ymdMj, July 10, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, taint. Ortgoa PmtT MARINES DESTROY BUNKERS 1 1 a I 4 4 i a .... ! j--v a. .r ... , . v.? -: :;l't V. V fir V v: 0 Sir 4.1 r 1 1 -...'.V.r.-!" ft Wheat Acreage To Be Reviewed Portland, W) Appealt from wheat (roweri on acreage al lotment! announced Wednes day for Oregon will be handled by review commit tee!. The State Production and Marketing Committee, which mad the quotas public, said that these men had been nominated for county review committee!: Eastern Oregon Harvey Miller, Morrow County; Mar ion Weatherford, Ciliam; El mer Paul, Umatilla; Ray Kortge, Wasco; Don McKinnit; Union; Glen Hutchinson, Mal heur; Henry Thornton, Jeffer son; Amos Cregar, Baker; and Lee Holiday, Klamath Falls. Western Oregon Ernest Schrenk and Clarence Pitney, Lane; Chester Wendt, Jack son; Charles Ross, Polk; Ar thur Schrock, Clackamas; John Kama, Washington; James Bonner, Marion; and Harold Mendenhall, Yamhill. Daggett Chairman of Interim Forest Group -ie Three American Marines (L to R) Pic. Clarence Hare, Alum Bank, Pa. Cpl. Jean Holland, Americui, Ca and Pfc. Carl Toker, Mount Wolf,-Pa., destroy their bunkers on a most forward observation post oa the Korean western front, preparatory to wlthdrawl from the demilitarised tone under terms of the armistice. In background if what was once no-man's land. (AP Wlrephoto) members, was created by the I Sheridan Harvey Westby 19S3 legislature. of Sheridan was injured Sat Are Newly weds Mr. and Mrs. John Houser (Barbara Jo Garner.) above, were married recently. The bride is . the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Southwirk and Mr. Houser is the son of Dr. and Mrs. John B. Houser of Lebanon. (McEwan studio picture.) I Other members are rred J. S. Daggett. Prineville. wj Brundage, Portland; Floyd elected chairman Wednesday of Hart, Medford; Dr. W. F. Mc- me rorest -Products and Con- wuuocn, loresiry aean mi urt servatlon Committee. (" Stte College; and Carl The committee, with five Davidson, Portland. urday morning in an accident in the woods. He was taken to a McMlnnville hospital, where it waa found he "vas suffering from burns on his chest, hands and face. I Wedding Recent Event Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Law nee (Jo Ann Lewis), above, were married last Saturday 'ening, July 25. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and rs. J. H. Lewis and Mr. Lawrence la the son of Mr. and j Harry Lawrence. (McEwan studio picture.) rs. Fischer pmed by I ague Uand HP) Mrs. William tscher, Salem, was elected M vice president, by the national .Lutheran Wom- 5 Missionary lea rut that id its biennial convention s Wednesday. Chicago woman, Mrs. Ar f Preisinger, was named dent of the league. The convention will be held in ;Orleans. .Miss Benz ur Corners Miss Evelyn ; who is to be married this eg Saturday to Hugh Har- . Jr., was honored at a rer and part for which Verlaine Walker and her ter, Mrs. Ernest Walker, rtalned recently in the gar- at their home. ie gift table was covered ; a white linen cloth bt up with sweet peas and arbor was decorated with l wedding bells. implimentlng Miss Benz t her mother, Mrs. Henry t, her sister, Mrs. Harvey ', her sister-in-law. Airs. Benz. her fiance's mother, Hugh Harper, Sr., and his r-in-law, Mrs. Bob Harper. her guests included Mrs. Reals of Corvallis, Mrs. Morrow of Hubbard and James Riggs of Idanha (rs included were Mrs. Wll Brown, Mrs. Homer Bales, Dean Wallport. Mrs. Oil Rickman, Mrs. Leroy J. fart. Mrs. Carl Allport. The es Ruth w intra, uroi HOME .from a trip into Washington are Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Fisher. They went to Wal la Walla, Pullman, Spokane and other points. At Spokane they Joined Mrs. Fisher's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Borchers of Independence, Iowa, the two couples visiting in that vicin ity. For Bride-Elect Lebanon Four hostesses entertained Wednesday for Miss Elizabeth Waddell, whose marriage to Merrill H. New man of Portland will be sol emnized August 23 at the First Presbyterian church. Mrs. R. M. Hayden, at whose home the affair was given, Mrs. Kenneth Wllshlre, Mrs. A. Bur leigh Cash and Mrs. Floyd Grahm, planned the afternoon shower and tea. Approximate ly 65 friends of Miss Waddell called between 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. A low centerpiece of white gladioluses was on the tea ta ble where, at Intervals throughout the afternoon, Mrs. Harvey Schmidt, Mrs. Dennis Cormier, Mrs. Paul McCrack- en, Mrs. Jack Ralston, Mrs. Lee Connelly and Mrs. Peter Tweed poured. MT. ANGEL Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schwab, Portland. are announcing the birth of their first child, a son, born Monday, July 27, at the Em manuel hospital In Portland The baby will be named John Francis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Her man Schwab of Mt. Angel are the grandparents. SILVERTON Mrs. W. A Rreen nf Chlcaffn it a house 1on of Salem and Beverly guest of her cousins for sever h of Corvallis. al weeks, the Ralph Francises of South Water street. Mrs. Breen is enjoying many trips to mountains and coast since she has arrived in Silver ton, this her first visit to west ern Oregon. Goes on Cruise Miss Carol Frances Hewitt, 145 Wander Way, wiU sail Sat urday from New Orleans for a cruise of the Caribbean Is lands. Miss Hewitt will sail aboard the Alcot Cavalier of Alcoa Steamship company. Inc. It will be a cruise of 16 days, ex tending to several colorful is lands as well. as the northern coast of South America. The Itinerary includes Jamaica in the British West Indies, the Do minican Republic, Trinidad, and Caracas, La Gualra, Puer to Cabello, and Guanta, all in Venezuela. Attend Meeting Silverton Mrs. L. P. Oeh- ler and Mrs. Ernest L. Starr of the local American Legion auxiliary, Delbert Reeves unit No. 7, attended the Sunday af ternoon instructional program and entertainment hour at the Monmouth home of the presi dent of district No. 2, Mrs. Clarence Grand. Mrs. Oehler and Mrs. Starr were recently installed as Sil verton unit president and sec retary, joining officers of oth er auxiliaries of the district in the program. 11 Leave Thursday For Army Induction Eleven men will leave here next Thursday for induction Into the Armed Forces under the selective service act. The men will report to the YMCA. where they will be honored at a reception and then will board a bus for Portland. where they will be inducted Tuesday. In the group reporting are Odell I. Lott of Jefferson; Bruce A. Brown of Stayton, who transferred from Arizona; James V. Quinnett and James W. Sandefer of Portland; and from Salem, Paul M. Watten- barger, Raimund Tremml, Ar thur L. Oakley, Frederick E Clinton. Richard G. Young. Roy Edward Bohanan and Michael G. Hutchins. Four other men were pre viously inducted under this call. They were Robert C. Wil cox, Glenn M. Sanford and Michael E. McFarland, all of Salem, and James Oliver Wade, who was transferred from California. I Governors to Visit Stale Gov. Paul L. Patterson will entertain eight governors and their parties next Saturday. They will come to Portland before going io the national governors conference in Seattle. He will take them up the Columbia Gorge and to Tim berline Lodge. The folowing governors plan to make the trip: Francis Cherry, Arkansas; John Lodge, Connecticut; Bur ton M. Cross, Maine; Theodore McKeldin, Maryland; Hugh Gregg, New Hampshire; Nor man Brunsdale, North Dakota; Johnston Murray, Oklahoma, and James F. Byrnes, South Carolina. Gov. Patterson said some of the other governors also might make the trip. Alaska Airbase to Continue for Year Washington W) The air base at Shemya Island, on Al aska's Aleutian chain, will re main In operation for at least! a year, Sen. Jackson (D. Wn.) : said Thursday. He said he was advised by T. B. Lee, civil aeronautics ad- j ministrator, that the CAA Is making arrangement with the I Air Force to continue opera- j tloni of the base until July 1, 1954. "Prior to that date," Lee said, "we shall make final de cision as to taking over the op eration ourselves." French Inflict 600 Casualties on Reds Saigon, Indochina WV The French said Thursday they In flicted 800 casualties on the Communist-led Vletmlnh and chased them out of series of fortified villages on the cen tral Indochina coast. Although the bulk of the I enemy force estimated to 1 number 3,000 had escaped, a ' miuiary commana ipofteiman l cauea me operation, ituncnea by air and sea on Tuesday, a success. DON'T Throw Tour Watch Away We Fix Them When Others Can't THE JEWEL BOX 441 tlll HI. ! KIDt All TKI W.W Tint WITH TKI CrtyfcoW tJwf SALEM to Bos erf ffce Way! lnm) trill U IIUUMUU UZSU 11 KKUW Beach Balls Inftotei tt 24". VirleaiM calm. (f. 9tC Ttltt. 7T Swim Bell Wittlttrjpj. M m Its. $1.00 Hlut. Boys' Swim Trunks Slits S M L (Ml Hi teg. $1.79. WW, Prints. M,t.i. Child's Slraw Hals Urge tuort- j 7a iMifl fof work reliT. NKI o LADIES' SKIRTS OO Cettoa print, null stsef only. Final CzCz) ONE GROUP BETTER SKIRTS ,av 25 30 50 DENIM SHORTS ((nV ladies Assorted Colors, Plaids. mjl mil Beailar tlJf ahM PEDAL PUSHERS $Q99 gall Cloth, assorted colon and tltta, Jj Reralar 2.M Clearanes SAILCLOTH JACKETS $99 Beds, Mum aa faded drains. m R4ralar UN LADIES' BLOUSES One groaa fresh new tammer aam- g Jf ben. Beirelar fl.If valnet GIRLS' DENIM SHORTS $Q33 Faded bines. Assorted sites. j alnet to I1.M GIRLS' PEDAL PUSHERS $1144 Sail elotb, colon red bine and white. TL Regular U-M vslntv GIRLS' SPORT CAPS CQ Plaids and Denims S WjJ Reralar il.H rjloo GIRLS' DRESSES (Hf Fast color ferrate. Site t to s. SJ mJM Reralar lUl INFANTS' CRAWLERS QQt "IrrrrnLn," aanaser weight materials. C-fltt-D Ratvlar . BOYS' NYLON SHIRTS $&44 hrt sloeTt, marled eelon, sites I- flal 14, Regalar R.N BOYS' POPOVER SHIRTS 1 li Oattoa, aaMrted stripes with katt II I btomt, Reralar Me ' " COTTON h SLIPS 0 Udin. white with Uoe trim. )fj) Reralar 59 Taloa 136 N. Commercial Salem, Ore. 1 e 1 v I tllM KMC CMiff.gMiMs.lU e25f laTf .7 -. X$9 '3 Aft e J 9 fa Mlf w3 411 " ew. Um 7 es ft! K:-3X -B fa. c