Pag 6 FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orefoa Thursday, July 30, 1953 BUY LOCKER BEEF MOW! Eastern Orsfon leaf bought eJireet from Hie ranch ana h aulas) in our awn trucks. Cutting, wrapping, old" rashjonaa! smoking and curing. - Wa qukk-freasa your baef free. Custom killing. Convenient credit may be arranged. A full year to pay. Fresh Frozen Spinach, S1.M par doien. Fancy A-A Mutton cut and wrapped, 24c lb, PACKING HOUSE Wholesale Prices Front Quarter POUND H fc Half or Whole POUND Hind Quarter POUND RW6 Wv)- rJ fw few? Beans one Eggs Hot, hearty pork and beam go deliciously with deviled eggs lor warm weather feasts. Have them at your next porch (up per or beach picnic. Tote the beans in a covered casserole. For the deviled eggs, give an extra zip of flavor by mixing deviled ham with the usual egg yolk iiiling. Count on gen erous helping of beans and at least 3 eggs per person. Goodies Market JOTH t STATE STEAKS 42c If rijf Bil 11 tnvuiuiiccwijir.maa,i.u I Crunchies Liked on Warm Day Maybe it's tea time, perhaps the coffee hour, but for most of us there cgmes a time during the day when we crave a hot beverage and something sweet to. eat Here's a recipe to keep in mind. Cookies which re quire 20 minutes baking and are delightful served warm. Your family or guest will appreciate the crunchy sweet topping. And unless you tell, they'll never guess it's made with cereal. Though it appears to be toasted coconut, it is ac tually corn soya shreds, com bined with cinnamon and su gar and baked on top. It's rich tasting and delicious, just right for afternoon refreshments. Cinnamon Crunchies 1 cup sifted flour Vt teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon cinnamon 13 cup shortening Vt cup sugar 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons milk y teaspoon vanilla 1 egg white 3 tablespoons sugar Vt teaspoon cinnamon tt cup corn soya shreds Sift together dry ingredients. Blend shortening and sugar thoroughly; stir in egg yolk, milk and vanilla. Add dry in gredients gradually and mix well. Spread in ungreased pan, about 7 by 11 inches. Beat egg white slightly and spread over top of dough. Com bine remaining ingredients and sprinkle over top. Bake in mod erate oven (350 degrees Fah renheit) about 20 minutes. Cut into bar (Hi x 2 inches). Casserole of Beans, Meats Tasty One Make a big casserole of beans seasoned with meat as the main dish for a day-before- pay-day party. Serve it with a crackling cold salad and plen ty of coffee. Have some bread to toast over the coals and red, red watermelon for later. Our idea of a perfect party, pay day or any day. One of our favor ite before-pay day casseroles is made with large dried lima beans cooked with a chunk of salt pork and a clove-studded onion. Then we put the cooked limai -in a large baking dish with a can of kidney beans, sliced onion, a can of tomato soup and diced leftover ham. Season with a little brown su gar and mustard, and bake for about an hour. The contrast of the blond limas and red kid ney beans is colorful and appetizing. Class I railroads in the U S. Include virtually all but ter minal systems. FRESH OCEAN CAUGHT SALMON si lb 33' Transportation by our own Refrigerated. Trucks Fitls Fish & Poultry Market 216 N. Commercial Phone 34424 Berries for Freezing and Preserves Strawberries Raspberries Logans - Black Caps Currants Cherries Boysenberrles Apricots at Their Peak! New Haven Peaches For Bllcing Local Yellow Transparent APPLES 25c lbs. Fine for Pies and Sauce VegeUblea Now In Big Supply Fresh and Crisp Fresh Crisp Vegetables tod Ripe field Tomatoes Cucumbers - Radishes Green Onions Celery Bunch Beets Turnips Groen and Wi Beans Carrots Zuclnnl - Romtlne Parsley Cauliflower Grata Broccoli Bead Lettuce . Leaf Lettuce Bplnarh Cabhaia Bff Plant - Green Peppers Fresh Cora Tesas White Onions Good Grocery Buys 79c 2for 45c 69c 65c ...55c Birdseye Frozen Foods We consider Birdseye Foods the very best obtainable. I We have the full line Vegetables-Fruits-Juices New Pack Asparagus By Green Giant Co, Le Suer, Lie. Stalks Cans Green Giant Medium Stalks 63c 49c April Showers O IC Smsll tins AtJC 5 Off In Case Lots nunc innic riMi rum MIT hi. VIVLK Gallon (Including Jug) JUMBO RIPE OLIVES Pints BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE 4u.rt . MAZOIA Oil Qu.r, ARDEN'S CUBE ICE (REAM Qu.rt (The New 8-Cube Pack) HEINZ PURE HONEY ,,.., 99c ARMOUR'S DRIED 'BEEF. 2 Ja 65c CROWN VIENNA SAUSAGES 19c FRENCH'S MUSTARD , , 10c DARIGOLD DRIED SKIM MILK ""s.vkl. 98c (Makes 15 Quarts) HOOD RIVER APPLE JUICE 2 qta. 49c HEINZ BABY FOODS Dos. 3 ,r 23c (Case of 48 Assorted, $3.45) GROUND BEEF .b. 49' 55c 1C for V DOLE CRUSHED PINEAPPLE No , 2 PEN-JEL PECTIN - 2 HIRES ROOT BEER EXTRACT 33c SWIFTS BONED CHICKEN ... 2ni89c SWIFT'S BONED TURKEY 2c..89c SOUTHERN BEAUTY SALMON ,,.. 49c TINY TOT SARDINES 2Mni59c MAINE SARDINES 3.25c 4 -lb. pkg. Mb. cello SPERRY PANCAKE MIX KRAFT CARAMELS iff roiku cur vs. VHLMI I JUkl i0.D, D1.t WHITE KING SOAP PUREX BLEACH .,c.llon.( PALMOLIVE SOAP ZEE TOILET TISSUE KAISER ALUMINUM FOIL . 29c 3 bars 55c 39c 33c 59c 31c 23c 4 pr.JL 35c Model Food Market 275 N. High (Next to City Hall) Phono 3-4111 No Charge for Delivery 30-Dar Account Service FREE PARKING IN THE REAR OF THE STORE Fancy SHORT RIBS OF BEEF 39' Fresh Pan-Ready FRYERS lb. 59' Country Style SPARE RIBS 65' lb. Fresh Dressed TURKEYS Are Available Again! Wholes, Halves Quarters Salem Meal C0.1325 s 25 Phone 3-4858 PEACHE DADV CnftlY Heinz Strained DMDI fVVU or Chopped K00L-AID RftnnEMrr Glass Cheese U VLllSLH J 5 oz. Assorted irt mCAM Arden's Freezo IVL UiLUn Low in. Calories. Hiah in Enerav . a s? Star Orchard Sliced fl cans OOC Yellow Cling, No. 2J2s for 1 1 All Pure Tall Cans 2 for 3 9$ QGjV for 09J Doz. 6 It 5 1 T Of. Sunhiitt Krispy Crackers Coffee Dog Food Butter c'lr, Fisher's Biskit Mix SHUSFIKE Fresh rauiri UYFAIR - 28c 79c 3 25c 69c e 39c PICNICS ,39" Fresh Smoked Valley Pack Brand HAM LOAF ,39' Ham and Veal Ground Together GROUND BEEF 35' 3 Lbs. for $1.00 Pure Clean Meat Fresh Ground FRYERS Pan-ready Each 98' Lee's Supreme Brand BACON By the Piece lb. Canadian Style LOCKER BEEF Wesson Oil 0b. 69c d" Whole Ktrnel, Vacuum Pick ftF lOrn Mils Irini 12 sl , for DC 8 tar 95 Orange Juice ..?-,., 15c H 5UNCAN n Frisk. From a Has. am reUS Tinder fcrdiii kr OlC NINES Fisher's Cake Flour Glamorene Rug (liimr Bruce Floor Cleaner Kleenex Tiuun-2001 19c Ouirl Jer $1.29 79c 2.29c Instant Tea . 48c Potatoes' ,,.29' Cantaloupe s- S' Cucumbers l-325' CelerylJx, .HO', I mire im' vrfaiermeions e? . & Calif. Corn 633' Fine Quality Young Beef. The proof is in the eating. Buy now and Save. By the Half lb. O