMPD tp DfEi IsDno c iSJCUMS T A NCtS EH. MilB ROUTE T EIDDP R I 6Hr TIP ICE ABKC ySllS MP lyiiiiN lBEl autn Z ELM ASJIPL ANET Solution af Yesterday'! Puult DOWN I- See-reea t Poem ;m r r r i ij mm i n a Tt " " " 35 TT - T -7J 1 I I 1 I I .... I. Glut 4. Walk e.Twirt 8. Native metal T. One of an ancient race I Surgical thread Crowing out 10. Medicinal . Preparation 11. Larse plant 1.1. exclude 17. Turf 20. Son of Seth 22. Femile borte 2V Pitcher 57. Tepid 29. Most orderly 31. Least hot 32. Landed property S3. Shsbbv , 33. Spanish for river 37. Frolic 3S. Wonhip 38. EUiical 41. It defeated 44. Repetition 4 Entice 49. Dry 1. Went swiftly