20 Year-Olds Her That's Left Gals' Meet f J On the Road Back dlscassca th wtlght f bt wlth'Boiton Red Sox Infirldrr Dick Gcrner In dressing room at Boston'i Fen way Park after signing a contract to play for the Boston Red Sox the remainder of the 19SS aeason and the 1954 campaign. Wllllama waa recently releaied from active daty la the Marin Corpa Air Serrlee. (AP Wirephot) LOCAL UNITED PRESS Pag 10 Salem Laundry Clinches At Least Tie for Crown The Vista Merchant pulled j the upset of the year aa they! bvtinoed Bishop Electric l-S ' last sight in the "B" Icagua to knock the Electric nine out of first place. Meanwhile Salem Laundry waa defeating Truax Oil 7-2, thus clinching at least tie for the championship. Vista scored in two innings Wnt 4H .i. ht -i.- I. VM tw.UVU VIA Ul, 1UIII .1. the second inning off loser Tom Serin. Their other two mark ers werevscored in the third. Dave Merchant pitched four hit ball for th Merchants and supplied some hitting power also. H tripled bom two run ners In th second and alio batted in another run. Jo Endres homered for Vis ta in the second with on man n. No player in th gam had mor than on hit Bishop Elec tric ha th hardest hitting team In Hi league but Mer- YAKA Strengthens Race In Industrial Softy Race Th TMCA reentm tt too f th Industrial Softball Lga M T beat Ktr toetri l-I, BnerMstng their bad t 1H gma atm-a th Mcond p a teams, Welga- aHOMul Hid CMDRMTBlAl ErMt) wr Mr. In th ether lesgu gam Kay Woolen Mills downed rirst Christian St. V7ol gsmotts of th Industrial Lea gue edged th Used Car As sociation of th iCty League, 6-5, In an exhibition gam. Burgher pitched the YMCA to Its twelfth win of th season against two losses. They scored In every Inning with three in the third. Kay Woolen Mills scored six run In th eighth inning after they had scored one in th seventh to send the game into extra innings. They tal lied these runs on doubles by Wickert and Oakley, singles by Bamlch, Reder, and Kay, and a homer by J. Frei, Elmer Swink homered for Tirst Christian In the third. In the Used Car-Wolgamotts gam Sherk homered for th losing Usd Car Dealers. Minor Leogue Scores mr Tbo Aamlatad Praaa) IHTtmNATIONiL LBAOtrB avraauM S, KochaiUr 4 (If fcmtnait. purraia T. Toronto (if mntntal Monmal S. Cnuwa t. BalUmon f. Sprlniflald I. AmaicAN ahooiatiom VTaniaa city 14, Oolamhua a-ll llinnaapolli a, mdlanapolla 4 fll nlniil. TnMo S. St. Paul LouIitIIIo 10. Criarlaaton 1. mn utanin Bnoataa S, Port Wortb I (1 kinlnt nai. ahnrooort . Tulaa It-Uiraf Mo), San Antonio 1. Dallaa a. Ofcloboina Pity 1, Baaumont 4. fTBRTKBM 1XAGUB Ponrar 11, ra Molnai 4. Uncola a, Colorado Bonnii 4. Omaha 4. Slom city 1. Wichita t. Puablo 3. pioNita LiAnrs aillrnn 4. Idaho Pall, J. Oraat Palla T. Pocatallo t. at alio Valliy l-I. Oidrn 14. Bona J. aall Lako city I (ll Inalnn). STOP foe rfrs hfttofif ), of Hi ffovorn with th blv noon sign. H inooftf dfoH Otytnpio ' ' 1 Ted Williams (right), famous American League slaggsr, ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Friday, July "C USQUE STANDINGS Pet, 1.000 J 00 JO0 Ml AM .400 .000 MO Wirt aaiem Lions Jackion Jewllera .. Ltoa Foil 1M ... Dlckaon'e Markil . Four Corner! Bern Keller likt. . BUInka'a Orchard Helintl ... t- uaoua STANDINGS Fct. .131 .HT .HI Belem Laundry BUhop Electrli . Woroor Afotere ., Orchard HelihU Truu Oil VUtn Merchant! . Four Cornera .... Lait nlihta icorai: Salem Laundry T. Trim ou i; BUhop Electrli i, Vlata Merchant chant was tight when it count d. Salem Laundry, now leading th league by a full game, were held on even terms in th hit ting department by the Oilers but got their hits at th right time. The Laundrymen tallied two IrTDDBTBML LEAGUE W 1, 9ft M TUBA 11 .Ul Wotaaotti 10 i .m IV, Commercial Baal ....IS I .too 144 Bar Woolen MUla .. T 4 .134 V Pint ctulatlu S I .141 m Ptramea 1 c ,3 FO Clark 4 o .400 Kaloor Blacirlo S t J17 f Flrat national Baab 4 .Ml 114 Bort'a Market 1 10 .oil ow Marflower Milk .... 1 11 .013 11 Lait nliht'i aaoraa: TMrA a. irelBer BlHlrli ly Bar Woolon mill 1, Flrrt ChrUtlin I. Tonlibt'o laaaa: Bara'a Market Marflower Hllk at PhllllVl Flald 11:00); Finnan vi. womnotu at Laallo l; Bar Woaln to. Pint CbrUtlaa at Pnll- la (1:001. Three games are slated for the Industrial League tonight, Bergs Market takes on May flower Milk at Phillip's (7:00); First Christian meets Kay Woolen at PhlUip'a (8:00); and th Fire Department plays Wolgamotta at Leslie (8:30). Katior BlactrM ...on oool I TMCA Ill 111 S 1 1 J. Claytoa and P. Clayton; Burihir no nalaa. Pint Chrtttlaa Ml IM 001 f 4 Kay w oolto 0OO010 10 4 11 ' Parlow and Swtnk: Malar, Radar (1 and Hanary. Wolcamotta oil oo? 14 li Card can 001 000 11 f I HUnickor and Ornnlajri Jonoi and Kueachar. 4r Presenting thi finitt pfogrim of Thoroughbrad fld Quv1wt0fM ncing fwt ht vr sppeaftd in Oregon mil im mtiHS WhosMIMI ro ioi tIMlTWU TWIaosMlSM roll OIRNIR ItsmaTIORI mm ames am) Jw miiioir Legoop Tourney Two More Games on Tqp At Waters Park Tonight By CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. Hermltton apeet Mllwaukle S-t and Salem's defendlnr championa downed Albany l-I at the Oregon stat American Lefloa junior baseball tourna ment tot underway at Watera park laat night, Milwaukie and Albany cUih at 8:S0 tonight, with the loser to be eliminated from the double elimination tourna ment. Hermiston and Salem meet in the second game to night. Paul Beck will pitch for Salem at the Capital Port ers seek their 20th straight vic tory. Stellar pitching oenormanc- et by Hermiston'i Jim McGraw and Saicm'i Gary Espe stole the limelight of opening night. McGraw scattered live hits in shutting out Milwaukie. It was the first time this season that the Milwaukie team, NEWS AND FEATURES 31, 1953 runs in the bottom of the first after Truax had gone ahead 1-0. The Keizer nine made it 2-2 in the top of the second but lost th game in the third when Salem Laundry scored four runs. They tallied their other run in the fourth. Th big blow in the game was a homer in the first by Orln Gllbertson. He was the first man to bat and sent a homer to right field. John Fredericks gained the win and in doing so walked eight and struck-out ten. There are no games scheduled tonight but the "C" League will play again Monday. The games that will be re played at the end of the season have been scheduled. On Aug ust 10 th West Salem Lions play Legion Post 138 at West Salem and Steinke's takes on Jackson Jewelers at Barrick, On August 11, also In the C" League, Berg's Keizer Market plays at Keizer with Four Corners. The Ion "B" League replay will be held August 11 at Leslie between Orchard Height and Vista. Blaka Btoo. (1) It) Tlita Mirekaali K It tniydaa.lf ii Malilnir.r-ot 1 Kite has .aa 4 1 Byirly.lb ICndraa.lk Brrlnt.lo 1 Mehaali.ot-B 1 carl.lb 1 SBrvtn.cr 1 Rock, lb Fmaallir 1 Ralti.lb 1 Bchracniat,a 1 Barlna.p 1 BaToaa,rf 1 SThuraloa.rf S Hamllton.0 l Miliaria a alirchant. a Total! II 4 Votala H I I Blihop a BKtrlo .... 100 Oil - 4 Villa Wmhanta Ml 000 I I 1 wlnnlni pltcbor Marehant: loalni pttchir aarlna. BO By Merchant 4, Sarlno S, Mtchaalla 10. BB Off Mar ohant 4. rlno 1. Mlchaalll 1. HR Bn draa. 1BH Marehant. RBI Puna It. Hiy daa, Bylrlp S, Bndrao 1, Marehant 1. Trial Od (!) 11) Salem Landry B R It B R H auoertin.i'4 ill Plne.rr l s Penrod.lb ltd Xvena,il 111 Ooulat.lb S Carda.ct 111 Fippnir.lb-B S S Uonee.lb 111 hco.i ill Baau.o 111 Maude.lf S a acovey.Ib 114 Ttlplelt.ol 1 1 lateelhmerJ 111 Oreii.rt . 1 Alhner.lf S 1 a oun.p-lk l a IFroderckl.a I f vanuineoi Total! 11 a 4 Total! 11 t 4 Trues Oil 110 401 4 I Salem Laundry 104 T 4 1 Wlnnlni pltchir Frederick!; loalni pitcher Keppmier. BO Br Frederick! 10. oettu 1. Kepplnier 1. BB Off Fred. erlckl a, Oetttl 1, Kepplnier 1. HR Oil. berteon. RBI Ooulet, Ollberuon, Jonaa, Beau 1. carda I. Stock Car RACES SATURDAY NITE LATE MODEL CARS 75 Lap Main Event THf 10N6IST. MOST BCHIM lid THIS SUSMfl Timt Trials 7:30 Races 8:30 HOLLYWOOD BOWL M0NI 4 520J 1 Mil North of ialtm n 991 AtJmitsien 1.50; Kids under 12 30c champions of the Portland City league, bad been, held score less. McGraw struck out nine men en route to his win. In the nightcap, Esp struck out 11 -Albany batters. All three of Albany's runs came ir the ninth inning, when Espe began to tire. A crowd of about 1300 oer- sons were on hand for the two games. No exact figure ' available, because some tick ets were sold in Salem and Albany prior to the tourna ment. A good share of. last night's crowd was obviously from Al bany. At least Albany dele-! gation made more noise than the Salem representation. Only a handful of Hermiston people were in the stands, but the Eastern Oregon ball club was an overwhelming favorite with the crowd in the first game. McGraw was in almost con stant trouble in pitching his shutout. Milwaukie had men Howard Named At Wyoming Laramie, Wyo. P) Ermel S. Howard has been appointed as University of Wyoming fresh man football coach and John Townsend his assistant, Athlet ic Director Glenn J. Jacoby an nounced Thursday. Howard, a former Tennessee player, has been coaching at Rule high school in Knoxville, Tenn. Townsend. a former Wyom ing grid star, has been coach ing at Stamford, Texas. Cockell Arrives In Seattle SeatU t m Don Cockell, the former blacksmith v.ho hopes to hammer out a box ing victory over Seattle hea vyweight Harry Matthews next Friday night, intends to pound only one thing here Friday, his ear. He arrived in Seattle Thurs day night after a' 30-hour flight from London and said he waa too tired to do any thing but rest. Most of his press conference consisted of short shrugs of his massive shoulders or equally short sentences. ' Asked about his weight, the British heavyweight said: "About 205." Asked if he expected to weigh less for the fight, he replied: "A bit." Had. he ever seen Harry Matthews? "No." He starts training Saturday. CAGE TO BOX RHODES Burns () W. C. Cage, Portland middleweight boxer, meets Mickey Rhodes of Boise, Ida., her August 8 in an eight- round main event at the Har ney county fairgrounds: The fight will be sponsored by the American Legion. It is the first of a planned series for Eastern Oregon fight fans. Yesterday's Stan 8r Thi AMOcltttd Prist) BATTING Enos SltUfhtfT. St. Louis Cftrdlnala. tot tow hits in four times up two doublet and tw ilntifs m the carni ttat ntuburih 104. riTCHINO lettr Burdttt), MllwiukM Brawt. tcatttTtd all blti la winning hta ttihUi same aialnst tnt loss t-a over New York. ITS green's sporting SHOP 1181 So. Commercial FOB.. EVINRUDE left on base in every inning a total of 14 LOB'S. Hermiston' got one run in the second inning when Irvin Leach singled and Gene Mathe. son tripled. Hermiston got its other four tallies in the acv- ir uuues in trie sev- uttoy nan icy ana jacx t.ocn- ran, a walK, a hit batter and an error. Albany also suffered from LOB-itis, leaving at least one man stranded in every inning, for a total of 14. Albany out hit Salem 8-8, but Espe was potent in the clutch, Salem pecked away at the pitching slants of Ted Owens! Yanks Have Only 24-21 Record Since Win Streak By CARL LUNDQUIST . New York t The Yankees can be caught and it will hap pen in about a month, if they keep lotta ground the way they have sine their IS-game winning streak was ended Ton JUne 16. Since that time they have only a 24-21 won-and-lost rec ord while the second place White Sox have a gaudy 30-12 mark for the same stretch and the Yankees lead of 10 hi on June 18 has been whittled to 4tt. : Thus, if the White Sox could continue their pace, which was even more spectacular until they hit a recession last week in which thev lost six out of seven games, they definitely f could overtake the New York ers. Three Times Up ' Yesterday the Indians sal vaged a 4-3 victory in the fi nale of the series as relief pitch er Early Wynn became the first man to beat them three times this year. Wynn did it with three score less relief innings and young Bill Glynn aupplied the win ning punch with his first ma jor league triple in the eighth inning. The White Sox put on their biggest hit spree of the year. pounding out 21 in a 17-1 rout of Boston for a sweep of the three-game series. Washington topped Detroit 7-4 on the ,margin of bases loaded triple by Jim Busby in the fifth. Other Games The Athletics swept a three- game series with the Browns by scoring five runs in the sec ond inning for a 5-3 victory. Milwaukee cut Brooklyn's lead to seven games in the Na tional by, defeating the Giants 3-0 on a six-hitter by Lew Bur dette, while the Dodgers lost 3-2 at Chicago on the margin of Ralph Kiner's three-run first inning homer. Philadelphia Major Leagues 9 rBe The Auocleted Preae) NATIONAL LEAGttl W h Pet. O B Brooklyn 14 14 Milwaukee 11 41 Philadelphia M 41 St. Lotil M 41 851 41 .111 41 .M4 41 Ml 41 .111 ft! ,4H Ne Tork 11 Cincinnati 4S Chlcaio 11 Pltliburfh II ,3M . II Tbarader'a Reealte: Chlcaio 1, Brooklyn 3. Milwaukee 1, New York 1. Philadelphia 11. Cincinnati . 84. Loull 1. Pituburiu 4. AHBBICAN UAOI1I W L Pel. OB New York It 13 .MS Chlcaio II 31 .111 4 Cleveland U 43 .111 Boaton 17 44 .114 14 Waanmiton 47 U .471 11 Philadelphia 41 u . 31 Detroit II 14 , .331 11 St. Loull I 44 .111 11 Thindiy'i Beailtat Cleveland 4. New York 1. Clcaeo 17. Beaton 1. Waihlniton 7. Detroit 1. Philadelphia 1, St. Louie I. MARION MOTORS Keep in step with your need dont let year aut lag behind your require ments. Among our excel lent used ears, you are sure to find one to suit you, t Come in. Find out about ur used car buyers par ticipating discount Good during th month of August. . ' ' ew ! avaa-j 1 for on run in each of the third, fifth, sixth and seventh innings, then added four more runs in the eighth for gOOd measure. Only two of Salem's eight ' . five errors 'proved costly. Salem had a loose night afield, too. committing three bo601"- Despite the errors (there were a total of 11 in the two ball gamei), the Legion kids 'played a bang-up brand of baseball. Any fan who was there last night will attest to that. 'crushed Cincinnati 17-9 aa Del Ennls drove in six runs with a pair of homers and a pair of singles and the Cardinals top ped Pittsburgh 10-4. Burdette, who has been con' verled , ttuXtTf g.ye M1,. I it. iM.A h,n4 In tYim four game series with the Giants. The Braves knocked out starter Sal Maglie in the first inning with three runs, two on a single by Joe Adcock. i Solon s Take 2-Game Lead After 10 (Br Dnlted Prill) The first-place Salem Sena tors pushed across three runs in the 10th inning last night to down the Yakima Bears 5-3 in a Western International league baseball game. The Senators loaded the sack in the 10th when Bob Nelson singled and took sec ond when ' Gene Roenspie's bunt went for an Infield sin gle. Manager Hugh Luby was then intentionally walked to load the bases, A big rhubarb then devel oped when the plate umpire declared Yakima. Hurler Ted Edmonds had stepped on the mound without the ball. He called a balk forcing in Nelson.- Gene Tanselli then smacked a two-run single to sem it up. Vancouver's narrow triumph at Spokane snapped the In dians' winning streak at four straight. Bob Roberts, given credit for the win over his former teammates, allowed eight hits and struck out 11 for his sixth win against two losses. Manager Harvey Sto rey homered for Vancouver and Jim Command and Will Hafey rapped out four-masters witli Cincinnati iwo oionoea and two brunettes, all in their Mihraaklo (I) s Bamfcuaa H O A B o Bran 1 Canaoa.3 I.TUB U 1 S SDeuaar.l 1 i 1 Pifker.M 4 I HandJr.a I 1 Abel.rf I ODonl.t 4 1 Uacb.lt 1 McClrw.a 4 i s I II I 1 1 1 I a l u I ! BloadoLl ii ipnne.n Mrahl.m Lenard.l turner .u Miller .U s a I a SCochrn.1 1 I Mlbaa.ai 1 a a TolaU II I n II aoo ooo ooo4 s s .10 400 401 1 1 n ion 1 1 11 4 1 I 1 1 I Wllwiuklo Hermutoa Ptlcaor Ooaa Peteraoa ,, IF Aft .iviuui .1 I leOra I N 11 Bait: aicOrava. HP F.fber Qoaa. LeacA my FeMraoa. Stonl mf McOri. Winnee McOraw. Loaer Oaaa. LOB klllvaukla li, Hermutaa II. X Cinnoa t UcOraw )BH Hatha eon. JBH Haaller, Canooa. BHI Mathaaon. HiUUi. Cochran 1. 8H UarahaJI 1. DP Headier,' Dauaaner, Flfhar and Handler. U Waalorer and Helnke. T 1 JO. Alaaar III a Bornan.ei 1 Derreh.I 4 Bramr.e 4 Cotmn.3 1 Hailwd.rf 1 Roth.m 3 Shelbr.l 4 Rldnaar.U i Oarlni,p 4 (1) OA B Pedran.l I 4 0 Cmpbl.m 1 T Jantie.e 4 Waldp.lt 4 (Plckni.! 4 Ptsiar.aa 3 1 1 Oreii.rt 3 1 SprnirJ 4 1 Bape.a 3 H O A 33 1 I Total! 34 14 11 Total! 31 T It 10 AiMnr MO oooou1 a t Saum Ml OU in 4 1 3 Pitcher IP AB H B BR SO BB Oweni 1 31 1 1 lit Kipe ..( 14 l 3 1 IS 1 HP Cotmln br Xapo. PB Bradlir. B Cotman, Waldrop, Sprlmer, Bonnaon 3, Oweni, Jintae. 3BH 8 printer. 3BH Omi 1. RBI Kipe, Waldrop 1. Bprlnter. Oreil X Cotman, ahilbr. 8H Oerreh. Campbell. BB Bprlnier 3. Roth, Oren, Haielwood. DP Bhelbr to Sorenaon to Bhelby, V Hanki and weatorir. T 1:10. - lnning Triumph I WIL Standings WBSTEBN INTBBNATIONAL LEAOUB W L Pel. OB Belem .., Spokeni Yakima ., Vaneourir Edmonton Lcwliton . Trl-Cltr , Caliarr Victoria .. . .30 10 ..31 13 .141 .411 1 .111 4 .11 ..11 ..IS ..14 1 111 4tt .413 .431 .411 .111 .414 .11 .11 Wcnatehee ..11 Thiredar'i Reeitta! Salem 1. Yakima in lnolnnt. Vancouver 1. Spokane s. Lewuton 1. Trl-Cltr 1. Bdmonton 17. Cellar? It. Winatchea at victoria, unacheduled. rrldar'l Sehldall Bdmonton at Ciliary. Vancouver it Lewlaton. Victoria at Bpokani. Belem at Wenatchee. Trl-Cltr at Yakima. for th Indians. The pitchers stood back and watched nine of their offerings sail ever the close-in fences at Calgary as Edmonton ham mered out a 17-15 decision over the hometown Stamped ers. Calgary reliefer Eddie Kapp gave up three of the round-trippers in the seventh inning. Lcwlston shaded Trl-City 8-7 at Kennewlck in the league's only other scheduled game. Manager Bill Brenner allowed the Braves 11 hits in chalking up his 17th pitching IS FIRST. Blitz W i ii jinnara : FLAVOR! Thit's what you really look fot in a beet. And for fUtof, it'i Bli! Here's the beer that's been brewed to Oregon's own taste for almost a century. Bliti combines nearly 100 years experience, finest nituril ingrediems and up-to-the-minute methods snd equipment to bring yoa t truly great beer ... a beer that is uniformly light and refreshing . . i t beer that's Bsvor-brewed to the particular taste of rtis region. Bliti is jtur beef ... if you haren't tried it lately, do so soon . . . BliUWemhard eillON'l OWN MNIIIUHNtnut rn wvKejooo.weiwNa, oee. ! twinkling twenties, went into 18-hole semi-final . matches Friday In th 33rd women' rnaay in in osia women a Western Golf championship. J Miss Polly Riley, two-time i titlist from Texas, was knocked out of play Thursday by Ma i Murray, 1-down, the sam girl jthe 28-year-old Fort Worth i bookkeeper had defeated 4 and 3 for the 19S0 championship. ; 1 That threw the race w i d open, but left the 27-year-old Rutland, Vt., hotel clerk as th favorite. She came from 2- ' down after 11 holes to oust thn champ. C Blonde Miss Murray w a s paired in Friday's roundj against Jane Nelson, tall schoor marm from Indianapolis. Thav. 23-year-old blonde Hoosieri bot-shot triumphed 3 and 2 Thursday over Mrs.4 Maurice, Click, 42, housewife from ' Pikesvllle, Md. ; In the brunette match were Claire Doran, 20, a Cleveland, school teacher who has won,, the Ohio championship the last,, two years, and Pat Devlny, a, black-haired, blue-eyed, 24-year-old auto saleswoman from Grosse Isle, Mich. TIDE TABLE Hlih Witeri Time Heliht 4:41 am 4.1 ft 1:0 pm 1.7 ft :11am 4.3 ft 1:14 pm 1.1 ft 1:41 am 4 ft 4:11 pm 1.1 ft 1:11 am 4.1 ft 1:13 pm 17 ft 11:11 am 4.4 ft LowWatin i Tim! Hellhi 10:33 am 1.3 It 11:11 am 1.4 ft 11:31am 1.0 ft ' 1.31 am l.lfl1 11:30 pm 3.4 ft 1:31 am -41 ft 1:33 am 3.an 3:41 am -4.1 fa- Am. t victory. Brenner also had two ' singles and a double in five1' trips to the plate. , Friday Lewiston - returns home to be host to Vancouver and Tri-City travel to Yaki-'1 ma.. Salem (!) aabtlnl.1 : Lubr.lb Taneelll.1 1 Pixes.lf Dero.cf ' Ballard! , Wthrep.rf Nelion.e Rnipti.p I It) Yakima H O A B O 4 1 a 1 U'Nmra 1 J i is IBtnbn.I WhlU.ef 4 Wllmn.lt S Korea. lb 4 lLewli.rf 4 Andin.I 4 ONovlek.e 4 iSdmdi.p 1 -AlblnI 1 1 II Totala II 1 U 11 Total! 14 4 M 11 i Struck out for Bdmundi la 11th. ' Silem 104 100 ON 1 4 s Yakima 000 OOO 104 13 4 S Pitcher: IP AB H IBMSI Roenapll .. II 41 4 I I 1 7 Edmund! ..11 41 I 1 4 Error Learla. lieNimara. 'LOB a a- -lam I. Yakima 1. 3BH Norm. RBI i. TanaeUt Perei 3. Wltherapooo, Lewie, - Andenon, Wellmaa, Bac. Dero, 8eba-,i tint. SB abatlnL DP Norn to Ann:, dcraon: Bebatlnt to Ballard. Time,.. 3:01. Umpire! sorenaon and Stalair. -AtL 1.394. ,., Liwutoa in 3M loo l it i Trl-Cltr 103 MO 1001 11 a Brenner and Cameron; Bloom, Dobar nle 11), Hedlieoek (I), Ro berteon !. and Warren. Bdmonton 010 K 400 11 3 - Caliarr til 314 14011 14 a widner. llanler ill, Dar ll) and Mar-, fan: Lerlneon, Kapp (). LUlar II) and Brlcker. Vancoueir Oil 111 1011 11 a Bpokani 031 100 eol 4 a 1. Robert!, Ounnaraon 111 and Durattat - Pranka, Oloeannnnl (!) and Ofj4. 1 a Jntasw