Sunday, July 30, 1953 Open Sandwich9 Season THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salt. Oro rOOD SECTION Pag T r: ... pa Fact crab and cheese sandwiches lor summer lunch (AT- MlMlMlsra) I open uuon for open i sandwiches. All of sum- I bounty to use in their lug! So inviting they look Be piste! jfect tor warm westher, i open sandwiches, because aan preparer them quickl) them infinitely. Just how iltely we have known ever I we visited the little coun ef Denmark, where the t sandwich is a national In Uon, and we counted 172 ties on the menu of the fa- Oskar Daviden restaur- '4 te advantage of the open !wlch, we read on the Da tn bill o( fare, is its one t of bread. This way there nothing to hide the lovely rs of the tasty morsels of t, fish and vegetable" that placed on it Of course, 7s nothing to prevent you l eating as many open sand ties as you like! Here for Mice, are some delectable binatlons. : Mix a cup of finely chop b'oung fresh leaves of spin With a third cup of mayon e and a little minced onion; j on pumpernickel bread. Ve with another open sand h of a slice of roast beef lished with sliced hard ted egg, mayonnaise and srcreu. 2. Pile tuna flih il,j nn . slice of rye bread, dust with paprika and garnish with green pepper and small sweet onion rings, serve with another open Sandwich nf llrwri mvtwm J pimiento strips. 3. Pile soft Cheddar mixed with choDDed sreen olives and walnuts and mayon naise on one slice of white bread; serve with an open sand wich of sliced ham and shred ded lettuce. ' .. 4. Arrange slices of marinat ed cucumber on slice of white bread: serve with another sandwich of diced fresh lobster mixed with diced fresh tomato (peeled and seeded) and may-onaise. ' S. Put a thin slice of cold roast pork on a slice cf whole wheat bread: rv. with an other open sandwich of sliced picxiea Dee is ana romaine gar nished with mivnnnalu For our lflit nnM aanfiwtMi we have a special recipe that goes over nig whenever we serve It, for lunch. Openfaee Crab and Cheese Sandwiches Ingredients: One 8V4 - ounce can crab meat. 1 teamonn 1cm. on Juice, Vi cup real mayon naise, 3 tablespoons milk, H teaspoon salt. 8 slices bread, ex. tra mayonnaise. 2 tomatoet (sliced), 4 slices American cheese, pimiento-stuffed olives Method: Flake crab meat and mix with lemon Juice. Blend tt cup mayonnaise, milk and salt; tots lightly with crab meat Spread half the bread with ex tra mayonnaise. Cover with to mato slices and top with crab meat mixture. On remaining bread slices place cheese. Broil crab meat and cheese until olden brown. Garnish center of open cheese sandwiches with sliced olives. Serve at Makes 4 servings. Raisin-Orange Ice Cream Tasty Dessert It a time to get out your fav orite recipes for refrigerator desserts and put them to good use now that warm weather days are here to stay. "Raisin Orange Ice Cream" is never- tail favorite of ours because it is Inexpensive to make and has such a delightful flavor.- Seed less raisins and orange juice add fruity accents to the cus tard base, and whipped evapor ated milk adds plenty of fluff and creaminess. Stir the Ice cream once or twice while freezing to Insure a smooth creamy texture. Kalsln Oranfe Ice Cream 1 cup seedless raisins 1 cup milk ft cup granulated sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 egg yolk 2 teaspoons grated orange rind 4 cup orange Juice 2 tablespoons lemon Juice I cup chilled evaporated milk Pour boiling water over rai sins, let stand S minutes. Drain, cool and grind or chop very fine. Scald cup milk. Blend sugar, cornstarch and egg yolk with remaining V4 cup milk. Add to hot milk and cook and stir until thick and smooth. Stir In orange rind. Cool and add orange and lemon juice. Whip chilled evaporated milk until stiff; combine with orange custard and raisins, mixing thoroughly. Pour Into refriger ator tray, place In freezing compartment with control aet at lowest temperature. Freeze until firm, stirring once or twice. Reset temperature con trol to normal. Makes about 1 quart. Tomatoes, Cheese in Rice Ring Serve your family this Rice Ring with Cheese and Toma toes and make yourself the most popular Mother on the block. The way to the family's hearts is through their stom achs, you know, and this is one main dish which will really hit the spot . taper Rise Ring Ingredients: 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine 2 tablespoons chopped onion cup chopped green pepper lVt cups tomatoes (drsined) cup tomato juice 4 cups cooked rice H cup teaspoon salt H teaspoon pepper cup grated American . cheese ,or sharp if de- I S1IMIE SAIE! mm 0' the) nam Jans pin b sJmpBcsty nttt. No pills, no f wrTTTif firwatMig nfTHrj'itinli nifiiiii frrr jp'finitflf and yosjg iaaJy. Just cot a Saatctst JO minutes before lunch at infaltinic as yon should, t YouH be amazed at how easy it is because fresh X Sunki&t Oranges, luscious and meaty, have a remark-' He ability to satisfy appetite. Tk atongs's natural content of vitamins and min erals helps maintain good nutrition. And the proto pectins in whole fresh oranges help yon get more of the vitamins and minerals from tbe other foods you eati Try SwssUsfs serf, easy weight-control plan for three weeks. Take advantage of the big Sum-Jans orange tale at your market, and start today. ' If you ore counting calories, make your cvhrra count! Fresh oranges ant low in calories. Ami, per calorie, they ghe you more isMiiiiii msjuvuh ml other health factors Am mmut my other food.' CMtfomaa-cstsociA mm ! 0 J aired) Scrambled eggs for six per sons. rreparUg the Rice King I. Melt the butter in a sauce pan. Add onion and green pep per and cook until tender. 2. Add tomatoes, tomato juice and rice. Cook over low heat until rice has ab sorbed the liquid. 3. Add the salt, pepper and cheese. Mix well. Pack into well greased ring mold. 4. Unmold on a hot platter and fill the center with scram bled eggs. This recipe makes generous servings. Variations Other delicious fillings' are buttered or creamed vegetables or creamed fish or chicken. Sauced Green Beans . At their best now, serve fresh green beans often. A pound will serve four. Cook only 10 to 12 'minutes in small amount of boiling water until crispy tender. Top with smooth cheese sauce for a delicious and satisfying change. Salmon Cheese Grill Appeals As Summer Sandwich Supreme The summer sandwich' su preme b the Salmon Cheese Grill, combining the melt-in-your-mouth flavor of grilled cheese with a spicy salmon mixture, also grilled. It's a real he-man luncheon sandwich, one to rank In favor with hot dogs and hamburgers. When you serve canned sal mon, you're not serving only flavor and attractive color; you're serving big portions of health-giving protein, vitamins and minerals as well. Few foods Tsnk with canned sal mon in the health department and it's, traditionally one of America's favorite fish. The salmon Is at its prime when it is caught by commer cial fishermen. It is rushed to the cannery and into the cans where it is sealed for cooking with only salt added. Each can become an Individual nr.,,i.h. cooker to bring the cooked sal mon 10 its 11a v or peak with all the delicate taste and the food value saved for your enjoy ment Canned salmon is a treat Just as it cornea frnm th ian m,A it's equally delicious in salads. caucxoies ana sanawica com binations like this: Salmea Cheese Grill 4 English muffins or slices bread 1 cup grated American cheese 1 1-pound can salmon 1 teaspoon prepared mustard 1 tablespoon chili sauce . 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Vt cup mayonnaise or salad dressing . Split English muffins, butter lightly and place in broiler un til lightly flecked with brown. If bread is used, toast and but ter lightly. Top tout of the English muffin halve wr bread slices with grated cheese. Drain salmon; flake. Add mustard, chili sauoe, lemon juice and mayonnaise to salmon; mix welt Spread remaining halves with salmon mixture. Place on broiler rack 2 Inches below medium beat Broil until cheese melts. If desired, bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees F) IS to 20 minutes,' or until cheese melts and salmon la ' heated. Serve: sandwich style; add pickle relish if. desired. Yield: 4 servings. ," V . ill P , Jit. L J 0 V o1 0 Yes, You'll Find Values Galore on Quality Famous Brand Foods Plus Friendly Service at Community Builder Stores - See for Yourself! SPRECKELS nesB IJ I 'mnr U I Miurr K 1 tuanura ALL PURE b Tall Cm (ins 6 Delicious Flavors Pkgs. C. B. Stores reserve the right to .... ... ., ., . . ' I J limit ouontitles Spil Priets IffscHva rliro Aug. 1 N. 24 Caa2e A $100 (AK"ED FOOD VALUES MUCHMORI Apricots IONIFIDE IROKEN Grap3fruit2l35c IISINORE Y. C. SLICED Pcachos- 29c ELSINORE HALVES Pcarsr 35c1 ELSINOU SLICED Pincapplo 229c ELSINORE Spinach 2 35c ELSINORE SOLID PACK Tomatoes 2 35c SHORT RIBS OF Wieners u. M 1 CASCADE 1M.NO. 1 POTATOES 10 ibs. RED RIPE TOMATOES SUNKIST JUICE ORANGES C Doz. Hi-C Orangeade 4 for $100 Largs 41-os. Csa 27e 2 45c 3 25c TABLE READY MARGARINE 25c Begmore Dog Food Full Pound Can MAINE OIL SARDINES 10c NALLEY'S MUSTARD Am SWIFTS PREM U-oi. Tin LINDSAY MEDIUM RIPB OLIVES No. 1 Tall Can 8TEINFELD WHOLE SWEET PICKLES STEINFELD WHOLE DILL PICKLES BLUE PLATE SMALL SHRIMP BLUE PLATE COVE OYSTERS WHITE STAR SOLID PACK TUNA FOR FAMOUS BRANDS LOW EVERYDAY PRICES FRIENDLY SERVICE SHOP TODAY AT YOUR COMMUNITY BUILDER STORE . Highland Market BERT CAM, Owner 100 NlgMsMl Irs. Cri M40J Delivery Twice Doily Carter's Market REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Twks Dolly I7lk 14 Msrtst (si J-I7I Vourm's Quality Market Fopd Mlrt. GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Sfoyton CHET WAITE, Owner Delivery Twke Doily 1701 (sstsr JL Ui S M