TbursfUy, July SO, 1953 STEVE EOFEB . . V ' PAK TV LITTLE JsH V xa WTVSEB tajBBASO I JSsT"'T5 tf-f V H6BE WLE t WENT TO THE CUPflOWMJ J ft fwWOA I TfT NOT EXACTLY A NUPSEBY, ) I RAO THE PtsHW j TO GET 3 VVlTfX I JU, BURNED FINGERS RADIO PROGRAMS y KATHLEEN NORMS rmtuY p. m. I ; , r i ' t : i : CHAPTER t Certain glrle plodded away in a office yew alter year. Thy grew bored with ol(k conlinemtnt, ( with th forced propinquity of uncongenial persons: they wearied of Juncbct packed tn bags, of wet fact and coid fingers, of cry nin summary atraeu where chaff and papers and dust held a oanc vry aiurooon. Ytt they went on and on. ut to earn the laU anotkty that en abled tbam to fo on and on. Th absurdity of K began to ampress Jennifer strongly. Desperately determined not to be ebeaied of their Urthrlghi, the ouh girl vera eternally planning festivtuea. Jennifer heard of dancee that were gayer than taey wer safe, of bike, of attain at tught dub and road bouse tna endeo with th boy angry and frustrated, and the eucragad girl returning by bus. Someuniea there bad been an ac cident on Sunday nlghi fender bumped, glass smashed, some body 1 ana broken, or somebody dom cut, and always the girl were buying apparel; if only a new bra or stocking. Jennifer snared none of this. She bad entered the office young and stay, and while she liked and laughed at and quit at bom wtta them all there now, an was j not Included In the otter tuls'l amusement. They felt that ne wa Just a little aunmor then all. without her iwr bea-an; any oonsttoosnee of it henwU. After all. her bom was a wnr as tha poorest of Uetr tuvrm could be. her pay ni the loweat tn th scale, her eWM r the cheapen-. TH there wa enme thlng tnnateCr Tin ahnut ht. a genvwneea. atran that checlr d thtea tm they might have told cectatn aoorir or dMcuawd certain Vpx nafen her. and Jenaaar's simple nrmr, Its tether was as trreaniar when they asVed raw bVtut her Taml.'v trarrenec them more than she anew. . Ouwl . ah aald ont day, "now 0O pwvile fat rich 7 Carol n hKway, eflnottoml crncssard tret h had takes Mol lies pSarax She iauphed. Ob Lcr4 ah auL me! How do t knm ? tmnt am neh people and there are- poor people and there eJwaja anil be, and that's au 1 laww aenvt 8, That afternoaa an took borne from the library a bonk on famous woman, hoping that ah might get some jigni were But Cleopatra, Hester Stanhope, Frances Wil lard and Florence Nightingale did Btue to enlighten ner. Her thought came back to one point. She would be rich and beautiful and admired someday: splendidly dressed, surrounded by friends. It was thus eld Borrow would find her when he came humbly to renew their friendship. And then she would punish him as he bad punished her. She knew perfectly well that there was nothing deliberately cruel In his behavior. If they met he would be his friendly, self confident self. Feverently she grayed with every wish of her eart that they might meet. Eugene Evans cam to sea her about every other week. She had sat In great discomfort In the untidy little dining room with ' him while the children clamored for attention, complaining about the necessity of going to bad, the loss of toothbrushes, the mean ness of teachers. Jennifer dreaded and disliked these visits thoroughly; aha could not imagine that Eugene enjoyed them. After each one she con cluded In some humiliation and some relief that he would never by any chance come again. But come ns did. After his third call Jennifer put the little-used parlor In order ' and settled Elna In Betty's bed, to be moved to the parlor couch when Eugene left. Sometime Jennifer and Eugene walked around the block. Jennifer let him do most of the talking. He paid so deferential an atten tion to whatever she chanced to say and she grew somewhat dif fident about expressing an opin ion. He would consider it, analyze it, perhaps challenge it and refer to it later with such respect that she was reduced to her one Infal lible defense, which was laughter. "What are you laughing at?" he would demand seriously. "Why, hist because you look so grave and I didn't mean I real ly dont know anything about ltl I )ust said that to say some thing," Jennifer would stammer. "But you said" "I know I did I But I dont really care one way or another." "But then why express your selft" "Oh. Cent, I dont know I And I wish to goodness you'd atop coming to see me If you're going to take everything as if It was I aid In a court of law!" laughter was her only escape from the strain of his rixld morality, his stern examination of hi own motives and those of everyone else. HI spirit was tortured br anxieties; mankind was too deeply rooted In evil to make tenable even the slight est hop for the world. Childhood reached the age of responsibility all ton soon, and at seven sin could take possession of the soul. Afterwards all was darkness, weakness, confusion, wrongdoing Jennifer laughed. But she laughed to save herself from the Infection of his certainties. If Eu gene was right, then the sudden moment of emotional weakness that could assail a girl of eighteen, the yielding to nsture and to love, was fearfully and frlghtenlngly wrong. She hd been trying to put the whole ex perience behind her, to Ignore it. deprecate It, forget It Eiwene made this fennoulble. Faultless himself as far as she could dis cern, h nevertheless was con stantly beating his breast and Bemoaning Ms sins. "We're all so bad. Jennifer." Tie said one night, "Not you Ood knows I dont mean you I But tha lasy people and the pigs who incessantly overeat and over. drink, and the selfish and the cruel people! Cant you see how .they've held back the kingdom?' "Doe It hold back the king dom to eat too much. Gene?" she asked somewhat timidly "If wrong. Little or big, every wrong holds it back. We've got" he wa alway arrlous; now his gravity bream even deeper -we've got to b perfect, you and I, Jennifer. Keep the law," he said urgently. "Welcome beggars to our table, have only on coat, forgive everyone lorgir everything; 1 hav only one coat," Jenni fer aald, relieved to b clear of reproach on this score at least "I gav me." ah added eonaclen- uously. "Should I-ahall I give that away, Gene?" I -Good lord. So. you angel!" he I said with th unwilling laugh that hi adoration of her simplicity I wrung from him. "Moili ha live coats-all or even maybe, I don't know, and mats ngnt ior auoue. no, Jen nifer," he added, "don't worry I about yourself. You axe perfect I pure ana sweet ana innocent wimi a child's bean. I know th human I aoul and I know what yours Gene," ah aald not for the first tune, "are you ur you don't j want 10 oe a priest? I "No. I've been through all that I That' not lor me. I must hava a I home, a wife, children. I've always! known that. I ran waiL I can I wait until you are ready. Jennifer." It was never Ilk Vw-eokm yet on almost every ooratoa wheal mey were together there wa some remark, sum refrrnxv u hul hopes of Sisneday making her hul wife. He waa oc.mie: rw forcedl himself to be ouiet, natienL un-l emotional about it CnecnoUonall in wonts and tn Uw Irvn mn-l strain! wltfcfc denied hint ao snurh a vouch x her finrera, snurh I 1 the k'.a aad esnhra fori antes she knew he hunevred. Sutl an unoerevwd US on-eata of hu ww. eha u trwnbbn m his harxu and heard the xt pnnding C"m4 in rus ton. He a-as w lme aith her. amasrd at his feelrraj SBV.ing to re cngnli It for 0 nung son it wa, wr ta rauonaltar tan whole KOTMnoe a aoanethtncl tight and muwnait)e on aBacaM unea. Tar anrarase from th ever-v-l dav paxKionas Vnv affaire that! were wn on all about them. T look forward. he said more tnaa once. K a aosne that shall be pure tn entry sens of the I word, to nuiual devotion, seif- enntroi. and respect if aomedayl there should b children In that I home they will b regarded as a I xaored trust. To boid a son oil mine in mv arms, to realise thstl I hw been given this supreme! responsibility of rearing a young I mu an. my Gear, in tnat hum-1 ble little place whatever it may be. there will be a tlr.v nucleus of tha kingdom that must come or: ore this old world can be saved. I see a garden with my wue trimming uie roses, her lit tle children about her" "Oene. I'm not good enough for au man- sne protestea one night. I "I'd fail you In every way. I get mad and I dont know anything I ana ire never smaiea mtui 1 and everything!" I "You'll have to let me hold to I my own opinion on that, Jenni fer." , They had walked around the oiock in the crisp autumn dark ness, entered the big dim church I and knelt for a few minutes.! One or twice Jennifer had been I wiui oene to benediction there. The services meant nothing to ner, put sne had loved the rever ent crowds, the blazing altar lights, th music, and tha smell of Incense that had slowly pene trated tha entire great vault of the nave. Home again, and he always left before 10 o'clock. If he Just would atop coming. She liked Gene, but his very pres ence burdened her; after he left her she would have a time of de pression, feeling herself anything out wnat ne tnougnt ner, won-1 derlng how she could terminate I their friendship without an ac tually violet break with him. Hints were completely thrown away upon his stubborn, possessed! righteousness. If Jennifer did not want to marry him it was because she did not see things In their) rightful light: someday she would I ana all would be well. (To Be Continued) V -I 1 ,2721 m CITCC 1 Indhnensablel Imlr fntnh u a daisy in this cool, uncluttered ver-ready shirtwaist style. It's so ewy to cut and sew too. because It's front and bark are each cut In Little walstlln pleat provide fig ure fltl No. 7731 Is cut In slsea 1, 14. 16. It. 'JO. it. a x 4. an aa Sire lg; v yds. jj.in. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address. gtfyle N'imber and 8iie. Audrna PATTERN BU REAU. Capital Journal. tf Mis sion street, Kan Francisco a, Calif. 30 Clergymen Tried, Beaten, Released Hong Kong W) A pro-Nationalist newspaper today aald 30 Christian clergymen In the, Communist China city of Sze wul were arrested Monday on charges of guiding a plant wnicn dropped anti-Red leaf, lets over the city. The newspaper Wah Klu Yat Po said the clergymen were sava a raincoat that eeelr 'tried and beaten, then released. rimm xmziw I Mil 1 1- t lJPsjrn ?Jji'jS1 I 55H I In hvarVAlJ I - II I UiiiAg roGO g- awei swi) 1 m . twm m nun wm -111 rrnmi irT evwr r rin,r jr c f llOUAM'l 7 UOH. I yOUIw-ttSV'-.VVMAT'eyoU Jl 14WfMnOl,lll. 7 1 I yi CSV V lf'r .II.WW (AM IV I I I ""'.-"Ai; ""TTeTDKattjrnJi ? f BUT UWTOTOEY? " I bout wmt I Bxnwr-. j TCMrtTMeTfyr tann- JJ rr T?aE"i'LL , 1 I KmuAM- . f i 4iMr 1MI1UIUMSN E CMe COLKW. Af I 1 v:is?i"ir t skiM 11 11 ,i gat 1 1 1 JKAl .Vt-l I 1 BiTfJhLi E II AVmi M J III JZJI .... I MCAUtr hush home smt A. T I ii s ii 11 j sa ,-1 ' ' 1 1 roc as rau.oitf 1 k,m - n.EEGLEr.' ah kin j -e c 1 iaj , -1 i-t-t r Illl III Ii SS IIP 1 g ni? T ir" 1 MIT ! I w rnrg is-I mi- .'Aan.V - J ' -JT W ' ftt S M M II m V STnT FT II WE'RE IAV-BII' CttbtrH tmOUW OF I I JOSH nETla,elcm I I WCRKPWWHEa. Sg a-aw-5E9wSp -rf fl I mssa&g. m lost ir Pto) MUTT ft JEFF ' I ----iH swan ' J umiannfl. unccucton r fYA I'MSflBWIF T v .,r TTOT AmtttTi 2 THAT HE OONT LIKE MEj"- E3al5LeO M3U,lil.aUlTT )Si REX MORGAN. M.. 1 ' IttTOgflE J ft i K a jfliT'I T TtuMia..l is mt aaif V just a miti, oocTOirS I plbase, rhx.') :u bs tusk "3 irjUmYII ""'''W " llaJl jcbV THgMNOWf l'U PUT CH.' V I MU.y.' IT -S lei TSN aMNUTiSTJ i THgprrAi fwraowjr - -! " DONALD 1)UCK r I I fClJCK HAS KQTHIN6 TO CO M I . 'I ft f 1 1 ,, fv SbL S t?:" MARX WORTH euauRHTHCNDsi -nToiryrar v, ? vTj ' . ntiYZarfMtl'-"1''"' ArCS A Ak ,W t vKlsai I JUrSStTj w r -rM 1 r JS 'r. MS nmL3a9' y a - i KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO aw no n cat ll sac iss erac Mas aLC Ms uJ - rsl Sum T Tnaw in " Tai wM: saaue aka. M ana... Sptsw J 1:8 :r arqsrg l3 ar M nsaaWlatT WT NMN MW. !: oJTwia. olrt W-r IV a. tws ! S - wsl ( oasi Im Mm Vm . Jla Duar kluti it JtT!H- Mtausnuwa Mat. ha awe iS aanmV rrT re otrts pj "r . J... Hu. rkls Orwta rait, smi SUSales Btj Mads In 7.TT .yl tiMi-T aedml Dm iiIshis sum Wsat I'sMmS! uZ lucaasas snbrtl Oh Crt Mum Hea suit Ta 4;5aW--V Sasss. gwr si fcws m. itort Wst f-asUi am g aismw inn"" s-asr-a rrsnu t. tim :1s uTSJSIa wri Vaaar CM Baatin Woaerfal lw Ctak ah :! iLT EJ Cm Kaittea KW Urn cia cawma itMitom mshO. DtUUM . ;. cirt ifm IS Mitom mmm a taaw - " aw- oa '" i' -a bmnn Mr. Km !. Jl Ttif Mwta "r ' :Tl ..t!!. Mr Kan atran E4 DaSi Mad llat Baas U Hll ?.r.a. V.-. SfK. Claaa Kwt aaaSaU. "g a Mas'a r.aUl Jokau Maala l.ha SIU Daiaat DaM I7g WKl Mm Harm Maala S'"?! I:t EaSla risaar I Ballm Kara Stan Banaaataa Baataaa Ca Claaaar Q SaaS Kara Start M. Casaart BaaakaB :M Baat rura Maala k WkaU TtaS Ol Bar ;"" I i! BaH flan aa FaMa fcnrt !!! Z.MBaat riars SaaaMrla Aruaa Maala BaaaaaB fitt Baat Wara Sllaaai Ballraaai Maala BaaakaB !a-SB Baaariar " SUr riaal nasi kill. Caka TtaM Baaikall t'-il Saru rss Ta a Wark Dim Ttaw Nawanal Nlakt Mm I II Brtisl, Baaar(ka Dim Tlaa Mm NI.M Saa gjg BakBBar BaaarS Skaw Pajaa Ttoal QHIalal Bat. Wlaks aa SaBMrn CUf Claa DaM TIM OflaU M. tritktSaa' iis L. MaCaB aaifaas Dun Tlaai Maala NurM Saw ii tUlCaul Maala taanalMti Nukl Saw ls CBrCaamaB Maala Baaae Tlaja Maala Mlskt Saaa Ulgglstoa Off 'Sllaat IDaaaa ThaalMaWSr Su ' ale Oft SATURDAY A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. i:(aBaaar Baaai Waat. Stars hia lax Jfm Satarar Waelara :IS anar Baaaj lOID Klaak Fan Baar Itankaaaar aalala MaUSMs : aaaar Mm Bom Klaak gans Baae Marak Tim Istariat" ram Km :45 Baaar Baaai KOPV Klaak Fat Baat KW Mm Balata Km I ;gg Baaar Baaai BODi Klaak tot KSMaaa laikmr SalarSaF BOOO Btoak 7:15Baear Baaaj Mm AaraBakv Braaktaat S.lata KOCO Klaak f .aa mnil Baaai Km Vtla Km Braakfast Ulaar KOCO Klaak 1 :'4jf K. Maaalaa Caaaaiar Bak Baaa Km Salate SxWa Sarf. !.u Baaar Tkaalar al Ka Sckaal Carter gkaw latarar rnaalv BaB :7T Baaat - Talar Taiar Maala BalaU rnalf BaB It Baaar atara Oea Gum Mar Ban f lataraar Casaarl :g Kaaai Balljaia Ha Asaat Bait alate Caaaarl "-Taa Hrwar Daat raa far SB larlaag Nm Patt Cantr Mm 1 I:R Rtvar DaaSiraa far an Taaa ram Inm ruMar garli raaUa MaaB I:y Bar Daa Cttr Bin Hal Saaae ratral raalar'a Can riatlar rarti Clak TtaM I:S Ba Cltr Baialtal Saaaa ratral Barralm rtotlar V-artj KISs Cataar .a rratara Mam wltk at Glaa Barr ruttar rartilsaal BalU Z:n St. Caratnl Olrla VasMmw Carter gkaw rutlar Farli Inl BatUa I.'i BallTwaa Oram Stars at Maala Flatter hrli SarasaSa jig Braaktaat Caalral Twanaw Maila Flattar Tmrti Sat, garasat 8. Marr la Olia aa Lata Maws BUk Sakaal FUttae FarlJuaiaa :Tt Tartar Taka rurlaa Maalaabv Millar FrtJ taane '.ta ram aa Mart Ik DU Maila Ftaltar rarti Stojar H Baa Bef Mlnaj IWaiUaal Maala wlatlar hrlil Lean WU Mai.1 KOTJf U IX I KOAC rrlaar ML Kits. Mmi U:1S. Naa Vara Baar. Mar ls waatr araall Mailil Siaa. Baaa alallr far Wain S:M, Oiara Bavarian :aa, laarta Faraaaali !:, CklleTea'i Tkaalari S:at, Nn, Waatkart til. Farm earl :, caaear ualaa mat a:M, ta M aa, KIZ U iniaa DIAL USTTNO KOAC. (SI KOAC ! Mmi isiu. BaaaalaUr fa Waaaat Uia. Caaaart BaOl U:M, tmi :, Maala mi Maalan. Mialal :tl, MaSHatUai Urn. gkra Off. IDA LUPINO'S THIRD HUSBAND DEPARTS Hollywood OVy Actress-director Ida Lupino'g third hus band, actor Howard Duff, hag left their home, and she sees little hope of reconciliation. Miss Luplno said yesterday: "He told me he wasn't cut out for marriage and didn't want to be married. This only happen ed in the last two days and it came as a shock to me." REDS GRANT VISAS Vienna, Austria VP) The Communist Romanian govern ment Thursday granted visas to four American news corres pondents to visit Bucharest It was the first time in more than three years that American cor respondents have been permit ted to go to Romania. Married Oct 21, 1951, they have a 14-month-old daughter. Bridget ROOM e, BOARD By Ahem W rT'S AMA2INS HOWTHAT ITys rcnTD W BAHgrrT YOUR SPECIAL PASTURE I bJKS LwlE ASSSJ UP MX VOUR CHOICE ) ANDMAKE t V B00i?- C0NVERSAT10MA1 CLOVER I ) SS DEmiOJICTERTrlAN V'V v MORMMIy l(M Bhrr sr THINK WE'RE ACROSS L One without coursge T. Teuton 11. Snapping beetle lt.-.riUiantblrd HTlUaof a knight 18. Bug wave IS. Finished 19. Pointed hm 2a Call 22. Down: feint 23. At home 25. Struck 27. Lick up SO. Damage U. Egyptian goddess S3. Negattv advents 3V Along 40. Give out 41. Course 42. Spread 44. Conceited person 46. Two: prefot 47. Cooled BswaUaa lava 4f. Old French coins ILWesken 64. French river (7. Old musical note M, Anglo-Sazon king It. places of combat M. Heavenly body S, Evergreens 4. Scatters MAN 0 0 I I Nllt I n r IIDEIIAISJT AEK AN er odje sns ylTy R I PERPB WkHf rTf emI0MnS N EIaIk I INI I II B I ID I A kl flDI iTai Solution of .Yesterdays puxu. 1. Girdle X. Medley 1. Soldier 4. Near ft. Remainder (.Griefs: Scotch u'"j"' iTi i. rm r W I I I4H ari:il'- wf . mi T ih T f r kjr. W zit. rTTM ir 5- X. T" I 5T t -5"5r""Er !T""',"" a T. Leave ft. Before .Skin 10.Psttern 1L Beverage 11 Masculine nickname IT. Truce 1. Light rain 34. Fastidious . Crown 28-Dillseed wigs iicy 34. Uppish 17. Mud 11 Food ttDeT 49. Swallowa 48. Feminine name 50. Condiment 82. Afresh 63. Favorite M.Srm Scotch 65. Exist 68. Organ of hearing 80. StesmshiDf . abbr. 8X Metric lsnd measure A