Pagt 8 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, RaJem, One COMMISSION NEW FIRE TRUCK '1 X V i frill I a i ,.ftriJ, .inVi1i,lM,i.T,t J C. H. Palran, manager of the fire apparatus division of the Nelson Equipment Co., right center, shake hands with Mayor Jacob Berchtold, left center, as he hands over new fire truck for Mt. Angel. Others from left are Frank Hale, Nelson Co. representative; Fire Chief Francis Schmide, Joe Berchtold, president of the Mt. Angel Fire Department and Fred J. Schwab, Rural Fire District chairman. In lower photo Rev. Cyril Lebold is shown blessing new pumper. Driver's Permit For Youth Suspended A 13-year-old Salem boy Wednesday had his driver's In' struction permit suspended un til September 1 for violation of the permit s provisions. The lad was cited to court after complaints that he and a companion, also IS, wtre 1 "squirreling" around In an east Salem residential section. In vestigation showed they were Driving in ones family car without tha knowledge of the parents. Sine there was no licensed driver in tha car, in violation of tha provisions of tha permit. tha driver was cited to court and both wer cited to see the city juvenile officer. Municipal Court Judge Doug' las Hay told the boy to leave his permit with the court and pick it up on September 1. Shivers to Preside At Governors' Meet Seattle-MV-Gov. Allan Shi vers of Texas U nrwil i nursaay lo lead the vanguard oi cniei executives ot the states and terrltnrlM arriving in c attle for the annual Governors' conference which opens here Sunday. Shivers, as governor of last year's host state, will be chair man of the 19S3 conference wnich President Eisenhower is expected to address. U.S. Sergeant Last to Die Seoul W) An American ser geant was the last alliea soldier killed in the Korean War, the 8th army said Thursday. He died in the blast of a Com munist mortar shell on the east ern front at 8:04 p.m. Monday. Eighty minutes later the guns stopped firing. The sergeants name was withheld but the army said he was in K Co., 3rd Battalion. 5th Regimental Combat Team. Three Indictments Returned by Jury Three indictments, one of them secret, were retimed- by a Marion county grand Jury Wednesday. The Jury also ac quitted two others. . Charles Coe was Indicted on charge of Intent to commit rape involving a Silverton girl who is said to have been at tacked a number of weeks ago. Gary Paul Herwick, 17-year old inmate of the MacLaren School for Boys was indicted for allegedly using an automo bile belonging to District At torney Keiyieth Brown without autnoruy. Acquitted by the Jurors were Walter Fltts, accused of lar ceny by bailee and Jack Os ier on a non-support charge. Lumber by Water Shows Increase Portland WV-Pacific North west lumber mills increased their waterborne shipments 15 per cent in the first half of the year, compared with the same period last year. Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, Inc., reported the total from Oregon, Washington and British Columbia was 1,794, 184,772 board feet for the first six months this year, compar ed with 1,858,050,278 feet for the corresponding period of 1V3Z. 2 -midget markets -2 351 State St. Downtown 1128 Center At Copitol Shopping Center JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Visit our markers. Not th Quality and compart Hi values. Thrifty (hop pars tava avary day at th Midgets. BEEF ROASTS a rm-Blad. lb. .3 DC BEEF POT ROASTS ,k29c Tandr cuts from young steers and In lots of 25 lbs. or more, 2c par pound discount. Wrapped for your freeier at no extra cost. GRAIN FED PIG PORK Retail Quantities at Wholesale Prices Pork Loins . 65c Yankee Ribs. 59c Loin Roasts 59c Pork Roasts . 39c Center Chops 79c Pork Steaks n 55c VEAL STEAKS ,b 49c VEAL STEW r ic,,,. ,.35c Pork Sausage 49c Smoked Links 55c Prepared from lean pork cuts, seasoned by experts . . , Sparing nothing thot could b added to Its goodness! BOSTON BUTTS Boneless lb. 59c DIXIE BACON A Treat With Beans . . lb. 39c LOIN BACON BACKS ,.65c MINCE HAM , 39c POLISH RINGS ... ib. 45c WEINERS ... , 45c LUNCH MEATS ,0.45c BOLOGNA ,. 39c LIVERWURST , 39c New Fire Truck For Mt. Angel Mt. Angel A new fire truck was initiated into serv ice at Mt. Angel Wednesday night with all the ceremony of a ship launching. 4 f Firemen, directed by Fir Chief Francis Schmidt, im mediately put the equipment through its paces for the bene fit of a large crowd of residents. A mock fire on the three story drill tower was "ex tinguished" ana two small buildings were burned on a vacant lot to demonstrate the use of fog nozzles. The demon stration ended in a water fight between the firemen. The new truck was handed over to Mayor Jacob Bercb told by C. H. Pairan, manager of the fire apparatus division of the Nelson Equipment Co. ot Portland. Mayor Berchtold in turn presented the pumper to Fire Chief Schmidt. The truck was then blessed by Rev. Cyril Lebold, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church. Others taking part in the ceremonies were Fred J. Schwab, chairman of the Mt Angel Rural Fire District; Robert Taylor, representing the State Fire Marshall; Al bert Wilde, assistant fire chief; Joseph Wagner, drill master; Jim Bourbonnals, equipment captain. Jack Schurr, secretary-treasurer and Joe Berch told, president. The Central Railroad of New Jersey put the first diesel switch engine into service it 1925. Four Killed in Span Collapse Monessen, Pa. Of Four men are dead and 12 injured In a steel plant railroad span col laps that aent tons of lime stone and iron or from three hopper cars crashing onto group of lunching workers. Seventeen hours after the ac cident at Pittsburgh Steel Co., weary workers early Thursday found the body of the fourth victim buried under tons of de bris. Western States Ed Plan Goes to Ike Washington W A bill au thorizing Western states to pool resources to promote high er education was passed by the House Wednesday and sent to the President. Under the Dill, any five or more designated states and territories are permitted to or ganize the Western Interstate Commission to Higher Eduea tion. States affected are Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming, and the territories of Alaska and Hawaii. Th ooaratloa, will mr all backwater nd stagnant pools. Th spray used is harmleas to everything but mosquitoes, c cordine to Charles Barclay, city purchasing agent, and he said an effort is being made to get a more effective spray to com bat th Insects. In Salem today to discuss mosquito control with local of ficials was Al Woody, who is in charge of th Portland In sect control division. He was accompanied by an entomolo gist Senate Votes For Emmons Washington ) Th Senate Wednesday confirmed, without debate. President Eisenhower's nomination of Glenn L. Em-; mona of New Mexico as com missioner ox Indian attain. The appointment of Emmons, a Gallup, N. M., banker, had stirred up a brief fight but the opposition collapsed Tuesday after he testified at an Inter ior Committe hearing. Sen. Langer (R-Ind.) who blocked confirmation 10 days ago, said after the hearing he was "entirely satisfied" with Emmons' denial of charge he was a party to embezzlement or a shortage at the First National Bank of Gallup 20 years ago. Deputy Sheriff Hurt in Plunge Klamath Falls ) A dirt- scooping machine plunged into a navel pit near Merrill Wed nesday, and seriously injured Marion Barnes, 62, sneruTf deputy. - v. lnmt hi kft car. Buffered many head cuts, deep gash on his leg ana a possiDie n-ac-tur. Nevertheless he was able tha rim of th 12- foot-deep pit and drive two miles into Merrill. From there he was brought to th Klamath Valley hospital. Boys Admit Causing Portland Fire bFln4 m Twn little bova admitted her Wednesday'that they played with lire ana in advertently touched off a I16S, 000 blaze. The boys, 6 and 7 yean old, mm iMmft 4hv found mum short candles under a loading dock last week and tried to light them. That started soma trash paper burning. Th boys said thev could not stamp out th fire, so ran away. Th fir had a 20-minut rt hfnm an alarm waa sounded. Northwest Candles, Inc., and two otner iirms sui fered the f 163,000 loss. Mosquito Spraying Scheduled Friday Salem sloughs will be spray ed Friday for mosquito con trol. The job will be done by the Ace Flying Service and Farm-Air Corporation. BISHOP FBEED Hong Kong W An Ameri can Catholic bishop who spent zo months In a Red China pri son and thie other Catholic missionaries arrived Thursday night at this border of Com munism and freedom. The bi shop is the Most Rev. Philip Cote, 61, of Lawrence, Mass. 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