t WW THaTtpiTAC jfUJKSJH SalejetfretiH. Friday, July 31. 1953 FAN FARE y Walt DitaM Seattle Defeats Portland Again; Gains on Hollies San Francisco U.B The Seattle Rainier! chipped anoth er fame from Hollywood' erumblinc lead in the Pacific Coast League race today and San Franciaco'i austere landom found Itself with a ball club that may be in fourth place before the niht Is over. Both teams have double headers on the fire tonight. Se attle, now 3Vi games behind the Stars, tangles with Portland in musty old Vaughn Street Park. The Seals, only one game behind the fourth place Beavers, battle their Oakland cousins twice In the Emeryville Band Box. George Schmees hit a sixth Dalton Wins Skeet Event Reno, W) John C. Dalton, Chevy Chase, Md., investment broker, won his third title in two days in the 15th annual National Skeet Tournament Thursday. He dethroned Dan W. Conway, Clint, Tex., de fending 20-saugo champion, in a six-way shoot-off. .Dalton had won the small gauge (28) competition with a perfect 100. Dalton also shared the two man 20-gauge championship teaming with Harry Wright, Baltimore, to win a shootoff after three pairs tied at 197. . ( Other 20 gauge results: Class D Jimmie Jerschner, Seattle, 95. v Sub-Junior Allen White, Wenatchee, Wash., 86. IEGALS XOTICK OF TirrtNTION TO IMTKOVI LOKIDA AVErJTt MOW BKOIML AVE NUE TO THE WESTERLY TERBCINCS OF LOW ID NOTICE HKREBY 18 OIVEK that the Common Council tit the city of Salem, Oregon, demi It Decenary and expedi ent and hereby declares Ita purpose and Intention to lmnroro LOR IDA AVENUE, from the veat line of Skopll Avenue to the weiterly term. nut of Lorlda Avenue, In the city of Balem. Marlon County. Oregon, by bringing said portion of aid street to the establUhed trade, pro viding drelnata, constructing cement turbi, and paring said portion 01 saia street with a 21 Inch aipbaltle con crete pavement 30 feet wide, at the ex penes of the abutting and adjacent prop erty. exceDt the street and alley Inter section!, which exoeme will be a- sumd by the city or Baiem, ail in ac cordance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council July IT, 1M3. which are now en file in the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part hereof. These plans and specifications may be ex amined by any In te retted party. The Common Council hereby declares us purpoea and Intention to make the above described Improvement by and through ! the street Improvement department. - Owners of property liable for the cost f making such Improvement may file ' written remonstrance against the tame with the city recorder at any time with in ten daya after the final publication f this notice. By Order at the Common Council July .tt, 1IW. . ALFRED MONDT, City Recorder Data of first publication July 31. lv5S. Data of final publication August 14, 1M3. July 31, AUg. 7-1 PCL Standings BJ TO iHKllltl Praul Hellrvoaw. .... aettu, Lot Ar.lai.1 ... Portland Saa Preaclaca Baa Dttta .... Oaklaoa tKIIMlt, ... L ret. O l ... It U .N ... It U .1U I ,.. M II .IK 11 ,.. M U .M 114 .. W al .411 17 ,.. II M M II ,.. u tt . i ,.. m it ,ui a Taaraaar't Vm,Hi: ' Baa PreaeUea t. OaklaaS I. Lo Aai.1.1 ft, Hallywaoa 4. Baa Dtaia T, Bacrameata J. Seattle . Partlana 1. inning home run last night to give &eaiue a 2-1 nod over Portland and while Hollywood was taking a 5-4 trimtnins- from Lot Aneeles. The Seal, wal loped Oakland 8-2 with south paw jonn iwcuau besting the Oaks' great Al GetteL In the other PCL clash, San Diego squeezed Sacramento deeper into the basement, 7-1. oieve nagy rode to his ninth victory on Schmees' circuit clout after battling loser Fred Sanlord throutrh fnur anri innings. The blow gave Seattle a z-u leao ano was enough to offset Portland's on tnllv in the eighth. San Francisco put Gettel on the skids with an unearnpH run in the first and second innings, on iniieia coots by Eddie Lake and Ray Dandridge. A three run double by Nini Tornay In the seventh further wrrpkrH Getters quest for his 21st win. Bob Kerrigan hit three Sac ramento batters but the Solons still had enough courage to dig in and belt the San Diego crooked arm for 10 hits. But then San Diego got 14 hits and parlayed them into seven runs to one for Sacramento. Ha has: Baaula ft! a Totla.r Comb.M a Thomu.3 4 Bchraa.rf 4 Judnleh.rf s 1 Wllaaa.a 4 Oriel,, e 1 Oldibrrr.l 4 11 Man, 4 11 Aullln.ee I 4 tiaitl l 4 ( Robbe.lf 4 Untul 4 Oladd.c 4 I Rilrn.rt 4 tKllwar.l 1 Or,at.l 4 1 snlard.a 1 a-RiuMll 1 (1) Parllaa U I Ol til 1 14 i a t t Total! M t 11 11 TotaU It I 11 1 a PoppM ap for flaafard la tth. Soatll .'. 004 011 004 s H1U 001011101 t Portland V 000 000 0101 Hit, 101 011 110 0 Pitcher IP U I I n nio Hair t u 1 t 1 1 4 taaford ....I 1 I 1 1 1 B wuioa 1. RBI Tobtn, SchmKt, Kollovar. IB Naij. Auttla 1. Eetert, HR achate,. Rum Bchmeea, Naar. Bt t.rt. 8H Ortclf. DP Comb, to Wllion to OokUbcrry 1. LOB Seattla 7, Port land 10. wlnn.rN.fT It-tt. Lour Sanlord (l-ti. V Blrattap, tlularl and Ana,. T 1:11. A 1011. Lot Aniclu 000 000 101 1 t 3 Hollrwood 000 100 001 I 11 Mouan. nance til and svana; liaa. Donald, tlaluotriar IT), atuuir It) and atalone. San Dino ooi too too l u 1 Sacrameato ooi 000 0001 IS 3 Kerruaa and liathU; Johnson. Wat klna 44a and Menealve. San Pranclaca 110 too 111 t 11 I Oakland 000 000 011 1 1 3 McCall Muntrlel tt) and Tornar; ueuai ana Jltu SPORTS SLATE REGON riL'i ii . i.i :mzu It Is interesting to note that, despiU the fact that the antelope population of Oregon la diminishing, the game commission will issue 400 antelope permits this season.' This is odd, because the game commission hit many times expressed ita concern regarding the antelope, and has as yet been unable to determine the reason for the steadily diminishing herds. Special observers will study the antelope to see what's hap pening, and hunters are asked to report any dead or ailing antelope that they may come across. Oregon's remaining antelope are relatively few In number for the most part, they Inhabit ranges where the food problem is not great, and where they create no problems for ranchers as the deer do In some regions. To us, there teems little validity to allow a kill, however small, when the species of the animal hunted Is already diminishing from reasons , unknown. Surely; the couple of thouaand dollars the permits Will bring to the com mission does not Justify the hunt and we doubt If antelope hunters as a group could bring enougn 'pressure on the commission to force a season on antelope. We'd like to know the real reason ... As far as we're concerned, we feel there should be NO season until it has been learned what is causing the decrease in antelope, aside from hunting. SANTIAM ANGLING GOOD Fifty minutes driving from Salem can put a fisherman on some of the most interesting water In Oregon, where, believe it or not, some mighty big trout can be found. Ye're talking about the North Santiam, and thinking especially of a stretch of water above Gates that we fished recently. For the last two hours of the day, fish literally tore the water up as they rose to feed on a hatch of small caddis flies. We took fish on a number 14 Royal Coachman dry fly, and our companion did as well using a number 16 red hackle fly. The fish were very selective, and spent a lot of time just look ing the fly over,, then slapping it with their tails. This is a good indication that a wet fly fished Just under the surface would have been successful. Did we try it? No, truth is, we like to see the trout take a lure on the surface when they're feeding like they were that particular evening. No fish taken was over a faot long, but we saw a number roll that were better than 18 inches and, lopping off a couple of Inches for exaggeration, they were still .pretty nice fish) Recent reports say that the rises in the evening on this area of the river are still continuing, and a handy man with either wet or dry fly should take fish. Also though we hate to mention it the spin angler should also have luck, especially with the big ones. Despite the upheaval man has created on the Santiam, in spots, it is still one of the most Interesting trout streams in Oregon. NW, Central And NE Oregon Best Fish Spots Portland f Northwest, Central and Northeast Oregon offer some good weekend fish ing prospects, the State Game Commission said Thursday. It reported gocd catches In the Clackamas river, although trout angling In Clatsop coun ty streams has been poor. Lakes and sloughs in northwest Ore gon have' yielded good spiny ray catches, and trout angling has been good to fair in Tilla mook county streams. Offshore salmon fishing fair. In Central Oregon, East and Pauline lakes are good. Blue Lake has been fair and Is ex pected to improve for the week end. Odell Lake and the Upper Deschutes river have provided some nice catches. So have Three Creeks and Sparks lakes. Other fishing in the area has been fair. Excellent fishing is reported in nearly all Northeastern Ore gon lakes and streams, includ ing the Wallowa and Minam rivers and Eagle Creek. In Southwest Oregon trout fishing has been poor and spiny ray fishing fair at central coast al lakes. Salmon fishing is fair and improving at Winchester Bay but poor in the Lower Rogue river. Trout angling is good and imprcing on the Up per Rogue and its tributaries and on headwater tributaries of the Illinois river. Trout angling haa been alow through the Umpqua river area but some fair catches are re ported in the North Umpqua above Idleyld Park. Furgol Leads Tarn O'Shanter Chicago IP) Marty Furgol Is on a hot streak and the rest of the eolf oros sav he is the lone to watch in the $30,000 ! AU-American tournament at Tarn O'Shanter. i The 185-pound, 8-foot pro, who was born In New York ' Mills. N. Y.. has a home in Los 'Angeles and registers out of iLemont, 111., blistered Tarn's 1 par 72 with a (6 to lead Thurs I day's first round. Only one stroke behind with 78's in the chase for a top l prize of $3,420 were Doug Ford and Ted Kroll, Fights Last flight DIRECTORY adpino MAcaorts All tnakai iu4 ataehrna, told, nntacl. repaired, aoaa, 4tt Court Pa 1477 BULLDOZING Bulldoilnt, road!, cUarlat t,th. Vlrill Huikir. UK Patrfliw, phon, -l HI- QUI- DBElAKtN6 ' ' Alterations, bimitltchlnt, but to a i. buckle,, corered. butloaholaa. tin H M. Allendir, I-tlll. . ait,. DIRECTORY PCBNACa CUANINO BUl't Puraaa, CUaalu. All tui aaarantaad. Phaaa 1-1341. Ol'IS MOVINO : vara alt Ltrallas, foundation work. Pull . partaaca. Prao aetlraalaa. Haul aad laaaaad. Ph. S-tMt. t-lMt. attw- XniaUUaa, voatharatrlpa, alnmlaual aeratae. Proa aellaialaa. T. PuUaiaa. Phaaa l-tna. auaa tJATTRISaBS Capitol Baddtns. raaarataa. Pall a BtattraaaM Ph. OFFICE ri'BNITL'EB a SVPPUM Deik chair a film, ruins aoppUaa, aafat, duplicator,. auppUaa, deak larapa, 17 pe arlier modi. Roca, 4t Court. a TPTleTAMi.S HaaMl'a aerrlca, 1-1404. aaptta tanka claaaatf. Guaranteed aark. krlka'i aaptta Samea. Tanka D'roottr ale una aewera, drama. Mill ewer, eeptle tanka, dtalaa alainad -a-Roe tar Aeaer awvrlaa PbuwM IP SBABPKN1NO BBPAim Lawn mowri. oawa. ata. Itta 41 D Ph. l-edlt. Free pickup. a TtUVlSlON Paat, alflclant rapalra, aa all a ail call e-Mli, a. la s pat. r alarm at. am TTPiwramaa Smith. Corona, Re at In ft a. RoTal Ha darwood portable, AU taakaa Bead taachtnaa Repalrt tt real Roaa. taa Court 1-1771. a WINDOW CLKANINO Aetna Window cteanera Tx-Juatrlal floor wai'ni houaarleantnt Phtn, 1-1311 Ml Court a FXCAVATINd Bei OUea at Boa atcavatlna and aeadlnt. Land cliarlnt. Pa, 1-I0t0. olio- IBr The Alaoctated Preall DETROIT All la aronlk, 147, Lincoln Park, lllrh.. Hopped Carl Stafford, lO, Chlraro, t. NEWARK, N.J Jania L. Parker, 304 Toronto stopped Ctiar Bolln. Itt. Tren ton, 4. ANSONIA. CONN. Graham Holmei. 1-0. afanchaiter. Conn., outpointed Hern Latlana. 113, New York. a. Why Suffer " Any Longer . When thert ttil ui our Chlnrtt rtmtJlct. Amtulnv tucettt for too rean in China. No mitttr with nt ftllmfi.! roa art affliettd, dlaortfra, ilnuiltkt. haarl, lunu. Utr, HI doty, aa, toiuUpatioa. ulcer, tliabttti. rheunatlsm. tall and bladder Cavar. kin. ttmala cnmplainta. SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c n (With Applicator) Why suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sett) Only t SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Opea Dallr, 1:J ajat, . ( sm Sudajra, t aja. - 4 pjs. 135 N. Cemmtrcial FRIDAY Baseball Wutrrn International Leiiul: Idmontaa at Calttrr, Tletorla tt apoktna, Balem at Wenatchee. Uilon Tournament: At Watart Pltld with the nnt lame at l:K. aacond tano tO lOllOWa Softball Induitrlal Learue: aera-i Market v. Mayflower Milk tt Phllllp't 11:00): Plra Departrrient ra. WoUamottl tt Laalla lt:10); Kar Woolen ra. Pint Chrlitltn it Phllllp't (1:00;, Broadcasts KOCO at. Louli Browns a,. New York Tankeu it 11 M tad atlira Sanaton ' nm.Knfi vnieta ae a:ea. SATURDAY Baseball -Waitern Intirnatlonal Leagua: Balem at Wanatehat; Bdmontoo at Calgary (3) Vancouver at Lew li ton: TtI-CHt at Taktma: viftAri. t nnki. tat Amtrkan Laflon Tournament at Watcra YUM: Joublt-bealr vitb first Broadcasts KOCO Detroit Tuer it. Bostaa Red Box at H ot and flaleni aenatora ti. Wtnatchaa Braves at :. K-9LM AU-Amerkan Oolf Tournament 4 :!-). . Television riTV Cleveland Indiana ti. Ftilladttphia Atbletlts at Auto Races -At Hollywood Bowl: 11 lap main tvent. Time trlali at 1:10. SATURDAY Baseball Wrxtern International League: Balem at Wenatchee, Tri-CUy at Yakima, and Vancouver at lewuton. State Lcalon Tournament at Water's rieM: Champlonablp iam at ) M. (Final Broadcasts KOCO At. Louis Erowna ti. Mew York Yankeea at 11 : and aalem aenatora ti. piKiiicnri nTMvn ai m is. KaLM All-American Oolf Tournament (4-4:10). J- f 1 CREA310F I 1 gives you H ataatll ,1 ITaj'tiiriT" t f BOUBLI-SICH StTV I P0 TBI HlT Ip D I V epTm J I ami ttt J 5o40 liHl I Demchuck, Marvel Clash at Roseburg Rose burg Johnny Dem chuck and the Masked Marvel will meet here Saturday night in the main event of a pro fessional wrestling card. The winner of the Dem-chuck-Marvel match will later tangle with Jack O'Reilly. LEGALS NOTICE OF y 2STWS TO IMPROVE HOYT UTRFI . FROM TWRNTY-SBC-. OND KTItrKT TO FORD STREET NOTIca HERF.BY IB OIVEN that the Common Council of tht city at Balem, Oregon, deeme It neceuarr and expedi ent, and bereby declare Ita purpose and intention to imnrora HOYT BTREKT, from the eaat line ( Twenty-Beeond Street to the weit Una af Pord Street, In the city ef Balem, Marlon County. Orel on, by bringing eald portion of eald itrcet to the established grade, proylri Ing drainage, constructing cement con ereta curbs, and paving aald portion of aid atreet with a iV' asphaitle con crete pavement 30 feet Wide, at the ei penst of the abutting and adjacent property, except the etreet and alley Intersectiona, which egpensa Will be as sumed by the city of Balem, all In ac cordance with the plans and specifica tions therefor which were adopted by the Common Council Jul? 3T, 1113, which are now an file tn the office of the city recorder and which by this reference thereto are made a part here of. T-hene plans and aperlflcationa may be ei a mined by any Interested Prly. Tht Common Council hereby declaree Its purpose and Intention to make the abort described Improvement by and throw h the street improvement depart ment. Owners af property liable for the cast of making such Improvement may file written remonstrance against the seme ! CHARLIE -V CHAN CjJa CHINISB BIBB Ca. 1 L" R Offlee Beare a la S 1 al Taa, aat SaL aal? 1 ttt N CaBiarraial 1 I Paaae 11 MO XtV SALXaL OBI sfl j..ffl flf If- OLinaT I lllffLVl U IWILTM 1 ilk o-bewriu ii LVavuuiM iii-wi I p in FORDS new Driverized Cab y ill v! I A 1 afw i'n "r '; 1 OPEN NIGHTS AND SUNDAYS J I f ' ijf S'TKSZr- - . ll ' V&XnMF UjrT jTTTZ' II' ' I , Dutch ill 4 ' izZfi--- J 'r, r 1 1 :J, c Shake i'M I ' 1 Paint .0 4;'.... s4.85 9a..o ' : : kit W Glva &C Green Stamps v ' ' Vuf L J !ifeS; ' I ' ' ' HUTCHEON '" i' - t7 . , PAINTSTORI ' JQD 1 -a 1 62 N. Commercial I -'' .jr ' ' ''"aaaaaaaw-!. f- PhoneJ-S6S7 - 4 " j' - 1 with the elty recorder at any time with in ten daye afur the final publication oi mis notice. By order of the Common Council July J7, JPW. ALFRED litJNDT. City Recorder Data ol first Publication July 31, 153, Date of final publication August 14, 1S3. July 31, Aug. 1-14 IMTUCICT OTKKn-MtfM 1 PROOf 70 GPVN NEUTRAL SPIRITS tCHCNUf OIST., INCa, FRANKFORT, KY. To Our Customers: Du to tha incrcosad cost ef our ptrotiem, in mat rials, quipmcnt onrl labor, ovtr which wo hava no con trol, it hat boon nectstary for us to increase our rarot In order to continue to five you efficient service. Due to these circumstances our besic rotes will be increas ed from $1.00 to $1.15 per month for weakly resi dence service, and the twice month service will be discontinued. These rate epply only within the corpor ate city limits of Solem, end will be effective Auautt 1, 1953. Sanitary Service Co., Inc. Ri0P'iritp the world's most comfortable truck cab! It's new! It's DRIVERIZED ! FORD has it! Only It's a truck driver's dream come true! You'll know it too, in the 15 seconds you take to , living open the new, wider steel safety door . .. 1 ilide into the wide comfortable scat with new exclusive shock snubber ... iwtep your eyes across the new one-piece curved windshield and back to the 4 ft. wide rear window ... ttretch out in big-cab roominess. Man! What treat for a working guy! Here's cab comfort you never thought a truck could have! Come in today, see all the features that make '53 Ford Trucks your best buyl VALLEY MOTOR CO. Center at No. Liberty St. Salem, Ore.